The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Carlsberg(FCE Puppy) & BHRR’s Booker(Broken Back Left Leg)
Best FrIends!

This photo is from today at BHRR’s Carlsberg’s latest intensive Rehab Session at Alta Vista Animal Hospital’s Specialty Services. As BHRR’s Carlsberg was getting his e-muscle stimulation on his hind end, BHRR’s Booker came right over and laid down close to him.

Mr. Squishie looks out for his bud, BHRR’s Carlsberg and every chance he got he was right by his side…..and Monsieur Carlsberg is encouraged, motivated and reassured by his bff. 

Thank you again Aaron Maracle for coming out today and for the extra hands, the love and support given! It meant a lot!

May we ask that people please please please consider donating your Empties for their causes!

Also Still ISO: a BHRR approved Volunteer to help on Wednesday January 17th from 10:45 AM – 12:45 PM to help me carry items in for BHRR’s Carlsberg’s session that day and to help cheer him on!

From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, good night wishes being sent!

Underwater Treadmill VIDEO