Quick Update! BHRR's Harley ate a small supper but has yet to drink anything. He has been fully integrated with all dogs other than 2 – Sir Maestro is still away and CH. Dyceman and BHRR's Shiva who went into the master bedroom to have a snooze! 🙂

He is doing really well, no issues and already is beginning to want to follow myself around.

BHRR's Goliath and Bleach are 'really' into his space as is BHRR's Lincoln at times in their curiousity and desire to make a 'new' friend and BHRR's Harley is tolerating everything so well. 🙂

He has taken himself out a few times and is now exploring the main area of the house very slowly.

I took his height and he is just over 36" at the whithers. Pretty close to 36.5".

I feel my heart already twanging with deep emotion of love for him! 🙂 DOES not take much and yes, he has those amazing eyes too! Just got to stop looking into these dogs incredible eyes! LOL

AND I got my very first hug and two kisses!!!! OH my….sigh….I am so touched. 🙂

BHRR's Harley has arrived to BHRR! We have his category as Harley(1) as we have had a Harley in the past and cannot have 2 categories exactly the same if I want to add separate slideshows. Glitch part of this blog software that we use for our BHRR Website.

We were contacted on August 20th, 2011 to see if we would assist a Great Dane as the home had a 20 month old child and did not have the time required for BHRR's Harley.

We have since learned that upon his arrival that he is older than what came our way AND it matters not how old or young he was, we would have assisted him regardless. His birth date is listed as July 22nd, 2005 so he just turned 6. He is neutered, and his rabies is not due until September 9th, 2012 and his DAPP + Lepto is due September 9th, 2011. We had been informed that his one vaccine would be updated before his arrival yet no worries that it was not.

We also discovered upon his arrival a lump on his side that we will investigate ASAP. He also has a skin tag on the same side lower on his leg(stifle area). I had scheduled an appointment for September 1st for BHRR's Harley yet upon noticing this lump shall move that up. We shall also give him a much needed manicure/pedicure. The other thing we noted was the bare/bald areas on his tail. We will do some skin scrapings when I bring him into work with me early next week.

The last weight given on his paperwork was 116.40 pounds(from September 2010) and he needs a bit of toning and to lose a few pounds, not too much as he is in really great body condition. For those that follow our blogs, his body type with headpiece is very reminiscent of BHRR's Mindy. That typical byber tall(around 35-36" yet will measure) and lanky body with a smaller snipey headpiece. YET to our eyes, he adds up to one overALLLLLLLL lovely plus ever so handsome boy and we are honoured to have been contacted to assist him!

His last HWT was September 29th, 2010 and he was also on HW preventative at that time. I noticed on his records no results from his HWT or fecals that had been done over the years. The records sent show that he has been a very healthy dog over his life and only on some flagyl and cephalexin back in 2006 yet no documenation sent as to why this was so.

To date, he is settling in well. Still some stress 'drooling' and he is proving himself to be a sweet mature gentleman.

What his previous home had to stay about him on August 20th, 2011:
"He is a great dog we just don't have the time anymore due to a toddler taking up most of our time, We love him but want what is best for him. He is great with children as we have a 20 month old. He does not seem to like cats as he barks at them when he sees them out side but has never lived with one. Also seems to be okay with other dogs but again has never lived with one. He is very friendly but needs a lot of attention. He also needs to go through training again, he needs to learn to ignore people on bicycles as right now he does not seem to like them (he barks and if on a walk seems to lunge toward them but not in a vicious way). He also seems to have some separation anxiety. Hope this helps,"

UPDATE: August 27th, 2011: from the kind person who transported him one leg of his transport:
"I was one of Harley's transporters(in Columbus, OH). What a sweet boy he is! Whoever adopts him will get a real sweetheart! I'm so eager to hear of his progress! GOOD LUCK, HARLEY!"

UPDATE: August 28th, 2011 from his wonderful overnight temp fostermom:
"‎"He wasn't too much into eating, but he is on his third toilet bowl of water, since he wouldn't drink out of the water bowl the other dogs use. I just have to keep flushing the toilet to bring more water into it. I gave up using those little automatic toilet bowl cleaner thingies since some of the visitor dogs drink out of the toilet too. Perhaps I could rig up an old toilet to be an automatic dog watering bowl? I might better bring him to the little river behind my house and let him drop the water level there a bit. Fair warning to X about potty breaks…… very mellow and good natured and get along just fine with the 2 other old dogs here and all the cats."

"Harley, the great dane, since he stood with his snout out the side hatch window behind me the whole way home I didn't realize that the danes are so drooly!"

UPDATE: August 28th, 2011 from one of his other amazing transporters:
"He's an absolute charm. He really likes being "part of the pack," and wants to be where you are. I love him to bits!"

UPDATE: August 28th, 2011:
We know that BHRR's Harley is great with other dogs and also cats(see blog post from his overnight temp fostermom). He traveled fantastically from his locale in OH, USA with other dogs, was temp fostered overnight with other dogs and he has already been integrated with the BHRR Saint Babies and BHRR's Windsor without any issues. We can also confirm he is great with kids as we have two. We have found BHRR's Harley to be a mature, quiet and mellow Great Dane and we have been exposed to thousands over the years! We will see what happens when the honeymoon period is over. He settled beautifully into a crate and even now is laying there quietly with the door open. He has demonstrated no separation type of behavours to date. Separation Anxiety is what I am doing my PhD dissertation on.

He can pull on his leash at time and in one photo sent our way he had been seen wearing a halti and that has now been removed. He will learn to walk on a flat buckle collar as they all do! 🙂

We shall test him with horses, bicycles and a whole slew of other things before he is placed up for adoption.


BHRR's Harley – August 28th, 2011 – 6 years of age – Day of arrival to BHRR

AND for those that are wondering, the Great Dane life expectancy is 10-12 years. We have had two live to just under 13 and we have had friends who had one live to 15 and one live to 17. SO, please do not let the young age of 6 deter any home from looking for amazing new addition! A great housebroken, well mannered, well trained, sweet, kind, quiet mature GD, over having the up all hours of the night, destructive, chewing, high energy zipping wild stages of those puppies!

THANK you being sent out to Gillian for the donation of a medium sized Kuranda Bed for BHRR's Goliath!!!! TY! TY! TY! BHRR's Goliath is soooooooooooooo appreciative to have you as his BHRR Buddy!

So, the last 24 hours have seen much with BHRR's Goliath! cheeky

a) He is learning his 'name'

b) He has had two more baths – he was really smelly when he arrived and the second time around saw me and him about 50/50 split on getting wet and then next time he was the one mostly wet and I was not!

c) He LOVES the tub and water…..he lives for water, water and more water to splash and play in and then when he is ready to then drink! He just loves to splash in water. Swimming we have not yet tested this in our spring fed pond or pool as of yet.

d) He loves the game of 'chase' – he grabs an item of clothing from the clean laundry that I put on the couch to fold and loves to try and 'avoid' me as I attempt to get the aricle back. He is learning my 'serious' side and is starting to not do circles around the table or the kitchen island/hutch so much now while I 'ask' him to give the item back.

e) He has been great around my 11 year old son and was somewhat excited to see my 8 year old daughter and in being taught how to greet and interact properly, he is now fine. We watch him closely as he does have a tendency to want to jump on people here and there. Work in progress.

f) BHRR's Dana has now taught him all about the ice maker on the fridge…<rolls eyes>. She is positively delighted with a new 'partner in crime' for her antics!!!

g) He is better at the no counter surfing and trying to climb into the fridge every time we open it.

h) He CANNOT have blankets or a dog bed in his crate. So we have put the only Medium Kuranda Bed that had been donated to BHRR's Potter in the crate and as it is a couple of years old, the vinyl has given out on the one end. 🙁 So, BHRR's Goliath could use an BHRR Buddy for a donation of another medicum sized Kuranda Bed JUST for him and his crate. He would be so filled with gratitude!

i) He has yet to feel comfortable enough to chomp on a Dino or Smoked Knuckle bone BUT he is taking certain treats and is eating better

j) He is settling down great at night in his crate to sleep wonderfully

h) He is no longer testing me to go into his crate and will go in on his own volition when I open up the door – YAY!

i) I turned around from putting the dishes in the dishwasher and he was sitting on the couch with a look like 'I like it here….what are you going to do about it!' Hmmmmm, he got off not long afterwards! 😉

j) I then came out from reading a bedtime story to my daughter and he was back sitting on the couch beside BHRR's Potter and his look was almost 'well, if he is on, I am on.' Both were removed shortly afterwards. 😀

k) If you use a spray bottle on BHRR's Goliath, you have to be short, effective and purposeful, otherwise he thinks it is a BIG game and will open up his mouth and try to catch the water! 😉

l) BHRR's Goliath is eating well and we are also de-worming him.

m) BHRR's Goliath is being very good about not playing in the house and learning how to actually play nicely and gently with the other dogs. He has been introduced to the 10 week old GD pup we have in the house right now and he has been doing great. Not too much 'splatting' going on.

n) He likes to try and play with BHRR's Windsor the most and seems to be most fascinated by my Multi CH. Bronson!

o) BHRR's Goliath has also decided that he likes to re-decorate the place, moving dog beds and blankets to other areas of the house, REGARDLESS if a dog is already laying upon them! LOL That freaked a few out and some really thought it was grand!

p) He now thinks that when I go into the masterbedroom that jumping on the bed and zooming around it and getting the blankets and sheets to fly everywhere is a fun activity! I make the bed, he unmakes the bed, I make the bed and he….well, the doos is now closed to the masterbedroom UNLESS we are in there! 😉

q) His leash manners are improving slowly. If he is not distracted 'hey, look at that leaf Gwennie!' or 'What was that over there? Let's go see' and drags me; he is really good. He will walk on a nice loose lead. This boy is packing so much into each day as we often find with some shelter dogs and the more he learns that he is not going to live in a crate and that he is rewarded very well for appropriate displays of behavour, he will settle down more and more. He is so good about not disturbing the house at night with zooming around and crashing into things like some have done in the past! LOL

r) He is learning boundaries with the other dogs and becoming very mindful and respectful and not 'pushing' the issue as much with them. GOOD boy!

This boy is SOOOOOOOOOO much fun and he and I sleep very well each night after our days' adventures together. 😉

BHRR's Goliath is that "BIG KID". I brought him to the Vet with me on Monday as I wanted to see his weight and have my own Vet give him a once over and he weighed a very skinny 44.6 KGs(98.12 pounds). 🙁

He is eating well and I am feeding him 4 smaller meals a day and so that weight will come. My Vet also agrees with me that we find it hard to believe that he is around 2 for he is ALL puppy brain! They also feel that he needs at least 20-25 pounds right now. We are thinking he is 18 months tops. Everyone just loves the big ol' noggin he has. Such a handsome young man.

Monday's adventures with this personality filled pup brought the following:

1) A bath that turned into more of one for me than him
2) drinking from the kitchen sink – it even says in his paperwork about how much he loves to drink from sinks
3) mounting BHRR's Potter who was not impressed
4) mounting BHRR's Porridge was was also not impressed
5) the challenge of the crate going in yet getting better!
6) resting well while he is in the crate
7) drinking water and sharing it with all around him
8 traveled well in the car after pulling me most enthusiastically to the car
9) discovering YET again the squeaky football and sharing all that 'music' in my ear as I drove into work
10) sooooooooooooooo happy to meet everyone he saw  – both male and female and I mean soooooooooooo happy, my poor arm!
11) learning how to sit and boy is this goofy boy treat motivated – ONCE you find the right treats
12) barking off and on for a bit as he was 'worried' about this being a shelter again for him yet got better and better throughout my shift
13) had his share of counter surfing the exam tables
14) trying to drag a 13.5 KG bag of food around as a 'toy'
15) wanting to play with every dog and person he saw
16) drinking from the sinks at the hospital
17) trying to drink from the toilet at the hospital
18) grabbed one roll of paper towels at the hospital and had a grand time spreading that around
19) decided that any towel that I used to try and clean up the water he liked to spread around was a better 'chase me' toy
20) had a good exam! YAY!
21) discovered the new kleenex box I thought I had well hid in the car and re-decorated the whole inside of my car with the pulling out of tissue in sheer delight
22) was soooooooooooooo happy to come home

One of the biggest things I have learnt very fast about BHRR's Goliath is that he is clueless about the name 'Goliath!'


This is one busy and active boy and full of joy, life and complete lack of manners and obedience in so many ways BUT we are getting there….slow and sure and he is beginning to trust me more and in turn, respect me more. He is a bit more respectful of Sean at this time when it comes to going into his crate yet he is getting there.

He gives the BEST kisses and those eyes….OMG! Those amazing eyes of his! That wee beard of his likes to 'collect' the drool and water so that he can share some extra love your way after he drinks!!! LOL

He has been fully integrated with all the dogs and we have been learning about no counter surfing, no jumping, no humping, no whining, no stealing kleenex boxes or toilet paper rolls(THANKS BHRR's Dana for giving him that idea!!!) or papertowels, or clothes or….or…or…AND he is learning about nice loving touches and hugs and kisses and being given love on his terms and on our terms and treats and lots of food and freedom and playing and…and…

This boy is already quickly wrapping himself into my heart…must…resist….do NOT look into those eyes Gwennie! 😉

Two pictures of this magnificent boy below. This boy shall not be ready for adoption for at least 4 weeks as per our BHRR protocol in getting to know them and in ensuring they are rehabbing well. He is soooooooooo painfully thin that his hips, ribs and spine are very prominent.

THE other thing that I just love about BHRR's Goliath is how he gracefully lopes…not runs or races, yet lopes. Each stride just eating up the distance as he moves. So graceful.

I want to thank whomever sent along that gorgeous blue leash for him too! 🙂

BHRR's Goliath – August 21st, 2011

BHRR's Goliath is now here safely! THANKS so much to everyone involved in your assistance to transport him to BHRR. I was soooooooo excited when I saw him!!! HIS eyes…I cannot talk enough about those eyes of his….heaven!

He is about 20-25 pounds underweight, so I would like to see him around 120-125 pounds right now. His height was 34" at the whithers. I am not convinced that he is around 2 for he is ALL puppy brain…complete lack of obedience and goofy, friendly, happy and playful – OMG! So playful right now!(he found a squeaky football that I had been trying to find to give back to BHRR's Apollo's temp foster home) and he squeaked it; mostly in my ear all the way home! LOL.

He also loved pulling threads off the show blanket I had on the back seat, dismantling the kleenex box he pulled off the back dashboard and tried to help me drive the car a few times! Gwennie's doggie boot camp has now started! 😉

He was completely fine around "Expresso" the small min pin that we also assisted in transporting to his Ottawa Rescue and to date, he has had no issues with any dogs going by his crate.

He had a nice time exploring the 2+ acre fenced in yard and he is not too fond of going into his crate yet, but we will get there…they all do and they all end up loving their crates and run in for their treats!

He had about 4 cups of food for dinnner as we did not want to give him too much and he has been taking treats quite gently; for the most part from my fingers. He can get a bit enthusiastic! 😉

He is a ham and you can tell that he has used his strength in the past to get his way for he is stubborn when I want him to do something and he does not want to do it and will sit and get this 'look' as if to say 'nuh huh, I am not moving and you cannot make me…' LOL Gwennie wins in the end though and we will get there. 😉

I do not see a mean bone in his body right now and man, I am soooooooooooooo looking forward to the time when the honeymoon period is over for this boy is 'Mr. Puppy Personality Plus'!

He has been fine around my kids yet he was a bit hesitatnt of Sean when he first saw him and I am not sure if that is a 'man' thing for he was sooooooo happy when he met me. Sooooooooooo happy, in fact, that he tried to jump on me a couple of times. Yet, after Sean greeted him, he was fine. So, that calm and confident approach makes him comfortable.

He has done a bit of barking in his crate yet he is corrected and then passively ignored. He will also learn about spray bottles yet right now, I do not want to create any negative seeking attention behavours with him.

Bleach is very interested in him!!! We shall begin the integration with the gang tomorrow.

To date, BHRR's Goliath has been microchipped, neutered, given Rabies, DAPP booster, de-wormed, put on Revolution, had a nail trim, been treated for KC and has had several exams. We had him neutered on Thursday and he seems to be recovering well. He does want to go at his incision here and there yet is responding to correction.

He is not responding to the name of Goliath at all right now. I also plan on touching base with the HS for no prior history was passed our way, so I do not know if he was a stray, o/s etc. It is nice to know where one can, what is their background, if any. 🙂


On August 14th, we were contacted by a Shelter in SWO to assist Irish Wolfhound that has been at their shelter since July. Details given re: this IW were as follows:

"Hello, I'm Goliath. I'm a 2 year old male Irish Wolfhound. I am a happy, playful boy. I know the commands sit and down. I am a very vocal boy, I like to communicate with you when I need something. I would need to go to a home with a yard, that way I can stay active. I would likely do well with respectful children over the age of 12 years, this is because of my strength. I cannot go to a home with cats, I'm just too excited when introduced to cats. My ideal home would have owners who are familiar with my breed and who are active just like me. If you think I would be the perfect boy for you then come in today and visit with me! LIFE OF THE PARTY I think everything is fun, interesting and meant to play, especially you. Anything you do, I'll want to do, too. With my own brand of surprises, life with me will keep you constantly on your toes, and the fun is guaranteed."

In asking him to be temperament tested with other dogs, here is what came my way after several testing evaluations were done:

"The first test we did have to cut short because of the helper dog was intimidated by his size and was reactive and Goliath defended himself.

The second test was much better the helper dog and Goliath sniffed each other and the other dog was jumping on him and Goliath did not react to it. 

Though when he first sees a dog he is very strong and pulling on the leash."

Several more evaluations sent my way:

"I am glad things are working out for him, he is a very nice boy!"

"As well, in my home his body language was excellent in the presence of my dogs.  They did meet through baby gates & there wasn't anything untoward.  Considering the level of stress this dog has been in from his extended kennel stay…"

Latest evaluation sent my way re: another evaluation done on August 17th, 2011:

"I just wanted to let you know that I tried Goliath with two more dogs yesterday evening. And once again, he was great. He did try mounting the one dog after a bit but he was easily corrected."

BHRR's Goliath was neutered on Thursday and is expected to arrive at BHRR on Saturday August 20th. I have an appointment scheduled with my Vet on the Monday for a check-up.


BHRR's Goliath – His weight was given as 105 pounds at that time and his age around 2

For those wondering; here is the averages for height and weight for Irish Wolfhounds:

Height: 28-35 inches (71-90 cm)
Weight: 90-150 pounds (40-69 kg)

BHRR's Lincoln attended our latest GD & Honourary GD Walk/Hike that was also featured on the Ottawa Dog Blog – Click here to read the article, view photos and see the video – THANKS again Liz!

He did FANTABULOUS! This boy is extremely well rounded; especially if one thinks about what he has gone through in his very short life. His adoring American Fans/Friends even donated some USD to his cause in his donation coat! YAY!

I also had a two week check-up on BHRR's Lincoln this past Monday August 8th and we have lots of good news to share!

a) Check a peek at the below picture of his ear! This was taken at the Hike on July 31st AND they are even better now! He even has hair growing back all over his body and on his ears

b) His ears and elbows and face are less swollen, less red and more comfortable

c) He has a lot more energy and as a result wants to play and boy, this boy can 'playbow' and bound! LOL

d) As the Pred is working – it has been extended another 30 days for based upon where he had lesions and hair loss plus was so itichy – belly, lower body = seasonal allergies usually & back, ears, rump = food allergies usually; we are keeping him on the pred – very low dose 25 mg SID

e) He is eating better – STILL nowhere where he needs to be and as he is no longer so lethargic and being more active, we are barely maintaining and we want to majorly gain; so this remains a challenge. He is eating up to 5 cups a food a day and he needs to double that at least. He wants to eat. He just wants to eat food that is not his!

f) Until we can better isolate the food allergies, he is on a very strict diet – salmon D/D right now with some wet Salmon thrown in. He was very texture phobe about the tripe…sigh….THANKS Global so much for the donation!!!!

g) He is getting better with the leash manners and thank goodness for this boy can motor along when he wants too! 😉

h) He is more comfortable and confident and each night before he settles in for the night, he asks to come up on the bed and he cuddles with me for about 5-10 minutes. THIS is some major 'awwwww' moments going on!

i) I do not crate BHRR's Lincoln any longer. He is 100% trustworthy in the house!

j) He has gotten along with all dogs, people etc. that he has met to date and between the TAKE THE PLUNGE Event, coming to BHRR, the Hike and hanging out at work etc., he sees a lot of action!

k) Trying an appetite stimulator again was ruled out for it really did not make much of a difference the first time around.

l) Until we can figure things out that is in BHRR's Lincoln's best interest, we are moving him to our BHRR Haven Dog program at this time. This may well change that he will be moved back to be placed up for adoption yet right now he is one immensely special needs boy and we have much to do for him for his rehab to make him 100%. He would make an awesome therapy boy this guy, minus the drool!

m) His coat is coming in so soft and healthy looking as he heals

n) AND bath time is less 'wet' for Gwennie & more 'wet' for BHRR's Lincoln! LOL I wash him with a natural oatmeal based shampoo once a week

o) This week I weaned him off the Benadryl as he had a vast need for some around the 8-8:30 PM timeframe. He is strictly just on the pred right now.

p) He is off all antibiotics and all infections have been cleared up

q) He is continuing to drink more as he is on the pred and we have to ensure that he is let out often enough to urinate

BHRR's Lincoln July 31st, 2011 – GD & Honourary GD Walk/Hike
*Photos courtesy of C. Desjardins and J.  Rheome DeSantis

Lindsey Ward, TO, ON

This is a message for Gwen, who took the time to call me back in the middle of the night tonight to provide some much needed support. Gwen, thank you for taking the time to call me and providing me support, encouragement, and resources in a time of desperation and uncertainty for me.
Your kind words validated what I was feeling and did not make me feel guilty about making a hard decision under overwhelming circumstances. I am so impressed that someone who doesn't even know me or hasn't had any history with Rocky would call me to support me and to offer guidance and assistance. I am so happy to know that there are people like you out there who are helping dogs in need, including mine, however indirectly.
Thank you again, so much.
Lindsey W.

So, it has been a busy time for BHRR in the last 24+ hours for I brought home both BHRR's Hailey and BHRR's Apollo from their temp foster homes. BHRR's Hailey on Saturday and BHRR's Apollo tonight.

BHRR's Hailey had gone to her temp foster home on Friday August 5th and due to circumstances having unexpectedly come up; I brought her back on Saturday. We continue to wish her temp foster family all the best and BHRR's Barbed Wire is not able to be brought in at this time as the spot that BHRR's Hailey had opened up by being temp fostered; was to go to BHRR's Barbed Wire.

BHRR's Apollo had gone to his temp foster home on Friday July 15th and he shall hopefully, return to this foster home in about two weeks time. 🙂

BHRR wants to stress that NEITHER one of these situations involved something a BHRR dog did. Life happens sometimes…..

JUST some exerpts from BHRR's Hailey's foster home:

"and at one point both her and our black boy Oliver were seen sitting at the back sliding door…watching the sun setting together."

"We had some wonderful walks together today…she's enjoying discovering her new neighbourhood."

"The two of us went for a fun run through the park together which she seemed to really enjoy….all in all…IT WAS A BLAST!!!  She's very sweet and honestly, a very respectful girl."

"Hailey has been such a doll and you have trained her so well.  Fostering has been a breeze!"

"I wish that we could have kept her for longer."

Just saw you now on facebook

Will find out more about you, and would love to help in future, especially on the equine side. Keep me posted on what is happening! I am on facebook, but you have my email address. Love what you are doing!

Jennifer Jones

BHRR's Shiva was a special request to attend our recent GD & Honourary GD Walk/Hike last Sunday. 🙂 She was so thrilled to hook up with BHRR's Hailey who is now in a temp foster home as of last Friday. Though, it had been less than 48 hours since they last saw each other and she was over the moon to see her BHRR black beaut sister! 🙂

She has such a great time and from the posts that I have seen of late on our new BHRR FB FAN PAGE; she is a very popular fan fav! She was so awesome with her obedience, being sure to come back to 'check in' with me on a regular basis and she makes me so burst with feelings of joy! Sean & I remain hopeful just as we did with BHRR's Mazda that her own right matched forever loving home shall come along and if that never does happen, she lives a great quality filled life at BHRR. We will not rush our adoptions and our adoption success rates speak for themselves and that right matched forever home comes along and 'finds' her, that is awesome yet we are not sad or upset if not. We committed to her welbeing when we were asked to take her in and we remain dedicated to all that is in her best interest.

We had one person email us to suggest that as it was 'clear' that no one wanted her or BHRR's Dana; that we should have them put to sleep and focus on rescuing and rehabbing more adoptable dogs. Well, my response is that this is NOT going to happen. To all that have met her, yes, she is a small and BLACK Great Dane and yes, she has been at BHRR a long time and yes, as long as she is here, we can only take in so many other Great Danes to assist BUT she is who was 'next' in need and that is what BHRR is about. AND we are not going to turn out backs on her or the amazing BHRR's Dana just because they have been in our adoption program for as long as they have.

I challenge all to look at the recent photos added to her slideshow AND look at the one below; AND; you tell me if she should be put to sleep! YOU tell me that she is not living a fantastic life. YOU look into her eyes and TELL her that she is not worthy of being alive and happy and healthy and deserving of all that life can offer.

AND let me tell you, that she is NEVER going to be pushed aside for others…….she is as much as a priority to me and my heart as she was when she first arrived at BHRR. She has no need of BHRR any longer and we hope that there is a home out there that she can be her own queen off YET until that day comes along, she is going to be a princess at BHRR.

She got along with all dogs and people as per her usual LOVING self at the walk/hike and most enjoyed teasing BHRR's Hailey when we kept BHRR's Hailey on a leash a bit longer than her before she, too could run and have zoomies! She is a wee monkey this one at times and I LOVE that about her. Sometimes, you just have to watch those silent ones! LOL YET there is nothing silent about her when she plays, vocal goob she can be! From dignified to playful, what a charming young Dane she is. 🙂

BHRR's Shiva – July 31st, 2011 – GD & Honourary GD Walk/Hike
*Photos courtesy of C. Desjardins


BHRR's Broker is NOW AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! It has been 4 weeks since his arrival to BHRR and he is THRIVING! I would like to see even more muscle mass weight this boy and under the right matched personality fit home environment, this shall come.

He is quite the very laid back, mellow, accepting sort and yes, all Saint Bernard! He sure likes to still 'test' me at times to be sure that I am really serious about what I am asking him to do! LOL He is a bit of a ham and will need the right home that is going to be an effective, positive and patient leader so that he continues along this path of absolute FANTABULOUS!

BHRR's Benjamin attended our 4th Annual Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser on Sunday July 17th, 2011. This boy continues to just make me sooooooooooooo proud of him and all that he has accomplished in his short life!!!! He was quite mindful of his 'handler' for that day; one of our BHRR Volunteers. 🙂 I adore this boy!!!! AS did so many others.

He also attended Day 1 of the TAKE THE PLUNGE EVENT on July 23rd, 2011 AND when the organizers of this event issued a 'Rescue Challenge', I KNEW who I would be bringing. Originally, BHRR's Benjamin was to come with me on the 2nd day, the 24th yet with the Challenge happening on the 23rd, I changed things up slightly. I was determined to bring a Giant that had been bounced around in so many homes before the age of 1, lacked training and in just one week with BHRR; he knew his name, sit, lay down etc. I wanted the WORLD to see just what I saw in him re: potential in photos, from the very first moment I knew about him, long before he ever came to BHRR.

This Dane ROCKS! ROCKS! ROCKS! I knew that we had a good chance of winning and this was a big 'test' for him, distraction under major circumstances! 🙂 I also knew that he most likely would be the biggest in the ring and that for him to 'sit' in the musical/sit and stay Rescue Challenge would take him a few more seconds than smaller dogs to process BUT I could not have imagined partnering up with a better team mate for this competition. AND I knew this boy would be so much fun in the ring!!! He would make me smile with his antics and would provide the spectators with some great moments! This boy is so goofy yet so smart, not a mean bone in his body, affectionate, eager to please and I was so honoured to have him as my partner!!! AND for those that have been 'passing' over him as he is a GDX, truly, it is my gain!!!! For while we wait patiently for his right matched forever loving home to come along, I get to be the one to hug, cuddle, kiss him and be blessed by his amazing temperament and those eyes….and he is one GORGEOUS looking boy, nicely porpotioned and I am content to keep remaining patient. This boy is going to make me well up something fierce when it is his time yet I also know that the home that gets him is going to be as super specially wonderful as him FOR he will go to nothing less of a home than what he is so deserving off just as with any of our BHRR animals. 🙂

AND as for the competition, a slideshow below has been put together – photos courtesty of B. Element. We practised before ring time and the focus in one of those photos just catches my breath. HE was 'all on me' and for those who met this boy when he first came in to now, will attest to how far he has come and what an amazing dog he is!!

There were 15+ competitors and BHRR's Benjamim and I were the sole BHRR representatives(all dogs competing had to be in a current Rescue program) and the smallest dog was a CHI about 10 pounds and BHRR's Benjamin was the biggest at just under 150 pounds. 🙂

HE made in the top 5 and I did well up inside for this boy was impressive!!!! He became distracted by a Boxer who wanted to play and well, BHRR's Benjamin lives with a Boxer(BHRR's Potter) AND who would not want to play with such a nice breed! 😉 I worked on getting the focus back on me, yet the music stopped before I had 'him' completely back to me and we were the last to sit. THIS was such a fun competition, one that showcased many Rescues and many breeds of dogs out there in need of loving forever homes.

MOST of all, BHRR's Benjamin and I had a BLAST!!! It was $2 to enter per dog and the winning Rescue took the pot. HOW great was that!!!!

People that attended the Take The Plunge Event that visited our booth/tent could not believe that we had not 1, not 2 YET 3 very well behaved Giants there that day. AND on the 24th, I brought 2 Giants.

AND to show what a ham this boy really can be; I am posting a picture below from when I came home from being out one night with some friends back in June! I think he likes Bleach's couch!!! 😀


June 2011 & July 23rd, 2011 – Take The Plunge @ the R/C Raceway – *photo courtesy of B. Element