As we head into New Years Eve, here is Sean’s end of year statement.

Sean is Co-Founder and a BHRR BOD Member of BHRR. This photo is of him and BHRR’s Daffodil from our traditional XMAS Even Photo shoot – December 24th, 2017! She remains Available For Adoption!

In Sean’s Words:

‘Here we are again – at the end of another year. Time to reflect on the great, the good, the bad and the ugly and set our sights on the year to come.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t specifically take this opportunity to thank everyone who has made a positive contribution to BHRR. I couldn’t possibly name everyone – but you certainly know who you are!

The contributions you’ve made through time and effort, vet bills, food, auction donations, cleaning supplies, transport, etc. is precisely what allows us to do what we do! We are a community – and stronger because of it. I offer my most heartfelt thank-you to all of you. I count our interactions with all of you as part of the highlight reel.

So many wonderful people have come into our lives.

Together we’ve done a lot of great things in 2017. There are so many BHRR dogs in forever loving homes, there have been successful events for awareness, education and fundraising. One of the most significant and recent successes for this year is The Bakers Dozen and demonstrates perfectly how everyone came together as strong links on the BHRR “CHAIN OF SUCCESS’ when needed.

This was a huge outpouring of support!

It blows my mind to contemplate the amount of puppy formula that was donated and consumed! This would not have been achievable without the enormous outpouring of support given. Seriously – the amount of formula we went through would make several mortgage payments look like chump change!

And the ugly…… I’m not generally one to dwell on the negative – but I think it is important to acknowledge and address what I feel is a growing and unfortunate trend. Let’s address something that is very real yet seldom openly discussed.

A trend not just with us, but across the internet, business and personal interactions all around. Over the past several years, we’ve seen an increasing amount of destructive and abusive interactions.

This year we were subjected to a new low – as at least one person out there already knows – BHRR was subject to a malicious attack. In the end, we were proven/validated to be operating a stellar, highly responsible, excellent and much needed organization for the animals. As this was not based in fact or naive ignorance, they received a cautionary warning and we are now investigating possible further legal venues.

However, our initial response from the actions of this vindictive individual was a ‘Wow – never saw that one coming…’

We have hosted regular BHRR events here – 6 a year for over 2 decades – for people’s benefit and for the animal’s of BHRR.

We open up our home to the scrutiny of strangers and, we have done so gladly, and, openly for we have nothing to hide………..

We commit to giving up what could be very precious, valuable coveted family time for the sake of our guests. We feel it is so important for people to witness firsthand what we do and, why we do it and, that we are not like ‘every’ other group or org. out there…..

We have even had people from approved Volunteers, the curious, the interested, stay here overnight, for days and even weeks at a time.

We have always remained full of disclosure and have shared the ups, the downs, the good, the bad and the ugly with all of our followers, supporters, friends and family.

But to the individual responsible for a baseless complaint – thank you so much for putting our family on edge and under the microscope. I can’t tell you how much we appreciated the surprise and shock instead of an open dialogue with anyone who may have had questions or concerns.

So much better to lob a hand grenade from the bushes and run away. This doesn’t feel constructive, or motivated by the best interests of the animals – this feels very personal and malicious. We are very proud of what we’ve done with our lives – can you say the same?

While I’m also not prone to extolling our own efforts – we have dedicated almost 22 years of our life to the protection of animals, particularly the special needs dogs and the giant breeds – those least likely to be picked up by high turnover rescues. Animals others cannot or will not assist. 99% of those we help are the truly medical and/or behaviourally broken, We are small, personal and dedicated. We’re not trying to be dramatic when we say this – even those who know us have absolutely no idea the level of personal commitment and sacrifice this has taken from our family. The sheer amount of physical work, the hours night and day, the successes and the heartbreaks.

Responsible/quality rescue is 24/7. We do not ‘dabble’ in rescue, only do the ‘fun’ things, hang out, visit and then get to go home to relax and enjoy 9 hours of restful sleep. The stress, lack of sleep, financial drain and complete lack of freedom for something as simple as a family vacation – or even a movie or dinner night out is our lives day in and day out and we have done this gladly! The cyberbullying endured, the tens of thousands of pounds of food transported and stacked. Hydro bills – OVER $1,100/ month and enough laundry – up to 12 loads daily – to choke a laundry mat.

We’re not looking for the thanks, the praise, the accolades, or parades in our honor. We do this for the dogs, not the recognition or for any ‘pats on the back’.

At the same time, we have grown even less tolerant of the abuse, the hand grenades thrown from the sidelines, the armchair quarterbacks who find it so easy to second guess and criticize – to judge, without ever actually seeking to understand or becoming involved.

Cyberbullying is a very real problem and after much research and conversations held with cyberbullying experts, professors and lawyers, note that regardless of the occupation, paid or volunteer, everyone has the right to work in an environment free from personal threat, free from worry about emotional and/or physical harm and the right to not be bullied. This is punishable by law.

Social media is an amazing thing, it is also an awful thing that so many spanning across a vast amount of businesses, non-profits, other professional venues and personal arena’s have been enduring some level/form of bullying.

Those who want to blame, point fingers instead of learn and understand, shame on you. Those who want to take shortcuts and then foist their problems on us, shame on you. Those who want to be coddled and told they are doing everything properly when in fact they are the issue, not the animal, shame on you. Those who are turned down for an adoption and respond by spewing accusations, sour grapes and names, shame on you. Since our inception in 1996, we have retained a zero tolerance approach with the amount of nonsense, armchair quarterbacks and negativity endured.

Setting our sights on the year(s) to come – what’s next for Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services? Same wonderful people – same Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services – same strong rescue mission. Absolutely nothing will change 
overnight – we will continue to do what we have always done. We continue to help the next dog in need – we continue to place adoptable dogs into their right matched forever homes and we continue to provide a safe haven for those animals that need us.

Over the coming years – we will gradually transition to our long held vision of more of a haven program (which is already a large part of what we do). We will always focus on the giant breeds and canines/horses with special needs. These are the ones that need us – these are the ones we feel we can provide the greatest benefit to with our education, experience, knowledge and heart.

As of January 2018, one of our changes shall be to our adoption area’s covered – we will adopt up to an including the Barrie and Cambridge, Ontario area’s from our location and into Quebec, we will cover up to the Montreal area. We will still rescue all across the world.

Over the next year, will also be implementing an ‘Advisory Round Table Board’ of like-minded BHRR approved Volunteers in addition to our BHRR BOD Team.

We will be adding two more BHRR approved Volunteers to our Community Education Liaison Member Team too.

I look forward to working with all of our supporters in 2018 – let us do as many wonderful things this coming year together as we were able to accomplish in 2017!

BHRR Co-Founder
BHRR BOD Team Member’

BHRR’s Puppy Pile x 7 – Granite (BHRR Haven Dog)
Born: April 14th, 2016

*Another Sneak Peek Traditional XMAS Eve Photo Shoot Pic – December 24th, 2017*

UPDATE: The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Murray (Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound)

Donated To Date: $650
His Bills Are Almost $1,500

This is BHRR’s Murray. He was rushed into Kanata Animal Hospital on Thursday November 2nd.

Then he has had appointments:
Liston Animal Hospital on November 7th
Kanata Animal Hospital November 9th 
Kanata Animal Hospital November 16th
Kanata Animal Hospital November 21st
Kanata Animal Hospital November 28th
Kanata Animal Hospital December 5th
Kanata Animal Hospital December 18th

He weighed 14.4 kgs(31.68 pounds) on December 5th and then weighed 16.9 kgs(37.18 pounds) at 12 weeks of age.

He remains on Pred and now we are finally reducing the dosing over the next 8 weeks.

As long as he progresses and does not have a relapse, he can have vaccines around January 18th at his next recheck! He may have scarring on his face for life yet he shall always be super handsome to those who love him! 

WTG BHRR’s Murray!

First picture is from December 5th and the second picture is from December 18th!


I had rushed him into Kanata AH on Thursday November 2nd for when I got home with BHRR’s Everly from her own recheck and repeat x-rays at LAH, we were getting ready to feed and the pups had been moved to their stimulation area – Sean and Kids were home ahead of me and had most things ready – and BHRR’s Murray LOVES his food!

When he did not rush in BHRR’s Murray’s style to get dinner, I knew something was immediately wrong.

I took a look at him and his eyes – left more than right was swollen – and he had hives plus he was quite ‘flat’.

I immediately called KAH as I suspected a possible allergic reaction – to what I had no idea as they have limited exposure to things. We had opened up a new pack of Pee pads that day and they were now getting a different canned food transitioning as of the day before for they stopped liking the PVD Essential Care Canned. Nothing else has changed for The Bakers Dozen.

By the time I got to KAH – his ears and tummy and even penis had lesions and his lips and muzzle were swollen.

Two Vets diagnosed juvenile cellulitis. He had swollen lymph nodes. Per his Vets, onset is very sudden and often mistaken by many as being an allergic reaction.

We also did skin scrapings.

Juvenile cellulitis is also sometimes called puppy strangles or juvenile pyoderma. This is an IDIOPATHIC skin disease occurring in 3-16 week old puppies. No etiologic agent has been identified per the Pediatric Emergencies II research paper found on VIN – Veterinary Information Network – that his one Vet printed out for me.

Further to this paper published by Douglass K. Macintire, DVM, MS, DACVIM, DACVECC, this disease is characterised by facial swelling, lymphadenopathy, deep pyoderma of the head and face, fever, depression etc.

Juvenile cellulitis appears to have an auto-immune mediated cause. Without treatment, the disease can be fatal.

This is NOT contagious.

Treatment involves topical therapy with antibacterial shampoos, antibiotics and prednisolone. This treatment will be continued for many weeks.

BHRR’s Murray has had his recent share of stress for sure with being under the care for his hind end with both Dr. Liston and Dr. Parker(Ortho). 

This Bakers Dozen has had so many odds stacked against them being born to an emaciated Puppymill Mama…. ??We pretty much have lived at the Vets at least once a week with them fighting so hard for them….

The bills continue to rise for The Bakers Dozen and if anyone may consider a donation you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848.

OR via email transfer to

OR via PayPal to

We remain so grateful for any and all consideration….. 

BHRR’s Booker! 
December 27th, 2017

He had a busy day today!

We were off to Liston Animal Hospital for repeat x-rays and an exam and his back leg was re-splinted/re-casted.

He weighed 9.4 kgs(20.68 pounds) and while still quite skinny, much better than when he first arrived December 23rd.

The splint/cast that had been placed on his leg on December 9th – was never changed weekly before he arrived in our care – was noted to have not been in the right position and also as a growing puppy, some concern over it.

Once removed, we were so fortunate not to find any pressure sores or other bandage/splint complications.

His ankle joint is quite stiff from the wrong placement of the splint and Dr. Liston with massage and manipulation was able to get it to bend. BHRR’s Booker was so brave!

Repeat x-rays were done and due to the original splint, the alignment of his bones were not perfectly straight and as a result, he has some ‘bowing’ in that leg. There is clear calcification going on as the bones are healing and he may always have some permanent bowing in that leg.

X-rays are now sent off to Dr. Philibert, the ortho specialist to review.

Dr. Liston said that if we had gotten this puppy right when the break had happened – December 8th – a much better surgical candidate he would have been – screws/plates etc. AND we knew this already – yet with us not getting him until we did, we shall have to wait and see what Dr. Philibert says.

Being young is in his big benefit and for now in our care we will be re-splinting/casting on a regular schedule!

After we left LAH – we left them a thank you card and some famous homemade Boerskins Cinnamon Buns, we headed to KAH for a fun visit and thanks Allison again for the nail trim and to also drop off cinnamon buns to our wonderful friends there! ??

He had such a great experience! When he first arrived to BHRR, he was nervous of people and since his arrival we have been having people hold and squish and love on him!

In this picture, he is helping Becca, who works at LAH and is awesomeness personified, make his next appointment! He will be going in weekly for progress exams, re-splinting/casting and to be spoiled! ?

I am so grateful to so many that stand by our dogs and are so open to holding, petting, talking to them, offering them treats and helping us to make these dogs the best dogs they can be! We work hard to make them as well rounded and balanced as possible! We cannot do what we do without such strong links on our ‘CHAIN OF SUCCESS’! ??

Donated To Date: $1,390

Donations can be made via:

Email Transfer:




Direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966

BHRR’s Booker is already ‘watchful’ over his best bud, BHRR’s Carlsberg. Neither can be with the ‘big dawgs’ – even the remaining Bakers Dozen are too much for BHRR’s Carlsberg right now. They play so well together despite BHRR’s Carlsberg inability to walk.

They nap and share toys and water and food and both are so mentally happy/stimulated to have each other. Being together is so healthy for both of them! 

Both have been with my own outstanding GD Salt yet Salt is amazing with all dogs and has helped ‘raise’ his share of dogs! 

These two pups are so special and we will make sure both are done right by….my heart is so in love with them both as I take these medical journey’s with them…..they are both gifts and both deserve the best chance possible at having the happiest and fullest of quality of lives!

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Carlsberg
December 24th, 2017 – 13 weeks of age

*Another SNEAK Peek Photo from our traditional annual XMAS Eve Photo Shoot!*

Here is the original post re: BHRR’s Carlsberg and having a FCE – A fibrocartilaginous embolism – on December 10th, 2017

BHRR’s Carlsberg MEDICAL Situation 

It is NOT known what causes a FCE and BHRR’s Carlsberg is the youngest that the rehabilitation department at Alta Vista’s Speciality Services has ever seen. 

There has been some thought amongst r/q Irish Wolfhound Breeders that there is a possible strong genetic link with very young IW pups & FCE. In reaching out to several in my own show network, this has been a strong consensus that there is much merit in this thought.

Also one article:

‘A fibrocartilaginous embolism (FCE) is a fairly common disorder in which a piece of fibrous cartilage obstructs the blood supply to the spinal cord. It is suspected that fibrocartilage from the soft gel like center (the nucleus pulposus) of an intervertebral disc enters a vertebral blood vessel, blocks the vessel and causes a “stroke” to the spinal cord. When the flow of blood is reduced or stopped, that part of the spinal cord goes without oxygen and nutrients and the neurons in the spinal cord become dysfunctional and can die off.’

There are no surgical procedures in existence that can remove the blockage.

We have been working side by side with his incredible Neurologist. Dr. Chauvet at Alta Vista Animal Emergency Hospital/Specialty Services since the spinal stroke on December 10th as well as with the wonderful home he had been approved to be adopted to (had been scheduled to be adopted to this home December 11th). In addition, we are working closely with Nancy, the rehabilitation fabu woman extraordinaire at Alta Vista’s Animal Hospitals Specialty Services.

In short – all four legs were affected and this was what was called an ‘ascending stroke’, the worst kind to have.

Kinsley & BHRR’s Booker
December 24th, 2017

Donated To Date: $1,340
One Estimate: $3,500 – $4,000

*SNEAK Peek at our annual traditional Xmas Eve Photo Shoot with the Doggies!*

From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, we wish EACH of you a safe, happy, healthy and truly most wonderful XMAS Holiday Season and New Year!

May Santa spoil each of you rotten!

This is BHRR’s Carlsberg, one of our Bakers Dozen. 
DNA Proven To Be IW/Great Dane


We will be sharing much more on his medical situation shortly and continue to do so as things unfold.

On December 10th, as I was in Hamilton getting ready to do BHRR’s Cagney’s home-visit for a possible approved adoption, Sean called to say that BHRR’s Carlsberg was not walking.

After asking some questions, Sean rushed to Alta Vista Animal Emergency while I called them to set up BHRR’s Carlsberg’s file and give them a heads up that Sean/Kinsley were on their way. After that, I reached out to his future adoptive home(he was to be adopted December 11th) to pass along what I knew to date and they also went to the emergency hospital.

After exams and x-rays – no trauma could be seen – plus more testing was done, a neurologist, Dr. Chauvet was called into the emergency to do a consult. Further testing (MRI) ruled out definitively that there was zero trauma and that this was a Fibrocartilaginous embolism (FCE), otherwise known as a ‘spinal stroke’.

At 11.5 weeks of age, BHRR’s Carlsberg has had FCE.

It is NOT known what causes a FCE and BHRR’s Carlsberg is the youngest that the rehabilitation department at Alta Vista’s speciality Services has ever seen.

There has been some thought amongst r/q Irish Wolfhound Breeders that there is a possible strong genetic link with IW pups & FCE. In reaching out to several in my own show network, this has been a strong consensus that there is much merit in this thought.

Also one article:

‘A fibrocartilaginous embolism (FCE) is a fairly common disorder in which a piece of fibrous cartilage obstructs the blood supply to the spinal cord. It is suspected that fibrocartilage from the soft gel like center (the nucleus pulposus) of an intervertebral disc enters a vertebral blood vessel, blocks the vessel and causes a “stroke” to the spinal cord. When the flow of blood is reduced or stopped, that part of the spinal cord goes without oxygen and nutrients and the neurons in the spinal cord become dysfunctional and can die off.’

There are no surgical procedures in existence that can remove the blockage.

We have been working side by side with his incredible neurologist since the spinal stroke on December 10th as well as with the wonderful home he had been approved to be adopted to in addition to Nancy, the rehabilitation fabu woman extraordinaire.

In short – all four legs were affected and this was what was called an ‘ascending stroke’, the worst kind to have.

Right from the beginning his neurologist has called herself BHRR’s Carlsberg’s ‘godmother’ and has urged none of us to be rash in making any tough decisions and to remain patient.

To those ‘armchair quarterbacks’ who may feel they know more or better than the expert team on his case, let Sean, myself, the home he was to be adopted to and Kinsley be very clear, you do not and could not ever know more or better. They know his case best and we know BHRR’s Carlsberg best.

The delay in making his first post was for several reasons:

1) we truly did not know what that first week would bring and still do not have a crystal ball yet we have much better/more direction and a much more positive prognosis now. We are taking one day and one appointment at a time.

2) as the OHS so wonderfully recently stated…what has been their biggest/greatest blessing has also been their curse and as the numbers increase on our own page, there are going to be one or two or even more that are not going to agree with the move forward treatment plan put in place and that is fine.

However, since our inception in 1996, our position stands strong that we shall retain a zero tolerance approach to ‘armchair quarterbacks’. So, to those who think BHRR’s Carlsberg should have been immediately euthanised & wish to express themselves in an inappropriate manner, think twice.

Agree or disagree or agree to disagree is totally fine. Yet, unless you are his neurologist and rehab team and BHRR and the home he was to be adopted to, which makes us the experts on him and we know what is or is not in his best interest. Please respect that.

First and foremost is always quality of life for our dogs and he deserves the opportunity to have this…AND the prognosis is that he WILL walk again and while he may well require that right front leg to be amputated, we will take those steps as they come along.

3) we wanted to group closely together as a network with the home he was to have been adopted to. How things shall unfold moving forward re: this adoption is between them and us and of course we already offered them their adoption monies back should BHRR’s Carlsberg have to remain in our Haven Program or if a worse decision needs to be made. AND being the amazing home they are, they insisted it be kept for BHRR’s Carlsbergs’ care – was then used to go towards his neuter/Microchip Bills.

They also have stood solid beside BHRR’s Carlsberg and picked up half of his emergency Vet bill on December 10th. 

The goal was to try and get BHRR’s Carlsberg immediately into the hyperbaric chamber being installed at Alta Vista on the 12th, yet there was a delay due to the bad weather and then further delays for the 14th and again on the 18th.

Starting on December 18th, BHRR’s Carlsberg has been going to intensive rehab three days this week and after next weeks closure, he shall be going back three times/weekly until Nancy leaves for her mat leave. We will figure out where he will go after that.

He is doing treadmill work, ball work, having u/s and laser treatments and doing ROM plus flexion exercises and also having massages. We are doing everything for him.

We are doing exercises at home since day 1 and Sean even cut a hole in the ceiling so we can do suspension work. I flip him every 2-4 hours – yes, even at night.

His individual blog will be updated with all of the pics and videos of his progress and while donations to his rehabilitation would be lovely – Sean and I have pulled together from our own pockets/Xmas spending etc. $1,000 to cover the start of this journey – we just would like to ask if people at this time may consider donating their Empties this holiday season!  We have several drop-off spots if you do not wish to cash in your own Empties!

All funds raised from our upcoming end of January annual ‘Breaking Bills Bake’ Online Auction will also go to his mounting Vet Bills. We shall figure out future fundraising as necessary.

AND may we please ask that people wish for Santa to help us spoil him this Holiday Season! 



BHRR’s Rickards XMAS Eve Photo – part of our annual traditional candid photo shoot!

BHRR’s Booker is settling in and while quite skinny, with the broken leg, he is in great condition overall!

As we battle horrible roads, traffic and weather, this is BHRR’s Booker! 

 What is most important is that he is now safe and shall be properly taken care of.

 What is most important is that he is now safe and shall be properly taken care of.

Got him!

First photo is with him & one of his transport angels Kathy & the second is now on our way home!!

Roads are brutal, the weather sucks, it is cold out yet our hearts are so warmed that so many are helping us pull together a Christmas miracle for this wee squishie! 

Tears in my eyes that one more can be saved…..

Donations can be made:

Email transfer to


PayPal to


Direct to Liston Animal Hospital 

Wee squishie is travelling well per Kathy! 

Roads are brutal….

401 has long sections in both directions just backed up….

Kathy/Terry are equally battling brutal weather/traffic.

BHRR’s Booker – the 10 week old DDB with the broken back left leg is ON his way!

The weather is not the best…slow driving with freezing rain and I am on my way shortly to meet up with his lovely transport angels of Kathy/Terry!

They were the same angels that transported our first rescue of 2017 & are now helping to transport our last rescue of 2017! 

Donated To Date: $1,190
One Estimate: $3,500-$4,000

Donations can be made via:

Email Transfer:




Direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966
He is scheduled to see Dr. Liston on December 27th

X-Rays of broken back left leg taken December 9th, 2017 prior to surrender this week to BHRR. Tibia & Fibula affected

Arrival to BHRR: December 23rd, 2017

Donations can be made:

1) Email Transfer:




Direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966

One Estimate Given: $3,500-$4,000

The Bakers Dozen BHRR’s Morty(Mortimer)!
DNA Proven – Irish Wolfhound/Great Dane
13 weeks of age
Today’s Weight: 20.3 kgs( 44.66 pounds )

He has now also left us for his forever loving adoptive home….

This is on our way in for him to officially fly Mama Gwennie’s embrace and while he also did not exactly fly or race or even walk easily to leave me, he will be ok…..the home’s time and love and consistency plus patience etc. will help him reach his full potential! 

I want to thank each and every Bakers Dozen Angel that has stood so solid and strong beside them and us during their intense rollercoaster of incredible highs and devastating lows. We have witnessed first hand how strong our BHRR village remains! What a heart touching and significant validation that all our round the clock efforts, our willing and enormous sacrifices of time, money, heart and sleep is acknowledged plus supported. Thank you! 

Thank you to those that have remained sensitive to how emotional this bittersweet sorrow of parting ways is for The Boerskins. These precious creatures are part of our 24/7 lives and saying good-bye is never easy.

We do what we do for the right of the animals and each one carves a deep wonderful PawPrint in our hearts and souls……no matter how long or short our journey’s are with them…. 

BHRR’s Morty….only the best right match homes are meant for our dogs and you are in a most wonderful home and shall lack for nothing! You are already so dearly loved by your new family and I am so happy for you and them. Excited too!

Yes, I had a tear or two on my way in – and a few more of happiness/bittersweet tears of parting shared with his wonderful adoptive mom(she did warn me that she would cry!!) -knowing that our chapter ends together yet in that tear or two or three was an equal mixture of a lot of happiness to see another one of our fabu BHRR dogs end up where they are meant to be! 

The Bakers Dozen have faced so much in medical adversity and two continue to do so and we stand armed as a village right by their sides…..


MEET BHRR’s Booker!
A 9 week old Dogue de Bordeaux Puppy 
Born October 7th, 2017

A Vet Hospital highly recommended our Rescue Program for this wee dude has a broken back leg – Tibia & Fibula. 

He needed his own XMAS Miracle.

His ETA to BHRR is Saturday December 23rd.

He is already scheduled to see Dr. Liston on Wednesday December 27th for an assessment and referal to Dr. Philibert, ortho specialist extraordinaire to get things moving….

His leg was broken December 8th so time is of the absolute urgency.

Thank you to all of his angels to date that have donated to help us assist him.

One estimate was $3,500 – $4,000

He needs the BHRR Village to surround him….. 

TO the anonymous angel that made a $500 generous, wonderfully overwhelming and loving donation direct to Liston Animal Hospital, you have my most humble thanks….you have touched our hearts, incredibly so. 

Donations to his care can be made via:

Email Transfer:


PayPal to (please use friend & family option)


Direct to Liston Animal Hospital

Thank you on behalf on what we have been told is a truly sweet, precious wee DDB!



BHRR’s Dickens is scheduled to have his Vet visit on December 28th! He is going to make a truly lucky home an amazing addition! HE is so awesome!

Two more pictures of this amazing boy!


The Bakers Dozen were at LAH tonight for their next exams, boosters and here are their weights in kgs!

BHRR’s Murray came to hang out at LAH – he is not ready for vaccines and I have two updates to do on him! After hanging out with his litter-mates at LAH, he had his own appointment, for a recheck at KAH. He weighed 16.9 kgs(37.18 pounds). 

BHRR’s ??? 
Needs a name!
9 weeks old (Born October 7th, 2017) 
Male, Dogue de Bordeaux

BHRR came highly recommended by the Vet Hospital he was seen at and after Sean & I dialogued, BHRR will also become this wee dude’s XMAS Miracle.

You see he has a broken leg – broke over a week ago – tibia & fibula and needs our immediate assistance… 

A really kind angel has been taking care of him since his leg broke.

Thank you to Rachel Ng in offering to be his special XMAS Angel Secret Santa & to Kathy Rader-Cahill/Terry for being his caring Transport Angels as we move efficiently behind the scenes to make the necessary arrangements. 

BHRR was founded as a Great Dane/Giant Breed Rescue that focuses strongly on the special needs and this wee pup needs medical attention/surgery immediately in order for us to have the best chance of saving that leg. If it is not possible to save the leg, it will be amputated and like all of our fabu tripods, he will go on to live an amazing painfree quality filled life. 

I know we are heading fast into XMAS and we hope that he will have a village surround him in his time of huge need and be the XMAS Miracle he needs…..

One quote was $3,500-$4,000

Donations can be made:

1) Email Transfer to

2) PayPal to (friend & family option)

3) As of tomorrow, he shall have an account set up at Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 – ‘No Name’ and mention Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services

4) Please consider keeping your Empties this Holiday Season to donate to BHRR to help him too! 

This is a stock photo of a 2 month old DDB!

I think our DDB Lion Kings would be happy to see us help this DDB…. 

BHRR’s Carlsberg – 2 days post FCE


BHRR’s Carlsberg and his ‘kid’ 

1 day post FCE


BHRR does not adopt out during the XMAS season due to our position that it is not in the best interest of any new addition being added during such a busy, exciting and somewhat stressful time for many.

Quite a few other Rescues, Shelters, Pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing for 2 decades.

Our XMAS Shut down period for this year is from Friday December 22nd, 2018 to Wednesday January 3rd, 2018 inclusive.

Any applications received during this time will be processed/reviewed as of Thursday January 4th, 2018!

During this time, BHRR is always available 24/7 for requests for assistance of animals in need and we shall then network accordingly for as the local Great Dane/Giant Breed Rescue since 1996, the welfare of the animals are our top priority. We do not wish to see any animal end up in a disreputable place of which sadly there are far too many out there. 

Thank you for your continued understanding – The BHRR Team

AND thank you to Xandria for surprising us so wonderfully wiith this fabu photo! 

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Carlsberg at Alta Vista Animal Emergency and then later that same night at home.

He suffered a FCE – fibrocartilagenous embolism or fibrocartilagenous embolic myelopathy AKA as a Spinal Stroke. X-Rays and exams along with further testing was done and then a Neurologist was called in, Dr. Chauvet and a MRI confirmed a FCE. 

Trauma was RULED out as there was zero trauma found. It is not known exactly what causes a FCE. BHRR’s Carlsberg had all four limbs affected and had what is known as an ‘ascending’ stroke, the worst kind. 

More information found on a later blog post made on December 24th, 2017



BHRR’s Cagney
December 10th, 2017

I apologise for the delay in making this truly wonderful post! More on why ASAP….

The Saint Lady of BHRR’s Cagney is now adopted! Her equally beautiful Saint sister BHRR’s Lacey was adopted on December 3rd to her own incredible forever loving home!

This is our 14th approved adoption for 2017 and for a small highly specialised Rescue, fantastic news!  This also marks our 407th approved adoption since our inception in 1996! 

I wish to thank BHRR’s Cagney’s new forever loving adoptive Mama for their understanding as I had to step away from this home-visit three times to take calls from one of the Animal Emergency Hospitals. Your compassion and patience meant a lot to Mason/myself for being so far away in Hamilton from the emergency was extremely emotionally difficult. You were really kind, so thank you! 

Thank you for also going through our detailed adoption process and in considering a BHRR dog to adopt!

To see both of our Saint Lady Sisters in caring homes for the fast approaching Holiday Season is so heart-warming!

As last week was our last approved adoption to the London, Ontario area, this weeks approved adoption is our last one to the Hamilton, Ontario area as The Boerskins continue to move forward into 2018 with the vision set forth for BHRR. 

BHRR’s Cagney, you also rocked our hotel experience and met your own police officers with two cruisers! As per your usual take in stride everything, the lights and sirens fazed you naught! It was an experience for Mason and I for these police officers were specifically looking for a masked man and we had to go under hotel confinement immediately upon arrival! ? BHRR’s Cagney would have been happy though to go with them on their manhunt as she loved them! 

Always an adventure to be found!

I dearly miss both of my Saint Ladies yet they do not need me any longer…..they will bring so much happiness and smiles and laughter and love to a lot of other people they will touch with their amazing gifts!

We are now here!

In Hamilton, Ontario in preparation for BHRR’s Cagney’s home-visit tomorrow!

This day has been so incredible in so many ways from being at Pet Valu Stittsville for their annual Santa Paws event surrounded by so many amazing people and pets! 

42 Santa Paws Photo’s were done with a truly fabu Santa! I even had 6 of The Bakers Dozen pups done! 

Between photo’s, donations and what was raised in the Raffle Basket(we added an amazing dog bed to BHRR BOD members Mary’s beautiful basket!) – $876.85 was so humbly raised to help The Bakers Dozen & their Puppymill GD Mama Gem. 

Congratulations to Hazel (Bob) for winning the basket/bed and then donating the basket back! They needed a new dog bed and now they have one!!

Thank you to Isabel for the Empties and we will take them back and add to the total.

AND $13.20 Canadian Tire money was donated!

Thank you to Bre, Rachel and the rest of the lovely staff at Pet Valu Stittsville for hosting us today!

Thank you to the wonderful Santa and his wife and his fabu helper Jack – love those costume changes as much as I did last year Jack! 

Thank you to all of the awesome people and their pets that came out today to see us, take photo’s, love on The Bakers Dozen and talk r/q Rescue etc.

Thank you to Sean, Kinsley, Serena, Isabel, Cherie, Elaine and Aaron for spending today with me and being the best of puppy wranglers and cuddlers ever!!

I was so over the moon to see BHRR’s L.T. & his sweet Mama again – he is our oldest living BHRR alumni – a GD – now 11.5 years of age. He was adopted June 1st, 2008.

What a heart-warming day today!

This is BHRR’s Cagney settling in very well on Mason bed at the hotel.  We are having our own adventures which is best saved for another Gwennie Novel Post! 

We shall post an update on her status as we can….

From us to all of our supporters, fans and supporters, good night wishes being sent!

Sean has decided on a name!

BHRR’s Dickens!

He had a fantastic night! 

He has been out in our 3+ acres of fenced in yard…..sniffing and exploring and strolling around. After about 10 minutes he came to the door -Sean & I stood outside on the brick deck observing him – and saw Sean and skittishly skittered away.

Naturally worried re: Sean and lets me gently take his collar and pet him slowly and softly with a few strokes. 

AND is now having a little bit of breakfast. Has not drank anything to date yet his breakfast has some canned food in it and he has access to fresh water. Not unusual behaviour. 

Today is the first day of his new beginning and learning more about each other.

Sean will go over all of the name suggestions to date made in both threads and we all wait with bated breath as to his final decision! Keep up the great name suggestions!

Today at her spay, BHRR’s Everly – 11 weeks of age – weighed 16.1 kgs(35.42 pounds). 
Today at his neuter, BHRR’s Morty  – 11 weeks of age – weighed 17 kgs(37.4 pounds).

The Bakers Dozen BHRR’s Sprocket!
DNA Proven – Irish Wolfhound/Great Dane
11 weeks of age

She is the first of The Bakers Dozen to leave us for her forever loving adoptive home….

This is on our way in for her to officially fly Mama Gwennie’s Nest and while she did not exactly fly or race or even walk to leave me, she will be ok…..their time and love and consistency plus patience etc. will help her reach her full potential! 

I want to thank each and every Bakers Dozen Angel that has stood so solid and strong beside them and us during their intense rollercoaster of incredible highs and devastating lows. We have witnessed first hand how strong our BHRR village remains! What a heart touching and significant validation that all our round the clock efforts, our willing and enormous sacrifices of time, money, heart and sleep is acknowledged plus supported. Thank you!  

Thank you to those that have remained sensitive to how emotional this bittersweet sorrow of parting ways is for The Boerskins. These precious creatures are part of our 24/7 lives and saying good-bye is never easy.

We do what we do for the right of the animals and each one carves a deep wonderful PawPrint in our hearts and souls……no matter how long or short our journey’s are with them…. 

BHRR’s Sprocket only the best right match homes are meant for our dogs and you are in a most wonderful home and shall lack for nothing! You are already so dearly loved by your new family and I am so happy for you and them. Excited too!

Yes, I had a tear or two on my way in knowing that our chapter ends together yet in that tear or two was an equal mixture of a lot of happiness to see another one of our fabu BHRR dogs end up where they are meant to be! 

The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Carlsberg leaves us on Monday….another truly amazing filled with joy and also sadness day to come for all of us…..and we know he will truly be adored in his own forever loving home! 

AND we are finally home!

BHRR’s Mr. X is settling in quite well.

It was a rocky start at the shelter and as I figured out quite quickly in watching the video Maira sent, he is what I call a ‘mirror image’ Dane.

If someone is nervous, he is nervous.
If someone is calm and quietly assured, he is calm and quietly assured
If a dog reacts and barks or lunges, he reacts and backs and lunges

I watched the short video Maira sent to me when they went to pick him up at the shelter and in the run, he was just being an adolescent gooberhead.

Yet, as the Shelter staff was nervous of him, he became nervous. Once he was away from them, he settled beautifully. He was very treat motivated for Maira.

Dogs reacted to him, so he reacted back at the shelter yet now at my home, he is in his collosal crate settling in.

He was more scared of Maira’s Male travel buddy than her and by the time I met them in Cornwall, all were fast friends!  I asked him to be the one to load Mr. X up as Mr. X knew them some and I was now the stranger. Yet, there was some leash malfunctions and I ended up tethering him without issue…he had some little grumps and I just took my hands away, showed him I was a non threat and got back to the business of tethering him. Travelled wonderfully on the way home!

Understandably stranger danger in seeing Sean and Mason outside and not a peep from him when we were inside and they will spend time with him once daylight comes and he can decompress from his journey tonight.

Both Sean and I thought the same thing in only being around him a few moments – he reminds us of BHRR’s Rubble in quite a few ways. Looking forward to learning more about him and taking this rehab path with him!

His body condition is actually quite good….he lacks muscle mass and tone yet he is not thin or skinny or emaciated. A rarity for us at BHRR as we specialise heavily in dogs in such poor physical condition.

This BBBBB is behaviourally in big need of us….

He is a smaller Male Great Dane yet nicely in proportion! Really handsome.  I would say he is between 120-125 right now. Love his ears and head and those eyes! Yup…another ‘do not look too deep into the eyes kind of dog or you may be sunk!’ 

I am deeply indebted to Maira for helping to get him closer to me! 

We did not think we could help another Dane/Giant or Honourary Giant until 2018 yet with 7 Approved adoptions since October 1st, 1 Pending Adoption – Home-Visit on Sunday and sadly the loss of two of our 9 year old amazing Seniors, we felt we could help one more in need of us in 2017 and this boy needed a XMAS miracle. He is emotionally and behaviourally mixed/messed up, lacks proper human and dog social skills not to mention obedience. He really has zero idea that you are talking to him and trying to communicate with him….all that shall change!

Welcome to BHRR, Mr. X and thanks Maira for the pics as I could not get any! Way too dark and I was all by myself.

Mr. X still needs a name!

From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, good night wishes being sent!

AND Maira has Mr. X!

It was a rocky start yet she now has him!

I am making the drive to meet up with her shortly in Cornwall! A long night for all of us – after a long day as we both worked – yet we are this boy’s XMAS Miracle and thanks to the dedication and big heart of Maira, we are going to make this happen for him! 

Drive safe Maira and see you soon!

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Oliver
DNA Proven to Be Irish Wolfhound/Great Dane
9 weeks of age
November 24th, 2017

He is still AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION to the right matched personality fit forever loving home.

He has this individual blog & people interested in being considered for him are strongly recommended to read his whole detailed individual blog which documents his story from before he was even born!

AND to read our adoption processes, polices and procedures. We do not MAKE exceptions. 

Additionally, he does not languish in a kennel or pound or shelter environment. He resides in a loving home, is socialised, being trained and adored!

Thank you to Liz again for taking this fabu photo at his fourth professional photo shoot!

BHRR’s ??
Needs A Name! Name Guru’s?!

He is a 1 year old black Male Great Dane. Dumped as the Owners say he is not good with other dogs(was ‘ok’ with their own and as been fine at the pound) and clearly lacks manners and proper socialisation. Plus, from what has come my way, he was ‘man-handled’, so is *quirky*. The Pound workers do not trust him and are not comfortable around him.

It never ceases to make us cringe over the high number of Great Danes/Giants:

1) that are purchased from backyard yard breeders and puppymillers
2) that never were properly socialised
3) that never were properly positively balanced trained 
4) that people think that man handling and forcing a dog through harsh, punitive and painful methods is an acceptable and successful method of training 
5) that people think are a disposable commodity 
6) that when they have kids it is ok to get rid of their pets 
7) that get a dog whether they do or do not have kids and they do not get a dog based upon what is the best match personality fit for their home and then the dog is labelled – often incorrectly -in any number of ways and then gotten rid of
AND the list goes on and on….. 

The genetic personality and temperament of a dog is present since birth and the right environment is necessary to help make any dog reach their full potential and become an asset to home plus community.

We will be stepping up to assist this soon to be BBBBB as he needed his own XMAS Miracle.

Thank you to BHRR BOD member Mary for offering to be his special Secret Santa! 

Thank you to Maira for being so willing to help transport him closer to me! 

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Poppy (Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound)
*This litter has Been DNA Proven to be GD/IW*
9 weeks of age (November 24th, 2017)

Puppy #1 – Born First September 12th, 2017 @ 10:13 PM
Black Female #1

Birth Weight: 400 g(0.88 pounds)

September 20th: 1 week old: Weight 1 pound 4 oz
September 25th: 13 days old: Weight: 0.9 kg(1.9 pounds)
September 29th: 2 weeks old: Weight: 2 pounds
November 7th: 7 weeks of age: 7.8 Kgs(17.16 pounds)
November 30th: 9 weeks of age: 12.2 kgs(26.84 pounds) – She is lean and healthy.

She is as sweet plus gentle as they come! She was once so tiny and mighty and is a true miracle survivor. I spent 10 days dropper feeding her and look at her now! There is not even 9 pounds difference between her and BHRR’s Oliver – the biggest of the litter at this time. She has really caught up! This litter is average/top average for Giant Breed puppies now! GO PUPS GO!

She is truly precious. Quiet, calm, sweet, soft, loves to snuggle and possesses a name that is feminine yet one that demonstrates inner strength for she has overcome unbelievable odds. Thanks again Allie for this amazing name for her! In honour of Remembrance Day also.

She cannot be rushed….to do so would have meant her demise. She needs to feel comfortable and then she will eat well. She needs to sniff and taste test and come back and do it all over again. She sizes things up before she makes any decision. When she commits, she is all in!

She is playful, kind and has a small side to her that is cutely feisty and my heart just flip flops with such warmth with how well she is doing!

Her coat is among the most softest I have ever felt and I have felt many soft furs of amazing dogs over decades! She is the best snuggle buddy. Her personality is equally soft….

She is smart and loves to watch TV with Kinsley! She was one of the first pups to pick up the TV and is simply adorable. She is patient and resourceful in getting what she wants from her litter-mates. While we may wish to put her in a glass bubble to ‘protect’ her that is serving her no benefit. It has been like watching when our kids were learning how to bike….there were spills and falls and we remained their safety net when/if needed and that is what we have done with BHRR’s Poppy and she was not babied. She has used her intelligence when she did not have the size of her bigger siblings – even though she was the first born, she was the smallest – to get what she wanted, be it prime real estate on a dog bed or a toy. She has been positively fascinating to watch in action!

She is such an easy keeper. Easy to do nails and to bathe plus clean ears! Travels great in a car!

If you do not have time to commit to a dog, please do not consider applying. She deserves a home that will take her for walks, strolls, new places, visiting friends and family and we are not seeking a super busy home. One that is average/normal in social activity both in and out of their home. A home that will commit to her needs and ensure that she is part of the family. She loves her ‘pack’.

She can go to a home with children over the age of 10 and homes that feel it is ok for their children to ride or lay on dogs, need not bother applying. This is completely inappropriate behaviour.

We could only afford to do three DNA kits and we did a draw as to which three puppies would be done and the results came back supporting that all three pups done were Irish Wolfhound/Great Dane. This does not surprise me in knowing what the puppymiller was breeding.

Knows words such as her name, sleepies, outside, snack, come, good and girl and sit and no plus treat and so many others!

She, like her litter-mates love their giant stuffies to and cuddle with. Much comfort has been given by these stuffies as their Puppymill Great Dane Mama Gem sadly rejected them shortly after birth.

She can go to a home either as an only dog or to a home that already has a right matched fit dog already in it. It is most essential that she have a strong dog social network. We have friends and so should she and it will help keep her well balanced & rounded. These puppies are very much a product of their genetics. If she is an only dog, she really would benefit from having a Giant stuffie.

She is beyond incredibly beautiful! She is a true BBBBB!

NOTE: Before applying to adopt her, please read our adoption processes and policies on our in addition to BHRR’s Poppy’s detailed individual blog.

Photo is from her fourth professional photo shoot on November 24th at 9 weeks of age.

She will be ready to go to her approved right match fit forever loving home by December 22nd, 2017.Her first vaccines were November 7th.

Thank you to Liz for the great professional photo’s!

The Saint Lady – BHRR’s Lacey

Happy 1st Birthday BHRR’s Lacey Lace! 

So worth the 7 hour drive down and the almost 8.5 hour dive back to see another one of our BHRR doggies end up in a wonderful right match personality fit home meant for them! 

This was a hard one! Well, ok….they are all hard on me yet BHRR’s Lacey….as per so many blog posts, she is a HUGE gift….just like her sister! 

Incredible girls! What a privilege it has been to assist them and thank you to Tracey for helping Kinsley/I to do this home-visit. 

Tracey, it made me so happy that you could see BHRR’s Lacey again! Thank you again for picking up The Saint Ladies and emergency temp fostering them for us until we could get them transported. 

Thank you to Frank & Tanya for also temp fostering them and loving on them until they came back to me. 

I always say that it comes down to if you would not put one of your dogs into a home, do not consider putting one of mine…..

So, it is always so lovely to see our great dogs end up in good homes!

I am missing this sweet lady fiercely and I know that my Brogan will also…they were chase buddies…Lacey ran and Brogan chased and both were ecstatic! 

We thank this home very much for going through our extremely thorough adoption process to help us ensure that we are only approving the best homes meant for our dogs. Thank you for considering to adopt a rescue!

On a side note, BHRR’s Lacey is our 5th approved adoption in just under 2 weeks and our 6th home-visit in exactly 2 weeks now completed. 

AND so, after a brutal whirlwind of a drive to London last night and then back home not all that long ago, I amheading off to bed shortly as I am back to work for 7:30 AM tomorrow!

I have also taken some time to send more confirmation emails to the winners of our 10th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Auction and winners please do check your emails…we have only had one response back to date! 

I will finish the rest of tomorrow night after I am back from the Vet with one of my own dogs…

Thank you again Tracey for helping today and Kinsley. As mentioned to the home and to Tracey, come 2018, The BHRR BOD will be making some announcements re: our continued move forward vision for BHRR which includes reducing the vast adoption area’s we currently cover. 

While we will remain rescuing all over the world as needed, we will be limiting our adoption area’s covered. So, this is the last approved adoption we are doing in London. The home said that they feel very lucky that they got their app in before the change! We do too! 

From our home to all of our friends, family and adopters, the best of good night wishes being sent!

Good Sunday AM!

We are leaving soon to go to the home-visit for BHRR’s Lacey.

I went to take a shower and someone made herself quite comfy on my bed! 

She had a great night!! She has been so drawn to this really lovely soul in a motorised wheelchair since last night and has loved all the Kids she has met too.

She was a bit unsure of one man – stranger danger phase – and after a small calming word/and the offer of a treat, all was fine.

She even met a police officer in their cruiser last night.

She has been exploring the luggage dollies, hallways, rooms and has drawn quite the fan club during our short time here….

This is the kind of canine that dreams are made out of….

Today is also The Saint Ladies first Birthday! 

We shall update as we can as to her status…..

It is a glorious only slightly chilly day under sunny skies in London today! We hope everyone has a great day!

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Everly
DNA Proven to Be Irish Wolfhound/Great Dane
9 weeks of age
Picture is from November 24th, 2017. This was taken at their 4th professional photo shoot!

She is still AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION to the right matched personality fit forever loving home.
Thank to you Liz Bradley for another great shot! 


AND we are finally here!

In London, Ontario for the scheduled home-visit for BHRR’s Lacey’s possible Approved adoption. 

What a drive!

BHRR’s Lacey has settled into our room like a pro! Took the elevator without hesitation and after only her second time in, automatically now turns and lays down. We teach the dogs this when they go into the vehicles so their tails do not accidentally get caught in doors.

She is now munching on a smoked Butchery bone after having a bit of dinner / drink. We had a small walk shortly after we arrived and we will do so again just before bed.

Great car traveller and there are apparently four teams here this weekend for some sport event and she is soaking the attention up! 

We will update as we can!

On a side note: about half of the winners have now been contacted re: their auction winnings and once I am back from London, I shall finish the rest. Thanks for everyone’s continued patience and once you are confirmed as a winner, per the posted rules, payment is expected within 72 hours. 


ND this photo was from The Bakers Dozen’s first professional photo shoot at 3.5 weeks of age!

I paired up specific humans with specific pups for two reasons – the humans had special gifts to pass to certain pups and vice versa….the pups had special gifts to pass to certain humans. 

This pic of BHRR’s Morty’s with his soon to be new forever loving adoptive Mama shall always be one of my favs. 

Thanks Melissa Roy for capturing ‘love at first touch’.

BHRR’s Cagney – our other Saint Lady is now also moving under a Pending Adoption!

So at this time both sisters are now under pendings to homes. 

We shall update as to her status as we can.

The Bakers Dozen BHRR’s Mortimer (Morty) – DNA Proven To Be Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound 
10 weeks of age.

Should all go well, BHRR’s Morty shall go to his own forever loving approved home around December 21st!

Thank you to this incredibly wonderful home for considering to adopt from BHRR! They have been approved Volunteers of BHRR for some time and have been involved with The Bakers Dozen since they were almost 3.5 weeks of age at their first professional photo visit!

Thank you for going through our detailed adoption procedure process too.

I truly did a good job pairing up homes/pups from that first professional photo shoot onward! 

This special boy will have a ‘big sister’ who already just adores him! 

We feel deeply blessed to have such lovely people as part of our BHRR Village! BHRR’s Morty is going to have a fabu life in their home!

I am so excited for him and them!

From our home to all of our friends, family, and supporters, the warmest of good night wishes being sent.