NOTE: Let us make it clear that he is in excellent, highly experienced plus qualified hands via our Vet Team including Specialists and BHRR.

All posts not related to well wishes, support etc., will be removed. We remain operating with a zero tolerance policy.

As always, people are most welcome to their own opinions yet, our page will not be utilised as an open forum for that kind of negativity.

Our page was to be unpublished as of Sunday yet, will leave up until later today!

This is a Video of Kenai at EVC after we gave him some sedation. This is him after he settled down a LOT from the high level of arousal he was at upon arrival.

Since this video/arrival, he is getting plenty of exercise, no pressure is being placed upon him, his nights are great now, his days are very very very slowly – his inches are miles in improvement – settling into the routine of consistency, lots of passively ignoring and he is now drinking plus eating all on his own.

When he first arrived, his anxiety and stress level were so high, he could literally not focus on anything. His eyes were just not seeing or processing anything. We had to handfeed him and that meant making meatball size morsels and putting it right up to his nose as he was spinning around and around trying to self-mutilate.

Being painfully thin to begin with getting him to eat and drink on his own was a big priority.

He also now has giant size stimulation toys with treats in them to help him ‘let go’ of so much tension and anxiety. They get him to stop and focus on the task in front of him and rewards him.

He started the Clomicalm yesterday too and that will additionally assist him at this time.

Just a small update to say that your donations make a difference! AND they are helping us give him what he needs. 

UPDATE: $810 Donated To Date

This is 5 month old Kenai. He is an extremely special needs German Shepherd.

He is who we have been working behind the scenes to help.

Thank you to all that did bring him to our attention and to the OHS who did reach out to us and I picked him up on Thursday.

He has severe OCD & Separation Anxiety, is self-mutilating plus has resource and leash reactivity. He was being kept heavily sedated at the OHS.

We reviewed all of the medical records on him and the x-rays done and our own Vet Team including specialists have agreed that nothing deeply abnormal was found. Neuro exam has also not presented with anything alarming.

A MRI and/or CT scan were recommended as next steps as possible trauma was also on the table.

AND of course behavioural was very much being considered.

I watched several videos plus the reports and clearly his condition was deteriorating from when he first entered the shelter to when I picked him up.

My pick up of him could have gone more smoothly as he has not been given any afternoon meds and one person told me that the Trazodone and Gabapentin being given to him does not work. I stated that giving him something was better than nothing as now as a stranger I am taking out this puppy who has stimulation issues, reactivity, anxiety issues etc., into a car in bright sunshine, in rush hour traffic across town. Someone went to get some meds for him. The shelter also had him on ACE, which my Vet team took him off of as it is such a short acting med.

I also asked for a cone as he did not have one and was attacking his tail and I was told that it only exacerbated the issue. I stated that by not providing one that his tail would be a wreck by time I got him to work as he was attacking it viciously. I was still denied a cone for him and yes, by the time I got him to work, his tail was wounded further, raw and bleeding profusely.

I then struggled to put my leash on him – for he was constantly spinning, inflicting self-harm on himself – as the harness he was wearing was almost completely chewed through in two spots – one spot can be seen in the posted picture – and also enabled him open access to his back legs and tail. I was informed by the same individual that he walks fine on the harness and I explained why I was also hooking him up on my own leash to his collar. I wanted safety for him. Having control over his head also enabled me to reduce how much he was attacking/biting his hind end and tail.

As he was in a quick release collar, he easily broke it off and one handed I had to work to get it back on and him leashed.

In almost 24 years of picking up a dog, I have never had this level of difficulty and it was a lesson for me that not only shall I come with my own leash to pick up a dog yet, always a martingale(had one in the car) but also a cone and a basket muzzle. I had neither a cone or a basket muzzle to prevent him further self mutilating on the whole drive to work.

I am truly so grateful to the OHS for responding to my email of concern over how rough this pick up was on him. They were quick to respond and to revise pick up protocols on dogs like him moving forward!  THANK YOU!

At EVC, we immediately gave him sedation – I have videos of how he is even after sedation – and put a basket muzzle on him. The basket muzzle prevented him from actually causing more damage to his body. Once he had quiet time in a lights off run to de-compress, we examined him.

Poor boy was so scared he even had peed himself. 

I want to extend a huge thank you to the Vets and team that were there and to the Specialists that have stepped up to see him.

We cannot rule out trauma. There is believed to not be any brain or spinal tumours – rare in puppies, and x-rays taken are normal. His does not have any broken tail or pelvis and his hips are good. He has some mild sacrum displacement yet, should not be this level of alarming. Spine looks ok in x-rays also and therefore we need the MRI and/or CT scan to help provide more information to help put his story together.

The move forward plan is to keep him on 150 mg Trazodone and increase to three times daily.

He will remain on Gabapentin 300 mg and increase to three times daily.

AND we will be putting him on a 80 mg of Clomicalm daily. If he responds really well, reduce to 40 mg daily. This medication has to be special ordered and will not be in until next week.

We are going to focus on the behaviours as a priority too, get him settled in – he has had so many people and changes of hands(we know of at least four homes prior to our rescue) and then he ended up at the OHS and now us. No wonder he is a neurotic hot mess.

He needs to have stability and consistency and patience and a home and he needs to have time….He has had so much sensory overload that he needs peace and quiet for now. He needs time…..time to be able to get him to de-escalate of this emotional high level he is on, to begin to come back to the land of the living, to re-focus and gain some self-control.

We will move towards a MRI and/or a CT and rule out congenital and/or trauma.

His eye exam was normal – he menaces, he reacts to light, he can track things. However, unless you are right in his face, close up, he is so stressed that he really is not seeing what is there.

When I say that this puppy is hurting emotionally, he is. His mental pain is devastating. Just heartbreaking and as I always state, feeling sorry for him is the worst thing we can do. That is not going to help him. Yet, your heart feels very heavy for what this 5 month old puppy has gone through to date and has endured…..

Have we rehabilitated much worse, yes. However, his situation is high with level of severity. As stated to the OHS, we are not miracle workers and we do not put any pressure on him or our rescue as to making him ‘normal’. What we can and have promised is to give him everything and work to give him a quality of life that is his normal.

We never will see any animal suffer and we know that the OHS informed us that euthanisa was one of the options being considered for him and as told them, I trust that they would do best and remain beyond grateful that we have this opportunity to assist him.

Already, we have glimpses of improvement – inches are like miles for him right now in rehab – and per a previous post, we know he has been a high profile dog to many and ask that for anyone that is considering helping us raise money for his cause – trust me he is so so so worthy! – please donate direct to:

PayPal: gwen@birchhaven.org
Email Transfer: contactbhrr@gmail.com

OR direct to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381 – he has an account there

Please do not donate to any independent fundraisers that we are not sharing on our page for we cannot guarantee or warrant that those funds will be sent for his care. If something is not posted here on our page, it is not SANCTIONED by BHRR. Once again, we do not want to see anyone’s generosity and caring hearts taken advantage of.

He has an ever increasing team of Vets and Specialists stepping up and examining him and reviewing all of his records and assisting with where to go from here medically.

All of them are 100% in agreement with myself in respect to his behavioural program.

His Bills To Date: $1,989.78

A CT scan is almost $2,500
A MRI is almost $3,000

We thank all of you for your patience as we waited to post about this gorgeous boy for we needed to know what we were looking at for him to then post what his needs are…..

Our mandate is to be here for dogs like him – horses too. We do not do it for exposure, pats on the back etc. We do it as this is what we do, 24/7, every day of the year and we sincerely hope that his BHRR village will surround him with all that he is going to need. I am hunkered down for the not days yet weeks and possibly many many many months as with our July rescue intake BHRR’s Lily’s own self mutilation, SA plus OCD to be there for him. The sleepless nights and the one small step forward to only then take three backwards. I am committed and this is what we do and please keep him in your best thoughts…..he needs your well wishes as much as he needs your financial consideration! 

When was driving to EVC, I was already putting a custom plan in place for him and we will share his journey with all of you….

Please do consider donating even $5 to him…..thank you in advance for reading my Gwennie Novel.

BHRR’s Mollie(1 year old Saint/Standard Poodle Mix)

She was at the Vet tonight for her latest recheck and her Lymes Booster.

She is doing well on her Lymes Disease treatment and in February/March she shall require another blood test to determine if she is now Lymes disease free. That is the time of year that all dogs should be getting their annual testing as is and for her it will be the regular 4DX plus a Quant 6.

Her obedience has gone very well and she has made some new besties here and Ireland remains her main squeeze!

She is learning to play nicely with the other dogs – she is a bit of a bossy diva – and to learn that it is not ALL about her. She has called the shots far too long where she came from and can now demonstrate patience and even to be gentle.

Though, she shall always be a rough house player – that is the tomboy in her!

In about three weeks time, if all continues to go well, she should be ready to make her own special announcement! 

We shall also have her professionally groomed in November too. I do not want those gorgeous floppy ears shaved.

Just a nice overall trim and tidy all over so that she can see and look her most beautiful!

I am feeling so blessed tonight!

These gorgeous Wiggle Bumz collars came in from their plus Cassy’s incredible generosity!!! Thank you both!!! 

AND for anyone that are Secret Santa angels to any of the BHRR doggies, for collar businesses to support, Wiggle Bumz is amazing!

We deeply also love onepawtwopaw as they support our rescue efforts with every collar bought, they donate one to our cause!

We do have TWO more BHRR doggies still dreaming of a special Secret Santa of their very own:

BHRR’s Burst
BHRR’s Glacier


AND on another note, I did pick up BHRR’s Kenai late this afternoon and spent almost 4 hours at the Vet Hospital with them.

Will post more re: this canine shortly yet, we do remain asking people to let this be our news to impart and not to breach confidentiality.

We have been working hard behind the scenes and now that we have a much better plan of a move forward action, we can post said plan shortly……

We hate high profile animal rescue situations for every 1000 people that ‘get things’, there is always 1 or two fanatics that feel that they know best yet, the reality is that they do not.

AND for those bringing to our attention independents that are fundraising on their own for this specific canine, please do know before contributing to anyone’s fundraiser that unless you see it posted here re: this specific canine, it is not SANCTIONED by BHRR. We cannot guarantee or warrant that said funds being raised by said parties will be donated to this specific canine’s cause. 

We ask people to please try to be patient, that we know how many have big beautiful caring hearts and wish to help yet, we do not want anyone taken advantage of.

We needed to know first what we were looking at prior to posting re: financial needs for this canine…..and, we promise to post when the time is right…..

On that note, from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the warmest and most humblest of good night wishes are being sent!

My last post of my night!

BHRR’s Fred – Isn’t he just magnificent?!

He continues to be such a delight and is settling in so well.

A huge Kanga-Dane thanks to all of Miss Lily’s help going outside at night…they have been so good for each other!

His additional canine friends now include BHRR’s Burst, my two Wolfies, BHRR’s Oliver and BHRR’s Juniper. Yet, BHRR’s Miss Lily is his ‘main’ squeeze. 

He also wanted me to impart the following upcoming BHRR events / information as a gentle reminder! 

1) Starting Thursday November 7th, 2019 @ 12:01 AM to Thursday November 21st, 2019 @ 11:59 PM is our 8th Annual ‘GIVE IT UP 4 Autumn’ Fundraiser

All monies raised shall go towards BHRR’s Mollie’s Lymes Disease Treatment along with the newest addition to BHRR; arriving tomorrow – BHRR’s Kenai – more information on them soon.

2) Our last Community Education/Public Awareness Event of 2019 is at Pet Valu Hazeldean on Saturday November 23rd from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
*We will not be back out until April of 2020!
*We are still ISO: 4 more approved Volunteers to lend a loving hand that day. Please email us!

3) 2019 marks our 17th annual BHRR Secret Santa to the BHRR Animals!
We still have 3 amazing BHRR doggies in need of a special Secret Santa to call their very own!

We have BHRR’s Burst, BHRR’s Glacier and BHRR’s Penelope who would really appreciate any ‘Secret’ Santa friends.


4) Our 8th ANNUAL CHAIN OF SUCCESS ‘THANK YOU’ Pooch/People Potluck is Sunday December 22nd, 2019 from 2 PM – 8 PM
*Free to attend yet registration is required – please see below group to join!

5) We are working on a Sign Night in January 2020 and details shall be released soon. We will be pairing up with Ottawa Rabbit Rescue for that night! 
*Tentative date is Thursday January 16th @ Don Cherry’s with the same amazing hostess we had for our SOLD OUT Paint Nite – Joyce!
*You get to choose your own sign out of over 500+ designs!

6) AND our Annual creative, one of a kind Dine With The BHRR Doggies Event for 2020 is 60% SOLD Out! September 19th, 2020

7) Here is our FlipGive team link to join to shop to help the animals in need of our highly specialised programs! 

So many amazing places such as Amazon, Expedia, Gas, Groceries, Clearly, Dining, Costco, Activities, Movies, Canadian Tire, Hotels and so much more!

The Team CODE to join our BHRR Team: F2M39S

Thanks again Cherie Barnes Maracle for the amazing fundraising idea! 

To date: we have had over $350 raised via FlipGive for our rescue!


We truly have so much to be thankful for in 2019….it was a really tough, difficult and heartbreaking year in so many ways YET, we have had the best in supporters, believers, volunteers, family plus friends stand strong by our sides helping us to re-open BHRR’s doors and continue to help those in need of our highly specialised programs.

While we are still battling the Vet Bills, we are at least able to now bring in one more that is in urgent need of us and we have more in the pipe to come once we are more financially stable.

To those that may not be aware, you can do bi-weekly and monthly donations to help us continue to help the underdogs, the overlooked, the ones that are often turned away, the first to be put to sleep….


AND final reminder for the night is that as of Saturday October 26th, our facebook page and home website shall be unpublished until Tuesday November 12th. The Boers men shall be holding down the fort with friends while the Boers women have to be away….

AND on that note, from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the warmest of good night wishes are being sent!

My last post of my night!

BHRR’s Miss Volt and my 4 month old IS in action!

As you can see there is NOT much of a size difference between them – the now 1 year old adorable ‘rotten rottie’ baby of ours! 

Everyone who meets her continues to just fall in love – social with all – people and animals! She is affectionate, so loving, kind, gentle and a true love.

As many that have been following her situation closely, being electrocuted in her past home was only part of her issues.

Five surgeries have successfully resolved her mouth – yet, per posts made from the moment I picked her up, I noted that she was chewing and licking her wee lady bits.

It was then determined that she has a vulva conformity issue – it is not placed where it should be – and per her specialist Dr. Philibert, it was recommended to wait until she had her first heat to see if that may help resolve some of her also super ‘tight folds’, reducing the severity of the surgery that she would require.

She would require more than just a vulvaplasty and Dr. Philibert was hoping that by having a heat, that this may help her prior to heading into surgery.

Well, she is now 1 year of age and still has not had a heat and as many can contest by meeting her, she is has to be one of the smallest Rotties ever!

She should have had a heat between 6-9 months, the outside 11 months and this has not happened.

To me, her personality is huge and amazing yet, now all of us are wondering if there are other medical things going on.

She clearly has dwarfish, is beautifully proportioned yet, now we are all wondering if she has the normal insides for a female. We have seen our share of dogs without ovaries nor a uterus.

So, I have reached out to Dr. Philibert to schedule a recheck and to go from there…..we still have to remove that one broken incisor that continues to not concern her Vet Team. It was planned to do that at the same time as her spay/plastic surgery. 

She eats, drinks and is playful, smart – very agile – man, is she agile! She can scale things like no tomorrow!

To those that thought she should have been put to sleep when she arrived into rescue after being surrendered to an animal hospital for untreated electrocuted wounds to her face/mouth, you remain in the wrong.

She is living an unbelievably incredible life in the mean-time!

She loves showing Ireland the ‘ropes’ of all that this great big amazing world has to offer in experiences, smells and yummy things to eat!

We still have 6 BHRR doggies hoping for a Special Secret Santa of their very own with BHRR’s Miss Volt being one of those dogs still wishing……

Just a reminder as well that our Facebook page shall be unpublished this weekend as the Boers women shall be away and the Boers men are holding down the fort!

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the best of good night wishes are being sent!

Good Friday afternoon!

The nickname I have for my one Dane, Jigsaw that I posted about earlier this week is ‘Elvis’ as ever since he was a wee pup, he always would give me this Elvis type smile….and now he even does it when I ask. 

Well, this is Mr. Fred and he just may give my Jiggie a run for his money with the Elvis lip impression! 

My one sweet story re: him is how Miss Lilly(Deaf/Visually Impaired GD) has taken him under her paws.

As many may recall, she has had issues with confidence plus stress going out at night when it is dark….she has made wonderful progress with that and in her housebreaking.

For some reason, Mr. Fred has also had some worries going outside at night and from the moment they first met, Miss Lily has taken him under her paws….

Her helping him has also helped herself!

She now zips in and out of the open door, showing him that it is ok to go out in the dark and she is really smitten with him…. 

Mr. Fred is quite reserved in situations he is not sure of and Miss Lily has been working her own magic and now he will often ‘Kanga-Dane’ in excitement at the door to go outside.

She is now such a playful girl and is slowly bringing out his inner carefree puppy and their relationship is deeply fascinating to witness.

In turn, he has been helping her get to a point of getting that much more close in being almost 100% housebroken and that we can go out in the rain and/or in the dark and while they do not have to be outside long, to do their business outside.

I have been doing this a long time, have several degrees in psychology and behaviour including a PhD and it never ceases to amaze me to see how much the animals help each other in more ways than I ever could…..

What a humbling beautiful experience these two Danes are giving me right now….incredibly WOW moments daily! 

As I also say so often, while I wish r/q Rescue did not have to exist, to be given experiences such as this is very beautiful…..

BHRR’S Fred(Freddie) was at EVC tonight.

This is us on a small walk prior to heading out.

He weighed 51 kgs(112.20 pounds) and is at an ideal wonderful weight!  He was a rockstar getting up on to the scale! Solid.

I was so proud of him for he was worried and we worked to set him up for success to go to this apt. and I also brought him right to the back so that he could have more space and not feel closed in as he would in an exam room – as big as they are.

His heart and lungs are great, he is battling yeasty issues in his ears – we did cytologies – and we will use Burrows to help get them better. He is also battling skin issues between his toes – which his ears and skin have been a re-occurring issue per his previous Vet records prior to coming to BHRR. This is not uncommon with the Blue Great Danes. Skin and ear and allergies are quite prevalent in blues.

He is now fed exclusively a fish based food and we are seeing an improvement and hoping it gets better and better for him for he has been shaking his head since we picked him up. However, I needed him to settle in first to set him up for a wonderful positive experience going to the Vet.

He has what appears to be a receding papilloma on his lower lip and once he is under for his dental in November, we will get a better look at that and his teeth.

He was such a good boy and so brave. Plenty of unsure low tail wags and once his exam was over, took treats beautifully. He does very well with his commands – sits and can give one paw and then the other when asked.

Leash manners are still like a bit of a freight train yet we are working on it!

He was calm and overall somewhat relaxed – only a wee bit tense – which is what I wanted for him. The best Vet visit I could give him.

As our relationship together gets stronger and he trusts me more and more, things will only get better and better! He is making wonderful progress.

Thank you to his first Rescue for all that they did for him and once again in asking us to assist him!  You did so much for him!!

He is a lovely boy that we have promised to keep safe and ensure that he thrives!

More Monday Thanksgiving Photo’s! 
October 14th, 2019

Two very familiar and deeply loved long-time fabu dogs of BHRR! 

BHRR’s Iron Man, Maverick(AKA Million Dollar Man) & BHRR’s Gretta(One of our Freedom Danes from the PAWS R Us bust September 2011).

BHRR’s Mavie is now working on turning 8 years of age and BHRR’s Gretta will turn 9 years young in November.

Both are doing extremely well. Some understandable arthritis and while Mr. Mavie still loves the camera, Miss Gretta still remains very much terrified of camera’s, especially a flash.

While BHRR’s Gretta has a special Secret Santa, BHRR’s Maverick does not yet, have one of his very own. He is hoping that someone will step up.

BHRR’S Meadows face! 
(Heavily blanketed Harlequin)


For those who do not remember, she is the Mama to the three blind/deaf mice and the fight was equally long and hard to save her. Sadly, I still cannot get the home to let the dad go(a white special needs Dane himself). I will not give up even though the hope gets slimmer by each passing day….

BHRR’S Meadow does not seem to be impressed by one of my Texans(Zero – deaf/visually impaired) not using the gate the proper way!

BHRR’s Bell(Deaf/Blind on her left side) is also seen in this photo! She is now part of our Haven program.

My Zero seems most interested in the yummy smells being emitted from the kitchen as we prepare for our family Thanksgiving dinner here. 

Whatever you are doing today, may it be a safe, happy and healthy day for all…..from our home to all of yours Happy Thanksgiving!

My last post of my night!

I have a very rare thing happening and that is two days off in a row from work at the Hospital and am going to enjoy every minute tonight with family!

Here are the three blind/deaf mice ‘telling’ me earlier that it was time for dinner! I tried putting an xpen around my desk to attempt to get a little bit more work done, yet, their internal clocks said ‘NOPE, it was dinner time’ and so, it was! 

Hard to believe that they are almost 1 year of age!

You can see Summit’s one eye and sadly, it too shall have to be enucleated. Though, he also had no sight in the eye, it was not bothering him the way his other one was or for his siblings when they were wee.

Now, sadly, he has developed a cherry eye and he is also battling his own level of chronic pain and infection.

We had hoped(his specialist and I) that it could be saved yet, it, too shall have to be removed.

The three of them are thriving otherwise and we still may have to remove teeth yet, to date they mouths/jaws are developing overall quite well.

To those that felt that they did not deserve a great quality filled life, I still say ‘shame on you.’. To those that have met them and even at our annual DINE WITH THE DOGGIES EVENT, they were perfectly behaved, our guests saw how much that they are living their best lives each and every day.

They go out with all the dogs, they can maneuver in the 3+ acre fenced in yard independently due to all of their set up for success scent training and they are treated no differently than any of the other really deserving amazing dogs here!

I have said this many times over, they are normal to them and to us…as, they know life in no other way!

They are healthy, strong – BHRR’s Sleet is not as hardy as her brothers YET, never tell her that! She keeps Summit in line, they are happy, they are smart, they are affectionate, loving, gentle – well, most of the time, they stand their ground and are not light weights in allowing anyone to push them around and this is because we have been bringing them up that there is nothing that they cannot do, that they are not different, that they are not to be babied, that we do not feel sorry for them, we taught them that they are important and deserving and that they are deeply loved! They are so much more confident plus comfortable in their own skin now.

They are not perfect…far from it…they have behavioural quirks and traits and we have to be careful re: over-stimulation, especially for BHRR’s Sleet yet, she ROCKED over 40 guests at our house at the end of September without hesitation.

We will see in time what other health issues they may develop as that is the nature of the beast with these special needs Danes. The closer they will get to age three the more the genetic markers of behavioural and medical issues shall really emerge.

They are a lifetime of deep commitment and dedication and we will give that to them!

AND If you know of a special needs Great Dane that needs rescue assistance, please do reach out to us! This is our mandate! Why we exist.

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the warmest of good night wishes are being sent and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

BHRR’s Miss Penelope!
~5.5 year old NewfShe is FINALLY ready to make her special announcement!She is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!This girl literally was on the brink of death and look at her now!

She had her final recheck last night and has been given a 100% THUMBS up by her fantastic Vet at EVC!

Her Vet loves her…..well, all of my fellow work-mates there do and truly, what is NOT to love! 

She can go to a home that works ft, pt, works from home, is semi-retired or is retired. Another versatile BHRR dog.

She is fine to do nails, bathe and travels great in a car.

We will consider homes that have older children – 12 and up and while we would prefer her to be in a home with another dog that is a right match fit, it is not a ‘deal breaker’ if that right matched personality fit home does not already have a dog.

She is crate trained, house broken and has wonderful leash manners.

The most important consideration for us is to ensure that the home that shall be approved to adopt her can financially take on the vetting responsibility should/when she have need.

It has cost just shy of $5,000 to successfully rehabilitate her and giant breed dogs mean giant breed food and vet bills when necessary.

She was horrifically failed in her past life prior to Rescue and we want to make sure that she continues to lack for nothing.

Professional grooming also costs money and we feel that she deserves to be pampered for the rest of her life in the comforts of grooming and dog beds and toys and treats and endless amounts of love!

BHRR has a set adoption area and the ONLY exception to this is to any of our already approved BHRR adoptive/volunteer homes that are in excellent standing with BHRR. BHRR shall continue to consider those homes that reside outside of our current adoption area!

Miss Penelope is super sweet, gentle, kind, loving and under the wonderful guidance of her caring foster home, she has blossomed!

THANK you to that home for building up her resume to help her reach this point of being able to make her special announcement!

Miss Penelope is good with people and dogs and also bunnies.  She also has been fine with the Clinic Cat at my work.

This girl is a gem of a gift of a dog and we are SOOOOOOOOO happy to help her make this announcement!

For those interested in submitting an application for her, please do read her extremely thorough blog along with our adoption processes, policies and procedures.

Should you feel after reading everything, that your home may qualify to adopt her, then you are most welcome to submit an application to the BHRR BOD to review.

Thanks you’s must also be extended to Dr. Libby, Lucy and Jane for all that they did to help get her safely to BHRR!

AND a big thank you also to Brooke for the gorgeous photos’!

BHRR’s Silly Tilly is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We shall update as we can.

Miss Mollie is not impressed!
(1 year old Saint Bernard/Standard Poodle)

I took her with me to get the mail and on the way, noted that deer had knocked down part of our top row of horse fencing.

So, I safely secured Miss Mollie to one of the gate posts and took the 25-30 minute to fix the top rung of fencing in that area.

She was NOT impressed that I would stop the stroll that was ‘all’ about her to get the mail in this lovely fall weather! 

She is nowhere ready to be trusted off leash and so we go for walks/hikes and she gets to run with freedom in our 3+ acre fenced in yard in addition to 30 acres of our horse pasture…..

She is a bit of a diva princess!

She remains on her course of strong antibiotics for the Lymes disease and will have a recheck at the end of the month.

She is going to make a home a truly fabu addition when we get her healthy! 

She is also going to be our recipient of our 8th annual ‘Give it up 4 Autumn’ fundraiser that shall begin in early November! 


Miss Penelope’s poor butt…. 

Soooooooooo, we had wanted to make Miss Penelope’s special announcement after the professional grooming session we booked for her on September 27th.

Her original grooming session had been postponed as she was so ill upon arrival that our priority was saving her life….

After her foster home dropped her off to the ever wonderful, talented, amazing Katy and Melissa at Pet Valu Stittsvilles’ Groomingdale’s. they were in contact and sent me some pictures of her rump.

The poor girl had a serious bacterial skin infection, possibly originally stemming from hot spots. 

Thank you again to Katy and Melissa for bringing this to my attention!

I had her booked in to to see her Vet at EVC the very next day and she is now on serious antibiotics and NSAIDS(Deramaxx).

So, Saturday September 28th turned out to be a very expensive day for BHRR at the Vet on Saturday between BHRR’s Mollie’s own visit (bloodwork revealed that she is Lymes Positive) and then BHRR’s Penelope’s own urgent visit.

So, for those that have been waiting patiently for her to make her special announcement, unfortunately, it will have to wait until her recheck apt. – scheduled for October 8th.

Her Vet bills are now close to $5,000 since her arrival to BHRR and clearly, we are not done yet, as I always say, no BHRR dog will lack for anything. She will get all that she needs.

We know that one thing that shall have to be a big consideration for the home that turns out to be her right matched personality fit adoptive family, is the means to support her financially.

Thank you SO much again to Katy & Melissa – who said that they adore her – I mean what is not to adore?! – for making her coat so shiny, healthy, soft and bootiful AND for shaving her butt for us! 

Thank you very much to her foster Mama for taking her to this grooming apt. and for making a really kind plus caring donation to her Vet Bills. 

Saturday was almost a $1,000 day for BHRR in unexpected vet bills alone….  Just as we extremely worked to try and get our doors re-opened from being hit so hard earlier in the summer with unexpected vetting…..

Got him!

A handsome small Male Blue Great Dane!

My heart pours out with so much support to his lovely home who have made this really difficult decision to let him go.

Great people as I say so often, have to give up their dogs and this was heartbreaking.

Yes, he has one ear that is a failed crop yet, he is stunning and we are now going to work our way home….he is covered in scars from being on the streets in the First Nation Community having to fend for himself.

Welcome to The BHRR Family Mr. Freddie! 

Once he settles in a small bit as he needs to learn to trust me some first, off to the Vet for examination and a detailed blood panel that will include thyroid and Tickborne disease testing to help determine if there is any underlying medical condition that may have caused this snap/connection.

The behavioural assessment is already in progress. From the moment I got my hands on him, it started and we shall see where this goes for him.

We are not miracle workers yet, he will be given every opportunity for us to help him so that another situation like this does not occur.

In learning more re: the snap – the adult daughter was on the couch and his head was on her lap and she was petting him and then went to lift up his head to give him a kiss – and he made a noise and snapped, and in the process, made a connection on her skin – bruised and swollen, no punctures. So, that already tells me, that he was showing restraint for if he had wanted to, he could have seriously harmed her.

As to what triggered it, pain, a trigger from his past, was he startled, privileged behaviour as he was on the couch, space issue? Something else?….that I do not know.

What I do know is that he and I are going to have a close working relationship together as we go through this journey together….

Please join me in keeping his wonderful previous home in your hearts as letting him go was so hard on them.

In several hours time, I shall be on the road to pick up this handsome blue GD, BHRR’s Fred. ~3 years of age.
His background story for those that may not remember:
A blue male GD that was rescued earlier this year from a northern Ontario First Nation’s community
He was adopted out, ~5 weeks post rescue by that rescue group – to the home that was fostering for them.
A few weeks ago, he snapped at their adult daughter – that lives with them – who was on the couch with him – did not puncture or break skin, yet, caused bruising plus swelling.
They do not wish to keep him any longer and are nervous of him.
The rescue has reached out to us asking if we can assist.
His options are limited…..
He is ~120 pounds, good with people and dogs and cats and clearly needs to learn some manners plus boundaries. High value items like couches are something to be earned. They are not a right.
We shall work to figure out how best we can assist him moving forward. We do know that he had been taken to the Vet after the snap/connection and no ear infection had been discovered.
We will review the vetting paperwork also to determine if a T4 and an Accuplex(4DX) had been done to rule out anything underlying medically and shall also focus on his behaviour, genetic temperament etc. too.
Looking forward to your arrival!
I am off to bed shortly myself for a wee nap and I will post more after I have him.
From my home – which many of you are already in bed! – good night wishes are being sent to all of our friends, family plus supporters!

Miss Mollie came with me to work on Saturday September 28th.

1 year old Saint Bernard/Standard PoodleX

She weighed 32.6 kgs(71.72 pounds) and is at an ideal weight for her.

Unfortunately, in doing our proactive detailed bloodwork panel as part of our mandate of doing right by each dog that comes into BHRR; it was discovered that she is Lymes disease positive.

So, she has begun treatment which includes getting the Lyme vaccine – she will require a booster in four weeks time plus she is now on a 28 day course of Doxycycline.

All of our dogs go on flea/tick and Heartworm meds and are de-wormed. We never cut corners with our Vetting for the dogs in our care.

So, this sweet, a bit shy and nervous still of strangers young lady – yet, we have only had her 10 days – will be with us for some time as we work to successfully treat her Lymes disease.

This is a pic of her with one of my fellow work colleagues at EVC – they came in on their day off to meet Miss Mollie! 

This beautiful pup is going to be an amazing addition to the right matched forever loving home when she is healthy! She really is such a doll!