BHRR's Dyson's Special Picnic Date Photo's!
Thank you to the lovely humans that gave him this very wonderful day experience!
He made a new friend and, from what I hear, Skittles is quite smitten back in turn with him! 😉

Yet, another great moment given to this lovely dog that continues to make him such a well balanced and solid bo


Photo's #1, #2 & #4 are courtesy of Rachel Ng.

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BHRR's Triumph(l), BHRR's Ethel(r), Mason and I went on a 'secret' mission today (big reveal early next week!) and, afterwards, we went to PetSmart at Kanata Centrum. Here are two photo's of their trip. 🙂

EthelTriumphAugust222014 EthelTriumphAugust2220142

These are the last photo's and 2 video's that I took of BHRR's Nessie dated from today. RIP you darling girl…… 🙁

VIDEO #1 BHRR's Nessie Car Ride Into KAH
VIDEO #2 BHRR's Nessie At KAH

BHRR's Nessie Photo's of her on the way in…such a happy dog….in so many ways…. wish I could have repaired her body….too much had happened to her in her past prior to coming to BHRR and, we just could not 'fix' her in the end……just devastated.
NessieAugust20th2014 NessieAugust20th2014.JPG1
BHRR's Nessie at KAH
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BHRR's Nessie's body condition on August 21st was superb! However, her leg, was not. 🙁 Her poor leg drained over her tail and feathers.
NessieAugust2120144 Nessielegaugust21

This is not an easy blog post to type. 🙁 BHRR's Nessie remained on antibiotics for over 4 months and, her leg/foot appeared to get better yet, could never quite get there and, then, would get worse and, slightly better and worse again. The other leg, responded fantastic and, there have been no further problems. We kept her on an extended period of time per the one Vet as, the cellulitis was being so persistent in resisting treatment yet, the c&s testing showed that the bacterium was to be sensitive to Clavamox and Doxy both.

So, I realised that, I was looking at something far more than chronic and intensive than, aggressive cellulitis. One of her Vets at KAH put her story plus photo's on the VIN(Veterinary Information Network) while I sought further opinions outside of KAH.

Below are lots of photo's from May 13th, July 15th, and July 25th(this visit with another Vet Hospital, Dr. Liston & consult with specialist Dr. Javinsky).

BHRR's Nessie – July 25th, 2014 on our way to see Dr. Liston. Her weight was 80.4 KGs(176.88 pounds). Much better!

photo 1 photo 2 photo 3 photo 4

She had a Vet team of 4 at KAH trying to continue to figure out what was happening and, for a new look on things.

Dr. Liston reviewed her miles and miles of files and test results and, there were two things(interestingly enough, those were the exact two things, we found out later that the specialist on the VIN network suggested), he felt it could be. He disagreed from her team at KAH that a biopsy should be done as, he felt that there was virtually nothing to biopsy and, that we were not looking at a skin situation. The specialist on VIN(will have to get their name from the records), did recommend a skin biopsy and, the next step plans with Dr. Liston on July 25th, 2014 was as follows. The specialist was in agreement with Dr. Liston that, we were not looking at a condition of only cellulitis. We were looking at something far more serious and, gave me credit for continuing to try and figure things out for BHRR's Nessie for we have/had done so much for her over the past year and, have given her a great quality filled life. She has been to community education plus awareness events, went to Alcatel-Lucent last December for a lunch hour as part of  and, walks/hikes and, car rides and memory moment experiences etc. Her emotional and medical welfare were being addressed and, her structural obedience really saw her settle into a great dog. She came to work with me more than once to just hang!

Her thyroid testing had shown a level of 18. Quite low normal. One of the things that was presented by both Dr. Liston and the VIN specialist was Thyroid Lymphangitis .and, the other condition was Vasculitis. Both Vets, and Dr. Janvinsky concurred, had the following to impart as to their positioning.

1) As her thyroid was a low normal, detailed thyroid panel on Friday July 25th and, the recommendation was to keep her on her antibiotics until the results came on on the Monday.
2) If her thyroid was normal, then we were most likely looking at Vasculitis and, sadly, in animal medicine, there are no medical surgical options for veinous surgeries to make her better. AND, the rationale behind, this possible prognosis is that before she came to BHRR, she had bloated more than once, had a pexy surgery, had more than one obstruction and, when she was surrendered to us in August of 2013, she had an obstruction and was bloated. All of these bloats takes a huge toll on the heart and circulatory system and, being a giant breed dog, her system was greatly affected. AND, after she was surrendered to BHRR, we suspected that she may have also had Wobblers, we ruled out Addison's plus Cushing's and did receive the diagnosis of Wobblers. This, also greatly affects the circulatory system and, being a giant breed dog, even more so. So, this poor dog was being really whammied. AND, she was approaching age 5, not, being the most healthy or strongest of IW, her system was more sluggish than a younger, more healthy dog, and, being a giant breed dog, she was even more affected with the aging process.

All of us crossed our fingers that she fell into situation #1 and not, situation #2.

The results came in on Monday July 28th, and, sadly, her thyroid was completely normal. 🙁 One Vet and, two Specialists confirmed that BHRR's Nessie fell into #2 and, that, while the antibiotics were trying their best to control the cellulitis infection, it could no longer completely resolve things this time around. The blood was pooling, and not being able to circulate properly, was a breeding ground of bacteria and, even, in trying to keep her leg/foot shaved and clean, for, when it would 'track' and 'ooze', it was never healing. We were in fact, slowly losing the battle and, the situation was getting worse.

AND, most incredibly through all of this, BHRR's Nessie was happy, no fever AT all, eating, and drinking, and, doing her wobbly bobbly trotting and, being so affectionate. AMAZED were all the Vets involved, which were now 7 on her team, that included two specialists.

As, I listened to all that was being said my way, I knew that I had to keep quality of life prevalent and, it is hard. I have known this IW since she was a young pup. We have spent thousands and thousands of hours and, money and time and love and effort trying to make her world 'right' and, in the end, we were going to lose her. I was frustrated. She had so many medical issues when she was surrendered and, the toll by then on her body, just could not be reversed. As she aged, (AND, to me 5 is middle-age, not old by any means for an IW), her body was having a harder time. 🙁

I had a tough decision to make and, as, I talked to the Vets, asked more questions and, got their own professional input, it echoed my own thoughts and fears. Stop the antibiotics, keep up with the Deramaxx and, love her for as long as we can. 🙁 🙁 The medications while not, healing her, were doing some good yet, were slowly losing efficacy and, being on the antibiotics for 16+ weeks, was more than long enough. They were causing her to have some diarrhea and, were going to begin to cause damage to her internal organ function.

So, we, plan on giving her day by day loving and, quality of life and, she went back to her perma-foster for a few weeks, for them to say their good-byes also(she had been back with me since March 2014 as, we worked to figure things out for her) and, then come home to me and, I would cross her over. BHRR's Nessie has been back with me since late last week and, I almost let her go on Monday yet, I wanted(selfish perhaps) some more time with her and, for her to be with all her doggie friends for a few more days.

She is schedule to be held in my loving arms and crossed over when I work tomorrow – Thursday August 21st, 2014. It will be one of the longest and, most agonizing days of my life. The BHRR's Nessie that I know and love is not as well as she once was, you can tell that now being off all antibiotics, that she does not feel as good and, is not as energetic or happy. She has spent yesterday and today, laying on her favourite spot on our hill(just as many others before her have done – BHRR's Maggie May for one) watching and, enjoying her friends. She was not as playful as before I sent her back to her perma-foster home yet, you can tell how much she loved being back with all her buds and, us…….

There were so many stories and updates on her blog that I never put in as, we had to go legal per threats made our way by two in-laws(MIL and sister of the MIL) of the real O. of her that signed her over to us, in the presence of a licensed Vet and, had been given options discounts plus payment plans for them to keep her and, were told to think about it and, they took several hours to do so – left the Hospital and, came back. They had made it clear the day she was admitted to KAH, that, they would put her to sleep this time if she had an obstruction, were expecting their first child and, BHRR offered to take her the next AM, when things were not improving for this lovely IW after a night on fluids and, the barium series the next am, showed that things were not motile like they should be.

Yet, while, I did not post a lot on her, throughout her time with BHRR, I took photo's and video and, will fill in more of her journey and amazing life in our Haven program once, my heart lessens in pain.

She would have made a great therapy dog….I am finding myself gasping with air, even typing this blog. 🙁 🙁 Having just let one of my blind/deaf Great Danes go on July 8th, there shall be another raw gaping would blown into my heart and soul tomorrow.

BHRR's Nessie – First four photo's are from May 13th, 2014 – I am the one holding her & next two are from July 15th, 2014
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NessieJuly1512014 NessieJuly152014  

Here are two photo's of BHRR's Zayna at our 7th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser! She charmed the pants of so many! 🙂 Though, she is a poorly bred EM, she is uber beautiful to all that know and love her. She is quickly gaining many fans and, I think our own fawn with black mask RIP beloved EM Guinness would be happy to note that we took her into our BHRR Haven Program.

She is enjoying her Canine Massage and Acupuncture yet, we have not made it to Hydrotherapy as the specialists are in a debate as to whether this is in her best interest or not. She is fully integrated with all at BHRR and, does have some excitement issues that we are working on. 😉

The specialists are worried about the upcoming winter as to how hard it will be on her hind end and, I just said, we will take it one day at a time. We have dealt with severe HD in the past, and, look at dogs like our Lion King BHRR's Pumbaa, and, my own RIP Newfx Kona lived to almost 13, with severe HD(we were told she would not live to see 1). With proper management and keeping quality of life in the forefront, we will give BHRR's Zayna all that we can. She is another wonderful BHRR M&M! 🙂

She has been fully dewormed, is on monthly heartworm preventative and, thanks to the wonderful group that contacted us to assist her, she is already utd on vaccines plus has had a heartworm test done for 2014. We have also performed a fecal on her.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Zayna’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Zayna's Angels  $70.00* donated to date & Bills are $310.09
*Before PayPal fees

BHRR's Zayna with BHRR's Triumph & BHRR's Angel Noelle – July 13th, 2014
04 03


I have been counting all my blessings that it has been a cooler summer! It has literally kept BHRR's Porridge alive. Just this past weekend, we hosted our latest GD & Honorary GD "GIANT AT HEART' Walk/Hike and, who would have thought that BHRR's Porridge could also attend! I thought for sure that March would have been his last one.

Miracle dog!!! Absolutely a miracle dog! His Vet Team including specialists are mind bloggled. 🙂 YAY! He continues to go in for regular check-ups plus bloodwork.

I am not trying to look ahead too far for him, yet, I am sincerely hoping that he shall still be with us for our upcoming ANNUAL 'BHRR DINE WITH THE DOGS' Event at the end of September. So many, are coming in from out of town and province, and, I know that would want to be able to pass along in person their own best wishes plus say any 'good-byes' for, we will have to then start worrying about the extreme cold for him. This boy is now almost 6.5 years of age and, he was not even given 18 months to live when I first rescued him as a wee babe that fit into the palm of my hands.

Here are two photo's from the walk/hike on Sunday. If anyone wishes to join our over 260 member distribution walk/hike list, please do EMAIL. ONLY Responsible dog owners are permitted.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Porridge’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Porridge Angels  $965.50* donated to date & Bills are: $5,145.53
*Before PayPal fees
PV Stittsville Nail Trim/Grind Event
Pam – PayPal took $0.59 in fees
Bob & Hazel – Pred donated on behalf of their RIP dear Eddie
BHRR's April 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House – Donations and 50/50 (split between BHRR's Porridge & BHRR's Coach
Wendi – 'Vegan Cupcakes To The Rescue' Easter Fundraiser
Nairn again

BHRR's Porridge, JS, Oatmeal and Sir-Bounce A Lots with Sean/Kinsley & BHRR's Porridge & JS – August 17th, 2014
Walk20143 WalkAugust2014



BHRR's Comet aka JAWS is settling in well. She no longer wants to eat me or my family yet, strangers are a different story. She will be with us for a long time. We still have to be quite careful about how we take her collar and lead her.

She is used to intimidating and 'getting her way' and, it has been a learning journey for us to learn when she is possibly nervous and, is just being a bully. She is spirited for sure! She is also so affectionate and, loving and, so, like a few others we have had at BHRR over the many years, she does not give herself of herself 'half measure'. She is still a bit skinny yet, putting on the weight nice and easy…slow is what we want.

She wants to 'listen' when she wants to and her recall, literally sucks a lot of the time still. LOL Day by day…..

She is most likely around 11 months of age and, prior to any first heat and, I am working hard to get her 'ready' for a Vet visit as, I do not want to see her go into a heat. I do not believe she has been spayed yet, we will lightly sedate her and check her stomach closely.

She has been fully de-wormed and is on Revolution monthly. It was a bit of a 'trial' yet, I have managed to get the tips of her nails. Once, she is under a light sedation, I will get them right back.

Here are two photo's taken from today of this lovely girl. AND, she is lovely. She just is going through an extremely long rehab process as we re-program her so to speak.

Several have been asking if she is going to be made as available for adoption and, there is no way to know that at this time. In the wrong hands, she would be a ticking time bomb. Hands down. We will not see her set-up for failure and, are giving her the absolutely best in structure, routine, obedience, consistency etc., under a positive yet, firm leadership. This is WHY we are here as experts in this field. Dogs like her.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Comet’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Comet's Angels Donations to Date: $25.00 & Bills To Date: $295.78
*Before PayPal fees

CometAugust192014 CometAugust19212014

BHRR's August per a blog post made on August 2nd, 2014 is ONLY the 7th dog that BHRR has been able to commit to assist in 2014 to date.

BHRR's August(~3.5 year old female DEAF Merlequin GD) – August 19th, 2014 on a trail walk today!
Settling in and making friends! NOT one moment of integration worry. She has been fully integrated with all and, though, she will come back to us humans for re-assurance, she is becoming more and more brave
and, she plus JAWS(BHRR's Comet) are fast becoming play buds and, she really wuvs BHRR's Moncton….She is crushing big time on him! Younger man and all!
AND, BHRR's Treasure really has the 'eyes' for her and, so, this is shaping up to be a soap opera(not that I watch them!) AND, BHRR's Mr. Potterman thinks that 'she' is all his yet, being the 'playa'
he is, he will lose interest over the next 24 hours or so! LOL
She is with my IW Bunker, my Oatmeal, my PPSS, BHRR's Bishop, BHRR's Angel Noelle, Lion King BHRR's Pumbaa and, our Mr. Bubbles(Cambridge) in this photo.
She is such a lovely dog. She is vocal as, many Danes can be and, she has a mind of her own and, if a dog puts their paw on her back, she will not hesitate to say 'stop.' Yet, she is not over the top. We are not witnessing any resourcing or animal aggression at all. She is neck deep in Gwennie's Bootcamp and, doing fabu!
Cannot wait for the honeymoon period to end!
She had a wonderful night and, is eating and, drinking well.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘August’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s August's Angels  $0.00* donated to date & Bills are: $101.16
*Before PayPal fees



I got her!! Just leaving the shelter now!! What a gorgeous girl. Not so great with men at this time yet, warmed up fairly well with me.
Treats and treats! Snagged a photo in the car photo is below. 🙂
We are calling her BHRR's August and, the shelter is going to keep me in mind for a blind pup they have here that just came in.
She is a strong minded girl and gives the best head bumps of affection.
Then to work on the resourcing aggression issues to rehab her. She is a bit thin yet, nothing terrible.
Welcome to BHRR life beautiful girl.

UPDATE: August 18th, 9 PM
BHRR's August(Deaf 3.5 year old GD) – SHE IS HERE! August 18th, 2014
Sprung from the shelter!
She has her tongue sticking out in the photo – 'bye bye shelter she says!'
She traveled home well and, she is settling into her crate. She has had a small bite to eat and, is now 'telling me off'
We shall look closer at her eyes for they are really running, she is beginning a de-worming protocol, will get her revolution and, we will do bw for HWT etc. shortly. She is sore need of a nail trim and, we will take care of that also.
She is in fair body condition – a bit thin, smelly(not surprising), scared of men more than women and, armed with lots of treats, she has bonded so fast to me.
Her story: O. died and she went to the shelter in April. She was adopted out and then returned in June as the home said she was resourcing and aggressive, to other animals.
She went back to the shelter and, they contacted another organization that, waited 6 weeks before saying they could not take her, and, major kennel stress set in.
On August 2nd, BHRR was contacted to assist and, we had to wait to we had a spot and, she was able to come into BHRR today.
She has obedience in some ways yet, no manners or respect in others and, I am so looking forward to this journey! The shelter said that she always does well with the dogs in the play yard there yet, the home said, she did not like other pets at all. The previous home told the shelter that their Vet advised them to bring her back to the shelter. The shelter did not want to see her pts and, she is now here with us!
She has shown no reaction to any of the dogs' here for now and, the only reaction is fear to Sean. She has pretty much now accepted Mason from being, so scared of him when she first met him. They had the long drive home to get acquainted.
FOR anyone wishing to donate to her bills, we will take email transfer to or via PayPal to and, as of tomorrow, we shall have a file set up at Kanata Animal Hospital under the name of 'August' (613) 836-2848 and, they will take CC over the phone and CC and cash in person.


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘August’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s August's Angels  $0.00* donated to date & Bills are: $101.16
*Before PayPal fees


Before I go to catch a few hours winks of rest, here is today's emotionally powerful message!
Seems so fitting as later today, I am 'springing' a Deaf GD that has been looking out from bars for over 8 weeks….
We were first contacted to assist her on August 2nd, and, having to have her wait those 16 days until we had a spot, was hard enough on me, yet, I can only imagine what it has looked to her through those bars, for all of those weeks….AND, she does not even know yet, that she has slept her last night behind those bars….
TONIGHT, she shall know the taste of Freedom! 😀
AND, she is as of yet, still nameless…the shelter was calling her 'Dana', yet BHRR can only ever have one BHRR's Dana….may, she RIP, that sweet dollface who loved the ice machine and, I will see her again one day…
Happy Monday to all of our friends, family and BHRR extended family!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘August’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s August's Angels  $0.00* donated to date & Bills are: $101.16
*Before PayPal fees


BHRR's Triumph just waking up from his de-twinkling(neuter) at Kanata Animal Hospital today. Was a busy day with him and BHRR's Kaden.
He is very sleepie still and not too happy with his Momma Gwennie! 😉
Once, he recovers from his neuter, and, puts on more weight, he will make his special announcement!
So overflowing with such joy for this boy and, how proud I am of him! He was wagging his tail for everyone at work today….pre de-twinkling that is. 😉
To date, he has put on almost 30 pounds since he arrived into Rescue and, the once terrified GD puppy, starved, beaten and found in an abandoned apartment shall, never ever ever have a life like that again…..
A great future awaits him.
The mark/bump on his front leg is of no big concern to the two Vets that took a much closer look at it today. YAY! His ear infections are clearing up as well!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Triumph’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Triumph's Angels  $472.00* donated to date & Bills are $1,290.78
*Before PayPal fees
Alex & Karen
Winner of an online Auction in July held by Anna


BHRR's Kaden – August 13th, 2014


On our way to KAH – he is helping me drive!  He is making sure that all traffic rules are being followed. 😉

Today's weight was 56.60 KGs(124.52 pounds) and, he should now stay around this weight for now. He is just beginning to look like he may lose that wonderful waist line. 
He was not thrilled by the bath today to prepare for our trip for his annual at KAH.  
He LOVED the car ride! Just loved! 😀
We gave him a light sedation to make it less stressful for him(he urinated as he was worried) and, as he only received a year set of vaccines in 2013, he was given his three year vaccines, had his yearly HWT done, given his monthly revolution, a wonderful nail trim while he was dopey(he is terrified to get them done and, so, I go very slowly) AND, had a very thorough exam done. A+++ for him! YAY!
He will need that patient and understanding loving home that shall continue building upon the strong foundations that we keep putting in place at BHRR!
He is so affectionate and loving plus playful to all those he loves and trusts.  
So many commented on how uber soft he is…truly, like velvet all over. 🙂

photo (2)

Today's wonderful 'feel good' mushy moment for today! 😀

A Gwennie Novel one!  😉

BHRR's Triumph, the emaciated and terrified GD puppy that had been beaten, starved and found in an abandoned apartment building finally had enough bravery and courage to do what he has been slowly working up for some time….sleeping out of his crate and, coming into the master bedroom to spend the night. 

Over the past couple of weeks, you could tell he wanted to stay in the master bedroom and sleep there yet, when it came time for bed, he would look at the bedroom and at his crate on the main area and back, at the bedroom and, when quietly, calmly and positively encouraged to come in, he would take one or two steps towards the bedroom but, then would scurry towards his crate and lay down in the corner. We have been leaving the crate door open for some time now and, he has proven 100% trustworthy in our home, and, so, we would tell him we loved him and to have a good sleepie and, that we would see him in the AM. We would passively ignore and, make no big deal out of his fear.

The last several nights, he would come into the bedroom, lay down on a Costco dog bed or Kuranda bed and, just as we would urn the lights off(we do leave a night light on), he would get up and walk to the door and, sit watching us. We would then open up the door and, tell him that we loved him and, to have a good sleepie and, we would see him in the AM. We could see how torn he was and, in the AM, more often than not, he would be laying on a dog bed right outside our bedroom….compliments most likely of HQD(BHRR's Salma).  

Well, guess what he did last night?!!! He was so brave and full of courage!!! He went into the bedroom in determination with HQD right by his side and, we just knew that this time, it would be a different experience for all of us that night……for HQD to 'give up *her* couch' for a night(yes, I am well aware that she gets on the couch at night when we are asleep…heck, she does it right in front of my face!  ) LOL – we knew, that this night would be super special. 

In preparation, I did have to make one 'change' to the schedule and, that was to haul HQD's bed in and, she had her special blankets already in her mouth dragging them alongside her. It only took me 10 minutes to 'figure' it out(stupid human I know) just exactly where HQD wanted HER bed set-up….sigh….  Just how does she 'put up with me?!' 

AND, we were right….inside we may have been filled with excitement yet, on the outside, the norm it was in routine and, as we shut off the lights, we heard a motion and, then, as we turned on the lights, we saw HQD had moved from her own pile of special HQD blankets and, was laying on a Kuranda bed with BHRR's Triumph and, had a blanket half on him. 

AS, I apparently interrupted her progress, I got the 'stare' (ONLY how HQD can give!) and, then she turned her back on me, got BHRR's Triumph all tucked in and, then tucked herself in and, lay next to him….

Soon, snores from her could be heard and yes, she may be royalty BUT she sure can saw those logs!  😉

Wish I had my phone with me as, I would have snapped a photo. Then again, maybe, I do not wish to have had it with me for HQD would be most displeased to have her beauty sleep affected! LOL

He slept the whole night and, only got me up around 5 AM to begin the day.  

Beaming over here!!! Beaming! AND, HQD BHRR's Salma can put me in her bootcamp ALL she wants for, that she is one amazing dog!! 
I wonder what tomorrow shall bring?! Love my life!

Happy rainy duck weather Tuesday from BHRR and HQD and BHRR's Triumph!

BHRR's wonderful 'feel good' mushy moment for today! 
BHRR's Moncton, the terrified, almost catatonic Newf Puppy FINALLY initiated a little play with me! It was a bit 'rough' about the edges and, heavy on the mouth yet, he did it!!! 
I think he surprised himself that he actually did it!  🙂 cheeky
I just about burst into tears and, yup, I did well up….  😉
He just bounced up to me, snagged at my pant leg and promptly ran into the opposite direction and, 'rip' went the pants… worth it! He then came back and, was play mouthing with my hands and, even play bowed once. He did some clumsy puppy, a bit dysplastic and, flat footed zoomies around me and, did a dead stop and started again and, in a blink of an eye he was off running in his crooked style…..
HQD was right by his side doing her wobbly bobbly trot to make sure he was 'ok' for, he is sometimes a risk to himself as he figures out those legs, co-ordination and, the freedom of being able to use his feet and legs at will. 
It may only have been a few moments yet, it was beautiful!!!  
Happy sunshine Monday from BHRR's Moncton and BHRR. 

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Moncton’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Moncton's Angels  $1,124.00* donated to date & Bills are $1,458.93
*Before PayPal fees
Heather H.
BHRR's 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
Dirty Dawg Wash – Split between him, BHRR's Zayna & BHRR's Triumph
7th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser

BHRR's Bishop is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION again. The home was quite honest from the beginning that they had been looking at adopting from several places and, we had scheduled a hv on the 18th and, today, we received an email, that they wish to not proceed. WISHING them all the best, and BHRR's Bishop's home and BHRR's Cherry's home(we were going to bring her also) is out there! 🙂 We remain patient.



BHRR's Bishop is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION. I shall be bringing BHRR's Cherry and possibly one other BHRR canine to the hv.
Will update as we can.

BHRR's Triumph News: He came to work with me and now weighs 40.8 KGs(89.76 pounds)! Since his arrival on June 28th, he has now put on almost 30 pounds!! While he is skinny, he is no longer emaciated. 🙂 When he first arrived, his waist was measured at barely over 13". I re-measured his waist last night and he is 23".
The Vet commented on how his tail just thumps and thumps in happiness! They also noted that he became a bit worried when our male Vet approached yet, was wanting to be loved after some reassurance. He is no longer terrified and catatonic. 🙂
The Vet also admired how much muscle development he was getting in his hind end and, how gorgeous his coat was feeling and looking. 🙂
He was healthy enough to have his vaccines and, we did ear cytology's on him and, he is on meds for a yeast infection that has been brewing. We are running more bw on him also.
He is scheduled for his neuter August 13th and, about two weeks after that, he should be ready to make his special announcement!
This boy is going to make a special home feel so lucky!! 🙂

I ended up bringing him today over August 11th(did a swap for appointments with my 10+ year old Cherokee), so, I could schedule his neuter for August 13th, 2014.

Some photo's below AND a very short video(my Iphone just stopped recording 🙁 )

VIDEO BHRR's Triumph August 7th, 2014

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Triumph’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Triumph's Angels  $462.00* donated to date & Bills are $876.56
*Before PayPal fees
Alex & Karen
Winner of an online Auction in July held by Anna

BHRR's Triumph with our now adopted BHRR's Torque(July 13th, 2014) & BHRR's Triumph August 7th, 2014 for the last three photo's
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BHRR's Ethel was spayed on July 30th and, everything went well. When it came time to remove that tiny growth/lump that had been discovered on July 15th to be on the bottom of her foot, there was not trace to be found of it….all, feet were double checked and triple checked and, it is gone. If it were not for four staff and, a Vet that witnessed it already, with it being there on July 15th, all of us would have thought we were mad! There is no sign of it anywhere…..clearly gone and, no sign of whatever it was coming back either. No one was concerned about it, yet, the Vet that did her spay is wondering if it was not some tiny sliver that, resolved. I am happy that there is no worry about there being a 'bad bump/lump/growth!' Never bothered her either.

I had a detailed conversation with the Vet who did her spay and, her uterus was definitely one of having had puppies in her past. 🙁 🙁 There were spots/marks, healed lesions where tiny placenta's had attached to her uterus and, her uterus was stretched. WELL, no more babies for her, and, I knew when she first arrived, that it would have been shocking to believe that she had been already spayed….picked up in a first nation community, starved, almost blind, with very noticeable breeding signs on her.

YET, those days are long gone…no more babies for her and, she has been developing lots of muscle mass/tone and, she really is so full of personality!!! 🙂

Some photo's below!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Ethel’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Ethel's Angels Donations to Date: $403.17 & Bills To Date: $1,824.90
*Before PayPal fees
PV Hazeldean Community Education/Awareness Event(50/50 split with BHRR's Nessie)
Sarah D – Bath Mat

First three photo's are from July 30th, 2014 & last photo is from August 7th, 2014

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EthelJuly30th1 EthelAugust72014

I cannot believe that I have not as of yet, posted BHRR's Cherry's traditional XMAS Eve photo! 🙂 Full of character EVEN in her photo's!

We continue to be patient that her right matched forever loving home shall find her. While she is crate trained, she has full run of our master bedroom and ensuite while we are away from the home. The master bedroom is 240 square feet and the ensuite is 243 square feet.

She has put on even more weight since her annual and, we are finally at the stage of cutting her back a wee bit on the food! 🙂

BHRR's Cherry – December 24th, 2013
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BHRR's Leroy is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION again! After being under a pending adoption for 8 weeks as of today, and, doing a home-visit on July 17th, all members of the BHRR BOD, plus the two approved BHRR Volunteers that came to do the home-visit, are all in unanimous agreement that, this home is not meant for BHRR's Leroy after all and, so, he is staying with us. This means, that he is once again available for adoption to that right matched forever loving home that is meant for him.

BHRR's Leroy needs to go to a home that is not going to be away from home a lot. He needs a home that understands that consistency, patience, understanding, routine, rules and, obedience are going to be required to keep him being the amazing dog he is. He is a dog that now has wonderful manners, does not exude severe SA behaviours, is calm and, comfortable, social and, affectionate to all his friends plus loved ones. A home that knows that behaviour is not changed, it is modified and managed is what is necessary for BHRR's Leroy for set-up for success.

BHRR needs to approve homes that are going to be honest with us right from the beginning of the adoption process that shall enable relationships to be built up of mutual trust, respect, open communication and, what is in the best interest of the dog and their home. We need homes that are going to listen to us as the experts on these dogs and, understand that, it is not 'I' and, a BHRR dog, it is a BOD plus the BHRR Village/Community and each BHRR dog. There were 6 of us involved in this possible adoption process and, we are not desperate to adopt our dogs, never have and, never shall be. Nor, are we about bringing them in and pumping them out. We are a CHAIN OF SUCCESS family, and, we shall continue to be that way. We do all that we can to work towards a successful new chapter being developed, and, in this case, I went out of pocket over $600 to do the travel time, use of gas, hotel rooms for myself plus one for the BHRR approved Volunteer that traveled with myself from the Ottawa area, we spent a whole afternoon plus into the early evening doing this hv and, will gladly do so again, to best determine if a home is meant for one of our BHRR dogs. We spare nothing for any of the dogs under our authority.

We believe that each r/q group operates in the best interest of the dogs under their authority and, doing r/q rescue right is not about winning any popularity contests, never has been and never will be. We can only hope that the right matched home meant for him, has not been missed out on with him being listed as 'unavailable for 2 months'. 🙁

Below are some photo's of him plus a Video – BHRR's Leroy VIDEO July 17th, 2014

First picture is from May 31st, 2014 & second is from the hotel in London, Ontario in the wee early hours of July 18th, 2014

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BHRR's Maverick, our TRUE IRONMAN says 'I am AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!' HE did it! HE did it! YES! YES! YES!
Look at those straight front legs now AND, he is no longer emaciated!

Thank you to ALL of his angels that stood by our side and his and, never once felt he was not as deserving as other dogs to have a great future! His rehab journey was over $13,000 and, that is why BHRR is here, to help those special needs dogs that, others cannot or will not and, we could not have done it alone!

BHRR's Mav, your village & community is so strong and, you are surrounded by SO much love and warmth and, it makes me well up with tears that, you are now AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

His adoption announcement was delayed as this boy is accident prone! If it was not a stubbed toe, then, it was a cut he gave himself and, any right matched forever loving home meant for him is going to have to understand, that this boy's HUGE zest and joy of living makes him almost a risk to himself as he smashes and plunges his way through(and, I meant, he literally thinks he can go through) trees and brush and bushes! What a gooberhead!!!

Yet, we are finally here!

He can go to a home that works pt, ft, either at home or away from home, semi-retired, retired etc. He is another versatile BHRR dog! 🙂 He has proven to be good with cats(yet, integration is KEY!), great with other dogs(he has a mischievous side and, you have to be on him to be 'gentle'), great with people of all shapes, sizes and ages and, needs a home that will understand that 'out of his element', he needs a few moments to just warm up as he watches to make sure it is 'ok'. Once, he decides that all is safe and wonderful, head long into things he will go!

He is so affectionate! He makes typing on a keyboard a very difficult task at times! 😉 😀 Any right matched home has to be there to remind him of his manners for, he can get caught up in the moment of just 'losing his brain' in playing or being a goob, that he can forget himself.

A copy of all of his x-rays, will go to his right matched forever loving home, in addition to a copy of all of his Vet records. We believe in full disclosure. This boy can do stairs and runs and plays and romps and zips and zooms. My ONLY worry and, that of his specialist is if he were to get 'smashed' in the leg in play. That would be quite painful. Yet, that is a worry for any dog. He lives in a large multi dog home on three plus fenced in acres and, has never had a problem. His legs are so strong now.

He is crate trained and housebroken and, going to a Vet Hospital is not his most fav thing to do, understandably. Yet, I keep bringing him to work and, he keep having good experiences by nobody doing anything other than love to him and, he goes on small play dates where he is picked up and dropped off at the Hospital.

I am deeply humbled and honored to have been on this journey with this amazing dog! He really is a special gift!

First three photo's are from June 4th, 2014 and, last photo is from June 22nd, 2014 at our latest BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House in our newly renovated sunroom! 🙂

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IMG_3537 (Medium) Brynmoor and BHRR 2014 063

Here are two photo's complimentary of A. McCoy from our 7th Annual KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser on July 13th. She continues to just 'steal' the show with her personality and charm…the wee manipulator! LOL

In the second photo she is with BHRR's Triumph! 🙂 As you can see, both are rocking their obedience training at BHRR!

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UPDATE: BHRR's Moncton – July 30th, 2014

He is now 35.3 KGS(77.66 pounds) and, still uber skinny YET, the good news is that with the growth he has done since arriving to BHRR, the dental specialist that saw him on July 30th said that, his canine teeth no longer bang/close on each other…some slight rubbing yet, he will not require any extractions at the time of neuter! He was not overly concerned with his lower jaw and, will take a much closer look when under anesthetic.

The Vet thought he could feel the undescended testicle under the skin and, that is also good news!

We are still trying to figure out the feeding and putting on weight and, almost all matts are gone now(only some on his elbows yet, he is letting me do more and more with him). His coat is becoming so soft and healthy looking!

He is a very small male Newf, possibly X and, as always, to that right matched home, it is not going to matter!

BHRR's Moncton was also SOOOOOO much more brave this time around at the Vet and, taking treats more from folks and, though, he looked towards me for comfort and guidance, he did not even have to sedated this time around and, yes, his hind end is not the best….but, he is getting more muscle tone/mass and, that is greatly helping! He is no where near ready to try and do alternative therapies like Canine Water Wellness to help at this time. He has a long road ahead with his emotional rehab and building up strength before that happens.

He is so quiet and, sweet and LOVES to dig tunnels to China….LOL

Pneumonia is all cleared up, eye infections resolved, feet are lifting and, he will always be eastie/westie due to breeding. Papilloma virus resolved and, making slow yet, great progress forward!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Moncton’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Moncton's Angels  $1,014.00* donated to date & Bills are $1,458.93
*Before PayPal fees
Heather H.
BHRR's 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
Dirty Dawg Wash – Split between him, BHRR's Zayna & BHRR's Triumph
7th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser

Photo's are from July 30th @ KAH
July302 July303

Two of the lovely BHRR ladies taken August 1st, 2014!
BHRR's FREEDOM Dane BHRR's Gretta(Available For Adoption!) & the one and ONLY HQD(BHRR's Salma, one of our amazing M&M's – working on 10.5 years young).
August 1st, 2014
AND yes, on my one couch….sigh…. 😉 cheeky

One a side note, BHRR's Gretta is doing well from when she was hurt under another's care back in March. Thank you to all that brought it to our attention while we were away and, Sarah D. for bringing her into KAH for treatment!


Today, I was contacted about a ~3.5 year old Female DEAF GD, Merlequin. She has had two names that we are aware of to date 'Daisy' & 'Dana'. She will have a new name for a new beginning. O. died and she went to the shelter in April. She was adopted out and then returned in June as the home said she was resourcing and aggressive, to other animals.
She went back to the shelter and, they contacted another organization that, waited 6 weeks before saying they could not take her, and, major kennel stress set in.
On August 2nd, BHRR was contacted to assist and, we had to wait to we had a spot and, we committed to bringing her into BHRR August 18th, 2014. She is ONLY the 7th dog that BHRR has been able to assist in 2014. Here is the email in part:


Hi Gwen,
I was passed along your information from X at X.

We are seeking placement for a deaf Great Dane named “Dana”. Dana is also spayed, and has no known health concerns.

Dana is requiring an only pet home, as she can be “possessive” of her people. She was originally placed with other animals in the home, but needed to be returned due to some aggression. She is great with other dogs in the shelter, in our play yard and enjoys their company outside of her home.

I have been in contact with X for over 6 weeks, however, they only just informed me that they could not take her into their care.

Unfortunately, due to Dana’s length of stay, she is increasingly becoming anxious in the shelter. She is cautious of new people, but is getting worse. Dana is fantastic with all of our staff and very loving, she does the classic dane trick and likes to sit right on your lap.

She is fully house trained, quiet, and very snuggly.

Please let us know if you’d be able to help Dana.

Thank you for your time,


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