NOT Available For Adoption yet
Thank you to Liz Bradley for another gorgeous Rescue PAWTRAIT photo shoot!

She tested positive for anaplasmosis on August 8th and her platelet count was only 94 on August 18th.

Further testing, was equally confusing to her medical team for while the CBC came back in support of a positive anaplasmosis result, the PCR Panel was negative.

Repeat bloodwork on her platelet count on August 28th showed an increase to 153 yet still lower than norm.

We are going to continue to rehab her per the recommendation of her Vet and do a repeat Platelet count later on to see what we are looking at…..she has battled an ear problem since she arrived and a bit of a bacterial skin infection on her back also.

Once quite skittish, she is such a ham and affectionate now….loves to sit on me!! Love her so much already! Does not take long…..

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