This handsome BBBBB was at the Vet tonight for a recheck and to have his booster.

BHRR’s Capone!

He hanging around 170 pounds right now and with the wonderful much needed development of muscle tone/mass combined with the loss of fat, he is looking quite good.   Some more weight loss needed yet WTG Capone!

He was such a good boy at the Vet….he is always a good boy! Solid on the scale, calm and charming in the exam room and was a rock during his thorough exam.

Thumbs up on his heart and lungs and his coat is coming in so black and shiny! All of that old dull brown/auburn hair is disappearing with him being on a proper food regime and becoming healthier.

Now that he is fitter, leaner and stronger plus healthier, he is scheduled for x-rays of his hips and hocks this Friday June 2nd and while he is sedated a much better exam – all three of his Vet visits to date have not been easy as he is a Giant dog to effectively assess the drawer movement in his stifles nor adequately evaluate his hips – can be done re: also determining any possible cruciate concerns.

He is a gorgeous rescue boy and not conformed to proper GD standard and is so high in the back end, heavy on the forehand and he is extremely straight in his back legs lacking any rear angulatuion at all. With his conformation it is hard to tell by exam alone what is and may not be his ‘natural’ backyard bred make-up and it is what it is and what may or may not need or even be possible to have surgical intervention to improve his current conformation.

His Vet suspects it is his hocks that may be the ‘problem’ and there is nothing surgical that can be done for that.

All of this to say it is not that he does not have a current high standard of quality of health or life. What we always want to do is address everything necessary to ensure that a dogs quality of life is as it should be and anything that should and needs to be surgically addressed shall be.

We want to do these x-rays and planned for it since we first saw a video of him after we were approached & happily agreed to bring him into our rescue.

They will then be sent off for interpretation to one of our ortho specialists.

While he is under sedation on Friday, we will Microchip him and do his nails.

He is truly a magnificent boy!

BHRR’s Sambuca on a small stroll tonight. He really is thankful! He will have a recheck exam over the next 10 days and hoping for good news on that stubborn infection on the one side of his mouth.

AND BHRR’s Latte is now home!

What a sincere pleasure it has been to have this incredible dog in our program. Thank you Danya for reaching out to us for our assistance.

Elizabeth, thank you for coming with me in truly awful weather of freezing rain, fog, extreme poor visibility, terrible driving conditions, equally horrible truck drivers to pick this girl up. An ‘adventure’ it was….

In just over 5 weeks from having been placed up for adoption after being successfully rehabbed, BHRR’s Latte is now in her forever loving adoptive home.

Going to miss her….in so many ways. My Great Dane Salt & Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson are also going to miss their wonderful play pal.

My heart is truly happy for her. She went through so much prior to rescue and deserves the world! She is smart, beautiful, gentle, affectionate, loyal, social and also special. Her ears are amongst the softest I and many others have ever felt!

My heart twangs in so many ways for your amazing future and the chapters that shall be written in great memories plus experiences.

Congratulations to her truly wonderful approved adoptive home for going through the adoption application process and giving their heart to a rescue dog!

This is adoption #398 for BHRR and we can now help another in need of our programs….

BHRR’s ‘CHAIN OF SUCCESS’ in action and a warm welcome to our strong links family BHRR’s Latte’s *Dad*.

AND we are on our way!

To do the home-visit for BHRR’s Latte’s possible approved adoption!

We shall post an update as we can.

Yes, she has some dirt on her nose from ‘helping’ me garden this AM.

BHRR’s Sambuca on a small stroll tonight. He really is thankful! He will have a recheck exam over the next 10 days and hoping for good news on that stubborn infection on the one side of his mouth.

BHRR’s Giselle 

She is ready to make her special announcement! 

Making this post brings many lumps of strong emotion to my throat. The journey that this stunning fabu creature and I took together since the day she arrived in our care on September 7th, 2016 has been one of the biggest privileges of my life. 

That she even had to take this journey is awful but that she overcome all that she has to in order to blossom into this healthy, happy, uber affectionate, ham of a dog makes me full of such pride for her. She is a real character!

I met her rescue transport in Hawkesbury and as I knew she was in bad shape, I had an appointment already set up for her at KAH and rushed her right in. 

She was one swollen, bleeding, raw, pain filled, lacking almost all of her hair, with urine burns, severe eye/ear infections plus a UTI, had entropion, had sarcoptic mange and the list went on and on….she was a medical hot mess and had zero manners, communication or social skills and through it all, she was this strong independent female that had had only herself to rely on with zero clue that we were here to help her. 

Earning that trust from her was hard won and we had our share of stand-offs plus tough moments yet I ‘got it’. I understood where she was coming from and why and I needed to prove to her that I was worthy of her trust and she needed to learn that I was not there to hurt her….make her have all of these babies, that I was there to help make her healthy and whole and demsontrate to her that someone was listening while at the same time guiding plus directing her incredible spirit to flourish in the proper ways.

She put on much needed muscle mass/weight and the tone that she now possesss is wonderful. 

This girl has heart….in spades….

She needs a dog experienced home, not necessarily a Dane experienced home. 

We wish to have a home with either no children at all or no children under the age of 12. She deserves to be the ‘baby’ in the home after all of her own years being forced to have babies. 

When she trusts, her loyalty will make tears spring to your eyes she is that special with the giving of her heart and soul. 

She is quirky in that she does not see everyone as a friend and can be cautious/wary around some and that is fine. She does not have to love everyone. I know I do not and she exhibits wonderful self-control and just literally will walk away or better yet, ignore – has broken a few hearts of people wanting to love on her and she was completely indifferent to them  – from those she does not feel is worthy out there. She clearly has her reasons to be that way and her quirky twist is part of her make-up.

She is honest and with each Vet visit we went to – often twice a month yet at least once a month over the past 8 months – improvements were made in being able to handle her more easily for each visit saw her being in less pain and feeling stronger plus healthier and she understood more and more that she was not going to be hurt. Yes, we had to cause her some discomfort to treat her eyes and ears and skin and all of the other infections and sores on her etc. to heal her, yet she was never hurt. 

That first visit even trying to get her on to a scale….to now she walks right on and stands rock solid. Huge accomplishment. 

As her stunning coat came in(the back of her neck may always remain having some bald patches per her Vet due to all of the damage), so did she come into her own with proper directed confidence and manners – maybe still not 100% lady-like  yet pretty darn close! – and her social plus communication skills. 

All of that same set up for success recipe was followed – patience, time, consistency, obedience, structure, love and understanding…. 

She can go to a home as an only dog or a home that has a right matched personality fit dog. Most important is for her to have a strong network for her to have her own canine friends too.

She can go to a home that works ft, pt, works from home, is semi or fully retired. Another versatile dog!

Travels fantastic in a car too.

A NO cat home and a NO really small dog home is wanted for her as she is a quite interested plus focused on them. She lives in harmony with BHRR’s Steam in our home yet she has other canine friends to interact with, play with and be distracted by. 

A huge Gwennie Novel re: her as there is so much to say! She has a very detailed individual blog on our home website and to whomever her forever loving adoptive home shall turn out to be, you will be getting an exceptional dog. 

She has overcome SO much and for her to still be willing to trust and love and be so affectionate plus playful is a big testament to her and her breed! 

Love you with all that I am BHRR’s Giselle. Thank you for all of your gifts, lessons, the stand-offs, the laughs, the trust, the heart plus backbone that make you, so uniquely you! You have matured and blossomed into an outstanding girl. 

You did it! You refused to be broken prior to rescue and you refused to let your horrible past stop you…..

Testamoninal from BHRR’s Whispers OVERNIGHT date home & a picture: 

“Hi Gwen,

Its going well. The relaxing in that previous photo didn’t last too long. 🙂 Then she had supper, a poo and then we went for a walk.  She’s been exploring the house. And she’s been telling me a lot of stories. I don’t respond to her until she stops singing so as to not reinforce a negative habit. Once she’s calm, i have been petting her. She’s had a little trouble settling but seems to have now calmed down. Maybe that’s what the singing was about.”

AND then this update sent the next AM:

‘She had a good night. And we are having a good morning.

A very lovable goofball.’

I took some of BHRR’s Sambuca by the patio furniture at the ponds and the mosquitoes were positively brutal! He and I were out of there in a flash!

I will stick with either the lawn or pool patio furniture for photo taking & hanging out for no27w! LOL

HRR’s Capone is on a special picnic DAY Date himself today – #6 Date Auction in lieu of BHRR’s Raven. 
*NOT Yet Available For Adoption*

AND tomorrow the home-visit for BHRR’s Latte’s possible approved adoption shall be happening!

For those who actually have weekends, enjoy this one for me!! Wonderful busy times as always for us here! 

AND Auction Date #5 is now well under way!

BHRR’s Whisper is on her special overnight picnic Play Date! 
*Available For Adoption – Deaf/Visually Impaired & 100% Normal To Her & All Who Know Her*

She is licking her lips in anticipation as we drove in to drop her off! 

BHRR’s Capone, who is replacing BHRR’s Raven’s Date that was won in the auction is having a special picnic snack DAY date tomorrow.

On a side note, a shout out is being given to our Ottawa Senators Hockey Team! You should hold your heads up high. We are so proud of all of your accomplishments!

From a BHRR Approved Volunteer from her experience yesterday in helping to hold/love on BHRR’s Sambuca & BHRR’s Black Diamond while I got each dogs’ professional photo’s done.

“I’ve been thinking of her so much since yesterday… once again I am in utter awe (but not in the least bit surprised) at the change in BHRR’s Black Diamond since coming into your care. You have let her see past the fear and become being the best dog she can be. From the photos of her at the beginning, to seeing her yesterday.. I would not think it was the same dog.. to go from not being able to be touched to leaning on a total stranger and getting pets, and bouncing through the grass in an unfamiliar place… you amaze me Gwen and I am eternally so grateful for the chances you give these dogs at a life of true happiness. <3”

2 Tickets to our creative, unique and one of a kind annual ‘Dine with the BHRR Doggies’ Event

Date: Saturday September 23rd, 2017
Time: 5:30 onward 
Location: BHRR

We had someone recently contact us who bought their tickets last October for 2017’s Event that now can no longer attend.

This is always a SOLD OUT Event and we only sell a limited number of tickets to maximise the personal blast of a time awesome experience for our guests! We have many of our attendees that come back year after year to what is truly a big signature special BHRR Fundraiser. 

To learn more about our annual ‘Dine with the BHRR Doggies’ Fundraiser, please visit the link and if you would like to purchase these 2 tickets $85/pair, please do email

BHRR’s Sambuca is excited for whomever purchases these tickets and gets to visit plus dine where he and so many other deserving dogs have had their rehabilitation & call ‘Home’.

100% of the money raised to the animals’ in need of our specialised programs.

BHRR’s Latte(Neo) is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

Home-visit is scheduled for Sunday May 28th.

This is the home that had three possible right match fits and after visiting the home when BHRR’s Rubble was dropped off for his special overnight picnic play date, their place is sadly small to properly accommodate his size/happy tail….and, the space would equally be small for BHRR’s Salem.

This home fell in love with BHRR’s Latte when they met her at an event April 22nd – what is not to love! – and then fell in love when they had their overnight date with BHRR’s Rubble last Friday – again what is not to love! – and had originally fallen in love with BHRR’s Salem from the moment they found her detailed blog – truly, what is not to love?!!

Yet, for the space of their lovely cozy apt. plus yard and that BHRR’s Latte does not have any happy tail concerns – she is docked – at this time, she appears to be the best of the three for a possible right match fit and we shall update as we can.

Some more pictures of this ever so handsome dude!

BBBBB’s Capone!
NOT YET Available For Adoption!

He has settled in so beautifully!

Thank you again to his emerge temp foster home for loving on him for three weeks until we we could get him here.  I picked him up May 18th from Christine, Gavin & Murphy. Forever grateful to them for taking such great care of him.

He shall be having his next recheck plus booster apt. on May 30th. We will be re-assessing his hips plus cruciates and getting a re-weigh on him as he has been on a weight loss program. We have been working on building up his muscle mass/tone also. Last weight was just over 171 pounds, which is wonderfully down from the 178+ pounds he arrived at.

Isn’t he so handsome?!!

BHRR’s Sambuca hopes everyone has had a wonderful, safe, happy plus healthy holiday long weekend!

The Boerskins took yesterday plus today to spend some much needed, rare plus highly coveted family time together and getting a lot of spring stuff done on the property. Tomorrow all of us are back at this crazy thing called beyond busy life again! 

BHRR’s Sambuca is enjoying freshly washed sheets and what is his fav dog blanket! 

He is now sporting the collar that was donated by his Transport Angels of Alex & Karen and tomorrow he has his professional photo shoot along with BHRR’s Black Diamond. She is then off to her temp foster home until July 3rd and we will re-evaluate her progress at that time. She is ready for this next step in her rehab journey and we are excited for her to have this adventure in the hands of another. It will be an adjustment for her to start yet in order for us to help these dogs be the best they can be, we need them to also be handled and loved by others to assist in helping them be as well rounded plus balanced as possible. 

BHRR’s Sambuca remains on his Antirobe meds battling that infection on the one side of his mouth yet he is doing so well overall. The rainy weather is causing his arthritis to be more active yet when it was sunny, my Salt – adore that dog….he does so much to help the other dogs – and he were running and playing in the 3+ fenced in acreage.

Quality of life always….. 

Good night from our home to all of our friends, family & supporters!

Some words sent our way from BHRR’s Latte’s special picnic snack DAY Date on May 16th:


Thank you so much for allowing me to spend the day with the amazing Latte. I had a great day. When she looked at me my heart melted. Know that if things were different, you would be reading my adoption application now instead of this email.

Whomever gets the privilege of bringing her into their family will be getting a solid loving addition. 

Latte took a little piece of my heart with her when she left.

Thank you again!


AND Date Auction #2 has now ended and there are two very happy Date partners!

Thank you again Sandra for giving BHRR’s Latte this special day and for the treats, collar, leash and all of the love plus positive experiences you bestowed upon her.

On a side note, BHRR’s Latte is one of three dogs being considered as a possible right match personality fit for an application we are currently reviewing – BHRR’s Salem & BHRR’s Rubble are the other two. We would be so happy for any one of them should this applicant home be meant for them…..

In the meantime, our ongoing play date & play visitation program plus our unique one of a kind annual date auction, continues to give the BHRR dogs more and more positive experiences with helping hands plus love.

Thank you Sandra so much for we want to keep helping the dogs become as well rounded and balanced as possible and live up to their full potential. BHRR’s Latte is a great dog, perfect in all of her imperfections!



Auction Picnic Date #2 is today!

BHRR’s Latte has now been dropped off for her special DAY picnic snack date!
*She remains Available For Adoption.*

She did great with her drop-off and no ‘Mama Gwennieitis’! She has even already thoroughly drooled on a person!

Thank you again to this home for giving her this special time of caring hands and it sounds like she is going to have a great day….lots of grass to roll in, some wonderful trail walking and treats plus lots of loving! What a great weather day to be had too.

We have 23 dates plus two Private BHRR ‘EXPERIENCES’ for 2017 and later this week we have three more dates and one of the Private BHRR ‘EXPERIENCES’ scheduled!

Busy times yet ever so much fun these dates are!

AND both of the new Dane additions heading to BHRR are on their way. Both of the these Danes are medical and cannot wait to meet them.

This is the ~9 year female Merle Mantle, who has an infection from a C-Section. Thank you to Alison for the picture.

May everyone have a safe drive.

Gracie found a couple of great spots to scratch/massage on BHRR’s Sambuca while we were at Pet Valu Hazeldean yesterday. 

He loves the area under his chin to be softly caressed.


BHRR’s Sambuca says ‘Come closer…..he has something to say!’
*Yes, he has dried canned food on his face.

He wants to thank Marg and her lovely staff at Pet Valu Hazeldean for their hospitality and gracious hosting of us every May & November! This was our last community education/public awareness event until November.

BHRR’s Sambuca wants to thank all of our visitors that came out for dog washes and their understanding for the dog wash stations were closed, in need of repairs. Thank you to those that so sweetly plus generously made a donation anyway!

Thank you to Gracie, Margaret, Kinsley & Sean for being on hand today to help out! Gracie, you made a great masseuse for BHRR’s Sambuca and throughout the day, while he still watched for me when I had to leave for nails and/or ears, he became more content to lay with you.  Always great plus important to get the dogs into the hands of others as we go through their rehab journeys!

Thank you to all the visitors that came out to see us….well, mostly to see BHRR’s Sambuca!  He brought smiles to the faces of many and also his share of tears to others as they wanted to meet the dog that pulled so many together, so fast and with such strength in the belief that he deserved to have the best quality filled life as any other dog out there, despite being 10 years of age.  Age is but a number and he made people believe in him in his own special way!! He is so gentle and precious.

We feel incredibly blessed to have the village we do and $269.05 was raised today!

That money shall be used towards the two medical Danes arriving tomorrow:

1) Approximately 9 year old female Merle Mantle with a C-Section Infection
2) Approximately 3/4 year old male Blue with a back right hip issue
* Both were believed to be surrendered from the same home

Once I know more re: them, I shall post.

Thank you so much to all for making today so lovely and from our home to our friends, family & supporters Good Night!

Plus Go Sens Go!

AND we are at Pet Valu Hazeldean today to 4 pm!!

BHRR’s Sambuca is also hanging out with us!!

BHRR’s Sambuca says ‘While at the Vet Office, it is all about the animals being comfortable as they wait!’

I think KAH needs a bigger bench seat though….

He had his recheck from his May 4th, 22 teeth removal and sadly, as I thought…he is still battling an infection on the one side of his mouth.  So many teeth needing to be removed, makes him have a lot of ‘pockets’ trying to heal and food plus hair are getting stuck. Not all the holes could be sutured…..

AND as his mouth was truly horrible to begin with, not surprising in a way to know he is still fighting off infection.

His weight was down another 5 pounds.  He is now 61.1 kgs. We will try and get him to eat even more canned food. We cannot move as mentioned in another post to kibble or even softened kibble for him at this time for a number of reasons.

So, as he is battling infection, he is going to continue on the antirobe and when I went to pick up the called in prescription, it was not there. I had been told by the Hospital that the pharmacy had some and the rest would be ordered. Then, I was told when I arrived that it was on back order and they would have to call around and find more for him. The Vet wants him on for another 14 days.

So, tomorrow I will go back to the pharmacy.

We microchipped him tonight and he had a thorough cleaning of both ears. Just waxy debris.

As his system is not healthy as of yet, no vaccines for him. We will have him back in 2 weeks time for another recheck and go from there.

He is scheduled for his professional photo shoot for May 23rd and I will just hold on to the photo’s for when he is ready to make that special announcement.

Temperature, heart and lungs all normal and his remaining teeth were admired by many as they are so clean and nice looking now after his long dental.

He is such a love……

BHRR’s Capone! You lovable goof that you are!

Thank you to his truly lovely temp foster home in taking such great care of him!

His last weight when I brought him to the Vet was down to 77.7 kgs from the 80.1 kgs that I first had him weighed at when he arrived….so all steps in the right direction on him losing some much needed weight. He is now 170.94 pounds.

See you again soon you big lug of love!!

AND some words from his approved temp foster home:

“He is a hoot. Someone is going to be really lucky to adopt this big goof

This is the second of the medical case Great Danes heading our way tomorrow.

She is ~9 years old and has an infection from having had a c-section…..

She shall be coming directly into my home as we continue to network to find a BHRR approved temp foster for her 3 year old male companion that I posted about earlier.

If any of our approved BHRR homes can assist with that emerge temp foster request, please do email

Two more pictures taken at KAH!

I know! Lots of posts flying today!!

This is my last post of my night and what a great post to end a magnificent sunny spring day….the last we are to see again for some time with yet more rain heading our way.

Many may remember the photo of a terrified Great Dane, that I posted March 9th. A picture of a Dane completely overcome with fear….here are some of the words from that post….words sent our way when we were asked to help her. They could not even get a leash on her.

‘This stunning girl is absolutely and extremely terrified plus severely anxious….to the point that she cannot be properly handled, she cannot be examined and is very defensive plus protective of her space. The Dane is so fearful to the point of being assessed by the shelter as being aggressive.’

We were asked to assist her as it is our mandate to be here for dogs like her. We focus on behaviours such as this and I am going to quote what Steve Frost, an Animal Enrichment & Behaviour Manager in Chicago stated best. For, he sums up well what we knew BHRR’s Black Diamond was demonstrating, she was being reactive.

You see, many people will label a dog as aggressive when in fact, they are actually ‘reactive’. There is a difference.

Bear with me….as this is a Gwennie Novel!

Per Steve, ‘A dog displaying reactive behaviours isn’t giving us a hard time; he’s letting us know he’s having a hard time.’

He goes on to add that he ’empathises that the goal is not to stigmatise, label or oversimplify. In the average animal shelter, in fact, reactive signs are on display almost daily.’

Many dogs are under extreme stress in shelters and it can cause them to ‘cross over’ from acceptable to unacceptable behaviours aka thresholds.

So, all of this to say that, we ‘understood’ BHRR’s Black Diamond and we needed to make sure we provided a stable, safe, consistent, positive, structured environment; one that included so much time, patience and obedience also.

Fast forward to exactly 8 weeks later – she arrived to BHRR March 12th – to tonight at Kanata Animal Hospital and look at her now?!

She has become a true goober at our home….she plays and she asks for affection, she leans on you, sits on you, more than once she has put her front legs on my shoulders to look me in the eye….yup, she will look into our eyes now and I have to say ‘off my shoulders!’ LOL

She grinds her head into you, she is so excited every morning when I say ‘Good Morning’ to her for she is ready to take on the day and what adventures that day shall bring!

Does she still have a long way to go….yes, in some ways she does and she shall always be a product of her genetics plus past and our roles are to help her become the best dog she can be and man, she is fabu!

Was she nervous getting into the car tonight, yes. We also had BHRR’s Sambuca so that made her more comfortable. I asked Sean to come with me so she had two humans and BHRR’s Sambuca – a truly solid dog, surrounding her with support to set her up for success.

She was weighed – 37.8 kgs – 83.16 pounds. She will never be a ‘Giant Dane’ in size but she is Giant in heart plus personality! When she is done maturing and eats even better, she ‘may’ make 90-95 pounds yet any more than that and she would be fat.

To those with Danes 120 pounds, that is not small…..and it is never about the actual number, it is about their health and what is the ideal for them.

BHRR’s Black Diamond did SO well at KAH. We did her bloodwork for Heartworm plus Tickborne diseases. We microchipped her. She had her heart, lungs, eyes, ears looked at and a thumbs up given! She had her vaccines and took treats from both the Vet and other Staff.

She even voluntarily went up to one of the staff and accepted some pats.

Huge huge huge progress made!!

Leashes still scare her and so, we will keep working on that.

This is such a wonderful BBBBB and her Vet found her to be lean, smart, loved her coat and in great health. She said she was a pretty little thing and quite nice.

BHRR’s Black Diamond, our journey together is going to take a different path shortly……for soon you shall go to another for almost 6 weeks to be temp fostered plus to help us bring you to the next stage of your rehab journey! From there we will re-evaluate and go forward….

Proud of you….love you! You are one of the bravest dogs ever and we knew you were not a wallflower for you had to have had backbone somewhere in you to have not given up.

You came back to the land of the living….you gave humans another chance to do right by you as you were failed in your past….you trusted again….and our promise remains to you that we will not see you failed….we will see you flourish and blossom and become the best dog you can be and we know that you are already one incredible girl!

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters and on behalf of BHRR’s Diamond, Good- Night!

ISO: A BHRR Approved Emerge Temp Foster
*Note: if you are an approved adoptive home, you are already an approved temp foster if your circumstances allows for it.
Location: Ottawa & Immediate Surrounding Area

Male, ~3,
*Neutered, was living with cats, dogs & kids and was good. He is listed as being calm, affectionate and does drool!
*He has a back right hip issue plus some happy tail that we will ensure our Vet Team addresses*

We have a request to help two medical case Great Danes(believed to come from the same home.

Just seeking an approved BHRR foster home for 2-4 weeks until we have at least one of our possible pending adoptions finalized.

We have been working behind the scenes on this request over the past 24-48 hours and we have a temp foster lined up for BHRR’s Black Diamond (yup! She is ready!  so that I can bring direct into my home what appears to be the more urgent of the two Danes. She is a ~9 year old female that has had a recent c-section – yup puppies at age 9….and it is infected.

The transport is being lined up for tomorrow so time is of the absolute essence.

If any one of our approved BHRR temp foster homes can assist in taking in this lovely boy for 2-4 weeks, I would be so grateful.

We provide all the food, beds, bowls, leashes, collars etc. and support! Plus pay for all of the dogs’ vetting.

Please do not post here, please do email


From BHRR’s Abby’s special picnic play date human:

“I just wanted to say a big thank you for organizing my date with Abby today, for driving her and preparing the delicious picnic. It’s always been my dream to have a Great Dane and we had a great time together today! She’s such a sweet dog.”



AND the special picnic play dates have officially begun!

We have a total of 23 dates (DAY and OVERNIGHT) plus 2 Private BHRR ‘EXPERIENCES’ in 2017!

7 Dates & 1 PRIVATE ‘EXPERIENCE’ have been booked for May so far! Going to be a busy summer!

First up is BHRR’s Abby! She has a DAY date today and she helped me make this special picnic snack! Well…..ok…..she supervised!

Next up shall be BHRR’s Latte’s own DAY date on May 16th.

Someone is now home from her eye/spay surgeries and all tucked in!

BHRR’s Giselle has her ‘new’ eyes and is spayed – for sure!

Her poor eyes are naturally swollen and she is now resting after receiving more pain meds.

My heart sure is uber mushy when it comes to this beauty….we have travelled far together since September and moving into this next stage of her journey brings me both excitement and some melancholy feelings…..yet so much happiness too for her wonderful future special announcement.

From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, Good-Night!


UPDATE: She is now out of surgery!! Everything went great and both her eyes were fixed from what we have wanted for her for many many many months & she is now properly spayed!

I will pick her up later tonight and in a few weeks, stay tuned for her special announcement!

AND BHRR’s Giselle is now dropped off at Liston Animal Hospital for her entropion surgery on her eyes plus spay…..

This gorgeous girl and I have made at least one journey to the Vets per month since she first arrived in our care back in September, this month is two visits already and it is like tradition for me to get a car face pic of her now!

She weighed 120.12 pounds which is different than her weight from KAH last Friday and she was solid on the scale….yet, she looks great so that is what matters most!

Will post an update when we hear something…

This girl is extremely dear to my heart….she has made an incredible rehab journey physically, emotionally, behaviourally and with her obedience plus manners….she has a big piece of my heart and love her quirkiness!

I am deeply proud of her. She has overcome so much and her best play buddy is BHRR’s Black Diamond. They play for hours and her best buddy watching over her is our Skor. When BHRR’s Giselle sleeps, Skor can always been seen laying right by her side watching over her…..very interesting dynamics.


Guess who?!

BHRR’s Sambuca!

Age is but a number and he runs and bounces plus is happy and getting healthier every day! He is slightly older than my own soon to be 10 year old Dane, Bronson and both are so active and full of life.

I can only hope that when I am his age that I am just like him!

Yes, he has some arthritis, yes, he has old age neuro issues in his hind end, especially on the left back leg yet, WOW! Not much is holding him back with the muscle mass and tone he is now building up.

As he feels better too, he is stronger and able to do longer walks and is incredibly playful with me….the affection he shows me is WOW!

He makes my heart sing and my soul ring with so many smiles!

We are still in urgent need of canned wet food for him – Merrick & FROMM are two types he is currently eating. He eats 24 cans a day as he heals from his May 4th surgery of having 22 teeth removed.

That horrible mass that was removed April 13th is like it never happened and he can now poop without any issues! No more discomfort or hindrance.

Comfort Angels THANK you again for standing by him and believing in our efforts at BHRR as we think dogs like him in need are so worthy!

He really is a slice of heaven….the way he looks at me, I feel that he can see deep inside me and is privy to all of my deepest feelings…..humbling and makes one feel vulnerable yet also strong for I am being gifted with a precious gift that is him!

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, good-night and GO SENS GO!

*Paypal did take $11.90 in fees*

BHRR’s Sambuca’s Comfort Angels:
Alex & Karen – Collar, 2 Costco Dog Beds & Towels + Donation Direct to KAH
Jan B.
Lucie -*PayPal took $11.90 in fees
Cindy + A Donation to help buy Canned Dog Food
Mrs. Milne
Karen M.
Margaret G.
Unique Custom Design Boutique
Judy J. + Donation of 18 Cans of Dog Food
Pam S. 
Kim T.
Angela S.
Gail H.
Micheline M. of Ottawa Help Fur Kids
Gwen B.
Anni Y.

BHRR’s Sambuca wishes all a good-night and is thinking of everyone affected by the flooding….we are also watching our two spring fed ponds closely over here…

Tomorrow after a session at CHEO with our daughter, I will be back out again myself to help with whatever needs to be done to help those affected by the floods…..

We must stand together, united in this time of need of others…..

SHOUT out of thanks being sent to Pet Valu Stittsville for the food donations AND also to Cindy who bought a bag of food plus donated funds that allowed me to buy 60 cans of wet for BHRR’s Sambuca today!

He goes through 24 cans each day and this gives us 2.5 more days of canned food for him!

So grateful!!

He is healing slowly from the removal of 22 of his teeth….yet, already a difference noted in him. He is eating much better, and is even looking for food now….

He has a long way to go before we can offer him up softened kibble mixed with wet yet I remain incredibly humbled plus touched by all of his Comfort Angels that made his two urgent surgeries possible…..thank you….so thankful.

I cannot wait for him to be healthy enough to thank people in person also….

If anyone would like to contribute to his cause, he has Vet Bills still outstanding at both Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 and Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966

OR Email Transfer to

OR PayPal to

OR cans of high quality wet canned food would be so appreciated for him!

BHRR’s Giselle had her boosters tonight and another recheck. She weighed 117.92 pounds. Looking really good!

Her Vet, who has been seeing her from the day she arrived right off the transport once again said that the area on the back of her neck may well stay bald due to all the damage that had been done in the past. Her skin is healthy and pink in that area and she got a BIG thumbs up at her Vet visit.

Her Vet remarked again about what a long rehab journey BHRR’s Giselle has been on and what an incredible physical plus emotional and obedient transformation for her over the past shy of 8 months.

BHRR’s Giselle is scheduled for her entropion plus ovarian remnant spay surgeries next week and in about two weeks after that she may well have her own special announcement to make!

She is such a character….quirky and a huge ham to all she knows and trusts!


AND he is now resting more comfortably….yes, that is fresh blood smeared on his leg from his mouth. I will clean him up tomorrow….he has had enough done to him today…..

AND after a long day Sean is now home with BHRR’s Sambuca!

He was out of surgery around noon yet his Vet wished to keep him longer for like his surgery on April 13th for his huge mass/neuter, he took a long time to recover.

I am not one for exaggerating and when I said his mouth was bad, it really was atrocious ….adult dogs have 42 teeth…..BHRR’s Sambuca had to have 22 removed!

Just over 50% of his teeth had to come out. To me, to have a dog left in such pain with all of that pus and infection for as long as he had prior to coming into rescue, is truly awful.

My heart breaks for how much agony he was living in for so long.

22 horrible teeth had to be removed, not all of the holes could be stitched and just as with his mass removal, he bled profusely. His remaining teeth were then cleaned up.

This poor dog to have lived this way……

Yet, I keep looking forward. He is now home, and each day going forward will be better and better.

Sean has a copy of his bill and we owe a remainder of $209.80 more on his bills at Liston Animal Hospital.

AND we still owe $697.39 at Kanata Animal Hospital from his urgent/emergency mass removal plus neuter.

Donations can be made direct to either Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966

OR Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848

OR via email transfer to

OR via PayPal to

AND we need many many many cans of high quality wet food for him too!

This photo is of him all tucked in…..yup on a couch and the Gwennie ‘no couch’ rule is being overlooked for now….after having a small drink of water.

As soon as he saw me when Sean arrived home….I was out the door in a flash and BHRR’s Sambuca was out of the truck, all wobbly bobbly but pulling Sean and making it clear he was coming with me.

Simone, your handmade special made with love blanket has him all nice plus cozy! ?There is so much heart and healing power in your blanket….from Sean’s rare Cancer surgery for his retro peritoneal liposarcoma to my acute pancreatitis and then resulting surgery to helping Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson through his eye enucleation and now dear sweet 10 year old Sambuca.

Love this dog… everything about him and as happy/healthy as he was becoming here, he is going to be even more happier now and healthier plus stronger and may he have years experiencing the true joys plus pleasures that life holds!

A diagram of the teeth BHRR’s Sambuca had removed.

From our home to all of our friends and family plus supporters THANK You….good night, sleep well and GO Sens Go!


BHRR’s Sambuca is now dropped off at Liston Animal Hospital! He weighed 64.5 kgs this AM.

We were able to put down a most touching total of $775 as a good faith surgery deposit thanks to his positively outstanding and supportive Comfort Angel Network. $100 was already wonderfully anonymously on his account at Liston Animal Hospital and others in his fabu village came together to see another $675 donated! Picture is of the grand total of $775 on his account at Liston Animal Hospital.

Once we have his final bill post surgery, we will post that too.

I am heading back out later to purchase more wet canned food for him. He is going through 24 cans a day all by himself! Hopefully, once his mouth heals, he can eat more kibble – he is eating about a cup a day total right now mixed into the canned….when we did his bloodwork upon arrival into rescue, whatever canned he was eating prior to coming into BHRR had his chloesterol levels super high. 🙁

If anyone else would consider his cause, you can donate direct to Liston Animal Hospital – Rebecca would be so happy to assist you – 613-591-0966

OR you can donate via email transfer to

OR you can donate via PayPal (friends & family option) to

Please keep him in your well wishes….he was confused & a bit worried when I dropped him off this AM yet I know he is in excellent hands!

Will post pics of his new mouth post op when I can snag some! I also asked if his nails could be trimmed as I last did them April 13th when he had his first urgent emergency surgery for that mass removal plus neither.

A photo from our drive in! He is such a good boy….handsome too!

Going to be a long day……

BHRR’s Sambuca thanks all of our Comfort Angel helping his cause.

****$125 Still Needed****
BHRR’s Sambuca UPDATE!

Here is a photo of this handsome gent soaking up the sun/fresh air the day after his urgent/emergency mass removal surgery on April 13th. It took until the 14th before I could get his temp back up into the normal range….the glorious sunshine greatly assisted with that!

He had not been outside to enjoy the sunshine from what I have been told in many months prior to his rescue.

We then waited patiently for his histiopathology report to come in from the sample part of the mass that submitted.

On April 19th, his Vet called to pass along the ever so relieving news that this is a Benign Perianal Adenoma!!! Full report in thread…..

So this meant that we could then move on that awful smelling mouth/black teeth for him! Yay! Yes! Yes!!

So on Tuesday April 25th, we were off to Liston Animal Hospital to get a professional opinion on BHRR’s Sambuca’s mouth. We went in prepared to hear ‘no, sorry nothing can be done’ or that the Vet was not comfortable instead we were asked what were our expectations ‘if’ a surgery was done.

I said what I have always said….I want to give BHRR’s Sambuca the best quality filled life possible and that he has to be in terrible pain right now. Will re-post a pic of his left side of his mouth below. I said I did not have any expectations, only hope that we can do better for BHRR’s Sambuca than what he has been given to date in life and that if he needed extractions, a detailed cleaning and that if only a partial treatment could be done for him that would improve his life, then that is what I wish. I said I defer to the experts, the Vets and if no one was comfortable proceeding, we understood and would proceed accordingly.

The Vet took a good look at his mouth and if it were even possible, his right side is even worse than his left. 🙁 His Vet said that he has a ton of pus, several obviously loose teeth and they would have to get tons of tartar off first before really seeing what else needs to be done.

I felt the tears choking the back of my throat as I asked, ‘so, you think you can do something to help him?’ and the Vet replied yes, and until they get in there, not sure how many teeth needed to come out etc. I was told it was a ‘hot mess’ yet BHRR’s Sambuca can have significant relief from pain and improvement in quality of life with this big dental procedure.

We are now scheduled for surgery for Thursday May 4th as we needed to give him time to recover from his mass removal – a whole new back end without that terrible painful mass now gone and he can poop without trouble now! – and also heal from his neuter.

I also asked if the Vet could check out his hind end, especially on the left as he knuckles over and it stays that way for an extended period of time. It is old age neuro issues setting in and his right back leg responds well went bent under yet his left leg takes some time to respond. The joys of getting older…

He bounces and jumps playful around me and yes, as he has developed more muscle tone and mass, he can run….he has chosen me as his human/person and the happiness he expresses when he sees me, makes my heart flutter!

Vet Bills UPDATE:
Remaining owed at Kanata Animal Hospital: $697.39

Not sure how much his Bills shall be at Liston Animal Hospital yet we are trying to pull together a $500 surgery deposit for him. Dentals are not cheap….especially what he needs.

We know….we have no right to ask for a helping hand as no dog is more deserving than another out there yet, I know I need to ask for at the age of 10, his past humans failed him. I have made him a promise that we shall not fail him.

Already in his time with us, he is happier, healthier, stronger and he has so much to give in love plus heart…..

Who wanted a 10 year old Dane…..well, BHRR did….he is an incredible dog…he is no more deserving than any other dog in need….yet, as a dog in need himself, we would be grateful for even a $5 consideration….

Donations can be made direct to:
Liston Animal Hospital – 613-591-0966 and he has an account there under ‘Sambuca’


Via PayPal to


Via Email Transfer to

Sorry for the Gwennie Novel…my time has not been my own this past 10 days.

Thank you to ALL of his Comfort Angels to date that helped make his first urgent/emergency surgery happen & for helping us to make his second surgery possible!

*Paypal did take $11.90 in fees*

BHRR’s Sambuca’s Comfort Angels:
Alex & Karen – Collar, 2 Costco Dog Beds & Towels + Donation Direct to KAH
Jan B.
Lucie -*PayPal took $11.90 in fees
Cindy + A Donation to help buy Canned Dog Food
Mrs. Milne
Karen M.
Margaret G.
Unique Custom Design Boutique
Judy J. + Donation of 18 Cans of Dog Food
Pam S. 
Kim T.
Angela S.
Gail H.
Micheline M. of Ottawa Help Fur Kids
Gwen B.

This handsome man was back at the Vet today, this time for diarrhea. BHRR’s Capone.

Thank you to Kanata Animal Hospital in being so accommodating in getting us in! Thank you to Sean for coming with me to take him in and his amazing Vet agrees that it is him settling in plus the normal stress that comes with that….causing his diarrhea.

Always so better to be safe than sorry, so he was seen by KAH and he is now on metronidazole 5 tablets twice daily for ten days, Forti Flora and put on a bland diet to help make his gut feel better. His poor rump is so red from the diarrhea.

His temp was high normal and so important for him to keep drinking.

He weighed 77.7 Kgs today.

Always a big love and hit at Kanata Animal Hospital. I enjoyed seeing him again as I have not seen him since I dropped him off at his temp foster home last Thursday – April 27th, after having him thoroughly vetted at KAH.

Thanks to his wonderful temp foster for keeping me posted on him and doing her very best by him! He just has your ‘number’ and does not want to go in your car!

She takes him on several ten minute walks per day and he loves them….squirrels too! He is building up muscle tone and mass and endurance plus losing some of that much needed weight! The obese dog that once could only walk two minutes is up to several ten minute walks daily! Yay!!

This picture is of him from his previous home prior to coming into rescue.

His histiopathology report from his first urgent/emergency surgery to remove that large mass.