BHRR's Rain's annual is booked for July 9th.

BHRR's Hailey was back at the Vet yesterday and we x-rayed her back and not just her hips. Just to get the best total picture we can of what is happening with her hips and spine to help determine what our future options can be for her.

The GREAT news; her hips are good and her back looks good! I am posting four of the 7 x-rays taken below(the best shots).

Everyone continues to just love her and remarked on what a good girl and how stoic she is.

Her new weight was 49 KGs(107.80 pounds) and this could be something as easily explained away if she was not set right on the scale or leaning on the wall or maybe, she really did lose the weight as she has now been at the Vet's twice in one week and three times in just 10 days.

Two Vets reviewed her x-rays yesterday while I was also at work and they have been sent off to Dr. Philibert plus Dr. Liston to review and get their own findings/thoughts.

The treatment plan for BHRR's Hailey right now is to keep giving the Deramaxx 100 mg tablets SID; crate rest plus leash walking and beginning on Thursday(the Vet ordered me a bottle of Cartrophen), I will give BHRR's Hailey an injection of 1.4 ml once a week for a month. At that time, we shall re-assess, to see if she has had any improvement; if so; how much or if none at all.

We will re-visit her case in one month, unless; she worsens.

What I want for her is to be active again….to be normal and to live without the chronic acute condition she is in.

Yet, at this time, it looks promising that 'when' the time comes; not 'if'; we can possibly proceed with a leg amputation to give her a much longer quality filled life. I am awaiting the final confirmation from both the ortho Vets and if need, two more exams with them.

I am being extremely proactive with her case and will continue to update as I can.

Donations to her growing Vet Bills can be made in the following ways.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Hailey'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

"PLEASE HELP HAILEY HEAL" ANGELS     $418.19 donated to date & Bills $2,793.41
Anna & Peter
Credit from BHRR's Journey Rehab Angels – $243.19
Judy – PayPal took $1.75 in fees

BHRR's Hailey's hips – May 29th, 2012

BHRR's Hailey's – Spine – May 29th, 2012


BHRR's Journey went to her forever loving new adoptive home today! Was it hard letting go; YUP! It always is, yet; I am going to share these two photos I took today plus a short video.

As I posted on the BHRR FB Page; she very much is bonded to me; yet; how she is looking up at her 'new' forever dad; tells my heart that she is going to be just fine with her 'new beginnings'!

ON behalf of her new family and ALL of us at BHRR; THANK you FROM OUR HEARTS so much to all of her ANGELS for helping us save her!

BHRR's Journey is adoption #332 for BHRR!

View VIDEO HERE – DOESN'T she look amazing!!!! 115.06 pounds!

AND the credit on  her account shall go towards assisting BHRR's Hailey and her mounting Vet Bills.

BHRR's Journey – May 27th, 2012 – ADOPTED!!

Dr. Liston was able to review BHRR’s Hailey’s X-rays and he made a suggestion re: the use of Cartrophen injections to see if we can get any significant improvement before having to go the amputation route.

This was something that had been previously considered yet; due to the amount of time involved to reach a ‘therepeutic’ result; if at all; was the question. Was not something we were against at least trying and; if; at any time she worsens or there is no improvement; we can re-visit the amputation. I have sent back to Dr. Liston some questions and while I wait for a response; did book as part of her x-rays I scheduled for the 29th; also added a Cartrophen injection.

So, today has been a very busy one with BHRR's Hailey. I have talked to three Vets today(two are ortho specialists) re: her case including having the leg amputation idea thrown by Dr. Philibert, ortho specialist.

I have a bit more information. According to Dr. Philibert, arthrodesis surgery in the hock does not have a high success rate in any dog and in her case, being a Giant, we are back to how many screws, pins and plates she would require, adding to the poor result success prognosis.

I have forwarded on her X-Rays to LAH (Dr. Liston has done three amputations for BHRR in the recent past and I deeply respect and value his expertise too) to see what his thoughts are.

Dr. Philibert recommends doing X-Rays of her hips(they were not done last Friday or Tuesday) for if they are bad, one of two things could be an answer:

1) possible hip surgery to help her and maybe help that leg a bit

2) nothing including a leg amputation is possible

In conversing with the Vets; the arthritis is the main cause of her pain right now or should be.

I have BHRR's Hailey scheduled to go back into KAH on the 29th for sedation to see what those hips are like. We are looking at another $1,000 minimum just in that Vet Bill alone yet; we are using the monies right now that were to go towards an IV pump for BHRR to take care of her. She will not do without and all decisions made are going to be the most informed ones and Dr. Philibert and two other Vets are also going to examine her.

We will use all funds raised at the June 2, Critter Jungle Rescue Garage Sale to help with her bills, I managed to pick up two extra shifts at KAH next week(THANKS!) and if any of those that have met her, love her like we do may consider donating to her cause; we can only be humbly indebted. Thank you…..

I am being extremely proactive with her case and will continue to update as I can.

Donations to her growing Vet Bills can be made in the following ways.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Hailey'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

"PLEASE HELP HAILEY HEAL" ANGELS     $150 donated to date & Bills $1,188.03
Anna & Peter


I have BHRR's Jetta scheduled to visit the Vet on June 6th. She is settling in well, has been dewormed yet I would like her to have a Vet sign-off plus obtain her Rabies vaccine. This is part of our standard protocol with all of our dogs before being placed up for adoption that we have each animal visit the Vet at least once.

She does have these tiny little spots on her head(play mouth marks?) and I have find a quarter size raw spot on the inside of one of her back legs. Should it be needed; I will bring her in earlier to visit.

She is SOOOOOOOOO active here; that it is a lot like BHRR's Riley and putting on that weight is a HUGE task. Why eat when one can play! <rolls eyes>.

Donations to her growing Vet Bills can be made in the following ways.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Hailey'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Jetta's ANGELS:      $145 donated to date & Bills $300+
Anna & Peter

I have devastating news regarding BHRR's Hailey. 🙁 Dr. Philibert got back to BHRR's Hailey's Vet at KAH yesterday(TALK about fast yet this was a very important case) and when I was there last night with one of my own(Soul for his annual); we had a very detailed and involved conversation.

BHRR's Hailey is not a candidate for any surgery. 🙁 WIth her size; the amount of screws, pins and plates that she would require AND that she is young(usually works in the favour of a dog yet; not in her case being a Giant); Dr. Philibert cannot consider her as the prognosis would be poor with any success. I appreciate his honesty and value his expertise in input. She is not a candidate for any type of surgery of this kind.

So, BHRR's Hailey's only treatment right now medically is the current status quo that we have been doing since she came back to us from her temp foster home. Deramaxx, crate rest. leash walking and ice for when she does have swelling.

THIS is not the quality of life that she should be having NOR is it what we desired, wished and worked so hard for her since she arrived to BHRR. We are devastated, crushed for her and upset to no end. She is way too young, full of life and has made such a journey with her rehabilitation and deserves much!

What I am now asking and waiting for a response is if we amputate that back right leg and she shall no longer have this chronic painful medical issue. Unfortunately BHRR's Hailey's options are very limited for her having any quality form of life if we find out that we cannot amputate that leg; her time of quality filled life is going to be limited. 🙁

I will update her blog as we can.

Donations to her growing Vet Bills can be made in the following ways.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Hailey'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Hailey ANGELS:     $150 donated to date & Bills $1,188.03
Anna & Peter


Just past 4 PM on Friday March 30th, 2012; our family said good-bye to a cherished, adored and valuable member of our home plus hearts. RIP THDR's Kona. She was just days away from celebrating her 13th Birthday.
We have had her since she was just over 3 months of age (our one and only attempt to temp foster for another Rescue!) and we were informed that she would not likely live past age 1 BUT she proved the Vets wrong.
She was one of 8 (I believe) pups born to a HW+ pregnant mom who was dumped at the OHS just days before whelping. There were still four pups in need of a temp foster home when we learnt about them. Sean really really really wanted this one pup and I said, 'we shall be placed the best one for us' and what were the chances that we were be entrusted with the same pup that Sean really fell in love with from the photo! Three days after she came to be temp fostered, we moved forward to the process of adopting her. 🙂 I shall remember fondly as I was talking to Krys from THDR on the phone three days after we had her; Sean going on his knees in front of me; asking me to ask Krys if we could be considered for her. 🙂
Kona also went on to become a certified Therapy Dog, a nanny Newf to my kids and best friend to so many dogs and humans. She was an incredible ambassador of her breeds, a wonderful spokesperson for how amazing rescued dogs can be and a more loyal, loving and sweetheart of a companion could not have been asked for. A better leader female, we have never had in our home and our hearts bleed and mourn. She is the last of the fantastic 4 and the last of the fabu 5. Last September she was diagnosed with Horner's Syndrome and we had another wonderful 6 months with her. Sadly, it is never enough. An era plus icon for our home and BHRR has ended with her loss. We feel like we are just wandering aimlessly without our dear Kona Bug!
Sleep well, Buggie; you are with Jasper, Klondike, Alaska and Baby Dragonz and I know that our dear friend Ivy who suddenly passed away recently is welcoming you with open and caring arms. Thank you to Dr. Zak of KAH for her compassion.
Kona went peacefully and just before she passed; she reached up and licked Sean; and then she quietly slipped away seconds later. Until we meet again precious Bug.
Thank you Krys for letting us be owned by such a magnificent girl. These past couple of days has been so difficult….



BHRR's Bloom AKA Ms. Dynamite Boom Boom Bloom is NOW AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! 🙂

She is only going to go to a home that is going to be very serious about her structure, routine, commitment to obedience, have a firm yet very loving guiding hand and is NOT going to ruin all that has been done for her to date. This needs to be a home that is not going to break her spirit or heart for that is the essence of who this gal is.

She needs a home that is going to allow her to have the absolute quality of life she deserves and she is capable of running and playing very well BUT she is NOT a running or jogging partner and needs someone that is going to call her out for her mischief and gooberhead moments and does not encourage nor enable any negative attention seeking behavours. IT has taken a very long time to train and direct her into the avenue of appropriate displays of behavour that I want. This dog now walks on a loose lead wearing a simple buckle collar. SHE has not been trained with prongs, chokes, haltis nor a harness(and with her lower centre of gravity, she would just love to dig in with her weight on a harness!).

She lives in harmony with ALL dogs at BHRR now; no more 'tudeness demonstrated towards the Blue Great Danes for example! 😉

For all the challenges that she is will give you(AND this shall only make you a better person plus owner); she is affectionate personified and very loyal with that BOOM BOOM 'edge'.

I would like to see her in a home with at least one other likeminded dog(a blue would be delightful! LOL); yet; is not mandatory.

She is very versatile in that she could work well in a home that works pt, ft, from home or semi retired etc. She is that awesome!

She also can be quite 'talkative' in how she feels and how she plays – very typical Great Dane behavour! 😉

We are aware that it most likely will take time for her right matched forever loving home to come along due to her smaller size and her now healed and very healthy leg; but we are patient and with all the dogs here; we are committed for her life should she not be adopted. She shall only continue to become more and more trained and an even bigger asset to home and community. 🙂

TO say that I am going to miss her when she is adopted, is putting it lightly. This dog has pushed me and poked me and just thrilled me with her brilliant brain and tactics! I do not just love her, I simply ADORE her!

I had a detailed conversation re: BHRR's Emma with her Vet today. Her culture & sensitivity results are now in and she has two nasty eastie beasties and as I thought; the cephalexin is not sensitive to all that she is carrying.

So, we have now added Zeniquin 200 mg to her antibiotic regime. She will be on both antibiotics.

AND, we discussed the fact that she is now 2" larger. So, could this one other eastie beastie be the cause? OR, is there something….a mass that was not picked up in the u/s or X-Rays for her bladder was so huge and we also did not x-ray past her rib cage as we were only looking for baby babinos at that time. Other than getting wider in the girth, she has no other changes to her body ie teats.

AND the Vet discussed with us the possibility of uretha incontinence; even though; it is not that common in unspayed females. However; per her Vet and our own agreement; we are going to do the spay first and see if the antibiotics work their magic on her incontinence.

She is totally confused about the housebreaking still. She reminds me quite a bit like BHRR's Windsor in that when he was a baby. 😀 We are working on it!

Her spay is still scheduled for the 29th and I am glad to be giving her this extra time(originally, when she was first brought in; the Vet discussed about doing the spay this week and feels good that it was pushed off as; the results are just in for the C&S and we now know she needs stronger meds) to fight off this UTI.

Donations to her growing Vet Bills can be made in the following ways.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

What she does still need to date are:

1) Packing Blankets/Duvets/Comforters as she does have some sores and is weak with bad hips
2) Puppy Pee Pads as she is still having some incontinence
3) She LOVES the smoked knuckle bones
4) FROMM Wet Canned Dog Food
5) Pinesol
6) Donations towards her Vet Bills that are already substantial regardless if she is pregnant or not
7) Paper Towels

***I will continue to update the list as needed**

BHRR's Emma's ANGELS: $1,525 donated to date & Bills $1,951.52
Verbruggen Family

BHRR's Hailey's HWT is negative! We do keep the dogs on Sentinel year round yet; we believe that it is still important to do regular HWT for nothing is 100%. 🙂

Unfortunately, BHRR's Hailey's blog is not so great to update. 🙁

So, after trying to sedate her with dorm/torb and then do a quick reversal once the x-rays were done; it was a no-go for 40 minutes later; she was still standing.

So, she was placed under anaesthetic.

I almost wished that what was found was a stifle/cruciate injury. 🙁

At this time, I have to not only take BHRR's Hailey off the adoption program; yet; have to move her to our Haven Dog Program based upon these results and until we converse with Dr. Philibert, ortho specialist and figure out the best move forward plan for BHRR's Hailey. She shall stay on the Deramaxx and leash walking with lots of rest. She is quite good about self-monitoring too.

Per her Vet, she may be able to obtain a fusion surgery – arthordesis to help her. At least that way, she would not be in pain any longer. The leg would be fused yet; her ROM is already limited and she has arthritis already setting in from her injury that is now chronic and acute and is just becoming re-injured over and over again.  This is a very long surgery according to another Vet for they need to file all the bone spurs down as well in this type of surgery AND the cost is enormous. 🙁

I am most concerned about any quality of life for her! She is only 4 years of age!!! That is paramount in my mind and worries. I will be having a very involved discussion re: this.

The minimal swelling is due to this not being a soft tissue injury yet a bone injury of which she has at least three bone spurs now. The Vet remained surprised by the lack of heat present.

Per the Vet:

"Right hind leg – stifle – no anterior drawer motion and radiograph of stifle – no abnormatlities noted. Craniocaudal and lateral view taken of right hock(and left to compare)
Right hock: there are osteophytes present at the tibial talus joint.
Lateral view: Bony proliferative degenerative changes on caudal aspect of distal tibia by talus. Osteophytie on cranial aspect of distal talus(ie by proximal intertarsal joint)
Tarsal/metatarsal joint – naf,
On exam of right hock – there is a loss of range of flexion and extension
Bony swelling and slight soft tissue swelling on medial aspect of joint
Lameness has been chronic, periodic since February(first happened at temp foster home) – ie was kept on Deramaxx for a week with crate rest and leash walk, gradually increase activity and within a few days favours the right limb
Will have Dr. Philibert evaluate radiographs, discuss possible arthrodesis???"

Donations to her growing Vet Bills can be made in the following ways.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Hailey'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Hailey ANGELS:     $50 donated to date & Bills $1,188.03

BHRR's Hailey's X-rays – May 22nd, 2012

BREAKING NEWS JUST IN! BHRR's Bloom's DNA results FINALLY in! BLOW me way! LOL I thought she was for sure a GDx, possibly with a PitBull and wanted to do the DNA testing to be sure that we adopted her out appropriately as we have the Breed Ban in Ontario BUT she is 100% pure 'teacup' Backyard bred Great Dane!

For the first time in 16 years we did a DNA test on a dog and we have waited with much anticipation for the results and BHRR can now place her up for adoption shortly!

When I received her first gorgeous photos, I was thinking pb GD or GDx and it mattered naught to us what she is really but; when she arrived to BHRR; she is different in person.
Her height is barely mid-thigh and that is the top of her head; her tail, back and butt are also 'atypical' for a GD yet; as we all know bybers breed them in all shapes, sizes and colours.

AND the only reason I did the DNA testing was that 'if' she was part of a breed banned in Ontario; that our group was responsible and showed proactiveness in placing her properly.
I could care less if she was part unicorn!! BHRR committed to her; rehabbed her through her surgery and now can move towards placing her up for adoption!! 🙂

Below are two copies taken of her DNA paperwork! LET there be NO doubt that she has had DNA testing done! 🙂

AND who knew that 'Adele' was the number one name for Female Great Danes!!!

BHRR's Journey had her vet visit tonight. She weighed 52.3 KGs(115.06 pounds!).

Per the Vet, the diagnosis is to keep the status quo with BHRR's Journey and that the swelling(soft tissue injury) that we see that is intermittent is the residual healing from her past sprain and that sprains can take a very long time; especially in Giants to heal. There is no heat, not painful to touch, does not bother her and with this heat; seems to bring out the swelling more; especially by end of day and this is just BHRR's Journey's knuckle for now. The Vet had no concerns that it could have a chip or fracture(we did not feel that way either) and I feel great to have the continued validation plus confirmation of what we had already been doing and knew when she first hurt her knuckle and BHRR continues to show proper due diligence and proactiveness with all of their dogs to ensure that each one is done right by.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, she can be handed over to her forever loving home on Sunday May 27th, 2012!

Another dear dog that I shall find it very hard to let go; yet; this is what we do and I cannot thank those believers plus supporters in understanding and being there for us with what we go through with each approved adoption that we do! 🙂


BHRR's Journey's Angels:      REMAINING OWED ON HER BILLS AT THIS TIME:  A credit of $243.19

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Penny – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Marie – Sophie
Jayne – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Ishie Hilton Hernando
Dorothy – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
ANNA & Her 'BHRR's Journey's Heart Biscuits' Fundraising Supporters
The Bakers
Ryan & Andie
Suzsanne and her 'JackPot for Journey' work Fundraiser whereby spare change was collected during the month of January
Cheryl – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
B.J. – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Helga – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Ruth – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Paul – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Sophia – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Mary – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Kerri – PayPal took $2.48 in fees
J. Carabolt

On May 3rd, 2012, a very special girl – Mackenzie met me at KAH to make a donation of $135 to BHRR. For once again – she did the same last year – in lieu of birthday gifts; she collected donations for BHRR! Who better as a most recent 'special needs' animal of BHRR to be on hand to accept her very generous and thoughtful gesture than BHRRs Journey! 🙂

Below is a photo of the two of them! 🙂

I am also including a photo of BHRRs Journey's before and after rehabilitation at BHRR. This is why we are here and this is why every penny you donate to BHRR MEANS so much!!! It enables us to continue to help those in need of our programs and to keep focusing on the special needs!!!

BHRR's Journey's weight on May 34rd, 2012 was 114.80 pounds! I wanted her at 115 before she was adopted and we are THERE!

I also stressed to her future possible adoptive home that I do not want to see her over 120 pounds. Too much weight is not good for any person or animal. With her very poor start in life; we want her bones and body staying strong as possible for as long as possible.

Should all go well, BHRR's Journey shall go to her new adoptive home on Sunday May 27th, 2012. I did the hv on Saturday.

In having a very candid conversation with this home; all of us feel the same re: BHRR's Journey's celebrity status. So, for the first time ever in 16+ years of operating, we are asking the public/community to please respect the privacy of this home and to allow them to have their new beginning with BHRR's Journey towards a great future together. I am sure this home(previous adopters of BHRR) shall share stories, photos and updates; yet; the worry from everyone, myself included is that this whole wonderful community that was pulled together by BHRR's Journey will try to also be part of their family too.

AND, it is not that BHRR or  that they are not BEYOND grateful, appreciative and extremely touched by all that was done for her; yet; for this home and BHRR's Journey to have the best shot of success; this home needs to have their privacy(AND they are private people to begin with) respected and their wishes honoured.  AND, BHRR is bound by confidentiality and; as with all our adoptive homes, shall never reveal their identity.

I know that several homes that were interested in adopting BHRR's Journey did not submit an application for they were also worried about the publicness of her story and what this would mean for their home and trying to have their family time kept intimate. The same has also applies to BHRR's Veteran and his own 'celebrity' status and we can well understand their position for Sean & I are also quite private and are very protective of our own families and personal space.

I can only hope that the sincerity of how everyone(they and BHRR) feels regarding how much was done for her before her adoption comes across and that those in the community will honour their wishes.

Before her adoption is 100% finalized, I am bringing her to KAH one more time – later today just to get one final sign off on that right front knuckle. Since she sprained it; she has had some swelling come and go here and there – does not seem to want to slow her down – yet; as the home is aware; we want all documented and in order with continued full disclosure made. I just want to make sure that she did not somehow cause further injury to it and that we are not looking at a bigger issue than a knuckle that was once sprained. We have done so much since December for her to ensure that she was done right by and continuing to do this is a priority!

BHRR's Journey – May 3rd, 2012




Donations to her growing Vet Bills can be made in the following ways.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Hailey'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Jetta's ANGELS:      $45 donated to date & Bills $300+

SOOOOO much to update on BHRR's Hailey!

We ended up not taking her with us to the Pet Valu Appreciation weekend – the Sunday – after all. She was not yet quite ready behavourally to go on the 15th, so we brought BHRR's Kyo and BHRR's Hamilton the Newf instead.

At our April 21st, BHRR 'EXPERIENE' Mini Open House, she was better behavourally; more outgoing and several made comments that she was better than she was in March when they were at BHRR duing our time away and yet; was still not quite normal.

From there, she has continued to improve and we did still send her on her 'date' this past Sunday to get her out of BHRR again and back to social networking in the public exposure arena. We asked the home(they were the recipients of a 'bonus' date with her for the winner of this date knew they would not be able to participate and asked us to pass along should they win to another – we chose the next highest bidder on all the dates of this type to give them the date) to just keep things quiet for her and they did.

The reason to keep her quiet was twofold for we also continue to try to figure out what is wrong with her back right leg. I and Sean freely admit to a certain level of being upset and confused for we have no information to go on as to what really happened to/with her during her time away from us and obviously; BHRR's Hailey cannot talk to us to tell us things. 🙁

So, just as with BHRR's Apollo when he first arrived to BHRR; we continue to go through the paces of what needs to be done and eliminate things and this means, much valuable time and resources is used and lost as we work towards figuring out what is happening.

I ended up bringing BHRR's Hailey back to the Vet on Friday night for 6:30 PM. She weighed a great 49.90 KGs(109.78 pounds). I brought her back for her hock was slightly swollen again and some limping was going on again. There was no heat as usual and her temperature was also normal.

This time, I wanted X-rays done. Unfortunately, due to emergencies etc. that slammed into the Hospital, we were not able to be seen until almost 7:45 pm and we were only able to get one X-ray completed. She is scheduled to go back today to have sedation so that we can properly X-ray the other side of this hock – something not quite right seems to be showing in the one x-ray and I will post that one below – and also x-ray the cruciate. With how we have to extend that leg and she has to lay; this is very stressful and awkward for her. AND we were not able to sedate on the Friday due to the timing of all other cases that came in.

We need that other look to get a really great view of all the small bones.

What can be seen in the one X-ray is a bone spur and calcification to the hock from when she was injured and she had a broken bone that has been healing. 🙁 UGH! Poor her…………We can also see that some arthritis has now set in on that area. 🙁 There is another area that just does not look 'normal' and this is what we plan on further investigating today in addition to that cruciate etc.

When we do get the other X-rays and review them, we shall better be able to piece together what may have happened to her and if she shall require surgery with an ortho specialist. POOR BHRR's Hailey.

I have to also take her out of our BHRR ADOPTION Program right now as she is clearly not healthy and our BHRR commitment to each animal is to ensure that they are done right by before they go up for adoption, with full disclosure made on any conditions found etc.

She remains on Deramaxx and enforced rest at BHRR. Her limping continues to be slight and intermittent and with how long this has now been going on the Vet continues to concur that we could well be looking at a cruciate and/or meniscal injury too. The Vet also was surprised to note that the hock swelling is slight and is not giving off any heat and that this is an ongoing problem and how intermittent with the swelling(toe touching) plus just how unbelievably stoic she continues to be.

The Vet also agrees that we have been patient long enough and that this can continue to possibly be one of the reasons why her behavour is not yet normal(MUCH more happy and outgoing now and more like her normal self of affection etc.!) and the Vet also agrees that we need to know become more aggressive so to speak in obtaining answers.

I shall update her blog as I can. I also have another dog heading into the Vet tomorrow so, it shall be busy at BHRR as usual!

Donations to her growing Vet Bills can be made in the following ways.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Hailey'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRRs Hailey – May 18th, 2012 back right leg – hock & May 20th on her special 1-on-1 'quiet' date

BHRR's Hailey ANGELS:     $50 donated to date & Bills $1,000+

BHRR's Emma is still struggling with her housebreaking and is not getting any smaller in size.

Her UTI is not improving and I shall discuss with the Vet tomorrow re: a possible change in antibiotics. She is also still having incontinence.

Her culture results should be back later this week.

She was developing some SA behavours and so, I have had to put her more into the hands of Sean. She has also begun to develop some little resourcing over me(just grumbles) and she is in doggie boot camp re: that.

She is fully integrated with all dogs and is a really low maintenance dog in so many ways. She will get there re: her other issues. It is understandable yet; is not acceptable behavour.


Donations to her growing Vet Bills can be made in the following ways.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

What she does still need to date are:

1) Packing Blankets/Duvets/Comforters as she does have some sores and is weak with bad hips
2) Puppy Pee Pads as she is still having some incontinence
3) She LOVES the smoked knuckle bones
4) FROMM Wet Canned Dog Food
5) Pinesol
6) Donations towards her Vet Bills that are already substantial regardless if she is pregnant or not
7) Paper Towels

***I will continue to update the list as needed**

BHRR's Emma's ANGELS:      $1,525 donated to date & Bills $1,660.14
Verbruggen Family

BHRRs Adele had a sleepover last Wednesday night at her possible future adopted home and then came back home to BHRR on Thursday night. We have been working on a gradual transition from our home to her possible new one to work on setting the home and her up for the best chances of success.

I am all that this dog has known in kindness and love and structure, routine, positive reinforcement plus training. She is not the type of dog that can just be adopted and a 'cold turkey' situation occurs.

I then brought her back to her possible future adoptive home on Saturday May 19th after her special date for another sleepover and stayed awhile with BHRR's Journey in tow; who aided BHRR's Adele in drinking and feeling more relaxed.  She had BHRR's Adele drinking in no time!

I was then back on Sunday May 20th with BHRR's Hailey for a spell(after BHRR's Hailey had her own special date) and BHRR's Adele was faring even better. She was eating a bit, peeing yet; still had not pooped. She was getting a bit more relaxed and comfortable and so, we continued to forge forward with the integration from BHRR to this possible future adoptive home. Many discussion were held re: what BHRR's Adele needs in addition to a very thorough adopton information package being sent.

When BHRR's Adele had her special date both that home and the home that I was at for her possible future adoption; both commented on how well she would wag her tail for me and I said that I would be more worried if she was not happy to see me and want to come with me. THAT would be very concerning if she had not attachment to me and that BHRR would not be doing what it should be doing with these dogs!

Below are some photos taken not just from shortly after her arrival to BHRR in November 2011 BUT what she looks like now in comparison. So many were just WOW over her amazing body condition and mental/emotional health.

She is still not fond of her photos being taken yet LOOK how absolutely stunning she now looks!! She is stacked in muscle tone and mass and while you can still tell she has had many litters in her past, she is toned and head held up up high and relaxed!

BHRR's Adele – November 2011 (shortly after her arrival to BHR) & May 19th, 2012 – Almost 40 pounds later!

BHRR's Adele – May 19th, 2012 – DOESN'T she now look fabu!!
*photos courtesy of L. Coolen

BHRR's Adele has now been ADOPTED! I am going to deeply miss this girl. As many are aware, BHRR has taken in dogs from this line for almost 15 years now that have needed rescue assistance and she reminds me a lot of her father, BHRR's Albert! YOU would be so proud of her, BHRR's Albert!!!

BHRR’s Emma’s fecal is negative yet that does not necessarily mean she is parasite free. She is being proactively dewormed as part of our normal preventative Vet Care management.

All her Wellness blood results came back normal! 🙂

The Vet and I discussed further the relaxin test results and that if her result was positive; it would mean that she was 22 days or further with gestation. So, *if* she is pregnant, at the time of the relaxin testing; she has to be less than 22 days pregnant – therefore, very early in her pregnancy.

We also went through her urine results – the culture & sensitivity will not be in until later next week; and she has a raging UTI. 🙁 We have gone through several dog beds plus tons of bedding for her so far since her arrival to BHRR.

As we want her to be a healthy girl when spaying; we are planning as posted; to spay her on the 29th of May.

The slight worry is that if we take the time between when she had her u/s, x-rays and relaxin testing – May 16th and when she is scheduled for her spay – May 29th; and if she *is* pregnant; that adds 13 more days to any gestation.

Now, we also know that she was picked up on May 4th and on May 5th; she was dropped off at the Shelter and if we went under the unlikely supposition that she got pregnant on the 4th; that is 12 days from the 4th to the 16th; so too early for relaxin testing to show a positive and from there we now add another 13 days – May 29th – her spay date – that makes 25 days gestation (May 4th to the 29th) and a repeat relaxin test would rule out for sure any pregnancy.

What we shall do is another u/s and x-rays that day of her spay yet; per what we have already posted; if she was not pregnant or in the early stages; she would be spayed.

She would not be spayed ( until later ) unless she was in an advanced state of pregnancy or if it was dangerous; compromising her own health.

All of this is to sum up; that based upon all her results and that we do need to give her body time to become more healthy ( allow the antibiotics to do their thing, determine if she is even on the right antibiotics, obtain better nutrition, see how the Fucithalmic works on the small irritation on that one eye due to the mild entropion etc.); she will be spayed May 29th.

A lot of serious thought processing and conversations and discussions has been had with no less than three Vets to make sure that what we are doing and when and how we are doing things is making sure that BHRR’s Emma is completely done right by.

BHRR's Adele came to KAH tonight with me and weighed 44.90 KGs(98.78 pounds)! This means that she has put on 37.78 pounds since her arrival to BHRR back in late 2011. She is looking MAGNIFICENT! Simply magnificent!!!

The Vet and some of my fellow colleagues made such wonderful remarks and compliments over her beautiful soft and healthy coat, muscled and toned body condition and accepting demeanor! WTG FREEDOM DANE BHRR's Adele!

It has been a long path of baby rehabilitation steps for BHRR's Adele and I could not be more proud of her!!!

She plays for over 4-5 hours each day in our fenced in of almost 2.5 acres and she will run, zip, zoom and romp with her daughters and dogs like FREEDOM DANE BHRR's Freedom. She likes her AM romps the most right now. She will play from around 8 AM to 11:30 AM each day and then come in for a nap and then likes to get back up and have a small stroll around 3;30 PM or so and then she will do an early evening romp for about 1/2 hour to an hour.

She is very receptive to me and her obedience has bombed along under a very kind, firm and structured full of routine and patient consistent positive reinforcement program at BHRR and her impeccable learned leash manners would put many other dogs in the world to shame. 😉 Amazing how a dog can become the best dog they can be when done right by!!!!

NO one would suspect from her current body condition plus stamina that this was once a very broken, shutdown, emaciated and terrifed Great Dane.

She has a journey still ahead of her and she is going to have a lifelong journey of great experiences in the right matched forever loving home that understands what she needs and accepts her for who she is and does not make her into something she is not and never shall be and does not become frustrated with her. She is not to be manhandled. We do not believe any dog should be manhandled in fact. We have spent many many many months working on her 'shutdown' condition and she is now thriving.

Here is a very short VIDEO of BHRR's Adele taken last night(it is very hard to photograph and videotape her as she is very camera shy) but you can get an idea of how AMAZING she is doing now!!! SHE looks uber fabu!!! 🙂

After 15 years of rescuing and rehabbing dogs from her lines from PAWS R US; we understand her very well and we continue to rehab her two daughters at BHRR.

Should all go well, BHRR's Adele could be moving to an adopted status on Saturday May 19th, 2012; and we will update as we can.


BHRR's Maggie May had her annual tonight and she weighted 41.2 KGs(90.64 pounds) and looking mighty fine! 🙂

She is such a laid back Pyr and the Vet found her very easy to exam and vaccinate! LOL

She enjoyed all the loving she received and had many compliments on her awesome and soft coat!

We continue to wait patiently for her forever loving home to find her.

Some of BHRR's Emma's test results are back in:

1) HWT – Negative
2) Relaxin – Negative – so, at this time; it looks like her bladder and a false pregnancy are why she is looking the way she is
3) Urine – full of eastie beasites 🙁 and we are still awaiting the results of the culture – will take about 10 days to determine if the cephalexin is the right antibiotic to be using.

We are still waiting on full results from her Wellness bloodwork and fecal testing.

At this time, she is scheduled for her spay on May 29th, 2012 barring if something comes up with her bloodwork, if any repeat x-rays plus u/s reveals a pregnancy and if her urine and/or fecal results require a delay.

From there, she will need another vaccine booster(one was given to her by the Shelter) and her rabies and we will continue to monitor those hips and balance. As she receives better nturition and exercise; this will greatly assist her and I will also put her into some Canine Water Wellness Hydrotherapy sessions once she is up and running in health.

I want to re-visit with another exam her eye and perhaps; we can get a better exam on those hips and we might just x-ray those hips when she is under for her spay.

Donations to her growing Vet Bills can be made in the following ways.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Emma's ANGELS:      $1,225 donated to date & Bills $1,660.14
Verbruggen Family

BHRR's Jetta is fully integrated with everyone and one of her bff's is our Drift! I have taken two videos from last night; will be hard to see as she is so dark but, here they are! 🙂

She is also suffering from some mild SA and so, she is having to learn that her own company is ok and crate training is greatly assisting with that. She continues to learn about housebreaking and rules and NO HUMAN couches either! 😉

Both of these videos are of them on Bleach's 'couch' – which is his security blanket.



we are just leaving KAH now. BHRR's Emma has a bad UTI – her bladder is just huge and that has made the taking of ultrasounds(done twice) & x-rays very difficult. Her bladder is just enormous, the poor thing and that is almost all that you can see; that and her intestines. 🙁
So, at this time; we are unable to see babies via u/s or x-rays. Her Vet also discussed the case with an x-ray specialist. BHRR's Emma was also examined by two Vets.
So, she is on a heavy dose of antibiotics – cephalexin for her UTI and we are running a sample of her urine after doing a cysto collection.
She is on Fucithalmic for her eye and we did bw for a hwt, wellness plus we are doing a relaxin test to see if we can determine a possible pregnancy that way. We do understand that if she is really early on; that this test will not read positive.
We shall repeat the x-rays and u/s next week as we could not rule out no pregnancy due to that bladder and if it was super early plus if they were pushed up under her rib cage but no skeletal systems were located in the x-rays done today nor did we see any amniotic sacs in the u/s.
We are aiming to spay her once she has had time to become more healthy and depending on all the results of her bw and the repeat x-rays and u/s next week.
Being slightly skittish of most of the staff made things a wee bit more challenging too. BUT, she was a brave girl!!

She is even very skittish of Sean and when he met me at KAH, he was going to take BHRR's Emma for a pee while I went to the bathroom quickly and when I came back, I noticed that he did not have her and he and another person were trying to keep her off the road. She had pulled out of his hands and he was just trying to keep her off the road until I came back out.
In crouching down and calling to her softly, she came right to me.

Donations to her mounting Vet Bills can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848

or via PayPal

or via email transfer to

Thanks to all my fellow lovelies at KAH as always for being the best of the best out there!!
We are also doing a fecal and deworming her.
She also has a mild hygroma on one of her elbows – lots of soft bedding shall help that
Her panting can at this time be explained by her being stressed, out of shape, uncomfortable due to her bad hips and UTI


Now, that we are home; I also wanted to post that her heart sounded great and once she is more healthy in muscle and settled in with her anxiety; we will re-visit her balance if needed.
She weighed 61 kgs(134.2 pounds) and her growing girth can easily be passed with an explanation of that growing bladder. OR a false pregnancy is very possible.

VIDEO #1 from May 14th, 2012
VIDEO #2 from May 14th, 2012

What she does need to date are:

1) Packing Blankets/Duvets/Comforters as she does have some sores and is weak with bad hips
2) Puppy Pee Pads as she is having some incontinence and discharge
3) She LOVES the smoked knuckle bones
4) Rice
5) FROMM Wet Canned Dog Food
6) Towels
7) Pinesol
8. Leash(she has a collar – thanks to Karen and to HotDogsallDressed Inc.)
9) Donations towards her Vet Bills that shall be substantial regardless if she is pregnant or not
10) Paper Towels

***I will continue to update the list as needed**


BHRR's Emma's ANGELS:      $1,175 donated to date & Bills $1,500 and growing

In going over BHRR's Jetta's paperwork; her birthday is May 1st, 2011. On May 3rd, 2012; she was given her DHPP Vaccine and also Advantage. Her paperwork confirms that she was spayed.

On February 12th, 2012(when she was at the Shelter before bouncing back on May 2nd, 2012); she was given Bordetella. The reason why she was surrendered back was due to 'no time'.

She is also microchipped through EIDAP and we shall work on transferring the microchip under the authority of BHRR.

I cannot find any record of a rabies vaccine and we shall have this vaccine done at KAH once she has put on some more weight.

She has been fully integrated with all the dogs here except BHRR's Riley and that shall be tomorrow. 😀 She is all gooberhead puppy and the boot camp began from the moment she walked into our house. 😉

She is eating and drinking well and has only had two accidents in the house to date; both in her crate. She will get there!

We are also working on her 'negative seeking attention' barking and already it is better than what it was on Saturday. Her crate is beside BHRR's Bloom and I see BHHRR's Bloom looking over at her as if to say 'we do not do that here!' LOL LOL

BHRR's Veteran had his special date today! Another glorious weather day and my daughter and I drove to a beautiful conservation area in Kingston, ON to meet up with the winners of his special date! Below is a picture of this amazing couple with hearts like gold!!!

When we got home, in cleaning out the picnic basket; we found a donation for the BHRR animals tucked inside!!! It was an absolute pleasure meeting these two amazing folks and I could have spent hours just chatting!

BHRR's Veteran also was able to visit with a Great Pyr puppy! With all the dogs he saw today; he demonstrated no 'worry' signs of stress at any of them and during the times that I was there; he saw a Great Pyr pup, a Golden Retriever and a lovely black/tan Heinz 57! Apparenlty, there was a lab swimming and other dogs to that he showed only signs of wanting to play! I am proud of you BHRR's Veteran!!!! You are learning to trust more and more and more that all the dogs outside of BHRR are not going to hurt you! 🙂

He has put on 40+ pounds since his arrival to BHRR! LOOKING just FABU big boy! 🙂

Here is a blurb that they posted on our BHRR FB Page of their special date experience from today:

"Some days are just perfect. Everything just works out great….. today was one of those days. We had our date with Veteran. Perfect drive from Toronto to Kingston, Gwen picked the most amazing conservation area. We meet our handsome guy Veteran at the park, and FELL IN LOVE!!!!
Gwen and her great daughter are 2 of the most amazing people you can ever hope to meet. Veteran loves his mom and we had to distract him with treats so she could drive away. We went for a great hike through the trails and saw birds, turtles, swans, frogs you name it.
There was a couple of times my husband – had 10 bucks on me and the dog ending up in the lake. What a great explorer our veteran is. Every time Carl lagged behind Veteran would stop and wait. I was sure this was a sign of bonding – carl is sure it is cause he had the treats in his pocket.
After about an hour walk – we stopped and had lunch… no wait a feast !!!!! Gwen gave us a beautiful real wicker picnic basket – stuffed to the top with lunch. Fruit, sandwiches, chocolate, cheese, crackers, chips, …. the list goes on.
We ate lunch by the lake – snuck a few bits of turkey to Veteran (don’t tell). Never have I seen a dog take his treats so gentle.. so gentle. I have a lab and her idea of gentle is only eating 1 of your fingers. Veteran took the tiniest crumb so softly.
It is absolutely hilarious when you turn around and his head is resting on the picnic table and you notice that he actually has to bend down to do it.
Veteran is so tall you don’t even have to bend to pet him when you are walking. On the walks he kept rubbing his head on my leg. I kept having to stop and hug him and give him scratches. He likes a good chin scratch. When we stopped for pictures you can’t help but just maul him and hug him.
After lunch – we went for another hike on a different trail, with lots of stops for water and treats. Oh… and a poop that I was sure was done by a horse. No I am not kidding. We used 3 regular dog poop bags. It was the only thing Gwen didn’t warm us about.
After that it was time for a snooze under the tree to wait for Gwen. Oh…. there was a moment when we had him stuffed in the car – thinking of ways to make a run for the border with him.
Thank you Gwen for all you do. For taking all this time to bring these beautiful dogs to people like us – so we can enjoy them. I can’t tell you – how great this day has been because of you. We grinned like silly kids all the way home in the car.

May 13th, 2012 – DOESN'T a GD look great 'on' them! 😀
AND as tall as BHRR's Veteran is; they are a model tall family themselves!

BHRR's Emma is doing better today than yesterday. She had a good night yet; getting her to eat was a bit of a challenge and I have her on homecooking with some canned wet dog food mixed in. She seems to be eating that well and is drinking much more normally.

She has had two accidents in her crate; one pee in the night(she was out around 2:30 AM and again at 5:00 AM) and she had a poop inside of her crate today – soft yet fairly well formed.

I meant to take her stomach measurement yesterday for all of us looked at her today and went 'we are sure she is bigger!' but she is eating and drinking better and on that rack of bones body; she would be bigger. She is being fed 5 meals a day right now. I did take her measurement tonight just at the last rib and she is 37" around. We shall see if that changes dramatically over time.

She seems most comfortable with me and is already responding to her name and Sean and I worry a lot about her balance. She is not steady on her feet and she also seems to have some trouble lifting her head straight up. She clearly is lacking muscle tone in her hind end and her back legs are weak plus her hips are not great. 🙁 Her front end is stronger(just as our Kona's was) and she is a very pretty soul.

She will growl a bit in fear at Sean or even Mason at night and the light is behind them and she cannot see who they are. She settles done well and I have both of them feeding her some of her meals and talking to her and around her in normal conversations while passively ignoring her.

She has been integrated with BHRR's Gretta and BHRR's Peanut and BHRR's Jetta. She seems mostly indifferent overall to them yet; did a mild grump at BHRR's Peanut when she was having a drink out of one of the communal water bowls and BHRR's Peanut came up to also have a drink. She will learn to share and she was softly corrected with words and she calmly just looked at me and then drank some more sans more grumping.

Tonight, she has grumped at any of the dogs that she feels is getting too close to me; for she has 'claimed' me as her own in her own way and will come to me when called and also on her own volition. She will lean and almost try to sit on me. So, we will be working on the 'sharing' as well. She is a strong girl and as I have said many times over; these survivors of hell have backbones and wills of steel. She is not overtly dominant, yet more subtle with a look and soft growls/grumping. You can tell that she has had to take a stand or two in the past and she just wants to have space and not worry about the other dogs taking things from her or hurting her.

I do worry about how quickly she can begin to pant and her legs will begin to shake if she stands too long. We will be doing bw including a hwt. Her right eye appears to be weeping a bit and we will also check into that.

I LOVE how she lays in her crate! Her front legs crossed. She is very quiet and she just LOVED the smoked bone she was given as a treatie last night. She chomped and munched on it and this is only going to benefit her teeth and body. Her teeth are in quite good condition, surprisingly enough and she has been very accepting in allowing me to touch and feel and hold ears, tail, feel, mouth etc.

I have to be really honest; this girl has just grabbed deep into my heart with those eyes; yup! THOSE eyes again…. LOL and I am looking forward to Tuesday and to seeing if we can obtain a better determination re: any possible pregnancy.

I know some are not going to want to read this part; but; if she is pregnant and if it is; early enough along; we shall spay her if BHRR's Emma's own health shall not be compromised at this time with a spay. There are enough puppies in this world born and not enough homes for them; let alone the parents and the breeding of dogs should be taken very seriously. The health and behavoural issues that comes with byber and puppymiller dogs is also very paramount in the minds of those of us in Rescue.

It is not just the cost to the Rescue that shall be incurred; for we committed to her welbeing; with the awareness that she could be pregnant and we will do right by her should she be pregnant and it is not safe to spay her due to her own health or if she is too far along to do it safely.

We are going to take this one step at at a time and for those wanting to donate to her cause; she has an account set up at:

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

What she does need to date are:

1) Packing Blankets/Duvets/Comforters as she does have some sores and is weak with bad hips
2) Puppy Pee Pads as she is having some incontinence and discharge
3) She LOVES the smoked knuckle bones
4) Rice
5) FROMM Wet Canned Dog Food
6) Towels
7) Pinesol
8. Leash(she has a collar – thanks to Karen and to HotDogsallDressed Inc.)
9) Donations towards her Vet Bills that shall be substantial regardless if she is pregnant or not
10) Paper Towels

***I will continue to update the list as needed**




Brought to our attention in the wee hours of the morning on Saturday May 5th, was of a GD that was picked up as a stray in the evening of May 4th(in such poor shape, she was rescued laying in mud) and in bad shape.

Unfortunately, though the person who had her was given our information and us theirs; they had placed her with a shelter in the Montreal area for they were just not equipped to take on a Giant Breed; let alone one with her needs and we then had to wait until her hold period was up to bring her to BHRR. One of the wonderful employees at the shelter, knew me from our time together on the first seizure done last September from PAWS R US and she contacted myself directly to ask if I would be willing to take her in.

We stayed in regular contact and today; finally we were able to bring BHRR's Emma(the name suggestion on our fb page thread just really seems to suit her!) today.

While she was at the shelter, we did ask to have vaccines held off as it is suspected that she may be pregnant yet; it appears from the paperwork that she was given DHPP & Bordetella.

We cannot thank the Shelter enough for keeping us updated, walking her and giving her baths(diarrhea) plus doing her nails(they were extremely overgrown). She is thin, appears to also have a UTI(incontinence and a smell) and she is scheduled to come with me to KAH on Tuesday for an exam etc. After such a long and stressful day; I want/need to give her a little time to just settle in and begin to relax. Bloat/Tort is very much a risk right now for her. She did not eat any supper offered her way yet did drink a little. If she was in critical state, we would have had her go to the Vet today.

In looking her over closely, I would say she is about 4 years old max, quite thin and could well be pregnant or a false pregnancy and she has had puppies in her past. 🙁 She is not a wallflower this one. She has lived a life already from her body and eyes yet; just as with FREEDOM DANE BHRR's Adele; with all the exercise she shall get here and all the positive support; she will thrive. BHRR's Adele zooms and plays and runs and romps for almost 4 hours each day(loves the AM the most!) with her daughters and some of their best friends. People are in awe of her body condition now and mental health and BHRR's Emma will get there too. She is a wise GD… can see the brain just ticking away. She is patient too.

Below is one photo of her from when she was first picked up and laying in the mud. She is a mismarked fawn mantle(fawntle)

BHRR's Emma – the night she was found as a stray and picked up in the Montreal area – May 4th, 2012

BHRR's Jetta arrived safe and sound today! We received a call last Monday that a black with white female(about 1) was returned to an SPCA in Quebec after being adopted out.

BHRR takes the next in need regardless of colour and we needed a name and per one on the thread on our BHRR Facebook Group; looking for name suggestions; this one was brought up:

"X suggests Jetta, for the Gwenmobile.. which he asks "how many dogs has she saved in that car, and it's black??"

We decided to go with the name 'Jetta' based upoon the flood of emails and texts sent our way for reasons such as:

1) I have driven my Jetta all across the USA and to the east coast of Canada and as far away as Manitoba to save animals in need of BHRR

2) we take in the next one in need regardless of colour and many other places will not take in the 'blacks' because they are not hightly adoptable

3) it is a great name for a sleek shiny black GD that certainly has 'horsepower'!

She is a bit thin yet otherwise your typical almost 1 year old untrained GD. She is 'saucy' and reminds me quite a bit of both BHRR's Mindy with those long model legs and typical byber face that makes her 100% stunning rescued dog and BHRR's Riley with her 'edginess'!

This one is going to take me for a wild ride for sure! 😉 AND I am looking forward to the hills and valleys and all the pot holes and pit stops in-between! LOL She is already 'talking' to me as I type; telling me how she feels about being in a crate. 😀

She will begin her de-worming protocol and be placed on Heartworm preventative. I will bring her in and we shall also do a HWT and obtain a weight.

BHRR's Maggie May had her special date today and here is a photo on our lawn after she helped me make the picnic which included homemade turnovers; homemade bagels plus croissants! 🙂

She had a great day!

BHRR's Maggie May – May 12th, 2012

Here is a photo and some observations from BHRR's Cobalt's temp foster mom when she had him during two weeks in March while I had to be out of the country!

BHRR’s Cobalt Observations:

  • Very well behaved for his age but does have a few puppy moments- mouthing the leash and/or a hand, jumping.  All are easily corrected.
  • Has not chewed or damaged anything at all while here either in or out of his crate.
  • Has been out of his crate a lot during the day, with periods of a couple of hours here and there in while I am out.
  • At night has been a mix of in and out of crate for first couple of days.
  • Favourite  place to sleep while out of his crate was on the Kuranda bed (often flat on his back with his front legs in the air)
  • Marked once in the house when he first came in other than that has been perfectly clean (very small mark, wouldn’t have even noticed but my dogs all sniffed and looked at me and told on him!!).
  • Plays very well with BHRR’s Harley (often instigated by the “old man”, he will miss BHRR’s Cobalt….).  They’ve had a few minor disagreements but it went both ways on who was being disagreeable and were quickly settled (they seem to have a mutual respect….).
  • BHRR’s Cobalt was very respectful with the girls but he and Fiona did have a good race down the hallway a couple of times.
  • Walks well on leash outside, very friendly and not stressed at all about meeting new people and dogs outside- we have met up with other dogs that are on the leash and also been surprised by a couple of loose male dogs on the trails .  Also, bumped into a loose male dog on the street who came over barking.  BHRR’s Cobalt was perfect with one “it’s OK” from me.
  • Been OK with kids on bikes.  Been OK as cars pass (a little interested in the movement but not too much) also fine at night with car headlights.  Not too prey driven, pricks ears and interested a bit in squirrels and cats but can be easily distracted.  Also passed two kids playing badminton in the street with no worry whatsoever.
  • Still worries in the House if there are sudden noises or different people in and out especially at night when it is dark.  Is better if the House is well lit- I kept the lights on down the hallway day-time also since the narrower hallway without lights on seemed to stress him.  We did not push him too much- exposure to people was immediate family members and a couple of new comers in the house.  His worrying is much greater around men (including late teen boys).  This was only in the house; outside he was friendly with everyone we met. 
  • All in all, he is a wonderful dog, very affectionate and loving and just needs tons of love and the right calm and passively ignroing reassurance to get him over his rough times.  He is well on his way…..but will still need some understanding.  When he does get worried and soft woofy around people he does seem a little scary especially to the unaccustomed who may misinterpret this as aggression rather than fear and worry.

BHRR's Cobalt – March 2012 at his temp foster home on a Kuranda Bed
*Photo courtesy of K. Starkie

UPDATE: May 10th, 2012: I can vouch that BHRR's Cobalt is good with older cats. He has not been tested with younger cats.


He is one very laid back 'chill' border collie! He has fit in so well here, is fully integrated, a very quiet and obedient boy and so stunning!

His one 'quirk' remains cars, especially those red ones and when you drive; he can zip back and forth in the back seat from one side of the car to another to 'chase' them. He is not super vocal and has learnt the 'shhhhhh' command.

He has tons of patience and is such an affectionate, kind little boy.

His right matched forever loving home is so versatile! We would like to see him go to a home that has another right matched personality fit dog; yet; a home that does not already have another dog is not mandatory. He is good with kids and people of all shapes and sizes and dogs and he is a really super nice boy!!!!

A therapy or obedience dog he could well be!!!



BHRR's Atlas JUST added another new friend to his 'circle of success' – BHRR's Journey! WAHOO!

I am so proud of him! JUST so proud of him!!!! He has a good number of friends(and increasing!) to play with and strut his stuff around and have fun!!!! 🙂

BHRR's Atlas made a new friend to add to his 'circle of success'! Windsor, our newfx!!! WTG BHRR's Atlas!!

That is the great news.

The not so good news is that I am bringing him in again as his UTI is not better yet worse and he is having terrible incontinence, the poor sweetie. 🙁 I do not mind doing laundry yet he feels embarrassed when he gets up from laying down and has had an accident.

So, perhaps stronger antibiotics and I will bring in another sample of urine to be tested and when we are at the Hospital; we can do a urine sample by cysto collection if need be.

A bit worried about this sweet boy. We have also upped his food for he has been dropping weight yet is for the most part right now; eating fairly well still. Drinking is not abnormal, no fever and his energy level appears just slightly off normal from when he is usually active. He does nap a bit more; yet; the weather is warmer and we often find the Saints and Newfs; not as active; especially in the day time hours. They like to hot the a/c vents or fans!

I am just going to feel better to have him checked over again and to re-run some tests and perhaps some bw too if needed.

I am going to hold off with any more alternative treatments of CWW, acupuncture etc. until we get on top of this for him.

Will post an update as I can.

AND I have I mentioned lately, JUST HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS BOY! 😉 HE is the moon, stars and sun! JUST WOW!

BHRR's Lincon was ADOPTED May 4th, 2012!

BHRR's Adele is being placed under a PENDING ADOPTION! We shall update her blog on her status as we can.

WHAT an amazing testimonial re: BHRR's Bloom from our recent BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House!

 "Gwen, we wanted to thank you for inviting us into your home. Driving up to your house I told X "Wow! This is like dog heaven!" and after spending a few hours there I can say without a doubt that I was right. Your family (human and canine) is amazing (I must admit, I have a bit of a crush on Soul). We were VERY impressed by Bloom's overall improvement. Her leg looks great and you've done a fantastic job training her, we could not believe how well behaved she was. We look forward to continue hearing about her progress. We would love to come back and visit you and the pooches! Also, I would be interested in helping in any way I can (transport, fundraising, etc.), just let me know!! Give a big kiss to Bloom for me! :)"

BHRR's BLOOM rocked our recent BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House on April 21st!!! COULD not have been more proud of her!!!!

We also re-did her DNA test and Sean has mailed off the test on his way to work today. HOPE it works this time!!!

We will not be placing her up for adoption; until we have those results; to ensure that we do the absolute best we can for a possible future adoption placement.