Victim of a separation & passed around.

Surrendered to the amazing rescue group of Just Paws on Sunday September 23rd.

They were not made aware upon intake of just how bad his shape was. Pictures sent their way were of a supposed ‘160 pound Dane’. So, imagine their shock when he arrived in an emaciated neglected state. 

They had him vetted on September 24th and reached out to us on September 26th asking if BHRR could assist him and we felt honoured to have been asked. We specialise in the special needs Danes/Giants and were so touched to work with Just Paws to bring him into our care.

He was taken to the Vet on September 28th and his weight was 100 pounds.

His waist measurement is 53 cms and can be spanned by two hands.

His bw indicates that he is battling inflammation and an infection plus has a badly broken/ slightly infected toe nail, something going on with his back left leg, diarrhea and until he is more stable, we cannot do x-rays. He also has some skin issues.

He is back on Monday October 1st to the Vet for a recheck, to see if he is healthy enough to now go on antibiotics and to obtain a new weight. We do not feel that he will be stable enough to do x-rays yet we will see. He is now listed as ‘critically stable’.

He is eating 8 small meals a day – slows down the later the day becomes and is exhasuted. We have to slowly teach his system what food is. He is sleeping lots which will be excellent for his rehab plus taking very short strolls to help build up some strength.

He is on meds for diarrhea, forti-flora as a probiotic, a special shampoo for his skin and antihistamines. He also has hibitane for that toe area for now.

On Monday, we will pick up Interceptor to better de-worm him.

IF it were not for Just Paws Animal Rescue, this boy would have been dead within a week or so. He is in that bad of shape. THANK you Just Paws! AND thank you to your beautiful network for supporting your efforts!

He is weak, can barely stand and he is now the second severely neglected Dane that we have taken in over the last 10 days.

YOUR support means the world to us and to dogs like BHRR’s Bane and BHRR’s Bowen.

Donations can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital


OR via email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the friend & family option so we do not pay fees)



We have now moved the Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Fletcher and BHRR’s Everly to our Haven Program.

We will continue to keep The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Oliver and BHRR’s Juniper up for adoption for awhile longer and should their right matched personality fit homes not find them, then, we will also move them to our Haven Program.

We have had another $100 in donations sent for his care and we are really thankful plus humbled….

This is BHRR’s Bowen in post op recovery….will update more tomorrow.

He will have his second surgery in a few weeks time once he recovers from this one and is even stronger….

BILLS TO DATE: $1,789.87

BHRR’s Bowen – severely neglected Great Dane

In surgery – the lump on his side was full of blood, so a hematoma related to trauma is suspected.

His ears had cytologies and were cleaned – they were full of dark waxy yeasty debris with the one ear also having rods present so both ears will be treated with medication.

His one eye was running and will be monitored plus he had a good nail trim.

He had one of his anal masses removed and it will be sent off for biopsy.

He has one tooth broken at the gumline and another is cracked and he has his front row of teeth severely worn down – per his surgeon, these shall need to be addressed / extracted in a separate surgery as he had enough done today and we will also do dental x-rays at that time. His BP dropped a bit in surgery so to be safe, it is recommended to give him a few weeks to recover and then go back in.

Skin scrapings done and he was also neutered to help with his perianal masses

His surgeon also gave him a head to toe detailed exam including his legs/hips.

Donations can be sent direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 – he has a file under our Rescue account OR

Email transfer to

OR PayPal to

All of the Vet Records & findings will be forwarded on to the Welland SPCA.

Please keep this truly sweet amazing senior Dane in your thoughts!

Thank you to everyone who has made a donation to his cause to date and he still could use a XL Costco Dog Bed of his very own.

Thank you to everyone at KAH for taking such wonderful care of him today!! You are amazing!

This is ‘Bane’
~5 year old Great Dane
Severely Emaciated, Rashes

We were asked by a truly wonderful Rescue group to step up to assist him.

Just Paws Animal Rescue saved his life by taking him into their group on Sunday and then reached out to us last night to see if we could help him.

We have stepped up without hesitation and thanks to Lindsay for being so willing to emerge temp foster him – she picked him up today – and thanks again to Just Paws Animal Rescue for saving his life!

He is barely 102 pounds and he is the victim of a relationship breakup and was passed around. Apparently, he once weighed 160 pounds and I do not know if that was a healthy weight for him yet I do know that his current emaciated weight is horrific.

She is going to be feeding him 8 small meals a day to help get his body used to food and to jump start his gut again.

BHRR specialises in emaciation cases, especially with the giants and we remain forever grateful to Jane Smith & Tamee Osher-Diamonds of Just Paws plus their incredible support system by taking him in last Sunday.

I am also deeply indebted to Lindsay for stepping up….again in our time of need to emerge temp foster for BHRR.

Lindsay has said that no picture shall truly capture how terrible this sweet boy’s body condition is.

With the enormous needs of *Bowen* and now with this sweet boy, BHRR is having to shut our doors to others in need as the bills shall be enormous by the time these two are properly and successfully rehabilitated.

Bane, like Bowen has an account set up at Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 for any consideration to their bills.

OR donations can be made via email transfer to

OR via PayPal to

We shall post more re: dear Bowen tomorrow and to keep you updated on Bane.

Thank you as always to everyone that may consider our efforts to support for BHRR focuses strongly and almost exclusively on the special needs as that is our mandate since our inception in 1996.

Please know how much your kindness means to not just us but to all the animals in desperate need of help.

We have some long roads to help these dear boys travel and cannot do it alone….

*First picture is what he used to look like, second two pictures were taken today by Lindsay*


This is *Bowen* – The Senior Great Dane from the Roadside Zoo of Ringtail Ranch & Rescue in Wainfleet, Ontario

This case has been sent to the Welland SPCA for further investigation. He has experienced severe neglect.

The night Ellie & I picked him up, he was even bleeding from his rectum area.

We were also contacted on September 25th by John Burnett, Team Leader at Niagara Regional Public Health Department. He reached out to make sure that we were aware of Echinococcus multilocularis(Coyote Tapeworm). He had intimate knowledge of this sweet senior boy and wished him well.

This Coyote Tapeworm is quite prevalent on this property from what we were informed by the HD AND does not exist in our neck of the woods. As recently as July, several cases of this parasite were found on the property. This is a very dangerous parasite.

We have been proactive/preventative with his fecal testing – will be sending out a special sample – a second one to be tested and he was put on Panacur, Interceptor and now Interceptor+ will be used for two treatments.

He also was placed on Revolution for possible mange plus for HW/Flea/Tick preventative.

We are going to let the legal governing bodies do their investigations and we are going to focus on what we do best, rehab.

Due to the high level of his medical concerns, his Vet had discussed with us on September 18th, if humanely euthanizing was in his best interest.

No one wishes to see a dog suffer and we dialogued in much depth with his amazing Vet and it was decided that we would wait to see what his bloodwork and UA indicated.

In the meantime, we ran a fecal, did a Woods lamp test, began de-worming, put him on antibiotics, Revolution, pain meds and began using a special shampoo.

His results came back that he was strong enough for us to proceed further and we put him on NSAIDS – Deramaxx, scheduled surgery for him – neutering is the only way to deal with his one perianal mass – along with antibiotics etc. and while he is under, we can further investigate those ears, mouth masses – two seen upon initial exam, rectal masses – do biopsies as needed on both mouth and rectal area, ear cytologies/cultures, more skin scrapings, check the lump on his side etc.

We have a fungal culture also sent off.


Highly concentrated urine – to be rechecked later
Serum globulin concentration increased above normal
Defecation painful
Hindlimb conscious proprioception deficit
gum masses
Perianal lumps
Nuclear sclerosis
Healing Punctures
Lump on right side

BHRR has taken on cyberbullying plus threats by 2 people in respect to our intake of this Great Dane and we have also been collecting all of this documentation. Legal council can address as the experts in those matters.

BHRR operates with a zero tolerance policy and we shall continue to do so.

These animals cannot speak for themselves and we encourage/urge anyone with firsthand knowledge of any animal being neglected and/or abused, to please use your own voice to stand up for them. They need you to do right by them. There are legal governing bodies that you can reach out to in re: to addressing these matters.

FOR ANYONE THAT MAY CONSIDER HELPING THIS DEAR SWEET SENIOR, donations to his care can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:


OR via email transfer to

OR via PayPal to

Thanks Ellie for coming with me to pick him up and for letting him sit in your lap! 

He has been scheduled to see the Vet tomorrow. 

AND BHRR’s Bogart, the Weim is now on his own special picnic play date!

Oh, how my heart loves this truly magnificent boy!

He was a bit worried upon drop-off and as this is his very first time on a date, understandable and the home will be sure to set him up for success. 

He may not think he is ready to get into the hands of other loving folks, but he is and he will have a wonderful day! 

We work so hard to help our dogs become the best they can be in becoming as well rounded plus balanced as possible. Our extremely successful and highly popular play date/visitation program has been instrumental in ensuring that this happens for our amazing dogs. 

He only needs a few more pounds and his weight will be perfect too. I am not sure why of late, we are seeing so many truly obese Weims out and about. We were at the drive-in a couple of weeks ago and the size of the Weim and also two Mastiffs there that night not only broke my heart yet peeved me off. No excuse for any dog to ever become morbidly obese. For those who know me, overweight dogs really bothers me. ?

See you later today BHRR’s Bogart, you Uber gorgeous creature! 

On a side note, all of his bloodwork came back normal. 

Sabine McConnell – he is wearing one of the collars from PP that I bought! 

BHRR’s Sawyer(Saint/Pyr) is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We will update as we can.

As many that follow our page are aware, BHRR’s Keg was at the Vet on the 11th of September for a neuter, to be microchipped and to have his stifles plus hips further examined under anaesthetic.

The x-rays indicated that he has effusion on his stifles and they were sent off to the wonderful ortho specialist Dr. Parker to review – after two Vets looked them over at KAH – and I also had two other Vets, one also being an ortho specialist to get their expert thoughts too.

His hips do not appear to be abnormal at this time.

The feedback that came back:

1) for a dog his age to check other joints for inflammation. Rule outs also include OCD of the femurs. Nothing was obvious on the x-rays but can be a difficult diagnosis. Joint taps may be indicated.

2) wait to see the new neurologist – waiting for the referral – as Dr. Chauvet, the one he was with is no longer at Alta Vista  as four Vets note the stifle effusion yet did not find anything completely scary, or cause for immediate panic at this time and feel that his hind end is quite possibly related to his neuro issues(he does have some ataxia) and could explain why he limps at times – more on left over right – and can cry.

So after much talking with the Vets plus specialists we will re-visit with neurology and go from there as to whether we need to do the joint taps etc.

His Vet Bills to date:

A copy of his invoice from the 11th is also attached. That invoice does not include the cone that he was sent home in. That was another $10 or so.

Donations can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848

OR via email transfer to

OR via PayPal to

He was such a good boy and in the pic is all sleepy in prep for his procedures. Thanks Cailey for the photo! 

Posted in Keg

What a ham! She makes me smile so much! After a good roll she was ready for her car ride to go to her special picnic day date! 

BHRR News Weekend!

My weekend took a change of plans yesterday when I had to bring in BHRR’s Rubble as he was shaking his head late Thursday night. So, the home-visit scheduled for a possible approved adoption on Sunday has been delayed. I take the proper proactive/preventative care of all of our dogs seriously and no dog will be adopted until they are in the best of health that they can be. BHRR shall continue to absorb the costs of his care while we treat that ear and wait for the culture to come back. While he hung out at work, I did his next Heartworm/Tickborne Disease test – was negative & he had a manicure/pedicure.

BHRR’s Rubble, you have made outstanding rehab process since you first arrived skinny, scared, traumatised, untrained and feeling confused plus unloved. You are a rock star!

So, this meant that instead of Sean dropping off this Merle beauty on her own special picnic date today, I got to! AND this meant that I was able to finally meet face-to-face one of the most caring plus genuine women ever! 

Thank you to this lovely home for being so open to giving BHRR’s Daffodil this special spoiling time today. She is always overlooked and she is such a beautiful girl! Inside & outside.

Her world is truly full of sunshine and daffodils! 

BHRR’s Daffodil, who once was a victim to greed for what her body could give her previous owner in puppies, neglected with none of her medical plus emotional needs taken care of, is now living the life of a princess. She is such an amazing dog and she remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION to that right matched fit forever loving home.

She is kind, gentle, calm – except when it comes to her biggest life’s pleasure – rolling in the grass, then she is all puppy happiness! – sweet and precious. 

She is such a wonderful companion with a gorgeous personality!

Have an incredible time today you awesome girl! You deserve this! You are important and you are deeply loved.

In just under 1 hour from now, 1 year ago today….I began one of the most difficult yet one of the most rewarding rescue moments of my life.

I began to whelp The Bakers Dozen – 1st puppy born 10:13 PM on September 12th, 2017 – BHRR’s Poppy & the last puppy was born 9:29 AM on September 13th, 2017 – BHRR’s Fletcher.

Tragically, emaciated, traumatized, terrorized puppymill Mama Gem(once only known as D211 to her greedy breeders) rejected her puppies. The smallest puppy, wee BB was barely even 9.7 oz. Giant Breed puppies, when healthy should be born 1-1.5 pounds each. She gave all she had to ensure that we had 13 live births.

Thank you SO much to Mason who worked with me to help whelp them and to stimulate them as several were quite blue.

From tube to dropper to bottle feeding to there being a manufacturer shortage of Esbilac, Sean & I experienced the absolute best in people yet sadly, the absolute worse in one person also during this life and death 24/7 journey for this litter/Mama.

I want to wish The Bakers Dozen a beautiful and special 1st Birthday! 

You have touched my heart and soul like no other time in my life has and while FPS tried to steal you all away; you fought hard to live. I was not giving up on this litter or Mama. So many health issues and so many battles won….and with tears in my eyes, some battles lost. 

RIP to those of my wee angels that were stolen away all too soon. I remain confused, hurt, devastated and so angry that you were taken away from so many that love you like The Boerskins do.

THANK you to every Bakers Dozen Angel that donated goods, monies & hands to help us assist them in their plus Mama Gem’s biggest times of need. Thanks also to our Vet Team that was right by their/my side every step necessary.

This is a bittersweet Happy Birthday moment for me…..I am so happy yet my heart is also very heavy with sadness.

BHRR’s Bogart!
The ~5/6 year old Weim

When I dropped off BHRR’s Keg for his surgery/x-rays/exam/microchip this AM, I brought along this precious boy to obtain a current weight and to have his blood re-submitted – it had been lost August 31st when he was last in.

This dear sweet boy has a big hold on my heart……massive….

Remember the pics of him so scared plus worried? That is no more! He is happy and it is said dogs do not smile yet I know he does! 

So many people came together to help us save him and he is absolutely fabu! Incredible! Awesome! Amazing and a really special boy.

He is sitting so focused at work this AM waiting for his liver treat.

BHRR’s Bogart, my mind continues to be blown away that you were failed so miserably by a lot of people and for many years in different homes and then dumped in a pound after your latest home did not want you after having you for only a year.

You are a WOW dog and I adore you!

BHRR’s Keg!

This 7 month old handsome ham of a character Berner was dropped off at KAH this AM to have his hips/knees further investigated under anaesthetic plus to be de-twinkled.

I was very hush hush about the second part of his visit  so in this picture he remains very happy! 

Unfortunately, his incredible Neurologist is no longer at Alta Vista AH so we have had to be referred elsewhere.

His weight is now 33.& kgs(74.36 pounds) and he goes on to the scale and sits like a pro! Completely on his own.

We also had him in for a good grooming session and the mats that he arrived with are all removed and he is looking mighty fine! 

Donations to his continued mounting Vet Bills can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848


Via email transfer to


Via PayPal to (friends & family option)

Have a great Tuesday!

Posted in Keg

BHRR’s Flyn!

This stunning BBBBB had her annual today and weighed almost a slightly plump 50.3 kg (110.66 pounds). Since her arrival she has put on almost 17 pounds and has gone from quite skinny to needing no more weight to be put on! 

She remains our ‘mysterious’ woman….cloaked in secrecy with her many depths and layers. 

She had a great day hanging out at KAH today while I worked and her Vet visit was a total thumbs up. I also did her ears plus had her nails done and she was so rock solid. 

Her Vet marvelled at how shiny/glossy her coat was and that she had shades of brown within it. This picture was taken in the rain when we got home so she is not as gleaming….

She is still a bit nervous/cautious in new situations yet from where we were first asked to assist her, her anxiety level was 8/10 then and now we are maybe a weak 2/10! WTG BHRR’s Flyn!

She remains Available For Adoption to that right matched forever loving home and has an extremely detailed individual blog that outlines the home that we are seeking for her. 

She is so lovely and that masking gene is becoming even more prevalent on her face! Makes her look all the more gorgeous. 

BHRR’s Bogart, the Weim was at the Vet on Friday August 31st! 

Was a super star! 

We strongly feel is is between 5-6 years of age and so, we are going with 5.5 years…could he be a bit younger, sure…could he be a bit older, sure yet nothing so extreme that would make any difference to a right matched personality fit home. 

He weighed a skinny 67.32 pounds yet already the weight is coming on nicely. He is developing much neeed muscle tone plus mass also. He is eating plus drinking well too.

He travelled wonderfully in the car – you could tell he was a little worried as he has had so much change in his life prior to his Rescue.

He had a great Vet visit – had his vaccines, an ear cleaning, lungs are great and his Vet listened thoroughly to his heart to be sure that what they were hearing was normal. 

We ran bloodwork yet unfortunately, it was lost and so I will bring in more blood to be sent to the lab for testing. 

He is being proactively/preventatively de-wormed and is now on heartworm/flea/tick meds.

He was curious, quietly social and such a solid boy at his visit.

This boy is another WOW dog! Does he have some SA, yes but it is not severe and he is better and better every day. The more we demonstrate consistency, give him structure and have clear open communication he is thriving. He needs stability and he is learning that he can like himself, self-soothe and comfort and that it is ok to be by himself. He does fantastic in his crate and I am very proud of him. 

His hips, while having some mild arthritis did not give his Vet any great alarm or cause for concern that he had any HD, let alone any severe HD.

Re: his skin & coat – His Vet stated that now that he is on excellent food and care and the stress will reduce in his life, his coat will become healthy and less dull and coarse.

The more he settles in, the happier he is becoming. He is such an easy, calm and wonderful dog. He loves keeping me company as I work on my computer and when he is ready, he is going to make that right matched forever loving home an amazing addition to their family. 

He has gotten along beautifully with all the dogs and his playful side is adorable and gentle.

That this poor dog was bounced around in his life and then dumped at a pound baffles me. He is simply stupendous! 

BHRR’s Bogart, while others did not want you and while even others turned their backs to you in your time of need, we want you so much and we will make sure that you are cherished plus cared for! 

I apologise for how quiet it has been on our page this past week.

It has been a very rough and trying time with not 1 but two BHRR losses and then dealing with an adoption situation YET today, we have some good news to share……

BHRR’s Rubble is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We work so hard doing things the right way all the time, believe in total full disclosure on all of our dogs and wait very patiently for those right matched forever loving homes to come along.

We will update as we can re: BHRR’s Rubble and Happy Labour Day Monday to all of our friends, family and supporters… make doing r/q Rescue easier to bear when there are those moments of hell..