BHRR's Sugar has been ADOPTED!!! Amazing how paths can re-cross so many years later and I am very happy for the home and BHRR's Sugar!

At one point I leaned down and whispered to her that she has such a great future ahead of her, thanked her for her bravery and trust over the journey we took together and that I would miss her YET I shall always be a part of her and vice versa……told her that s

he was such a special gift and shall be continually cherished…..

I did not take a photo and ugh for that yet, she has canine plus feline family members and kids to call her own as well as her new parents! 🙂

Her journey shall continue with her new family with their understanding plus patience.


I took BHRR's Abby to the Vet tonight. Originally, it was for an exam, bw including HWT, confirm if spayed, vaccnies etc. yet, as of Monday night, I have been a bit worried about her. She was eating and drinking well yet, something did not quiet seem right – her energy level was not really 'off' and I monitored.

By Wednesday night, she stopped eating, yet was drinking and seemed a bit more quiet than normal and as I had her Vet appointment on Thursday, I brought her in then.

BHRR's Abby weighed 40.2 KGs(88.44 pounds) and you could tell that she has lost weight. She should be another 7 pounds or so for my liking.

We did bw, full exam and also microchipped her and shaved to confirm that no, she is not yet spayed. We did not think so as is.

The Vet suspected either a cardiac condition or possible aspiration pneumonia. KC was ruled out as there is no cough or other KC signs. The Vet asked me if I wanted to start antibiotics first or x-ray and I said I would like to x-ray to rule out any enlarged heart.

So, this amazing girl was x-rayed and she was AWESOME! She did not require any sedation and we got some great shots. I shall ask them to be emailed to me to post.

Her heart is normal and she has some pockets of congestion that the Vet feels that being on Clavamox 750mg BID should help and if there is no improvement by Saturday, to re-visit. As of today, she still was not interested in food, not even wet and I grabbed some cans of A/D to take home. She was not interested in treats or pill pockets with her pills and so manually down the hatch the pills went at KAH.

I asked the Vet what she thought BHRR's Abby's age was and she said 'you would know better than me' and I said no more than 5 and over 4 and the Vet concurred. She has that amazing 'masking gene' that makes her face whiten….love it!

She is drinking and is not dehydrated and we are monitored closely.

Below are two photos from when she was with the FABU home that took such great care of her until we had a spot at BHRR! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! She is sporting one of the doggie coats I dropped off for her.


BHRR's Abby's Angels: $20 donated to date & Bills $398.78
RCMP Employess

BHRR's Abby – Fall 2012

BHRR's Blossom has accomplished so much in such a short time! She is no longer that 57 pound Great Dane and she has truly blossomed with her personality and shyness to a really pretty flower. 🙂 THANKS to all of you, her angels for the assistance with her bills!

Our November 24th, 2012 BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House saw just shy of 50 registered guests come and go and from the moment the first 'guest' entered to the last 'guest' that left, BHRR's Blossom did so well!

People who were at our September 29th Dinner Event remarked JUST how far she had come even since there. :)

She is hanging around 100 pounds right now and that means that she has put on 43 pounds, almost half her weight since she first arrived!

She shall require continued understanding plus patience in her new forever loving home, so she is not set-up for failure. We advise all those interested in adopting her to please read our policies and procedures. We are not desperate to place any of our dogs and only the right matched personality fits shall do.

She is not crated and is 100% trustworthy in the house. Cats are unknown.

She can go to a home that works ft, pt, from home, semi retired or retired. Another amazing versatile BHRR doggie! 🙂

She still loves to eat right out of the food bin as I am preparing the other dogs food and so, no resourcing to humans from her! LOL She does not like it when other dogs get a bit too close to her food and that is understandable, having been so starved.

November 24th, 2012
*photo courtesy of C. Desjardins

We are taking BHRR's Bloom off 'PENDING ADOPTION' as we have been unable to close off on the Vet reference successfully on the app sent our way that was interested in adopting her. BHRR needs to confirm that all current animals in ones' home is being vetted per what we believe are proactive and preventative vet care including regular heartworm testing, preventative and vaccines plus fecals.

BHRR's Bloom is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION for that right matched forever loving home!

BHRR's Dozer is THERE! He is ready to be placed up as AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!!! YAY! WTG BIG Guy!

Our November 24th, 2012 BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House saw just shy of 50 registered guests come and go and from the moment the first 'guy' entered to the last 'guy' that left, BHRR's Dozer was in his element! I had put him in a 'safe spot', a crate when the first guests arrived to give him time to get used to things and his tail wagged nonstop and he could not wait to come out. So, not more than 5 minutes later, he was out and doing his thing…AND boy, he does it well! 😉

People who were at our September 29th Dinner Event remarked JUST how far he had come even since there. 🙂

NOT one bark, not one fear moment and I am sooooooooooooooooo proud! He has ROCKED his rehab and he shall only go to a home that shall not set-him up for failure and understands what he has gone through plus the journey he has taken while at BHRR. He was scared of everything!

In public, a passively ignore approach and a calm, confident approach that is non threatening or arrogant is what he needs. Treats help.

He gets ALONG with all dogs at BHRR and he was the first to meet the newest addition to BHRR – BHRR's Bishop! NOW, that is how much I trust him! He is no longer scared of other dogs and reactive, because of it.

My heart is bursting for this was one messed up dog when he first arrived and he and I have traveled very FAR. I will not see him go somewhere where he is overwhelmed, flooded or on the other hand, kept secluded from a world that he has learned can be loving and kind and full of great things.

He can go to a home that has at least one right matched personality fit dog, or none at all as long as there is a proper dog social network in place to ensure that he has his doggie friends. He can go to a home that works full time, part time, semi retired, retired, works form home etc. AS he is yet, another amazing versatile dog!

BHRR's Dozer, it has been a pleasure. You have brought me to a whole new level of sheer appreciation for the dog you are and are the proof of just how much patience does pay off!

BHRR's Velvet was spayed yesterday and weighed 54 KGs(118.80 pounds). Still a wee bit chunky monkey from her arrival at BHRR. She arrived to BHRR at 125 pounds and really should be closer to 115 pounds. GETTING there!

Below are some photos of her SPAY day! Once she has about 14 days to recover, she should be then ready to be placed up for adoption.

BHRR's Velvet – November 26th, 2012

BHRR's Sugar's home visit has been scheduled for Friday November 30th! We shall update as we can.

She has continued to put on weight and come out of her shell. She was naturally overwhelmed at our recent BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House this past Saturday yet did SOOOOOOOOOO much better than she did at our September Dinner event.

Continued patience and time is going to show all how much of a wee charmer and kisser she can be! 🙂

BHRR's Bishop is scheduled to visit the Vet on December 6th unless there is a need for him to go earlier. This shall give us more time to get the weight on and get him settled further into BHRR. We shall re-visit the lump/growth on his foot.

BHRR's Hailey's next recheck is December 10th. SHE is holding her own with the Cartrophen right now! Mostly all good days! YAY!

BHRR's Abby is headed to the Vet on November 29th.

BHRR's Velvet was with me at the Vet's on Monday. I had to delay her vet visit by a week as it was so important to get BHRR's Cherry in ASAP, who was a new arrival that week.

BHRR's Velvet weighed still a slightly PP(Pleasantly Plump) 54.7 KGS(120.34 pounds). The Shelter put her at 125 pounds when she was with them and she is still plump! Getting there!

Her spay is now the 26th of November.

We did presurgical bw including a hwt, her DAPP Booster, full exam and microchipped her.

BHRR's Bishop – 15 month old Male Merle GD, emaciated – max. 2.5/10 body score, good with dogs and cats, loves kids, no issues with women and was 'indifferent' to men(yet, the shelter noted two incidents of him being scared of men), was an outside dog yet we have been told he is housebroken(proven to be this way to date), was on metronidazole for 5 days and is on Sulfatrim for a baceterial infection for 14 days(yet no specifications made as to what type of infection – UTI? Ear? Tye of Pneumonia are all things Sulfratrim can be used for). Most likely for the mass on his left front foot though. The home that brought him to the shelter said they were moving and said they got him through an internet ad. This was at least his second home at such a young age., NOT to mention the home he was bred at.

From the Shelter & The 2 Shelter Vets

"We did a cytology of the mass and determined that it is likely inflammatory (little cellularity). This means a non-malignant mass that could result from an old wound or abscess. It does not look like a granuloma; the dog has not been licking it. We would not treat this mass but we cannot provide any guarantees as to how long it will take and if it will disappear fully. Given the age of the dog, and the fact he is not licking it or limping, the prognosis is good. Dr Saucke or myself (Dr Tacium)"

He arrived to BHRR yesterday. We were contacted to assist him last week. He was not doing very well in the shelter yet, we needed an adoption to go through before we had the spot. With BHRR's Emmett's adoption, we could move forward in bringing whom we are calling BHRR's Bishop into BHRR.

Below is a slide that I put together of BHRR's Bishop. As I posted yesterday on our BHRR FB page, he has several qualities that remind me of BHRR's Veteran. I even have a photo almost identical to one I have of BHRR's Veteran of head lowered and eyes up. He is 'bluffy' a bit on the outside trying to show he is confident just as BHRR's Veteran was and a real 'scared' wee thing on the inside. 🙁 He will get there.

He is the TENTH case of emaciation that BHRR has assisted in 2012. 🙁

He needs structure and patience plus consistency and obedience under a firm yet very positive loving leadership hand.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Bishop'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Bishop Beautiful Angels  $210 donated to date & Bills $215.78
Anna & Peter

Packing blankets
Oatmeal Shampoo
Dog Bed
Dog Coat – size L
Extra lean ground hamburger
Cool Coat from Aaahpaws

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**


Today's BHRR THUMBS UP moment. It is amazing even with how many decades I have been around(yes, many! LOL) that I can still be so taken by the beautiful reaction of a doggie discovering delightful treats. Like watching a whole new world unfold for them! 🙂

I offered BHRR's Cherry a wee bit of Peanut Butter with her pills today and after some hesitation, it was like watching heaven….her eyes wid

ened slightly, the tongue came out cautiously and took that first lick and then the eyes widened further and they appeared to even then half close in absolute pleasure….

From there…..then, I almost lost my fingers in her enthusiasm to get it all! LOL

After some touch and go this past week with her pneumonia, she has begun to really progress well in both health(weight included) and emotional rehab.

I am telling everyone now, brace yourselves for this girl is going to be taking some serious names! 😉 :)-

Last week, BHRR's Cherry URI became worse and we added Baytril to her Clavamox. She actually was having a bloody discharge from her nose. I was sooooooo worried about her congestion and this girl has NO weight to spare to not be eating or drinking. 🙁

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Cherry'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Cherry's BEST Angels  $308 donated to date & Bills $593.39
Anna & Peter
Natalie in pennies – in honour of BHRR's Emma's memory to help BHRR's Cherry
Kevin – PayPal took $1.75 in fees

Stephanie/Denis – SS Collar

Packing blankets
More Oatmeal Shampoo
Dog Bed
Dog Coat – size L
Cool Coat from Aaahpaws

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**


BHRR's Emmett at 6.5 months of age, weighed 28.3 KGS(62.26 pounds) on Saturday November 17th, 2012 and is now ADOPTED!!!

*photos courtesy of M. Bird

Today's 'BREAK THROUGH' Moment and it just made my heart swell up in such emotion!

As those that attended the fabu CJ 'Dirty Dawg' wash in August are aware, BHRR took in an o/s GD named 'Jersey'. The owners by my invitation came out that day to meet me, other approved Volunteers and they brought their GD along. I wish I could have taken her that day. I will never forget Maggie coming over to get me to see her.

A couple of days later I picked her up to bring back to BHRR.

This GD spent her first few days crawling on her belly in the dirt to me and as others are aware, broke my and many others hearts. I have been in these tenches just shy of 25 years and this was just heartbreaking. AND I mean heartbreaking.

This GD was not simply shutdown, she was deeply broken….and as I said to Holly/Bruce one night when I was visiting with BHRR's Concert, I worried how I could find all those broken pieces and help her become whole again. They were very supportive, encouraging and full of belief that I could help her. I sincerely wanted to believe them yet had never ever in almost 25 years ever had a dog this bad, not in my behavoural client work on in Rescue. She was very badly broken…. 🙁

All I could say was that this GD had been 'broken' into many pieces and I worried for her….she had not just no interest in things or shutdown, she was simply put broken.

We have battled trying to get weight on, depression, confusion, lack of interest in dogs, people, toys, food etc. She was used to such a heavy hand and I am full of light loving touches and positive words, guiding loving hands and calm leadership tones.

Well, fast forward to today and this AM as I was outside training; I looked over and smiled at some of BBBBB's playing and then stopped jaw open….

BHRR's Jersey was out with them and running and zipping and zooming and playing and I just sat down, tears welling(YUP! The big suck I was) and quietly watched this beautiful creature emerging from that cocoon and tightly wrapped shell.

She was not just going through those old motions of 'eat', 'drink', 'go outside', 'come inside', 'sleep' etc., she was living and loving life and happy….very happy…..

AND one of the best parts????!!!! She came running to me on her own….not crawling on her belly or slinking. She was head up, just stunning….and I got stubby tail wags!!

AND with her actions, I also know I have 'passed' a test….I have earned her beginning trust and respect and her heart…..she was healing and had reached a milestone crossroads and decided to come to the land of the living and let me continue to help her. I am not one to want to project on a dog etc. yet, it is how I felt she was thinking and feeling. I actually felt 'emotion' from her, a personality!

While I would wish that r/q Rescue was not needed, I am blessed to do what I do everyday with such magnificent beings like BHRR's Jersey.

We have a very long road to travel yet with her health and emotional rehab BUT she shall get there!!! OMG! She shall!!

Thanks to all for reading my 'Gwennie' *mush* novel for today!!

I think anyone no matter their education and training and experience plus knowledge that 'thinks' they can save them all is not only arrogant yet dangerous to the lives of animals and to the people who love those animals.

While I worried about her, yes, I did not give up and never would YET I seriously wondered if I may have to move her to our 'Haven' Program to keep working with her to try and help her be the best dog she could be.

My wish for every dog is to have successful rehab and be adopted to a forever loving home and we take in those unadoptables as we love them too VERY much and give them the best lives ever like BHRR's Concert and BHRR's Potter……

I just worried very much for her….she really was and still is a very broken dog. Yet, she will get there, she really has touched me deeply and I want the world for her!!

AND thanks to a first rate husband and children who live with me unconditionally giving me all that I need and more to help her too!

As of November 15th, 2012, we shall have BHRR's Cosette AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!!! YAY!

BHRR's Bloom is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

She just rocked at the home visit that was done with BHRR's Cobalt and BHRR's Jetta not that long ago and I just know that she will be super excited to hear the news that another home is interested in her. 🙂

She is such a super dog! JUST super!

UPDATE: BHRR's Cherry's bw came back with some really elevated and abnormal levels, especially for such a young dog. 🙁

The Vet advises to have BHRR's Cherry finish her Clavamox and then repeat the bw in two weeks time. So, trying not to worry extensively at this time….

Sooooooooooooo, while BHRR's Spice's eye is MUCH better after round II surgery, it is still not normal….sigh…. 🙁

So, I shall be making another appointment to bring her in to see Dr. Liston. What a monkey!

I read the report from Dr. Crews when I was at work last night.

Puzzling to all around.

The one thing I noted was that she had a question re: ear cleaning and if any had been done even up to 20 minutes prior to this episode and unfortunately, the information that BHRR'S Canvas had been sleeping prior to this incident was not communicated. He woke up in this manner.

She did not see anything obvious yet, even with sedation, it appears that it was hard to completely capture everything(he is a BIG doggie!) yet, Dr. Crews did not feel lesions, vestibular disease or Wobblers was a likely culprit. On the other hand, nothing could be definititely ruled out. Could be early signs of anything AKA X, yet what is X is what all of us would like to know….so, no diagnosis for BHRR's Canvas can be made right now.

So, we remain monitoring, he is on his ear meds and antibiotics and is happy and playing and doing all things normal. AND in fact, he is beginning to slide out of that honeymoon period and Gwennie's BOOT CAMP! Gwennie's BOOT CAMP remains in full swing! 😉

There is no recommendation being made to run out to do a myleogram etc. at this time.

Below is a slide that I put together of BHRR's Cherry.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Cherry'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Cherry's BEST Angels  $190 donated to date & Bills $326.43
Anna & Peter
Natalie in honour of BHRR's Emma's memory to help BHRR's Cherry


Packing blankets
Extra Lean Ground Hamburger
More Oatmeal Shampoo
Dog Bed
Dog Coat

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Body Score is 2.5-3/10

Here are two photso from today. She wants to stay so close to me and so, it is hard to get good photos of her body condition.

Yet, they will give you an idea of her emaciated condition of not even being 69 pounds. 🙁

BHRR's Cherry – the second photo is her side-by-side with JS AND her waistline is so tucked in and makes JS look plump

BHRR's arrived to BHRR on Friday November 9th, 2012.

She was estimated to be about 2 years of age. She is barely one year of age.

She had been spayed by the shelter on November 5th, 2012

When the BHRR approved Volunteer went to pick her up from the shelter, she was informed that this GD was beginning to look like she had KC. The Volunteer then told me upon meeting her to bring BHRR's Cherry back to BHRR.

I monitored her and she was eating and drinking a bit on Friday yet did have a green discharge. Was put on Cephalexin.

On Saturday, she was still eating and drinking a bit yet, sounded more congested.

On Sunday, she did not eat or drink. She was quite quiet.

I brought her to work with me on Monday. She weighed an emaciated 31.2 KGS(68.64 pounds). 🙁

She was microchipped, her spay incision continues to heal well and she was sounding a bit harsh on one side. She did eat a can of a/d here plus drank some water.

She has been placed on Clavamox 1 x 250 mg with 1 x 375 mg BID for the next 14 days.

We also gave her a tube of revolution. We are also running some bloodwork on her.

She is such a super sweet, uber petite ulta feminine GD.

She has had no issues being integrated into our home and is a very gentle girl.

HER VET BILLS TODAY at KAH are: $326.43

She shall need her own angels to help watch over her.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Cherry'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Cherry's BEST Angels  $190 donated to date & Bills $326.43
Anna & Peter
Natalie in honour of BHRR's Emma's memory to help BHRR's Cherry


Packing blankets
Extra Lean Ground Hamburger
More Oatmeal Shampoo
Dog Bed
Dog Coat

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

I picked up BHRR's Abby on Saturday night and I think all of us(her amazing temp home) and myself were very relieved. The coyotes have been very bad in both of our areas of late and just two days prior to be getting BHRR's Abby, they could be seen on their lawn.

She is SAFE at BHRR and I cannot thank this home enough for taking such great care of her! She is looking fabu and her personality has really come out and three weeks to the day that I first was contacted about her, my promise to her and this home has come true. She is now safe in our program.

She makes #10 BBBBB(BHRR's Big Black Beautiful Beauty) in our program's and we could not be happier to commit to having another BBBBB!

She has been fully integrated with most of the dogs to date and is settling in really well.

My heart just fills so much at peaced having her here AND let me say once again, she LACKED for nothing in this home! THEY are amazing people, just amazing!

The dog that she was picked up as a stray with was taken in by the parent's of the lovely woman and is just thriving!

Once she settles in for a wee bit, I shall bring her in, update her on vaccines, do presurgical bw and spay her. Another great dog is going to make a home such an amazing addition.

We just need those right homes to see that BLACK is gorgeous and that the personality/temperament of the dog is MOST important!

AND thank you to her always to be treasured 'first real home' for the donation of a microchip for her!

BHRR's Canvas was dropped off by Sean at the Vets for 7:30 AM on Thursday November 8th, 2012 for the x-rays under sedation plus bw.

Everything crossed for him.

I still am so thankful I took those videos….that really helped the Vets to understand what he was like……and even though, those videos were not half as bad as he was right after he woke up, it gives a good idea of what he was acting like.

I had my eye on him for most of the night and he was perfectly normal and the same this this AM.

With this 'episode', at this time, we think it best that dear BHRR's Canvas stay home on Saturday with the rest of the Boers for quiet and calmness and we will announce the other BHRR doggie to attend the Pet Valu event on 457 Hazeldean Road shortly.

HUGE thanks for all the encouraging plus supportive words for him AND us to date!

For those asking what he needs or what they can do for him, at this time, we have everything all covered. BUT THANKS! The biggest thing are Vet bills yet, that is the same all over for any r/q Rescue and we thank all of you for really rooting for him again! 🙂

UPDATE: November 8th, 2012:

X-rays have not shown any noticeable lesions or tumours etc. that may have indicated why this happened to him. They are being sent off to Dr. Crews for review.

His bw was overall unremarkable. Some inflammation values that could be explained by him having been vaccinated recently prior to come to BHRR and not much else.

The Vet's recommendation is to see what Dr. Crews has to say yet, not just rush out to a neurologist etc. at this time.

BHRR's Canvas is acting completely normal! Yet, we still opted to not bring him out to the BHRR community education plus public awareness event that we attended on November 10th at Pet Valu(457 Hazeldean Road).

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Canvas'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Canvas's COMFORTING Angels  $455 donated to date & Bills $890.53
Vivian – Leash plus a Crazy Beautiful Collar
Anna & Peter

Kathryne – microchip & to purchase a bag of FROMM Whitefish Dog Food
Andrea – PayPal took $1.17 in fees
Holly/Bruce – Rice & Pinesol
Raina – PayPal took $3.20 in fees


BHRR's CANVAS' WishList:
$ towards Vet bills
FROMM -Whitefish or Salmon Dog Food
Dino Smoked Bones
Rope Toys

Oatmeal Shampoo
TONS of positive thoughts and vibes

Packing Blankets
Dog Coat

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**


UPDATE: Wednesday November 7th, 2012 @ 5:30 PM:

UPDATE: he was seen by two talented trusted Vets and was almost back to normal when Sean arrived and is now completely normal.

They do not know what it is for sure and I sent onwards the above video to them to see.

They said not a stroke, not vestibular disease, not a seizure, not an allergic reaction and they feel that it could to be some form of an inner ear imbalance. That is where their feelings are at this time. As to why, they do not know and cannot say. He is 100% normal now.

He has no ear infections presenting and could possibly have one slight rupture yet hard to tell. His pupils are normal.

Weight gain is almost 10 pounds since he arrived to BHRR!

They are going to treat with Surolan and Cephalexin and we will monitor for any further episodes.

Sean is on his way home with him now and I asked him to profusely thank all for their assistance and getting us in so fast and being so awesome!!

They were so thorough and compassionate and helpful. AND also honest about their findings.

I shall be watching him like a hawk and heading back in like a flash of there is another episode.

So…..good news and unknown news on this dear boy….

Thank you ALL for every word and thought and caring gesture made.

I am not one to panic, especially in my Career Paths, yet, I was stressed……

UPDATE: Wednesday November 7th, 2012 @ 8:05 PM:

UPDATE: The one Vet has reviewed my video.

Recommending to have x-rays under sedation.

Will be booking that.

He appeared to have some wobbly bobbly when he first arrived to BHRR yet, that had been put down to lack of muscle, weak and being so neglected and starved…..

Now, they are wondering if someone else was/is going on.

UPDATE: Wednesday November 7th, 2012 @ 10:45 PM:

UPDATE: had a most wonderful half an hour conversation with one of his vets and BHRR's Canvas is now booked for x-rays and bw tomorrow.

Thank goodness I got those videos and while it does not capture how bad it was at one point, it demonstrated a lot. AND thank goodness I document all findings from the day they arrive to BHRR for we are seeing some signs of a couple of possibilities that on their own were passed off as other things when examined.

Keep those prayers and blessings flowing!

I LOVE where I work and I love the Vets I work with!!

UPDATE: Thursday November 8th, 2012 @ 9:34 AM:

We are looking at more than one thing. The one Vet confirmed he had a slightly ruptured right eardrum and that has been there long before he came to BHRR.

That does not explains everything, especially with the video and all the documentation I have on him from Day 1 that was once explained by exams as being due to weakness, starvation, neglect, lacking muscles etc. is now being looked at in a different light based upon what happened today.

After Sean updated me, I knew I had to talk to the Vets myself and forwarded on the one video and then had a long chat. A great conversation.

So, he is on his meds for his eardrum and antibiotics – and there is no sign of any ear infection – no redness, scratching, shaking of the head yet he was put on them due to this finding of that slight rupture they believe he has.

I want to be proactive and do bw and the Vet was in total agreement with that and the x-rays under sedation to start.

I love how they work with people and the animals and are not afraid to resource pool and investigate and even say 'we do not know' yet we are going to work to figure things out. :)

They are stumped yet; are working hard to help him!

Here is a photo from the Ottawa Pet Expo today with Karla/Shawn of Global Pet Foods Kanata/Hintonburg who very generously donated the $3,500 prize of dog food WON on Friday November 9th, 2012 by our dear and wonderful friend Christy on the 93.9BOBfm contest with her stunning photo and then donated that prize to BHRR.

BHRR will assist other local r/q Rescue Groups in need with this amazing donation too.We hope that Christy may also partake in her amazing win! 🙂

THANK you Karla/Shawn, Christy & BOB FM! 🙂

Global Pet Foods Kanata/Hintonburg shall be donating one bag a month until the value of the food adds up to $3,500. HOW generous! 🙂

AND for all that ask how much does BHRR's Porridge weigh now – he was just shy of 160 pounds yesterday at the Vet. 🙂

Shawn, BHRR's Porridge with myself & Karla – November 11th, 2012

Thank you

What a wonderful organization. Clearly built from love. I have a dane/pointer cross rescue that had been bounced from home to home for a year before he picked me. A choc lab Senior that loves our rescue immensely. If it were up to me I would set up a rescue in my neck of the woods for large dogs. Thank you for the wonderful work that you do.



BHRR’S Emmett has moved under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We shall update as we can.

Here is BHRR's Lizzy 'fam' photo. My iPhone did not take the best photos and the eyes are not the best. 🙁

ADOPTED November 9th, 2012

BHRR's Lizzy has been ADOPTED! She shall go to her forever loving new home on Friday November 9th.

We have indicated to her wonderful new home that should she require any more treatment for this hematoma/saliva gland play booboo, BHRR shall cover the bills.

We offered to hold on to her until she was finished her course of antibiotics yet, they had no issues with her being on meds and giving her those meds etc., so she is headed their way tomorrow!


UPDATE: Sean says that by the time he reached the Hospital with BHRR's Canvas, he was walking even better than when Sean first arrived home which is a heck of a lot better than when BHRR's Canvas first woke up. He was stumbling and could barely stand let alone walk.

His weight was a wobbling 102.74 pounds. Hard to get an accurate weight on him with his balance. AT least it is going up!

Will update more as I can…………………

BHRR's Canvas needs your prayers. He was perfectly fine this AM and playing and normal and he took his usual mid-morning nap by my side as I have been working on my laptop in bed and just now he went to get up and it is like he has had something akin to a stroke.

Of balance, confused, stumbling. His pupils are normal right now and though, his eyes are worried, there is nothing 'off'.

He was right by me the whole time and I would have noticed a seizure. There was no sounds, nothing. No signs of distress, discomfort, cries nothing.

Sean is rushing him to KAH. Please keep him in your thoughts. 🙁

Not sure if it is a stroke or sudden onset vesibular disease – BUT he is really young! or what this is.

HIs head wants to bog/tilt to the right ore than normal.

He also is understanding what I am saying to him.

He still wags his tail at me.


UPDATE: We originally were looking at bringing Abby into BHRR on Sunday yet, with the increasingly cold weather, Saturday is the plan!

That means just FOUR more sleepies and she shall FINALLY be here!

Cannot wait!

UPDATE: BHRR's Cosette had her own 'SPAY' day today and it was unfortunately, a lengthy one that she also had post-surgery bleeding and they had to go back in to address. 🙁

At this time, she is resting all drugged up on hydromorphone and shall be coming home later tonight.

Please send her all your best wishes and positive healing vibes…..

For those wishing to possibly consider donating to her Vet Bills, you can contact Liston Animal Hospital at 613-591-0966.

BHRR's Cosette is having her spay today and I am going to be very curious to see just how much of a normal uterus etc. was inside her. In talking to a couple of vets they believe that there had to have been part of a uterine stump left inside of her from when she had been spayed before coming to BHRR that would not have triggered any normal heat pattern and it would not be abnormal to have seen her now have a heat once she was more mature.

AND then once she heals, she shall be placed back up for adoption!

In preparation in having to do some emergency fundraising for BHRR's Autumn's ever growing mounting bills that shall include having several surgeries, we are going to be offering up  a small  BHRR's Autumn's EMERGENCY Online Auction

Auction details and how to bid can be found HERE – ITEMS can be added at any time – so, please check back!

Starts 6:00 AM EST on Monday October 29th, 2012
Ends 10:00 PM EST on Monday November 5th, 2012

NOTE: BHRR's Autumn's EMERGENCY ONLINE AUCTION does not replace our 5th ANNUAL 'JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS' ONLINE Auction to commence on Saturday November 24th, 2012!

UPDATE: BHRR's Spice's(littermate to BHRR's Sugar) had her second cherry eye surgery yesterday. It went well and when the Vet was in he noted that he could see where the sutures gave way from the first procedure.

It is such thin material used that it happens! Dr. Liston told me that in the old days they used to just cut it off as opposed to suturing. The problem was the risk of dry eye, especially for some breeds. Interesting tidbit all of this was!

She is back in her fashionable cone with extras on hand…. 😉 AND her weight was 21.3 KGs(46.86 pounds), so putting on the weight nicely as a 'wee' Giant!

I wanted to share that I made a call today that I have been dying to do for two weeks!!

The reaction on the other side of the phone was just a mere image of my own…..

The incredible feeling of calling the wonderful home that has been housing and loving on 'Abby' while I pay and tend for whatever she needs in material comfort and vetting etc. to say t

That in about 8 days we can bring her into BHRR was like winning a lottery!!

I think the home and I know myself both choked up a bit!!

While many turned their backs to her, this home did not and neither did I. She may be a 'big black dog' to some, 'not a pup' to others, 'not 100% healthy' or housebroken or a multitude of other 'reasons' why no one wanted to step up, yet, I am glad that Pet Valu in K-Town directed them to BHRR for we WANT her and she is coming!!!!

Soon Abby! Soon!!