FINAL Call! LESS than 6 hours to go!

Sleepy BHRR’s Volt wants to make sure that you know that our Flash Auction ends tonight – Thursday February 28th @ 9 PM EST!

She is trying hard to stay awake until the exciting close! 

She also wanted to make sure that everyone knows how appreciative she plus her fellow BHRR dogmates are for the caring support shown with the donation of items, the sharing and/or the participating in our most recent Flash Auction! 

AND if anyone may have something they would consider donating to our next flash auction, please do email

To view the 12 amazing items that are available and to bid, please do visit THE LINK!

GOOD luck & THANK you for the beautiful generous support! 


BHRR’s Connery! 
February 27th, 2019

Waking up for surgery! That tongue!  Freakin’ awesome adorable!

Current Weight: 130.68 pounds

So, as he is finally at a healthy weight, we could move forward in putting him under to begin the diagnosis process on those hips and knees.

From when we were first contacted to assist him and he was at the Vet in Tenn., this once emaciated boy has put on 28.82 pounds. Does he still need more weight, for sure yet as he is also a young maturing Dane, that will come in time.

Thumbs up to his emerge foster home for doing such a great job! As I told them again last night when I picked up BHRR’s Connery, while his foster mama felt so terrible about what had happened, BHRR’s Connery was saved because they had stepped up to emerge temp him when we posted our urgent need.

While we all may wish that what happened did not, it did and we must move forward. He has been placed in our Haven Program and while he was not scheduled to come back to me for another 5 weeks, he has settled back into my home so well.

Today, we did his x-rays on his hips plus knees and some of his lower back was also captured. His hips plus knees were also thoroughly examined by his lovely surgeon and their findings plus the x-rays shall be sent off to our favourite specialist, Dr. Philibert to also review.

In the meantime, we can post that he does have some notable spondylosis in what was captured in his spine x-rays and Dr. Philibert may ask us, after reviewing them, to bring him back in for further x-rays of his spine and we will gladly do so.

Dr. Philibert shall advise as to his own findings re: BHRR’s Connery’s knees and hips etc. We need to diagnose why his hind end is the way it is plus that back left leg.

BHRR’s Connery is the emaciated Great Dane that two Vets also believed had been hit by a car and was untreated prior to his rescue angels picking him up and then reaching out to BHRR. Samantha and Karen are his first rescue angels and I am truly so appreciative to them! 

This boy came from a horrendous location and how awful that he was left so neglected and abused….

BHRR’s Connery’s wounds have now all healed up and he is almost done his course of antibiotics for his one leg wound and his eyes look good, so those meds are now stopped. 

We de-twinkled him today and he was microchipped. He was such a good boy!

As he weighs more, to keep him on a great pain management regime, his dosing of Gabapentin has gone up and we have an order of almost $300 in more meds placed. He will remain on the Deramaxx daily too.

His Vet Bills including his meds are over $1,000 for today and if anyone may consider his cause, you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848

OR via PayPal to

OR via email transfer to

AND gentle reminder that our Flash Auction #2 ends tomorrow night – Thursday February 28th @ 9 PM EST!

CLICK Here to view the 12 amazing items is below and if anyone may have something they may consider donating to our next flash auction, please do email

As always, thank you’s being shouted out for any consideration! 

BHRR’s Connery

He is the Emaciated, HBC Great Dane.

We want to thank his truly amazing emerge temp foster home immensely for all that they have done for him since he went to their home on February 4th. You have done so much for him and we will forever be so grateful. 

We also wish to impart that he is coming back to us tomorrow night and we shall continue to work on his rehabilitation journey here.

While he was to stay with them for 2 months, due to an unfortunate incident that occurred in the home, he is coming back to us early.

BHRR believes in full disclosure and has always worked to post the good, the great, the bad, the ugly and all that is the reality of a situation.

Let me also preface the following by saying that we will be taking a zero tolerance approach to anyone that may wish to blame BHRR’s Connery or blame the home for what transpired four days after they opened up their hearts plus home to him.

This is an emaciated, neglected, abused, untrained, adolescent giant breed dog that if he had wanted to, could have caused significant damage. He was only four days into his newest pain management protocol also. This is a giant breed dog with a giant breed mouth.

He is not a bad dog and the home is most certainly not a bad home. Both are amazing and wonderful and we are standing strong by all.

He was warning in the only way that he knew how to communicate in being in pain and startled. He growled and snapped and he made a connection and made several punctures, breaking skin. At the end of the day, this is an animal, a giant breed one at that.

The fostermom did not require sutures yet she did go on antibiotics as a precaution, as the one puncture was near a joint on her ring finger.

His home quarantine period is now up and no one feels more horrible than his wonderful temp foster and this is not an inexperienced home – they had even adopted from BHRR in the past.

We have worked to support all 24/7 in whatever was needed during this difficult time.

BHRR’s Connery will not be placed up for adoption once his rehabilitation journey has been completed. He will remain safe and loved in our Haven Program for what we sincerely hope is a very long, quality filled life.

This Danes past was horrendous, where he came from was horrendous and we shall continue to work on making his future one of him reaching his full potential.

He has touched many lives from across the USA and Canada as quite a few came together to help him. He was an extremely popular transport companion.

Even his Vet team has found him to be friendly and I look forward to seeing him again tomorrow night.

Drive safe wishes being sent to all…….

One spoiled rotten Rottie baby named BHRR’s Volt & Mama Gwennie are very excited to share some news from her latest Vet Visit! ? Stay tuned!

AND please do consider participating and/or sharing our Flash Auction #2 to help with the mounting Vet Bills of several amazing and deserving BHRR dogs! ?

BHRR’s Volts’ own continued successful rehabilitation bills are over $10,000 to date and she has been worth every nickel, dime and dollar!

I so needed this beautiful welcome me home greeting today…..

They make every day special and today even more so.

BHRR’s Colt!

He is moving under a PENDING Adoption!

We shall update as we can.

BHRR’s Barney had a grand mal seizure on Wednesday February 13th, another one on Saturday February 16th, another one on Wednesday February 20th and another one on Thursday February 21st.

All of the detailed bloodwork that we did on BHRR’s Barney on February 11th can back normal.

We have been referred to a neurologist for it is believed that this seizure activity is neuro in origin – not chemical as his potassium levels etc. were completely normal. The one thought process is past trauma that may well also explain his vision impairment in that it may not be genetically related; it may be trauma.

Pheno has not been able to control his seizures at this time and Potassium Bromide is being added.

My last post of my night!

BHRR’s Glacier & BHRR’s Sleet!

Their heads are pink from the prep solution for their surgeries on Friday.

Snuggled up with their giant stuffies – as people at work can attest to – each one had a giant stuffie when they were dropped off and in post-op! 

Thanks Gail for the donation of more stuffies!

Tomorrow, I shall give updates on BHRR’s Glacier and BHRR’s Sleet.

THANK you to all of the rescue angels that have been there for these deaf/blind puppies! 

Donations can be made to Kanata Animal Hospital
613-836-2848(They cannot take Visa Debit or M/C Debit over the phone)

OR via PayPal to (Donations can be made from any Country)

OR via Email Transfer to (For Canadian Supporters only as we are located in Canada)

We do not have a gofundme page as they take a sizeable percentage and we will not see any funds be taken away from the animals.

Note: As more people come on to follow our page, please do know that BHRR is a highly focused special needs rescue.

We are federally registered and have been around since 1996. This is what we do, why we are here and we are not newbies nor do we dabble in rescue. We have dedicated our lives to rescue and to doing it the right way.

We are not here for the quantity, we are here for the quality!

From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters, warm good night wishes are being sent!

Summit UPDATE!

Thank you to all that have been so patient plus understanding that after a very long day – almost 13 hours – for their surgeries on Friday, that I have needed to be with the Dane Trio Pups 24/7.

They have had to be the priority yet, as promised, I am updating.

I am going to do the updates in three separate posts so that the Gwennie Novels are not as large! 

First of all, I have so many to thank for making generous, loving and supportive donations along with sending the beautiful well wishes! 

In having to obtain additional Buprenorphine to administer via their IV ports for pain control and fashionable cones too, their Vet Bills have increased from one of my last posts.

BHRR’s Sleet’s & BHRR’s Glacier’s Surgery Bills: $5,085.09

The original quote was for $4,000+tx.

BHRR’s Glaciers’ eye removal surgeries were also much more complicated due to the severity of the abnormal condition of his eyes. He was placed on antibiotics due to the extensive difficulty with his surgery and the amount of bleeding had.

I was able to put some of my own pay check on to their bills on Friday to also help do my part in helping them too!

STILL NEEDED: Just over $1,100

Donations can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848
(they cannot take Visa Debit or M/C Debit over the phone)

OR via PayPal to (Any Country can donate)

OR via Email Transfer to (Canadian based supporters only can contribute via email transfer as that is where we are located)

NOTE: I am covering Summit’s own bill of $2,503.63 completely out of my own pocket and will get that paid off as I can.

This picture is of BHRR’s Summit after his neuter and getting ready to have his right eye removed.

Dr. Philibert and I conversed in great depth re: the removal of both eyes and the decision was made to leave the left eye in with Summit for now.

If it does have to be removed in the future, then we will address it at that time.

His one Vet also checked his bite as all three puppies have had issues and they found marked improvement as he has been maturing plus with what they referred to as ‘ball therapy’ that we had been doing with them and not aware that it was helping that much!

The specialist Dr. Philibert felt his surgery went very well and out of the three puppies, he is bouncing back the best, easiest.

All three puppies pre-op bloodwork indicated lymphocytosis. Per Dr. Philbert, he believed it may be from the chronic abnormalities with the eyes for they have an inflammatory or secondary infection component.

We even repeated BHRR’s Sleets’ bloodwork the day of surgery as she was showing indicators of being anemic and she is the smallest and most DM affected of the three puppies. She may be feisty yet all three are quite fragile with their DM compromised auto immune systems.

We wanted to be sure it would be ok to proceed. Dr. Philibert had been considering after her first round of bloodwork to only do her eye eneucleations and then later spay plus address the umbilical hernia. Her bloodwork remained stable and the whole Vet team were in agreement that it would be safe to proceed.

Summit weighed 23.2 kgs(51.04 pounds) at 3.5 months of age.

I also microchipped all the puppies on Friday.

These puppies are not available for adoption. They will remain in our Haven program and they reside in our extremely experienced, knowledgeable loving home, NOT a cage or kennel.

Summit is eating and drinking well and other than being a bit grumpy, he is bombing along quite well with his recovery!

THANK you to Dr. Philibert, Chelsea, Simon, Holly, Dr. Ashdown, Nadine, Dr. Zak and Nadine for ALL they did on Friday. I work with such an amazing team of people. 

AND thank you to anyone in advance for any consideration you may make to their so deserving cause!

The 3.5 month old deaf/blind Dane Trio Puppies are now dropped off! 

They will be under the experts hands of Dr. Philibert, whom many know as one of Ottawa’s incredible specialists. 

He shall also be under super tech Chelsea’s care plus Holly and I am so grateful to them both too! 

We have had a total of just under $2,100 come their way to date for their eye removal surgeries, their alters plus BHRR’s Sleet’s umbilical hernia repair. 

We are still short $1,900+tx as we were given a quote of $4,000+ for their surgeries.

We will be working on a flash auction ASAP and please if anyone may have even $5.00 to spare to go their way, we would be so so so touched.

Donations can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 

OR via email transfer

OR via PayPal to

Please with all of my heart and who I am, if you may consider their truly deserving cause to support, I would be beyond humbled….

Thank you in advance…. 

Please also keep them in your best wishes….it is going to be a really tough day on me too….

NOTE: We have posted this many times over and posting it again:

These three deaf/blind puppies not only have recessed pupils, they have severe Microphthalmia. They also have extreme Entropion and not just the lower lids.

This causes their eyelids plus lashes to fold in and are scratching their eyes, causing constant infections not to mention giving them a brutal level of pain.

People need to stop making erroneous assumptions about what they believe to be in the best interest of these puppies. 

We have been doing this for almost 30 years as a highly experienced plus knowledgeable special needs Great Dane Rescue, they also have an incredible experienced Vet team including a specialist deeply involved in their lives.

BHRR’s Potter
August 2008 – February 14th, 2019

Deaf/Visually Impaired and a LEGEND!

BHRR’s Potter, you beat so many odds…yet, in the end, your failing body could not beat the passing of time. 

I will never forget that day in 2009, when I made the drive with Kinsley to pick you up….

No one wanted you – every rescue that had been contacted did not want you for any number of reasons, we were told – you were natural earred, natural tailed, deaf, visually impaired and had been abused plus neglected.

Well, without even seeing a picture of you, I was already in love like many other dogs that we are contacted to assist….

Broke my heart when I went to pick you up and I promised you then that you would never know another day of anything but helping loving hands.

After getting you, I learned that you had a bite history – perfectly understandable and we knew that you would remain in our Haven program, loved, understood and accepted.

I also knew that you were testing me….the way you looked at me, I knew that you were just waiting to see if I was ‘just like those that you knew in your past.’

You did not have a name for we were told ‘why give a name to just a dumb dog.’ You were allowed to run on the I81 in New York and I cannot believe that you never were hit. Makes me sick to my stomach.

NO wonder transports terrified you for so long. YET, you learned to love car rides and opening up a car door was how we could get you to stop doing your walk-abouts after your ever famous ‘houdini escapes’ that became a huge fav for all of our guests at events here!

AND I knew that you picked up the sign for sitting and so much more so fast yet you needed to know that you could trust me…..

It took one month and one day, I looked over and you were sitting by the treat bin with a half hoping and half defiant look on your face.

Inside, I was welling up with tears at the trust that you so badly wanted to give….outside, I was calm and went over and gave you your treat…..and then another one.

From the kids soccer games – oh man were you a hit! – to dismantling crates to prove to me that you had no need of one, to you deciding when you were ready to integrate with the other dogs and leading the charge thundering with such joy through my house, you have left your mark on our hearts plus home forever.

You are a true legend that at barely three months of being with us, I found a small lump in November 2009 and I was so worried that it may be a MCT and it was. 

Within one week, your leg was amputated at barely one year of age and we were told that you had an 85% chance of it coming back within a year and that you would mostly likely not see your second birthday.

Well, you challenged that! BIG time!

AND you ran faster than the Danes with four legs!

AND, in 2016, that nasty cancer beast came back to try and steal you again from us and you again proved them wrong!

You have beaten the odds in so many ways dear Potterman.

We shall never look at tennis balls in the same way for that was your ‘thing’….the sheer joy you took from a simple tennis ball really made us smile.

AND as much as you loved me, when you could get over Sean’s snoring, you and Sean were true family.

As much as my heart pains me and it surely does….it shatters so much more for Sean and the heart ache that he is experiencing.

You were there for Sean’s own Cancer surgery and as he battles that horrible monster too and to see Sean look over to the bed beside his computer and realise again and again that you are no longer there, makes me sob so much.

While many people spent their Valentine’s Day in a much different way, this day will forever hold special that we were with you in our loving embrace, being able to let you cross over with dignity and adoration in our tears.

It is so distressing to see how much your heart and mind are all there yet your poor failing body could no longer properly support your hind end…you tried, you tried so hard…..

You had spondylosis from before you were 1 and to then add in being a tripod with degenerative myelopathy, this was a fight that would in the end take you away from us……

I feel I never do any of our dogs the true justice they deserve with their memorial posts and yours is no different.

We really cannot believe that another era has ended with your devastating loss…..

You almost made it to age 11….miraculous, I know…yet, we want to be greedy and have had so many more years with you….

We promised you quality of life from the moment you came to us and we refused to be selfish…..we needed to do right by you and this picture taken January 20th, 2019 during one of our BHRR Winter Wonderlands – something you always had to be a part of and they shall also never be the same moving forward! – will hold a special place in our hearts…we will remember how much you loved people and meeting new dogs and your ‘tude!

Your ‘tude shall be missed dear Potterman….you sure packed a WOW punch with your personality plus heart….

Each and every new dog that came into our home, you were always so excited….for about 10 minutes! Then, they were simply enfolded into your heart as a valued member of your family pack.

SO much to remember and no more time left to make new memories with you…that is a horrible blow, that there shall be no more memories made or experiences had with or for you…. 

RIP BHRR’s Potter…..

BHRR’s Connery! 

You are so undeniably handsome! 

Thank you to his wonderful foster mama Lindsay for this adorable picture of him!

Note: he does not have a cherry eye….he has haws, common with many Danes and their breeding – especialy those with genetic lines of large flews(lips). It is his third eyelid.

BHRR’s Volt!
My adorable spoiled rotten rottie baby! 
February 12th, 2019

Someone else is enjoying this veritable blizzard of a snow storm that is smashing into our area right now!

Our area is expected to get 45+cms of snow by the time it is all said and done.

BHRR’s Volt is a blur in her sheer joy and with the snow pounding down! 

Every day sees her become more happy, secure, comfortable, confident and every day she captures so many more hearts….you are very special my dear baby girl!

She still has a long way to go in her own rehabilitation journey yet I will be by her side every step of the way…..

From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters, please be safe out there, stay warm and please keep those that are less fortunate in your thoughts……so many do not have shelter tonight from the blistering cold winds plus snow……

BHRR’s Barney!
February 12th, 2019 
Winter Wonderland Video

He is loving the start of the 45+ cms of snow that is expected!

He is severely visually impaired and in just a matter of days, his confidence is such that he can now do this and feel safe in our 3+ acre fenced in yard!

Yes, he demonstrates some clumsiness – he is also a puppy! – yet, as he is learning his world, he is flying! He just needed some encouragement and to know that he was not alone.

He has picked up scent training like a pro and now he is ‘off to the races’ as the expression goes. Big objects, he sees their shapes and for the most part their exact position. Small objects or when something is mid or higher or to the sides of his eye level is nil.

He is making such wonderful progress! 

He was at KAH with me on Monday and weighed 69.96 pounds – in really good body condition considering.

His fecal was negative yet that does not mean that he does not have parasites, it just means at the time that the fecal test was done, that the sample that was done did not note any parasites.

So, he remains being proactively/preventatively dewormed.

His bloodwork came back great including that he is negative for heartworm plus tickborne diseases.

I also microchipped him on Monday.

He is a super sweet boy that is just starved for affection and is slowly learning that it is ok to ask for it….poor boy….so worried about rejection.

Baby steps dear man…baby steps! You will get there and understand that you are worthy, that you are surrounded ONLY by helping hands and not one hurting hand shall touch you again…..


For the last few days, BHRR’s Volt has been trying so hard to get into the shower with me….

She has always wanted to be in the bathroom with me while I was showering yet over the last few days, she has been wanting/trying to also get into the shower with me!

Being really small, she could not quite master getting into the tub….

Well, today; I felt a cold breeze and turned around and this is the sight I had…. 

My phone was on the back of the toilet playing music, so I snagged it and took this picture!

The next picture is when I said it was time to go and let me shower solo….that face, it just kills me!

I fear that my showers moving forward shall include a wee spoiled rotten rottie baby! 

Go figure, like many dogs, baths are tolerated yet getting into the tub on their own terms is a blast!

Veronica – she looks so pretty in that collar you donated! 

Words from his emerge temp foster Mama and Transport Angel; Gail, who helped get him closer to me:

“He is a handsome boy….so loving. I couldn’t help myself, i fell hard and fast in love with Barney. Miss you already.”

BHRR’s Barney!


Today, I made the drive – the third time in just a week that I have made a drive for a BHRR dog in need!

No wonder my 2017 Mazda is almost at 120,000 kms!

This is the 75% Lab & 25% Saint that is said to see about 10% – in having him now in my care, yes, he is visually impaired yet he does sees more than that.

There is not a vision test available to date that can actually test for percentages of how much a dog can see. Other tools plus expertise are used to help determine visual impairment. This boy gets around very well though.

He is the 8 month old puppy that I had worked so hard to find an emerge temp foster spot for and then put into place transport arrangements for February 9th.

Then, on February 6th a message went out to the approved BHRR Volunteer that was going to pick him up and meet me on the 9th – I had put the two of them in touch to confirm pick-up time – that the O. had ‘lost it’ on this puppy(they had been very open about at least one of them in the home hating this puppy).

They had threatened for some time to not just our group yet others that they would dump him, including in the bush and stated again that they would do so if he were not picked up that very day.

As of the 6th, he has been in emerge temp foster care with Gail and with everything that happened to BHRR’s Fletcher, I met her today to pick him up instead of yesterday.

Thank you Gail for dropping everything, re-arranging your schedule and keeping him safe for me.

You are an exemplary example of how invaluable our BHRR Approved Volunteers are. You have made these past few days, a lot less stressful.

Knowing he was in such capable caring hands that would work to set him up for success, giving him loving positive experiences, being patient, kind and just accepting what he could give as he could give it; makes me feel truly indebted to you. 

You are the first strong link of what shall be a truly amazing BHRR “CHAIN OF SUCCESS” in his rehabilitation journey moving forward.

This boy is so low maintenance, calm and sweet and though quite skittish now, that will change in time…..

AND yes, he is small!  He was 75 pounds earlier this week.

Other than his forehead and something about his tail plus back feet, he is literally all lab, no Saint and 100% stunningly handsome. 

He will come to work with me tomorrow to continue with his vetting protocol.

We gave him the name of BHRR’s Barney for a new name for the start of the rest of his amazing life that we have promised him that he deserves and shall have.

From there, after he settles a bit, he will head off to Bob/Hazel, who are going to be his fabu temp foster family!

Welcome to BHRR Barney!

You are safe….you are loved… are special!


BHRR’s Volt & all of the puppies at one of our amazing puppy love valentine event visits today! 

Thank you to Jane, Gerry, Cathy & Bruce plus all of their lovely friends plus supporters for coming out!

Zack and Finnigan at Home is such a beautiful place!

My heart is filled with so much warmth with all of these truly special puppy love valentine visits!

AND puppy love valentine date #2 is now complete!

On to #3!

Thank you SO much Canadawide Scientific for a great visit!

This is BHRR’s Sleet!

AND we are at our first puppy love visit!!

Thanks Veronica & Elizabeth & Amelie etc.!! 

What a riot of a visit!

Thanks for hosting us ixceed Packaging Solutions!

This is BHRR’s Glacier!

BHRR’s Sleet!
3 months old!

She says that TOMORROW is the day and on behalf of her siblings plus BHRR’s Volt, they cannot wait!

Tomorrow is our twist on our 8th Annual BHRR Doggie Date Event – it is our Puppy Love Valentine Event!

Our day shall begin bright and early with their first date happening at 8 AM and their last date ends just before 5 PM!

Thank you to all that are participating to help us raise much needed money to go towards the $4,000+tx required for their eye removal surgeries, their alters plus BHRR’s Sleets umbilical hernia.

If anyone may wish to donate to their cause; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 as Dr. Philibert, the specialist is coming into KAH to do their surgeries on February 15th.

OR via PayPal to

OR via Email Transfer to

Like many groups, Vet bills are mounting and food is decreasing yet we will do whatever we need to in order to make sure that each and every dog in our care is done right by. 

We know that our efforts cannot be successful without the BHRR village!

BHRR focuses strongly on the special needs and 98% of the dogs/horses we assist are those that others cannot or will not assist. 

It is our position that that these animals are equally deserving and are so worthy!

AND tomorrow, BHRR’s Volt and The deaf/blind Dane Trio are going to not only love on so many people, yet we know that they will inspire so many too! 

From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters, warmest of good night wishes are being sent!

As promised….The Next Gwennie Novel update on Miss Volt! 

I wish I could shout out so much in great news yet while I cannot give great news, I can give some good news and promise to continue to regularly update everyone on this sweet Rottie baby that was electrocuted on January 25th. 

She has a very detailed blog on our home website also for people to follow if people wish.

*Her weight is now up to 16.4 kgs
*She continues to eat and drink well – she has had to adjust slightly how she does this due to the amount of nerve/tissue damage 
*Her face is still swollen yet less so
*She is no longer as skittish or nervous as we work to teach her about helping hands and give her so many positive experiences 
*She loves going to KAH as she is loved and handled with such care 
*She is becoming more playful – has to be careful and people need to be careful with her

*That right side of her mouth – even after four sedation surgical procedures is just proving to be so difficult to resolve yet we are not giving up! From Friday to today, there has been slow yet some marked improvement. Yay! I am taking this as a small victory. 
*Her current round of antibiotics was to end on the 11th yet another week has been added due to the sheer persistence of this infection and ulcerated mouth from the burns 
*She will remain on pain meds – increased dosing as she is bigger! 
*I asked her wonderful Vet to check both of her eyes as they appeared to be infected and not just red and after doing a thorough exam and a fluroescein eye exam, she is on Isthal meds twice a day. With her weakened immune system, makes her prone to picking up other infections.
*The irritation to her Vulva is greatly improved with being on the antibiotics, spraying Cortravance, using a bit of Vaseline as a protective barrier plus a cone. Yet, this remains a conformation issue and we will continue to let her mature to see how much that will improve her vulva and her Vet said at the time of her spay this can also most likely be surgically addressed. 
Per her Vet she would need more than just a vulvoplasty and we would refer to a specialist to do that plus her spay. 

So the rehab journey for this wee beauty is a long way from being over and she really really really needs your help to get better. 

Please consider donating to her ever mounting Vet Bills. Please with all that I am, please consider her very deserving cause to support.

You can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848

OR via email transfer to: 

OR via PayPal to 

This is a pic that Britney took of her at KAH today! 

She is so sweet and smart and we are working so hard to get her healthy!



Last post of my night!

It has been an incredibly busy day!

BHRR’s Connery is settling in well to his emerge temp foster home. I so miss him yet he is in excellent hands! 

This is the ~15 month old emaciated Great Dane that was picked up as a stray in a really bad area(O. believed to be known and never claimed him) and is suffering trauma – believed to be a hit by car. 

His detailed bloodwork has come back as excellent and no surprises to note. it demonstrates that yes, he is battling an infection and he is on antibiotics – one for his eye infections and one for the back right hock that has the wound on it.

He is Deramaxx along with Gabapentin for his hind end and the strongly suspected blown cruciate and once he is no longer emaciated, we can move forward to sedation and doing x-rays as part of our further diagnostics.

His emerge temp foster home will take him in for regular weigh-ins, is feeding him small frequent meals and is providing him with so much love and acceptance, patience, understanding, structure plus consistency.

As his fecal tested positive for whips and hooks, the de-worming protocol is causing him to have some diarrhea and it is being monitored closely. 

He is eating and drinking and his emerge temp foster home finds him equally sweet, lacking manners and are loving their time with him. 

AND I remain completely and truly indebted to them for stepping up to emerge temp foster him after we could get him here, vetted him again – we had him vetted in January with his original rescue angels!

For I have the Dane Trio deaf/blind puppies that will have their eye removal surgeries on the 15th plus have BHRR’s Volt here too. 

From our home to all of our friends, family plus friends, good night wishes being sent! Be safe out there! It is a veritable ice rink at my place right now and for those who know our laneway/hill; it is not fun!

BHRR’s Volt
3 month old Rottie Baby that had been electrocuted January 25th
*Not Available For Adoption*

We feel that she deserves to be our next Cover Girl Model!

This pic was taken of her hanging out at work with Mama Gwennie @ KAH!

We will post another update after her next recheck February 7th.

We remain truly so touched, humbled and incredibly thankful for the kind caring support being shown to her….

Donations can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 as when she was released from the care of the incredible Alta Vista’s Emergency, she went to KAH for her Urgent Care and will remain with them for all of her proactive/preventative care too.

OR via email transfer to
*please let us know the password – we will not do an auto deposit set up as the Royal would take $0.50 per transaction*

OR via PayPal to (friend & family option)

Doesn’t she just melt your heart!

This is her extremely detailed individual blog for those that may not yet be familiar with her story….be prepared to fall deeply in love 

UPDATE: On the 7-8 month old Lab/Saintx Puppy 
75% Lab & 25% Saint 
Blind – Sees about 10%

I had everything ready to go and organised for this Saturday for him to be picked up – I then put the O. directly in touch with our BHRR Volunter to confirm pick-up time – and today I received a call from the wonderful BHRR Approved Volunteer going to help get him closer to me.

Per what I was told, the owner stated that he ‘lost it’ on this puppy last night and if he were not gone by today, he was going to dump him. Threats had already been made in the past to our group and to other groups, that if he was not rescued shortly as one partner in the house ‘hates’ him, that they would dump him – even in the bush.

Thanks to our amazing Volunteer, she re-arranged her own schedule, picked him up and he is safe with her until we meet on Saturday. 

When it is said that fostering saves lives, a more truer statement could not be real for this handsome young pup……

I had so much worry re: finding a spot to save him in the first place and then after getting this call today, my heart just sank.

Yet, he is now out of that home and in the warm loving embrace of the angel who literally worked magic to open up her own schedule to get him out of this home so fast.

Here is a wonderful perfect example of the BHRR ‘CHAIN OF SUCCESS’ in action. The strong beating heart of any r/q organisation are their fabu Volunteers and all of ours are so appreciated plus deeply valued! We cannot do this alone! 

Thank you Gail!

Another Update on BHRR’s Volt!

She is the 3 month old Rottie Baby that was electrocuted.

She has severe oral burns to her mouth, gums and lips. She had a lot of necrotic tissue that was removed and continues to be removed. She had her fourth round of sedation and necrotic tissue removal on Friday. 

She is back on Thursday for her next recheck.

Behind her back molars and both sides of her mouth were very ulcerated. The right side of her mouth is the area that is still causing most of the concern at this time as it is not healing as well as the rest of her mouth. Though, now she rarely has any bloody drool/saliva plus the putrid smell is almost all gone!

Her pain was so extreme that she could not eat and she also became dehydrated. She is eating and drinking almost like a pro now! She has had to adjust how she eats just a bit for her tongue is still slightly swollen and due to the damage caused.

She had received no prior Vet care and a fecal test diagnosed her with roundworms plus exposure to Giarrdia. She is being proactively/preventatively dewormed.

She remains on Metacam, Gabapentin as well as Clavaseptin plus her mouth is rinsed out twice daily with DentaChlor.

I had been told that she may have permanent nerve/tissue damage yet nothing that would be of any major concern and she is gorgeous regardless of how she looks!

I have also recently been told that her teeth may be also affected yet as her baby teeth come out, and as her adult teeth come, they shall be monitored.

Her swelling on her face has also greatly reduced too!

He tongue still sticks out as it is too big for her wee mouth yet we also have begun to believe that due to some nerve/tissue damage, her little tongue will always stick out a small bit. It just makes her look all that much more adorable.

When I had picked her up from the Alta Vista Emergency, I did note that she was licking at her vulva.

Two Vets examined her at KAH and it is not that her vulva is just ‘hooded’, it is not quite conformationally where it should be placed and it is very ‘tight’ into the folds. She had clear irritation and you can tell it pained her to urinate. 

As she develops, it is believed that some of her issues will resolve and her Vet also thought that perhaps she had some puppy vaginitis prior to us getting her and with being on the antibiotics, it will help resolve some of her irritation. 

When the Vet would touch this area to examine it, sedated or not, she would react as she was in quite the level of discomfort. 

She wears a cone when unsupervised, we spray the area with cortavance and one of the Vets at KAH recommended using some vaseline in the area to provide a protective layer.

If she requires a vulvoplasty, we will ensure that it is done.

She really could use your love plus support! 

Donations can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 as when she was released from the care of the wonderful Alta Vista’s Emergency, she went to KAH for her Urgent Care and will remain with them for all of her proactive/preventative care too.

OR via email transfer to

OR via PayPal to

On behalf of this sweet baby, thank you for any consideration and good night wishes being sent from her to her loving village!

She is worthy, her prognosis is excellent and this is what BHRR does, to be there for amazing worthy dogs like her! 98% of the dogs plus horses we assist are special needs. 



BHRR’s Connery!

I have just dropped him off with his emerge foster mama to be for the next couple of months and it was so hard yet he will be in excellent hands! 

I fell in love with him when we were first asked to assist in January and when I finally got to meet him yesterday when meeting the transport to pick him up, I loved him even more….if that were even possible! 

He just loves everyone and everything!

He is an absolutely incredible young man, about 15 months of age and his body tells the story of what a hard life he has has to date. 

He is full of pressure sores/callouses, healing wounds, scrapes and raw area’s.

He is emaciated at 109.78 pounds today. He has put on almost 10 pounds since he was first rescued by his angels and he has a long way still to go. That is his hip bone in the pic and if you enlarge it you can see every vertebrae plus rib.

The ulcer in his one eye – the right has now healed and his Vet today, did another flurorescein eye stain and also froze his eye to get a really great look at it. 

He is still battling horrible eye infections so more eye meds were dispensed. 

He has an infection on his back right hock from some trauma – agreement seems to be hit by car – and so he is on antibiotics for the next 10 days.

His ears are super waxxy and will be cleaned. He is in sore need of a bath too and I told his emerge temp foster mama that I will pay for him to be done once he settles in more.

As many know 98% of the dogs we help are really special needs and this sweet boy is no different. 

Both of his front legs/feet bother him and the left side of his body is worse – his back left hip pains him dearly and his Vet concurs that with his thickened left knee, that we are looking at a blown cruciate. 

His back right hip does not pain him as much yet he has severe atrophy happening in his hind end. He shifts his weight constantly and alternates holding a leg – front and back – up to attempt to get some relief. 

His Vet has put together a great pain management program for him – Gabapentin- and once we get the blood panel back that we did today – we will know more if we can also add Deramaxx as an NSAIDS to his pain management program. 

AND throughout all of his much needed poking and prodding plus blood work, he was incredible. To know that the level of discomfort that he is in has to be brutal and for him to be so good natured, is a true testament to his WOW personality.

As he is still so emaciated, it is not safe to sedate him to X-ray to determine the exact nature of his injuries etc. 

So, while I am worried re: any kinds of fractures, I am reassured by the expertise of his wonderful Vet that we need to keep getting him more physically healthy and then proceed with the next diagnostics steps. 

His Vet Bills between two Hospitals to date are just under $1,000 and this is just the beginning of his own long rehabilitation journey. 

Lindsay – thank you again so very much for meeting me partway tonight so I could hand him off to you for you and Josh to be his Emerge temp foster loving home for me. 

As I work to get the Dane Trio plus BHRR’s Volt healthy themselves, I am so grateful that BHRR’s Connery will have all that he needs with Josh & Lindsay! 

Fostering saves lives!! 

As I work my way back home in yet more freezing rain, good night wishes are being sent to all of our friends, family & supporters! It has been a very long day between work, BHRR’s Connery’s 1.25 hour Vet appointment and now the round trip drive to ensure that he got to Lindsay safely!



BHRR’s Connery!

He is here! Finally!

While most people have birthday breakfasts in bed, visit spa’s, have lunch out with friends, go shopping and/or have a romantic dinner with their partner to enjoy their special day, what I did today was drive in the freezing rain to meet the next leg of his transport to bring him home! 

I could not have wished for a better birthday present to see BHRR’s Connery here at last! 

He is no more than 15 – 18 months of age tops, most likely closer to 15 months of age. He has SO much maturing to do and he is still so emaciated.

He has been in safe keeping with his rescue angels for almost a month and I remain so grateful to them for saving his life.

He was picked up in a really bad area and while his owner was believed to be known, they never claimed him, which to me is a big relief as he is in terrible shape.

AND I must thank Jane of Just Paws also once again for helping to get him here!

Though, we had him vetted in January, it was hard to handle him at that time – just unsettled, not reactive or aggressive at ALL – and as he was in poor body condition, further diagnostics were not possible. The Vet believes that he was a HBC and/or has HD.

He was placed on a pain management regime and treated for eye infections. Bloodwork indicated that he was tick borne disease plus heartworm negative.

His fecal was positive for whips and hooks and he has been placed on treatment. He was also put on flea/tick meds.

He is coming to work with me tomorrow and we will get a treatment plan together for him. He bunny hops on the hind end, he is more ‘off’ on his left knee than his right – yet his right is not much better and his front legs, especially his left leg plus foot bothers him too.

THANK you’s sent out also to Lucy AND to all of his transport plus overnighting angels that helped him get here!

AND thank you to Lindsay plus Josh for stepping up to be his emerge temp foster parents for the next two months!

AND last but not least I wish to extend a deep thanks to The Maracles for the generous birthday donation. It was so touching and with Vet bills running high and food running at a crisis for us right now, it was so appreciated.

This is BHRR’s Connery! He put his head by the through the space of my barrier cage and was my co-pilot all the way home!

AND another comment from Natasha who met him last night on one of his transport legs:

“I met him last night . Oh he is so sweet .

From another of his transport driving angels – Laura – that helped get him closer to us:

“We were also one of his transporters – London to Guelph. He is what we consider a “teddy Dane” & as he rested his giraffe-sized head on my shoulder during transport, we wished him the best in his new life. TY BHRR for all that you do for these giant breeds & wishing (and will follow) his journey.”

From one of his transport driving angels – Jacquie – that helped get him closer to me:

“I was one of his drivers on his freedom run on Saturday. He was certainly a transport favourite. Wishing him all the best in his new life in Canada.”

Please NOTE: 

We understand that this young pup is popular to many to want to adopt. 

She is not available for adoption.

She is at the beginning of a very long rehab journey and BHRR does not flip dogs. 

When/if she is ever ready, members of the BHRR BOD will place only per right match personality fit via our extremely thorough adoption screening process.

All of our adoption processes, policies and procedures can be found on our website too. 

Anyone is most welcome to follow her detailed individual blog to stay updated on her! 

AND to those reaching out stating they would make a donation to her care in ‘exchange’ for the guarantee that they would ‘get her’, you could not be more wrong in how we operate.

Donate because you care and you want to help and may have a few extra dollars to spare.

This is not the first time someone has thought they could get one of our dogs with this approach and we will never ever place one of our dogs in such a manner. 

Placing one of our dogs when/if they are ready is about the right match fit for them and a home, nothing less will be acceptable to us!

****REQUEST is FILLED! Thanks Hazel/Bob!**

ISO: BHRR Approved Emerge Temp Foster

Male, ~8 months old
75% Lab & 25% Saint
Dad(chocolate lab) & Mom(Saint/Lab)

This sweet boy only sees about 10% and his home does not feel equipped to best take that on. He gets around quite well so do not let his lack of eyesight deter you from stepping up. We will be with you in support, guidance, assistance 100% 24/7!

We have had four people reach out to us re: him including his present home.

He currently lives with three cats and another dog without any issues. Weight is ~75 pounds.

Good with kids and is silly, playful and loving.

BHRR cannot help him unless we have a BHRR Approved Volunteer Home step up to assist. Remember, if you are an approved adoptive home, you are also an approved Volunteer and if your circumstances allow for temp fostering, you are welcome to step up!

We need a commitment of 12 weeks from the time he arrives for this emerge temp foster and location to me is not as important as ensuring that he is safe for he is at huge risk right now for the one person in the home really does not want him. The other member is trying so hard to find a spot for him so that he is not dumped somewhere – even in the bush.

Please if we have any of our approved homes able to assist, please do advise ASAP for this is so time sensitive.

We will provide food, bowls, stand, collar, leash, dog beds and vetting etc.

We need you to provide a warm, caring, positive balanced, consistent structured plus safe home for him.

We cannot commit unless we have a spot for him as I cannot bring him into my own home right now with four special needs puppies needing me!

Thank you for any consideration!

AND we are going to call him BHRR’s Barney – you are getting a new name for the beginning of a new life that you deserve young man!

AND he is finally on his way!

The GD that we are calling BHRR’s Connery. 

He had been in safe keeping for us by his rescue angels Samantha and Karen for weeks and now he is ready to finally make the journey to BHRR.

Thank you also Jane for everything you have done to help get him to us safely! 

He started this AM and from what I am told, is safely in his first of two overnighter homes. 

Thank you to Lindsay and Josh for stepping up to be his emerge temp fosters for the next couple of months!

He has been battling eye infections and the Vet that saw him to date is not sure if his hind end is painful due to a possible HBC or if it is HD.

He was picked up as a stray(O. is believed to be known and he is always left by himself) and O.’s never claimed him. He was from a bad area. 

As he was so unsettled and emaciated(weight was barely over 100 pounds when first picked up and now is 113 pounds), it was best not to sedate him to investigate his back end further at that time.

He was placed on meds for his eyes and put on a pain management regime. 

He will be vetted again on February 4th at KAH. His ETA to BHRR is Sunday February 3rd – AND I could not imagine a better birthday present than driving to pick him up, another boy in huge need!