BHRR's Ava Marie came with me along with Sir Maestro and Mason to meet up with a couple of friends today for a 2 hour walk/hike. AND boy, was she fiesty, full of beans and it was SOOOOOOO awesome to see! Everyone kept making comments about how muscled and solid she was and how mobile! YAY! We varied up the walk between open fields and forest such that we could get her to slow down a bit and this temperature is perfect for her knees! NOT too hot or cold! AND she was feeling her 'oats' so we had to regulate her such that she did not overdue things.AND she was still going strong after 2 hours. We even took various opportunities to stop and chat with other dog owners and lovers so that she could be made to 'rest'. BHRR's Ava Marie just did not want to stop! LOL She had such a great time and as one person stated, the last time she saw BHRR's Ava Marie at this locale walking; only one of her cruciates had been repaired and her mobility had its limitations. It made my heart just soar with how great all the feedback was about BHRR's Ava Marie in temperament, mobility, body condition and social skills with both humans/dogs etc. GO BHRR's Ava Marie GO!

One person we ran into, was really interested in her and we shall see if an application comes our way for us to review. BHRR's Ava Marie played with dogs of all sizes from labs to goldens to a berner to a boston terrier and everything in-between! As I have stated over and over again, she is just perfect to be a Therapy Dog and come the new year, while we await her forever loving home; I shall begin her CGN and TT training towards her Therapy Certification.

I am hoping and I am sure that some pictures from today shall be sent our way… 😉 and I shall be sure to post a few!

From the walk, we headed over to KAH for BHRR's Ava Marie's 'annual' and she weighed….drumroll……. a wiggly 69.2 KGs(152.24 pounds). ALL SOLID MUSCLE! WOOHOOOO! That makes a 39.56 pound loss since her arrival to BHRR! WTG GIRL! So many came out to love on her and to visit with her and were so impressed with the journey she has made since her arrival to BHRR. I am soooooooooo proud of this girl! The Vet had a lot of complimentary words as well regarding her calm and loving disposition and what great shape she was in. 🙂 Her left knee was a bit swollen at this time and she was a bit stiff doing to lay down and get up yet HOLY! BIG BIG BIG change from the dog that could hardly even walk when they arrived to BHRR. Upon arriving home, we gave her a Deramaxx and she is very happily snoozing on a Kuranda bed. 🙂

At this time, I do not wish to see her weigh any less than she does and if she puts on more muscle that is fine! Not sure where the muscle would go though! SHE Is rock solid. 🙂

I am adding a photo below from our last BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House no November 13th, 2010.

BHRR"s Ava Marie – November 13th, 2010 – BHRR "EXPERIENCE" Mini Open House
*Photo courtesy A. Bennett

BHRR's Apollo had his last session at CWW today. He shall go up for adoption in January of 2011. Until his right matched home comes along, I shall be bringing him to CWW here and there as it is so good for his leg and he also just LOVES it. At KAH today, he weighed 62.6 KGS(137.72 pounds). GO BHRR's Apollo GO! I took some pictures today and also have some from when one of our Volunteers took him at the end of November. I will add them soon.

BHRR's Ava Marie's Annual Appointment has been booked for December 30th, 2010.

I brought BHRR's Potter into work with me today to have that 'lump' looked at and the Vet also agreed that she did not feel it was very seroma like and doubted that they would get any fluid out of it. BUT, over 20ccs was able to be taken out and the rest is a hard lump believed to be 'delayed' trauma. BHRR's Potter shall be on another extended round of Amoxicillin for the Vet stated that as long as he is getting these seroma/lumps; he needs to be on antibiotics. So, he will be on another 4 days after this current dose ends tomorrow.

BHRR's Potter weighed 28.7 KGs(63.14 pounds), so he is almost back up to his 'normal' weight range! YAY!

We also did another UA on BHRR's Potter and initial outlook appears to show some elevated white blood cells, did a HWT plus a manicure/pedicure. I will post the final results on his UA when I have them all.

Please do continue to him in your thoughts and donations can still be made to KAH (Kanata Animal Hospital) by calling (613) 836-2848 or by PayPal or by email transfer to

KAH will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone and will then mail you a receipt.

Total Raised to Date: $1,120
Vet Bills to Date: $3,000 and Rising
Remaining OWING on Bills at Kanata Animal Hospital ONLY: $932.02

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen
Dan & Isabelle

BHRR's Potter – December 23rd – right side of chest & December 24th with Mason(10) &  Kinsley (7)

BHRR's Dana's annual appointment is booked for January 3rd, 2011.

BHRR's Albert's annual appointment has been booked for January 18th, 2011.

Here is a photo of BHRR's Porridge from December 24th, 2010. You can see just how much of a 'big' boy he is in relation to the floor rug he is laying upon! This is a candid shot taken of him as we saw him laying there. He must also be thinking that it was getting close to Santa to come pay him a visit! The angle is not the best as we did not desire to disturb him. 🙂

BHRR's Porridge – December 24th, 2010

It is our 'traditional' XMAS picture posting time for the BHRR animals and here is one of BHRR's Lily Belle from December 25th, 2010! She is one G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S dog!

Per our 'tradition' at BHRR/Home; we like to take pictures of the kids and/or dogs in front of our XMAS tree or just 'candids' and I have added some for December 24th & December 25th to his slideshow with a couple also posted below.

The unfortunate thing is that he has developed a large lump on the right side(the same side that we had the seroma drained from last week) and it is bothering him. He shall be heading back to the Vet to have this rechecked. This lump has come up quite fast yet it is not strictly fluid filled but quite hard and very irregularly shaped.

Please do continue to him in your thoughts and donations can still be made to KAH (Kanata Animal Hospital) by calling (613) 836-2848 or by PayPal or by email transfer to

KAH will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone and will then mail you a receipt.

Total Raised to Date: $1,010
Vet Bills to Date: $2,700 and Rising
Remaining OWING on Bills at Kanata Animal Hospital ONLY: $912

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen
Dan & Isabelle

December 24th(left) & December 25th(right) – HOW he slept with his SS Stocking! It was hard sneaking his goodies in but we did it!

BHRR's Windsor's HWT came back negative and he remains on Sentinel year round. I am also attaching below a picture of him from December 24th, 2010. It is 'tradition' at BHRR for Sean plus I to try and take pictures of kids and/or dogs in front of the XMAS tree. BHRR's Windsor did not need any 'posing' at all. We just found him laying there, most likely dreaming of Santa coming to visit!!!

BHRR's Windsor – December 24th, 2010

Below is a picture from December 23rd, 2010 of BHRR's Potters throat & also a photo from December 24th of the back of BHRR's Potter's head, left ear etc. Though, he will possess some nasty scars, he is healing nicely from his attack 2 weeks ago. As per what we posted on the BHRR FB Group today; Sean & I are so emotionally filled over having BHRR's Potter here to celebrate XMAS and I know that BHRR's Potter is eternally grateful for all the support shown during his fight to survive after being viciously attacked.


Total Raised to Date: $1,010
Vet Bills to Date: $2,700 and Rising
Remaining OWING on Bills at Kanata Animal Hospital ONLY: $912

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen
Dan & Isabelle

BHRR's Potter – December 23rd, 2010 – Photo of throat & December 24th, 2010 Photo of back of head, neck and left ear

I brought BHRR's Porridge into work with me today and he weighed 71 KGs(156.2 pounds). We also did a HWT today for him.

BHRR does not adopt out during the XMAS season due to our position that it is not in the best interest of a new addition being added during such a busy, exciting and somewhat stressful time for many. Our XMAS Shutdown period for this year is from Saturday December 18th, 2010 to Monday January 3rd, 2011 inclusive.



I've been saving my Sobey's points and found that I had $25.00 in free groceries!  YAY!  I thought that the best thing to do was to pass it on to BHRR, so I just sent you a donation.  I didn't think to add a note, but you can put it towards Potter's vet bill.  He is one tough little dude! 🙂

We have an angel that I made for the top of our Christmas tree…..and we call her 'Gwen'. 😉

Please say a Merry Christmas to Sean and your children from us….and lots of slobbery mooshies from Ze Boyz! 🙂




OK! New pictures of BHRR's Hailey! Thanks to 'most' people LOL for being so patient! Pictures #2 – #6 have now been added to her slideshow and these are from December 5th, 2010. She is a lovely almost completely black female Great Dane(yes, she looks lab like with those natural ears etc. and we are very aware of the byber she comes from) and so very soft to the touch. BHRR's Hailey is fully housebroken, crate trained, has been totally integrated with all but 4 of our Great Danes – Tain, Bronson, Maestro and Bleach and this shall come as we have been very busy with BHRR's Storm and BHRR's Potter, not to mention getting Lexy back to her Breeder plus other rescue, family and career matters.

She is very playful, possesses excellent manners – recall is almost solid, takes treats quite nicely and though I would still like to see more weight plus muscle tone on her; she is getting there! Her birthdate is listed as October 22nd, 2007; so she has just turned 3 years of age. We had been originally told that she and Lexy were 2. No matter to us! She could be 9 years of age or 9 months, makes no difference to BHRR.

I have to obtain a current height on her and her vaccines were given on May 14th, 2010 – Rabies, DAPP, Bordetella plus Lepto. BHRR no longer gives Bordetella or Lepto and has not in many years and her Rabies plus DAPP are not due until May 14th, 2013 as BHRR gives these vaccines every 3 years once dogs reach her age. She also had a HWT done and is now on Sentinel. I am enjoying getting to know her and it should not be too long before she can be placed up for adoption as to date, she is proven to be quite the well rounded Great Dane. We shall see what I learn as she ends her honeymoon period. 😀

She has a bit of a 'couch' getting on fetish and we have been working on the 'no leather rule!'. She is a very happy girl, despite all that she has gone through and she LOVES LOVES LOVES her outside 'play' and 'free' time. She can be seen running and running and playing! In the house, she understands the 'no play' and is quite the charming lady! Her coat is becoming so shiny and she rarely makes a sound. AND those eyes….sigh…as I tell so many of my Behavoural/Training Clients and Adopters…"DO NOT LOOK INTO THE EYES" LOL For you can become quite lost and sigh….BHRR's Hailey's brown eyes are GORGEOUS!

I know that she misses Lexy yet she is kept very busy here with training and by the other dogs and she is settling in well. She is a great car traveller too. To date, this girl is showing a ton of potential. She can be a bit 'flighty' when it comes to affection yet that is understandable based upon the abuse of her former home. She is a stronger personality than Lexy in many ways and derived 'power' from telling Lexy what to do and when to do it yet when Lexy was not around; BHRR's Hailey was a bit lost. Interesting relationship the two of them had and I separated them often so that they could both learn to stand on their own two feet and that Lexy could also eat and drink at will and that Hailey could also learn to love her own company and that it is ok to have 'alone' time. What was happening is that BHRR's Hailey 'felt' she had to step up on her own home to take care of those that she could and like all dogs that try to do this; was not being very effective. She is much happier with rules, routine, guidance, consistency and a firm, understanding, guiding plus loving manner/hand at BHRR under the correct human leadership roles that Sean plus I give her. She does not try to dom over any of the other dogs here yet she is also not a wall flower and will not allow others to run all over her. NICE balance!  She has clear expectations given to her with clear communication without the fear of any negative reaction should she do something inappropriate. She is just blossoming under this leadership plus bonding relationship that we are creating at BHRR for her. She is learning sharing and that it is ok to make a mistake. If my gut tells me right, this is a very special girl with tons of potential. I want to see what else lays beneathe her surface for she has many layers……..I am only scratching that surface with her right now.

BHRR's Hailey – December 5th, 2010 – 3 years of age

Update: December 22nd, 2010 @ 10:23 AM: I have scheduled BHRR's Potter to go back to LAH(Liston Animal Hospital) today as he has developed(possible seroma) a pocket of fluid around part of his right side(chest) quite suddenly. The worry is that it could be a pocket of internal bleeding that has drained from what we saw in one of his latest X-Ray. Sean and I are going to continue to stay 'real' and calm and the fact that he is eating, drinking and sleeping much better are all positive signs. I also wish to have a recheck just before XMAS and to see if they want to extend him on his antibiotics. He has not co-operated as of yet to allow me to bring in a new UA sample to be tested. 'SHY' bladder syndrome! We are also going to get a current weight on him to see how he is faring. Keep him in your thoughts and donations can still be made to KAH (Kanata Animal Hospital) by calling (613) 836-2848 or by PayPal or by email transfer to KAH will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone and will then mail you a receipt.

Sean plus I are all indebted to everyone that has given off themselves in donations, kind words and caring hearts during this very tenuous time.

Picture below is of BHRR's Potter & Sean having a nap together on December 19th, 2010.

Update: December 22nd, 2010 @ 5:33 PM: The Vet confirmed that it is a seroma(phewwwww!) and they drained 11 ccs. She believes that perhaps BHRR's Potter bumped himself or was a wee bit too active and that is why he developed a seroma. She also extended his antibiotics of Amoxicillin another week. His weight was 27.7 KGS(60.94 pounds) so we are still thin. Should the seroma come back, I will bring him back to work with me when I am at KAH on Friday December 24th to have it drained again. It shall be good going into the XMAS holidays on a positive note and hoping that he just keeps getting better! Miracle boy and one that is so very special to SOOOOOOOO many!

Total Raised to Date: $1,010
Vet Bills to Date: $2,700 and Rising
Remaining OWING on Bills at Kanata Animal Hospital ONLY: $912

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen
Dan & Isabelle

BHRR's Potter & Sean – December 19th – You can see how thin he still his

I am going to add two pictures below from December 15th shortly after I took his IV out. I also wanted to post what BHRR's Potter's CPK levels were re: kidney damage and high range is listed as being 595 and BHRR's Potter's was over 176,000. His Vet at KAH had this re-analyzed as it was so 'off' the charts and the levels came back the same. If BHRR's Potter will co-operate with me tomorrow AM, I shall bring in another UA now that he has been off fluids for a few days to see what we are looking at re: levels etc. Now, that we are in the 'cautiously' optimistic category with him, I now have a bit more free time to post the following re: his situation.

1) BHRR's Potter was attacked by an almost 115 pound Great Dane
2) This Great Dane was not one of ours
3) This Great Dane is not a behavoural or training Client of mine either
4) The person who owns/bred this Great Dane donated $50 towards his Vet Care

There is still some question as to whether or not he does have some underlying liver and/or kidney issues that have developed since his last bw(when his leg was amputated) for the results we seem to be getting do not all appear to lead towards what one would find from just trauma

Injuries / Diagnosis:

2 x 1 cm deep wounds – one to his chest and one to his neck; which the Vet decided not to suture
1 broken rib
Bite marks mostly to left ear, chest, belly, side and neck with some on his stump
Severely shaken
Neck injury/trauma
Throat injury/trauma
LIver injury/trauma
Kidney injury/trauma
Internal bleeding
Fluid compressing his lungs
At least one tooth knocked out – lower front
Upon presentation to LAH – suspected pneumothorax
Developed Sepsis, Rhabdomyolysis, became Hypothermic, presenting as if having advanced liver disease, allergic reaction to tuna

*Long term damage to his liver, kidneys and neck is as of yet unknown.

Total Raised to Date: $815
Vet Bills to Date: $2,500 and Rising
Remaining OWING on Bills at Kanata Animal Hospital ONLY: $889

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen

BHRR's Potter – December 15th, 2010

On December 2nd, 2010; BHRR's Hailey weighed 45.9 KGs(100.98 pounds).

BHRR's Lily Belle weighed 55.80 KGs(122.76 pounds) today and is off with me later tonight with BHRR's Windsor to do a home visit for BHRR tonight. 🙂 I was soooooooooo happy to see her! 🙂

BHRR's Windsor weighed 43.2 KGs(95.04 pounds) today at his annual. We also did a HWT and he had a manicure/pedicure for him. I find him to be just a tad on the thin side still and the Vet agreed. He is a much better eater than he was though! 🙂 He and BHRR's Lily Belle are both coming to do a hv tonight for BHRR. 🙂

Jan, SWO

I'm SO happy that Potter is doing better!  If he had been with anyone else, I'm certain that they would have given up.  You and Sean are truly Potter's angels.

BHRR's Koop went to his new forever loving adoptive home on Sunday December 12th! This marks the #308th adoption at BHRR. 🙂

BHRR's Lily Belle is coming back to BHRR on Saturday December 18th. We could not be more appreciative to her temp foster home for taking her for a bit!!!! I have added three pictures to her slideshow #18 – #20 and have put one below. It is going to be soooooooooooo good to see her again!!! She looks like she has grown from her pictures. 🙂

Update: December 16th, 2010 @ 6:20 PM: As of last night, I was able to pull his IV line and I am adding 2 photos below from December 14th, 2010. One thing that Dr. Liston did point out that I have not yet posted was that in the one X-Ray taken of BHRR's Potter; you can see arthritis in his spine. Dr. Liston says that this is very common in Boxers and that he has seen some Boxers whose spines are completely fused. I was able to see this X-Ray for myself when I was at LAH on Tuesday.

Last night BHRR's Potter slept in our bedroom. THIS was the first time since Thursday that he has been able to go into our master bedroom. All I can say was that it FELT so good!!!!


Total Raised to Date: $765
Vet Bills to Date: $2,500 and Rising
Remaining OWING on Bills at Kanata Animal Hospital ONLY: $700+

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen

BHRR's Potter – December 14th, 2010 – Mobile with his IV bag & then also eating plus drinking some!

Sean ended up making the drive to meet Lexy's Breeders today. I stayed home to take care of BHRR's Potter. In a show of their appreciation, they donated two bags of Dog Food – FROMM and $50. THANK YOU! As mentioned to them via email;

"It is what we do here, help heal Great Danes, physically, emotionally, behaviourally and spiritually if needed. JAND help get those back to those Breeders that stand by their dogs. 🙂 " Two pictures of Lexy from December 13th, 2010 are posted below. She has put on even more weight plus muscle mass and has been really coming out of her shell. You can see how much more confident her head plus body posture is and she is actually running/playing! I have been separating her from BHRR's Bailey, the oher Dane that came into BHRR from the same home to give them both the best chances of avoiding SA behavours in that avenue and BHRR's Hailey seems to be handling it ok at this time. YET, BHRR's Hailey is also very busy with the other dogs at BHRR as both a mental plus physical source of stimulation.

Lexy – December 13th, 2010



Update: December 14th @ 10:46 PM: BHRR's Potter had a bit of a setback and he is now on fluids until tomorrow and we shall have a recheck with Dr. Liston tomorrow AM. We will re-assess then and determine the next step. His Vet at KAH recommended another UA to be done once he is off fluids for a couple of days to see what his kidney function is like and all three of his Vets feel that his liver should be 'ok'. Only time shall tell. In being at LAH today – I went in an paid off the balance remaining at LAH so if anyone still wishes to make a donation; you can do so direct at KAH (613) 836-2848 or by PayPal or by email transfer to About $700+ is left remaining between donations and what Sean & I have paid off with our own savings. He is still eating and peeing and drinking every 2 hours and we are stil lin desperate need of duvets, comforters and towels. Please email if you can assist us!


Total Raised to Date: $745
Vet Bills to Date: $2,500 and Rising
Remaining OWING on Bills at Kanata Animal Hospital ONLY: $700+

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen

BHRR's Potter – December 13th, 2010

Vicki, ON, CDA

Hi Gwen, I sent the dogs secret Santa package out today via purolator. Hopefully they enjoy their treats and I look forward to coming to an openhouse in the spring or summer and bringing you the cage.  So sorry to hear about Storm, she was sweet, and glad to hear that Potter is feeling better.  I really don't know how your heart holds out when these things happen.  I think mine would have been broken beyond repair, but I am so glad that you are as strong as you are and that you keep doing what you do.

Take care,  and have a very Merry Christmas.



Plans have been made for myself to drive partway to meet Lexy's Breeders on Wednesday December 15th around noon.

Update: December 13th @ 12:20 AM: HE ate! He ate! Not much. Only about 1/2 -1/3 of a small dessert plate of boiled hamburger and rice BUT he ate! He much preferred the hamburger over the rice and then he became tired for this was after going outside, urinating, being carried back inside, standing and then drinking some water and then standing some more. Being up for almost a hour is very exhausting for BHRR's Potter right now yet I could have almost cried I was sooooooooooooo happy! Sean and Mason were grinning like fools from ear to ear(do not tell them I said this! LOL). I am just getting ready to change his bag of fluids once again and take him outside as we take him out every 2 hours. We are in a routine and tag teaming mode that is running like a well oiled machine. BHRR's Potter will then be up for an hour after urinating, having a drink, standing for a bit and we shall see if he will eat again and then he will rest for an hour and we begin the routine all over again. Other than some stool being passed while we were collecting urine by cysto on Saturday, he has not had a bm since Thursday. The x-rays yesterday showed he had some stool and if he is eating, hopefully, we can get his bowels to begin to work again. He had his Amoxicillin at just past 10 PM and keep those prayers coming! He is very clinical yet Sean and I feel like a small miracle has just happened! Will update more as I can. I have some pictures from Friday night to also post.

Update: December 13th, @ 2:32 PM:  Dr. Liston is amazed at how well he is doing!!! 🙂 Dr. Liston thought it could take a week or more to see these kinds of results *if* BHRR's Potter even had lived that long. He was given a 20% survival rate at one point. 🙁  Dr. Liston thought his lungs still sound pretty harsh. PCV is 35(normal!), temp is 38. Repeated X-rays, got a new pain patch to change for tomorrow. Xrays look good with just some fluid showing under the skin on his chest as we already knew. Wants him on fluids for another 24 hours as he was not sure if he was looking a bit jaundiced or was it just from the fluids draining.  He was not convinced BHRR's Potter is actually jaundiced.  Rate is 40 ml/hour until tomorrow.  Between drinking and the IV fluids feels that should help flush more. Changed his IV to his other front leg. We did not offer him anything to eat or drink just before going to Steve. Honestly, I truly believe that the corn syrup helped!!! He was more perky and from there he began to eat!!! Dr. Liston does not want him on Deramaxx due to the condition of his liver and kidneys. Colour of urine is pretty much normal. Some sneezing since his allergic reaction and Steve believes this to be from his allergic reaction and post nasal drip. Happens mostly after drinking. Still no bowel movement yet that will come. 🙂 We have begun to offer him softened kibble with hamburger/rice mixed in and he ate some. We shall do a recheck tomorrow with Dr. Liston. We have to see how things play out in the longer term yet we can now go from hourly goals to 12 hour goals!!!! BHRR's Potter is taking another journey in becoming another miracle. Between donations and what we have put down at LAH; we only owe another $530.02 at LAH. The balance owing is at KAH(Kanata Animal Hospital). We owe almost $700 at this time still at Kanata Animal Hospital(KAH). THANKS so much everyone for the prayers, thoughts, donations and caring. Sean and I have discussed with family and friends who have been most understanding that instead of gifts to them, we shall be using those monies to pay for BHRR's Potter bills. As our children compromise and have made their own share of sacrifices in order for BHRR to operate to the stellar level it is; Sean plus I will be giving them the XMAS that we still planned on given them. Sean has delayed his trip to N.B. (was suppose to be leave around 3 AM on either Sunday or Monday AM depending on weather) and we are taking it one day at a time as to how his bi-annual trip to visit his parents with the kids will go. Sean and I have also agreed that we will use whatever monies we would put towards a small gift to each other at XMAS for BHRR's Potter, so we can begin to really pay down his bills ASAP. Until we pay down the bills that we currently have, BHRR is not in a position to assist any more animals in need.

Donations can be made in the following ways:

LAH directly (613) 591-0966 to donate by M/C or Visa; KAH directly (613) 836-2848  to donate by Via or M/C or AMEX; PayPal or by email transfer to


Total Raised to Date: $745
Vet Bills to Date: $2,500 and Rising
Remaining OWING on Bills: $1,200+

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen

BHRR's Potter – December 10th, 2010

Update December 12th @ 7:08 PM: Some of BHRR's workup from yesterday – PCV was 55 when presented on Friday, now 40 ie 24 hours on iv fluids, No change in these results post 24 hours- intravenous fluids, baytril and ampicillin. Hydromorphone given as analgesic iv. Red tinged urine- wine like ie not resembling hematuria running the urinalysis. more X-rays done on both chest & also abdomen.

Latest diagnosis is that he has rhabdomyolysis. He is presenting as if he has advanced liver disease yet is not jaundiced. As of today, he is drinking and he is out urinating every 2 hours and the colour is more a concentrated yellow instead of a port wine colour. All day yesterday at KAH and last night until about 7:30 AM today; he was at 155 ml/hour on his pump and I lowered him to 100 this AM. He is walking on his own to go outside and then back inside(we carry him up the stairs) and is drinking every two hours(he has had a few accidents in his sleep) yet he has shown no signs of eating. He is losing weight fast – 27.2 KGs as of yesterday down from being over 30 KS and is looking more anorexic. His respiration level is now at 24 which is down from the 42 from yesterday. I was taking his body temp almost every hour at KAH yesterday and by the time we left; it was 38 degrees and we have done well in maintaining that temp throughout the night and day(two heaters, blankets, towels, comforters, duvets being put into the dryer as well as heating pads/bottles). We are washing duvets/comforters round the clock and he is going through them faster than we can keep up with the demand and we are reaching out to see if anybody out there has any to spare to donate to BHRR's Potter. We will drive to meet you if need be so that you are not inconvenienced in any way. is our email.

In offering him up some canned tuna per a Vets recommendation(something super smelly) – BHRR's Potter reacted to the juice that we used to ensure that his latest antibiotic washed down and his one side of his lip and face swelled up – the side that I had put the syringe of tuna juice in. He has not had any reaction in the past to fish yet we are not going to go down that route again. Due to his clinical state, we did give him Benadryl which his Vet agreed was not a good idea due to the sedation effect it can have in addition to some reports of vomiting and diarrhea in some patients. In talking to one of his Vets(she called and emailed today), she recommended to put honey or corn syrup in his water for his sugar levels. Dried electrolyte powder was also suggested in addition to what he is getting through his IV fluids. Boiled hamburger/rice and canned gastro food to not avail. HE has to eat……he is getting weaker. We are still treating him aggressively for sepsis and he is just so critical.

HE is alive and has surpassed all odds to date….miracle making boy yet again. Keep those thoughts coming and if anyone can spare even $5.00 both LAH (613)591-0966 and KAH (613) 836-2848 will be more than happy to take your call or see you in person. PayPal or email transfer to are other options. THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

He is back at LAH(Liston Animal Hospital) tomorrow AM for 9:30 AM. Should his liver and kidney levels not have made any change or have increased, Sean plus I will have to make a heartwrenching decision re: his quality of life and that his prognosis shall not be positive. We will not allow him to die from renal system failure, severe cluster seizures, cardiac arrest and just 'waste' away in not eating as a form of any death sentences for him. We love him too much and have tried to do all that we can to give him the best fighting chance possible. Quality of life…..quality of life.

Total Raised to Date: $745.00
Vet Bills to Date: $2,000 and Rising

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen


Leanne & Nicole – Sandy Hill, Ottawa, ON

Perhaps we could continue to communicate in 2011 about possible suitable candidates for adoption etc.We currently live in a one bedroom apartment in an environmental co-op in the sandy hill area of Ottawa.  We have a park really close by and would be able to get permission from the co-op's board to fence in our small yard.

We wish you all the best with everything – your own health & that of our furry friends.  We both very much appreciate the love, time and efforts that you and Sean put into helping these sweethearts to get better.


Happy holidays and warm wishes,

Leanne & Nicole

Eva, Ottawa, ON

Hi Gwen,


I speak for Rose and I when I say that it was nice to meet you today, even though for a short while. We figured that there had been some sort of pup emergency. And there is absolutely no need to apologize – we know where that your heart is with the pups.


I do hope we meet again. Even though it was very rewarding for the pups for us to be a part of this (I couldn't stop shopping!!), it was very rewarding for us too, so we thank you for the opportunity.


With all that said, BHRR will continue to be top of mind to me and I will continue to do what I can. Keep up the great work, have a Merry Christmas, and a great new year. You are amazinng, and you make a difference in this world of ours. I hope Potter gets better soon. Tell him I wish him Merry Christmas too!


Take care,


BHRR`s Koop had his annual today(yes, a bit early) yet I wanted a current weight on him, to have him checked out one more time before he was adopted. He weighed a wiggly 49.4 KGS(108.68 pounds). So, probably weighs more. Sean was very helpful in driving BHRR's Koop to KAH in the truck as I was at KAH since 9 AM working and also attending to BHRR's Potter. Sean also was awesome about driving around town a wee bit with the kids as we were running behind at work due to emergencies and also the care that we were giving BHRR's Potter. Though, we close at 4 PM on Saturdays, we were there until almost 5:30 PM. Sean then took BHRR's Koop home in the truck while I stayed behind working on BHRR's Potter. Unfortunately, I had wanted to do BHRR's Koop's nails at home tonight and wash him yet that is going to be impossible as Sean plus I are tag teaming with BHRR's Potter's round the clock care. 🙁 The great news is that BHRR's Potter made it through the day, the incredible fighter and once I grab a bite to eat plus a cuddle with both four and two legged here; I shall update his blog. It has been 48 hours since either Sean or I have had any sleep, only some mild nodding off here and there but I promise to update ASAP.

Update: December 11th @12:22 AM: I am just back as Sean called me to say that BHRR's Potter stood up on his own. We managed to get him outside yet he was too weak to stand long on his own and did not pee. THOUGHT, he might yet sadly not and it is so cold outside. Carried him back in(WHAT an incredibly brave and awesome boy Potter is) and got him settled. He wants to go into the masterbedroom. This is his 'safe' spot and 'den'. It was the same when he had his leg amputated. He spent one night in the triage area and that was it. He was determined that he was going on our kingsize bed and we debated about doing this for him tonight yet felt that he really should stay where he is, even if we took all the other dogs out of the room. I know he might rest better and feel more comfortable, mentally yet we want him quiet and completely undisturbed as possible. In fact, we do not even have him in our usual 'triage' area. We have him in the rec room downstairs. A place he likes to visit yet not stay long. We made the next hour and we are on to the 1:00 AM goal. Please pray that he will feel better come the AM and want to eat a little something……I have both his Baytril and Amoxicillin in pill format and they are to be given with food. If he shall not eat, I will see at KAH about giving him his meds via his IV.

Total Raised to Date: $695.00
Vet Bills to Date: $2,000 and Rising

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen

Due to the emergency with BHRR's Potter, I have canceled BHRR's Ava Marie's annual for tomorrow. I shall reschedule ASAP.

**URGENT**BHRR's Potter rushed to Liston Animal Hospital this AM – Friday Dec. 10 – Need to raise $500 as 'good' faith deposit

**All monies from our ONLINE AUCTION plus BHRR's Koops' Adoption fee have been going towards BHRR's Storms Bloat Bills & though we know it is XMAS & that we truly have no 'right' asking for help at this time; we are urging with tears in our eyes for you to consider calling LAH directly (613) 591-0966 to donate by M/C or Visa; or PayPal or to email transfer to

**Though we know we can have a payment plan, we need to put down something as a 'good' faith deposit.

***PLEASE Keep him in your hearts and thoughts.


I will update as we can…..

Update: December 10th @ 9:00 AM – BHRR's Potter is in for X-Rays, has been put on fluids, antibitotics and his prognosis is not looking optimistic at this time. Talked to KAH as well and they are on 'alert' in case we have to transfer him. His bills could easily be in the thousands and thousands and we will gladly pay every last penny. Will continue to update as I can.

Update: December 10th @ 9:22 AMWaiting on results from X-Rays and also have talked to Alta Vista plus left a message on their internal specialist line re: estimates.

Update: December 10th @ 10:21 AM – BHRR's Potter is in the beginnings of septic shock, high doses of Baytril and fluids are being given, X-Rays were clear other than some fluid in the chest which is believed to have drained from his neck. His kidney and liver levels are also very elevated. His PCV(Packed Cell Volume) was 55. At this time, he shall be staying at LAH until 5:30 PM and we shall re-do bw and I shall be taking home bags of fluid plus an IV pump from KAH and the plan at this time is to bring him home later tonight. He will be monitored at home, round the clock as there are no staff 24/7 at LAH or KAH. He shall not have need to head to an emergency hospital at this time and surgery does not look like it is needed right now but we are well aware that this could change. Prognosis is still not great for him yet better than what it was since we have the results of his X-Rays. I am scheduled to bring him back to LAH for 9:30 AM on Monday for a re-evaluation, a repeat of bw and X-Rays. Keep him in your thoughts and I shall update as I can and thank you extended as well to every one that is considering contributing to his Care at LAH. (613) 591-0966. They will take M/C and Visa over the phone.

Update: December 10th @ 4:12 AM – BHRR's Potter's prognosis is still listed as critical. He is now on two types of heavy doses of antibiotics – Amoxicillin & Baytril and due to his dehydration level plus sepsis; up to 3 times maintenance – 120. I have put Alta Vista on 'alert' that I might need to bring him in at any point during the night and shall also be bringing him back with me to KAH tomorrow for monitoring throughout the day and if we need to go back up to 120 maintenance plus do another PCV and  more X-Rays. The key is that we need him to begin to eat a bit and tomorrow we can begin anti-imflamm(50 mg) SID. I am at home ill today with Mason who is also sick and have been setting up all that Sean brought home to prepare for BHRR's Potter to come home. He did try to get up on his feet as I was talking to the Vet around 4 PM despite having been given lots of hydro. His body temp is very low and heating pads are been used to try and regulate him to a more normal temperature. For anyone wishing to make a donation direct to LAH (613) 591-0966, they are open to 6 PM tonight and open to 2 PM tomorrow plus closed on Sunday. As he shall be coming back to KAH with me tomorrow AM – we are taking it hour by hour; you can also donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 by Visa or M/C or AMEX. Kanata Animal Hospital is open until 8 PM tonight and then Saturday 8:30 AM  – 4 PM.

Update: December 10th @ 6:33 PM – Sean is on his way home with BHRR's Potter right now. His is more stable yet very groggy from the hydro and praying that we can make each hour a 'good' one and that he will bounce back. Tomorrow AM; we can begin to try and offer him some food, he needs to eat and at 9:30 AM he is scheduled in at KAH for a repeat PCV(Packed Cell Volume) and full CBC, recheck and possible X-Rays. He shall then remain at KAH for the day and come home after my shift ends at 4 PM. Please please please keep him in your thoughts and donations can still be made to LAH (613) 591-0966 as there is still monies outstanding and donations can also be made to KAH (613) 836-2848 for he shall be under their care tomorrow. On Monday, god willing, BHRR's Potter shall still be alive and we are scheduled back at LAH for 9:30 AM for another recheck and more bw – PCV and X-Rays; so donations can continue via LAH or PayPal or to email transfer of Today, I feel like one of the most blessed people in the world by the demonstation of kindness from others that truly have given so much of themselves in time, donations, thoughts, supporting words and blessings for BHRR's Potter. We are grateful and indebted to EACH one of you. Special thanks extended to LAH at this time and Dr. McKenna for everything plus their wonderful staff in getting us in so fast and taking such great care of BHRR's Potter. BAKED goodies galore next week headed their way!

Update: December 10th @ 7:13 PM: BHRR's Potter is now home. He is more pink and stable than when he left here this AM yet his breathing is so laboured. Will be monitoring closely and if he deteriotes in any way, I shall head to Alta Vista's 24 hour Emergency Clinic. I have him all hooked up with a maintenance flow x 2 – 80 ml/hour. Though he is groggy on the hydro; his eyes follow myself and Sean. My heart is heavy with such worry and pain over his condition. We are taking it one hour at a time. Sean and I put a new coat of finish down on our floors twice a year and we generally do this before Sean goes to N.B. with the kids(Summer & December) and this December we shall not be doing them for that money about $200 will be put towards BHRR's Potter's Vet Care. Sean and the kids are scheduled to leave around 3 AM on Monday and we will play all of this by ear at this time. Flying solo, it will be hard to give all the animals what they need plus deserve plus BHRR's Potter. I also wish to try and limit my exposure to BHRR's Potter(AS much as I want to do otherwise) as I am riddled with germs from being ill as is Mason at this time. There are no words for each one of you for your kind hearts, generous nature and caring manners…..I shall never be able to repay each of you in turn for all that you are doing for BHRR's Potter. ALL of you are amazing!

Update: December 10th @ 11:50 PM: I have just 'tag teamed' with Sean so that I can spend some time with the rest of our wonderful canines and to check on my sleeping kids. Mason is still not feeling great himself and I am not far behind him in the 'ick' department. We have made the last '4' goals of an hour each yet BHRR's Potter is not faring well at all. 🙁 It has been quite the effort to try and keep his temp regulated. I changed his bag of fluids a couple of hours ago. Though, his gums are pinker than they were this AM, I still find them pale. YET, what melted my heart is that what BHRR's Potter likes to do best is lay his head in your lap and put a least one paw on your(believe we have a picture posted of this from February) and I know that he does not love his face and head touched overly much(past abuse). So, when I stopped petting his shoulder and leg(which he loves BUT not those toes so much! LOL); he actually batted me with his paw and his tail gave one lift and drop. My heart just melted. He did the same for Sean as we transitioned. Next goal, midnight, goal after that 1:00 AM, goal after that 2:00 AM. When I am at KAH tomorrow, we shall pull this line out and put another one in on his other front leg to help minimize swelling to the one leg etc. Sean and I are honestly terrified about his prognosis YET he has fought this far and I have to be real in saying that I am concerned about what his PCV, CBC and X-rays will say tomorrow. Dr. Liston feels that the sooner we can try to get him up and moving the better yet other than pulling himself into a more comfortable position, he has been prone. I know that part of his current discomfort is also related to him most likely having to pee and as he is housebroken, this is causing him distress. Yet, we tried once to see if we could get him up to no avail and that is hard unto itself for he is pain all over and I even had to cut off his collar earlier due to edema. What is most troublesome is his breathing and how it is up and down and Sean and I are prepared at a moment's notice to rush him into Alta Vista Emerg. Please hug all your loved ones tonight and say a special prayer for a very special boy named Potter. We do not know what tomorrow may bring and he might well have seen his last sunrise and set…….

All additional posts on updates on BHRR's Potter shall be made solely on his own blog.

Total Raised to Date: $645.00
Vet Bills to Date: $2,000 and Rising

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen

Candy, FL, USA

You are so much more than welcome…..wish it could be more.  My heart melts at all you do for these precious babies….wish I were closer and could be more involved.  Continuing to pray for that sweet, sweet boy.



Lynsie and Ximmy Pierce, USA

I am more than happy to help anyway I can.  And I will be delighted to participate next year as well.

You and everyone at BHRR deserves a big Thank You for all you do.  And I hope that every one of you has a happy holidays.

With the loss of BHRR's Storm, BHRR's Koop's pending adoption and that I managed to track down BHRR's Lexy's Breeder; we shall have room once more at BHRR. So, BHRR's Lily Belle shall be leaving her temp foster home on Satudray December 18th and coming back to BHRR. I cannot thank her temp foster mom enough for taking such awesome care of her while we worked things around at BHRR to accomodate the arrival of BHRR's Lexy  & BHRR's Hailey.


Short update sent this AM on BHRR's Lily Belle:

The dogs are getting along great.  Lily Belle seems fully adjusted to the house rules and routine.  I'm loving the extra cuddles and kisses.  She's so sweet!

I took BHRR's Ava Marie with me when I did the hv for BHRR's Koop's possible adoption and my dogs make me so proud when I take them out in public! BOTH were amazing and BHRR's Koop is moving to an ADOPTED status. Should all go well(weather depending) he shall be adopted on Sunday. As we are expecting 63 cm of snow; we will have to play this one by ear. ADOPTED!

I took BHRR's Ava Marie with me tonight when I was doing a hv for BHRR's Koop's possible adoption. She is such a great dog!!!! 🙂

Made contact with Lexy's Breeder and we shall be making arrangements such that we can meetup with them partway(they live quite a distance from us) to return her to them. The tentative plan is to do this early next week – Tuesday yet more likely Wednesday with all the snow expected our way. Though we are aware that some GD rescues shall not work with GD Breeders; BHRR believes wherever possible we shall do so with what we believe to be reputable/quality Great Dane Breeders. I have to say that I am going to miss her though! I have already developed quite the spot for her! 🙂

In the below photo, you can see that she is already putting on weight…..slow and gradual.

Lexy – December 8th, 2010 – Fawn Great Dane – Born May 15th, 2007

Now that BHRR's Lexy is settling in a bit better, her comfort level is getting much better and in being able to handle/love and touch her much more and all over; I noticed a tattoo. In doing some researching, I have managed to locate her Breeders. I am aware of these Breeders from also being part of the GD Show World and have been trying to make contact with them. Their contract states that they do take their 'dogs' back and as I told Sean, BHRR's Lexy has a 'look' about her that is not the typical 'byber type'. When I have tried to call them, the line has no vm and it 'hangs' up. I have since emailed them plus posted a 'request for contact' on one of the exclusive GD boards that we both happen to belong to. Will update as I can and took more pictures today! I have only two of BHRR's Lexy that I took last Friday and did post one on our BHRR FB Group and they are now on here!. 🙂

BHRR's Lily Belle's annual appointment has been booked for January 14th, 2011.

BHRR's Windsor's annual appointment has been booked for December 18th, 2010.

Rose, Ottawa, ON

Your big hearts go a long way to helping these puppies…. (new and mature J)

I take my hat off to you.

Btw.. I really like all your large dogs…. However Windsor’s eyes got me…… and I would like to be his friend.. J 

Thank You and Merry Christmas


Rose Pigeon


Due to an availability in scheduling, BHRR's Koop's annual has now been scheduled for Saturday December 11th. So curious to see how much the long legged cutie weighs now!

Melissa D., Orleans, ON

Hi Gwen,

I just wanted to send you a quick email to say that I am so sorry about Storm :o( I've been following all the dogs on the website and was showing Raine who might be coming for a home visit and we were shocked to read what happened to poor Storm! You all must be devastated (we shed some tears and we didn't even meet Storm!). Please know that our thoughts are with you.

Please let me know if there's anything you need or I could help with in the mean time.



UPDATE Sent today on BHRR's Lily Belle from her Temp Foster Mom:

Hi Gwen,
Everything is going great, both girls are currently fast asleep on the floor at my feet.  They had a busy morning playing in the fresh snow.
Lily Belle is eating well, drinking lots of water and slept great through the night.  She is so sweet and super cuddly 🙂
I'll also be coming to the walk on the 12th, all three of us if Lily Belle is still here.

Melissa, Orleans, ON

Hi Gwen,

I just wanted to send you a quick email to say that I am so sorry about Storm :o( I've been following all the dogs on the website and was showing Raine who might be coming for a home visit and we were shocked to read what happened to poor Storm! You all must be devastated (we shed some tears and we didn't even meet Storm!). Please know that our thoughts are with you.

Please let me know if there's anything you need or I could help with in the mean time.


In the AM of Wednesday December 1st, we were contacted by a person from Golden Retriever Rescue, Quebec who also works for several women's shelters. Two Great Danes were in need of urgent help to enable a woman to be able to leave a very dangerous and violent domestic abuse situation. All I can truly say that what happened next was nothing short of incredible. There are studies that have indicated that up to 48% of women will not leave an abusive relationship due to their concern about their animals. 🙁 So, we mobilized immediately to see if BHRR could step up to assist.

We sent word out through our BHRR network that includes our BHRR FB Group and it was only 28 minutes later that we were able to commit to these Great Danes. 28 Minutes!!!! We had two approved Temp Foster homes(and so many other people sending supporting words, emails, voice messages, offering to cross-post and willing to go through the application process to become a BHRR approved home) on board to help these Danes plus their previous Owner. We received 7 offers just in that time frame alone from such kind and caring people offering to temp foster. AND at this time, we had no idea where these Danes were as in distance or their medical plus emotional state, their colour etc. FOR at the end of the day, what we are known to say is, 'IT DOES NOT MATTER'! Reputable/quality rescue is about helping the next one in need. We knew what was most important – that they needed help; that their previous Owner needed help; that if we did not help; they plus their previous Owner were in a very dangerous situation or that they also could have been pts. We were made aware that they were 2(turns out that they are 3 yet no matter!), spayed, female and had demonstrated sweet calm temerperaments with no known human bite history. What BHRR prefers to do wherever possible(not always feasible due to distance sometimes of these requests and that we would then have to organize transport to BHRR) is bring any new addition direct to BHRR so that we can formally behavourally/emotionally and medically assess/evaluate the animals. Our protocol does state that all new additions ASAP must come to BHRR.

The person that contacted us was so worried about this situation(space in women's shelters are not easily come by) that she offered to make a donation if we could commit. I wrote them back saying that while BHRR appreciates monetary assistance(we receive no corporate, provincial nor federally support); we are assisting because we just have to and that her offer stressed to us just how urgent this is and HOW caring she also was. BHRR declined to take any form of monetary donation in this matter.

So, what was planned is that BHRR's Lily Belle and BHRR's Ava Marie would go to BHRR approved temp foster homes and BHRR's Lexy plus BHRR's Hailey would come to BHRR. Due to the urgency of this situation; we needed to get the animals and the woman out as quick as possible; so the person from rescue went to get the animals yet the police had to then be called for the man kicked BHRR's Lexy in the head and the woman then became undecided about leaving herself. What then ensued was a very stressful and worrisome time to try and get all out safely.

By 2 AM on the Thursday AM, Danes plus the woman were safely removed and by 4 PM on Thursday December 2nd, I had both Great Danes in my arms. Also, during this time, it was the closing day of our 3RD Annual 'JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS' Online Auction, I worked a 7:30 AM – 4 PM Hospital shift and was dealing with several other matters on my plate including a BHRR Pending Adoption and doing a hv for another Rescue plus a hv for BHRR! YET, it all came together and this is one of the best examples EVER of that 'chain of success' of people pulling together to make the difference in the lives of others!!!! THANK YOU! THANK all of you!!!!

Early on Saturday December 4th, BHRR's Lily Belle went to her temp foster home – miss her yet she is going to have a blast for she already knows this home – and unfortunately, due to the tragic loss of BHRR's Storm on Saturday; we no longer had need of BHRR's Ava Marie to be temp fostered as we had that 'one' spot now at BHRR. 🙁


Due to the loss of BHRR's Storm this evening, BHRR's Ava Marie shall be staying at BHRR. We will not have a need of a temp foster home at this time now.

BHRR's Storm –  ? – December 4th, 2010

Since BHRR's Storm had her vaccines and after the Home visit, she was not quite feeling herself. She did not eat her supper Wednesday night(she has always had a good appetite) and she even had diarrhea at the home visit outside a few times. BHRR's Storm is not one to ingest things she should not and so the likelihood of her eating something inappropriate was low during this hv. Vaccine reation(another dog with the same rabies series recently had a vaccine reaction as well), perhaps and she was interested in drinking yet would then vomit, so we were monitoring her fluid intake closely. I took her to see a Vet on Friday as she was now lethargic, dehydrated and she was given subq fluids and a Deramaxx and we were told to 'monitor' and give it some more time. When Friday night rolled around, I told Sean that I was now worried about a possible bloat in addition to *if* this could be a possible vaccine reaction and/or did she possibly ingest something and did not feel comfortable waiting much longer as she was clearly not improving and most likely need more intervention for I was not 'ok' inside with what little had already been done at this one Vet's office. I began to give her GasX and brought her into my own Hospital today. Sadly, after 5.5 hours of working on her; we were unable to save her. She just kept filling up with gas and became more sore and more weak/tired in our efforts to get her to to bounce back. In having seen this pattern before, in particular with our own GD Dragon; it was just a matter of time that she would deteriorate to the point of torting. To see a once very energetic, bubbly, happy, special,  friendly sweet creature the way she was today was just crushing. There were 6 of us including Sean that were working on BHRR's Storm and we are shock filled, devastated and when I saw that first X-Ray; my heart sunk. The second X-Ray was better, the third X-Ray showed that the gas was moving yet she had more gas and each X-Ray after that just was not improving and was reaching the point of her continuing to fill up with gas. She went through 4 bags of IV Fluids, her bw was very poor, her vitals did get better by the time the third X-Ray was done(temp, pulse), the Sulcrate Suspension and other meds just were not getting her to go on the 'good' side of recovering and you could see just how uncomfortable, in pain and exhausted she was, even despite giving her pain medications. As long as she was showing signs of improving and had that 'will'; we were there with her yet we turned the 'bad' corner and it was the most humane and best thing for her to say our good-byes and let her cross over. I told Sean that I could not look at him(he has not been with me for an euthanasia since BHRR's Spirit) and that he could not look at me for I would have just bawled……

This evening saw one of the most gentlest, easy going with a sweetly stubborn streak, kind, loving, affectionate, bubbly, happy creature be called back to heaven and Sean and I feel like we are wandering aimlessly with all those 'what ifs' going through our minds……..

I wish to publicly thank each and every one of the staff members of KAH that stayed and worked so dedicatedly to save her……

We shall never know if it was the vacines for sure that brought her down this road and I will be haunted by her loss for the rest of my days…………

My last 'own' picture of BHRR's Storm – June 14th, 2010


BHRR's Ava Marie is heading to her temp foster home on Sunday December 5th and just as with BHRR's Lily Belle, I am going to miss her BUT she shall have a blast in having new experiences and making new friends!

To learn more about how to become an approved BHRR Foster/Volunteer home please visit our appropriate page here.

BHRR's Lily Belle went to her temp foster home today. Going to miss her yet what an exciting time for her to have this wee 'mini' vacation away from BHRR. 🙂 She weighed 52.6 KGS(115.72 pounds today). SO, YAY! She has put on another 2.42 pounds in one week. 🙂

To learn more about how to become an approved BHRR Foster/Volunteer home please visit our appropriate page here.

Leslie, Orleans, ON

I know I've said it a million times and I'm honestly not sucking up but I am just so amazed by the work you do. It's incredible. Those dogs are lucky to have you!

I have scheduled 2 more CWW sessions for BHRR's Apollo – Tuesday December 14th & Thursday December 16th. This will make his last two planned sessions and after that, he should be ready to be placed up for adoption yet as we do not adopt out during the Holiday season; we shall not place him up as 'available' until January of 2011. This will give us a couple more weeks to ensure that he truly is ready. We shall keep his blog updated. So many mixed feelings as we reach this stage of his journey!

In order for BHRR to assist the extremely 'urgent' situation of 2 Great Danes and their former owner in a domestic abuse situation; BHRR's Lily Belle and BHRR's Ava Marie are going to temp foster homes! THANKS to everyone that stepped up so fast and for all the encouraging plus supportive emails, voice messages etc. From the point of notification of this situation from one of the most wonderful of people I have met to date(she is involved with animal rescue herself plus works with women's shelters) to the point of actual mobilization of these two Great Danes of BHRR's Hailey and BHRR's Lexy  to arriving under BHRR's authority it was less than 36 hours! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Will update the blogs of our newest additions ASAP yet they are both LOVELY! Just lovely girls!

BHRR's Storm had her annual tonight and weighed 44.4 KGs(97.68 pounds). CLEAN bill of heath and she was all puppy love to everyone! 🙂 She also came with me along with BHRR's Ava Marie to do a home viisit tonight and ROCKED as per her usual awesome self in the car and with every one she met!!!! BHRR's Storm was doing her 'KangaDane' routine in the back run at KAH with BHRR's Ava Marie! LOL Just so happy and friendly. 🙂



The BHRR ONLINE Auction shall END on Thursday December 2nd, 2010 @ 9 PM EST

This is BHRR's last organized Fundraiser of 2010 and our next planned organized Fundraiser at this time is not until July of 2011, so each penny raised will be desperately needed to allow us to keep helping animals in need of our BHRR programs.

*To donate gift certificates, baskets, handmade crafts or any other items – Email BHRR (

*We have 153 Items to date!!!!

Permission to Cross Post is given!