Mr. Squishie! (3.5 months old)
January 30th, 2018

On our way into Liston Animal Hospital for his latest recheck, re-weigh and boosters.

He now weighs 15.7 kgs(34.54 Pounds) and is still quite lean and we continue to work on slowly getting the muscle mass and weight on him. With his healing back broken leg, being lean is in his best interest yet we all would like to now see some more pounds put on. 

His Vet was really impressed with how far that leg has come along since he was last seen and having to pull the cast off so we could focus on the ankle. Many may remember the video I took the day his latest cast came off.

I have been doing three times daily small sessions of massage, thermal therapy, ROM and flexion exercises at home and his Vet is so pleased with his progress! 

He says that BHRR’s Booker’s leg is now about 80% healed and he is extremely happy with the muscle tone and symmetry between both of his back legs now. 

That back leg shall never be perfect yet Dr. Liston feels that the integrity shall continue to come with strength, time and he will be as close to normal as possible!

Dr. Liston says that his healing is way ahead of where he felt he would be at this time and yay! 

We still have a ways to go yet step by step we are getting there! 

Isn’t he so freakin’ handsome!! 

Just a reminder: For those wishing to meet him, he shall be at Pet Valu Stittsville February 11th at our Sweetheart Spa Event from 10 AM – 4 PM giving out roses and smooches as part of our famous red carpet sessions!

Donated To Date: $1,916.50 

This gorgeous BBBBB was back at KAH tonight for his boosters, a re-weigh, next exam etc.
BHRR’s Dickens!
He is up another kg(2.2 pounds) and while he still has another 10 or so pounds to go, he is looking really good overall now. The muscle mass and tone that he is getting is wonderful.
As a young growing boy – ~ 125-130 pounds should be a great ideal end weight for him when he has finished maturing. He is so nicely in propotion. Beautiful head on this boy and those ears…..
His Vet commented on how gorgeous and shiny and healthy plus glossy his coat is now looking. ? It was so coarse, dry, dull, flaky when he first arrived.
He is now fully integrated with all of the dogs and for a dog that we were told was ‘aggressive’ to other dogs, he has not had one issue. He jockeyed for position with BHRR’s Ryder a bit as both are the same gooberhead age and that has all settled down nicely.
His BFF is BHRR’s Rubble! Those two are such hamburgers! They will hang out and play all day together. Two very ‘manly’ dogs that seem to forget their tough big boy image when it comes time to play. They are awesome together!
His one thing is men in hats…that stresses him out and he still does have some barrier reactivity in the car so tonight, we again drove through as many drive-thru’s as we could and by the third one, he did not have a care in the world.
Remember that a reactive dog is not trying to give us a hard time….they are trying to tell us that they are having a hard time. There is a big difference and people often mis-use the word ‘aggressive.’
He has also come a LONG way with his obedience. His Vet was deeply impressed that he is actually almost a gentleman now! ? He showed how nice he could sit and takes treats gently and while another dog in the waiting room was barking and pulling, BHRR’s Dickens sat on the bench beside me calm and quiet and watched passively. PROUD of you!
The inside of his ears are still not something he enjoys having touched yet since he first arrived he has make leaps and bounds. We could even do two ear swabs on the left ear and other than some rare yeast found, both ears are healthy!
Temperature taking was a no-go via the ears.
He was a bit unimpressed with his back feet being lifted up yet realised that he was not going to be man handled and relaxed.
He has a super thin coat and his skin is quite pink, normal yet pink and so he wears a doggie coat.
He is scheduled for his professional photo shoot next week – the 8th of February and after some more obedience – his leash manners are coming along well too! – and manners 101 plus weight gain, he will then be ready to make his own special announcement.
He will go to an experienced home only. His personality is huge and he needs someone to be positively balanced in their approach to handling him. A calm, quietly confident home that is going to help him continue to be the best dog he can be and call him out when he is being a total boob yet know the difference between what makes him stressed and when he is just being an idjit.
He enjoys getting a reaction from people and a bit of an honest manipulator he is! LOVE him for it….if people are going to let him take an inch, he is going to take it and then try for more!
He is becoming more and more affectionate as he learns about helping hands not hurting manhandling hands.
He is so wonderful……and not for the faint of heart!
He is perfect in all of his imperfections and has a ton of potential that we are only just beginning to truly tap into as he allows us more and more into his world!

Our 5th ANNUAL ‘Breaking Bills Bake Online’ Auction is NOW Closed!

THANK you to all of the generous and loving donators for their contributions to our unique and creative Fundraiser!

THANK you to everyone that kindly bid, shared and also otherwise wonderfully supported our Event!

I shall be in touch OVER the next 72 hours with all of the winners to confirm their auction items per the master logged auction list as stamped/documented by the wp software.

Please be patient as I co-ordinate everything! 

We are feeling so much in blessings and appreciation tonight… a time that has brought deep despair and grief this past week, tonight, we feel the support of our village strongly surrounding us.

There shall never ever be the right words to express to everyone how much that has meant. 

My GD Salt is crashed out from all of the excitement while Mr. Squishie is taking everything in stride as per his style! 

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the warmest of good-night wishes are being sent.

My last post of my night!

Mr. Squishie News!

My GD Salt(Almost 3) and Mr. Squishie(14 weeks)!

BHRR’s Booker wants to shout out a HUGE thanks to Doogie and her friends plus family! 

Doogie had asked for people to possibly consider making a donation to his cause in honour of her upcoming Birthday. 

To date: $125 has come to BHRR for Mr. Squishie’s mounting Vet Bills. So heartwarming! 

BHRR’s Booker is back at LAH on September 30th for his next exam, repeat x-rays and re-weigh plus boosters!. 

I have been doing ROM and flexion exercises at home on that ankle along with massage and some conditioning exercise etc. 

Thank you Doogie for choosing BHRR to support and what a wonderful soul that I am privileged to share my own Birthday with! 

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, good night wishes are being sent!



The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Carlsberg
January 19th, 2018
His Hyperbaric Chamber Session @ Alta Vista Animal Hospital Specialty Services.

After over a month of waiting patiently…it is finally up and operational….

He also made Canadian History that day!

He is the first ever to use the first Canadian installed Hyperbaric Chamber. The inaugural patient!

We are now calling it ‘Carlsberg’s Chamber!’ 

Thank you to Dr. Chauvet, his Neurologist for everything!

We shall post more re: this truly inspirational and adored puppy shortly…..

**NOTE: We ask that those few that do know more of his journey to please respect our wishes and allow us to post when we are ready.**

Thank you to his Rehab Angel Nancy for the pictures and for her own incredibly special and invaluable part of his life story.

He is in the chamber in both pictures!

I have now paid $1,626.08 at Alta Vista Animal Hospital for his mounting Vet Bills since being admitted through emerge last night.

Donated To Date: $300 


UPDATE: I called for another update – long hold so I know they are busy (10:25 AM)

Apparently the Vet on duty will call us when they are done rounds yet we are concerned.

The person I talked to said ‘he has not been up for a walk yet’ and when he went on to say ‘that could just be because…’ and I stepped in and said he cannot walk! He is paralysed. So now my own worry levels are elevated further for does this mean they stopped flipping him?! 

I am going to have to wait until I talk to the Vet there and hope it is soon. 

He also said that he ate last night and once more since yet the person I talked to at 4:00 AM said he has refused all food to that point and was not interested. The times that they are offered food and when they eat should be documented. 

He then also said they are re-wrapping his IV yet did not tell me why they are doing so. 

All will be ok….we keep saying that to ourselves.

I just called for an update (4:00 AM). 

Vitals are stable. They are manually expressing his bladder, they are flipping him every four hours – I do every 2-4 hours here. They plan on doing some thermaltherapy on the right shoulder and I dialogued againthat this is great yet his left front leg is what needs it the most. ? We know that his right front leg is not able to be saved and other than making sure his circulation remains intact, the big focus from all of us on his team is to get him ambulatory on his other three legs…and if his left front leg which has its own concerns since his FCE cannot become strong enough to support him being a front end tripod then…. 

He is getting his already mentioned meds via IV plus is being given Pepcid and Sulcrate too. 

I am told he is BAR – bright, alert and responsive yet very quiet.

No interest in food. He cannot afford to lose more weight. 

He is such a soft boy and I was told that he was watching them and he does that….very soul reaching observant eyes. 

I may try to lay down for a bit myself…feeling lost without him here for me to watch sleep and to ‘chat’ me up when he wants something. 


6 of The Bakers Dozen were at LAH today for their latest exams, to get updated weights and for vaccines!

BHRR’s Murray while still being weaned of off his pred  from his puppy pyoderma – now getting 10 mg daily – is finally healthy to begin his own vaccine protocol! YAY!

Here are their weights from today. For those not kg savvy, just multiply by 2.2 to get their weights in pounds. 🙂

Unfortunately, there is no group photo as Sean forgot to get one and as I had to be at Alta Vista AH as BHRR’s Carlsberg(one of their litter-mates) had been admitted the night before through emerge there, I could not take one myself.

BHRR’s Juniper was noted as having some slightly swollen lymph nodes on her face and the Vet felt it was due to teething.

BHRR’s Murray is still unilaterally cryptorchid(three in this litter were – BHRR’s Fletchers dropped prior to his neuter yet BHRR’s Morty’s did not and per his Vet once he was in doing the surgery, it never would have as it was stuck in the inguinal ring). So, definitely a genetic component with three males all having an Un-descended testicle!

He has been put on IV fluids, he is receiving IV meds for vomiting along with antibiotics. We are running detailed blood-work and another urinalysis (did one on Monday along with a specific gravity test). 

A fecal smear was also done. 

I am now home and it feels really empty…. 

Please keep The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Carlsberg in your best wishes.

I rushed him into Alta Vista Animal Emergency tonight. 

They wanted to rule out Parvo which I would have been shocked/surprised if it was and it was negative.

So, they are treating for gastroenteritis and he will stay there for now….

The journey that he and I have taken together since the day I whelped him (and his litter-mates) and helped him take his first breaths on September 13th to now has been a huge roller coaster…..

I have also been with him 24/7 with only a rare exception since his FCE on December 10th and to have to leave him in Emerge was not easy yet he is in the best of hands.

His ‘kid’ Kinsley is beside herself too. She had to stay at home so could not come with me to Emerge.

Thank you to the absolutely amazing staff at Alta Vista Animal Hospital for being there for me and him and making me feel not so alone. Thank you to the lovely couple for sitting and chatting – they had to admit their own precious pet tonight and their Boy is keeping BHRR’s Carlsberg company overnight….

As mentioned to his lovely Vet in Emerge, we will figure out the bills….I must have faith…I do have faith….

I put down $800 before I left and the current estimate given was up to $1,782.26

I have also been in contact and have updated his Neurologist and his Rehab Specialist.

BHRR’s Carlsberg – I will meet you in my dreams tonight – if I can sleep at all – and I know the staff are going to flip you as needed and massage your legs, do ROM and will love on you…. 


BHRR’s Bookers latest x-ray

BHRR’s Booker VIDEO – 3 month old DDB with a back broken leg(Tibia & Fibula Affected) 
January 16th, 2018 This is a short video taken after his latest cast was removed today. 

Unfortunately, this is his leg….
*He leg was broken December 8th @ 8 weeks of age
*He was not seen by a Vet until the 9th so proper treatment was not immediately given
*He had then been put in a temporary cast that had not been properly placed
*Then the cast had not been changed weekly, with assessments/x-Rays NOR was surgery given to repair the leg 
*By time we were asked to assist arriving to BHRR December 23rd and we got him in immediately to see our own Vet & Specialist Team, surgery was no longer considered the best option. 
*So, weekly Vet visits, regular x-rays and cast changes were being done
*From his first Vet Visit here on December 27th, concern was had over his ankle due to the improper placement of the first cast plus lack of weekly x-Rays & cast replacements being done. Corrections were made to all future weekly cast placements under our care to work to ensure proper healing was happening
*January 16th’s x-rays indicate that his leg continues to heal slowly and well where the breaks are. However, the integrity to that ankle is still compromised. 
*Though, his breaks are not fully healed, we need to shift the focus to his ankle and the recommendations have been to keep a cast off for the next two weeks and work on rehabilitation with the ankle and working on him planting his foot/leg into a normal walking/standing position
*He also remains having swollen toes that with removal of the cast the hope is that the swelling may successfully resolveHe has a long journey still ahead of him.

Donations to his care can be made via email transfer to or via PayPal to or direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966

I will post a pic of his latest x-ray in his album and on his blog.

Donated To Date: $1,761.50


Today at his rehab session at Alta Vista Animal Hospitals’ Speciality Services.

It was not a great day yet tomorrow is another day!

Last post of my night and due to popular demand….we will post another Mr. Squishie pic! 

This photo was taken Friday January 12th by Elizabeth at Alta Vista Animal Hospital during BHRR’s Carlsbergs’ rehab session. Great photo! Thank you again Elizabeth, Anne & Mike for helping me out that day! 

BHRR’s Booker is back at Liston Animal Hospital on Tuesday and for those wanting to meet him, he will be a guest of honour at our special ‘Sweetheart Spa’ Event on Sunday February 11th at Pet Valu Stittsville. 

Additionally, having had not one, not two yet three people either post on our Facebook page or reach out to members of the BHRR BOD, offering to make a donation if we would then ensure that we put this pup into their own home, we would like to publicly state the following:

BHRR does not operate in such a substandard manner. We have an extremely thorough adoption screening process. It is also concerning that people would only consider making a donation ‘if’ they got BHRR’s Booker in exchange.

We only place per right match personality fits to our dogs that are determined to be adoptable. They also do not go up for adoption until they are successfully rehabilitated and assessed as being adoptable. 

All of our adoption processes, policies and procedures can be found on our website and he has a wonderfully detailed blog that people can follow his journey at BHRR! 

From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, good night wishes being sent!

Today we went to visit a possible new rehab location for The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Carlsberg to frequent along with his bff and motivator Mr. Squishie BHRR’s Booker.

BHRR’s Carlsberg’s last intensive rehab session at Alta Vista Animal Hospitals Specialty Services shall be on the 19th as his fabu and much adored rehab angel Nancy is going on maternity leave.

We will be seeing Dr. Chauvet, his incredible Neurologist on the 19th as well for his latest re-evaluation/assessment.

So, today we headed off to visit a new place on Carling and to have them meet us/BHRR’s Carlsberg etc. Nancy Couillard thank you immensely again from our hearts for being there with us today! 

The plan is to do another 15 intensive rehab sessions to start and we are looking at $1,000 to do so. Whatever our FCE puppy needs to give him the best opportunity at a ‘new’ normal for quality of life, we are committed in doing. He has been going three times a week to date and without hesitation I make the three hour roundtrip drive (in good traffic/weather – much longer otherwise) to make sure BHRR’s Carlsberg gets to these extremely important and necessary appointments. 

I am also only working one day a week at the Hospital and am not taking on new behavioural clients to make sure BHRR’s Carlsberg’s 24/7 care and appointments are met. In turn, the loss of income means on our personal pockets less that we can financially give to his bills. BHRR is mostly funded personally from Sean/I. We receive no corporate, provincial or government support.

So, we remain asking people to please consider donating their Empties to his cause and all monies raised from our upcoming annual ‘Breaking Bills Bake’ Online Auction shall be divided up between his and BHRR’s Bookers Vet Bills.

If anyone may consider making a human or doggie goodie for our Bake Auction, please do email Items do not have to be made until the auction is over and all winners shall be put in touch with the donators. 

We shall also be doing a small flash online auction and both puppies will be at Pet Valu Stittsville on Sunday February 11th as part of our special ‘Sweetheart Spa’ event! We are just awaiting the poster from Gracie to share all of the details. 

Donations to their bills can also be made:

Email transfer:




BHRR’s Carlsberg – Direct to Alta Vista Animal Hospital

BHRR’s Booker – Direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-691-0966

These photo’s were taken on Friday January 12th at Alta Vista Animal Hospital. BHRR’s Carlsberg had just finished his underwater treadmill session and Nancy was getting ready to do his laser treatment.

BHRR’s Booker is never far from his bff!  These two puppies bonded fiercely and fast and are an extremely rare true complementary bonded pair. 

Just three weeks apart in age.

AND this is what happens when you leave the baking alone for 1 minute!

Thanks BHRR’s Ryder! 

That has always been his ‘thing’ and it is NOT his fault.

Having been rescued at 48 pounds @ 10 months of age….food is his ‘vice’.

He is a countersurfer expert and is the first Dane in close to 30 years of working, owning, rescuing, training, rehabilitating them etc. that has ever been able to swipe food off the top of our fridge.

He was kind enough to leave 4 intact so, dessert can still be had for The Boerskins!  

My last post of my night and we will make it a Mr. Squishie post!

He is back at Liston Animal Hospital on January 16th for his next re-exam, repeat x-rays, a re-weigh and a re-casting of his back broken leg.

AND I do not think he ever takes a bad picture! 

This is him on Monday January 8th at Alta Vista Animal Hospital ‘helping’ his bff The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Carlsberg at one of his intensive rehab sessions…..

We are working in the background on a couple of Fundraisers to help with their mounting Vet Bills….stay tuned! 

From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, good night wishes being sent!

RE: his temperament to date: 

He is a ‘man with vision and on a mission!’ In his mind he has places to go, mountains to conquer, things to discover, people to see and mostly in his books it is more like dogs to visit! 

When he does settle down to snuggle….it is a piece of heaven. Trying to keep him quiet is a feat…and we work very hard at it!

Donations can be made via:

Email Transfer to:


Via PayPal to


Direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966

Donated To Date: $1,599


The Bakers Dozen BHRR’s Carlsberg & BHRR’s Booker
January 11th @ Alta Vista Animal Hospital’s Speciality Services for BHRR’s Carlsberg’s session today.

No ONE can motivate BHRR’s Carlsberg the way that Kinsley & his bff BHRR’s Booker can! 
Thank you again Aaron Maracle for being with us today! The extra hands and loving on these two amazing puppies is so appreciative!

The second photo is of The BFFS!

Nancy is trying to do the laser treatment on BHRR’s Carlsberg after his underwater treadmill work and BHRR’s Booker says, ‘ok, you will just have to work around me as I am not leaving my buddy!.’ 

SHORT NOTICE: ISO: A BHRR approved Volunteer to assist me on Thursday January 11th @ Alta Vista Animal Hospital from 10:45 am – 12:45 pm!

Sadly, I got a call just now from the Hospital to say that Nancy is sick and is not able to do BHRR’s Carlsberg’s (our 3.5 month old FCE Puppy) intensive rehab session tomorrow. So he has been rescheduled to Thursday.

I need assistance getting his items in as I shall be carrying him. To have someone on hand to help encourage and root for him and love on him would be awesome!

I plan to also have Mr. Squishie BHRR’s Booker in tow so the extra hands would be amazing!

Please EMAIL if you can help! Thanks! 

Feel better soon Nancy! 

ISO: Human and/or Doggie Treatie Bakers!
Our 5th ANNUAL ‘Breaking Bills Bake Online’ Auction is coming up fast! Starts Saturday January 20th!
Last year we had 67 incredibly donated yummy items and $1,158 was raised to help Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson! ??
Monies raised in our 2018 extremely unique & 1-of-a-kind annual event shall be divided up between BHRR’s Booker(DDB Puppy with the back broken leg) & our FCE Puppy, The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Carlsberg. ?
If anyone may consider donating an item or more of either a Canine and/or Human baked goodie – does not need to be made until after the fundraiser is over – so is fresh! – please do EMAIL
We only host five planned fundraisers a year and this is our first one of 2018.
Thank you deeply from our hearts if you may consider their worthy causes to support!
More details re: our amazing fundraiser can be found in this LINK.

A picture of BHRR’s Carlsberg working on the underwater treadmill today!

Another photo from Monday. As BHRR’s Carlsberg was receiving laser treatment after his underwater treadmill session – hence the towels, this is where his bff plunked himself down….right by his side! 

The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Carlsberg(FCE Puppy) & BHRR’s Booker(Broken Back Left Leg)
Best FrIends!

This photo is from today at BHRR’s Carlsberg’s latest intensive Rehab Session at Alta Vista Animal Hospital’s Specialty Services. As BHRR’s Carlsberg was getting his e-muscle stimulation on his hind end, BHRR’s Booker came right over and laid down close to him.

Mr. Squishie looks out for his bud, BHRR’s Carlsberg and every chance he got he was right by his side…..and Monsieur Carlsberg is encouraged, motivated and reassured by his bff. 

Thank you again Aaron Maracle for coming out today and for the extra hands, the love and support given! It meant a lot!

May we ask that people please please please consider donating your Empties for their causes!

Also Still ISO: a BHRR approved Volunteer to help on Wednesday January 17th from 10:45 AM – 12:45 PM to help me carry items in for BHRR’s Carlsberg’s session that day and to help cheer him on!

From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, good night wishes being sent!

Underwater Treadmill VIDEO

BHRR’s Dickens was scheduled to have his Vet Visit on December 28th yet due to another client at the Hospital needing to be seen, we rescheduled to Saturday December 30th.

He is just over 110 pounds now! Having put on almost 12 pounds since his arrival on December 7th. He is looking good! Some more pounds and more muscle mass plus tone and he is going to look even more handsome! He still has quite a bit of dander yet his coat is finally becoming more sleek and shiny. Excellent food, proper exercise, grooming and love is going to make his coat be very glossy. 

He was a good boy at the Vets. Did well for everything other than ear checking and the taking of his temperature in his ears. Having had ear infections when he was dumped at the pound, and not having had a good history of proper handling, he is understandably stressed and also due to lack of manners, he liked to try and ‘throw’ his weight around.

His leash manners are also still a bit of a bull in a china shop yet improving daily! Managed to get a weight without any issues though. WTG BHRR’s Dickens…baby steps. 

He was fantastic for his bloodwork and vaccines!

We are back in a month for boosters and a re-weigh, recheck and with even more handling and love and patience and time and consistency, will be even better. 

I was so proud of him for he trusted Sean & I and while a bit nervous here and there, overall was quite solid. For a dog that was dumped at the pound said to be ‘aggressive’, not one aggressive bone to be found in his body to date. Such an overused and wrongly used term for so many dogs. He is what I call ‘mirror reactive’ and as we are calm, positively confident and being open with our expectations plus communications, he is not confused and is equally calm and settled and a happy, goofy, affectionate boy he is demonstrating to be. 

He has had zero issues with any of the dogs here other than being a bit ‘woofy’ at BHRR’s Ryder and vice versus yet with both being around the same age….they are both ‘jockeying’ for a spot higher than each other in the hierarchy. Nothing serious yet being monitored closely. 

BHRR’s Dickens best friend is BHRR’s Mama GD Gem though. She likes to push/boss him around yet god forbid he goes too far away from her and then she is right at him giving him a piece of her mind for leaving her….and he is quite happy to have her devoted attention…she is such a tiny explosive kanga-dane now to all in her small set up for success circle. The public arena’s terrify her so much still yet one small step at a time….

This picture is of BHRR’s Dickens from our annual traditional Christmas Eve Photo shoot on December 24th, 2017. He did so well! 

BHRR’s Booker AKA ‘The Squishie’.

How he spent the -40 C degree weather today while Mama Gwennie had to brave the frigid temps to work!

He is practically melted into the Costco Dog Bed!

Please consider donating your Empties for him & BHRR’s Carlsberg. 

Monetary donations can be made:

Email Transfer:




Direct To Liston Animal Hospital – 613-591-0966

From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, good night and stay warm wishes are being sent….

A photo collage from today’s rehab session.

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Carlsberg (3.5 months old)
January 5th, 2018

He is truly inspirational AND shall be our new Cover Boy!

Here is the original post re: BHRR’s Carlsberg and having a FCE – A fibrocartilaginous embolism – on December 10th, 2017…

It is NOT known what causes a FCE and BHRR’s Carlsberg is the youngest that the rehabilitation department at Alta Vista’s Speciality Services has ever seen.

There has been some thought amongst r/q Irish Wolfhound Breeders that there is a possible strong genetic link with very young IW pups & FCE. In reaching out to several in my own show network, this has been a strong consensus that there is much merit in this thought.

Also one article:

‘A fibrocartilaginous embolism (FCE) is a fairly common disorder in which a piece of fibrous cartilage obstructs the blood supply to the spinal cord. It is suspected that fibrocartilage from the soft gel like center (the nucleus pulposus) of an intervertebral disc enters a vertebral blood vessel, blocks the vessel and causes a “stroke” to the spinal cord. When the flow of blood is reduced or stopped, that part of the spinal cord goes without oxygen and nutrients and the neurons in the spinal cord become dysfunctional and can die off.’

There are no surgical procedures in existence that can remove the blockage.

We have been working side by side with his incredible Neurologist. Dr. Chauvet at Alta Vista Animal Emergency Hospital/Specialty Services since the spinal stroke on December 10th as well as with the wonderful home he had been approved to be adopted to (had been scheduled to be adopted to this home December 11th). In addition, we are working closely with Nancy, the rehabilitation fabu woman extraordinaire at Alta Vista’s Animal Hospitals Specialty Services.

In short – all four legs were affected – paralysed – and this was what was called an ‘ascending stroke’, the worst kind to have.

I happily make the 3 hour roundtrip drive, three times weekly to make sure that BHRR’s Carlsberg receives his intensive rehab.

As of January 3rd, we have had confirmation that there is no possiblity of saving that right front leg and his rehab team/us continue to work hard on getting him ambulatory to walk on his other three legs for QOL. . If that can be done, then we will amputate the right front leg.

We also continue to wait patiently for the hyperbaric chamber to get up and running at Alta Vista for him.


BHRR’s Booker
January 4th, 2018

At Liston Animal Hospital after his re-exam, boosters and in having a new cast/splint put on. He weighed 11 kgs(24.2 pounds)

GREAT photo Becca! Took us awhile to get it! LOL

He is back on the 16th of January for repeat x-rays, a new cast/splint and re-assessment. His x-rays shall be reviewed by Dr. Liston and also Dr. Philibert(Orth Specialist). 

Donations can be made via:

Email Transfer to:


Via PayPal to


Direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966

Donated To Date: $1,599

BHRR’s Booker!
January 4th, 2018

On our way to LAH for his next recheck, possible vaccines and to have a new cast/splint put on.

YUP! Kinsley seriously put him in a pink collar! 

Donations can be made via:

Email Transfer to:


Via PayPal to


Direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Carlsberg!

We wish to thank Robyn for her amazing donation of Empties! Sean brought ours and Robyn’s in today to the Beer Store and $18.00 has been raised! 

Please consider donating your Holiday & ALL Empties to two incredible BHRR Puppies in need.

This is a photo from BHRR’s Carlsberg’s rehab visit today at Alta Vista Animal Hospitals’ Speciality Services. He goes three times a week.

AND, STILL ISO: extra hands for the following dates/times to help me with BHRR’s Carlsberg at Alta Vista Animal Hospital.

As I will be carrying BHRR’s Carlsberg, I need a pair of loving hands to help close the car door behind me, carry his blanket etc. and just to hang during his appointment. Offering him encouragement and affection would be great too!

Here are the following shifts I need assistance with & if an approved BHRR Volunteer can do even one or more, please do email me at

I truly would be so so so grateful! 

Monday January 8th – 10:45 AM – 12:45 pm
Wednesday January 10th – 10:45 AM – 12:45 pm
Friday January 12th – 10:45 AM – 12:45 pm
Monday January 15th – 10:45 AM – 12:45 pm
Wednesday January 17th – 10:45 AM – 12:45 pm

Underwater Treadmill Video From Today

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Carlsberg – 3 months old.

Our FCE Puppy is hoping that people are saving their Empties for him & for his fellow puppy buddy 11 week old BHRR’s Booker! Both could really use the extra help. 

Today BHRR’s Carlsberg was back at Alta Vista Speciality Services for his next intensive rehab session with Nancy.

He goes three times a week until Nancy leaves for Maternity leave on January 19th.

On that note, with Kinsley back to school next week, I am ISO: extra hands for the following dates/times to help me with BHRR’s Carlsberg at Alta Vista Animal Hospital.

As I will be carrying BHRR’s Carlsberg, I need a pair of loving hands to help close the car door behind me, carry his blanket etc. and to hang during his appointment to give him encouragement and affection!

Here are the following shifts I need assistance with & if anyone can do even one or more, please do email me at

I truly would be so so so grateful! 

Monday January 8th – 10:45 AM – 12:45 pm
Wednesday January 10th – 10:45 AM – 12:45 pm
Friday January 12th – 10:45 AM – 12:45 pm
Monday January 15th – 10:45 AM – 12:45 pm
Wednesday January 17th – 10:45 AM – 12:45 pm

Kinsley will be hanging on the 19th so that shift is covered!

We are sparing nothing to give him the opportunity he deserves and he is in expert hands with his Neurologist Dr. Chauvet – who calls herself his Godmother – and with Nancy.

We work hard at home doing exercises, suspension work and I flip him every 2-4 hours. I am only working Saturdays in January at the Hospital so I can be with him and BHRR’s Booker 24/7.

While the loss in income is hard, what would be much harder is if he did not have the time needed for a proper rehabilitation program to be had. He is surrounded by so much love and dedication….

Underwater Treadmill Video From Today

Happy New Year!

BHRR’s Booker, DDB Monkey looks like he had a busy New Year and is now having a nice nap! 

Please do consider donating your Holiday Empties to help him & The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Carlsberg, our FCE Puppy! 

BHRR’s Booker is back at LAH for a cast change & exam on January 4th. 

BHRR’s Carlsberg is back at Alta Vista Specialty Services for his intensive rehab Wednesday, Thursday & Friday this week. 

Donations for BHRR’s Booker Care can be made:

Via Email Transfer to


Via PayPal to


Direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966

One Estimate Given: $3,500-$4,000

Donated To Date: $1,590