BHRR’s Daffodil’s Histiopathology results

Kanata Animal Hospital Accession No. MIBB00027532
ANTECH Acct No. 500285 Received 06/28/2017
Reported 06/30/2017 07:40 AM

Owner Pet Name Species Breed Sex Pet Age Chart#
Test Requested Results Reference Range Units

Mammary tissue. A 4-year-old intact bitch that presented for spay,
but was found to have a plum-sized (7 cm), firm mass on the left
caudal abdominal gland. Was not noted a month ago by 2 different vets,
so must be a fast-growing tumour.

Received: 0.8 cm tissue – all processed.



The biopsy was hemi-sectioned and embedded in toto. The mass is an
area of mammary lobular hyperplasia. All acini are lined by plump
cuboidal epithelial cells with moderate amounts of vacuolated
eosinophilic cytoplasm, and they are all distended with eosinophilic
secretion. The surrounding stroma is mildly edematous and congested.
Affected tissue is at the cut borders of these sections.


Good news! This is a benign lesion of mammary lobular hyperplasia.
The prognosis following excision and ovariohysterectomy is good.


Erin Locke, DVM, DVSc, Dip ACVP

Veterinarians: Questions? Please call directly at (519)767-2116, or
email at

Two updates to post re: BHRR dogs yet I am going to start with a thumbs up update first!

Who does not love good news?!

Everyone’s fav ol’ gent, 10+ year old BHRR’s Sambuca came to hang out at work today and had his next recheck.

While still 3 kgs off his pre-bloat weight, he is putting all of the lost weight back on slow and steady.  He was up almost 2.5 kg since his bloat.

I cleaned his ears and he had a manicure/pedicure and got a thumbs up on his recheck!!

So, he was ready to have his vaccines and Hello Kibble, here we come! Will start to slowly integrate high quality kibble into his diet along with his 24 cans per day and slowly work towards a more even split between the two.

It will greatly help with the already building up of tartar on his teeth from when he had a detailed dental cleaning plus had 22 teeth removed. He still has halitosis yet nothing like he once did.

This boy truly is a piece of heaven and thank you to all of his Comfort Angels again for believing in him and the work we do at BHRR!

This is a photo of him hanging out at reception tonight.  Always a big hit no matter where he goes. Such a handsome gentleman.


Second BHRR dog update.

This is not such a wonderful update.

BHRR’s Daffodil went in yesterday for her spay and when she was on the table, an orange size mass was discovered.

Her spay procedure was aborted and the mass was biopsied and sent to histiopathology to advise if it is benign or malignant.

Her surgeon said it is a 50/50 as to if it is or is not cancerous. All of her pre-op blood work was normal yet we well know that this does not mean that this mass is not cancerous.

We shall update as we know more.

Her total Vet bill was $547.66 and even if it was twice that amount, we would ensure that it would get paid. I will post a copy of it on her individual blog as it is in PDF format and Facebook is not allowing me to upload it.

Please keep this beautiful angel in your best thoughts.

We are staying positive plus optimistic over here.

This young male Great Dane is ‘Ryder’.

At just 10 months of age, he weighed only 48 pounds and was listed as ‘Free’ online. He was severely emaciated and close to death.
A truly Good Samaritan managed to get him and he is now safe in their hands. He has been putting on much needed weight over the past weeks and has even started to play.

We were contacted by three separate wonderful rescue sources asking if we could assist him.

No hesitation made…..without a doubt he is the next in need of us and we are so thankful to the angel that saw the ad and then saved him.
Once he is healthy, we will neuter him and also take care of his Cherry eye. All proactive plus preventative Vet Care that he needs will be done.

We noted in the photo his right hip and right lower leg…some injuries there.

ETA to BHRR the weekend of July 8th. With a possible approved adoption to occur shortly, our next spot will be for this boy, who we have been told is just the sweetest thing. He is good with cats, goats, dogs(though he was grabbed on the nose by a Doxie and now barks back at super small dogs and we will address), also good with the two year old child that lives in the home.

He is nervous of strangers, especially men and will bark plus growl.

Cannot wait to meet him….BHRR was founded for all the dogs just like him…..

Terrifies me to think of where he could have ended up being listed as ‘free’ 🙁

AND Miss BHRR’s Whisper is heading on her way for another play date!

This is special Date Auction #11!

Another photo of this beautiful girl from her date on June 23rd. 

Someone had a great date yesterday!

BHRR’s Pearl!

Thanks VERY much Heather in bidding on this date with her and giving her this very special spoiling time!

I heard that there was lots of cuddling and even a snooze together. 

AND thank you for all of the truly gorgeous pictures.

ISO: A BHRR Approved Volunteer for Sunday July 2nd to assist in doing a home-visit with me.

I understand it is a long weekend for many and know this may be a hard request to fill. At BHRR, we operate 24/7, 365 days a year! No weekends at all for us.

Time: 11:00 AM
Location: Gatineau, Quebec

This is for a possible approved adoption of either BHRR’s Pearl or BHRR’s Abby.

Please email

Please do not post here, as we may miss your offer!


BHRR’s Whisper is a really lucky girl this weekend!

Due to a last minute change of dates, BHRR’s Whisper instead of BHRR’s Ivy had Auction Picnic Snack Date #10 today. Both BHRR’s Ivy and BHRR’s Whisper have had special dates in this home in the past yet now that they have two dogs and looking at play styles etc., we felt BHRR’s Whisper would be a better fit. They agreed and so BHRR’s Whisper had a date today AND has one tomorrow.

It did not take long from what I heard to see BHRR’s Whisper in her ‘loved window spot!’

AND BHRR’s Whisper has another date tomorrow!


Thank you’s sent out to the Maracle Family AGAIN for giving a BHRR doggie an incredible day! Thank you also for this awesome photo!

Words from the home that gave her this great play date:

“It was our pleasure to have Whisper as our guest… and not just because she loves us! The first hour was zoomie play and then we settled into some quiet time that filled the home with snores of love. She is a wonderful dog that we love very much.”

Another photo, this time of BHRR’s Granite’s handsome profile. 

AND BHRR’s Pearl is now having her own special play date!

This is Date Auction #8!

We have a total of four special picnic play dates scheduled for this weekend! Yay!

This picture is as I drive slowly down our laneway as she loves the sights and smells of the country. ?
*Yes, those are some of our horses in the background!

AND Special Picnic Auction Date #9 is now underway!

BHRR’s Puppy Pile x 7, BHRR’s Granite!

He gets to see another one of his siblings, BHRR’s Sapphire and their other fabu canine, Sally. This is an overnight date and he had a great drop-off!

BHRR’s Pearl also stayed for a bit of a visit as I picked her up on my way in to drop off BHRR’s Granite for his own special date. She sure has come a long way since she first arrived to BHRR.

Thank you to The Maracle’s again for bidding on this date with BHRR’s Baby Granite.

At BHRR we work so hard to make these dogs the best dogs possible and our play date visitation plus play date programs are integral to our ‘CHAIN OF SUCCESS’! So grateful.

We have two more dates scheduled this weekend and thank you to Sean for helping me tomorrow with the pick-up and drop-off on the AM as I am working.

Guess who?!

BHRR’s Gravel!

He was finally ready emotionally and physically to go to the Vet.

AND he rocked it! This once severe fear barrier aggressive boy was just solid.

Zero issues getting into the car, travelled great – was fairly relaxed and quite calm, looking curiously at the world around him. Leash manners were almost impeccable too.

He weighed 46.1 kgs (101.42 pounds) tonight. That means since his arrival to BHRR on April 17th, he has now put on 45.42 pounds and while still skinny, he is no longer emaciated. WTG! Well done BHRR’s Gravel! He has been developing much needed muscle tone and mass and he will need another good 12-15 pounds of weight before being considered at an ideal weight. So, for him, weighing around 115 pounds would be great. He is a smaller male Great Dane yet big in heart this sweet boy is.

He was a bit nervous when we first arrived yet such a solid boy overall. We had blood drawn for Heartworm plus Tickborne Borne disease testing and he stood on the scale like a champ.

He was calm and tail wagged stronger and more confidently the longer we were there. He laid down in the reception area and looked with wonderful interest at the other dogs that were also waiting for their own apts. He had zero worries with dogs or people and while he was not comfortable enough to take treats from anyone at the Hospital tonight, he at least smelled them.

His Vet had so many wonderful comments re: his coat and how shiny plus healthy it looked. ? No longer filled with tons of dander, old hair, dust and dirt.

His Vet agrees with me after doing their exam that he is most likely younger than 7. Perhaps 5 max. His eyes in particular did not indicate to be the eyes of a 7 year old dog.

His heart plus lungs were given a thumbs up and he was deemed healthy to begin his vaccine protocol.

We had de-wormed him upon arrival to our Rescue and he was placed on Heartworm/flea plus tick preventative at that time.

He was so quiet and accepting of the examination and I am deeply proud of him and the progress he has made since he arrived.

Mel & Danya, remember his transport from the pound? How you had to go down to the pound to try and get him out of the run Danya and attempting to get him into the car was a momentous feat. Look at him now?!

He really is a sweetie and when he buries his head gently into my lap or lays his head quietly upon my knee, my heart melts…..into total mush.

He is getting better and better at holding himself up with head held high with beautiful confidence and he is truly one uber handsome boy! When he lifts his head up and stands with belief in himself and trust in those around him, one really can see just how magnificent he is. His eyes shine with so much wisdom and heart. There is so much depth to this boys soul and every day feels like he trusts a bit more and is allowing us into his world.

To see him be happy almost 90% of the time now is a thing of beauty…..In time, it shall be 100%.

Dr. Philibert called re: Ortho Specialist Opinion

Per Dr. Philibert, nothing surgical needs or can be done. Capone has some arthritis in his knees. It is unknown if at any given point in his future he may need his cruciates addressed due to any arthritis changes that may occur in his knees. No crystal ball.

Capone’s issues are conformation based(genetics) – high in the back end, straight angled back legs and surgery is not a feasible option for Capone.

Dr. Philibert said that physio or hydro rehab in his future could help manage any arthritic changes and continue to aid his muscle mass/tone build-up and then maintenance.

At this time, Capone is not a surgical candidate and is considered healthy to be placed up for adoption!

Stay tuned!

This stunning BBBBB – BHRR’s Capone – will have a special announcement to make shortly!

This is a sneak peek at his professional photo shoot thanks to Liz giving of her time and talent once again to help capture an amazing dog.

I also had BHRR’s Daffodil’s photo’s done the same day and once she is spayed after losing more weight and also developing more muscle mass plus tone, she will have her own special announcement to make!

I got her!

Here is the newest addition to BHRR!

Still needs a name!

She is quite skinny, terrible coat that is shedding a lot, is dull and full of dander. A nice oatmeal bath or two plus proper diet, getting healthier and taking a rubber curry brush will make all the difference to get her coat nice and shiny black!

She is just over 94 pounds and has a long body with ears that I fell instantly in love with! Not one yet two flying nun ears!

She is sorely in need of a nail trim yet enough was done to her today. She had her first Vet visit and lungs plus heart were given a thumbs up. While nervous, she already does already exhibit tons of potential to be a good solid dog.

What was so sad for us to observe was how she flinched and slunk down as you ran your hand gently down her back or across her sides. She would really tremble and shrink away. She would not stand for an abdominal or hind end exam and that is fine. That will come later when she goes back for a recheck and her boosters.

She had her initial vaccines today, and we took blood for her Heartworm plus tickborne disease testing and pre-op blood work in preparation to spay her.

When she is spayed, we will Microchip her at that time.

Now that she is home with me, she is beginning her de-worming protocol and will be placed on flea/tick & Heartworm medication.

She is drinking well and I could tell at work how hungry she was as she was eating all the grass and even dirt she could get a hold of. That was stopped fast. She will be fed four meals a day to help get her used to being fed and not feeling like she is starving and get her system back on track plus show her that she will be fed, be fed enough and that no one will take her food away. That it is hers.

She was very brave and her Vet even got a good look into her ears, took her temperature and had an initial quick peek at her eyes. Nothing abnormal noted.

When I put her back into the run while I got ready to leave with her, she was already more sassy.

I can tell….give her a few weeks. I think we may have a bit of a wee devil on our hands! Manners 101 coming up for her!

She also showed no reaction when another dog barked and yapped at her.

As she was ‘said’ to have been attacked at a dog park at a water bowl there, we will be monitoring things very closely as she becomes integrated. Apparently, she is reactive now around water bowls.

She did not come with a collar so she is wearing BHRR’s Capone’s old one…..made way smaller!

In one day shy of three months since she first arrived she is ready….once this girl began to move forward, just never looked back! ??

Welcome to BHRR you stunning BBBBB!

BHRR’s Black Diamond is ready to make her special announcement!


You have come a far way beautiful girl!

BHRR never professes to be miracle workers.

We work to assess/evaluate each dog we are asked to help and to give each dog the individual program they need to help them become the best dogs they can be via our rehabilitation programs.

To us, rehabilitate does not mean to make normal in the sense that many would term as ‘cured’.

As we say so often, behaviour cannot be changed. Behaviour can be successfully modified and managed to be the best behaviour possible.

BHRR’s Black Diamond came to us reactive. A leash could not even properly be placed upon her, she was was not even part of the land of the living, she was so scared and shutdown. I know I have said this several times yet a reactive dog is not trying to give us a hard time, they are trying to tell us that they are having a hard time.

As we have helped her heal as she clearly was emotionally, behaviourally broken, she has gained comfidence, self-control and manners.

We gave her time, consistency, love, patience, understanding, obedience, structure to help her learn to like and love herself, make good decisions, to trust, to play, have self-control and once she decided that we were worthy of her trust and respect, her progress just made leaps and bounds.

To be clear, if she ended up in a situation that would trigger all that she overcame, she would absolutely resort back to demonstrating fear, lack of trust, and stress in the manner that she did upon arrival.

She is not ‘cured’, no dog is. She is a magnificent dog that needs to continue to be set up for success and in that right match forever loving home, she shall be!

She is great with people….just needs to be given a bit of space for her to size things up and treats also can help. That she may or may not take the treat is not what is important. What is important is the offering of the treat and it being associated with a positive experience.

She has had zero issues at the Vet when she was ready to go or when she had her professional photo’s done or when we have had people visiting us.

She can go to a home that works full time, part time, works from home, is retired or even semi-retired. Another amazing versatile BHRR dog.

We would prefer a home without kids under the age of 13 as children can and are often spastic plus flighty in their movements. She needs stability, clear open communication and to feel safe.

She can go to a home with or without another dog. What is most important is her having right matched personality fit friends to play with. She is great with the dogs at our home yet does seem to prefer when it comes down to it, males over females. She has been working her way up the doggie hierarchy where the girls are concerned with subtle body movements.

She is not a wallflower. This girl has strength plus backbone and needs a really dog experienced home, not necessarily a Dane experienced home.

It is unknown how she is with cats.

She travels wonderfully in the vehicle and is crate plus x-pen trained.

She is quiet and sweet and incredibly affectionate!

Each morning she just lights up when I say ‘Good Morning’ and is ready to take on all the adventures of the day! ?

She is truly wonderful and has taught me much and I remain humbled by her being willing to take the necessary steps to come to the land of the living…

She is a ham! A real character and she is going to make the home that is meant for her a truly amazing addition!

Proud of you, you gorgeous BBBBB!

Thank you again to Elizabeth for the help in getting her and BHRR’s Sambuca’s professional photo’s done and also thank you to Liz again for the gorgeous pictures!

BHRR’s Daffodil & BHRR’s Capone both had their professional photo’s today and not the best pics of them from in the car ride in….yet sharing all the same! ?

Yes, that is dried doggie drool that now needs to be cleaned up on the seat! 

BHRR’s Daffodil needs to lose more weight and then she will be spayed and from there, once she heals, she will make her special announcement.

BHRR’s Capone is just waiting for the ‘all clear’ word from the ortho specialists and if all confirms what his Vet Team found last Friday at his x-rays, he will then make his own special announcement once I have his prof photo’s.

Both are such solid, amazing great dogs!

BHRR’s ???
NEEDS a name!

Female GD, ~2 years of age

Reasons for Surrender Given: Divorce & Cannot Exercise Her Enough

*Scared of Thunderstorms
*Was bit by another dog at a dog park at a water bowl and is now reactive to other dogs around water bowls
*Lived with a Pug & was fine
*’Said’ to be selective in liking other dogs yet at the same time, the information given stated she was fine with other animals.
*Wary & Nervous around Strangers
*Anxiety level at Shelter is 8/10

ETA to BHRR June 12th

Someone is up and about, enjoying the sunshine by having a small stroll.

BHRR’s Sambuca(10+ years old) with my own now older gent Big Blue Bronson(turns 10 years old June 11th).

Love these fine gentlemen!

We are working on the flash auction now and we will have ~20 dog beds up for grabs! All monies raised will go towards BHRR’s Sambuca’s bloat bills….

BHRR’s Sambuca (10+ years) is almost 1 week post-bloat and still defying the odds! 

His Vet Team is astounded by his progress, calling it almost miraculous and have felt that the 24/7 dedicated care we have been giving has been instrumental to his post bloat success to date.

As I told BHRR’s Sambuca’s Vet Team, it is not me – as much as he has chosen me as his human!, or Sean… is BHRR’s Sambuca himself that deserves all of the credit! 

He has taken his meds without complaint, he has got up when encouraged to take small strolls, after almost 48 hours he has begun to eat his small meals when offered every 3 hours, he has continued to drink when asked, he has continued to fight the good fight when I told him how much he was loved and that he has so many more beautiful experiences that I want him to have! So many more caring hands to touch him and to spoil him to experience. 

His prognosis is more than just cautiously optimistic, it is a positive feeling of the expectation that he will keep moving forward! 

Can you see me jumping?! Can you see me saying ‘Yes! Yes! Yes!’? Can you feel my relief and my joy?!

BHRR’s Sambuca, I always knew you were amazing… you are a superhero to me! 

You keep proving the naysayers wrong! You are worthy! You are deserving! You are loved!

Tonight, I shall go to bed for the first time in almost a week and be able to actually sleep….to really rest…..

Tomorrow night BHRR’s Sambuca is hoping to offer up some items as part of a flash auction to help with his bills. Stay tuned! 

From our home & on behalf of BHRR’s Sambuca to all of our friends, family & supporters…..we are wishing all a Good Night!


UPDATE: Some have requested a separate post for BHRR’s Sambuca’s current status.

As per a previous post, he bloated Wednesday night.

At the present, he is eating and drinking small amounts every 2.5 hours and is urinating well. He had his first bowel movement late last night since his bloat. He can get up and while somewhat wobbly, gets a tiny bit of walking every few hours too.

He was making steady improvement throughout yesterday plus early evening and then he had a set back late last night with him back to bringing up more white foam.

He is on meds to help with nausea & pain.

He has had as good as of night as could be expected and today while I as working, Sean was with him and BHRR’s Sambuca first refused to eat/drink for Sean. Yet, around 9:30 AM, he decided that it was ok and has since had two more small amounts of food and drank some.

I am now home and he has had a bit more water to drink and he is far more alert and even more happy to see me than he was when I arrived home last night after BHRR’s Navy’s Vet Appointment. Yay!

While this improvement is positive and great to witness, his age of 10+ years is not to his benefit, having a poorer vascular system than a much younger dog. We remain optimistic!

Yet, he has more than beaten the odds to date and he is stronger than he once was!

For those ‘chiding’ me saying I should have posted asking for donations, thank you deeply for caring yet I do stand by the post I did make that I do not want anyone to feel that we were always begging for donations for him.  His Comfort Angels have done so much for him to date and I am humbled by that support. 

Additionally, to those who pointed out that I should be leaving it up to people to decide for themselves if they want to donate or not; I have heard you!  Soooooo……

Here is the information if anyone does wish to donate to his continued care. Anyone who has ever had to deal with a bloat, well understands the several thousands of dollars it can cost.

He is presently under the care of Kanata Animal Hospital:
They will take credit card over the phone or debit/credit card & cash in person. He has his own account there under ‘Sambuca’, under the Birch Haven Rescue Account.

via email transfer to

via PayPal to

Yet, never do I want anyone feeling obligated or pressured to make a donation.

BHRR does not receive any corporate or government funding nor do we have any sponsors and BHRR operates mainly from the pockets of Sean & I.

BHRR’s Sambuca says that well wishes are equally important and thanks all of his Angel Network for the love…..

BHRR’s Sambuca bloated Wednesday night. 

I have a 100% success rate catching bloat fast.

Sadly, the success of survival from bloat and/or tort is not as high, not even remotely close to 100%. 

Being a 10+ year old gent, his vascular system is just not as strong as a much younger dog.

He is up and moving and drinking. 

I am now so happy to say that he finally had a small bite to eat. 

I did not post earlier as I did not want anyone thinking I was begging for yet more donations for him. His Comfort Angels have done so much for him and we still do not know what the outcome shall be. It is still too early.

It is important to us for people to know about his updates and when we felt the time was right, we are now sharing.

Somehow, we will get his bills paid off. Things somehow always seem to work out and I have faith and trust. 

He is worth every dime and nickel spent on his wellbeing. He should have been taken care of properly since he was born yet he was not and it is our place to make sure he is now done right by. 

AND when I see his tail wag for me and he lifts his head up to look at me as he recovers, I know he is feeling better and also staying positive…..

BHRR’s Capone was in today for his x-rays of hips & hocks plus to have his stifles thoroughly examined while he was sedated. 

Great news overall! – he does have quite mild HD which HD is very common in his breed(unfortunate that it is this way with poorly bred danes), his stifles are normal and his hocks look equally wonderful! Everything will be sent over to one of our ortho specialists to put their own expert input on the x-rays also. 

So, it appears that as he is conformationally built poorly – straight black legs – lack of angulation, butt high – he is just who he is based upon his body structure. So, for him, his normal is a slightly ‘off’ back end gait. There is no crystal ball to say if / when his HD may worsen and as with any dog and human as they age, having the right supplements will be important to keep promoting good health. 

With the continued loss of weight and building up of muscle tone/mass, he is stronger, healthier, has more endurance, is happier, and looks fabu! 

So, unless something majorly differently comes back from the ortho specialist, after he has his professional photo shoot, he will be making his own special announcement.

While he was under sedation, he had a wonderful nail time plus was also microchipped. 

He was fawned over by all the lovelies at work and so many remarks about what an WOW & tall dog he is. AND he is! 

AND my final post for tonight – another busy day for us!

Remember this picture of BHRR’s Navy? Posted May 15th, 2017? AND remember the following blurb re: him at that time?

“…..I am going to post this picture(when they say that pictures put on ’20 pounds’….that will say how much this picture does not truly capture this boys’ body condition) of when he arrived yesterday and the below information.

When he first arrived at the shelter on April 8th, they had him weighing 57.4 ks(126.88 pounds). Their last weight in early May had him weighing 43kgs(94.6 kgs).

He arrived into Rescue yesterday and I had him at the Vet’s today. He only weighed 40.1 kgs(88.22 pounds).

That means that he lost 38.06 pounds during his time at the shelter.

In his records from the shelter, after he was neutered there on April 19th, he was given Rimadyl and he had a severe reaction to it…..diarrhea and a gastric ulcer plus ate poorly for a period of time.”

Well, tonight BHRR’s Navy was back at KAH for a recheck and guess what?! He now weighs 117.26 pounds. That means he has put on 20.04 pounds since May 15th – in just 18 days.

WTG!! Our rescue specialises & has a 100% success rate in helping emaciation cases and he was being fed 8 small meals a day of a proper balanced diet to get his system properly started and going in the right direction.

This boy was sick & hurt upon arrival. He was and still is battling terrible pressure sores plus calluses. His back right – the outside callus – still bleeds as it struggles to heal. He will always have scars and raised calluses on his back feet. He had spent far too long on hard surfaces and not given soft bedding to lay upon.

He had been put on strong antibiotics for 10 days to resolve the infection that his feet carried and showed up in his blood work.

His back left leg was swollen as were his lymph nodes in his groin. I did ask on May 15th if his Vet thought possible osteosarcoma and it could not be ruled out that night they said BUT it can now! Yay!

His Vet had thought May 15th that he could have cellulitis yet no signs of anything like that any longer! 

Tonight, at his recheck, his back left hock and lower limb is now normal. His lymph nodes are almost completely normal too and there is no sign of any issues with his hips as we had been told that he had a hip issue in the request of assistance to us.

His happy tail is also healed – he came to us May 14th with a tightly wrapped up tail in tape and Vet wrap of which Sean plus I promptly removed as it was a breeding ground for bacteria & infection.

He was quite uncomfortable upon examination May 15th and tonight, not a peep, tail wagged nonstop and he was so happy!

He is a goofy, busy, nosey boy! LOL AND so vocal….about all of his feelings! 

He has bounced back to health from the severe reaction that he had at the shelter from the Rimadyl that he had been given by them when they neutered him back in April – prior to us being aware of him.

He was microchipped tonight and showed off all of his new found (taught!) manners with sitting, taking a treat gently etc. 

Leash manners are getting there and though still thin, he is not a rack of bones any longer and the rest of the weight shall come on…..and he is developing marvellous muscle tone and mass.

His Vet was very impressed with his progress and we microchipped him tonight, he obtained his Rabies and DAPP booster. He will go back to see his Vet again in 3-4 weeks for another recheck, re-weigh, booster and we will repeat his bloodwork to see where all of that stands now.

The bloodwork we did May 15th did at least provide good news in that he is Heartworm plus Lymes disease negative so neither one of those diseases were the cause of his medical condition concerns.

He is getting much better at sharing water bowls and toys! He gets along famously with the other dogs and a busy active boy he is! Really affectionate and a ham!

So so so proud of him as no matter that he was feeling pretty poopy, he was friendly and social and still quite happy.

From my home to all of our friends, family & supporters, may everyone have a good night! I know I am looking forward to my own bed……I am up and at ‘er bright and early again tomorrow!

Another photo. I think she approves of my latest hair colours! 

This beauty was at KAH today for a re-weigh and her boosters.

BHRR’s Daffodil is down every slightly from her arrival weight of almost 139 pounds and it is going to be a slow steady work in progress to get her to her ideal weight of closer to 120 pounds.

She had her boosters and what a sweet girl. Heart and lungs given a thumbs up and she was so good hanging out at the Hospital all morning! Her Vet loved her markings. 

Once we can get more weight off her, she will be spayed. AND once she heals from her spay, she will have her own special announcement to make!

She is extremely severely hearing impaired plus has some vision impairment and she is picking up hand signals plus learning to read body language like a pro!

She has ‘chosen’ Sean as her human and that is the only time that she will do some resourcing. She is learning to ‘share’ him and other than this at times resourcing over him, butter would not melt in her mouth, she is just that soft and sweet.

Her world is full of happiness and rainbows! What you see is what you get and she is a lovely and charming girl who believes strongly in the KISS principle. Easy-going, calm, quiet and the one thing that she just takes the biggest pleasure/enjoyment out of is rolling in the grass….the simple pleasures in life she takes the deepest joy out of! She gets excited over grass!

Love this about her….humans could learn a lot from her….