BHRR's Lincoln's hv for a possible BHRR adoption is Friday May 4th! We shall post a status update as we can.

I am so impressed with what you are doing!


Usually, if I am thinking of adopting I will spend anywhere from six months to two years researching.

I am not trying to "replace" her as that would be impossible. I am trying to do my homework as I know my next dog will be another giant breed. I am interested in Saints, Great danes of course, Mastiffs, Newfs, and Wolfhounds as well. The only thing heartbreaking about these breeds is life span but, I know where my heart is and it's with the gentle giants. I have researched some with Berners too but, am so disappointed in the major ongoing health problems that seem to be just ruining that breed. Maybe there are breeders that are extending their lives some but, some I see are only living six years? I could see if that was a Wolf hound but, heavens..Berners aren't that large really so what on earth is going on.

So, I go looking for somewhere not far from me who does work with adopting out larger dogs. I am in Kingston.. I find tons of places all over Ontario but, I'm not satisfied with their easy, breezy approach. It seems rather fishy to me.

What I got from that experience was this. I thought back and all the things the people said about the dog were glowing and they hadn't asked me any questions at all. No, "Do you have fenced yard?" nothing. That should have been a red flag to me but, I trusted this "rescue" as it was part of the humane society there! You can't win them all but, you can learn from these sorts of things.

When I read your website I noticed how strict it seemed. The plethora of questions, the rules. To me that means you are trying to match dogs to families or homes that are a good "fit" I guess that might take some time and be a longer process which is also to my liking. It means fewer dogs being rehomed over and over or worse. Very well done!  I suppose you must get some people feeling it's a lot of hoops…not me. It's just enough. What a comfort to see in this day and age of millions of breeders and tons of pet shop puppies.

I have not filled out an application yet as I am not at that point right now. This elderly doxie could not handle the stress of a new addition but, when I AM ready to apply it will be to your rescue. I hope I meet your requirements when that time comes as you surely have shown you are serious about rehoming these dogs without exception and with dedication to your rules. That really IS heartening.

Even though  I am not at the point of adopting just yet, I hope it will be possible sometime this year to visit your facility but, if not then I will wait until I am done the application process.

I just wanted to write and say that I've visited your site about four times now, taking it all in and looking over everything. I really feel the approach you are taking is fantastic and likely means adoptions are successful. I wish every rehoming group was doing it this way!

Cheers and thanks for the work you are doing,

Ruth Freeborn

Here is another testimonial sent our way re: BHRR's Dana! The support being sent her way has been PHENOMENAL and I really should not be surprised for she is one FABU dog!

It took a few days after coming back to BHRR; before she felt 100% comfortable; she was very unsure of what is and is not expected/required of her and was not playful or her 'ALVIN' mischievous self. 🙁 

YET, just this past weekend after getting back into the routine plus structure of life at BHRR, she began to work the ice cube maker on the fridge again! YAY! YAY! BHRR's DANA IS BACK in the house! 😀

I will have to take more videos and photos of this dog living in complete harmony in a large multi dog home; thriving under consistency plus dedication AND her happy tail is healing beautifully! THUMBS up BHRR's Dana!!!!

Testimonial #3: From M. Bird – approved wonderful BHRR Volunteer; very animal experienced, knowledgeable plus another deeply respected member of their own community!

April 25th, 2012

I wanted one of "THOSE DOGS." You know what I'm talking about, those dogs that walk nicely on loose leashes, seem bomb proof, share their beds, welcome new dogs into their homes, sit nicely when they meet new people while their owners are relaxed and enjoying a good time. You know…one of THOSE DOGS!   The ones that most people think only exist in movies or the very rare occasion see one walking down the street or playing in the dog park and wonder what breeder that it came from or what trainer pulled that miracle, or perhaps what medication the vet has that dog on? Yeah, wake up folks. While passing along full kudos to quality/reputable breeders, trainers and vets (ok not the medicating for behaviour ones) for doing their important part in things…THOSE DOGS aren't born. They are made every day for their whole lives. Made with lots of love and patience and tons of hard, determined and consistent work, AND knowledgeable people like Gwennie Boers. You know the trick with knowledgeable people like Gwennie Boers? – if you don't listen to their advice, your don't get one of THOSE DOGS. And even if you are handed one of THOSE DOGS, they won't stay that way because you won't have met their needs.


I think that it all comes down to the reality that most people think that they know a lot more about dogs as a species than they really do.   They aren't people in fur coats ya know. If you don't believe me feel free to read up the first few chapters of books like "Inside of a Dog" by Alexandra Horowitz which is my current self imposed reading assignment. Guess who inspired my quest for a better, more realistic, understanding of Canis Domesticus?  Yup, Gwennie Boers that's who.  Like many other very fortunate people, Gwen and Sean have been right there for us with our Honourary Giants who aren't even giants nor from BHRR. BUT,  that matters little to Gwen when a home is out of kilter and dogs and people are suffering for it. Yes, I too, despite a life time of working with dogs, had to swallow that bitter reality pill. I wasn't seeing what my dogs were trying to tell me. Well, perhaps I was seeing it, even slipped into complaining about it and rationalizing it to anyone who cared to listen when strolling through the dog park all the while throwing wistful glances at people fortunately enough to have found the cabbage patch where THOSE DOGS come from.  But really, I knew better, as my Dad always said, if there is an issue with your dog – go look in the mirror because chances are pretty high that you'll find your problem looking right back at ya when ya get there. I'm thinking Gwen and my Dad would have gotten right along!   Long story short my mirror is well used and while I still don't have one of THOSE DOGS….yet, I will because I am learning who my dog really is what what he needs. AND, I am loving every step of the journey to get there.

Dogs, like people, are a lifetime work in progress. You need to work with them, and yourself, every day.


And now onto the main theme of this missive. Cue music to The Sounds of Music's, "Maria, (The Nuns)"….


How do you understand a Dane like Dana??

How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?

How do you understand a Dane like Danaaaaaa? 

A flibbertijibbet! A will-o'-the wisp!, a clown!.


Yes, if you will forgive the hazards of anthropomorphizing, this is in fact the song that comes to mind when I think of the wonderful Dana.   I got to know Dana during my time at BHRR in March and fell head over heels for a smart, sassy, beautiful dog who loves with her whole heart and soul, just like the Maria in the movie. But my time with her taught me that just like the Maria in the movie, if you don't pay attention to what she is telling you about what is going on in her head, you may find all your dogs hanging from trees wearing the curtains, or in her case lounging on the person couch wrapped in toilet paper! Dana, like all the dogs, was happy to see me and was literally at the front of the pack to show me lots of love AND to find out just how much love she could show me without Gwen around. A jump up with a hug perhaps? Ever feel like a new toy being tried out to see how much fun you are?


I'd like to say a word on her behalf..

Dana, makes me, laugh!


There were quite a few speculative sets of canine eyes observing to see how things might develop let me tell you! But I was armed with Gwennie rules and determined to be worthy of the trust placed in me by Gwen and Sean to mind their dogs for a short time. So I tore my gaze from those gorgeous eyes of hers and popped her firmly back to 4 on the floor along with a "nice try Dana!" which, I laugh to remember, got me a full blown body wiggle of a wagging tale from her!  And that was the beginning of a most wonderful relationship! During my shifts at BHRR I learned that Dana is, above all things, devoted to those she loves. And she loves freely and openly. During her rotations she followed me everywhere and was quite happy to try to help with anything I was doing and snuggled her head right into my stomach if I didn't appear to have other uses for my hands.(Don't worry Gwen, my hands were usually quite busy! lol) She puts her whole heart into everything that she does. But, it is important to remember that she does that because she is safe and secure and knows exactly what is ok and what isn't. Like any living creature she will test those rules sometimes to make sure that they are still there, snugly around her keeping her world safe.  And she will need all dogs in her home to follow those same rules.  When I let her know that house rules stand when I am there, she relaxed,  was happy and just full of joy. Boundaries checked and in place, her world would remain stable and secure while I was there.


She'd out pester any pest

Drive a hornet from it's nest

She could throw a whirling dervish out of whirl

She is gentle! She is wild!

She's a riddle! She's a child!

She's a headache! She's an angel!
She's a Dane!


Dana has had her own journey in life. When she arrived at BHRR she was not the dog that she is today. With Gwen and Sean by her side, she has faced ups and downs, persevered through challenges, received and given knowledge.  Her right matched home, if they are smart, will set themselves, their family and Dana up for success by following the rules that have made Dana who she is. Who is that you ask? Well I'll tell ya! She is a dog that will always have a place in my heart. She is a dog that will provide endless love, joy and laughter to the home wise enough to learn who she really is and keep her challenged and happy. Dana is, and in the right home will continue to be, one of THOSE DOGS!


How do you love a Dane like Dana? Easy

With Dana you CAN hold a moonbeam in your hand!


We had our most recent BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House on Saturday April 21st.

When we hosted our first BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House after the FREEDOM DANES arrived – end of November; we let them stay in their crates as their 'safe' spot and they could come out(which none did) if they would like to. We asked all of our attendees to be understanding and not push them and get into their space.

When we hosted our second BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House after the FREEDOM DANES arrived – end of February; we let them once more do what they desired and they came in and out at will. BIG improvement! The girls wanted to spend most of the day outside in the sun yet came into the sunroom for bits of time and allowed some people to pet them. Once again, we asked all of our attendees to be understanding and not push them and get into their space.

When we hosted our third BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House at the FREEDOM DANES arrived – April 21st; we did not allow the Danes as part of our next stage of move forward social rehabiltiation; to go into crates. Both BHRR's Peanut and BHRR's Gretta did once and I removed them and shut the crate door. Someone had let BHRR's Riley out of his crate and had not closed it behind him. We asked our attendees, of which most were respectful; and we only had to say a few words to some; to be understanding and not push them and get into their space.

BHRR's Freedom ROCKED it! BHRR's Peanut did very well and BHRR's Gretta is still much further behind than all five of the FREEDOM DANES here.

They are each travelling their own journeys from hell in their own ways; yet; all are very slow with baby steps and we continue to work towards their social rehab success – AND to each of them, this could mean something different. These were Danes that were carried for the longest time. So many did not know them at the ES or when they first arrived to BHRR and they think that a quiet word and a treat(which they would not take from every stranger we observed) is going to make them 'all better'.

These are dogs that have major trust issues and lack social skills and communication and they are not 'won' over with words of praise.

They are 'won' over by time, patience, consistency, routine, structure, obedience and routine…..with positive reinforcement and all of this comes to mean stability in their worlds.

They are not to be pitied as so many were want to do at the Open House, they are not to be felt sorry for; FOR these dogs to have any chance at living any semblance of a normal life(and normal to them could well mean something differerent for each of them); they need to be given some 'tough' love here and there. Gently pushing the boundaries when they have demonstrated they are ready and two more of them are and this means going out into the big scary world now. If I felt sorry for them, I would keep them safely closeted at BHRR for their lives and carried them in and out all day long as needed. FOR to have felt sorry for them, would have meant that they never would have learnt to walk on their own, learnt to play, sleep without standing all the time, take a treat, not cower at the back of their crates when you went to feed them, never became housebroken etc.

BHRR's FREEDOM had his first social time outing with me on April 7th and I will update his blog and soon it is BHRR's Peanut's time.

A word to any home that adopts them for I remain very positive that they shall be placed up for adoption at some point; that is an X time determination though; those homes cannot set them up for failure which shall undo all the foundation laying and proper build-up of their characters plus personalities since the day they came into BHRR.

So, for the one that may think that the 'tough' love of not allowing them to hang out in crates when they had no need of those crates any longer; was not 'good; please understand the 'why' of this. So many of these FREEDOM dogs out there (627 total) have been adopted quickly and bounced back to whereever they were adopted from. They bounced back because they were NOT ready to be adopted and the homes were NOT really prepared/ready for all that these dogs still needed.

THIS is not the mandate for BHRR. Quick to adopt is not in our vocabulary yet; at the same time; we work towards a move forward rehabilitation approach designed specifcally for each dog under our care. These dogs will be placed up for adoption WHEN they are ready, not before and they TELL me when it is time for the next steps.

We want forever loving homes, not failures for home and our dogs.

Always forward…they are a product of their past, live in their present and we look towards their future.

Just some food for thought….. 😉


ISO: Two approved Volunteer homes to assist with FREEDOM DANES BHRR's Freedom & BHRR's Peanut's next stages of social rehabilitation.

BHRR's Freedom shall have another social date with myself this upcoming Saturday at a Volunteers' home(still need to post his video and photos from his April 7th outing) & BHRR's Peanut is now ready to begin her next small steps on her journey to be eventually be placed up for adoption!

I am seeking a Volunteer who may be willing to take BHRR's Freedom out for about one hour sans me on Saturday May 5th – time anywhere between 8 AM – 1 PM; even just for a small car ride & I am also seeking an approved Volunteer who may be willing to allow BHRR's Peanut and myself to visit for an hour or so after 3 PM on the 7th of May.

Please EMAIL if you are interested and available. These GD's came into BHRR quite catatonic and we need people to not crowd or push them…. THANKS!

Here are three videos of BHRR's Atlas!

VIDEO #1 – On our way to Canine Water Wellness for hydrotherapy
VIDEO #2 – At Canine Water Wellness for another session of hydrotherapy
VIDEO #3 – On our way back out of Canine Water Wellness for hydrotherapy.

He is battling a UTI right now and is on antibiotics.


VIDEO of BHRR's Kyo & BHRR's Dana on our way to do a home visit on April 22nd, 2012.

I could not have asked better of each of them on this road trip! 🙂

VIDEO #2 with BHRR's Rambo, BHRR's Veteran, BHRR's Hamilton the Newf, BHRR's Rain with BHRR's Goliath etc.

In watching this video, I noted that BHRR's Veteran was limping. His back right leg is a bit tender and swollen. He is now on crate rest and Deramaxx and will re-visit the Vet if needed.


BHRR's Goliath with BHRR's Veteran & BHRR's Rambo and one of the toys donated this past Saturday from Kathy's 'Journey For Journey' Fundraiser! 🙂

After a very stressful few days, BHRR's Dana is back safely at BHRR and is now AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION again. This is our first failed adoption in FIVE years and may it be as long and hopefully, much longer than that before we ever have another one. BHRR works very hard with a detailed application process that is clearly posted, information packages and testimonials often sent as well as detailed blogs of our dogs. 2.5 hours was spent at this home after a 5 hour drive one way as part of our commitment to doing the best possible to set all up for success.

It is most unfortunate when any dog has to come back into Rescue, for me; however; it is just that much more unfortunate when it had to be one of our very wonderful black beauties that have been overlooked by so many to date.

AND no matter what is posted in this blog; there is going to be someone out there somewhere or two; that will believe us having to pull BHRR's Dana back to BHRR is 'her' fault. AND it is not.

BHRR's Dana is all she is indicated to be in her blog(we believe in full disclosure) and two of our approved BHRR homes(one adoptive and one foster) have even submitted testimonials that were also forwarded on to this home in our efforts to make this work and are now posted here for everyone to read that if people just follow what what is sent their way and understand that we know these dogs best; then there is much success to be had in the home. Our 100% success rates for over 10 years and now that we are in our 16th year; 99% can confirm that very real fact.

BHRR's Dana as so many can attest to is excellent with dogs, cats, people of all shapes, colours, sizes and both male and female. She has lived in harmony in our home and in her temp foster home over the past years without issue due to correct and proper positive reinforcement and leadership. AND so many can also attest to how we feel about dogs being allowed on human furniture and why this should not be allowed. AND many can also confirm that there is no reason to have a severe surgical intervention to remove her tail. We can only hope that by people who know BHRR's Dana who comes to work with me, attends ours GD walks/hikes, has play dates, visits with people all the time at our home; has lots of exposure at our BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open Houses will also tell others about how great she is. Such, that others can know that the failure was not hers for having to come to BHRR.

Pulling her out of this home to come back to BHRR was in her best interest and we need to keep her best interest first and foremost as our priority.

Testimonial #1: From T. Vaive – temp foster home and respected community member extraordinaire – When one of their GD's was crossed over; their other one stopped eating and a discussion was had if there was a GD at BHRR that may assist their home in healing and getting their other GD to eat. BHRR's Dana was temp fostered by this home. This home has temp fostered a number of dogs for us over the years now and extremely successfully. We are so blessed to have Tasha and her home on board! THUMBS UP!

April 22, 2012

Gwennie and Sean,

I have wanted to write about our time with Dana our “Calvin” from Calvin and Hobbs for quite a while now.   When I saw of her adoption I thought WOW this is the perfect time.  

Obviously her new family knows she is the bomb diggiity or as our Adyson would say she is not just a bag of chips she is the potato. 

I remember talking to you Gwennie  on that fateful Birch Haven walk when Sheets was mourning so for his Pella and had literally stopped eating.  We were so excited to have our temporary foster come into our home not even know who it would be with the hopes of course that they would help Sheets get over this part of his grieving process and have the want to eat again.  

Fast forward to the  Dana meet and greet…..oh and one screen down. Lol.   😀  I remember reading over the foster package; the vet checks, the reference checks and the yard review from you. WHEW I quite distinctly recall thinking “really? I already own dogs and Danes at that why is she reviewing my home? Lol”    

HA!!!!!!  So it would seem this know it all “ Social worker, Medical Rehab professional , Dog show, rescue Dane master” was about to get a lesson in “Dana”  and learn all about a new concept to me at least at the time  RESOURSING!!!!!   Oh how I have come to resent that word!! cheeky 

Before we get into how this works and I will end on the same note!!!  Dana brought us laughter OMG the laughter and here I thought Harls were the clowns of the Dane world, well someone forgot to tell Dana.  We never laughed so hard!!! The expression and the think-it through tiles on this one.  Whew I tell you!!!  She had us healing as a family within 10 min of being in our home.   And I though Sheets was the only one having problems letting “Pella the Poop” go.  

We had the “LIST” sorry to say this but I did think yah whatever what does Gwennie know…….. this is MY home and I KNOW my home and MY family dynamics.  OK the rules for Dana were as follows. 

1)      Do not let her jump up on you ( yah no brainer)

2)      She will try to push boundaries and they MUST be made clear ( yah what dog doesn’t)

3)      She has to listen to you. Do not let that sweet face fool you.  (Do I look like a sucker?)

4)      She is NOT to be allowed on furniture or beds (hmm really? Mine have the 4 on the floor rule but we let them up to snuggy – why is that so bad?)

5)      It will take time for her to trust but once she does she will BOND and quickly!!!

6)      She needs to “SHARE” toys, space ect.  (DUH….who did this lady think I was an idiot??)

7)      Happy tail- Dana does not just wag her tail she wags her body.   Encourage her to sit and try not to get too excited in her crate. 

8)      CALL Gwennie  for anything at any time.

9)      Dana will eat and will try to “share” Sheets’ food as well.   Do NOT let her be pushy!!  (huh? Of course not!! I am ON this)


Ok so Dana arrives; this list and all the hoops have been jumped through.  I figure hey “I got this dialed” as we like to say.  First thing Dana jumps on me and I push her down. Good start I got her knowing I am the boss….out her and Sheets go to run the yard…..good things, all good things. Gwennie umm Tasha about that low screen on your back door.  Oh no worries I say she will listen and not run through it.  First time  Dana “no”  she listened ( see I got this) second time umm down a screen.  Gwennie 'oh my please let me replace it'.  NO NO NO it would seem I need to do some work with my Alpha skills here. 😀

Gwennie leaves  dog room all set up we get ready for dinner.    Sheets and Dana have shared water outside and been great.  Pics to prove it.   We have dinner no fuss or muss.  I stand between to make sure the new friends know to not borrow kibble from the others bowl. Sheets eats yah!!!!   

 Dogs are to sleep in the dog room right by my room.  Dana is very, very sad…… I mean she is happy but whining  must miss her “home”  poor pooch ok so I will let her up to snuggly for a few minutes to show her we are  a great family 🙂  Yes oh this is a GREAT  idea….(please refer to rules above)  Pup up Dana on the bed.  Just for a few minutes it will be ok…Sheets is like hey wait a sec…..I want up too .  NO Sheets  you need to go lay down.  We snuggly all good I send her off and we are fine…….. HA!!!!

A couple of days go by Dana has settled in very well.  Her and Sheets get along like to pigs in a blanket.  A few issues with jumping up but all in all good.  The whining thing is getting on my nerves. Letting her up on the bed stops it for a bit but then whammo back at it.  What am I doing wrong??? (Please once again refer to rules above #3) 

Gwemnie does a check in – all good.   I talk about the whining.  Water spray bottle and don’t give in she knows how to settle in a crate she is testing you! Ok . Water spray bottle it is.   Hey it works!!! Then holy hanna the worst  squeal you have ever heard!!!  Dana is wayyyyyy to smart and was trying to get the crate open and got her one of her toes stuck in between the bars.  OMG I have broken her. I get her toe out and call Gwennie.  She is on her way!!!  Poor wee bean quick you need a cuddle on my bed…..she is limping but can jump up no issues….. hmmm ok 20 min love in and Gwennie here.   I tell her we were just snuggly in the bed. Gwennie “oh Tasha” what????  Oh yah rules. Well she was sad and hurt and, and, and I did move her to the couch….. I get the refresher on “resourcing”   Well I think to myself this has not happened yet what do you know.

Later that night, Dana won’t settle so I bring her into my room NOT ON THE BED!!! 🙂  I put her bed beside mine on the floor.  Well Sheets gets right on it and settles. Darn so I out one on the other side. GO settle Dana.  She wanted to be close to me so did Sheets.  I moved Sheets to settle Dana by me.   Sheets kept bugging Dana and she was not moving he pestered and grumped….Nudged and pushed.  Dana responded in kind.  Ok enough of this Sheets’ stop being a bully she is hurting and I need sleep.  Dana up on the bed Sheets you lie down by me. Good right??  (Please see rules above and keep in mind I did get a refresher on resourcing earlier.  It would seen I am not all that bright)

I get up to do something Dana stays on the bed Sheets follows.  I come back into the room Dana is NOT having Sheets in the ROOM.  Sheet s is NOT happy with DANA on THE BED!!!! 1am …. oh insert foul language here.   Are you flippin kidding me???  OK crates for all and GOOD NIGHT!!!

A few days later I am still working through my stupidity and trying to get back that pack order we had the first few days before I ruined it.  We are getting better same rules for all and 4 on the floor!   We go shopping for new toys 🙂  YAHHHH. 

Great day – Dana likes to sit on Sheet’s head to get his bed or his toy. So funny…Sheets does not think so.  So he brings his toy over to me and places it between me, his body and Dana…. HERE it comes …. She comes to get it he toy and tries to get between Sheets and I…… Oh ok so man o man not a big deal but they BOTH claim me as theirs and the snippity starts.  What is going on here?? Dana NO, Sheet’s NO!!  Oh yah sharing. (Please refer to rule #6 that I totally blew off) 

Luckily I have the great resource , you know the one I thought didn’t know what she was talking about and really how could she really know Dana that well with how many other dogs in her rescue??  Ok so candid blunt conversation later = I need to get my act together!!  Could I be the reason these behaviours are happening??  OK print off and post rules on fridge.   Thanks to me we are back at square one and I am thinking maybe below that and me undoing the great work that has been put into this girl.  I mean my “helping” was not helping at all but setting not just her but Sheets and us all to fail.  Hmmmm that was a bitter pill to swallow.  Ok so a glass of wine later ok maybe two  I found my big girl panties and got to work.  

The kids, Sheet’s and I stuck to the rules.  Dana did split her tail (crazy wiggle butt) but we worked through it.  Dana and Sheet’s both learnt to play with each other with manners.  Sheets taught Dana how to blow bubbles in the kiddy pool. Dana taught Sheets how to open doors, blow through screens, open the fridge J  and to give that look that will melt your heart.  

Dana taught us how to love again and to lose again(when she went back to Birch Haven due to Ady’s spinal surgery)  but too be ok with it.  She brought us happiness, laughter oh and Knowledge.  We learnt so much from Dana and so did our animals.  Dana met her first cat and our cat met her first foster.  It was a bit of a rough road at the start. But WOW!!!!!  Dana made it easy to see how wonderful things could be if the respect and love was given in the appropriate way. 

I learnt so much about myself, us as a family and that “gulp” maybe I can stand to learn a thing or two and see things from a different perspective. 

She can be a challenge for sure but if they stick to the rules (lol J)  The rewards and her love and boundless. 

Tasha and Family- Fur kids included. 

PS:  I think it is important for people to recognize that you set the structure up for your adoption and fostering the way you do for a  reason. It honestly is sooo much easier when you do!!! Trust me. LOL I have the t-shirt.  😀  I know like many this girl has touch our hearts.   

Testimonial #2: From S. Desjardins – approved BHRR adoptive home to not one but 2 Great Danes over the years and also a very valuable respected asset to her community. She has also lived at BHRR on two separate occasions, up to 14 days over the past year+ and knows BHRR's Dana well. The first GD they adopted had very clearly outlined rules posted on the dogs' blog and in their information package plus discussed of what that GD needed and within three days of adoption, we were given a call to see if we could help re: them allowing this GD on the furniture etc. It is so easy for people to fall for those amazing 'eyes' of a dog and it takes a dedicated and great home to realise what was going on, contact us for assistance as we know the dog best and pull up those socks and make things work! THUMBS UP!

April 22nd, 2012

Hi Gwen

I am not sure where I should start, maybe the beginning is a good idea.  Although Chuck  and I had owned several dogs before we adopted Jenni and Mudslide from BHRR  we had no idea how some of our actions were setting our dogs up for failure and setting the pattern for a life time of frustration, for both us and them.

I am the typical “mushheart” when it comes to my dogs and have a failing in that I struggle daily to not “humanize” then. Prior to working with you and “the girls “ Chuck and I had let our dogs, Axel, Ozzy and Cooper on the couches and sleep with us.  We didn’t realize that by doing this it allowed them to view the furniture as their own.  I was being selfish in thinking that it was much easier for me to cuddle with them on the couch. Once we let the dogs ( Axl, Ozzy and Cooper) sleep with us the tone was set and when Chuck switched careers and went from working nights to days, we had to buy a king-size bed….much easier that re-training the dog o sleep on the floor on dog beds.  After all they might think we don’t love them anymore and the floor is hard and cold and,  and,  and ….We were extremely fortunate that none of our dogs resourced over us or the furniture when we had friends over. It could have a been a disaster with someone getting hurt.

You explained to Chuck and I that , when we adopted Jenni, she had had been raised to not go up on couches or beds and that she has to share everything in the house with Axl.  That by allowing her to break from this training would set her up for failure as she would start to resource over water bowls , toys , us as she viewed them as her possessions.

Well for a bit we followed your advice and as old habits die hard we slipped into “our familiar” routines and did exactly that set Jenni up for failure, which she did as you know when you visited with Potter  and she grumped at him as she was on the couch and actually growled as well.  We had to correct her about that which made her even more confused as she didn’t understand why, after all it was her couch wasn’t it.

Now the girls ( Mudslide and Jenni) DO NOT go on the couches unless invited. And this would be only for a very special reason and not oft repeated. They have their very comfy beds in the living room to lounge on. We are now able to have friends over with their dogs and there is no resourcing , everyone, including the dogs know couches are for  humans. No more failure. Both girls drink out of ONE water bowl and share all toys and even the cat Dexter…LOL. |When we take the girls out anywhere we are constantly being complemented on how very well they are behaved and listen to us. This is due to the amazing foundation of positive training that they received from BHRR and that has been unstintingly passed on to us by yourself time and time again as we have had need.  Had we stuck with your teaching and training there would not have been any failure on Jenni`s part or ours.

This is the type of amazing structure Dana has had. Dana is amazing in her heart and soul and knows beyond a shadow of a doubt how to live in harmony with dogs and people as long as her people remain faithful to the positive training and teaching of no resourcing and all must share.  That means No couches, No beds, she knows her boundaries and when they are reinforced and adhered to she ROCKS. She will test you, to see how far she can go,  as I have experienced when staying out at BHRR, the little monkey…LOL… in the beginning it was  Dana off the couch, Dana off the bed , Dana move away and share, share, share and within a matter of a day she realizes that I am not going to be a pushover for her ( as much as I would love to be) as I want her to continue to succeed and be that great lovable girl she is.  

Dana is much like my Jenni,  she love with her soul and NEEDS TO KNOW you are the leader and will protect her so she doesn`t have to step up.


BHRR's Dana was ADOPTED on April 19th, 2012!

BHRR's Dana as did we….waited patiently for her right forever matched loving home and from the moment we brought her emaciated(barely 64 pounds and now almost 130 pounds) broken body and heart to BHRR; we committed to her. I had to amputate a toe, build her up emotionally from the ground and lots and lots of patient, loving and firm obedience sent her way AND she is one of the best dogs ever out there!! She gives all of herself to anything she does; no half measures for her. She wags not just with her tail but her whole butt!! She is brill and I am going to miss her antics of the toilet paper rolls and the ice maker on the fridge and seeing all the dogs sitting waiting for the ice cubes!
Her sitting on the dogs heads to 'steal' their beds may not be so missed by the dogs!
She has been privy to many a painful grieving moment to my heart and when I told her good-bye today, I put my head to hers and whispered in her ear 'to keep shining my beautiful dollface' and gave her a couple of kisses.
She won the home over with her impeccable manners; loving heart and giving spirit. They have two kids and when each of them cried; she kissed them and layed down by them.

Poor BHRR's Dana has been overlooked in the past because she was a big black dog…sigh…what a crime! 🙁
We adore her and if that right home never found her; she lived a great life with us and her training plus manners (the jumping left…yay!); just became better and better.
She remains a delightful handful and may her new forever loving home cherish her as the gift she is!!!
AND this was another good trip outside of BHRR for both BHRR's Kyo & BHRR's Cobalt! 🙂
There is a big hole at BHRR with her gone but she had no need of us for a long time now.
Thanks everyone for cheering for her!
Now, may our other two female & one male black beauty find a right loving adoptive home too!

I am going to miss you my sweet Dollface Dana/ALVIN! 🙂

BHRR's Dana with BHRR's Goliath – February 2012

Our Spring Fundraiser is NOW ON!

1st Annual '1-on-1' Special Date With A BHRR Animal Online Auction.

The BHRR Auction will begin at 6:00 AM EST on Saturday April 14th, 2012.
Unfortunately, bids submitted prior to this time cannot be considered.

The BHRR Auction will end at 9:00 PM EST on Thursday April 26th, 2012.

We are still in the process of adding the 'eligible' BHRR doggies, so please visit our website often! WE HAVE 16 DATES so far made available! Date includes a picnic lunch! 🙂

*For more information on each dog available, please visit their dog blog links under each dog's individual bid item details.*

Thanks Louise for the great poster!

Permission Given To Cross-Post!


L. Bausinger, Elora, ON


My family was looking at your website today and all of us wanted to say what a wonderful thing you are doing for these dogs.  They seem so loved and genuinely cared for. I know that they are all rescued and I can’t imagine anyone causing them harm or abusing them, but I know that they do.

WE have a date! Due to the homes work and vacation/travel schedules, the request is to have BHRR's Goliath head to their home for Friday June 15th!

BHRR's Kyo is moving to an AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION status as of April 17th, 2012

Kyo's HWT was negative!

BHRR's Kyo came with me on Sunday April 15th as one of the amazing BHRR representatives PLUS incredible GD Breed representatives to Pet Valu as part of their Pet Appreciation Weekend event.

BHRR was invited to the new Pet Valu in Kemptville, Ontario and we were there both Saturday(BHRR's Journey also came) & on Sunday(BHRR's Hamilton and BHRR's Kyo came) and had a most wonderful community education and awareness event!

THANK you so much to Erika and all the amazing staff of Pet Valu again for inviting us and they are still taking donations for 'pawprints' up to and including April 30th, 2012! I was informed yesterday that they were just shy of $1,000 raised and those monies shall be used towards going to pay for a Pet Pro 2000 IV pump( $2,000+ USD ) for those special needs dogs in need of IV treatment at BHRR.

THANK you to all the Volunteers who spent their time with me this weekend AND thank you to all the supporters who came out to visit! :)

BHRR's Kyo has MORE than passed all his evaluations/assessments plus Vet check etc. This boy is a great BOMB PROOF boy! It is very rare that we would ever place up for adoption a dog that has not been here the standard 4-5 weeks(he will have been with us four weeks on the 24th of April); yet; this boy is what he is! You get what you see and what you get and see is nothing short of AWESOMENESS! HE is magnificent!!! Simply THUMBS UP!

He has been one of my best ever obedience pupils and ROLE model boy he is! 🙂

Below is a photo taken on April 15th, from his visit to Pet Valu! He did not want me to go too far! LOL He first began hugging me and sleeping with his head on my knee but then it moved to my foot. 🙂

ISN'T he sweet?

BHRR's Kyo – April 15th, 2012 – Pet Valu
*photo courtesy of M. Bird


Posted in Kyo

BHRR's Cobalt, BHRR's Kyo & BHRR's Dana are headed with me to TO for a hv for a possible GD adoption this Thursday April 19th.

Will update blogs ASAP.

BHRR's Freeze came to KAH with me when I went to work on Saturday April 7th. He weighed 19 KGs(41.8 pounds) and was updated on his vaccines. His chip was added to his file.

He had a one hour play date with Volunteers that came to KAH to take him out and they noted the same thing; that red cars in particular 'get him going' in the back – zooming back and forth, back and forth. The only time he barked was at a speeding black vehicle that passed him.

HE was sooooooooooooo loved at KAH! He is a very calm and lower energy BC for sure! SOOOOOOOOOO incredibly sweet and quiet!

He cannot have stuffies though! He will shred them! He has been integrated with all the dogs here other than BHRR's Riley & BHRR's Atlas and his bff is Drift! 🙂 My blue GD TAIN just wuvs him and BHRR's Freeze and TAIN are now also good buddies! 🙂

BHRR's Freeze came with me on Saturday April 14th as one of the amazing BHRR representatives PLUS incredible Border Collie Breed representatives to Pet Valu as part of their Pet Appreciation Weekend event.

BHRR was invited to the new Pet Valu in Kemptville, Ontario and we were there both Saturday(BHRR's Journey also came) & on Sunday(BHRR's Hamilton and BHRR's Kyo came) and had a most wonderful community education and awareness event!

THANK you so much to Erika and all the amazing staff of Pet Valu again for inviting us and they are still taking donations for 'pawprints' up to and including April 30th, 2012! I was informed yesterday that they were just shy of $1,000 raised and those monies shall be used towards going to pay for a Pet Pro 2000 IV pump( $2,000+ USD ) for those special needs dogs in need of IV treatment at BHRR.

THANK you to all the Volunteers who spent their time with me this weekend AND thank you to all the supporters who came out to visit! :)

Below are some Videos taken in March of BHRR's Freeze!

Video #1
Video #2
Video #3


BHRR's Rambo was at the Vet on Thursday April 5th.

Since he arrived to BHRR; he has been doing some straining to poop and I wanted to have a thorough exam etc. done on him.

That AM, was the worst he had to date in straining. 40 minutes of trying to poop, then diarrhea both in and out of the car twice and also a vomit as he was so stressed from trying to poop and we ended up moving our Vet appointment as we were not going to be making the first one and I felt so bad for him.

I also brought in a fecal sample to be tested and he came back for Giarrdia the parasite and ELISA positive. So, he has been on Panacur for 5 days and as of this Thursday, shall begin his next 5 day treatment and from there, re-test his fecal.

He was also put on Metronidazole – on a weaning schedule and went from 2 BID to 2 SID and was suppose to move down to a lower dose to wean off but the diarrhea came back and this is even after putting him on a new food.

He weighed a skinny 30.3 KGs(66.66 pounds). I had the Vet take a good look at his chin too and she agreed, puppy acne with a cut(that we now know was from a fence before he was transported). We have continued to ensure that it is clean and dry.

He was sooooooooooo obedient and good at the Hospital though! He listened so well and yes, he is a small male GD that is never going to be huge with eastie westie front feet(left more than the right) BUT he is going to be a gem of a boy addition to that right matched home. He is no longer that confused, not sure and therefore pushy somewhat dominant boy. OH, he is confident all right and not shy to people or dogs; yet; he is understanding better how to interact with humans and dogs alike and he is settling into a really well mannered properly socially directed boy.

He is utd on vaccines and his microchip was added to his file. According to the information sent our way, he turned 1 in February. JUST a baby that has had so much bouncing in his short life to date. 🙁

I will be bringing him back in for a new weight and re-exam within the next week.

He has been fully integrated with everyone here other than BHRR's Atlas and some of my own that have been away showing.

NICE boy! He is thriving under structure, routine and a firm yet loving obedient routine.

BHRR's Journey came with me on Saturday April 14th as one of the amazing BHRR representatives PLUS incredible Great Dane Breed representatives to Pet Valu as part of their Pet Appreciation Weekend event.

BHRR was invited to the new Pet Valu in Kemptville, Ontario and we were there both Saturday(BHRR's Freeze also came) & on Sunday(BHRR's Hamilton and BHRR's Kyo came) and had a most wonderful community education and awareness event!

THANK you so much to Erika and all the amazing staff of Pet Valu again for inviting us and they are still taking donations for 'pawprints' up to and including April 30th, 2012! I was informed yesterday that they were just shy of $1,000 raised and those monies shall be used towards going to pay for a Pet Pro 2000 IV pump( $2,000+ USD ) for those special needs dogs in need of IV treatment at BHRR.

THANK you to all the Volunteers who spent their time with me this weekend AND thank you to all the supporters who came out to visit! 🙂

Also exciting news is that this was BHRR's Journey's last official 'test' and she aced it! AS I knew she would! She is NOTHING like the emaciated, wounded, sick, terrified GD that first came to BHRR on December 22nd, 2011. OTHER than her spirit, that has never stopped being there and is only more delightful and shining now that she is feeling 100% healthy! 😀

I am putting two photos below; one of when she first arrived(24 hours and it is with several small meals already given) and on Saturday April 14th, 2012. ISN'T SHE magnificent????

There are sooooooooooooooo many caring, giving, generous, thoughtful and loving people that are to be thanked for her 'journey' to physical and mental and emotionally rehabilitation soundness and my deepest thanks is being SHOUTED out to each of you! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! For helping/assisting us in saving her. She is WORTH everything donated from kind words, to money, to hamburger, beds, treats and so much more!

People came from all over Ontario, Quebec & parts of NY, USA to visit with her on Saturday. It was very touching and once again proved that by working together, a community large and wide can make a HUGE difference in the life of another AND all of us agree that BHRR's Journey has taken us along a very special journey and we shall forever be indebted to Journey for the gifts and lessons she has bestowed upon each of us! THANK YOU Journey!

I am so full of this sweetly mixed emotion in posting that as of today, BHRR's Journey is now AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!!!! WTG GIRL! 😀 So many are watching over you as your continued angels and just as with all of the BHRR dogs; only that right matched home shall do!

She is still healing a bit from a sprained ankle(crate rest, ice and Deramaxx for a week) for; in her enthusiasm, she tripped coming up the three steps into our home; but she is almost fully healed and unless, she hurts it again; there is nothing holding her back from being placed up for adoption at this time!


BHRR's Journey – December 23rd(24 hours post arrival to BHRR) & April 14th,2012(less than 14.5 weeks later!)
*40 pounds of muscle mass & weight BHRR's Journey has put on!!!*


BHRR's Journey's Angels:      REMAINING OWED ON HER BILLS AT THIS TIME:  A credit of $972.32

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Penny – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Marie – Sophie
Jayne – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Ishie Hilton Hernando
Dorothy – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
ANNA & Her 'BHRR's Journey's Heart Biscuits' Fundraising Supporters
The Bakers
Ryan & Andie
Suzsanne and her 'JackPot for Journey' work Fundraiser whereby spare change was collected during the month of January
Cheryl – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
B.J. – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Helga – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Ruth – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Paul – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Sophia – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Mary – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Kerri – PayPal took $2.48 in fees
J. Carabolt


That BHRR will be at the NEW Pet Valu located in the Kemptville Colonnade Retail Mall(Hwy 43 & 416 – near the new Timmie's & Canadian Tire!), on Saturday April 14th from 10 AM to 3 PM & then again on Sunday April 15th from 11 AM to 4 PM for their Pet Appreciation weekend!

On Saturday – BHRR's Journey and BHRR's Freeze are going to be in attendance plus I shall be bringing Drift to begin his own 'big world' introduction.

On Sunday – BHRR's Hamilton The Newf & BHRR's Hailey shall be in attendance. This shall be good for BHRR's Hailey to also get her back into the 'big world'!

I shall also be doing microchipping for $40 which includes registration – NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY!

Looking forward to a great weekend of public awareness/community education on not just BHRR yet; so many other important topics re: animal welfare plus giving our dogs some more fabu experiences! Maybe, some right matched forever loving homes will meet them and consider submittIng an application to adopt. 🙂

BHRR's Goliath is moving to an ADOPTED STATUS!!! Date TBD on when he shall actually go to his new home! CONGRATS!!!

Until the end of day on Tuesday April 10th, Luanne of Rusty Dawg Pet Products is hosting the following FUNDRAISER for BHRR through her Arbonne business.

Here is Luanne's Arbonne ONLINE Fundraiser Facebook Page & you can EMAIL HER!

AND here are the details of this Fundraiser of which Lana Burnley-Waters of Pet-errific who has her own Arbonne business shall match each Fundraising Dollar raised by Luanne to then donate to BHRR!

FROM LUANNE AND REMEMBER TO LET LUANNE know that your order is for the BHRR Fundraiser:

April 1-10, 2012

I am hosting an Online Arbonne Party with a portion of my sales being donated to Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services, a wonderful Giant Canine Breed & Equine rescue group in Ottawa area focusing on those with special needs (!

Arbonne is a Swiss company that is over 30 years old. Their products are non-toxic, botanically based and they have something for everyone, ranging from newborns to senior citizens. I can honestly say Arbonne's products are the best I've ever tried! I have switched all my personal care products to Arbonne & my skin and hair have never looked healthier!

Arbonne products are all Vegan Certified. They do not contain animal products/by-products and they have never & will never test on animals! What a great combination to be able to purchase pure, safe & beneficial products that are truly amazing from an animal friendly company and at the same time supporting a great rescue group 🙂 As an added incentive, if you purchase more than $100 retail during the Party your name will go into a draw to win a product of your choice up to a $60 retail value.

This is your chance to try Arbonne's Ultra-Premium, Swiss formulated products & to also support a wonderful rescue group! The party will be open from April 1, 2012 through to, and including, April 10, 2012 with 10% of all sales being donated to BHRR!

If you sign up as a Preferred Client with a minimum order of $180 (which entitles you to a free product of your choice up to $120 retail value for your first order only), I will donate an additonal $5 to BHRR! As a Preferred Client you get a 20% discount off all your orders plus other specials & monthly promotions that are available only to Preferred Clients. The fee is $35 per year with the renewal fee being only $18! You can read more about being a Preferred Client and all the offers that are available here: (scroll down)

If you sign up as a Consultant with a minimum order of $180 (which entitles you to a free product of your choice up to $120 retail value for your first order only), I will donate an additonal $10 to BHRR! As a Consultant you get a 35% discount off all your orders plus other specials, incentives & monthly promotions that are available only to Consultants. You also earn commission on retail orders placed by personally sponsored Preferred Clients! You can read more about being a Consultant and all the offers that are available here: (scroll down)

For those who live in Ottawa area you can take advantage of the Consolidated Shipping option. I will have all the Ottawa orders shipped to my house and the shipping charges will be split up equally amongst all the orders. It's a great way to save on shipping! In order do this you will need to email your order to me with all your info so that I can input it for you.

For those who live outside of Ottawa, you can place your order directly from my Arbonne website – On the right hand side in the Join Arbonne section, click on "Click Here to become part of Arbonne today!" This takes you to the Arbonne Registration page where you can choose to sign up as a Client (free – no discount), Preferred Client ($35 – 20% discount) or Consultant ($95 – 35% discount). After you register you will be taken to the Shop Online page where you will place your order. After you place your order please email me to let me know that your order is part of BHRR's fundraiser.

If you are already an Arbonne Client you can order as usual through Arbonne's website: If you would like to take advantage of the Consolidated shipping please email your order to me, along with your Arbonne ID, so I can input it for you.

Arbonne is a global company so those in Canada, United States, Australia and the UK can place orders!

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. My email address is:

Here's a link to a Note I posted on Facebook if you want to know more about becoming a Consultant –

As an added incentive, if you purchase more than $100 retail during the Party your name will go into a draw to win a product of your choice up to a $60 retail value. Pls help me support BHRR and place an order! I know you will not be disappointed with Arbonne's products! They are the best of the best, seriously. They are formulated under the strictest guidelines so they do not contain any toxic chemicals that are typically found in products at the drug stores etc.

On Friday Aprl 6th, ARC(Animal Rescue Corps) chose BHRR's Atlas as their "FURVER FRIDAY…Another Happy Beginning" feature STORY called the 'INSPIRATION OF ATLAS!!

For those who have met him; please feel free to make a comment on ARC's Facebook page thread posting!! Help tell the world how awesome he really is!!!

AND please tell ARC how important and special they are!! 🙂

As of today, there have been 275 'Likes' on their FB wall alone plus 59 original shares from ARC's FB wall! 🙂


BHRR's Lincoln is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION! His blog shall be updated as we can.

BHRR's Hamilton The Newf had his annual last night and after a few hours of grooming – have to love spring in the country! – we were set to go! 😀

He weighed in at a wee bit plump of 135.74 pounds(61.7 KGs) as we want to keep him a bit on the lean side with those bad hips of his. So, going to trim him down a bit. I know that he was well loved while we were away in March too. 😉

The Vet said that his hips are hanging in; especially as BHRR's Hamilton The Newf is over age 4 now. The Vet could not believe that he was still doing so well for we had been advised that we would be lucky if BHRR's Hamilton The Newf lived to 18 months. WAY to go BHRR's Hamilton The Newf! 🙂  Just as with Our Kona(who passed away at the end of March at almost the age of 13); he is going to be a medical miracle!!!!

The Vet really marvelled at his nice coat and made many lovely compliments. 🙂

He was a sweetheart the whole time he was there and his obedience made more than one person comment on how great his manners were.

AND the Vet plus staff remember this being the boy that once was so catatonic when he first arrived to BHRR and would lay on the floor doing his 'mop' routine. Could not be more proud of him!

ANOTHER THUMBS up Vet Visit! 😀

I am thinking of bringing him one of the days that we shall be at Pet Valu in April. Just have to now decide on the other three dogs to bring.

I brought BHRR's Kyo in tonight to have his Vet Exam etc. and he now weighed 50.1 KGs(110.22 pounds)! YAY!

We scanned him yet did not locate a microchip and so he was chipped and had his DAPP + Rabies vaccines.

The Vet was also very impressed with his temperament and personality and overall body condition. He has some tartar on his teeth; yet; nothing worrisome at all and it truly is hard to believe that he is over the age of 4, 5 max.

His coat is already looking less dry and becoming more shiny!

His tail is healing so well!

A GREAT Vet visit; THUMBS up!

We also did a HWT and I shall post the results as soon as they come in. 🙂

Posted in Kyo

Today, I was able to get a really great look under BHRR's Rambo's chin and clean it up nicely. He does have some puppy acne yet he has a cut there. Later today, I then receieved a nice email from one of the transporters who sent along the following; which explains the cut. BHRR's Rambo is now on some antibiotics for that chin.

Hello: I was one of the first persons to drive Rambo to Chatham from Windsor along with Cindy, Rambo cut his chin on a fence minutes before we picked him up. When I got him the staff peson was cleaning his chin where he jumped on her and hit the fence. She had blood on her jacket and when I asked her what happened she said Rambo jumped up on her and hit the fence she was sitting next to and cut his chin. The Wehs staff cleaned his chin and then within minutes we picked him up. Hopefully the cut didn't become infected so soon. Thank you for taking this great dog and as I read your blog about him he sure is in good hands. 

He is also a HUGE crate escapee! So, he has three carabeeners on his crate now! Today, he had a lot of offleash time in the fenced in yard and has been successfully integrated with most of the dogs here. He had a grand time playing with BHRR's Gretta, BHRR's Rain & BHRR's Potter. 🙂

Here is a VIDEO #1!
Here is VIDEO #2!
Here is VIDEO #3!

AND only twice today, did he leap and jump to grab that leash direct from my hand and arm. He is getting the message, that this is not appropriate.

Here is a photo of BHRR's Bloom AKA Ms. Dynamite – March 27th, 2012 – LOVING Bleach's beaten up 'doggie' couch
*I think she is getting the hang of 'relaxing!' LOL

She did not go back into her open crate yet; felt good and comfortable to relax and snooze elsewhere!! Huge!!!

She has been such a trooper with her surgery and crate rest recovery!

Such a piece of dynamite she is Miss Boom Boom!

We are still awaiting the results of her DNA tests. This has been a really long wait – almost 4 weeks now. I will call later this week to follow-up should we not hear anything.

She is successfully integrated with all the dogs here except Drift, BHRR's Cobalt, TAIN, BIG Blue & Sir Maestro. She is not very fond of those 'blue' dogs nor my mantle boy for some reason and with Drift being so wee(11 weeks) and with her exurberance; I have not yet had them together. YET, the more that she is exercied plus mentally stimulated; the better dog she has become. I really respect and admire her!


March 27th, 2012 – I guess she thought it would be SO much more comfortable if she took the cushion off first! LOL

Here is the VIDEO of BHRR's Kyo with Katie & Devon at Earl of March HS last Monday! Tail wagging and trusting and such a LOVE BUG!

His Vet appointment is set for this Wednesday April 4th.

He has been fully integrated with ALL dogs except BHRR's Riley, BHRR's Atlas & BHRR's Rambo & a couple of my own as they are away at dogs shows. HE has proven to be a very playful, youthful and quite energetic GD outside and a model gentleman inside…sooooooooooooooo freakin' sweet!

It has taken a week yet; he has now been coming back to me when called when we are outside. I think from having been boarded for over 6 weeks; he was worried that he was going to be crated and caged and that is not the case here.

I AM LOVING this boy!!! SUPERB dog!

If he is 6 years of age; I am totally knocked over. His body condition, energy level and overall everything; speaks so much younger; but he is what he is and WOW! IS he ever going to make a home that WOW dog!!! Such an easy keeper.


Posted in Kyo

BHRR's Rambo arrived yesterday and is settling in well. He travelled GREAT and was so very lovingly donated a KONG plus a homemade tug rope! 🙂

I have including several photos taken of him from yesterday and here is a short VIDEO!

He really needs weight, have to check out that dry skin plus he has a brewing infection on his chin(puppy acne?). He is a nice smaller male black/tan Doberman. He needs about 20 pounds of muscle mass/weight at this time for me to feel comfortable with where he should be at this age/bone structure/conformation. He has a short 'junkyard' crop and has one tiny piece of one ear missing.

For those that have been already inquiring about him, we have been responding back as we can and just to post here for all to read; our mandates are that each new arrival to BHRR must be with us for a minimum of 4-5 weeks. This enables us to fully Vet, assess/.evaluate and begin a structured obedience program.

Apparently, Rambo was a local star recently in SWO as he was featured in a local newspaper and the inquries in him have been slowly flowing in. At BHRR, we just would like for the public to know that BHRR's Rambo shall be placed up for adoption, when he is ready and we are not in any rush to put him in just any home. As with every dog at BHRR; we want to do 'right' by each and every one of them and BHRR's Rambo is no different.

We have been entrusted with his welbeing and we take that trust very seriously.

Regular posts and photos plus videos as we can shall be posted as time permits.

To learn more about BHRR's adoption process and procedures plus mandates; please visit HERE.

He is a powerful young very handsome male doberman with a strong mind and will of his own. I do not want to see that broken yet rather have him focused plus channeled with that spirit in proper venues. He really likes to jump when he gets excited and will grab at things; be it his leash, your sleeve or arm. We stay calm and firmly tell him 'no, jump', 'no, pull' and 'no, mouth' and then passively ignore him. We do not want to create negative seeking attention behavours. YOU cannot get him worked up for that just feeds his desire to be very mouth on and this is where I can clearly see that someone was mouthed by him. He is very easily excitable and as we work on getting his energy levels met with proper excerise; we are also working on keeping his mind also stimulated with proper focus and thinking tasks. He is a very smart boy with very intelligent gorgeous eyes(YUP! More amazing eyes! LOL) and he is not hesitant about letting you know that he wants to bulldoze his way around.

He has proven housebroken and loves to play and 'talk' to his food bowl! AS if to say 'what are you doing being empty already!'. I have yet to hear the 'Dobie Whine'….so, much to look forward to! LOL

BHRR's Rambo with Rich & asleep as I drive back to BHRR – March 31st, 2012