The Hobbits of BHRR's Bilbo & BHRR's Baggins were at the Vet with me yesterday and…..

Hobbit Bilbo now weighs – 12.5 Kgs(27.5 pounds!)
Hobbit Baggins now weights – 11.2 Kgs(24.42 pounds!)

Sniff…they are growing up….and FAST!

At the rate they are growing, they should be around 75-80 pounds when full grown….yet, I shall see what their next visit weigh-in looks like. Could just be a growth spurt!

Ears, hearts, lungs, joints are great for both!
Eyes for Hobbit Bilbo thumbs up too!
Eyes for Hobbit Baggins much improved since last visit….in discussing with his Vet last night, there are some theories on this and he could possibly continue to improve as he ages and could end up with zero impairment as he matures. They are going to research more. He is still not 100% 'normal' yet, he is NORMAL to all that know and love him!

The Vet believes that it could be a developmental thing with BHRR's Baggins and that as he ages, his eyes will become stronger and more normal and he could well end up with no impairment. NEW ground for me in this!

Matters naught to me if he is or is not visually impaired> I have been working on his scent and touch training and he has been ROCKING it! The puppy that once was so scared he screamed and cowered behind all before I got him from what I was told when he was first picked up and the puppy that wedged himself behind my one toilet is NO longer! HE is rocking his leash and his sit and his is one personality filled dude! HE is brill!

BHRR's Bilbo is much 'softer'….and he did not get all in the brains area….. 😉

AND here is a VIDEO taken of The Hobbits with our PRU FREEDOM DOG Sir-Bounce-A-Lots on April 28th, 2013

BHRR's Bilbo & Baggins came on Saturday April 20th to the Pet Appreciation Event at PV Stittsville AND MAN! Did they obtain some fans.

One of our approved BHRR Volunteers that day was amazing to assist me in keep explaining to people that you do not just 'toss' us some money and then get to walk away with the puppy you want. We continued to have to explain how our adoption processes work and that these two are not even yet, ready for adoption and why we do not take applications until they are ready.

Below is a photo of folks that have become very dear to the hearts of Sean & I of PV Stittsville holding The Hobbits! 🙂

They had a great day!!!

BHRR's Baggins continues to become more and more social, SMART! OMG! He is brill!
BHRR's Bilbo is smart, yet, a different kind of smart. 😀

Both keep stealing hearts and taking numbers wherever they go AND their leash manners are almost completley rocking, they have their names, sit, stay down to a 't' and are very eager to please! They are such happy wee boyz!

They are both heading to work with me on Monday for their next set of boosters and a new weight! I wanted to snag the new weight on Saturday but, our scale at KAH died on Thursday night and the new one that came in on Friday has not yet, been caliberated. CANNOT wait to see where they are at now for it is getting very hard to carry them in two arms! The one arm carrying is long gone! 🙂

Many continue to also think they are IWx and we continue to say that we KNOW what their parents were – Mom (Rottie) & Dad (Olde English Sheepdog x GS). 😉

You can see my 'scrub' top just barely as I did a great 'duck' before the photo was taken…I am a in the trenches kinda person. Not in the limelight person. 😉

Our small r/q group was chosen by PV Stittsville to be the recipients of funds raised during the month of April as part of their Pet Valu Appreciation month and they also invited us to their locale last weekend AND I had so much fun planning the day/events with PV Stittsville! THEY also invited us back for 2014! HOW honoured am I!

We handed over the $826.02 and the $411 we raised at our tables over both days on the weekend so that they could write one big check to BHRR at the end of the month. In visiting yesterday, I felt like I needed to take a seat when I was told the total to date that had been raised over the past month….

I can say that this amount between the PAWS and other events hosted over April, that we can put down a big hunk of change towards BHRR's Maverick's upcoming two separate leg surgeries. How can one truly thank everyone that has helped to make that happen?! Words truly do fail me at times….

BHRR's Cherry & The Hobbits(Bilbo – l) & (Baggins – r)
*photo courtesy of Erika of PV

BHRR's Cancun had a good sleep over play date experience from my understanding and thank you to the home for giving him this special time. As I keep saying experiences like this continue to make the BHRR dogs that much more well rounded plus balanced. As so many know, I keep working to make dogs assets to home and community and to be the best dogs they can be!

BHRR's Cancun and I did not get to go to our 3:30 PM special event yesterday yet, we are rescheduling and after I picked him up after my work shift; he and I stopped by one of our absolutely most fav places in the world! PV Stittsville…many others are finding this to be their fav place too based upon our own amazing experiences! LOVE it!

I was able to confirm WITHOUT a doubt that BHRR's Cancun should not go to a home with cats. I had strong suspicions and feelings regarding this as I have come to know him very well, and, the answer is no….he will not go to any home with cats.

Below is a photos that one of the lovelies at PV Stittsville took of him. LOVE it!

HE was very popular in our recent BHRR DATE ONLINE Auction and I look forward to making the winner bidders their personalized picnic! 🙂

BHRR's Cancun – April 27th, 2013
*Photo courtesy of Bre


On Thursday April 25th, after several attempts over the past while to try to meet BHRR's Riley's former temp foster home in person – their schedules and mine have just not aligned 🙁 – I sent them an email updating them on BHRR's Riley. I had wanted to visit with them and like to do all things so hard, in person rather than over email or phone.

BHRR's Riley has been back at BHRR since February and I had the very difficult task of crossing him over very recently due to health issues – Cancer.

I held him in my arms, sobbing and weeping……….I did not want to post anything publicly until I had a chance to talk to the home that had temp fostered him so very wonderfully for many months once he was ready to be placed up for adoption and I also connected with his other temp foster home(the amazing home that temp fostered him while I was away in March of 2012 for a week or so while I had to be away).

I also messaged the person who originally messaged me about assisting him back in November of 2011 to update them.

I wanted to touch base with all those that loved him the way my home does before updating his blog and sharing his immense loss publicly…..

I have loved this boy since I was first contacted to assist him. I am convinced he was related to BHRR's Mr. Parker Paws…just convinced. As were several others!

He went from emaciated and stressed to one HECK of a dog at BHRR! His personality was HUGE, MASSIVE, ENORMOUS! His coat became so glossy and shiny and healthy. He was such a GOOFBALL! My home is so empty…hollow even….the dogs quieter, a hole larger than the grand canyon is in our hearts and home over his loss. He learned so much with his obedience and manners and he had a style ALL 'RILEYS'…..

The using of our BHRR's FREEDOM DANE Adele as an obstacle course, the trying to leap through open windows in a single bound, the way he leaned into me with such 'whole body affection', how meeting BHRR's Cobalt each day was like meeing a whole NEW amazing friend over and over(like BHRR's Mr. Parker Paws and BHRR's Mazda), putting his feet on the counter in the kitchen to drink from the tap, how his butt would sit in a nanosecond when BHRR's Dana(GOD! My heart still bleeds over her loss) called 'ICE CUBE' time and I could go on and on and on with all my favourite memories, times and moments with this boy! 🙁

After being with me at BHRR for over 7 months, on June 4th, 2012 until February 12th, 2013, he was temp fostered and they adored him and vice versa. Then he was back with me as of February. So, between his temp foster home and my own, he has spent equal time and while he may have gone through his rehab and training and vetting at BHRR, he was adored NO less by his temp foster home. They are as upset and devastated as my own home is.

EVERY loss hurts….it does not get easier. 🙁

RIP dear BHRR's Riley and the date that I write this post is also the same day that I said good-bye to another beloved dog that I have held in my arms since they were mere weeks of age…… 🙁

A candle sent to me from BHRR's Riley's former temp foster home – Bruce/Holly
They said that he is now with BHRR's Concert and that made me just weep all over again….. 🙁
This is the same candle they said that they lit when our precious BHRR's Concert crossed over
HE so wuved her! He was the biggest flirt…..he always did love the ladies….

Michelle, Aurora, ON

Hi Gwen

I am writing you this email to let you know how wonderful I think your organization is!  I just happen to see your website today when I was searching bull mastiff rescue sites.  I am appalled (by human behavior) and amazed at the same time when I read the stories of the beautiful animals that you have helped over the years.  I share your love of dogs (all animals), and am the proud owner of Harley ( lab) and Toby (German shorthaired pointer).

I hope one day to rescue a large breed such as a bull mastiff or any other breed that I fall in love with.  I donated 100 dollars to your site and I also called the Kanata clinic and donated 100 dollars to autumn.

I will be sending future donations as well.  I really just wanted to send you this email not to tell you that I donated but to tell you how much I appreciate the work that all of you do!

Thank you so much

Michelle Moulton

Aurora, on

As I sit warmly hunkered down with a hot chocolate at Timmie's in Orleans waiting for rush hour traffic to lessen(took me just under two hours to get here but so worth the trip thank you GDR!); it is a good time to update all on BHRR's Maverick News!

BHRR's Maverick did amazing on Sunday at the Pet Valu Appreciation event in Stittsville!! He has come a long way in such a short period of time and yes, he is very bonded to me already….hauling some of our approved Volunteers closer to me if he felt I was too far away….working on ensuring he does not develop SA. We raised $170 from his 50/50 raffle for his bills over the weekend!!

On Monday, his wonderful Vet at KAH conversed with Dr. Philibert and surprising to both of us, he was not concerned with the unhealed leg from his surgery from last November done by his past Owner. In asking why, it was a question his Vet at KAH would re-visit on Tuesday for they were so busy as was Dr. P. Dr. P. from reviewing his x-rays believes that while he would not be able to completely straighten both legs, he could give BHRR's significant improvement. He would repeat ostectomies in both legs and use plates and pins.

I had a question re: doing this before him reaching maturity and that question was to be re-visited on Tuesday as well. Dr. P. was to be at KAH on Wednesday and we scheduled to have BHRR's Maverick in so that Dr. P. could examine him himself.

I am so grateful to his Vet at KAH and Dr. P.! We do not deal with the easy 'cases' at BHRR and they have been so good to the animals!! AND to me!!

I was told today that BHRR's Maverick was even more outgoing and social and curious today than when he was there last Thursday and was more comfortable with all the lovely ladies this time around and was just a bit nervous of Dr. P. and the male Vet at KAH. I was really happy to hear this news – thanks Shannon! – as he is making wonderful emotional progress in his rehab!

Dr. P. reviewed his x-rays again(I still need to post his right leg) and examined BHRR's Maverick.

He feels that both legs can be done and he explained that it is not abnormal for full healing or a closure to not happen with the type of surgery BHRR's Maverick had last November. He also says that he is not worried and to possibly expect that even after the repeat surgeries, this time with plates and screws; that full closure may not happen then either. News for myself and his Vet at KAH for sure!! We have never had a non healed case in our own history and so, this is new ground for us from the surgery his O. had last November for him.

Dr. P. would not do both at once either like what BHRR's Maverick had last November . Something I am happy to support for that is a lot at one time.

In regards to waiting, all are in agreement with me to wait until BHRR's Maverick is more healthy and weighs more. 🙂

AND in respect to his age and waiting until maturity, per Dr. Philibert, his growth plates fused early already and does not believe there will be significant growth from the age he is at now that would be essential to having to wait until he is older.

I am so grateful in having my questions and concerns answered plus addressed and all the patience and time that has been taken with BHRR's Maverick.

I was given Dr. Philibert's cost per leg that is just for the surgery. It does not cover all the other fees associated with any surgery plus meds etc. So, when all is said and done, we are looking at probably close to $6,000 for his bills. This boy is worth every dime and then some!! Only the best for the BHRR dogs!! AND Dr. P. is one of the best!

When I was first contacted to assist this GD and the one he was left at the shelter with, I 'knew' he needed BHRR…at that time, we were told about one deformed leg plus that he was black and he turned out to have two and after today, my heart tells me even more that this boy needs BHRR!!

This is why, I founded BHRR back in 1996 and why I get up everyday and why I work the hours I do…for all those like him that would not have had this opportunity for a great future and I already know that he is taking me on adventures and a journey that will enrich my soul tenfold!!

He is so sweet….so precious and it is not his fault that he ended up with two deformed front legs and I am so over the moon, knowing that he has a surgical option!!! YAY!!

Ok…huge Gwennie novel!! 🙂

Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to his care……even a $1 donation is super!! His Bills shall be extensive! Yet, he is as deserving as any other dog out there of a helping hand.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Maverick'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Maverick's Magnificent Angels  $345 donated to date & Bills $1861.13
Rachel – Plus a Collar


BHRR's Maverick – April 6th, 2013 – on route to BHRR
THOSE long nails are LONG GONE!
*photo courtesy of R. & B. Ng

BHRR's Canvas' reality slide

October 2012 – 96 pounds
April 2013 – 40+ pounds GAINED!

*THUMBS up my goofball!

We continue to work on his emotional rehab. This was the GD that was cowering under a desk at the shelter. A very broken GD.
This is the boy that I am now seeking 'dates' with for me to take him on. He is not scared of all those that he loves and trusts. We are continuing to teach and show him that strangers will not hurt him, that hands can be helping and loving…not hurtful and cruel.

ISO: dates with men & women! As always, not for me…. 🙂

This is for BHRR's Canvas. He is now ready for those next out of BHRR steps. He has put on 40+ pounds in rehab here and he is finally now ready to move to his next behavoural and emotional rehab journey. 🙂

As a few are aware, he is an absolute goofy spazz around those he now trusts and loves and his tail is a nonstop helicopter spin in his happiness of wagging it nonstop!!

I have been working slowly with him with car rides and visiting quiet places and now, I am seeking dates as part of our BHRR visitation rehab programs.

I am looking at setting up mutually convenient time/date at approved people's homes for me to take him and sit and chat and keep him moving forward to the land of living outside of BHRR. This boy had a real abusive past and it has been baby baby baby steps.

If anyone is open and interested in becoming part of his circle of set-up for success, please EMAIL


We now have three approved Volunteer homes signed up! Would like one or two more! 🙂

BHRR's Salma Story! Awww…gotta love BHRR's Salma! 😀

Every Sunday or as needed, I put in fresh dog blankets and/or dog beds etc. and tonight, after I had made BHRR's Salma's crate – she loves to lay in an open crate when she wants to just have some 'down' and 'quiet' time, I hear this sound……

I look over and she is deliberating peeing on the blanket that I had put folded nicely on her bed(she likes to nest in the blanket) and I am like 'Salma, no….you pee outside'….

She looks right at me, walks out of her crate, turns around, pulls the blanket from the crate that she loves and pulls it over to my feet, does her 'sit down and look at me' stance….

I get it…I get it…it was not one of her FAV blankets of which her Auntie Viv had made for her….she has also taken over liking BHRR's Pumbaa's and BHRR's Timon's as well that Auntie Viv also made…..something about them just makes her feel safe and snug and ever so comfy!

So, I pull dog bed out of crate, scrub crate clean….find her spare bed(she has two that I rotate) and put in a fresh duvet, then her spare dog bed with the high sides on top and then one of her 'favourite' blankets on top of that and stand aside to look at her…..

BHRR's Salma sits there the whole time(if she could have crossed her arms she would have in being so unimpressed!), watches me and when I am done(obviously to her liking NOW), she stands up, walks by me with nary a look or glance back and settles down on to her bed and nestles deep into the blanket and curls up and sighs…

Within moments she is fast asleep and snoring…

Yup….Salma's Boot Camp is alive and strong here at BHRR! 😉 cheeky

Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to her care……even a $1 donation is super!! :)

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Salma'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Salma's SPECIAL ANGELS  $1,056.50 donated to date & Bills $2,258.31
Tanya – BHRR's Journey Heart Biscuits
Shirley & Nathan
Fiona's Mummy – Collar & Blankie
Caren – Dog Bed
Andrea/Blue – PayPal took $0.88
Auntie Viv – Cupcake Sale of BHRR's Salma's Suprises + $18 BHRR's JH Biscuits – photo in her fb album posted below

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

TO FOLLOW THE M3 MMMM Movement Experience, here is their album LINK on our BHRR FB Page!

BHRR's Maverick's bloodwork was normal, his hwt was negative, his fecal smear was negative and his fecal was negative! YAY!

Here are his x-rays from April 18th, 2013

*the news was not good – one leg(left) may need a plate/pins as it had never healed from the ostectomy surgery his previous O. had done on it last November and I have the x-rays to show the area that is 'broken'/not yet healed/closed & the other leg most likely shall need another corrective ostectomy.*
We are awaiting word from Dr. Philibert for his expert opinion and recommendations.

The O. never did post-op 6 week x-rays from when they gave him osteotomy surgery in November of 2012 and Maverick has been literally walking around with his leg like this. 🙁
You can see how bowed his bones are…..

BHRR's Freedom has been doing well in his temp foster home.

Some minor shoe chewing going on(one shoe of two different pairs…cheeky) and one step backwards when too much freedom was given too soon and he began to do some marking and I advised to go back to basics. I believe that all dogs need to build up and earn being able to be trusted for full freedom of a home and it was a bit too early(the home had thought he was doing great and gavem him the freedom and it happens!) and all was corrected and things have been very smooth overall!!!

JOB well done and thumbs up to the home! 🙂

He has settled in so well and even their cat(yet, is he really a cat? 😉 ) loves him!

He has been reaching the same milestones in his temp foster home that he had done with myself and that is so rewarding and wonderful to see! 🙂

He has graduated back down to just one collar as he has adjusted to life in their home and he loves his two foster sisters – I heard rumour that he is really 'crushing' on one of them. Well, who wouldn't? Both other dogs in the home are BHRR doggies that have been adopted! 😉

I have been so happy for him and knew this was the right matched fit for him and them and it has been just lovely to hear the updates!!

His is also showing his monkey man movements in their home and YAY! YAY!

Below are some photos taken by his temp foster family.

AND, I am also going to post that this boy has received an application and we are going to place him under a PENDING ADOPTION as we go through the adoption process.

Will update as I can!


On April 18th, 2013 – BHRR's Maverick weighed 95.92 pounds at the Vet tonight! He has gone up 11 pounds!

We had to wait until he had more weight on him and was less skittish for handling before I could bring him in and we could really do what needed to be done. I also do not like putting dogs THAT skinny, even under a sedation.

He had a thorough exam, fecal smear, fecal, was sedated for x-rays, microchipped, given revolution, had bloodwork including hwt and had a mani/pedicure done.
We dewormed him upon arrival to BHRR. His heart and lungs are THUMBS up!

Some photos below of our time at KAH AND here is a VIDEO

Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to his care……even a $1 donation is super!! His Bills shall be extensive! Yet, he is as deserving as any other dog out there of a helping hand.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Maverick'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Maverick's Magnificent Angels  $345 donated to date & Bills $1861.13
Rachel – Plus a Collar


BHRR's Cancun has his own very important announcement to make…

He says that while once he was barely 77 pounds and very sick…he is now 57.9 KGs aka 127.4 POUNDS as of today! 🙂 WAHOOO!

THAT means he has put on 50.4 pounds!!!!!!!!! WTG! Thumbs up! 🙂

AND, he has made me extremely proud of his trust in me and his rehab with respect to being scared of other dogs as NOW that is very much a thing of his past…….especially the wee doggies…they terrified him! 😉

He had a play date today for about 4.5 hours and he shall be having a sleepover playdate at this same home next Friday!

All of this dates only make our BHRR dogs that much more balanced and well rounded…I keep saying that! 🙂

I am sooooooooo proud of this boy! So very proud!!! 🙂

Once BHRR's Maverick arrived on April 6th, 2013, it was clearly noted that he had not one deformed leg, yet two front severely deformed legs.

Many have asked what my expert positioning is and I suspect nutitional, genetics and possible improper exercise when he was younger.

He is a tall boy….and he LOVES teenage boyz! LOL Kanga-Dane! Kanga-Dane…we are working on that! 😉

He is scheduled to see the Vet on Thursday April 18th, when I am working. We will x-ray those legs, have a full exam, do bw including hwt, microchip and he is already being dewormed at BHRR. He has also been placed on Revolution.

His vaccines are not due until June 1st, 2013. We will update them when we believe he is deemed healthy enough. If he is growing and has bone growth issues, we would not feel comfortable giving him any vaccines in June. He will be with us for some time to come. He has a long journey ahead of him.

In going through his medical records sent with him:

"Maverick, 9 month old castrated Great Dane, originally presented to the OVC for evaluation of a bilateral forelimb angular deformity on September 25th, 2012. Ut was first appreciated by the owners several months ago, and has been getting progressively worse since then. No treatments or diangostics had yet been perforrmed. Maverick was sedated, and radiographs of both antebrachia were taken, reveaing bilateral angular deformity consistent with premature closure of the distal ulna physes. Surgical options for correction as well as potential complications were discussed."

"Radiographs indicate that Maverick has had a closure of the distal growth plates in both of his ulnas. This 'tethers' down that part of the carpus(wrist), and then as the radius continues to grow, resulting in asynchronous growth of the radius and ulna and the deformity seen in his forelimbs. The surgery we recommend releases the ulna, which then should allow the radius to grow normally and correct the limb deformity."

"……the surgery will need to be repeated if the ulna bridges with new bone, or the need for a corrective osteotomy after Maverick reaches skeletal maturity if his normal growth to that point had not corrected his limb deformity."

"We recommend surgery(bilateral ulnar ostectomy) to help correct Mavericks angular limb deformity. This is best performed as soon as possible to allow the best chance for the remaining growth in his radius to correct his deformity."

"On November 20th, 2012, Maverick was admitted to the care of the OVC Orthopaedic Surgery Service for surgical correction of his angular limb dermormities and for a neuter.(WHAT confuses me is that on September 25th, 2012 HE was stated above in the Vet records as already having being NEUTERED)
On presentation Maverick was bright alert and responsive, his physical exam was unremarkable other than his previously noted bilateral angular forelimb deformities. Packed cell volume, blood urea, and total solids were performed and found to be within normal limits."(I do not have a copy of any of this bloodwork being sent with him).

"On November 21st, 2012, Maverick was routinely anesthetized. A bilateral ulnar ostectomy was performed, at which time approximately 4 cm from each distal ulna was removed. A routine castration was also performed on Maverick. Post-operative radiographs were evaluated, confirming desired ulnar ostectomies. Soft padded bandages were applied to both forelimbs.

Maverick recovered uneventfully and was closely monitored. He was placed on antibiotics, analgesics, and the nueter incision site was cold packed until discharge."

On November 22nd, 2012, Maverick was discharged to the care of his owners with the above instructions and prescibed medications.

What is also confusing is that per the paperwork, it clearly states:

"Thank you very much for bringing Maverick in. He is a handsome boy and was a pleasure to work with. Please feel free to contact Dr. Tom Gibson or Dr. Evan Crawford at 519-823-8830 if ou have any questions or concerns, or if you would like to book Maverick in for the surgery."

AND, the estimate given for the surgeries was $2,500 – $3,000 for both sides and the copy of a receipt that I have was for only $1,500.

AND, per the paperwork:

"Please schedule an appointment in 6 weeks from now at the Ontario Veterinary College Surgery Service for radiographic evaluation of Maverick's ulnar ostectomies and re-evaluation of the bilateral angular limb deformities. Further surgeries(repeated ular ostectomies, closed wedge radial osteotomies) in the future may be recommended pending Maverick's clinical status and degree of thoracic angular limb defmormity."

**I have no paperwork that any follow-up was done and it is very hard to determine what was and is an estimate and what really was performed surgically for Maverick.**

When BHRR's Maverick is in with me on Thursday, we for sure, shall be doing X-Rays and go from there. They should give us some answers as to what is going on inside of him. I will place a call with the OVC yet, sometimes it is very hard to obtain

Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to his care……even a $1 donation is super!! His Bills shall be extensive! Yet, he is as deserving as any other dog out there of a helping hand.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Maverick'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Maverick's Magnificent Angels  $295 donated to date & Bills $227.63
Rachel – Plus a Collar


UPDATE: April 6th from one Transporter Jenn:
9:45 am. Update
Passing Milton.  Maverick is really friendly and nice,  but spooks easily,  much like a horse,  which is fitting,  considering his size. 🙂
He is STRONG, handlers can't let their guard down in case he spooks and bolts. 
A little restless so far, but ok.  If he wasn't bolted in,  I think he'd be in my lap 🙂
Very drooly,  bring towels!

UPDATE: April 6th from one Transporter Monique:
11:43 AM
Safely transferred to Sonya maverick is a gem

UPDATE: April 6th from one Transporter Rachel:
2:56 PM
Hi everyone!
What a great traveller he is. We are now at BHRR and he is safely in the hands of Gwen

Photo below taken by Deb during his transport from Belleville to Kingston.

BHRR's Maverick – April 6th, 2013

The wee Hobbits came to work with me on Monday and WOW! Better and better and better! 🙂

More outgoing and social and the housebreaking is getting there…. 😉

BHRR's Baggins' car sickness is almost completely gone now…just some very mild wet chin. They had to have been so stressed on Friday and then with me taking them in yet, another car ride on the Saturday. Poor BHRR's Baggins had a puke in the car on Saturday and I had heard that they got sick on Friday on the transport.

YET, nothing on Monday!

BOTH are great travellers.

BHRR's Baggins weighed 6.4 kgs(14.08 pounds)
BHRR's Bilbo weighed 7.1 kgs(15.62 pounds)

They are still skinny and a lot more hydrated and putting on the weight wonderfully! 🙂

ANOTHER huge hit day for them at KAH! 🙂