BHRR’s Kricket went home with her new forever loving family today!

What a beautiful experience to have been part off. Wonderful family, wonderful dog and BHRR’s Kricket is going to have a wonderful life!!!

Another one of our BBBBB’s is now ‘home’! YAY!

I know all are waiting patiently for the grand total from last night’s Annual Fundraiser at BHRR!

So are we! We are still waiting payment from several re: their auction times. Normally, we only take check or cash yet, we allowed Interac also last night and as soon as all send in their monies, we can announce the final total! So, please do pay promptly if you have not already.

Another amazing night at BHRR with both old and new friends!!

For those asking already for when the 2016 ticket sales shall come available, that is tomorrow!! We shall make a post announcing the sales! This is always a SOLD out event and we feel deeply blessed by the popularity and the support of our one of a kind event!!

In the meantime, BHRR’s purse puppy Coach(Blind and has a heart condition that does not as of yet require meds and may never) had his own special picnic date today and auntie Mary spoiled him rotten! A new harness, a new dog bed just his size, a toy, dino bone and treats!! Not to mention the walks, meeting people at her hotel and the special loving he got!!

He remains AVAILABLE for adoption and impressed everyone he met with how happy, and well behaved he is. Well, we already knew that!!!

BHRR’s Ethel has her own special picnic date is on Thursday!



I received an email yesterday that stated that one partner was not yet ready to add a new dog to the home. Our application even has a question that asks if all members of the home are in agreement in adding a new addition to the home.

We can only hope that BHRR’s Salem has not missed out on her right matched home being under a PENDING adoption on this home.

NOTICE: BHRR shall be closed from today to Wednesday September 23rd, inclusive. Our facebook page shall also be unpublished during that time for thanks to an incredible angel dream team network of our solid top notch beautiful strong village and community, we are making a dream come true for an extremely special young lady.

Any adoption applications that come in during this time shall be processed in the order they arrive upon the re-opening of BHRR.

ONLY urgent requests for assistance shall be replied to as we are here 24/7 to help the Danes and other Giants in need! All non urgent matters will be addressed upon the re-opening of BHRR.

Requests can be emailed to or or text to 613-725-4279 or calls can be made to the same number.

For any offers of items for our September 26th Annual Dine With THE BHRR DOGGIES Event, – looking for brochures, pens, pencils, key chains, promo materials for 40 Loot bags – AND more auction items, please do email We would be beyond grateful for any consideration to our cause.

We are a small group and host very few planned fundraisers a year and would embrace any gift certificates or other items for human, animal – cat, dog, horse, bird etc. – with such sincere gratitude plus appreciation. Thank you from our hearts in advance!

We are also going to stop our unique 2016 BHRR calendar sales at this time. If you have not yet ordered yours, we shall see if we have any left when we re-open to be purchased.

I leave all with this great photo of BHRR’s Salem below from her special picnic play date with the Maracle family! Thank you for the photo!


BHRR’s Griffin has his own special announcement to make!
Breeds Unknown – a x between what breeds – Bouv? Giant Sch.? Catahoula? Dane? No matter, he is 100% gorgeous, a unique one of a kind boy and he did it!

He is about 80-85 pounds now and still filling out. He is about 9+ months of age now.

While he is NOT going to be a giant, he is giant at heart and in personality!

His biggest thing is still that negative seeking attention behaviour barking. Not as often now and he shall need a very experienced home that shall continue to be that balanced leader he needs. Positive yet firm, lots of structure, obedience and consistency with a healthy dosing of love!

One has to passively ignore the behaviour and yet, as soon as someone gives him a treat to ‘shut him up; it only encourages the behaviour more.

He has a bit of stranger danger and, same thing, appropriate displays of behaviour is rewarded ONLY. He almost enjoys barking at times to see the reaction he gets.

He is also a BIG bed hog, fabu cuddler and snuggler and to all those in his circle of set-up of success, he is silly, goofy, a ham and he would be the class clown at school….and, the one that would be always found in detention! LOL

I love him in all of his honesty and manipulative charm and he is so darn handsome that my heart just thumps with adoration for him!

He truly has tested me from day one and as I said before it is dogs like him that make me a better trainer, behavioural expert, owner and rescuer….

To us at home, he is a walk in the park now as he knows and respects(I respect him also!) the rules and boundaries.

You cannot get in his face, that will worry and stress him and, that has also been an issue as people want to just squeeze his cheeks and love on those cute whiskers on his face!

AND, his eyes… could drown in them…as I tell people often ‘DO not LOOK into the eyes!’ LOL

He can go to a home that works ft, pt, from home, semi-retired, retired and he can be an only dog yet, my heart would love to see him in a home with another right matched personality fit dog as he so enjoys their company and playing and they are good for him if they are well balanced plus sound as it continues to build upon the strong foundation he is getting here.

He is crate trained yet has proven 100% trustworthy in our home – loves the master bedroom unsupervised.

He would excel in obedience, agility and truly needs a ‘job’. He is intelligent and has a michievious streak! Love love love this boy!

WTG ‘Baby’ Griffin’…*sniff* you are growing up!

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BHRR’s Salem has a special announcement to make…..
She says that she is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION! 

The home submitted their application prior to leaving for vacation so any home-visit shall not be done until after their return towards the end of this month, yet, their application has been processed to the point that we are going to move this gorgeous Dane/Mastiff to a pending adoption status as we determine if this is that right matched forever loving home for her!

Keep her in your best thoughts and wishes. This is another extremely special BHRR dog that means the world to so many of us!

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On September 10th, BHRR’s Kaos went in for a recheck on his leg and deemed healthy, he had his booster shot. He was 15.20 KGs(33.44 pounds)! Always a big hit not matter where he goes!

His sutures from his September 1st leg surgery were also removed today.

Still waiting for the pathology report from his surgery on September 1st.

Here is some information on the Neo Breed. I posted this on BHRR’s Flint’s(Now ADOPTED!) own blog when he arrived to BHRR.


nee-uh-PAH-luh-tuhn MAS-tif


The Neapolitan Mastiff is a serious, powerful dog. The body of this massive, rather rectangular looking dog has abundant, hanging wrinkles and folds on the head and a very large dewlap. The wide, flat head is large in comparison to the rest of the body. The muzzle is 1/3 the length of the head and is as broad as it is long with a well-defined stop. The large nose has well-open nostrils and a color that coordinates with the coat. The teeth meet in a scissors, pincer or slight undershot bite. The deep-set eyes are almost covered by the dropping upper lids and come in amber to brown, depending on the coat color. Puppies begin life with blue eyes, which later darken. The ears may be cropped or left natural. Many owners opt out of docking and cropping, preferring the natural look, as it is painful for the dog. The tail is carried straight up and curves over the back. In dogs that are shown in the AKC front dewclaws are not removed. The round feet are large with well-arched toes. The straight, dense, short coat comes in gray, blue, black, chocolate, mahogany and tawny, sometimes with brindle and white markings. A little white is permitted on the chest and toes. No white should be on the face. Chocolate dogs are rare.


The Neapolitan Mastiff is not a breed for everyone. This breed looks a bit intimidating, but is actually affectionate, calm, peaceful and loving. They enjoy family and friends. This breed is a heavy drooler, particularly in hot weather or after getting a drink. Males may drool more than females. They are very keen to their owners’ commands. Intelligent, very protective, courageous, serious and mild-mannered. Generally quiet, they tend to only bark when necessary. They can be reserved with strangers; socialize them well with people, places, sounds and animals. These dogs are usually very loving with children, provided the children know how to display leadership skills. A Neo can get along well with non-canine pets if raised with them from puppyhood and/or properly socialized. Obedience training is very important. Teach them to heel on a lead and to go in and out door and gateways after the humans. This breed needs a dominant owner who understands and is capable of controlling them properly. They will be easiest if this is established when the dog is still a puppy, but it is still possible to communicate with an adult Neo that the human is in charge. Children should be taught how to be pack leaders. Socialize this breed while they are young. This is a natural guard dog and protection training is not necessary. You cannot breed out the guard in the dog, no matter how submissive they become. If they sense there is a threat to the home they will react unless the owner is there and tells them everything is OK. Be sure you are consistent in approach and do not keep repeating commands the dog has failed to obey. If they are not listening, try a different approach, making sure you are in a confident state of mind. Neos will not listen to meek owners. These are not dogs for beginners, but it is an exaggeration to describe them as difficult in their association with others. A calm handler with natural leadership will achieve the best results. With comprehensive training and an experienced, dominant owner, the Neapolitan Mastiff can be a wonderful family pet. This breed has a high pain tolerance. Neos that do not have a firm, confident, consistent owner who provides them with daily pack walks to release mental and physical exercise will become willful, over-protective and dog aggressive. When correcting this dog, the owner’s correction must match the dog’s level of intensity, and the timing of the correction must be precise.

Height, Weight

Height: Males 26 – 30 inches (65 – 75 cm) Females 24 – 28 inches (60 – 70 cm)
Weight: Up to 165 pounds (74 kg)
The largest male Neapolitans may be nearly 200 pounds (90 kg)

Health Problems

Prone to cherry eye, hip dysplasia, bloat, pano-ostiosis (joint pain from growth can occur at 4-18 months and usually goes away on its own). Pups are usually born via caesarian section.

Living Conditions

The Neo will do okay in an apartment if it is sufficiently exercised. It is relatively inactive indoors and a small yard will do. Take extra caution in warm weather to provide shade, water and a cool place to lie.


They should be taken on daily walks at least twice a day.

Life Expectancy

Up to 10 years.


These giant, shorthaired dogs are easy to groom. Remove loose, dead hair with a rubber brush. This breed is an average shedder.


All European mastiffs are descended from the Tibetan Mastiff, the most ancient member of the canine species. The first Asian mastiffs were probably brought to Greece from India by Alexander the Great around 300 BC. The Greeks introduced the dogs to the Romans, who adopted them enthusiastically and used them in circus combats. The word “mastiff” derives from the Latin word “masssivus,” meaning massive. English experts, however, have another theory. They contend that the mastiff was brought to Britain by the Phoenicians in about 500 BC and spread from there to the rest of Europe. In any case, the Neapolitan Mastiff is a direct descendant of the Roman Molossus. While the breed became extinct throughout the rest of Europe, it continued to survive in Campania, despite the perils of weather and war. One can therefore say that the Neapolitan Mastiff has existed in Campania for two thousand years, even though it was not officially recognized until 1946, and its standard was not set until 1949. The Neapolitan Mastiff was bred for use in war and in bloody Roman arena spectacles. Today this powerful breed has a well-deserved reputation as a formidable guard dog. Neos have been used by the Italian police and army and by that country’s farmers, business establishment and estate owners to protect people and property. Though the Neapolitan Mastiff was first shown in Italy in 1946, the breed is still quite rare in the United States. The Neapolitan Mastiff was recognized by the AKC in 2004.





NOT Available For Adoption yet
Thank you to Liz Bradley for another gorgeous Rescue PAWTRAIT photo shoot!

She tested positive for anaplasmosis on August 8th and her platelet count was only 94 on August 18th.

Further testing, was equally confusing to her medical team for while the CBC came back in support of a positive anaplasmosis result, the PCR Panel was negative.

Repeat bloodwork on her platelet count on August 28th showed an increase to 153 yet still lower than norm.

We are going to continue to rehab her per the recommendation of her Vet and do a repeat Platelet count later on to see what we are looking at…..she has battled an ear problem since she arrived and a bit of a bacterial skin infection on her back also.

Once quite skittish, she is such a ham and affectionate now….loves to sit on me!! Love her so much already! Does not take long…..

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BHRR’s Maverick is going to his own approved temp foster home tomorrow! This is going to be SOOOOOOOOO great for him!

This wonderful approved home has temp fostered three other dogs for us over the years.

Here is a photo of his soon-to-be foster dad and BHRR’s Mavie at our 8th annual Microchip Event held on July 12th!


BHRR’s Pearl is ready to make her own special announcement….she is now AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

She did it! She did it! She did it!

She will never be that huge crowd social butterfly gal. She is meant for a home with small intimate gatherings, quiet evenings, visiting doggie friends’ homes and vice versa, small outings to pet stores, socializing even at the Vet for good experiences and BHRR’s Pearl….you have come a LONG way baby!

No young children, for as much as she adores them, they can make her a bit worried with the unpredictable spastic movements they can make. Older children 10+ as long as they are responsible is fine.

She is good with other dogs, loves all the humans that are part of her set-up circle for success of trust and, she makes my heart almost burst from my chest with how absolutely delightful she is and how far she has come….

She is one that we will also do a transitional adoption with…we have done it for quite a few dogs over the past almost 20 years including BHRR’s Reese, Freedom Dane BHRR’s Adele, and BHRR’s Angel Noelle.

For that right matched forever loving home, their patience will pay of hugely….for this girl is loyal, affectionate, playful and will give you all of her heart plus soul once you earn her trust and respect……

She is so beautiful, inside and out and, crawling on her belly is a thing of her past….she raises her head up high, is curious and is almost excited these days to get into the car and see ‘what is around the corner’ to greet her with helping hands and caring hearts!

100% housebroken, crate trained yet has now proven 100% trustworthy in our home, excellent with dogs of all sizes and a heart that is so kind and loving……

Look how she holds her head up now, her body is relaxed, she is happy! Happy and comfortable and she has learned to like herself!!

I do not want her hidden away from the world yet, as so many know, I am NOT a fan of busy dog parks and she is not meant for big crowds. Just as not every human feels comfortable or safe in a huge crowd, she does not either. Yet, in her element of small groups, she is a real ham!! 🙂

She can go to a home that works pt, ft, from home, semi-retired or retired. Another very versatile BHRR dog!

HUGE thanks extended to Liz Bradley for these gorgeous Rescue Pawtraits!!! Thank you!

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BHRR did its 380th adoption since our inception in 1996!

BHRR’s Kricket is NOW ADOPTED!! – on the left in this photo! (BHRR’s Raven is on the right)
September 7th, 2015

We went to the home-visit with BHRR’s Ivy, BHRR’s Raven(who is not quite ready to be placed up for adoption yet close in case she could be a future right match fit) and BHRR’s Kricket.

It was clear within moments that BHRR’s Ivy was not the best matched fit. She had a great visit, loved the toys plus treats and loving yet, she was not really engaged with any member of the home. Her home is out there!

Then, it came down to BHRR’s Raven and BHRR’s Kricket and it was close in many ways, yet, for the home, BHRR’s Kricket, edged out to be the better right matched fit for this home.

It was so touching to see how BHRR’s Raven sought contact and was so affectionate, with both, yet in particular the lady of the home. Her time shall come….she is not quite ready to be placed up for adoption and that showed BUT we knew that going in. She needs a bit more weight and a bit more obedience. She is bombing along on her rehab beautifully though! Very proud of her! VERY! She had a great experience with more helping hands and caring hearts showering love on this fabu once puppymill Great Dane Mama.

For those who may remember our gorgeous BBBBB Krickets’ story –
*She arrived to BHRR last December at barely 67 pounds, picked up as a stray and was seen for weeks eating scraps on the roads prior to someone picking her up.
*She was ready to be placed up for adoption on April 30th, 2015 and her weight was almost 110 pounds
*Her weight is ~ 120 pounds right now and she has put on over 53 pounds of much needed muscle mass and weight. Her coat is shiny, soft and black now, not brown, dull and coarse.

Tammie, another one of your shelter babies has her forever loving adoptive home now!!!! Thank you for entrusting her to our care again…..

BHRR’s Kricket shall go to her home on Monday September 28th as the home gets ready for her arrival and was honest in letting us know last night at the home-visit that they were going away for a bit. They wanted to be sure that we could keep her until then. Of course we would for the right matched home!

CONGRATS to all!

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AND we are on our way!! Three of our stunning BBBBB’s are heading off for a home-visit for a possible Great Dane adoption!

BHRR’s Ivy, BHRR’s Raven(not yet available yet coming in case she is a future great matched fit) and BHRR’s Kricket!

Please keep good vibes coming and we shall update as we can!

Dr. Philibert’s report for BHRR’s Kaos’ stifle arthorscopic surgery done on Tuesday September 1st.

Diagnosis: Meniscal tears right stifle joint

Treatment: Arthoscopy of the stifle and debridement meniscal tears and biopsies joint capsule.

Per Dr. P. – In 25 years he has never had a case like BHRR’s Kaos. He said that to see this kind of severe damage to the meniscus without the cruciate also being affected(as far as he could tell at the time yesterday and is doing biopsies) is not something he has ever seen before.

He also told me that he has never seen the ‘debris’ that he found in the joint capsule and could not determine if it was bone, tissue etc. and he has not found any textbook that also can describe, diagnosis what he found. Hence, why he wanted the biopsies done.

Dr. P. suspects that the pathology report will not say that baby Kaos has a tumour for he feels he is way too young still and suspects that most likely it will come back as infectious. Yet, we have to wait and see.

He is pleased that the measurement of BHRR’s Kaos’ legs continue to be quite even and so the injury to the proximal tibia seems to be doing well. The x-rays from 6 weeks ago were very ’rounded’ and the ones take on the 27th of August were less rounded. His growth plate fracture shall be re-assessed again in a couple more weeks and BHRR’s Kaos shall be re-evaluated again once the pathology results are back in.

Per Dr. Philibert, he did not take out all the tears as he did not want to take out too much and affect the stifle and compromise the meniscus further.

I apologise for the delay again. I was most under the weather myself yesterday and even dropped of BHRR’s Baby Kaos much later than originally I wanted to so that I could rest at home for part of the AM.

Then, Dr. Philibert and I did not connect until this AM to discuss BHRR’s Kaos surgery in depth. I was given a small debrief by the wonderful LAH staff until then.

Dr, P. was honest and said that he does not know if the procedure yesterday is going to be successful for Kaos and we need to monitor and keep assessing as he heals from this surgery and grows.

Benig a giant breed is quite complicated in the growing department, as all of us know.

Total Bills – $1,814.69 after we were given an incredible rescue good client discount of $800*so humbled and appreciative.
Total Donations at LAH: $1,618.58
Remaining Amount Owed Presently at LAH: $196.11

Remaining Owed Presently at KAH: $290.13

We cannot THANK his angel network enough for helping us help him!!! We feel so privileged and honoured and blessed. THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

He had an ‘ok’ night. I ended up crashing myself past 3 AM for a bit after the pain medications kicked in. He was not weight bearing for most of last night and today he is toe touching, drank some and ate his breakfast.

The day this boy is completely off his food, we need to worry!

The pain he feels now is nothing compared to the pain that he had to have felt for most of his life. He was so stoic and I said to the staff at LAH, he honestly did not know life without pain if you think about it….6 weeks of age is when all of us become ‘first’ aware of any issue.

How long was it going on before that?

Whatever he needs, Baby Kaos will receive and I have gently hugged him so many times to tell him that his has one mighty fine, truly amazing and fabu strong village surrounding him!!!!


I shall be adding more photo’s to Baby Kaos’ album yet, here is one of his knee from last night after his arthroscopic surgery. One of the photo’s shows how bruised/swollen he was already becoming post-op.

He is such a great wee man and a trooper!! He has had a really good day.

I never cease to be amazed at how stoic and brave animals can be. I would be crying begging for more pain meds and Baby Kaos wants to try and run (this healing type of pain has to feel so good compared to what he was feeling before) and he wants to eat! Food is a passion of his! He eats out of different food puzzles to keep him stimulated and remains lean and strong. He definitely lacks some muscle tone due to his medical conditions yet is doing so well.

He would rather skip the whole pain med regime totally!

He is truly one of my heroes also!!

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BHRR’s Baby Kaos was dropped off this AM(just past noon actually!) to Liston Animal Hospital for his first leg surgery with Dr. Philibert. Please keep him in your best of blessings and thoughts…..he was 13.9 KGs today at 12 weeks. 

I will breathe easier once he is out and up.

As always he is in excellent hands and that gives me much comfort!

Thank you ALL of his angels that have stood by our side and his as he goes through his rehab journey. To all that have met him, I know they shall agree that he is one amazing wee boy deserving of the wonderful future he was always meant to have!! 

AND, with my hands truly trembling, his angel network have helped raise the surgery deposit we were hoping for with everything crossed and wishing with our hearts……

Becca, at LAH has kept track of all the names and donations sent direct to Liston Animal Hospital and I have all names and totals raised via email transfer and PayPal. 

We had a small credit still on our account prior to the donations and THANKS to all of you for making this happen for him!! We are such a small group, assisting the Giants and focusing on the special needs and doing reputable/quality rescue is always about doing it the right way and is never about a popularity contest and we are here for the animals always and so are many others!! Thank you!! 

AND the BHRR ‘CHAIN OF SUCCESS’ is strong and alive thanks to all of those that believe in our efforts and are there for the animals plus understand why we do what we do and why BHRR is needed in the community. Together, we are all the voices speaking up and helping those that cannot speak for themselves.

Thank you! Thank you! $1,598.58 now stands on BHRR’s Kaos’ account at Liston Animal Hospita for his first leg surgery today.

After his surgery I will post the invoice of what shall be remaining left to be paid and people are welcome to still make donations direct to his account 613-591-0966 at Liston and Becca is there to about 4:30 pm to help you!! 

Or via email transfer 

Or via PayPal (please consider using the friend and family option)

Tears freely flowing of deepest gratitude to all of his angels, ours too!!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Kaos under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

OR to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 over the phone or in person. He also has a file set-up there.

He has been to both KAH and LAH already to date and is back at LAH on the 27th of August.

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Kaos’ Great Angels:  $2,742.28 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $3,228.52
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – Collar, Small Stuffie
Megan – Leash, Large Stuffie
Karen – + Fleece Blanket
Tracy/Shawna – 2 x Large Stuffies
Nairn Again
August 22nd Mini Microchip Clinic at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg $876.25
Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue
Mrs. Hickford
Mrs. Eaglesham
