Alex & Karen, SWO, ON

We are both very saddened to read about Bean.  It’s hardest to be in a place where nothing you can do will help, other than let them go to a better place.  We understand how hard this is for you and will keep all of you in our thoughts. For however long his time will be, he is in the best place and the best care.

Jan Bethune, SWO, ON

I just finished reading the latest Gwennie novel on the BHRR site. HUGE KUDOS to you Gwen! There's great info there for everyone and you made so many important points…….especially about deafies having a name!! 🙂 After living with 2 deafies (I have the honour to be mom to BHRR'S Little Tyke and BHRR'S Lil Linus),… I just can't find enough words to say how truly special they are and how lucky I am.

Another deepest public thanks being sent out and this time to Mary for being another 'early' SS Friend to BHRR's Bean.

Training Special Needs Dogs

I currently own four deaf and blind Great Danes – Ice, Zero, Salt & Summit and we are also a Rescue that focuses on the special needs that includes those that are deaf and/or blind and we can have any number of deafies etc. with us at any given time.

My biggest piece of feedback when it comes to owning a deaf dog; is that one CANNOT be lazy. You cannot just `call out` to ask your dog to get their nose out of the garbage or to put that shoe down that they are walking off with. That is why it is so important to teach them the `watch me` or ‘look at me’ command. I even have used a squirt bottle to ‘alert’ to get their attention during training times with some dogs. I have also used a gentle finger on the rump or under the chin to get them to take the focus off what is they are doing and to look at me. I will point at the ‘garbage’ for example and then use the ‘dogs name’ and then the ‘No’ command and then re-direct to an appropriate thing for them to be doing.

I train my dogs as individuals, in pairs and in small groups to maximize their training and bonding experiences with me. Lots of body language plus facial expression really assists with in training a deafie. AND I also talk to my deafies all the time. My special needs Danes love to cuddle with me and just ‘feel’ the vibrations as I talk to him.

I can honestly say that our deafies often ‘listen’ better than many hearing dogs I know. I teach all our hearing dogs the same thing for I believe it to be equally as important for them too(and many will lose quality of hearing and eyes sight as they age as is) and use a combination of ASL and made up hand signals. One has to be very consistent about the signal they are using to associate ‘what’ command to ‘what’ action is being requested. I use touch training, light training(flicking lights on and off when they are outside in the fenced in yard at night for example), scent training and vibration training(we do not do vibration or shock collars here) but use our floors and door jambs.

At one time, I greatly immersed myself in ‘clicker’ training with deafies yet, I am still out on the jury on this one at this time.

I also teach a regular course that is specifically designed for owners and their deaf and/or blind dogs.

The one other thing I have found in relation to deaf dogs is that many do not feel it necessary to ‘name’ them. I am not sure why people feel that a ‘deaf’ dog does not need a need a name, because they are deaf. To me, that is like saying, we should not name our deaf children or address our hard of hearing or deaf elders anymore by name etc. A name is an identity and if one is living in a home with multi dogs; especially deaf one’s(we live with 8 at the present between our own and the Rescue); using a dog’s name is very important. If I am doing recall training in my almost 3+ acre fenced in yard; if I want X or Y to come to me, I use their ‘names’. If I want Y or X ; I signal their name. I am not in agreement with those that say that it is not important to name your deaf dog. Their names are no less important to them or to me. When I signal X’s name, their tail wags and the same applies to Y and each knows when I am `speaking` to them over the other or if I am communicating to both or more at the same time. They are proud of their own identities and how it makes them feel unique and special just as each hearing dog feels unique and special with their own names. To me, it is also a huge safety thing in regards to teaching emergency stops, recalls etc. They learn their names as much as they learn the `watch me` or ‘check in’ command; right from the get go.

I also highly recommend working on the ‘startle’ reflex while they are sleeping or napping.

One more thing to note is that many Special Needs will ‘stare’ at other dogs as they try to figure out what is being communicated. They are not doing this to be confrontational. As they are deaf/hearing impaired and/or are limited in sight; they will rely  more heavily on other senses and can often be seen really looking at other dogs without any ill intent whatsoever. I liken it to how us Canadians would call a ‘stare’ in Canada is no more than a ‘glance’ in Europe. Many dogs can and do take some exception to this and you have to be careful that nothing escalates.

Deaf dogs will also often get really ‘up’ into another dogs’ face in order to understand what the other dog is ‘communicating’ or is like. Many dogs can and do take offense at this when none is being given and so you have to be careful to ensure that your special needs dog is safe from harm. They are only trying to read the other dog with their other senses. Many deaf dogs also have some form of visual impairment. Could be minor, could be major. Another reason why they get close up to other dogs and people too just to make sense of what is around them.

I teach everything from:

Their Name – I use the first letter of ASL of their name

Watch Me and Check In – I use a toy or a treat to begin and have them follow it to my face – general eye/nose area to look at me and reward – this changes to praise only through time where I then use just two fingers index and middle, slightly bent. I want them looking at me, not looking for the treat. I do not ask them to ‘look’ me in the eye. Behaviourally many dogs are not comfortable doing this and they will look at me from the corner of their eye or have eyes slightly averted yet they are watching me and I can see when I avert my own eyes a bit, that they will look more fully at me. There is a difference between having them look and watch you and having them stare at you. Dogs that have self-esteem issues and confidence plus trust issues, do not feel 100% comfortable, at least at the beginning to understand that it is ok to look at me at me eyes and that I am not asking them to stare or seeking conflict.

Off – Finger pointing off for example, the furniture

Up – Finger pointing up

No – ASL sign for no or shake finger sideways a couple of times and can include head shaking in a ‘no’ manner

Lay Down – Finger pointed towards floor or touch the floor/ground

Shhhhhhhhhhh – Finger to the mouth with lips

Quiet – Pretty much like SHHHH

Enough – One palm flat and the other hand makes a firm chopping motion up and down a couple of times

Get out of there – the thumb and hand position of someone hitchhiking, tilted on a slight angle and wiggled a few times

Now – One finger firmly pointing down right in front of me

Come – Waving motion towards me and can be one hand or both

Sit – I use one hand, two fingers curled down and motion up and down a couple of times

Stay or Wait – One finger pointed at them and then flat palm facing them for a second or two

Heel – point to my heel

Close – two fingers pointed down by my side

Kiss – make a kissing face with lips

Good – Big smile, clapping, head nodding up and down or thumbs up and variations on this with how ‘good’ they have been! I have even jumped up and down I wanted them to know how happy I was.

Yes – Same as above

Boy – ASL sign

Girl – ASL sign

In – Four fingers bent motion wave towards the direction I want – as ‘in the car’

Out – Same thing with motion to come out

Eat or Meal Time – Slightly open mouth and motion either with or without treat towards mouth

Gentle – ASL sign for gentle

Whoa/Easy – One hand palm out towards them and slow back and forth a couple of times motion

Thank you – ASL sign

Check Back with me – I motion them over during training and social times and when they come, I do a palms up, then a thumbs up and a double pat to their sides or chest as praise and sometimes also reward with a treat….through time, though it starts off as a ‘fun’ game for them, they learn to quickly come back and often to ‘check with me.’

Go There – Point at where I want them to go such as when we have visitors and I want them to lay on their dog beds until people get settled

Release or Go Play – Both hands motioning outwards from my body on an angle

Bed time or what we call sleepie time – hands placed together on one side of head and resting

With each command, I use their ‘name’ sign and the command as much as possible. I tend to try and use many signals that require only one hand use for I am often holding something in the other hand – treats, toys, their leash, bag, tote, purse, more than one dog, etc.

They know quite a few more signs too and what works for one dog might not work best for another, so being resourceful is important….yet, I have written a HUGE Gwennie novel!

It never ceases to amaze me when people learn that any of our dogs or those in our Rescue program are SN’s. So many get this ‘pity’ or ‘sorry’ look on their faces and think I am doing them a disservice keeping them alive or they think the dogs are dumb or stupid…which could not be further from the truth. Two of mine are also Certified Therapy Dogs. Education and awareness has been key in communicating to a lot of people. Yet, with anything in the world, there are idiots.

Deafies have been a weakness of mine for almost 30 years now and LOVE LOVE LOVE them!

BHRR's Bean has yet another very kind angel going to donate a small special something his way as an 'early' SS – THANKS Patricia!!!! My heart is just so welled up in the best feelings of emotion over everyone's support of him to give him all that the can have in quality! THANK YOU!

I want to also publicly send out my heartfelt appreciation to Jan for also offering to be an 'early' Secret Santa to BHRR's Bean. BHRR is so blessed to have the people they do that believe in what we do here and reach out in support and compassion!

I want to thank Suzanne for offering to be an 'early ' Secret Santa(SS) for BHRR's Bean! It is so appreciated and we are touched by your love and care for him. For anyone else thinking of being a 2010 SS for BHRR's Bean; the following items are ones that he would take great pleasure in receiving –

Costco Sherpa Blankets
Huge Smoked Dinosaur Bones
Huge Smoked Dinosaur Knuckle Bones

*Unfortunately, he is unable to really run and play and zip around with toys, but he does lay in one of the collosal crates with some of the Giant Rope Tire Toys, Giant Sized Ball Rope Toys and the squeaky Good 'Cuz' Toys.

I have added new pictures taken with my phone to his slideshow #7 and #8 and I have added them below. The 'grain' is not the best due to the flash but you can still see his lovely mug! That is his brother, BHRR's Frank laying the background and you can also see part of BHRR's Lily Belle's back!

BHRR's Bean – Saturday October 23rd, 2010 – 8 months of age

All monies raised to date for BHRR's Bean have all gone to his care in paying for his Vet Bills including exams, bw, sentinel, tramadol, deramaxx and clavamox, Massage treatments, any CWW sessions, Glucosamine and any comfort things such as blankets, duvets and Dino bones to give him the best quality filled life he can have. He is being fed FROMM Salmon and alternating that with FROMM Whitefish; high quality food that also carries glucosamine and chronditin to help him.

I am also really trying to keep BHRR's Bean 'mentally' busy plus stimulated with puzzle games and 'hide & seek' games etc. He is a very bright boy!

BHRR's Bean weighed 55.2 KGS(121.44 pounds) today when I brought him in to have a consult and exam with Dr. Philibert. At this time, tonight I am going to snuggle and cuddle with BHRR's Bean and we are going to create more wonderful memories and experiences for him. I am also going to have a big box of Kleenex on hand. After spending almost $2,000 of my own monies AS I so wanted to dot all 'i's' and cross all 't's' before reaching this point; to see 2 Vets and 3 Othro Specialists; all are pretty much in align with each other. Dr. Philibert also believes that his knee is this way due to the HD and this is why he is walking 'toes' out and therefore 'popped' the knee. It is not a birth defect and his hips are only going to get worse in time and with how complex everything is, it is not great. Dr. Philibert felt that BHRR's Bean's front end was super strong and full of muscle yet his hind end is so poorly conformed and lacking tone. Dr. Philibert stated that he could most likely give BHRR's Bean some improvement in the knee yet it would not be aligned straight and with his hips the way they are; he will most likely(short term yet maybe longer) 'pop' it out again and that it is only a matter of time before the other knee also becomes affected. Dr. Philibert was also more worried about the left side over the right side right now, which was interesting to note. Dr. Philibert believes that the knee cap most likely is already very worn on the one side from wear and tear and it will also be a contributing factor to the knee not staying where it should. He felt that he perhaps could 'shave' off some bone in the leg and look at smoothing the knee cap yet the prognosis is really not great over all. Per Dr. Philibert straight up you cannot leave him like this and this is a very complicated case and that though he is pretty sure about 70% that he can give him some improvement yet no one knows how long that will last (big giant breed growing puppy) before he runs into the same issues and most likely the same and even more issues involving the other leg. Dr. Philibert did say that the surgery could be a complete failure from the start too. Dr. Philibert recommended to keep up with the anti-imflammatories, glucosamine and we discussed the worry that with all the pain BHRR's Bean is in; that he will continue to decrease in mobility, decrease in his appetite and that he will increase in his 'crankiness' with that pain. NO one wants to see BHRR's Bean or any dog set up for failure by living in such pain that should someone(imagine a child) accidentally 'hurting' him and him just 'reacting' due to his level of discomfort. I write this blog with such sickness in my gut and no matter how many we have saved over the past year with amputations, cruciates and obstructions surgeries, it is the BHRR's Bean's and BHRR's Jaxson's of the world that just rip me up inside and tear at me with the feelings of that I have somehow failed them……….. All those 'what ifs' are running through my mind…'what if' we knew about him earlier and when he was super younger…..'what if' this….'what if' that… many 'what ifs'…..What I do know for sure is that when it is time and I know that time is limited and I have known that in my gut for awhile now; that BHRR's Bean will be held tightly in my caring and adoring arms and I shall wash him in the love of my tears as I cross him over into a world of no pain. That is my final act of promise of ensuring that he shall be done right by. No more suffering other than what shall linger in my own heart and gut and soul for the rest of my life. Is is the ones that we cannot save that I remember so vividly and am so deeply afffected by for even though I am well aware that you cannot 'save' them all and that sometimes the kindest thing one can do is to let them go; it still just seems so unfair that that all cannot live long quality filled and cherished lives. We shall also give BHRR's Bean an 'early' XMAS here for he is deserving of all the pleasures that life can be given to him during the time we have left! If anyone wishes to contribute early to our 8th ANNUAL SECRET SANTA TO THE BHRR ANIMALS EVENT by choosing BHRR's Bean as a recipient; please do email

Many thanks to a wonderful BHRR Volunteer that shall be assisting BHRR's Apollo to extra CWW sessions on November 20th, November 27th & November 30th! I shall then do a session in early December and after that BHRR's Apollo, IF everything goes as I am seeing with him now; he shall be placed up for adoption!!!! THANKS so much to all that have stepped up to help me with BHRR's Apollo in getting him healthy to have that opportunity to have a right forever matched loving home for the rest of his life!!!!

Upate: October 21st: 3:03 PM: I have been told that BHRR's Frank has been a good receptionist and that he wants 'joint' custody with those at KAH! LOL He weighed 46 KGS(101.2 pounds), so has not put on a heck of a lot since his arrival to BHRR yet all feel, including myself that he is looking marvelous! He was out of surgery around 12:30 PM and all went great. The Vet said that he is "ONE VERY HAPPY BOY" and was really good!!!! This boy is just so social and I want to post that one of his new best of friends here at BHRR is our own new addition Maestro. SOOOOOOO, this means he is becoming less wary of strange dogs and as indicated before, he is living in complete harmony with 22 others right now at BHRR. He still prefers(like a lot of Saints) to just sit back and observe before feeling comfortable about interating with strange dogs yet when it comes to people, his is Mr. Social Butterfly! We will be bringing him home later tonight and cannot wait to get him all set up into our 'triage' area here. He is really going to enjoy his extra special cuddle time with Sean as Sean takes the responsibility of 'nighttime' triage snuggle partner very seriously! wink

Update: October 21st: 9:51 AM: BHRR's Frank was dropped off by Sean this AM for his neuter and I received a text from a friend of mine just past 7:30 AM that works at KAH saying that she is 'keeping him' as she 'LOVES him' (she had not yet had the pleasure of meeting  him!) and that he was currently playing 'receptionist'! cheeky This boy is going to make a home very happy!!!! He is wonderful. Will update his blog as I can.

New Canine Water Wellness Dates for our approved BHRR Volunteers to consider if they are interested in assisting me in getting BHRR's Apollo to some extra sessions.

Saturday November 20th – anytime between 9 AM and 2 PM
Wednesday November 24th – anytime between Noon – 2 PM
Friday November 26th – anytime between 9 AM and 3 PM
Saturday November 27th – anytime between 9 AM and 2 PM
Tuesday November 30th – anytime between 1 PM and 7 PM

Please email if you can assist!

BHRR's Bean has an appointment on Friday with Dr. P at 11:30 AM. I left a vm with Dr. P. last night asking to have a consult ASAP for BHRR's Bean's condition is worsening as he grows. The Deramaxx and Tramadol are only so effective and he is not a small boy. I shall get a new weight on him on Friday. Please keep him in your thoughts for no one was to know when he first arrived how bad of shape he really was in for X-Rays had not been done prior to BHRR being contacted to assist and in us bringing him into BHRR.

Please consider assisting with his Bills including his Canine Water Wellness Sessions! PayPal(account or email transfer to or a check to ‘Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

I have a tentative date scheduled for a neuter for BHRR's Bean – November 30th yet if Dr. P's prognosis is the same as the other 4 Vets that have reviewed his case to date; we shall cancel. The priority shall remain to give him the best quality filled life we can for as long as we can and at only 8 months of age; it is so tragic to think that he is very limited in time. broken heart

BHRR's Shiva is now AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION again. By collective agreement, this home is not yet ready for any animal addition, let alone a Great Dane. We have worked hard in trying to give this home some positive experiences with Giant Breeds as they have had some past bad experiences with a previous pet, not a Giant Breed, before contacting BHRR. May the time come that this home be ready for a new addition to their home, be it a Giant Breed or other size canine for having an animal in ones life is one of the truest pleasures and experiences ever to be had! It is not fair to BHRR's Shiva to remain on 'hold' any longer than necessary and for her to possibly miss out on that potential 'right' matched inquiry or application to come her way. We remain strong that should her forever loving home never come along, that she has a great place with us. This is our commitment to any animal that comes into BHRR. We accept that they might never be adopted and we are not desperate to place the animals here. She lives a grand live at BHRR and we love her as much as any other dog that has blessed our home. We wish this home the very best in the future.

BHRR's Shiva came today on one of our regular GD Walk/Hikes & Honourary GD Walks/Hikes and SHE had so much fun! We can be as few as 6 at times and we have had as many as 40+ in attendance and our distribution list for these walks are now up to 83!!!! For anyone wishing to join us; please email and we only take responsible dog owners and their dogs. In having held these walks for almost 15 years now; we have never had an incident and we are all very diligent, committed owners and there is always room for more. Nothing like seeing all of these Giants and 'honourary' giants out and about. We also regularly change up the locations so that we have different venues.  We have meet ups in areas such as Orleans, Ottawa, Kanata, Sittesville, Constance Bay, Carleton Place and even in the Kemptville area. We have another group that regularly meets up on the Brockville and Kingston areas too! Pictures below are of some that attended the walk plus one of BHRR's Shiva. BHRR's Ava Marie was also there! BHRR's Shiva remains under a "PENDING ADOPTION" at this time and things should be determined within the next couple of weeks. We know that we have put further inquiries and applications on hold at this time and we will not delay a decision on this much longer. We want what is in her best interest and we do not desire to miss out on that 'right' matched home by taking any longer than necessary in making that final decision should this not be the right personality fit home for her. This has been one of our longer 'pending' and we thank people for their patience and understanding. By the time we lift our "From Friday October 22nd to Friday November 5th inclusive, BHRR will not be open for adoptions or the intake of adoption applications. We do not adopt out around the Halloween season and many others Rescues, shelters, pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing. We do not believe it is on the best interest of the animals in our program, especially for dark coloured dogs." closing we will post whether she has been adopted or if she shall be placed back up for adoption. This should be made by Saturday November 6th, 2010.

BHRR's Shiva – Sunday October 17th, 2010 – Great Dane Walk/Honourary Great Dane Walk

BHRR's Ava Marie came today on one of our regular GD Walk/Hikes & Honourary GD Walks/Hikes and SHE had such a blast! We can be as few as 6 at times and we have had as many as 40+ in attendance and our distribution list for these walks are now up to 83!!!! For anyone wishing to join us; please email and we only take responsible dog owners and their dogs. In having these walks for almost 15 years now; we have never had an incident and we are all very diligent, committed owners and there is always room for more. Nothing like seeing all of these Giants and 'honourary' giants out and about. We also regularly change up the locations so that we have different venues.  We have meet ups in areas such as Orleans, Ottawa, Kanata, Sittesville, Constance Bay, Carleton Place and even in the Kemptville area. We have another group that regularly meets up in the Brockville and Kingston areas too! Many commented on how mobile plus fit  Ava Marie looked today! Her leash manners were a little 'out' there here and there yet overall, so proud of her working on her flat buckle collar in such an exciting venue. Considering that we have not been able to do a lot of serious obedience training for very long to day due to all that she has had to overcome – weight loss, 2 surgeries and pneumonia so YAY for her! Picture below is of some that attended the walk. BHRR's Shiva was also there! As BHRR's Ava Marie is due for some vaccines in November, I have scheduled an appointment for November 24th. I am sooooooooo excited to see what she weighs now!!!

GD Walk/Hike & Honourary GD Walk/Hike – October 17th, 2010 – Some that attended

Kim T., ON, CDA

If anyone, I lookup to you and admire what you do as I don't know if I could handle the situations that you deal with on a constant basis.  I have learned a lot from you also and wish to continue to do so.  You really are a terrific person Gwen,

BHRR's Frank new neuter date shall be on Thursday October 21st, 2010 and within about a month after that, he should be ready for placement for adoption. He is a really nice well rounded boy and in the right home – Saint experience would be wonderful yet is not necessary; a home that has at least one other dog – male or female not of import as long as there is a great personality fit; a home that is either full-time; part-time, a work from home type, semi-retired home are all fine; one that is going to be careful about items laying around as he will eat things – he has  fetish for u.wear and socks right now and we do not want to see a possible obstruction situation. A home that is going to be committed to his obedience for he is a Saint through and through! One that is 'ok' with the drooling, gas and is patient, kind, firm and loving. He is a lovebug and has done so much better in his own area of feeling more confident around strange dogs and he still does a little bit of 'leader' humping at BHRR here and there. He has also been very patient with our new addition Maestro and has been wonderful about providing corrections to him. He needs to be in a home that is going to continue to get him out and about in public and continue his social network of doggie friends. We want to see him continue on this right path and I love how he will look at me when I ask him to not do something and he will just then turn his head and do it anyway!!!! That is still a big of a work in progress with the 'listen' to me now skills. cheekyHe is such a ham this one! His counter surfing is so much better and he is now completely housebroken.

BHRR is still looking for some more approved BHRR Volunteers to assist in getting BHRR's Apollo to another round of extra sessions at Canine Water Wellness. Please email if you can assist. I am hoping that after this latest round he might be ready to be placed up for adoption. We are hoping for 10 sessions yet as we are splitting funds between both BHRR's Bean & BHRR's Apollo right now from what was raised at our last fundraiser; we still could use some more donations for their Canine Water Wellness sessions funds.

I am also adding below a picture of BHRR's Apollo from August 26th, 2010 in his new assist vest that was donated so kindly by A. & K. Twaddle. Doesn''t he look so handsome!

Please consider assisting! PayPal(account or email transfer to or a check to 'Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services' and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0


BHRR's Apollo – August 26th, 2010

I did a follow-up with the Vet re: a consult with Dr. P and to date still am waiting for that yet I have been back in touch wtih the two ortho specialists I have worked with in the USA and Dr. Liston and all three are on board that they are more worried about the HD than the luxating patella at this time, especially as the worst one is on the same side as the luxating patella. No one is thrilled with the luxating patella yet the first concern for them at this time remains the HD and does BHRR's Bean require or even qualify for hip replacement surgery to then look a fixing his luxating patella. Additionally, it is still a back and forth on the best move forward treatment plan for BHRR's Bean for while they would like to wait until he is more grown(growth plates etc.); with how much discomfort he is in and the swelling(he is on Deramaxx plus Tramadol) and how through time, his mobility is decreasing with the discomfort increasing ; time is definitely not on Bean's side. Additionally, with how big he is going to be, the success of any procedure, in particular longterm is a huge question. I am going to be leaving my own vm with Dr. P for as I told the Vet last night, if I have to go to the States I will yet I wish to discuss with Dr. P and understand he is very busy; before proceeding at this time. The Vet that I did talk to last night said that Dr. P did have an initial look at the x-rays for they too, made the comment about the HD vs the luxating patella. In the meantime, I will also schedule his neuter for due to all accounts; *if* surgery is going to be done; it most likely will have to wait now until he is a bit older and there is no reason for him to remain intact for a 'questionable' amount of time. Also, I am going to move BHRR's Bean to our Haven Dog program in the meantime for if he does not have have a great prognosis with or without surgery, he will remain having as much quality filled time as possible. All monies raised for BHRR's Bean have been used for his special care – X-rays, bw, Sentinel, Tramadol, Deramaxx, exams, massage, and any additionally monies raised remaain 'held' for his bills as per our intent. I am also going to touch base with CWW for as we are now into October at BHRR; our own pool is 'shut' for the year. I am going to see if doing some floating around in the water would be ok with them. He will not be doing specific hydro or rehab for that is not going to be in his best interest. I am just looking at getting him into the pool and floating around to get that weight off his hips and knee for a bit here and there. He is deeply enjoying his massage and he is much more himself after those sessions. His bills to date have been over $1,500

BHRR's Bean's first Canine Water Wellness session shall be Tuesday October 26th @ 2:00 PM and if anyone is interested in assisting me in getting him to extra sessions, please do email.


Please consider assisting with is Bills! PayPal(account or email transfer to or a check to ‘Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

From Friday October 22nd to Friday November 5th inclusive, BHRR will not be open for adoptions or the intake of adoption applications. We do not adopt out around the Halloween season and many others Rescues, shelters, pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing. We do not believe it is on the best interest of the animals in our program, especially for dark coloured dogs.

During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need.

BHRR's Shiva is going under a 'Pending Adoption' at this time and we shall not be taking any more inquiries on her until such time as we determine if she is a right matched fit for this home. Thank you for your patience and understanding and we should know relatively soon.

BHRR's Shiva came with me to PetSmart in Kanata Centrum last night to hang out with myself, Sir Maestro(our own new GD addition) and to interact/train and socialize with someone we met up with. FANTASTIC job BHRR's Shiva!!!! She knows her 'right' and 'left' turns, focus, walking nicely, sit, loved all people – adults – men, women, hats too and kids and dogs. While I 'trust' my dogs, I do not trust all the other dogs out there and so, always tell people to proceed with caution when introducing/integrating with strange dogs. BHRR's Shiva provided this person with an excellent opportunity to work on their 'inner voice of strength' such that it comes out with authority – not bellowing, not screaming, not in a punishment type of manner but authoriatitve. Natural leaders are what dogs need and respond to and the difference was demonstrated to this individual last night. If you give a dog a reason to trust and respect you without fear and negative punishment techniques, they will respond. How we handle ourselves in situations can really travel down to the dog and they will respond to such. We want calm, in control and leadership style of approach and handling in a positive manner and the dogs will just 'give you the world' with their trust and listening abilities. BHRR's Shiva at her training level was given the opportunity to make 'good choices' and knows the '3 time' rule very well and so, she is moved to the '2 time' rule! wink BHRR's Shiva's tail was wagging and she was very excited to be back at PetSmart as it has been a very long while since she has last been there. She became even more excited when I asked her if she wanted to go and pick out her own 'toy' or 'treatie!' BHRR's Shiva LOVED the homemade Liver Treats that two of our Volunteers make so kindly for the animals here once in a awhile and I could not be more proud of my Shiva 'DIVA' in how she proved herself yet a 'well rounded girl' again! Thank you so much to this person for meeting up with me in the rain and also in buying BHRR's Shiva her own special goodie item. BHRR's Shiva shall have another play date this upcoming Sunday for a few hours and this shall be another fantabulous oppportunity for all involved.

BHRR’s Shiva came to work with me on September 30th, I was doing a hv that night and she weighed 39.7 KGS(87.34 pounds) yet was a wee bit wiggly on the scale; so is actually a bit more.

BHRR’s Storm came to work with me on September 30th – I was doing a hv that night and she weighed 46.3 KGs(101.86 pounds).

K. Coffin, ON, CDA

Hi Gwen,I wanted to thank you for such a wonderful evening on Saturday. I know there is a lot or preparation that goes into planning an event of this nature. You pulled it off without a hitch with the help of your husband, Sean and children.

I am really pleased that the fundraiser was so successful. It is nice to support such a wonderful organization and the work that you do at BHRR.

Looking forward to next year!


S. Coffin, ON

Hi Gwen

I just wanted to congratulate you on your heartfelt efforts in saving these forgotten and abused puppies. I had wonderful time meeting you and so many animal lovers, that greatly support this worthwhile cause.See you next year,

New CWW(Canine Water Wellness) Dates for our approved BHRR Volunteers to consider taking BHRR’s Apollo for a session if you are interested! Please email if you can assist! With our recent 3rd ANNUAL BHRR’s Boat Cruise/Dinner & Live/Silent Auction Fundraiser; we can now afford to do another 5 -10 sessions for BHRR’s Apollo!!! YAY! If you would like to contribute to his CWW fund:

PayPal(account or email transfer to or a check to ‘Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

Saturday October 9th – between 9 AM – 2 PM
Tuesday October 12th – between 1 PM – 6 PM
Tuesday October 19th – between 1 PM – 6 PM
Wednesday October 20th – between 1 PM – 6 PM
Friday October 22nd – between 1 PM – 6 PM
Saturday October 23rd – between 9 AM – 2 PM
Monday October 25th – between 1 PM – 6 PM
Friday October 29th – between 1 PM – 6 PM

Due to an emergency with one of our own on Sunday/Monday – our EM Guinness; BHRR’s Frank’s neuter has been postponed from the 4th of October at this time. I will reschedule a new date when I am back at KAH which is Saturday. He just turned 8 months and there is no rush.

BHRR’s Bean’s bw came back from when we took it upon his arrival to BHRR and he is also battling an infection, the poor thing. He has now been put on Clavamox 375 mg 2 tablets BID for 7 days.  I have talked to one other Vet and two ortho specialists that I have utilized in the past in the USA and am still awaiting to discuss Bean’s case with Dr. Philibert. When I went to bed that night after his Vet appointment, I had many thoughts going through my mind and my main focus and determination is to keep ‘objective’ about his case to ensure that what is best for him is done. I have been discussing quality of life, prognosis of surgery, his age, medical conditions etc. etc. etc. Thank you to everyone that has stepped up to donate to his cause!
WE ONLY NEED $270.00 MORE WITHIN THE NEXT 16 HOURS!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE consider donating to Bean’s cause!

*Saints* For Bean Fundraiser Page

You can donate by email transfer to or by PayPal(account is OR you can write a check/MO or Bank Draft out to ‘Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ OR to ‘Gwendilin & Sean Boers’ for his Vet Bills with BHRR’s Apollo in the memo section and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospital at (613) 836-2848 to pay on Bean’s Bill directly by Visa, AMEX or M/C – Bean’s bill is under the account name of ‘ Birch Haven Rescue.’ Even $5.00 is not too little.