He is one of the two Danes from the Drug situation.

This picture was taken today.

He was re-weighed and has put on ~17 pounds since he first arrived.

He remains having severe bruising along one whole side of his body – from armpit to groin. The trauma part of his horrible past is healing….yet, I continue to wonder what else may be going on…..

MRI, CT scan, U/S, X-Rays along with doing a scope/biopsy and absolutely everything else including bloodwork has come back clean.

His specialist team continues to grow and spans four Vet Hospitals now along with VIN.

He is still quite weak in the hind end and we are working on that for he and BHRR’s Sable were kept in horrifying conditions.

He is eating and drinking and the one thing that has now stopped is his regurgitation after eating.

Since I exclusively went to home-cooking, he has now put on almost 17 pounds plus has stopped regurgitating.

I had to to this with my Multi CH. Great Dane Tain as he was born with a small malformation in his small intestine. The only kibble that work for him was a low residue one from Euk – a puppy one, yet, the adult formula had just enough ingredient change that caused him to have severe issues again. He could not remain on the puppy one for a number of reasons.

So, I had to think out of the box and figured it out for Tain and once I did and I had to do it quickly, he lived a grand wonderful life and his internal medicine specialist at Alta Vista AH remained so impressed plus in awe of how he thrived.

So, I am back to thinking out of the box along with his incredible team of Vets/Specialists.

His Vet Bills are almost $11,000 and rising and I committed to him and he is the sweetest boy….so kind and loving and soft and gentle.

We are working on building up that muscle mass/weight in his hind end which is assisting him in becoming stronger too.

BHRR’s Rion, we are not giving up and you are improving….slowly yet you are…..

We go in for regular check-ups, continued testing, re-weighs and if anyone may consider his cause to support, you can donate via:

PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org or via

Email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

Thank you to anyone that may help by donating even $5.00 to his care. 

BHRR’s Singe!

He had his annual tonight and did so well! He is always a bit shy to start with people he does not know and warms up quite well. Once he makes friends, he likes to share the drool of love, the Dane leans plus get tummy rubs. 

He now weighs almost 136 pounds and though still very lean, even for me a bit leaner than I would like, he has now put on another 8.52 pounds since we last weighed him. Since he first arrived to us, he is now 27 pounds heavier!

Slow but sure..as told to his Vet this boy has been a big struggle with the weight gain and we still feed 5 small frequent meals daily including the one that he gets just before bed as that has been the biggest difference for getting him to put on the weight.

He was given a thumbs up – he is so much stronger in his hind end than he once was and always will have some issues and that is him from his past care – and thank you to Dr. Ammar, Tianna, Morgan & Ashley for giving him such a great experience! 
AND he did fantastic with the Clinic Cat – Miss Pearl! 

He remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION to that right matched forever loving home and this boy will be a transitional adoption so we do not have him go backwards in his weight. 

AND said home must be within 1 hour of our location. 

BHRR’s Daffodil is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We shall update as we can.

SOMEONE fell asleep on the job! 

THIS is not a staged photo! I put the broom against the hutch to go do another load of laundry and came back to BHRR’s Glacier(one of the Three Blind/Deaf Mice) asleep like this!

Sean took this picture!

The Boerskins are busy getting everything ready for our upcoming BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House and also our Monday Volunteer Information Session.

On that note; we have had a home cancel for tomorrow’s BHRR “EXPERIENCE” Mini Open House. This was a full registered attendee event.

If there is a home that wishes to attend, please do email myself gwen@birchhaven.org

Our next BHRR “EXPERIENCE” mini open house shall not be until June 2020.

A VIDEO of BHRR’s Sawyer 

BHRR’s Sawyer(Saint/Pyr) having a blast with his ‘big’ Foster Brothers – boyz that were adopted from BHRR. 

Thank you SO much again to Mr. Sawyer’s amazing temp foster home for the video and in taking great care of him! 

BHRR’s Sawyer remains Available For Adoption to that right matched personality fit home.

BHRR utilises an extremely thorough adoption process to determine if one of our dogs are a right matched personality fit for a home.

BHRR’s Sawyer!
2 years of age

Look at that mug!!!

He is settling in very well at his approved temp foster home.

Per his amazing temp foster home:

“He is a ham, he’s so sweet… he’s a lumbering goof.. he seems happy no matter his surroundings.
He is fascinated by the cat, they managed to smell each other’s noses yesterday…”

THANK you for sending this handsome photo of him! 

He remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION to that right matched forever loving home.

To anyone interested in him, please do read his extremely detailed blog plus our adoption processes, policies and procedures.

If you then feel that you may qualify to adopt him, you are more than welcome to submit an application to the BHRR BOD to review.

This is my last post of my night! After working almost 24 hours at my new job over the weekend, I am beat! 

From our home, good night wishes being sent from our home to our friends, family and supporters!

My three deaf/blind mice want to ask what size of Stuffies comes after Giant? JUMBO?! 

They are now almost 8 months of age! Where has the time gone?!

The Dane Trio shall be heading back to the Vets in about 2 months time to determine if they may need to have extractions once their adult teeth come in and see how their alignment has developed as they have matured.

They also wish to thank ALL of the angels to date that have made a donation to help their new Great Dane friend, the emaciated, neglected, abused BHRR’s Rion from the drug situation. 

Donations to BHRR’s Rion’s care can be made via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, we are wishing everyone a good night!

I am off to spend my night with BHRR’s Rion.

BHRR’s Rion(Severely Emaciated Great Dane from the drug situation) UPDATE:

I apologise that I have not yet updated re: BHRR’s Sable yet this past week has had to be very much more about poor BHRR’s Rion. 

Since his arrival, he has been regurgitating most of his food and though, he has great days for drinking; he has just as many not so good days.

He remains weak, lethargic, is dehydrated and yet, through it all he is so sweet……

As he was not getting the nutrition that he needed and with deep concern re: his regurgitation right after eating; we ended up in emerge.

Though, all of his bloodwork to date has come back normal – we well know that just because the results are normal; this does not make a healthy dog. 

He is negative for heartworm plus tick borne diseases. 

He was admitted for IV fluid, antibiotic plus pain treatment and I bring him home at night to continue his round the clock care. 

That redness/bruising from the suspected severe trauma remains all along his one side. We continue to do more testing, to see more specialists to rule out any deep underlying medical cause for this……

We have done x-rays to rule out broken ribs or anything else that may be causing his condition to worsen, not improve and also u/s. 

Our next steps is to move to a CT scan and/or MRI. 

When we were at Dr. Liston’s when the Dane Duo first arrived, he did not like the sounds of gurgling in BHRR’s Rion’s gut and that remains a big concern for his internal medicine specialist. 

He is continuing to be a mystery to his vastly growing medical team and we would be so grateful as would he, for continued consideration to his mounting Vet Care Bills. 

This week alone has seen another $1,700 in Vet bills come our way in our efforts to assist him. 

As the emergency hospital shall not take direct donations; donations can be made:

PayPal: gwen@birchhaven.org OR

via Email Transfer: contactbhrr@gmail.com

This picture is of BHRR’s Rion at LAH. 

Please also keep him in your best wishes, he needs those too.

When I see his tail now wag a bit when he sees me, I know that he is fighting with all that he has and thank you to everyone that may consider helping us help him! 

He deserved so much better than he has received in life to date and he deserves this fighting chance……



SMALL UPDATE: From his approved temp foster family: 

‘Sawyer is a very good boy! Flaked out on the floor now. 
He met the cat and wanted to play.’

UPDATE: BHRR’s Sawyer is now all tucked into his own fabu Approved temp foster home! 

A home that has also adopted twice from us in the past, so he is in excellent hands! 


AND we are on our way shortly!

To see if this is a right matched personality fit temp foster home for BHRR’s Sawyer(Saint/Pyr)!

Today, is also his 2nd Birthday! 

We will update as we can.

NOTE: We are also still seeking already approved BHRR temp foster homes for:

1) BHRR’s Miss Hollywood (BoxerX)
2) BHRR’s Char (Great Dane)
3) BHRR’s Oliver(Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound)

All four BHRR dogs remain Available For Adoption!

My last post of my night…..

This is BHRR’s Rion – One of the two Danes from the Drug situation.

Sean has spoken and both finally have names – they did not have any names prior to Rescue.

As many are now aware, they belonged to a man who who went to jail for drugs and his father – also involved in drugs – took the two Danes.

Another man saw an ad on kijiji for chickens and when he arrived on the property, he was asked if he had any cocaine in exchange for two Danes.

The man said that he did not do drugs and when he saw the Danes – the male in particular is in terrible shape, he came back with his horse trailer and paid $100 for the Danes.

As the man was not comfortable with Giant Breed dogs nor did he know how best to assist them, they ended up with us. THANK you again Meg for all of your help! Picking them up and meeting me.

I had them both at the Vet immediately and the male weighs a severely emaciated 50.9 kg(111.98 pound). He will need at least 40 pounds of muscle mass/tone/weight to become healthy.

He is the sweetest boy. Reminds me a lot of BHRR’s Mr. Parker Paws in his handsomeness along with his lack of smarts – who on a side note also came to BHRR severely emaciated. 

He is flat in the pasterns, has lick granuloma’s – one is still bleeding, is very weak – cannot be on his feet or move for any extended period of time, is ‘wonky’ in his hind end – especially the back left, has healing wounds all over – one of the wounds around his eye is a really fresh one(he is very lucky that he did not lose the eye), he has scars all over his body/face, needs a dental, we did a testosterone test as it is believed that he could be bilaterally cyptorchid – Dr. Liston could not feel any testicles even in his inguinal ring.

His Vet found him to be quite nearsighted as we expressed a concern re: his inability to see treats etc. when offered and other than saying that he was nearsighted, the rest of his eye exam was perfectly normal. His Vet said that his own dog is quite near sighted and not a big cause of concern.

His Vet did say that he did not like how much ‘gurgling’ was going on in his gut. 

We also did bloodwork to see how his internal organ function is doing along with a Heartworm/Tickborne disease test. He is now being de-wormed too.

He was very smelly and his coat is full of dander. His ears were extremely full of dark waxy debris.

He has pressure sores and many callouses.

We are also deeply concerned re: what appears to be immense bruising all along one side of his body and into his groin area.

Dr. Liston could not rule out if this was only brutal trauma and not an underlying medical condition too. We are hoping the bloodwork may reveal some answers.

In this picture below, it still does not capture just how emaciated he is….it is hard to show his horrible level of emaciation being a black dog AND to put it in perspective, I can put both of my hands easily around his waist….THAT is not normal and not acceptable.

No dog should be in this condition. 

We are feeding him 8 small meals a day trying to very slowly jump start his gut/stomach.

I will post re: the female tomorrow. I once thought they were siblings, yet I think she may be his mother.

He is about 12-15 months of age.

Donations to their ongoing care can be made direct to Liston Animal Hospital:


OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

His other needs:

1) A martingale collar to call his very own. As onepawtwopaw is on a short break, we are still going to WiggleBumz for our collar needs and they are equally lovely!

2) He needs an XL Costco Dog bed of his very own too.

Thank you to everyone from my heart once more that has contributed to their bills to date.

Their bills to date are just under $1,000 and shall continue to mount and I will post re: the female tomorrow. Sean has named her BHRR’s Sable.

We also wish to thank everyone for their words of support that has been given to us during this difficult time as I tragically lost one of my sisters, Barbara on Friday June 7th. Your kindness means a lot to our hearts/home.


From what we have been told, these two Danes belong to a man who went to jail for drugs. 

The two Danes then went to his father who was also doing drugs.

Another man saw an ad on kijji for chickens and when he went to the property was asked if he had any cocaine in exchange for two Danes/Dogs.

The man explained that he did not do drugs, saw the two Danes, paid $100, got his horse trailer and took the Danes. Kept them in his horse trailer for 24 hours and from there searched for a rescue to take them as he was not comfortable around them and did not know what to do for them. 

Donations to the long rehab care that these two Danes shall require can continue to be sent to: 

Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org 

OR via Email Transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

UPDATE: this is NOT that right matched home for Miss Volt. 

They are not yet ready to adopt, even foster to adopt. 

BHRR’s Volt is Available Again for a TEMP FOSTER TO ADOPTION home. SAID approved home MUST be within 2 hours of our location. 

She is a truly outstanding dog, as close to bomb proof as you shall ever see and we remain patient…..

My last post of my night….

Thank you SO much to BHRR’s Burst’s wonderful temp foster Mama in tagging me in this photo!

Her big foster sister is named Phoebe! 

BHRR’s Burst(Lab/Dane) is still Available For Adoption to that right matched forever loving home.

To all of our friends, family plus supporters, please remember to tell your loved ones how much you care about them…..life is fragile…..no one knows what tomorrow shall bring.

This is BHRR’s Sable, another BBBBB!

She is the second of the two Danes from the Drug Situation.

Her body condition is much better than BHRR’s Rion.

Her weight was 46.1kg(101.42 pounds) at LAH.

We suspect that she may be pregnant and per Dr. Liston, if she is, it is really early – less than 21 days.

As always, with our posts re: spaying dogs that are in the early stages of pregnancy……this post is not a discussion as to if it is or is not right to be spaying a dog if they are pregnant.

This Dane has clearly had litters in her past, and she is not that old herself…..~18 months or so.

AND she is not going to be having any more babies if, at all possible. There are so many dogs already in the world that need homes and many dogs are being put to sleep daily as there are not enough homes, that we do not need to be deliberately bringing into this world even more puppies.

We do not feel that Rescue dogs having babies is anything to celebrate and she has been scheduled for a spay.

During her exam, her Vet noted the many scars on her too. 

Like BHRR’s Rion, she will require a dental.

We did pre-op bloodwork as well as tested for heartworm plus tickborne diseases. Everything has come back fine on her.

Dr. Liston felt that she was healthy enough to begin her vaccine protocol also. 

She is also being de-wormed.

As with BHRR’s Rion, she could use a collar and an XL Costco Dog Bed to call her very own.

If anyone may consider her cause to support with a collar of her very own – with onepawtwopaw on a short break, we are purchasing our collars from an equally fabu place – Wigglebumz or an XL Costco dog bed, please let me know.

We continue to fight the good fight with BHRR’s Rion – no conclusive answers to date and his Vet Bills are close to $10,000. 

AND tomorrow, we shall be unpublishing our page for a couple of days for tomorrow is the funeral for my sister Barbara.

AND to those that have been asking re: sending flowers etc., donations to a cause that means a lot to your heart is being asked for in lieu……

From our home to all of our friends, families and supporters, please hug your loved ones as often as you can now…..as tomorrow may never come for some…..


I meant to post last night yet my mind was so focused on getting the two Danes, time slipped by…..

ISO: a BHRR Approved Volunteer who is available for 12:45 pm to meet me at Liston Animal Hospital.

Both of the Danes from the drug situation are scheduled to see Dr. Liston for 12:50 pm.

If an Approved BHRR Volunteer is free, please email me ASAP gwen@birchhaven.org or text 613-725-4279

Thanks in advance!

AND thanks to all that have made lifesaving donations to date – will update right after their Vet visits and donations can also now be made directly to Liston Animal Hospital for their care:


OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*yes, a different address from PayPal

Thank you for helping us help them!! Posting the same pic as last night from Meg as I do not have new pics as of yet….

AND we will be on our way shortly!

This is to do the home-visit for BHRR’s Volt’s possible approved temp foster to adopt home!

We shall post an update as we can!

Should this be the home meant for her, I am sure going to miss her yet I also know that my heart WOULD be so over the moon happy for her AND the home! 

Until Dr. Philibert determines that it is ok to spay her – still waiting on that first heat to see if it will help with her vulva conformity issue, then to advise if she also needs a vulvaplasty along with a nip and tuck – she will remain as part of our rehab program. We will also address that tooth extraction – an incisor with any other dental concerns that may be found at that time also when she is spayed.

Dr. Philbert was not concerned in waiting for her dental to be done at the same time as her spay.

By the time that she is successfully rehabbed, she will be easily close to a $30,000 dog and WORTH every nickel and dime!

To all that have met this really special wee Rottie girl, they will attest that she is an exceptional creature. Just exceptional!


Meg now has both Danes from the drug situation and is enroute.

The Male is in the worst shape per Meg.

Here is a pic….and if photos are said to put 20 pounds on, he is in dire straits.  Per Meg ‘this is so bad.’ 

I have Vet appointments made for tomorrow yet, if need be, will take them direct to emergency tonight.

If, anyone may have some change to spare to assist in what will be a very long medical, physical rehabilitation, let alone their emotional healing journey, donations can be made:

PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*note, there are two different addresses depending on method of donation*

I promise to update ASAP and thank you to anyone that may consider their cause. 

Drive safe Meg….tell them they are already loved and that I am on my way!


We have been working around the clock on an urgent situation with another group – 2 Danes from a drug situation. ETA to BHRR is tonight.

A man bought the two Danes for $100 to save them and has been keeping them in a horse trailer. However, this person is not comfortable around giants plus is not in a position to medically/behaviourally assist them. They need out ASAP.

They need urgent medical attention and this is a picture is of one of them – severely emaciated.

We are seeking emerge temp fosters for two of our current fully vetted & successfully rehabbed available for adoption dogs so I can bring these other two direct to me:

1) BHRR’s Sawyer – Saint/Pyr – good with cats/dogs
2) BHRR’s Miss Holly – BoxerX – good with dogs, no small animals

Please email gwen@birchhaven.org if YOU ARE a BHRR Approved Home – any Approved adoptive home is also a BHRR Approved Volunteer!

This is extremely URGENT!

Thanks in advance….

*NOTE: We are not seeking new applications for consideration. We are seeking already approved BHRR Volunteers!*