So, we are no further ahead with BHRR’s Apollo and getting him to use that leg.  😥   We have done harnesses, weights, acupuncture, massage, T-Touch in addition to so many other things some of what is listed in his one other blog and we still cannot get him to shift his weight to use that leg. If we cannot get this resolved in Apollo’s head that he can use that leg; at some point there will be no possibility of saving it and we will have to amputate it. It has become habitual for him. At this time, I contacted Canine Water Wellness in the east end of Ottawa and discussed the use of their underwater treadmill etc. and I have an appointment set up on Thursday August 5th to bring BHRR’s Apollo in to see them. I am hoping that with the addition of Canine Water Wellness to my team, we shall get this sorted out for Apollo. Even after almost 25 years, I still see some new things and Apollo has become a big puzzle to all of us at BHRR and his current team of Specialists plus Vets that I have onboard trying to get him to use that leg. Even in my attempts to do hydrotherapy in our pool as we do as part of our regular rehab programs for animals in the summertime, Apollo refuses to use that leg. I am a bit worried about his leg at this time. It shall be one month on August 2nd since his surgery and as I told the Vets within a few days after his surgery; I saw the ‘pattern’ that he was not going to use that leg and that has become more truth than ever right now. His bills are going to be very costly coming up as from my discussions, sometimes it can take at least 7 sessions before seeing even a small improvement and should there be any extra funds left over from what we are hoping to raise with BHRR’s Ava Marie’s ONLINE Auction; we are hoping that the public might be in support of utilizing those funds towards BHRR’s Apollo and his future impending Bills. Please think of Apollo for I do not wish to have to amputate that leg. 😥 He also shall not be placed up for adoption until such time as we have Apollo where we feel comfortable that he is ready.

I have added a new picture to BHRR’s Dana’s slideshow #33 and am also adding it below. It was taken on April 10th, 2010. We are still keeping everything crossed plus remaining positive that her forever loving home will come along for her! In the meantime, she is pretty much back to her normal, active, loving self here and had healed both physically and emotionally from her June experience.

BHRR’s Shiva – April 10th, 2010

BHRR’s Lily Belle was a GIGANTIC hit at our 3rd Annual BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser on Sunday July 18th! I have added a photo to her slideshow from that day and also put it below. She proved to be a really well behaved girl and there were quite a few smitten with her! I took the opportunity wherever I could to explain about just HOW much grooming it takes to keep Lily Belle looking and smelling as lovely as she does!!! We took her weight that day and she weighed 48.4KGS(106.48 pounds). She was 99.22 pounds when I first weighed her in May and therefore, she has only put on 7.26 pounds since then. I had to re-weigh her twice as I thought she would be more than that. She is in a nice ribby body condition yet I would like to see her in not quite so thin still. She is eating three meals a day still and eating very well now and I would like to see her closer to 110-112 pounds at this time.

BHRR’s Lily Belle – July 18th, 2010 – BHRR Fundraiser
*Photo courtesy of A. Bennett

I talked to Dr. Liston’s office today and we have a date now scheduled for BHRR’s Ava Marie’s 2nd cruciate – Friday August 13th, 2010 AND we are now reaching out again to her fans/supporters to help us raise the last amount needed to pay for this 2nd cruciate repair surgery; just $1,309.25 more required as the last part of her Ava’s Action Assistance Fundraiser. Truly, even $5.00 is not too little and you can can donate by email transfer to or by PayPal(account is OR you can write a check/MO or Bank Draft out to ‘Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ OR to ‘Gwendilin & Sean Boers’ for her Vet Bills with BHRR’s Ava in the memo section and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR you can call Liston Animal Hospital at (613) 591-0966 to pay on Ava Marie’s Bill directly by Visa or M/C – Ava’s bill is under the account name of ‘Ava Boers.’ Dr. Liston was the Vet that did both BHRR’s Jaxson’s and BHRR’s Potter’s leg amputations in 2009 plus did BHRR’s Apollo’s own cruciate/menisal surgery on July 2nd, 2010.

Between fundraisers and the absolutely generous kindness of her Action “Angels”; $4,690.75 has been raised to date to help BHRR’s Ava Marie get the 2 surgeries she has needed plus rehab to then be placed up for adoption to give her that chance of having a forever loving home to call her own.  Her first cruciate surgery was on May 21st, 2010 AND we are so close to being able to pay for her 2nd surgery now scheduled for Friday August 13th, 2010 and I am just pleading with all my soul for her adoring public to open up their hearts to consider donating a few monies her way to help us help her. To everyone that has met her at our BHRR “EXPERIENCE” Mini Open Houses, to those that have met her on our GD Walk/Hike events to those that have met her at Fundraisers; to those that have not yet had the delight in meeting her yet have fallen under her spell in seeing her pictures and have read her blogs as she has not only triumphed in losing almost 40 pounds yet has recovered from one of her cruciate surgeries with strength plus will power to overcome her injuries; to please please please consider donating to her cause. In turn, I know that BHRR’s Ava Marie would thank you with the best in person or even virtual leans and kisses for though she cannot use her words; I see in her eyes; how much better she feels and happier she is, how much better she can move and she is so touched by the warmth extended her way.

We have until end of day on Friday August 13th, 2010 to raise these funds for BHRR’s Ava Marie and I have been asking for any extra shifts I can at KAH to help reach this goal. Truly, thank you ALL in advance for your consideration of BHRR Ava Marie.

Sean came home from work a bit earlier than normal today so that he could try to assist me with BHRR’s Moose such that I could attempt to draw some blood to bring in for his HWT that I require to be done before he will be placed up for adoption. Moose did not make one attempt to bite either one of us BUT he sure ‘threw’ his sizeable weight around making it near to impossible to take any blood. However; I felt quite confident that if I wrestled with him for another 20 minutes, I could do his nails plus draw blood BUT we are not about giving bad experiences or causing any more stress than necessary and Moose was well aware by his tail wagging and goofy persona that he was used to getting his way by tossing his weight around. So, I had Sean hold him and I handled all legs and feet and examined them thoroughly before letting him go and then I held him and Sean did the same. So, while I was not able to draw blood and did not try to do his nails, Moose did not ‘get’ away without being handled at all and we did not get into a situation whereby his ‘not wanting to co-operate’ could have turned into stress and he was no longer having fun. I think I dropped 5 pounds in the dancing he and I did though!!!! He happily took his treat afterwards and there were no hard feelings and so, PROGRESS! What I have done is make an appointment to bring Moose in with me to work next week and with a few extra hands on him, I will get the blood for his HWT and we shall do his nails. NOW, he does not like Vet Hospitals and as I do not desire to hold up placing him for adoption(he handled himself wonderfully today with what I did do and in the right home, with patience and time, someone is going to be able to do his nails without concern BUT they must handle Moose right) by taking another month of handling by myself with Sean to be able to draw this blood myself and to do those nails; I will use the extra hands at work to just get things done; and it was discussed; doing these things on the lawn; outside of the Hospital; so that we can minimalize any stress PLUS he gets to hang out with me all day at the Hospital while I work and have a really good experience. If need be, we will mildly sedate him as I do not want him feeling any strain for he has COME a long way since he has arrived and I do not have any fear that he is going to be set up for failure when I handled his feet. THAT has taken some time to build up a measure of trust from Moose and I will not break that. So, on August 3rd, Moose will be coming to KAH with me. 😀 AND if I find that he does need another month or so or whatever X length of time is needed for Moose, then he shall be given it before he goes up for adoption. I will not rush him yet I know he is ready in many ways to be placed up for adoption and the longer he stays with me, the more bonded he has become to me and I fall in love with him more and more the big ol’ MOOSEMAN! Yet, the next step will be the Hospital experience and I shall post an update from there. I want any potential home that is looking at applying to adopt Moose to understand that he is a completely different dog outside of the Vet Hospital and the more ‘great’ visits he has at Vet Hospitals, the better he is going to be and while I shall not set him up for failure, I want him to learn that the trust he has put into me and then into his new family is not unfounded and that what we are asking of him is in his best interests and we will not allow him to be hurt. This could take a very long time BUT the process has been started at BHRR and any new home MUST understand that they must continue working with him. Moose is well aware that he is a big boy and that he can push himself around yet I do not want him feeling like he can do that or that he should do that and he certainly enjoyed trying to do that today, the goober; yet in the end; while I did not get the bw or the nails; Moose did not know that I was trying for either(he never saw nail clippers for example) and so he thinks I ‘got’ what I wanted because he thinks that he ‘let’ met get what I wanted and that works…..for now….. 😉

OK! I know that these pictures #6-#10 are a LONG time in coming and THANKS so much to everyone for their continue patience. I feel that June and most of July has just flown by in a blur with all that has been on BHRR’s plate and also on our family’s. YET, I think you will all agree that these pictures of BHRR’s Moose are WELLLLLLLLL worth the wait! 😛 😉 They are taken from June 27th and I am adding two of them below. BHRR’s Moose has one more ‘test’ to pass and depending on how well he does; that will depend on ‘when’ he shall be placed up for adoption. AND this has to do with his nails. We are ready to tackle them and if it goes as well as I hope(not expecting perfection), then I will feel that he is finally ready to be placed him up for adoption! He will have made HUGE strides in his handling and obedience skills since he has arrived and if he is not yet ready with those tootsies, then we shall continue to just work on his comfort levels and try again in another week or so. No rush. The way Moose will just sit or lay down and look at me with those huge brown and soulful eyes just ‘grabs’ at me. The trust he has placed in me and what he will let me do already with being able to get into his mouth, take items away(he will try to hold on to them more in ‘game’ than anything and no resourcing issues whatsoever), pull at ears and tail and I can now handle all four feet really well without him becoming stressed out at all BUT he will give me a ‘look’ if I am on them to long. I then just let them go, praise him, give him a treat sometimes and we just move on to other things. OMG! He so loves the black KONG toy here and he will chase his tail sometimes and we are working on re-directing that behavour. He most likely picked that up while he was locked up in that one person’s garage yet I cannot state that in surety. He is just awesome in his crate and goes in when asked(I do not as of yet trust him 100% free roam when we are not at home) and he loves his special yummy treatie in there. He is also currently fed in his crate, more because he does not eat super fast and I do not want another faster eater – Hmmmm BHRR’s Koop! as one example – taking it from him. All dogs know that we will not allow any other dog to take any high value items away and I can have 23 dogs munching in harmony on Smoked Dino bones etc. without any issues. Some things, I do believe dogs should work out between themselves, other things, NO WAY! I am the leader female and Sean is the leader male and it is up to us to set the expectations in the pack on rules and acceptable plus appropriate levels of behavour. The other thing that I want to mention about BHRR’s Moose and his eyes is that when he looks at me, I see that he is beginning to trust me with his whole being and he makes me feel like I can accomplish big things BUT I also see some worry in his eyes and we want that to not be there before he is placed up for adoption. He also loves sharing his drool and water from the water bowl. DROOL towels a must with this boy!  😛 Sean and I agree that he could not be more aptly named with that big ‘ol ‘moose head’ and that ‘moose’ temperament. Many a day, I have to make Moose think it was ‘his’ idea about doing something I want him to do. LOVE it! I do know that I would like to see BHRR’s Moose in a home with at least one other dog, male or female as long as they are compatible for Moose loves both and his 2nd bff is BHRR’s Kingston(a neutered Newfx) and of course his first is BHRR’s Lily Belle. His new forever loving home must also realise that while he lives in harmony with 20 other dogs here, he does not exactly love my two intact blue show boyz, TAIN and the Big Blue, Bronson. He will try to bully and push them around and he is corrected and does not look one bit ashamed of himself in trying to do so! He needs an experienced dog home, not necessarily an experienced Saint B. home and at this time, it matters not if the home is a full-time working one or not.

BHRR’s Moose – June 27th, 2010 – One day after arrival to BHRR

I am posting a picture below of BHRR’s Hamilton the Newf’s leg laceration, one day post-op surgery. Tonight, Sean will assist me in removing the sutures – 10 of them. IT has taken forever to heal for the poor boy as it is located in a really bad spot on the foreleg where there is not much skin and lots of tension being applied to the suture area due to that area not having a lot of skin to work with. BUT, we are now healed AND thanks to your generosity, funds from the 3rd ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser have gone towards not only his Bills yet Ava Marie’s Pneumonia Vet plus Pharmacy Bills and towards the funds needed to pay for her 2nd surgery to repair her other cruciate. Thanks to your amazing support and kindness, we only have another $1,309.25 left to raise for BHRR’s Ava Marie’s second surgery! Please consider supporting her in the Ava Marie’s Action Assistance Fundraiser! As for BHRR’s Hamilton The Newf, he will have a scar on that leg and we feel so LUCKY that he was not more hurt.

Hamilton The Newf – July 9th, 2010 – 1 day post-op surgery – right foreleg

I have uploaded 4 new photos to BHRR’s Ava Marie’s slideshow #27-#30. I am also posting two below, one from our June 26th BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House and one from our recent July 18th, 2010 BHRR 3rd ANNUAL Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser. $2,828.96 was raised and the biggest plus most appreciative thanks are being sent from the BHRR animals to all that came out in support! The weather was divine, the people incredible and the dogs adorable! AND the food was not bad either…THANKS Sean! 😛 $1,222.96 of the monies raised has come directly to BHRR’s Ava Marie to assist her with her 2nd cruciate repair surgery that is tentatively planned for August 2010. We are still waiting for her to finish her round of Doxy from her pneumonia. The rest of the monies raised went towards paying of the balance of her pneumona Vet Bills and also to BHRR’s Hamilton the Newf and his recent laceration Vet Bills. THANKS to your continued support and generousity; BHRR has been able to lower our current Vet Bills to $5,932.99. BHRR’s Ava Marie was an incredible hit at our recent Fundraiser along with BHRR’s Lily Belle, who was also in attendance. So many were just amazed at her 35-40 pound weight loss and how wonderful she looked! She is a true love bug this one for sure. She raised a LOT of money with her Donation Dog Coat to help others like her in need and THANKS so much yet again to everyone that helped promote this event, volunteered(we had 27 people), attended and cross-posted this Fundraiser event!!!

BHRR’s Ava Marie – June 26th, 2010 – BHRR’s Mini Open House & July 18th @ our Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser

For her fans that wish to donate to her Ava Marie’s Action Assistance Fundraiser to help us raise the remaining $1,309.25 needed for her 2nd cruciate repair surgery; you can contact Liston Animal Hospital directly at (613) 591-0966 pay by Debit, Credit Card or Visa/Mastercard under the account name of ‘Ava Marie’ Boers or PayPal funds to the account of or email transfer funds to OR you can mail a check to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

I am posting a picture below of BHRR’s Dana taken from our June 26th BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House. It captures her personality so much! I have also added it to her slideshow.

BHRR’s Dana – June 26th, 2010 – WHAT a ham!
Photo coutesy of L. Crawford

Michelle, Martin & Sierra, ON, CDA

Wow, what can we say…..
The help and support we have given to BHRR is because we truly enjoy volunteering our time for great causes.
Not to mention the kind hearted people we have met and the beautiful dogs we have helped. All theses reasons contribute to fact that we love volunteering with BHRR!!As you said last sunday Gwen, they should have invented more words to say “Thank you”! 😉
So “un GROS merci” to you, Gwen and Sean, from the bottom of our hearts!

Michelle & Martin & Sierra

Rebecca, ON, CDA

That means a lot to me you are a huge role model for me and I have learnt a lot from you over the years!Rebecca

K. Faulkner, ON

I just love her – Lily Belle! She’s such a sweetheart. She’s such a doll. I had a really fun time at the BBQ and it was so nice to learn about your organization. I will be on the lookout and/or will try to collect some of the things you need.
Once again, thank you so much. Everyone was so friendly and wonderful and Bella enjoyed herself a lot (she likes to just sit and watch the excitement going on around her – other people/other dogs.) And, I was really happy that her nail clipping went so well.
I have bookmarked your website and will be watching as well for future events/news.”

BHRR’s Mindy is being placed under an official “ADOPTED” Status and should all go well, she will head to her new forever loving home on Saturday August 7th! I am so happy for you BHRR’s Mindy!

We look forward in seeing many of our BHRR supporters and fans of the BHRR animals attend our 3rd ANNUAL Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser being held tomorrow – Sunday July 18th!  8 AM – 5 PM at Kanata Animal Hospital located at 440 Hazeldean Road! *RAIN or SHINE! Pet Photos, draws including a $350USD Bracelet, Tug Ropes, Leashes, Collars, Homemade Dog Treats all part of the BHRR/KAH Experience!

SOOOOOOO much to update on BHRR’s Moose yet for now I want to say WHAT a good boy he was when I had Sean hold him and I microchipped him tonight! YAY! MOOSE! NOW that is progress with his comfort zone in being handled and restrained. We shall see how that nail trimming will be and I am feeling much more confident that I shall be able to pull his blood myself with only Sean holding him so that I can get that HWT done before he is placed up for adoption and once I get to know him so much better. He needs more training too and we are getting there! HE gives me the best MOOSE kisses and I call him my ‘moosemouse’ and ‘mooseman’. The way he looks at me with those big brown eyes of his just melts my heart. He wants to trust and there has been huge leaps and bounds with his obedience. Vet Hospitals simply stress him out and his new adoptive home is going to have to understand and work with this and their Vet Hospital as well. His best of friends – well, in Moose’s mind at least is BHRR’s Lily Belle. HE just will not leave that poor gal alone and long after she is zonked and wanting to rest, he is right by her side, touching and kissing and drooling all over her. I also nicknamed him my ‘male Dana’ for he is one MONKEY boy at times!!! You tell him to lay down and then the next thing you see is him crawling across the floor to get back close to Lily Belle or a toy etc. WHAT a ham!!! THANKS being extended to Mary for offering to pay for his microchip as part of our 3rd ANNUAL Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser that is coming up on Sunday July 18th! AND this Fundraiser is for Cats and Dogs! He is fully housebroken now and YAY! AND his feet have healed really well including the wound under his chin. POOR sweetie. Pictures and more of an update to come soon!

I brought BHRR’s Apollo to see Dr. Liston tonight for a recheck. When I arrived, I meant to get a new weight on Apollo yet it did not happen. When BHRR’s Apollo did see Dr. Liston who came out to the reception area to greet us, Apollo was laying down and upon seeing Dr. Liston, he pivoted his body such that his back was turned to Dr. Liston and also turned his head away! IF that was not a snub!!!! OH MY! 😛 Dr. Liston ruled out all medical reasons why Apollo is not weight bearing on that leg of his. I had to continue Apollo on antibiotics for a longer period than originally planned as one spot on his leg became a bit inflammed and Dr. Liston feels that his leg has healed just wonderfully and in fact, one of the best that has done so in all the dogs that he has operated on for BHRR and us. The knee is solid and smooth and the ROM is wonderful and there is no physical reason why Apollo is not wanting to use his leg. I had called Dr. Liston earlier this week to discuss this for we have had many a past experience that due to sutures or staples the dog will not weight bear until they have been removed. Dr. Liston has also seen this often in the past yet usually with smaller dogs in his vast experience. To date, I have tried socks, hydrotherapy, tape on the good toes to see if I could get him to shift and also in trying to move his weight from one to the other with no success. Dr. Liston had no other suggestions that what we had discussed and tried and felt that I should continue him on the Deramaxx to see if maybe there still might be an uncomfortableness in him not wanting to use that leg.  I did have Apollo on the Deramaxx for last Saturday/Sunday he was running a bit of a fever as he was battling that bit of infection on a small area around some of his staples. When Apollo runs he can put BHRR’s Potter to shame as a tripod he is so good at just tucking up that one leg of his to either his belly or stretched out back YET he will not use it. From the moment I got him home after surgery, he would only place his tiptoes down and most often, he will not even do that. So, the challenge is on to find that ‘incentive’ trick to get him to begin to use the leg. I told Dr. Liston I was so sad to see how much muscle wasting that leg and hip has done since he had surgery and the more he does not use it, my concern is that the harder it is going to be when he begin to use it and what is this doing to his other knee. Yet, no cart before the horse and one day at a time! I was so pleased to hear how well Dr. Liston has said he had healed and how the incision looked! Anyone who has any resourceful ideas for Apollo, feel free to send them my way! I am soooo sorry Dr. Liston that BHRR’s Apollo does not wuvs you but I know he is so grateful for your assistance in giving him a better future and he shall be bringing in lemon merangue pies shortly.  😀 AND we cannot place BHRR’s Apollo up for adoption until such time as we have him not only using that leg yet packs on the lost muscle and regains some of the weight he has lost since surgery and had to be confined and on forced rest.

At this time, we are looking at bringing both BHRR’s Lily Belle and BHRR’s Ava Marie as not only ambassadors for BHRR yet as ambassadors to their Breeds ( Great Dane & Saint B) to our upcoming 3rd ANNUAL Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser being hosted at the Kanata Animal Hospital located at 440 Hazeldean Road on Sunday April 18th from 8 AM – 5 PM. NO appointments are necessary and so come on and drop by to visit us this Sunday, meet Lily Belle, Ava Marie and many other adopters plus supporters of BHRR! Dog Collars, leashes, toys, treats will be up for sale, enter our free draws, take a picture of or with your pooch etc! The weather is promising to be superb!

Sean and I have spent much time thinking and discussing about what we believe to be in BHRR’s Albert’s best interest and we feel very strongly that he should be part of our BHRR’s Haven Program at least for now. He has attached himself to me and trusts me and every day, he gives me a tiny bit more of himself and to see him around complete strangers where he just ‘freezes’ and goes catatonic; we do not desire to see him go backwards and the possibility is very real that he could completely withdrawal into himself such as when he first arrived here as he would be so confused and lost and could well believe that he was abandoned once more. I try not to project on him any more ‘human’ emotions than he is capable of feeling yet he is a very feeling sort of boy and almost every person that has visited us be it at a BHRR Mini Open House etc. truly does not believe he even has legs for he wants to lay in his safe spot in his crate and pretend that the whole world of humans does not exist. He is that terrified of people that he completely shuts down. BUT, he has gotten better….he will sometimes now ‘poke’ his head out and do a quick peek and then run back to his crate and even this past weekend, he came out a bit here and there while we had 7 kids over as part of Mason’s Birthday Celebrations. Yet, when no one is around other than us and especially around myself as I am here so very much; he is now zipping and zooming and tripping me and jumping and being playful(and I keep telling Sean we need to to take a video!). He is happy here. He is content here. He is having fun here. He feels safe here. While we push his boundaries, we know his limits and they have grown so much and we will continue to work with him and bring him into the land of the living yet I do not desire to see him go back or even retreat further than when he even arrived at BHRR should we put him up for adoption too soon. The layers this boy has in depth, I am only just scratching the surface with him. AND the biggest reality is that with the way he is, so many just pass him by when they visit BHRR(it is so wrong in my humble opinion), not even noticing him BUT he notices them and it is going to take a really special home to really ‘see’ Albert and see just how special he is!!!!! IS that home out there, for sure, yet at least for now, we have moved Albert to our Haven Program and the emphasis remains on the no pressure, no undue stress on him and no expectations other than continuing to show him how much pleasure life can give him, bringing him out of this ‘survival’ shell he had to put himself in, gaining his trust and then perhaps in time, we might re-consider placing him up for adoption. So many do not understand him and I am still learning about him and him about I and I am going to do things ‘right’ for Albert and for now, that means, being part of our Haven program. We have moved many a dog into our Haven Program, such as BHRR’s Lil Linus and then when they were ready; moved them to ‘available’ and placed up for adoption and they have been adopted. Maybe that is in Albert’s future and maybe it is not and maybe he is meant to continue making me be quick on my feet so that he cannot ‘trip’ me as he races and runs and jumps all around me in his sheer happiness in living in the AMs when he gets up and in seeing me. May that day come whereby he will learn to trust others yet I know that day is a long way off and we are going to work on Albert’s schedule with minor tweaking to continue to reach further and further to move forward, step by step. We will continue to update his blogs and add photos and he is so loved by all here and I know that those that have become fans of him like us only want what is important and right for Albert too!

I am posting 2 pictures below of BHRR’s Hamilton The Newf’s post-surgical laceration site. I will take more tonight and the poor boy has developed a suture reaction.  His Vet Bills were $556.52 and THANK you so much to everyone that passed along best wishes and the consideration in supporting him financially! $45.00 has been raised to date to assist him.

BHRR’s Hamilton The Newf – Nasty Laceration – right foreleg – bad spot – July 8th, 2010

Hamilton The Newfs Helping Angels:

A picture of BHRR’s Apollo’s surgical site on July 7th, 2010 – 5 days post-op is posted below. He is still only putting very light weight on his tips toes on that one foot. He is eating and drinking well yet you can see that he has dropped weight and muscle. If the weather holds out as hot as it has been, BHRR’s Apollo shall not be coming to our 3rd Annual Microchip/Nail Trim/BBQ Fundraiser on July 18th, 2010 to hang out for the whole day as the Fundraiser is 8 AM – 5 PM.

BHRR’s Apollo – July 7th, 2010 – 5 days post-op

I had to rush off to Liston Animal Hospital with BHRR’s Hamilton The Newf for a nasty laceration he received by getting caught on something while swimming. I am currently now working a shift at KAH and will update all blogs as I can. He is currently in surgery NOW! Donations for BHRR’s Hamilton can be made: **Cash, Checks/MOs or Bank Drafts, Email Transfers to or PayPal
**OR you can call Liston Animal Hospital at (613) 591-0966 to pay on his Bill directly by Visa or MC – account name of ‘Hamilton Boers’

UPDATE:  ‘ASKING FOR APOLLO‘ – Required surgery due to a meniscal tear/affected cruciate – Updated Total: $1,161 Raised To Date
*ONLY $225 more needed to pay off Apollo’s Bills – Due to some extra Hospital shifts, this bill is all PAID off! THANK you so much to everyone that has sent support his way! As of today, he is sporting a very non fashionable e-collar as he has wanted to go for his incision area. I took new pictures today of his surgery site and will upload as I can for I had to rush off to Liston Animal Hospital with BHRR’s Hamilton The Newf for a nasty laceration he received by getting caught on something while swimming. I am currently now working a shift at KAH and will update all blogs as I can. Donations for BHRR’s Hamilton can be made:

**Cash, Checks/MOs or Bank Drafts, Email Transfers to or PayPal
**OR you can call Liston Animal Hospital at (613) 591-0966 to pay on his Bill directly by Visa or MC – account name of ‘Hamilton Boers’

BHRR’s Ava Marie is doing well! I have her eating 3 smaller meals a day down from 5 and she is just doing fantastic! The heat is taking its toll on all the dogs here and thank goodness for A/C and the dogs are taking turns hogging all the vents in their efforts to keep cool! 😛 $175.00 in donations have come her way to date to assist us in paying for her Vet and Pharmacy Bills and we SHOUT out a huge thank you for the support!!!! The balance owing is $953.71. She will remain on the Doxy until the end of July and from there we will determine if we need to take more X-Rays to see how her lungs are doing. She is breathing better and is less congested and I am so thrilled with her progress to date!!!! At this time, her 2nd cruciate repair surgery shall not happen until August and her mobility rehab progress has been so incredible since her first surgery!

Her Vet and Pharmacy Bills are over $1,000 and if any of her supporters wish to help her along with best wishes and some financial assistance, you can contact Kanata Animal Hospital directly (613) 836-2848 to pay by Debit, Credit Card or Visa/Mastercard under the account name of ‘Ava Marie’ under the ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ file or AMEX or PayPal funds to the account of or email transfer funds to OR you can mail a check to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

BHRR’s Apollo had another nice long pee and finally pooped around 12:45 AM! YAY! He is now drinking some more water before I settle him down for the rest of the night.

Should all go well, BHRR’s Mindy could be in her new forever loving home by Saturday August 7th. Will update as I can.

BHRR’s Apollo had a good night. Just a couple of restless times and around 6:00 – 6:30 AM; we had him up and out yet he could not yet figure out how to pee on that leg. Offered him a very small bit of food to get down his meds and he ate it with gusto. I gave him his 2nd injection of hydromorphone and he is resting comfortably again with some nice snoring! His incision site is looking awesome and we have counted 27 staples.

Updated: July 3rd – 7:30 PM: YAY! BHRR’s Apollo finally figured it out and had one of the biggest pees I have seen in awhile. I always wish I could ‘do’ it for them yet they all have to figure it out and they always do and I bet he feels sooooooooo much better now. We just kept presenting opportunities for him to pee and he put it all together! He has not yet pooped but I will be taking him out again in a couple of hours. He ate a nice afternoon small meal and the bruising is beginning to set in. He is doing so well and gosh, what a great temperament this boy has! He was not so fond of me cleaning that one ear of his last night though! 😛 I have to still do the other one and all in good time. He had a nice long drink of water and is now back in the triage area resting. I had him in his crate for a bit this afternoon for some ‘quiet’ Apollo time as in the triage area BHRR’s Ava Marie does not want to leave his side! She is such an awesome nursemaid yet we did not wish to see her accidentally step on Apollo; so while neither Sean nor myself could be in the triage area with the tending to of other BHRR house chores; Apollo happily layed in his crate for a snooze. Picture below of them both and BHRR’s Ava Marie also likes to keep re-arranging the blankets around the monkey! I meant to also post that Apollo’s weight was around 150 pounds at the time of his surgery and he still has another 10 pounds or so that I would like to see on him at this time.

BHRR’s Ava Marie & BHRR’s Apollo – July 3rd, 2010 – 18 hours post-op

BHRR’s Ava Marie is doing wonderfully! Once her fever went down, her appetite has come nicely back(not 100% yet but close!) and I am feeding her 5 smaller meals throughout the day as she is having some breathing plus eating at the same time issues still and she is almost fully back on kibble and not canned food and/or homecooking. 🙂 She is more active and herself now and so can get up to get that congestion moving. Dr. Liston was asking about her this AM(as we were getting close to scheduling that 2nd cruciate repair surgery) when I dropped BHRR’s Apollo off for his surgery and he thinks her pneumonia could well have been caused by aspiration of lake water at my relatives cottage. Very plausible indeed! I am now awaiting the other 200 Doxy tabs to come in that I prepaid for at Pharmasave on Wednesday as I only have enough at this time up until early next week. They told me Friday or Saturday and I hope so! Her Vet and Pharmacy Bills were over $1,000 and if any of her supporters wish to help her along with best wishes and some financial assistance, you can contact Kanata Animal Hospital directly (613) 836-2848 to pay by Debit, Credit Card or Visa/Mastercard under the account name of ‘Ava Marie’ under the ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ file or AMEX or PayPal funds to the account of or email transfer funds to OR you can mail a check to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

I dropped BHRR’s Apollo off for just after 9 AM today and in Dr. Liston examining him, it was agreed that when Apollo is under, he will take a look at both the meniscus and the ligaments and if he feels that at this time, only the meniscus needs to be removed that is what shall be done. He does hear a faint clicking upon flexion of the knee. If Dr. Liston feels that the anterior cruciate ligament needs to also be removed and replaced by the nylon; then that is what he will do. Yet if he feels that the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is not affected enough to require repair or if it is not affected at all; then he shall not perform a procedure on the ACL. The reality is that yes, it might well need to be repaired possibly in the future yet the putting the ‘cart before the horse’ thought process is not one that he nor I feel is necessarily in the best interest of BHRR’s Apollo. The bottom line is if the anterior cruciate is affected in that it should be repaired, then absolutely it shall be done. Even the one other Vet plus Dr. Philibert stated that until Apollo is under, it is not going to be a ‘for sure’ in knowing just what is going on in that knee of his. So, Dr. Liston is going to look at the whole knee. I leave all in his very expert and capable hands.  While Apollo is under, I asked to have the goober boy’s nails also trimmed up.

Update: July 2nd – 1:34 PM: BHRR’s Apollo is out of surgery and Dr. Liston said that his ACL was strong and large and looked great without any abnormality or injuries discovered. However; it was Apollo’s PCL(posterior cruciate ligament – back) that had a partial tear along with a small tear in the meniscus. Both tear/damaged areas have been ‘trimmed’ off and repaired along with nylon placed such that it runs across the knee per standard procedure. Dr. Liston indicated that usually this type of injury in his experience has been related to severe trauma such as being in something like a car accident whereby the knee can take a terrible pounding. Then one can often also find injuries to the Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) yet the rest of Apollo’s knee looked very sound. There is no longer any ‘clicking’ sounds after Dr. Liston was done with surgery. Dr. Liston was a bit surprised by this PCL tear findings when he opened up Apollo’s knee yet things went wonderfully and all has been repaired and I shall be bringing him home later today.

Please consider supporting BHRR’s Apollo during his time of need.

Our ASKING FOR APOLLO goal – To raise $300 more for Apollo’s Vet Bills
**Cash, Checks/MOs or Bank Drafts, Email Transfers to or PayPal (account name
**OR you can call Liston Animal Hospital at (613) 591-0966 to pay on his Bill directly by Visa or MC – account name of ‘Apollo Boers’

Update: July 2nd – 8:36 PM: BHRR’s Apollo is now home! His incision area is much smaller than BHRR’s Ava Marie’s due to how much arthritis/swelling she had so Dr. Liston had to make a much larger incision with her. He is wearing his pain patch and that should ‘kick’ in within the next 24 hours. He has come home with Novo-Clav 375 mg(2 Tabs BID). Thanks Dr. Liston and Dave for assisting myself in getting him into the car. Dr. Liston managed to get him to lay down, surgical site up so that his back was to the back of my carseat, so no risk of him ‘rolling’ in the wheel well. Unfortunately, the poor soul could not make it all the way home and peed all over the backseat on the two blankets I had there. NO worries Apollo! He felt so bad. With some encouragement, Sean helped me get him into the house(I had his hind end slung) and after settling him into the triage area; I gave him his first of 2 hydromorphone injections. Thank you as well to Dr. Liston and Staff for allowing me to carry a small balance as I did not have enough funds myself today to pay for more than the $2,417 I did on his upcoming bills; so that nothing else would be owing on his Vet bill at LAH. We NOW only owe $300 more and we woud be so humbly indebted for any additional monies to help us to finish paying off his bill at LAH.

**Cash, Checks/MOs or Bank Drafts, Email Transfers to or PayPal (account name
**OR you can call Liston Animal Hospital at (613) 591-0966 to pay on his Bill directly by Visa or MC – account name of ‘Apollo Boers’ I am adding two pictures from his post-op at BHRR below.

BHRR’s Apollo – July 2nd, 2010 – Post-Op at BHRR – Left knee meniscus & PCL(Posterior Cruciate Ligament) repair

BHRR’s Ava Marie had a good night. She ate a can of wet ‘Solid Gold’ brown rice dog food for a late supper last night and around 1:40 AM, I fed her another can and she rested well throughout the night. Her fever is greatly reduced as of today and she ate another can of wet around 8 AM and I will begin her back on a wee bit of kibble shortly for a noon meal. She took her pills this AM like the trooper she is and is more ‘alert’ and had a nice pee. One day at a time. Her Vet and Pharmacy Bills were over $1,000 and if any of her supporters wish to help her along with best wishes and some financial assistance, you can contact Kanata Animal Hospital directly (613) 836-2848 to pay by Debit, Credit Card or Visa/Mastercard under the account name of ‘Ava Marie’ under the ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ file or AMEX or PayPal funds to the account of or email transfer funds to OR you can mail a check to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0