I am adding two photos below. One is already on BHRR's Lincoln's own blog for it is of the two of them and the other is from our annual BHRR XMAS Eve Photo session!

I still marvel at how far he has come since his arrival to BHRR. That it took an hour just to be able to touch him to be able to bring him to BHRR.

He is a friendly, social, good with other dogs plus people love bug boy and I carry treats with me when we go out and still have people give them to him; to keep him on this wonderful social track!

I still also absolutely LOVE that tail of his! He no longer minds grooming and doing his nails is a breeze these days. 🙂

AND he no longer is letting himself become pushed around all the time by his sister, BHRR's Rain! They are still very close; yet; they also have their own social doggie network of friends. JUST the way it should be for they needed to learn to be strong in the areas of their own weaknesses and not have this dependency that was not healthy for them.

PROUD of you both!!!

BHRR's Beau & BHRR's Lincoln – November 19th, 2011 & BHRR's Beau – December 24th, 2011

FREEDOM DANE's BHRR's Cobalt HAS his first outside of BHRR playdate on February 28th, 2012!

We drove to Hudson, Quebec and met up with none other than BHRR's Harley(blue collar in the video/taller GD) and his adoptive family to spend some time at this small yet nicely fenced in area for about 40 minutes! We then drove back to her house and he played some more with BHRR's Harley and their other two dogs – Princess Fiona & Lilly!

IT was so worth the 2 hour drive one way! He rocked it at this park with BHRR's Harley, a JRT(named Jack that was adopted by his own family 3 days ago); a HuskyX, a lovely female Pittie(Nala) & a Golden!

I so wanted to drop in to the Global Pet Foods, I saw in the parking lot; yet; time was slipping away fast and I had to get home…BOO!

He travelled great in the car and we decided to walk the boyz first on the leash to integrate slowly and after the first few seconds of some 'worry' from BHRR's Cobalt; he was play bowing and just wanted to get it on! 🙂

ANY forever adoptive home is going to have to realise that if you are calm and quietly confident and reassure him in a non babying type manner plus positively correct him when he does get a bit puffed up as he is worried that he might get hurt; your home too; SHALL have these exact same experiences with him that we do!

His manners were amazing and so many commented on how well he was obedient and his distraction recall was BANG ON! WTG! BHRR's Cobalt!

He can still mouth at the leash and my hand when he gets excited and I just firmly correct him with a 'No, mouth Cobalt' and he settles down.

THIS boy is going to make a home not just a real treat of a dog; but the whole pie with ice cream on top! 😀

THANKS for the play date BHRR's Harley and his family!!!

AND FOR THOSE WANTING TO SEE HOW HIS PLAY DATE WAS: Here is a VIDEO (I took three) and I shall post this one for now!

I am digging this video thing! LOL


I am adding two photos of BHRR's Dana's December 24th; annual XMAS EVE photo session at BHRR!

DOESN'T she look just incredible?

She had an excellent time at the hv she assisted with me on February 7th, 2012. She was her very social, energetic  happy self with that quick smart mind of hers thinking and thinking some more! It did not take her long to figure out how to open the lid of their garbage to see just what might be in there! LOL

This dog MORE than any other; I would trust 100% around dogs of all ages plus sizes including puppies, humans of all ages plus sizes inluding infants. SHE is that spectacular!

You just have to continue to be 'on' her to 'share' her humans for she loves with her whole body(many can attest to that happy tail whip!). I just say 'SHARE Dana…BE nice Dana…' and she goes 'oh, yeah…ok'! NOT a mean bone in her body, yet many mischievous ones!

She is going to roadtrip with me later this week to do a hv; her second one that she has assisted me with in the past three weeks or so; and last night; I did her nails and today is bath time!

BHRR's Dana – December 24th, 2011

The Panache Pooch 'SHARE YOUR HEART' Fundraiser for BHRR is running from February 1st – February 29th, inclusive! There are now 34 ITEMS available!

25% of all sales of Amanda's collars/leashes currently listed on her Etsy Store shall come to to BHRR!

When you 'SHARE YOUR HEART'; you will be helping animals in need of BHRR!

EMAIL Amanda

All prices are in CDA $. You might have to change your default to CDA $ if need be. 🙂

AND in honour of BHRR BOD member Mary, Amanda & I wish to have this Fundraiser in Carbon's memory. RIP dear boy. YOU will be so deeply missed!

If you would like to see some of the Panache Pooch collars that we have had over the years, please visit HERE!

Crossposting permission given!


I am bringing BHRR's Hailey back to BHRR tonight. She went to a temp foster home on February 17th; yet; developed an injury not long after her arrival and she is not better.

Keep her in your positive thoughts.

BHRR shall be expanding our adoption area as of April 1st, 2012. Our new adoption area shall include Halifax, N.S. plus the immediate surrounding area – within 2 hours of Halifax, N.S.

This is Phase 1 of our 5 year adoption expansion area plan.

In order for homes to be approved to adopt; all of our current thorough adoption criteria must be met.

Journey’s progress!!!!

Hi…I just wanted to write to say that the world needs more people like you to care for our four legged friends like Journey. They are so innocent and all they want is to be loved. I have been following her story since she was found…and those cookies, if my dog Cooper could speak he would say they are awesome.

I’m sure when the time comes to find a good home for Journey, there will be people lining up to give her their love.

Good luck with the rest of her recovery 🙂

Here is a VIDEO of BHRR’s Atlas from our Winter Wonderland Day at BHRR!

BHRR's Atlas shall have his third CWW session tomorrow! I am so excited for him! I love our CWW days together!!! 🙂

He shall also begin to have chiro treatments later this week as his lower back is being affected more and more due to his bad hips. We are also looking into acupuncture too. The CWW sessions are really assisting him in becoming more relaxed and less tense. It is time that gives him much relief from the pain of his hips/lower back. The Deramaxx and Tramadol can only do so much. If need be, we shall seek stronger meds for him.

Whatever he needs, he shall receive.

QUALITY of life is our priority for him…..I just want him to have more and more quality!

His is coming around more and more emotionally and I could not be more proud of him!

His best friends are BHRR's Peanut, BHRR's Gretta, BHRR's Maggie May(he really likes to show of his stuff for her and strut and prance in front of her! LOL) and BHRR's Adele has also been added to his list of BFF's!. He sure loves 'his' girls! 🙂 I am so happy he has good close friends and no longer feels that all dogs are a threat to him and stress him out.

BHRR's Journey had her recheck for her tail on Friday February 17th. She weighted 99.88 pounds! SO close to 100 pounds and this means that she has put on 25.3 pounds to date! She is so much more active and busy now as she 'gets' the whole play concept and running and zooming and zipping and we are still feeding her three meals a day. Still would like to see her at 115 pounds at this age/size of her bone/substance. We may go up to four meals a day as we are slowly gaining yet mostly maintaining at this time. She looks FABU yet she is still on the lean thin side. The muscle mass plus toning she is getting plus the compliments on her healthy shiny coat is so heartening to hear!!!

She was Ms. Social! Almost pulling me to visit with people and dogs! However; she did impress all with her manners of sitting when asked. 😉

The Vet decided to not put her on another round of antibiotics for now as her tail is no longer oozing and we are going to try and keep making sure that she is not licking at the tail. Her tail is quite swollen at the area of the break and she is on Deramaxx 50 mg BID for the next 10 days or so.

I have also ordered more Sentinel for her as we keep the dogs on Sentinel year round at BHRR.

We shall re-evaluate things in March.

She was deemed healthy enough to have her first vaccines and she shall be back in a month for boosters and a recheck on the tail again. I really do not wish to see her lose that tail. 🙁 Tail amputations are such a difficult thing. She was doing so well……………..Yet, now that her tail wags almost nonstop, that does not help!

She had a great visit at the Animal Hospital and also with three of the BHRR Volunteers that dropped by KAH.

I also wanted to shout out a thanks to Julie of Chilly Dogs Inc. Canada for the donation of sweater for BHRR's Journey! I shall have to take a photo to post. She still does wear a sweatshirt sometimes in the house to ensure that she stays warm. Brick likes to spend most of his time taking it off and if he is not doing that; he likes to spend his time taking collars off..sigh…gooberhead!

The community ranging from all across Canada and many part of the USA and as far away as Costa Rica and Australia have been so supportive and the belief n her cause is so deeply humbling and I THANK YOU all! Thank you for making those links on the chain of success in saving her life so strong!!!! THANK YOU!

Anna has indicated that she shall take refill requests for BHRR's Journey's Heart Bisuits.

Anna's e-mail or you can call her at 613 993 2738 to order – Anna also has a Hypo recipe for those that have sensitive tummy doggies!

A post made by Anna Gray-Henschel on the BHRR FB Fan Page:

"To raise funds for BHRR's Journey, I am baking smokey bacon with cheddar heart shaped dog biscuits at $3/dz. Happy to deliver them in the Ottawa area. I will also ship them at no charge within Canada. Made with love, bought with love and every penny sent to BHRR with love to Journey."

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so soon after XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:      REMAINING OWED ON HER BILLS AT THIS TIME:  A credit of $1,907.61

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Penny – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Marie – Sophie
Jayne – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Ishie Hilton Hernando
Dorothy – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
ANNA & Her 'BHRR's Journey's Heart Biscuits' Fundraising Supporters
The Bakers
Ryan & Andie
Suzsanne and her 'JackPot for Journey' work Fundraiser whereby spare change was collected during the month of January
Cheryl – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
B.J. – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Helga – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Ruth – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Paul – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Sophia – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Mary – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Kerri – PayPal took $2.48 in fees

BHRR's Veteran's HWT is negative! 🙂

On Wednesday February 1st, 2012, BHRR's Adele and BHRR's Shiva(she was dropped off at KAH to come back to BHRR from her latest play date Temp Foster time!) came with me to a BHRR Volunteers House after work for a bit of a walk/visit.

She took everything in stride and as explained to the Volunteers; when it comes to cars or things that come up behind her that may make her nervous; she is NOT what I call a 'walk & talk' dog. She needs to stop, be able to see what is coming, be told quietly plus calmly that 'all is ok' and I use the words 'car' and give her a reassuring soft touch on her neck and then we walk again.

These things are ALL new territory for her and she cannot be rushed or forced. She is NOT the dog that one can just walk to the local store and leave outside(not that I am in agreement with that being done by folks anyway but I see it all the time at our local grocery store) and pick up a loaf of bread etc. and come back out and unleash and go home.

She needs her leader to be with her at all times during walks and to be calmly plus positively directed. She knows her 'turn right', 'turn left' and 'go straight' and she will be so willing to trust someone as long as they gives her a reason to trust them. Her leash manners are amazing! This is a dog that had never had a collar or leash on in her 6+ years of living. AND she has picked up obedience including housebreaking so fast. She is not to be yanked or pulled(AND I also do not support people who do this). She knows 'Adele, come' and she will respond.

She is still not the fondest of getting into a vehicle but getting better! She is excellent to travel in a car and exits really nicely too.

She loves HOME the best. She is now comfortable laying on a Costco dog bed in front of the TV, that once terrifed her. The vacuum still makes her a bit nervous but she is a lot better. The fans can still make her also a bit nervous but she is a lot better. She is still very afraid of dog bowls if they are above her head and so we move very slowly and carefully during feeding time AND she still loves eating out of the rubbermaid of kibble as I feed the other dogs(BHRR's Peanut and BHRR's Gretta do this too and I am AOK with it!) and then she will go into a crate to then eat a good bowl of food. She is one lean muscled GD right now, and very slowly still trying to get on that rest of the weight I want to see on her. When people see her for the first time, they remark on how thin she is and I tell them, you should have seen her 20 pounds lighter from when she first came into BHRR. She was barely 61 pounds back then.

She still adores her windows and at this play visit; they were able to witness firsthand the desire and not just desire but need to be able to go in and out of the patio doors when she wants to. THIS is her comfort thing. This is her being able to know that she has FREEDOM, that she is no longer caged in darkness with poor ventilation and no love. 🙁

So, she went in and out and in and out and in and out and became more relaxed each time. THANKS to the home for being so kind to her!!! 🙂

She got along just fine with their two dogs as I knew she would. She is a very accepting dog and she is also very much still a 'mom' for when one of their dogs got a bit nasty with her not once but several times; her patience wore thin and she told him off and I was proud of her. She was quick, effective and it was done. She then went back to looking out the windows. 🙂

I need to try and get some better shots of her BUT the camera makes her nervous still.

SO, any home interested in her has to realise and understand that she though she is a very low maintenance dog; she is a product of her environment and a simple round of obedience classes is not going to 'fix' her. She does not need to be 'fixed', she needs to be understood and worked with to be the best dog she can be; not forced.

Giving her love and treats and spoiling is NOT going to do that for her. She needs routine, structure, patience and time along with consistency in ADDITION to the love and spoiling. Homes that try to 'make it up' to dogs like her that were rescued from such horror are only going to ruin her. She needs more than love. She does not live in her past. She lives in her present and we look towards her great future. She is a product of her past and has much potential for her future! THAT is what people need to understand about adopting a rescue dog.

BHRR's Adele is also excellent about letting you know when she is done with something! LOL She goes to the front door and that is it…time to leave! 🙂

BHRR's Adele – February 1st, 2012
*photos courtesy of M. Bird

TIME for a BHRR's Maggie May update! 🙂

I am going to post two photos below from the December 2nd, 2011 Community Education plus Awareness Event that BHRR did at B&F Barrhaven. I brought BHRR's Veteran and BHRR's Maggie May with me for this Event.

SHE was so AWESOME! She had quite a few people out to visit just with her! 🙂 So many are wishing her the very best of things and BHRR remains patient that her right forever matched loving hom shall come along! 🙂

Her hair is coming back in so lovely and soft and there is just one area around her neck that the hair has not become to come back in. We were aware that when we had to shave her down, that there was a chance that there could be areas like this but we do not believe that it is due to the shaving; yet more from her collar rubbing. So, she is sans collar to see if that shall assist.

No matter if she does or does not have hair that grows back, she is stunning to us and she shall also be that way in the eyes of her right matched forever loving home when they find her!

She is so Pyr! LOL She just melts in the heat and loves the a/c vents and in this cooler weather; LOVES laying outside. So much, that she will turn her back and 'pretend' she cannot hear you(out of sight, out of mind!) when you call her to come in! LOL Stubborn to the end!

She is so low maintenance and has been a huge joy to have here!

She is also so Pyr like in the manner of greeting people….it is simple…you want to pet her, YOU come to HER! Not the other way around! HA! LOL Our latest BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House proved that all over again to our guests! Here you have the Danes and Newfs tripping over themselves to get a piece of the affection action as people arrived and for her; she layed upon two, not one Costco dog bed(LOL…have to be comfy!) and looked at people and would wag her tail and lift her head slightly BUT there was no way; she was moving to stand up and vie with the other dogs. SHE knows she is all that and a piece of something special and she makes people 'work' to make her happy! LOVE IT! All these people sitting on the floor; fawning and peting and loving on her…..sigh, made me so happy!

She is ONLY going to go to a home that is going to understand this about Pyrs and not force her to be anything that she is not FOR she is a very affectionate, loyal, uber sweet , very happy and 100% trustworthy girl BUT she is all Pyr.

BHRR's Maggie May – December 2nd, 2011

BHRR's Veteran weighed 54.8 KGs(120.56 pounds) on Saturday February 18th, 2012. This means that he has put on 29.56 pounds since he first arrived to BHRR and though, he still has more to go; it is coming on nicely!

He had another play date on Saturday (same lovely folks as from December 31st) and went to a place called CocoMutts in Stittesville. I am going to have to head back myself for I have heard that he had a lovely time and that this place is a true gem! 🙂 AND apparently, BHRR's Veteran is a bit of a celebrity for several people recognized him and many marvelled at how well he is doing and wishing him the very best for the future.

To whomever comes along and is his right matched forever loving home; this boy has touched the souls of people all across the globe and the world is going to to want to know who is the lucky family! ARC wants to do a piece on BHRR's Veteran when he is adopted in their 'Furever Fridays' section. So, to those that are considering applying for him; do know; that you shall become equally 'public'. 🙂 SO many are following his blogs closely and as per our promise to each dog that crosses our doors; ONLY the right matched home shall be approved for him. We want successful adoptions and work hard to strive to keep each adoption that we do successful!

He is NOT going to be any person's 'status' symbol nor a guard dog. BHRR does not support homes of those types. He is going to be a very lucky homes most cherished addition to their family and we are committed to ensuring that this happens for him.

If I did not mention it already, BHRR's Veteran got along famously with the lab that was in the home when we did the hv recently PLUS on Saturday, he also met a senior Boxer during this play date(10 or 13 years of age….my memory eludes me right now on which one!) and I even saw a photo of all adorable they were!

He continues to do great with most dogs and there is still a dog here and there(a Senior Golden at KAH stressed him on Saturday yet his tail was wagging as he gave that big deep 'ol' woof) that worries him; yet with the proper introductions and integrations under calm and confident people plus surroudings; he is relaxing. He was fine with the Senior Greyhound at KAH and all the other dogs in the reception plus back area.

I was told just how well mannered plus obedient he was on this play date and that he still likes to SHOP! LOL

THANKS to his play date humans for purchasing him goodies plus a new dog leash! 🙂

I am attaching two photos below from his December 31st, 2012 play date at B&F in Kanata Centrum.

December 31st, 2011 Play Date with BHRR Volunteers
*photos courtesy of L. & A. Benson

February 17th, 2012 – X-rays as promised!

BHRR's Bloom – February 17th, 2012
11 weeks post-op surgery, weight was 85.14 pounds.

We also did her nails while she was under sedation plus microchipped her.

LEG is doing really well!

BHRR's Shiva's HWT was negative! 🙂

BHRR's Bloom  was at the Vet on Friday February 17th, 2012 for her next round of X-Rays, this set is 11 weeks post-op surgery.

Her weight was 85.14 pounds so she is coming along really nicely!

We also did her nails while she was under sedation plus microchipped her.

The Vet feels that her leg is healiing really well, slow but sure and she is to remain on crate rest until March 2nd, 2012. From there, we shall be able to begin to give her more house freedom yet outside shall remain on leash only! No playing or romping or zooming, especially with this snow/ice! This leg is going to need another 3 months of very careful monitoring and per the Vet, the cold shall continue to most likely make her leg feel sensitive due to the metal plate/screws. So far, she does not seem bothered yet BHRR's Bloom is not bothered by much! 😀

We shall re-evaluate again in March her progress.

She is such a trooper!

I took a small poll of those I work with as to their own thoughts re: her breed(s) and everyone is in agreement of the two possible breeds she most likely has in her; and one or two also mentioned Weim. Interesting! That had crossed my mind at one time too, yet, I am going to wait and see what comes in from her DNA testing.

We area also in agreement that she is a very social fireball of a dog! LOL

Her leash manner were SOOOOOOOOOOOO much better. We are getting there! 🙂

She was also very quiet in the back run as we waited for the sedation(Dormitor) to take effect and then after she was given the Antisedan after the X-rays were done and she was back up on her feet. 

**I shall post her latest X-rays as soon as we can figure out how to convert them from the format sent our way via email for the disc is corrupted and we cannot use the photos on the CD**


BHRR's Bloom – February 17th, 2012 @ KAH – I just LOVE tongue shots! She is so precious! 🙂

BHRR's Veteran shall be having a play date on Saturday February 18th!

I brought him back to BHRR after only being at his temp foster one night for as we did not bring in the GD we had been contacted about(the mother of who owned the GD decided now to keep her; herself); we were able to bring BHRR's Veteran back to BHRR.

Below are three photos taken of our annual XMAS EVE Photo shoot at BHRR.

BHRR's Veteran & Sean – December 24th, 2011

BHRR's Riley shall be temp fostered from March 7th to March 21st inclusive.

I am hoping that during this time, he will EAT better! The distractions are just wicked for him here and just as with BHRR's DBB Mudslide and BHRR's Veteran, eating is not as big of a priority over playing and more playing and hanging out! 😉

I am going to miss him yet he shall be in excellent hands!


BHRR's shall go back to her temp foster home latertoday and we promise to keep her fan club posted with updates and yes, we shall bug for photos! 😉

May your right matched forever loving home find you and SEE you & not the 'black' dog; not the small GD body and not ANY Of the other idjit reasons people have to date passed you over and not applied to adopt you! WELL, we love you and we love your beautiful brown eyes and do not think they look funny, we love your sweet pretty head and do not think it small, we love your size, your glossy healthy coat and do not see anything 'common' about you! YOU are unique, special and we LOVE you!

BHRR's Shiva; this STORY/VIDEO is for you! Just as people did not give up on Rufo in this story (the dog nobody wanted – spent 6 years in a shelter with only 2 hours a day of outside time); we shall never turn our backs on you! 325 dogs have been adopted via BHRR and your turn shall come!

In the meantime; you live the best life with us with a kingside bed, people that adore you; kids and other dogs to romp with, 148 acres to enjoy 24/7, you are safe, not kennelled or caged, have play dates, treats and your training just keeps going to higher levels and we love you so much!

The two photos below are from her temp foster mom during her play days with her.

She had her annual Vet visit on February 11th, 2012 and was a wee bit on the pump side at just over 43 KGs. We like to see her around 90 pounds and she was close to 96. SHE clearly at a fantastic time at her temp fosters! 😉

The Vet marvelled at how well trained and behaved she was! She stood while we trimmed up nails, gave a paw, sat when asked and was just a dream!

I will post the results of her HWT when it comes in. I am not worried for the dogs are on Sentinel year round here.

BHRR's Shiva – 4 years of age (born June 10th, 2007) – photos taken in 2012
*photos courtesy of Paula

BHRR's Bloom is headed to have her follow-up X-Rays and exam done tomorrow. I am going to do it at KAH and forward on the CD to Dr. Gatineau for review as we have discussed more than once that he was in support of us doing. Unfortunately, due to an emergency, we were unable to visit him as scheduled earlier this month. So, this was plan B discussed with Dr. Gatineau from the time that she had her surgery.

I am looking forward to a new weight!

I also made in a previous post about how people were asking if she was a PB Great Dane and I said that she was 100% pure backyard bred Great Dane and of course, we all know what that means; she could have lab, greyhound, ABDT or any other number of Breeds in her pedigree and sold as a GD or thought to be a GD. The same could apply to many of the 'Great Danes' that come into any Rescue; mastiff is another breed strongly suspected to be found in many of these Danes in any rescue program out there.

As one or two are aware, I have had my suspicions for some time that BHRR's Bloom may or may not be all GD and it truly, does not matter overall for she needed assistance and we were SO more than happy to help. This is what we are here for, to help those special needs sweeties! AND man, she is a big sweetie! 🙂 However, based upon what could be in her pedigree, which shall very much assist us with her adoption placement; I have; for the first time ever ordered a DNA kit. I feel I need to know.

I am hoping that the kit arrives within the week and then we shall have to wait about another 2 weeks and I shall post the results. I do not feel that any cart should be placed before the horse in any situation and I am not going to begin now by posting speculations or more thought processes. 😉

REGARDLESS of what breed/breeds she is; she shall continue to be done right by AND she is one FABU(new word of the week for me!) dog! 😀

Will post an update from her visit tomorrow and new photos! Maybe, even a video! 😉

BHRR's Atlas was suppose to have had his third CWW session yesterday @ 11 AM yet when I arrived to their place, the door was locked and the sign on the door said they were not open until Noon.

I knew someone was there for one of their lovely doggies was looking at us through the door and I saw laundry being done, yet no one saw me. I tried calling and also emailed from my phone and ended up leaving a message saying I guess we would have to reschedule.

It turns out that the lovely ladies had scheduled me for next Wednesday at 11 AM and were going to make an exception to open early that day to fit us in. HOW kind and sweet was that!!! Somehow, the date was put in for next week, not yesterday and these things happen! I was so touched yet mentioned that truly was not necessary to schedule a session during a time they were not even open. HAVE I mentioned lately; just how special these two women are!!! Exceptional!!!

So, BHRR's Atlas is scheduled for his next session, #3 next Thursday! 🙂

YET, it was not a wasted trip! He was so much more comfortable leaving the house, almost trotting to the car, climbed right up into the car to snuggle on top of Mason 😀 and had a great drop-off at the kids school, did his now 'usual' run through McDonald's for his hashbrown and then to Timmie's for his BLTI(sans tomatoes!) and had a great drive into CWW!

We walked around the small strip mall there, he was fawned over so lovingly by one woman(thought she might try to steal him from me, she wuved him so much!!!) and then we headed back home(NO hesitation getting into the car).

It was a really good experience day for him again and that is what I want for him! Sigh…..he is so precious and you know, I am going to say it…. 😀 Have I said recently, how much he makes my heart throb?

The only sad part to our day is knowing that his back is becoming more affected over time due to those bad hips of his. 🙁 He remains on Deramaxx and the CWW sessions are really helping him and I might see if I can bring him twice a week; yet; at least once a week.

I worry for him…..I just want him to have as much quality time as possible and to experience and see how wonderful life and love can be!!!

Donations for his continued care can be donated direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Atlas' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

OR if you would like to pay to donate a hydrotherapy session to his cause; please contact Canine Water Wellness directly at: 
(613) 745-9424

AND 2,000+ dozen 'BHRR's Journey Heart Biscuits' now sold!

Anna's e-mail or you can call her at 613 993 2738 to order – Anna also has a Hypo recipe for those that have sensitive tummy doggies!

A post made by Anna Gray-Henschel on the BHRR FB Fan Page:

"To raise funds for BHRR's Journey, I am baking smokey bacon with cheddar heart shaped dog biscuits at $3/dz. Happy to deliver them in the Ottawa area. I will also ship them at no charge within Canada. Made with love, bought with love and every penny sent to BHRR with love to Journey."

Journey is back on Friday February 17th for another exam and review of her tail, possible vaccines and another fecal etc. I am very much looking forward in seeing what her weight is now!

BHRR's Journey ROCKED on Monday going to her interview, at the interview and after her interview! She took all the buses we saw, the people, the underground parking; the security, the stairs, TV's and microphones all in stride! I gave her treats, praised her and positively addressed her in all her amazing appropriate displays of Behavour!!!

This is no longer one terrified dog and we shall continue to work on her emotional plus physical rehab.

Such a special girl and so many special people are out there believing in her!

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so soon after XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:      REMAINING OWED ON HER BILLS AT THIS TIME:  A credit of $2,481.60

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Penny – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Marie – Sophie
Jayne – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Ishie Hilton Hernando
Dorothy – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
ANNA & Her 'BHRR's Journey's Heart Biscuits' Fundraising Supporters
The Bakers
Ryan & Andie
Suzsanne and her 'JackPot for Journey' work Fundraiser whereby spare change was collected during the month of January
Cheryl – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
B.J. – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Helga – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Ruth – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Paul – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Sophia – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Mary – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Kerri – PayPal took $2.48 in fees

The one thing that I need to update on BHRR's Veteran's blog is that he is EXCELLENT with older cats, yet the young, flighty, busy ones cause him to get a bit excited and has a desire to want to chase. He is learning! 😉

I was conversing with someone re: BHRR's Lincoln today and it appears I need to update his blog in respect to his food!

BHRR's Lincoln is now eating about 10 cups of food daily; spread out between two meals and he is still having a mixture of 75% FROMM (Whitefish or Salmon) and 25% of the D/D Salmon from the Vet Hospital.

In looking up the expense report  have for him; it is costing me about $100/month to feed him(I do realise that I get the D/D Salmon from the Vet Hospital at a discount).

He is still hanging a few pounds now more than I would like him BUT WHAT a long road you have come to get to this magnificent weight! 🙂

HERE is the CBC Ottawa Morning radio interview with Anna, myself & BHRR’s Journey that was live/aired on Monday February 13th, 2012! It was re-aired at 5:40 AM on Tuesday February 14th, 2012

The belief in Journey is so warming to feel plus see and once again from my own heart; THANK you to each and every one for helping her!!! I am and remain wonderfully overwhelmed and humbled deeply by such gifts of money and material goods given to her cause!

I have spent a good part of my AM answering emails, discussing what BHRR does, how BHRR does what we do, that we operate out of our home and those of our approved temp foster homes, why BHRR is so successful at what we do plus deeply thanking everyone for the continued support!

Education is so key and BHRR’s Journey continues to teach many about forgiveness, trust, giving, acceptance plus determination!

She is scheduled to head back to the Vet at KAH on Friday February 17th for a recheck on that tail, possible vaccines and another fecal! GO JOURNEY GO!

AND Anna, I am still in awe and inspired by your generous and giving soul!!!

I also finally was able to hear the interview myself! 😉

BHRR's Goliath is now back to being AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

In doing the hv yesterday, it was learnt that the whole home was not on board with a possible new Giant to add to their family. BHRR requires every member of the home to be in agreement for a successful adoption to occur.

BHRR's Goliath ROCKED the drive to the hv though! This is after he found that exact same football that he did when I first picked him up to bring to BHRR and happily squeaked it in my ear for hours! LOL

Then he had a grand time de-stuffie a couple of stuffies that was MY fault in leaving in the back floor of the car that other dogs have played with and after that, he decided that one of the dog beds I had put into the wheel wells to make the space in the back even bigger for him in the car; was a very exciting thing to treat as a super large stuffie! I am sure that many a truck or car that passed us or we passed had great amusement in seeing it 'snow' in the car!!!

Thanks to all that called me to keep me 'company' on that drive by calling me and talking to me on my hands free! I was on the road yesterday by 6:15 AM and did not arrive home until close to midnight!

Once, he had that fun, he was a model boy all the way to the hv, during our time there he was so respectful in listening to what was being asked of him; got along great with all people plus dogs in the home and traveled home with me like a real pro! IT is so wonderfully amazing how far he has come since he arrived to BHRR and what remains true is NO STUFFIES for him plus that he remains a HUGE toy freak! LOL cheeky He loves KONG toys, rope toys, tire toys and makes his own toys out of sticks, dog beds too apparently! LOL

This boy is going to make a home one of the BEST additions ever and we remain patient, as we always do. 😉


On Monday February 13th, tune into CBC's Ottawa Morning show on your radio for a very special interview! 8:00 am!  🙂

From there, I am off to make the drive to London while Sean holds down the fort!

Here are two photos of BHRR's Journey from our February 4th, 2012; BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House. They are of the wonderful Anna, the inspiration behind the 'BHRR Journey Heart Biscuits' and the second one is of her equally kind plus supportive husband, Peter.

To date, 2185 dozen 'BHRR Journey Biscuits' have been ordered and four days left! 🙂

I cannot thank people enough for those that have bought the biscuits for their own doggies, friends doggies and to those that donated to the BHRR doggies AND to everyone for believing in BHRR's Journey!

I cannot thank people enough who have donated items for her rehabilitation and made private donations to her Vet Bills. She is so special and has brought so many along with her on her 'journey' to a great future! 🙂

I shall be making an appointment for next week to have her first boosters given. I am looking forward in learning what her new weight is.

BHRR's Journey with Peter & also with Anna – February 4th, 2012 – BHRR's 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so soon after XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:      REMAINING OWED ON HER BILLS AT THIS TIME:  A credit of $1,072.60

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Penny – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Marie – Sophie
Jayne – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Ishie Hilton Hernando
Dorothy – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
ANNA & Her 'BHRR's Journey's Heart Biscuits' Fundraising Supporters
The Bakers
Ryan & Andie
Suzsanne and her 'JackPot for Journey' work Fundraiser whereby spare change was collected during the month of January
Cheryl – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
B.J. – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Helga – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Ruth – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Paul – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Sophia – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Mary – PayPal took $1.03 in fees


Here is the VIDEO of BHRR's Atlas second session at Canine Water Wellness today!

AND he is without a lifejacket in this one part! GO ATLAS GO! 🙂

Canine Water Wellness has a wonderful 'memorial' program whereby people can donate sessions for them to help Rescues with animals like Atlas who needed a bit of a helping hand!

After our trip to CWW, we went over to LAH to visit for about half anh hour and he did so GREAT!

He was getting into the car wihtout any worry at all by the time we did this last stop.

He had a great day and I have added some photos to his slideshow and two of them are below.

BHRR's Atlas – February 9th, 2012 at CWW & *second photo is courtesy of M. Bird


Today is BHRR's Atlas's second Canine Water Wellness Session and he was more comfortable heading to the car and though, his session is not until 11 AM; we are taking our time giving him more good experiences on the way! So far, he has helped drop the kids off at school( HUGE hit!) – I think Atlas was in awe of all this love being JUST for him!! I felt my heart feeling a wee bit tight over how he was full of wonder and almost surprise of all this kindness. Poor sweetie should have had all this loving from the day he was born!
Next, we headed over to McDonald's in K-Town and he was given his own hashbrown! He was not sure about taking it from them but took pieces from me and that relaxed him further.
Then, we headed to Timmie's – I mean what is a trip wwithout Timmie's!! They offered him his own BLT!!
We are now sitting enjoying this glorious sunshine and then shall make the drive to CWW.
Thanks to ALL who have stepped up to help me give BHRR's these moments of caring kindness and undertanding acceptance of his needs!!
9:50 AM and such a great day unfolding for him!
Will try to do another video plus take more photos of him today!
Have I mentioned yet today how my Heart just throbs with love for this boy!!!???!! 🙂


BHRR's Goliath is being placed under a PENDING Adoption! We shall update his status on this pending as we can! 🙂

I am so unbelievably excited and just tickled to make this post! BHRR's Holden is moving to an ADOPTED Status. Should all go as planned, he shall be headed to his new adoptive home on Friday February 17th, 2012! I am just so happy!

AND before he is adopted, I wanted to add this photo taken from December 24th, 2011 as part of our annual BHRR XMAS EVE PHOTO Shoot!

BHRR's Holden – December 24th, 2011


BHRR's Journey's article in The Ottawa Citizen.

A heartfelt touching warm story of a community being brought together by a GD who was in urgent need and how inspirational, beautiful their supportive efforts including those of Anna with her incredible WOW YUMMY Fundraising Biscuit idea to help save this special GD has been!

AND, Journey is bombing along in her rehabilitation and come April, she should be ready to be placed up for adoption!

SO many believed in you Journey and so many LOVE you!!! YOU are worthy, deserving and no less important than any other dog! 🙂

Some errors including that almost $3,000 in private donations have been sent not $1,000 to date; BHRR is not located in Oxford Mills; Journey is a 'she' not a he plus some of the timeline in the story is in error. BUT, a lovely article overall! 🙂


OTTAWA — When she heard the story of Journey – the emaciated Great Dane found on Highway 401 just before Christmas, close to starvation and covered in bite wounds – Anna Gray-Henschel embarked on a journey of her own. She knew she had to do something to help, but she couldn't have imagined that, more than a month later, she would have baked 20,000 dog biscuits to raise money for his care.

As a dog lover, owner of two Great Danes and someone who recently decided to volunteer at rescue shelters, Gray-Henschel came up with the idea of baking some of her own dogs' favourite cheddar cheese and bacon biscuits and selling them to raise money. The idea had worked when her employer, the RCMP, held fundraising campaigns, so why not try to augment her personal donation toward the poor dog's care? Her goal was to bake 100 dozen and sell them for $3 a dozen. She would then donate all $300 of the proceeds to Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services in Oxford Mills, where Journey was convalescing.

Several weeks later, that 100 dozen has become 1,667 dozen and she still has orders for 167 dozen more. By day, she's a director general in the RCMP's national security criminal investigations branch, and every evening she bakes for four hours. Weekends she puts in 12-hour days by the oven.

"My husband has been joking about our hydro bill," she said. "But he's not really complaining."

When she's not baking, she's delivering the biscuits. By the time she fills all her orders, she will have raised $5,600 toward the dog's extensive vet bills, which will likely top $8,000 and include at least one more surgery. If the orders keep coming, she'll keep baking, providing shipping (when necessary), delivery and the baking supplies at her own expense. She hopes to raise $6,000 by Valentine's Day.

"It's just one thing and it's not a big deal, but it shows you can have a huge impact if you do your little thing," she said. "It's such a small thing to do to help rehabilitate this beautiful dog. It's hard to believe someone would do this to her."

The response to Journey's story has been amazing, said Gwendilin Boers, an animal behaviour specialist (she's a PhD candidate in the subject) who runs the shelter and works part-time at the Kanata Animal Hospital.

"We were shocked by her condition," Boers said. "We see some terrible things in rescue, but she's one of the worse cases I have seen in my 16 years of running the rescue."

Journey weighed 74 pounds when a Great Dane at her age should weigh between 110 and 115 pounds. She had fleas, pieces of her ear tips missing, open bite wounds all over her body, a broken tail, frostbite, hypothermia, dehydration and round worms. Boers suspects she was abused. "She was in tragic shape, to say the least."

Boers said the community support had been all the more impressive coming, as it did, just after Christmas.

Journey was brought to the rescue one day after she was found by a Good Samaritan in the freezing rain on the highway near Brockville.

"I'm beyond touched," Boers said, adding that people such as Gray-Henschel had eased the worries about how they would be able to pay the extensive vet bills associated with Journey's recovery. In addition to those who have contributed to the biscuits campaign, private donations have totalled more than $1,000.

"Journey has been a Christmas miracle," Boers said. "She has met every obstacle she has had to overcome with grace and good temperament. She's a very loving dog who has brought so many people together in the spirit of giving. Anna's contribution is just wonderfully overwhelming."

Boers thought it would be June before Journey would be ready for adoption, but, given her progress so far – she now weighs close to 100 pounds – she estimates it will be mid-April.

Donations are being accepted through the Kanata Animal Hospital or by email transfer to Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation is accepting donations through PayPal.


Thought I would add two of BHRR's Goliath's December 24th, 2011 'EVE' photos to his blog! THIS boy is incredible! I have nicknamed him 'Peter Pan'!

BHRR's Goliath – December 24th, 2011 & in the second photo; he is 'sassing' me as I was being too slow in his mind with the treat giving! LOL

BHRR's Holden, BHRR's Hailey and BHRR's Veteran came with me tonight to do a home visit. IT was a great visit for all of them! BHRR's Veteran learnt about cats and stairs and BHRR's Holden learnt about being more comfortable in strange situations and asking more openly for love and BHRR's Hailey; well; what can I say; she was Ms. Princess all the way! Had all fooled that she was a model 'lady'! cheeky

Tomorrow night, BHRR's Dana and BHRR's Holden are going to come with me to do a home visit and looking forward to posting about their own progress and experiences.

EACH time these dogs go out; the great experiences they have; only continues to make them even more well balanced plus well rounded! It is a huge win for them! 🙂 Plus, it is nice to see homes that we visit have the time with these gentle giants and have their own experiences having the interaction with these amazing dogs! 🙂 WIN-WIN all the way!


I dropped off BHRR's Veteran to his temp foster home tonight! He came with me to do a hv and then on my way home from there, I made a visit to leave him at his temp foster home.

This has enabled us to bring direct into BHRR; the GD tomorrow that we have been told is in really poor body condition and has had bloody diarrhea.

AND I can now state that BHRR's Veteran is good with cats. He showed very respectful behavour at the hv yet at his temp foster home, he did demonstrate that he wanted to do some chasing which his temp foster mom promptly 'checked' him and he promptly obeyed. 🙂

This is a BHRR's Journey VIDEO – February 5th, 2012 AND though it is dark; you can still see how affectionate, playful and wonderfully confident she has become in such a short period of time! 🙂 THIS was the GD that I brought into BHRR on December 22nd, 2011 that was TERRIFIED of Sean and men in general plus quite skittish of women! LOOK at her! Just LOOK at her! GO JOURNEY GO! SHE is just delightful! 🙂

Sunday's FREEDOM Dane VIDEO moment! 🙂 BHRR's Freedom made a HUGE milestone break through after the BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House yesterday. At one point, I am sitting there talking to one of my BHRR BOD members and I look and see BHRR's Freedom PLAYING with a tope toy! I mean playing! WAHOOO!

I tried to get some photos; and of course, he 'froze'; but tonight as we were having our family/friend annual FONDUE for my Birthday; I managed to snap not only a photo of him plaing with one rope toy BUT this video! DOESN'T he look content! OMG! I wanted to squish him! BUT, I did not… 😉

In this past 24 hours, for some reason, he has just burst through some of his 'scary' barriers and sigh….it makes my heart feel so good for him! 🙂

AND, I am now convinced that he is most likely around 3 years, not 4 and has that lovely 'masking' gene going on with that face. The playful side of him is OMG! SOOOOOOOOOOOO WOW! He is becoming quite affectionate with myself and youthfully playful. I AM so happy for him! 🙂

The below photo is from last night with my iPhone.

BHRR's Freedom – February 4th, 2012 – FIRST TIME EVER PLAYING with a toy! 🙂

Isn't this VIDEO beautiful? So heartwarming and yesterday at our BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House; BHRR's Journey gave her own most special and lovely of thanks to Anna and fam FOR all they have done for BHRR's Journey!

I have been in these rescues trenches almost 25 years and the support and love extended to BHRR's Journey from SO many has deeply touched and affected me with such warm feelings!

I am still awaiting the link to the interview that I did for BHRR's Journey and shall post when it is received. 🙂

Also, below are two photos from January 29th, 2012. GUESS what she is doing for one of the first times EVER?

*Very limited playing due to her spay recovery BUT she is actually playing! GO JOURNEY GO!

She is now recovering well from her spay and in a few weeks, we shall see about a new re-weigh, exam and possible vaccines.

Unfortunately, this AM; I noticed that the one area of her tail that had been broken is slightly infected. This had healed so well. 🙁 No one that I have conversed with noticed her hurting it yesterday at the BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House; so, not sure where she might have banged it and she is back on antibiotics as it is quite swollen in one area and very oozy. 🙁

BHRR's Journey – January 29th, 2012

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so soon after XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:      $8727 Donated to date      REMAINING OWED ON HER BILLS AT THIS TIME:  A credit of $872.60

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Penny – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Marie – Sophie
Jayne – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Ishie Hilton Hernando
Dorothy – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
ANNA & Her 'BHRR's Journey's Heart Biscuits' Fundraising Supporters
The Bakers
Ryan & Andie
Cheryl – PayPal took $1.75 in fees


In honor of Gwennie, the Founder of BHRR,  all of us are wishing her a most wonderful and special of birthdays today – February 3rd!

As we have done for the last 2 years as a surprise for Gwennie; if you believe in BHRR; enjoy all the blog updates, pictures, open houses, GD hikes, Gwennie novel posts, her educational articles plus links; please make a donation in support of her rescue efforts.

This fundraiser shall run through until 11:59 PM today – Friday February 3rd, 2012

This blog post was made without Gwennie's awareness as we have managed to do in the past and we hope that once again, she shall be pleasantly surprised!

You can help ease her stress and worries somewhat today about always worrying about money for food to help those in need of the BHRR programs. You can help ease her stress and worries somewhat today about coming up with funds for food by either donating a bag of food or making a donation for food to be bought. You can help ease her stress and worries somewhat today about the mounting food bills for BHRR for beside Vet Bills, this is BHRR's biggest expense.

Together let's make that BHRR 'chain of success' for Gwennie even more strong today!

Email transfer to or via PayPal (account OR even bring a bag of food or cash donation to the upcoming BHRR Open House to help BHRR out! As Gwennie states so often, there is no amount too small.

Several of us approached Gwennie again this year to ask what she wanted for her birthday and once again never did she mention anything for herself. Always her family, friends or the animals.

Please do help us make a birthday very special today for a very special lady who operates a very special Rescue by making a food donation to BHRR.

Total Raised to Date$905 + 6 bags of food

Gwennie's BHRR BIRTHDAY Food Believers & Supporters:



Lana & Warren of Pet-errific

Paula & Serge













On Saturday January 28th, BHRR's Adele had a small playdate with a couple of Volunteers.

She was great coming out of the house, was a bit unsure going down the hill/stairs and when it came to going into the car, she was a bit worried. So, some minor assistance needed and then we were on our way! She travels great and enjoys looking our the windows.

As mentioned in at least one previous blog, she has an absolute fascination with windows, especially doors that are all windows. She has this 'need' to look out and see the outside and takes immense enjoyment plus pleasure in being able to do that. AND as I also posted, she dervives much pleasure and calmness in knowing that she has 'FREEDOM' to go outside and then come inside and then go outside and be able to come back inside. This is how her past confinement in 'hell' has has made her to be and for me, I am more than happy to oblige her 'need' to know freedom.

Here is a blurb from the Volunteers who took her for a couple of hours for a great experience for her and them! Any home is going to have to understand that all of this is NEW to her, foreign to her and she needs patience and understanding and acceptance. SHE will give you trust and loyalty in turn!

Hello Gwen!!

First and foremost – THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for letting us take Her Grace the Lady Adele on a play date today!! What a very special lady!

As you know, this was my first chance to spend some one on one time with Adele since I drove her from the Emergency Shelter to you late last year. All I can say is WOW!!
We had a smooth ride down the road from KAH to Petsmart Kanata and the folks there were most welcoming! Adele had the automatic doors figured out after only a slight startle and made her way up one aisle and down the other. She seemed to enjoy looking at the aquariums and the small animals the most. She walked right by the cats as if they weren't even there.
She had one puppy come tearing up body in full puppy wiggle, and she was most graceful in giving it a quick sniff on the nose but then continued on her tour. She accepted petting from a couple of store employees although to be honest was more interested in looking out the window.

Not wanting to overdue the stimulation in the store we went for a nice walk around all the shops in the area and I lost count of the "oh what a beautiful dog" comments that were sent her way.
She certainly loved being outside! We finished up with another round of the Petsmart. I had to chuckle at myself for being so careful to watch for signs that she had had enough because when the moment came she quite simply turned around and started walking for the door..and that was that!

What a very wonderful day!!

X & X