We are calling her ‘Sunday’.

We thought about “Easter” as it was Easter Sunday that she is to be picked up, yet, Sunday feels like the right fit name for her.

“Sunday is a day of rest in most Western countries, as a part of the weekend. For most observant Christians, Sunday is observed as a day of worship and rest”

For us, we feel that she shall be worshipped and cherished from this day forward and that she can now rest as she is safe with BHRR. 

BHRR’s Booker AKA Mr. Squishie! (5.5 month old DDB)

For those who see this handsome young man now and compare him to the video I posted of him & his back left leg during his intensive rehab at BHRR, they remain in awe of how ‘normal’ he has become! 

This boy has made miraculous progress according to his Ortho Specialist Team! Simply miraculous. 

AND now that his leg is as almost like new again and he is fully vetted, neutered, microchipped, de-wormed, on proper flea/tick & heartworm preventive plus has had bloodwork etc. all completed….he is ready!

Ready to make his special announcement!

This fine handsome young man can go to a home that works full-time, part-time, from home, is semi-retired or is retired. Another versatile BHRR dog!

He can go to a home that has no children or a home that has children aged 8 or up. No young children for him as they still make him scared.

He loves dogs and people and even cats – though cats do not always love him. He needs to be reminded at times to be gentle around them and for a 5.5 month old pup, he has done exceptionally well!

He loves being around his humans…laying by my computer or sitting on my feet yet he is not an in your face pup. He has his independent side for sure! AND a mind all of his own! 

We would love to see him in a home that already has a right match personality fit dog in it, yet would consider a home where he would be the only dog as long as he has a strong doggie social network for he loves his friends….he just loves them!

He is crate and house trained and his manners are almost perfection…..almost! Obedience is fabu and travels wonderfully in the car.

A dream to wash, do nails and clean ears and still has some worry with the soft rubber curry brush but once I begin, he relaxes and enjoys the massaging. 

He is so social, playful, low maintenance on the activity level yet loves and needs his walks and strolls – not a huge runner – more of a trotter when he is motivated! He needs a home that is not over the top social and active yet one that does like the outdoors and will continue to expose him to public places and people and things with great experiences. He has not yet hit the stranger danger phase and we want to minimise any strain to him from that natural development part of growing up by continuing on this great path he is on.

He loves his outdoor fun and loves his comfort of home too! A home that is calmly socially active in their home too would be fabu for him.

He is such a fantastic puppy and needs a home that shall not consciously or unconsciously enable the few, yet they are still there, displays of nervousness behaviour he can demonstrate….for example – school buses. AND how the home handles this in acting is how he shall react. Treat it as no big deal and a calming word and/or touch, then passively ignoring will be the set up for success he needs!

This boy is a flirt, an adorable manipulator, so smart – I have taught him things like ‘front feet up’ – and thrives on being properly mentally and physically stimulated.

He snores, drools and sheds and that right match personality fit home is going to not care and will be prepared!

He will not be a big boy and that is wonderful for his back left leg will benefit from that and a home will have to be cognisant about keeping him lean. Almost all the DDB’s that I see are not just fat yet obese and this is so wrong. That would ruin this pup. He has overcome so much with that leg.

He does not need a breed specific experienced home. He needs a responsible home -all dogs do! – that at least understands his breed. We will consider first time dog owner homes if it is that right matched personality fit home.

AND we know he is popular so we ask that people that may be interested in him to please read his extremely thorough blog and our adoption policies to see if they may qualify to be approved to adopt him. 

Mr. Squishie, what can I say?! What a thrill you are and a blast you are and an honour it has been. The last three plus months have seen you truly take a miraculous journey and Kinsley and I shall miss you something fierce when it is your time to leave us! 

Thank you to Liz Bradley again for her photography skills and to Aaron Maracle plus Cherie Barnes Maracle in helping to puppy love wrangle at this professional photo shoot.

Her owner is moving back to Slovakia on Sunday April 1st as her husband recently passed away and we have to get her no later than by early afternoon that day.

Unfortunately, we cannot get her on Saturday or any day earlier. The daughter – who does not drive – is picking up the Owner – who also does not drive – on Saturday with help from a friend and bringing her and this Dane back to her place in Scarborough.

Our window is Sunday up to 3 PM.

We have been told she is very timid, not socialised – rarely had visitors in the home nor was taken out of the home.

I have also been told that she was used for breeding and has been used for breeding.

She shall ONLY be the third dog that we have been able to assist in 2018 to date.

BHRR’s Sawyer – Saint Bernard/Great Pyr
Born: June 11th, 2017(9 months of age)
AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! He is ready! He is more than ready for that right matched forever loving home to find him. A home that believes strongly in a positive balanced approach to training and ‘walks the talk’.

This boy needs his structure, obedience, consistency, routine and clear open communication so that he can continue to thrive. 

He is no longer confused and not sure what is expected of him and his anxiety is virtually non existent as he lacks for nothing in anything that he needs which includes so much love. His SA level was quite high when he first arrived. 

He does not need a home that is going to get caught up in his looks, he needs a home that understands both the Saint and the Pyr temperament.

He is so affectionate, playful, kind and a big goof YET he is also strong minded, both independent and dependent in different ways and he needs that right matched forever loving home that is not going to be punitive, harsh or forceful. 

He needs a home that is going to stick to the rules and not waiver and then set him up for failure making him unsure and then have him trying to step up to take the role of a postive balanced leader. 

While we are not requiring specific breed experience for him, we want an extremely experienced dog home for him. 

We would love to see him in a home with at least one other right matched personality fit dog for he loves other dogs and is built for endurance.  We may consider an only dog home if everything else is the right fit. 

He is socially active and loves his outdoor time and when it is time for settling down inside, he is content to cuddle and snuggle and be merry. 

He is a happy, healthy and beautiful puppy. 

He requires a home that shall be dedicated to his grooming needs to maintain that gorgeous coat he has. 

He can scale 6 foot brick walls without any hesitation so a properly, safely and securely fenced in yard is a must. 

We do not find him high energy or high maintenance and that home meant for him shall not find the same.

He has been fine around traffic from school and city buses to garbage trucks and bikes and more. 

He is curious and outgoing and we have worked so hard on him also feeling comfortable travelling in a car – gets in and out without any issues now! He loves car rides now! 

A home that works away from home or at home, ft, pt, semi-retired, retired are all good fits as we have set him up for success. He is another versatile BHRR dog in this way. 

How he is around cats is unknown. 

He is wonderful to wash and brush and do nails and clean ears. Less is more with him…..he is not to be man handled, no dog should be.

His leash manners have improved 150% since he first arrived and he is very much a growing giant breed puppy still. Patience and a sense of humour go far with this character!

His rehab progress has just flowed so smoothly. He is eager to please, gets excited to see me when I come home, is crate trained and very gentle with treats.

A home that does not mind DROOL is a must! For he can drool – mostly when he is excited or stressed.

We would be fine considering a home with no more than 2 children age 10+ OR a home without children is equally wonderful. 

This boy has truly been an absolute pleasure to have in our progam and his personality is as large as the world, he is just that amazing……

There is not one MEAN bone in this stunning young man’s body and I am so excited for his future. 

You did it BHRR’s Sawyer! You did it!!!! I love you so freakin’ much!

Thank you again to Liz Bradley for her incredible talent and time in taking the fabu pictures and to Aaron Maracle & Cherie Barnes Maracle for the extra hands at his and BHRR’s Booker’s professional photo session March 23rd!


These two unbelievably handsome young puppy dudes had their professional photo shoot on Friday March 23rd!

BHRR’s Booker (5.5 months) & BHRR’s Sawyer (9 months).

In the one photo, Mr. Squishie is falling asleep sitting up! He does that often! 

Thank you to Aaron Maracle & Cherie Barnes Maracle for the extra hands and to Liz Bradley for her time plus talent again!

The weather was gorgeous and the boyz blew their sessions out of the water! Great photo shoot for them both and their manners were almost impeccable. Once again, I am bursting with such pride over their progress to date. 

Once I receive their professional pictures, both will be ready to make their own special announcements.

We know both are popular and we continue to stress that we shall only approve right match personality fit homes. Their blogs are detailed and we will post even more re: the homes we are seeking for them during their special announcements. 

Thank you to Aaron & Cherie for the two blankets and their auction items also!! Our biggest fundraiser of the year is coming up July 8th – traditionally also Canada’s largest microchip Clinic – and these items are so appreciated for our silent auction part of that day! 

Happy gorgeous Sunday to everyone!

BHRR’s Calla – 7 month old Great Dane

She weighed 77.22 pounds tonight, had an exam – heart/lungs thumbs up, had her boosters and is no longer a body condition of 2.5/9! WTG!

She is doing fantastic with her SA and obedience and within the next month she should be ready to make her own special announcement. 

She is scheduled for her spay/microchip at the beginning of April and then her professional photo shoot is booked for April 11th. 

This girl is a real character! Social, active, affectionate, playful and a puppy that will do well in a home that is either planning to have kids or already have responsible children.


AND BHRR’s Calla (7 months) & I are on our way to her Vet appointment!

I cannot wait to see what she weighs now! 

She is so beautiful inside and out!

AND this is him after I went to do a load of laundry……basking in some sun rays and drool marks already drying on the couch too! 

Mr. Squishie is healing well after his neuter plus two deciduous teeth extractions.

He did react negatively to the Gabapentin so we stuck to Deramaxx only after that.

Today is a big day for him and BHRR’s Sawyer as they shall be getting their professional photo’s done! Thanks again to Cherie for offering to help puppy wrangle!

Tonight, BHRR’s Calla is at KAH for a re-weigh, exam, boosters and to prepare for her own spay plus microchip.

This is BHRR’s Bookers face when he was told ‘no couch’. His right matched personality fit home is going to have to have a strong constitution to resist such a face….wee handsome manipulative adorable squishie he is! 

To update, we only have 13 spots left for our June BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House and from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, good Friday wishes being sent!

Special Snack Play Date Summary from his human date below. They have been involved in his life since he was almost 3.5 weeks of age. 

“I love him so much 

Respecting the no couch rule!  Photo compliments of his human date!

Close-up! Picture also complimentary of his human date.

BHRR’s Fletcher proves that he is cat friendly. 

Picture compliments of his human date. 

AND The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Fletcher is on his own special picnic snack play date!

This date was won by someone in our annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction and they asked if it could be given to someone else as a surprise gift. We were in 100% support of who they wished to gift this date to and we reached out to them. They chose BHRR’s Fletcher for their special date. 

What worked for them was March 11th yet that AM, BHRR’s Fletcher did a face plant on the ice and came up lame. So, his date was rescheduled to today and now he has been dropped off!

I am very proud of his progress….we had a good drop-off. He was happy and excited to have his collar and leash put on and pranced out of the yard, jumped into the car without issues and his anxiety in the car lasted no more than 10 minutes.

He took a few mini Natural treats and was given a calming word/touch and had a great drive in!

Some anxiety upon drop-off yet he is in good hands and already I am told his whining stopped shortly after I left and he was then off exploring.

In the right hands, this boy will thrive…in the wrong hands an anxiety ridden monster would be created/encouraged. He and BHRR’s Oliver have come a long way with their genetics of inherent anxiety and we have worked so hard to set them up for success with the right environment to help them to develop into the best dogs they can be! They ooze with so much potential!

He remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION to that right matched forever loving home and if they never find him, he lives a super amazing quality filled life with us. 

His human Date for the day remarked on how wolfie he is turning into and yup…the hair and face for all of The Bakers Dozen pups are really maturing into wolfie. Their wee beards are adorable!

Have a great day to you BHRR’s Fletcher and to your human! This date is going to be so fabu for you to help you become that much more well rounded plus balanced!


Please consider saving your Empties to donate OR return your Empties and consider sending the funds to help us help BHRR’s Valentine!

She is the 5 month old special needs Harle Great Dane in Brazil that we are working hard behind the scenes to save. She requires surgery on her hind end and is visually impaired. This is our second ever biggest rescue mission and she needs a village to surround her! 

She is currently being treated for KC and boarding alone is $30/day.

This is a picture of the Empties that Sean picked up – he made the almost 2.5 hour roundtrip – from Suzanne S. today!  So worth it! Thank you Suzanne!

He returned them and $41.60 was raised!

Our drop-off locations are:

1. Rachel – 42 Stocks Lane, Aurora, ON L4G 0Y3
2. Rachel’s Parents – 885 Surin Crt, Newmarket, ON L3Y 8R3
3. Dawn – 424 Pickford Drive, Kanata, ON K2L 3R4
*’people can drop off at house anytime & just leave it on the front steps*
4. Gail – 47 Taylor Road, Ajax, ON L1S 2X5
5. The Maracles – 1728 Harvest Cres, Orleans, Ontario K1C 1V4
Maggie -391 Tillbury Avenue, Apt. #4, Ottawa, Ontario

For those that may wish to donate to BHRR’s Valentine’s cause:

PayPal: gwen@birchhaven.org


Email transfer: gwen@birchhaven.org

AND here is her YouCaring Page

Updates are being posted there and also on our Brazilian Dane Baby To Canadians Group

We need another $6,000+ and we are not giving up on her!


Someone is waking up post op! 

So freakin’ adorable he is….

AND BHRR’s Booker(Mr. Squishie) is almost all prepped & ready to go for his neuter! 

He has some loose deciduous teeth that they shall also take out while he is under. 

He is just so handsome no matter what picture is taken of him! 

Mr. Squishie has now been successfully dropped off for a Take 2 for his de-twinkling & microchip! 

Weight: 25.7 kg(57.54 pounds)

On the 23rd, he and BHRR’s Sawyer shall then have their professional photo shoot – Thanks Cherie Barnes Maracle for offering to puppy wrangle! 

Happy Friday!

UPDATE: Mr. Squishie’s Neuter/Microchip Apt. has been rescheduled to Friday. 

After his surgeon did two other procedures today – they have been sick – they asked me if it would be ok to move his surgery. 

Absolutely! So, BHRR’s Booker is going to be de-twinkled on Friday instead. 

AND he gets to hang out with all of the lovelies at KAH today! 

Feel better wishes being sent out…..

Mr. Squishie!

His face when he was gently ‘reminded’ that tomorrow was his own de-twinkling and microchipping day!  

His professional photo shoot was to have been the 9th of March yet due to two recent human losses to The Boerskins Family, this had to be rescheduled.

He is now scheduled along with BHRR’s Sawyer for March 23rd.

ISO: An Approved Volunteer to lend a hand that day – MUST be strong as BHRR’s Sawyer can still be a puller – Location: Nepean, Time: 2 PM. Please email gwen@birchhaven.org if you can assist with puppy wrangling for 2 pups that day! 
*Please do not post your kind offer here*

Once he heals, he should be ready to make his own special announcement!

He shall literally be a $4,000 dog by the time he has been successfully rehabbed and we are still accepting donations to help pay for his mounting bills – tomorrow will be another $350+.

He is worth every dime and donations can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:



Via Email Transfer: gwen@birchhaven.org


Via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, good-night wishes being sent!

Donated To Date: $2,166.50

Some things are just meant to be challenging I guess!
Today we learned that her birthdate is ~October 5th, 2017 and that she weighs 70.2 pounds(36 kg).
We are still waiting re: her height and figuring out vaccines and other proactive/preventative vetting schedule FOR we found out today that she has KC and cannot be boarded at the Vet Hospital. 🙁
The Vet has said that she has an ‘inverted knee’ and this is why she will need surgery. We also believe that she is at least visually impaired in the left eye.
This is a picture of her and a ‘puppy’ friend prior to Miss Valentine being picked up.
*we are rolling up sleeves and refusing to be beaten down!* 
Donations can also be made via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
We are a long way off from what we need for her and working on a flash auction item to help raise funds.


March 12th, 2018

On the 5 month old beautiful female Harl puppy we were contacted to assist in Brazil. We are calling her BHRR’s Valentine – first came on our radar February 14th – and she needs surgery on her hind end and appears to also be visually impaired.

Unfortunately, we were unable to get our hands on her last week. 

YET….we got her today! We were able to pick her up today! YES! YES! YES!

She does not stand much of future in Brazil and we believe that dogs do not know borders or countries.

I have just sent over to Maira $700 to help cover 14 days of boarding – $30/day, $100 for food and the rest for vetting to start.

We are trying to move as fast as we can to get her safely to Canada.

We are going to need some help to make this next miracle happen…..we really need Brazilian Rescue Angels to please surround her with support and help us help her. 

Thank you in advance for any consideration to her cause.

The earliest that I have been told that she can come is third week of April and here is the link to her Fundraising Page via YouCaring.

OR Donations can be made:

Email Transfer: gwen@birchhaven.org


PayPal: gwen@birchhaven.org

ANYTHING would be SO appreciated….Even $5 is not too little.

She now has a name!

BHRR’s Calla. 

This is a very rare Greek name and it means: ‘beautiful in Greek. Very original and unique, very sweet, kind, individual. Extremely creative, extremely funny and crazy.’ 

This beautiful girl is so exquisite, unique, sweet and rare plus funny in so many incredible ways….. 

BHRR’s Mama GD Gem
Beautiful Mama to The Bakers Dozen
March 2nd, 2018

So hard to believe that she was once so emaciated and heavily pregant at only 99 pounds with 13 babies. 

Then, after giving birth she dropped down to 84 pounds and today she is now a happier, healthier almost 112 pounds.

Liz, her talented, patient and caring professional photographer marvelled as to how she could have even carried that many babies….

I love this photo as she is truly such a ‘goofy gal’ to her small set up for success network of family/friends.

She contorts her body in all sorts of really awkward ways and oozes personality!

She can now hold her head up more often, does not always cower in a corner with sheer terror to be found in her eyes with body shaking…..she is no longer slinking around looking over her shoulder and the darkness does not make her whimper in fear.

She has a full bellly, is warm, lacks for nothing in comfort, love, consistency and vetting! She has many layers of comforters that she likes to ‘nest’ them into a big pile and bury herself into…how she just rubs her head with sheer pleasure amongst the blankets touches my heart deeply.

She shall be a BHRR Haven Dog and be cherished, kept safe and we will help her continue to be the best dog that she can be!

Once she relaxed around Liz – Liz was very respectful and gave BHRR’s Gem lots of space, she then began to show some of her goofball antics and contorsionist moves! 

Thank you again Liz Bradley for the photo’s for this BBBB deserved her own professional photo session!

Each day we try to show her that she is so wonderful, deserving and should have always been treated as a princess!

The Dane that was once only known as D211, being bred for greed, living in terror, neglected, abused, freezing and starved is a terrible thing of her past….never shall it be her present nor her bright future…my promise to her is that she will lack for nothing ever again.

Posted in Gem


The 7 month old black female Great Dane! I have been told she did not even know the name that she had been once called and for sure we are giving her a new name for a new beginning! 

She is thin/quite ribby plus naturally worried/stressed and those ears! What a wee beauty she is.

My pictures are not great with it being dark and snow squall conditions yet she is a beautiful BBBBB!

Per her one Amazing Rescuer Angel, She has proven to be excellent with cats, and young children, older children and teenagers – she had been emerge temp fostered with a home with three kids and also this angel has a 6 & 8 year old herself.

I am so looking forward to getting to know her and helping her become healthy, happy and to overcome her large anxiety issues – she was once owned by a really young couple who split up and the female moved in with her father. She was then mostly left alone in a bedroom as the female got a job.

We are now making our way home and welcome to BHRR you stunning young lady!

Thank you again Jane for recommending BHRR to assist her…. 

For those with responsible children wanting to be approved to adopt from BHRR, this is the amazing puppy to watch throughout her rehab journey…..

Such a petite, refined boned and truly lovely BBBBB!

This big lug of love was de-twinkled & microchipped this AM and I have been told that he was up and ready to go shortly afterwards!

BHRR’s Sawyer(Saint/Pyr)!

I heard he did so well – was a total bull in the china shop and hilarious and also such a good boy! 

He is slowly improving on his manners and truly there is not a mean bone in his body. He just lacked training and proper house rule structure and we are slowly getting there!

He is such a character, a strong minded one yet a total affectionate sometimes drooling fluff ball at the same time.

He really is a ham and such a handsome boy.

Today, he weighed 47.4 kgs(104.28 pounds). He will be 9 months old on the 11th. A lot of growing/maturing left to do for this fine young man!

He is having his own professional photo shoot on March 23rd and shortly after that – around early April – he should be ready to make his own special announcement!

Under the right calm, comfortable and positive balanced confident hands with his continued obedience and manners, he is going to thrive and be such an asset to that right match personality fit forever loving home and surrounding community. His SA has been well managed during his time with us to date and is almost non existent for we have made him feel safe, given him clear open communication on expectations plus have provided him with structure, consistency and routine.

In that right home, he shall flourish!

He has loved every dog he has met to date, been very curious yet respectful to cats – does wish to chase them and with people while a bit unsure and aloof at first to some, the offering of a yummy treat quickly warms him up and he has become a fast drooling friend to many! 

Loving my time with this big personality young man!

I must shout out the warmest of thanks to Kanata Animal Hospital for not only taking this picture yet for taking such amazing care of him and so many of our other dogs over the past shy of 14 years! 

Mr. Squishie!
March 2018

His face when he was being told it is ‘nail trim time’ and that he is NOT suppose to be on the new couches!  

His face is so full of expression…..

He has his professional photo shoot on Friday the 9th and then on the 14th, he shall be de-twinkled plus microchipped.

Hopefully by March 28th, he may be ready to make his own special announcement! 

BHRR’s Ryder has another apt. scheduled with Dr. Liston on Tuesday March 13th as that part of his one eye has ‘failed’ again. 🙁 

His eye is not as bad as it was originally yet, part of that area has ‘popped out’ again. 🙁 

We now have two photo’s! Thanks Jane!

She is a gorgeous soon to be BBBBB!

UPDATE: ETA to BHRR Friday March 9th!

Coming To BHRR! Working on ETA now….

7 month old female Great Dane

She has anxiety issues and due to the family’s situation was left alone for long hours daily. She was surrendered to an Animal Hospital and we were then contacted to assist.

She is the second dog that we have now been able to step up to assist in 2018 and is the next in need of us….

More information coming soon and as she shares the same name as another BHRR dog, she will need a new name….

I hear she is lovely!


The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Fletcher 
DNA Proven to be GD/IW
February 15th, 2018
*Next professional Photo Shoot and THANKS again Liz*


Temperament is very much genetically oriented and we have to use the proper set up for success in environment to help these dogs reach their full potential. Therefore, I am always handing off our dogs – when they are ready – to right matched people to help the doggies. So many think all puppies are bouncey and naturally social and over the top friendly and that could not be further from the truth. They are a big product of their genetics- Mama Gem’s genes live strong in these pups – and we have worked and remaining working hard to guide plus develop this litter into the Best Dogs they can be.

As such, like any of our dogs, they will only be approved to the right matched personality fit forever loving homes. Period. We provide so much detail in their blogs about the homes we want for each of our dogs and we do not want to see our dogs set up for failure. We will not compromise on what we know is in their best interest.

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Oliver
DNA Proven to be GD/IW
February 15th, 2018
*Next professional Photo Shoot and THANKS again Liz*


Temperament is very much genetically oriented and we have to use the proper set up for success in environment to help these dogs reach their full potential. Therefore, I am always handing off our dogs – when they are ready – to right matched people to help the doggies. So many think all puppies are bouncey and naturally social and over the top friendly and that could not be further from the truth. They are a big product of their genetics- Mama Gem’s genes live strong in these pups – and we have worked and remaining working hard to guide plus develop this litter into the Best Dogs they can be.

As such, like any of our dogs, they will only be approved to the right matched personality fit forever loving homes. Period. We provide so much detail in their blogs about the homes we want for each of our dogs and we do not want to see our dogs set up for failure. We will not compromise on what we know is in their best interest.

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Juniper
DNA Proven to be GD/IW
February 15th, 2018
*Next professional Photo Shoot and THANKS again Liz*


Temperament is very much genetically oriented and we have to use the proper set up for success in environment to help these dogs reach their full potential. Therefore, I am always handing off our dogs – when they are ready – to right matched people to help the doggies. So many think all puppies are bouncey and naturally social and over the top friendly and that could not be further from the truth. They are a big product of their genetics- Mama Gem’s genes live strong in these pups – and we have worked and remaining working hard to guide plus develop this litter into the Best Dogs they can be.

As such, like any of our dogs, they will only be approved to the right matched personality fit forever loving homes. Period. We provide so much detail in their blogs about the homes we want for each of our dogs and we do not want to see our dogs set up for failure. We will not compromise on what we know is in their best interest.

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Poppy
DNA Proven to be GD/IW
February 15th, 2018
*Next professional Photo Shoot and THANKS again Liz*


Temperament is very much genetically oriented and we have to use the proper set up for success in environment to help these dogs reach their full potential. Therefore, I am always handing off our dogs – when they are ready – to right matched people to help the doggies. So many think all puppies are bouncey and naturally social and over the top friendly and that could not be further from the truth. They are a big product of their genetics- Mama Gem’s genes live strong in these pups – and we have worked and remaining working hard to guide plus develop this litter into the Best Dogs they can be.

As such, like any of our dogs, they will only be approved to the right matched personality fit forever loving homes. Period. We provide so much detail in their blogs about the homes we want for each of our dogs and we do not want to see our dogs set up for failure. We will not compromise on what we know is in their best interest.

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Everly
DNA Proven to be GD/IW
February 15th, 2018
*Next professional Photo Shoot and THANKS again Liz*


Temperament is very much genetically oriented and we have to use the proper set up for success in environment to help these dogs reach their full potential. Therefore, I am always handing off our dogs – when they are ready – to right matched people to help the doggies. So many think all puppies are bouncey and naturally social and over the top friendly and that could not be further from the truth. They are a big product of their genetics- Mama Gem’s genes live strong in these pups – and we have worked and remaining working hard to guide plus develop this litter into the Best Dogs they can be.

As such, like any of our dogs, they will only be approved to the right matched personality fit forever loving homes. Period. We provide so much detail in their blogs about the homes we want for each of our dogs and we do not want to see our dogs set up for failure. We will not compromise on what we know is in their best interest.


She has a ‘ham’ side….it comes out here and there and more and more and this is her face when I said no more treats for now! 

She was ‘working’ it for more treats! 

Posted in Gem

This stunning BBBBB rocked her own professional photo shoot today….. 

I use the word ‘proud’ often and I am! I am so beyond proud of the progress made by these once deeply broken and battered dogs.

For those who do not recognise this stunning girl, it is Mama GD Gem, once known only as D211. She is the mama to The Bakers Dozen. As Liz said today, it is so hard to believe that she carried 13 babies, she is so tiny. 

She went from an emaciated 99 pounds heavily pregnant to 84 pounds after giving birth and now is hanging around 110 pounds. Dainty in physical appearance yet strong in survival skills.

Mama Gem you ‘done good’ as it is said…though you were so emaciated – barely 99 pounds and heavily pregnant with 13 pups – you gave all you had to them and though you were never meant to be a Mama, to me, you are amazing.

The impact that this beautiful Dane has had on my heart and soul cannot be measured in words…..a mere baby herself to have lived the life she did prior to her Rescue, no dog should ever have experienced that kind of hell.

From being catatonic & terrified to trusting me and blossoming slowly like the most precious of flowers into what Liz saw today – cautious plus still worried around strangers yet bouncing and happy and so affectionate to me and open to displaying that love she is developing for life in front of Liz. 

While it has bothered some that so many ask about and want her pups – and to date only a mere handful have ever asked about Mama Gem – to me, I want BHRR’s Gem – wanted her since we were first asked to assist her – and she will remain safe in our Haven program for life….we will travel far together as there is so much that I want to slowly introduce her to and show her about the loving helping hands of the world….slowly take away the memories of the hurting hands that tortured and neglected and used her for their own greed.

BHRR’s Gem, your body, heart and soul may bear the scars of so many wounds of your past yet it is my life commitment to you to give you new memories and experiences, ones of so much joy, happiness and spoiling! I promise to keep you safe and cherish you forever. 

You shall never know another day of pain or sorrow….you shall never know another day without a soft bed to lay in, never know another day starving with a stomach empty of food, having a bruised and bleeding body, freezing and alone and being afraid of every sound and person…..the darkness shall not scare you any longer….

I adore you..accept you….understand you and am here for you…..

I love you and you are a gift….one day, may you know just how much of a gift you truly are. 

So today, BHRR’s GD Mama Gem had her own professional photo shoot and it was all about her and the princess she is and she deserved her own special time in front of Liz’s camera! 

She just shined!

Thank you Liz for your generous time and talent again today!

BHRR’s Gem, we founded BHRR for dogs like you and we are honoured to have you with us… 

Posted in Gem

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Murray
DNA Proven To Be GD/IW
February 15th, 2018 Professional Photo Shoot

*Sneak Peek* Photo!

Today, Liz sent me The Bakers Dozen’s latest professional pictures! Thanks so much Liz Bradleyfor everything that you do for so many! 

As things continue to unfold – and not as we would wish for BHRR’s Murray  – we shall update.

The scars on his face are from his continued battle since November 2nd, 2017 with Puppy Strangles.

Scars or not, he is one uber handsome boy, inside and out!



So, Andrea, Maíra & I are an all go on our end to try and make another miracle happen…..

We are going to try a YouCaring Fundraiser Page this time as the fees are ‘less’ than the GoFundMe page. BHRR used YouCaring for BHRR’s Angel Noelle many years ago…..

It is going to cost us $30/day JUST to board her and she has to board at a Vet Hospital. Andrea is not able to board her.

We are also asking people to please consider donating their Empties to her cause.

I am working on a flash auction item to help with costs and we have a lot of work ahead of us yet Team ‘Valentine’ is ready and we hope that she will have a village step up to help us help her too! 

Here is her YouCaring Page and we shall update as we can…..

More details to be posted as we go along re: her story…..

Mr. Squishie was at the Vet on Monday February 26th!

He is now 21.4kg(47.08 pounds) and will soon be 5 months of age. 

This is his face after the other dogs told him what ‘de-twinkling’ was.  

BHRR’s Booker is now healthy to be neutered(de-twinkled) and he is scheduled for March 14th. We will microchip at that time too. 

His pre-op bw was done on Monday night and all has come back normal! 

He is also scheduled for his professional photo shoot on March 9th! 

If all goes well, within the next month, he will be ready to make his own special announcement! 

This is one amazing special pup that has a huge hold on my heart and I know was also in his bff’s own heart….BHRR’s Carlsberg and vice versa… 

We know some things already yet all will be posted on his adoption availability announcement. 

Two examples:

1) He will not go to a home with children under the age of 8 or to homes planning/wanting children. Infants, toddlers and small children terrify him. 

They do not make him feel 100% comfortable, safe or relaxed. He is deeply stressed. 

2) With all of the rehab done on his back left leg, he will also not be approved to go to a home that is super active. That would ruin him.