Shiva continues to do awesome! Such a well rounded girl and is looking just divine! BHRR’s Dana has been determined to ‘corrupt’ her and bring out an ‘edge’ in Shiva that Shiva has not seemed to have minded! πŸ™„ My two black beauties are little ‘mischief’ makers some days, especially when it comes to teasing and tormenting my Cherokee. Shiva remains 100% trustworthy in the house and should she not be adopted by the Wiggle Waggle Walk in September for the OHS; I am thinking that she might attend again this year.Β  πŸ™‚ I have added some new pictures of Shiva, slides # 16 – #21 that are from July 9th, 2009. She is sporting her new colour and looking quite smashing!!!Β  Her adoptive home will need to understand that she cannot be trusted around small animals like rabbits, hamsters or guinea pigs. She is very fixated on our guinea pigs and her home will need to be careful not to set her nor any small exotic up for failure. At the end of the day, dogs are animals with animal instincts and caution should be taken. She appears more ‘fascinated’ than actually prey driven at this time, yet we are very careful.

I have a lot more pictures to add of BHRR’s Mr. Parker Paws, including a wonderful slideshow of pictures that Tina took from the July 12th Fundraiser! In my most recent message sent out on our BHRR Facebook Group; I have also submitted a request for some daytrips and playdates for Parker in addition to Mazda. All the dogs have been affected in some manner from the loss of three of our Great Danes recently. We had a really bad night last night with him. He was fine right up until dinnertime and then he began to have a lot of diarrhea plus was vomiting up white foam and was not feeling well. Everytime, I let him outside, he attempted to eat grass(which what little he did eat, he brought up this AM) and wanted to drink copious amounts of water and we took all the water bowls away. He was not painful to palpate and did not fill up with gas, his colour plus his TPR was good yet I gave him GasX preventatively and today, he is feeling much better and though I fasted him for breakfast, he was given about 1/3 of his normal food portions for dinner tonight and seems to be back ‘up on his feet’ again. While I am ‘in tune’ and watch the dogs closely; lately; I am watching them even closer and we have been spending much time outside when we can(between rain and humidity, it has made it hard) and as many know, the summer months are fairly quiet here with the Volunteers; so I have put out a special request for assistance for Mr. Parker as well to help him with his healing and moving forward.

BHRR’s Potter is healing wonderfully from his neuter and I took of his fashionable E-Collar on Tuesday night and he has been really great about not bothering with his incision. The honeymoon period is officially over and the house has become his playground with a newly added close friend BHRR’s Dana! πŸ™„ We are now doing tethering training and Potter DEFINITELY DOES NOT like being asked to do things he does not want to do and when he does not want to do them. You can tell that he has had zero obedience training and is used to ‘ruling’ his own roost. His leash manners have greatly improved though. He is slowly picking up hand signals and yet still wishes to ‘act’ upon them when he wishes too. He is a very strong personality boy and Sean and I think he is totally NEAT! However; poor Potter has degenerative bone disease plus ‘dry’ joints in addition to beginning to have some of his ‘negative’ behavoural quirks come more to the surface now that the honeymoon period is over. Quirks that I am not comfortable at this time seeing him placed in a home. From the moment he walked into our home; they have been ‘there’ and I am watching them closely and being very proactive on his training. He is fairly quick to want to use his ‘mouth’ (not bite yet he will attempt to mouth you) to express himself when being taken by his collar to go to his crate or be put on a leash or being taken away from something. He is still not overly fond of his crate yet we are getting there. His housebreaking is also getting there. Nighttime is the worst. He is not comfortable going outside at that time. He truly does love everyone and everydog that he has seen and while ‘interested’ in the guinea pigs; he has not exhibited any prey drive at this time. He has shown no resourcing towards humans or dogs with food, treats and is very gentle about taking items from your hand. He will ‘bark’ if he wants a drink of water and another dog is there. He is not used to other dogs allowing him to share a bowl to drink but he will get there. We are huge on sharing at our home. He will also ‘bark’ if a dog has a toy and he wants it. Other than some ‘I am really peeved’ barking in his crate shortly after you put him in(he will be quiet the whole time I am showering or dressing) and go to leave; he is quiet. It has truly been a blast having him here and BHRR’s Potter shall remain as part of our BHRR Haven Program at this time.

We are going to be giving Mazda some daytrips and playdates with dogs and people she loves over the next week plus instead of staying with someone. That does not seem to be working out to get her that mini-vacation; so hopefully; this will also be in her benefit. With us re-doing our floors(we do them twice a year) and Sean plus Kids heading off to NB in the wee hours of Saturday AM; I had hoped to extend her Vacation in a home from Friday to the 9th; and now that we are in very short notice with August around the corner; I am not hopeful of finding another approved home on such short notice yet I am sure that all will be ok. πŸ™‚ Though, we are limping along here; I shall keep things as consistent and constant for Mazda as I can while our home is in a bit of dissarray over the next week+ and everyone but myself is away. She is slowly improving with eating plus sleeping and may the new memories plus experiences that she will be given and the seeing of old friends, both human and doggie greatly assist her on her journey to healing.


My heart goes out to you Gwen….
I know no words can help- just give them all an extra big hug
They are all watching over you.


Dear Gwen,

I’m so sorry to hear about all you and your family have been through… :`(

It’s so hard to keep getting back in the game when you’ve been knocked down so many times.For all the bonds you have made, and all the losses you have had, you must be extraordinarily blessed.

Take good care.
Steph xoxo


Hi there Gwennie,I am so sorry to hear about all the loss this past week, I could never imagine.
I hope you guys are doing ok.
I really am hoping to be there in Sept.
Once again all my sympathies to you and your family.


Kim, Geoff & Tonks

Ohhh Gwen we are SO utterly heart wrenched at your losses at Birch Haven… nothing can ever prepare anyone for going through something like that. It’s never easy, and to lose so many precious lives in such a short time is devastating. They WILL live forever in our hearts and memories, we are all so blessed that they have touched our lives as they did. They teach us to forgive, to love with all of our hearts and greet every new day with a wagging tail.Our thoughts and hearts are focused on you and your family in these tough times.

Dawn Baker

Gwen -I’ve never emailed or met you before, but I just wanted to take a minute to send you my condolences for the loss of your three Danes in such a short amount of time. One loss is hard enough, I can’t even imagine how you are handling three. Please know that even though I am a stranger to you, I am thinking of you and your family in this difficult time.

I am a regular visitor to your website, and I often look at the available dogs you have posted. I have been having a virtual love affair with Linus! If I didn’t already have two wonderful dogs (one of which is from Graysondanes, or rather, Doswick Danes) I would be sending you my application in hopes of being considered for such a sweet dog!

Take care, Gwen.

Dawn Baker

Amine, Ottawa, ON

Hi Gwen, I am very sorry to hear you have lost 3 great danes within just a week, I was speechless the day you got the call in Lombardy, I am thinking of you Sean Mason and Kinsley and all the dogs every single day, I hope all the memories you have had with the beloved dogs give you strength, I wish you the very best with the BHRR, I am amazed with all the serious attention and the work you do with the dogs, I have always wanted do the same and now I think I need to have strong characteristics, you inspire me and you surely do inspire all the other dog lovers. I would like to give a hug to all the Boer family!!

Allie A., Ottawa, ON

hey gwen i was just speaking to rebecca i am so sorry for your lost.
i am thinking of you at the hard time.
you are such an amaizing perosn you have such a big heart and you are always helping others, and you have so much love that you share around, i hope you know how much you do is deeply appreiciated and i wish there was more i could do for you.
thinking of you


Dear Gwen,I cannot believe the seemingly endless nightmare that you are living with the loss of dear sweet Dragon, and then having to tell Kinsley. That must have been almost worse than losing Dragon.

Dragon had a special place in my heart, and I mourn the passing of this elegant and most handsome of boys along with you and your family.

You already knew earlier this year that Dragon was starting to fail as he aged, and I believe that the loss of Maggi coupled with the passing of KB/JB so soon thereafter was just too much for Dragon to bear. I do believe that dogs feel and grieve the loss of their friends too.

You did everything humanly possible to save him. Still, it must have been oh so hard to finally have to let Dragon go after losing Maggi and KB/JB.

It has been very hard to function this week knowing that you are suffering, and I am helpless to offer you any comfort or support except through words and prayer.

I am praying so hard for you to find the strength to continue to help heal your extended family as you deal with so many heavy blows to your heart and soul.

I am happy to learn that Kona seems to be rallying, and hope the other dogs will be on the road to recovery from their grief soon as well.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you and yours.

I continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Give all my love to everyone.


Thank you to everyone that has answered my call for assistance for BHRR’s Mazda. We received 31 replies to my message sent out on our BHRR Facebook Group and we are delighted to say that she shall be going back to a home that she knows and she adores their current Dane and I shall rest more in peace knowing that she is going on a mini-vacation(she loves those!); for our home continues to be full of confusion and such sadness for all. She needs to continue to heal and I want her to try and move forward and the new memories that she will be having from August 2-9; will go a long way to mending her own broken heart. I wish I could just take her and all of the rest of our dogs; pain away…… A huge thank you being sent out again to all for stepping up and continue to support us with the hell that we have been experiencing with our losses from July 17th – July 24th.


Remembering back to Mar.2006 when exploring the world of Great Danes’.

There was this particular Magnificent…almost Regal-faced KING staring back @ me from his web-site.
If I wasn’t 100% sure before…I was 200% sure, when I couldn’t stop…But admire this Stellar Creature!!

I often picture this Dane whenever my conversation takes’ me to the praises’ of his home…Whenever my own Rescue is taking on a curious audience…We can’t help to mention this vivid picture in my mind…of this Giant Breed standing @ attention in the Winter Snow…just waiting to maybe harness a Sleigh like A Shiny-Horse!!
Or Towering with Sean on the living-room floor…Or Loving Eyes’- Face to Face with Gwen…etc.

Of coarse this Gentle Giant is none other than…*******DRAGON*******and he has gone to his Resting-Place….Where his Brother & Sister + New Friend are Saving his Seat/Throne & ***Brindle-Wings’*** fit for a ******KING******!!!!!!

I will miss seeing his face…look back at me from his home in Kemptville.
But a Great Dane of his Stature will always’ Cast a Huge Shadow/Presence for years’ to come……..

> God Bless-You*****DRAGON***** < and Please watch over his Family he left behind @ (BHRR)-Gwen/Sean/Mason/Kinsley and All his Friends'.oxOXoxOX. Love-The Rodgers'/(BHRR)'s -Mr. Arthur Zane/ & Black-Jack.oxOXoxOX.

Thank you to everyone for continuing to offer up prayers and blessings of support and strength as we went through the unimaginable on Friday July 24th. As per my worry posted in BHRR’s Potter’s Blog on July 22nd, I rushed in with our Grayson Dane’s Babyz Dragonz(almost 8 and BLK’s Maggi’s bestest of friends) just after 11:30 AM on July 24th as he was bloating and after valiantly trying to save him for almost 3 hours; I humanely let him go. Thank you to Dr. Adams, Kenda, April, Marie and Dave at Kanata Animal Hospital for working with me so hard in trying to save him. We honestly thought we β€˜got’ him in time yet with his advanced age and vascular system; he just kept continuing to fill up with gas and with each digital X-Ray we took after working on him; we began to see his torsion and his spleen had been pushed way down and over. He was not well when I arrived with him; but we truly felt we got him turned around yet sadly, he was becoming more weak and shocky. When one loses one pet, it is truly heartwrenching; two pets, devastating; but in having lost three of our own Great Danes in a week; I feel just sick and even my hands are shaking from my own shock. I truly thought my knees were going to buckle at one point and the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life is tell my 6 year old daughter that I could not save her beloved β€˜Babyz Dragonz’. 22 years without a bloat in one of our own Great Danes and we have now had two in one week plus the tragic loss of BHRR’s KB/JB. BHRR shall remain in a shutdown mode as we continue to stumble and struggle our way through these devastating tragedies. I am also seriously considering moving BHRR’s Mazda to an approved Volunteer or Adopter home for the next while for with my worries about Dragon after his bf Maggi bloated; and then we ended up losing him; I remain extremely concerned……… πŸ˜₯ I have spent quite some time talking to some of my Show Mentors and many have told me that in their own multi-dog kennels/homes; they have gone through losses like this or have had friends who have. Apparently,a nightmare of this type is not as uncommon as one would have thought or even had hoped would be the case. Armed with this information; it makes me just that much more determined to stay proactive with the wellbeing plus health of all those that are in our home and hearts. I watched Dragon like a hawk the whole week since his bf Maggi bloated; yet I still could not save him in the end. I also remain watching our 10+ year old Kona; NewfX too but she seems to be bouncing back somewhat at this time. Maggi was a really close friend of hers too. Kona is the last of the FANTABULOUS ‘5’ in our home. She is also the last of the FANTASTIC ‘4’ that we moved into this house with back in August of 1999.


Hi Gwen

I wanted to wait a few days before emailing, but wanted to pass along my sincerest condolences to you and your family for the loss of Maggi & KB.
I can’t imagine what you must be going through…….but my thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Take care



Hi Gwen and family, I just want to tell you how sad I am for you guys losing two babies in one week. I know how big a hole they leave and even tho they are with us for only a short time(it is never long enough), they loved a whole lifetime. Rest assured, you gave them the best life possible.

Yours in tears,

Vicki Morgan


Dear Gwen,Words fail me…

No words can adequately express my profound sadness or how very sorry I am at the devastating loss of your beautiful Maggi on Friday and Sean’s special KB/JB yesterday.

I wish I was there to comfort you and Sean and give you both a great big hug.

I am saddened that both Maggi and KB/JB were taken from you under such tragic circumstances, but I am sure that their final moments were peaceful surrounded by your love.

To lose one wonderful longtime companion is hard enough, but to lose two within days of each other must be overwhelming – I cannot even imagine it…

Lose yourselves in the love of the puppers who surround you still. Do not dwell too much on the way Maggi and KB/JB were taken from you, but remember how well their lives were lived under your loving care and protection.

Although thoughts of Maggi and KB/JB may cause sadness now, the time will come again when memories of two very remarkable companions, who were both survivors in their own right, will bring smiles instead of tears.
Know that I continue to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.




I am so sorry. Beyond belief.
For goodness sake, I am sending you all hugs. That is what I feel like doing to you. Maybe you can feel them across the miles

Potter was neutered today plus had a nail trim and he weighed 26.90 KGs(59.18 pounds) and so is putting on weight really nicely. I am so pleased. Still a bit thin though yet getting there and he was a HUGE HUGE HUGE hit at the Hospital and went through his neuter like a ‘tough’ soul. The funny thing was that when all the anesthetic wore off; he was MAD! OMG! He was not happy in his run!!!! Too funny! He was quite vocal to all that would listen about his unhappiness about being stuck in a run! I put a collar on him for I just had this feeling and sure enough; every chance he got; he wanted to go for his incision, so he is now sporting the latest in fashionable E-Collars! πŸ˜‰ He is now resting well after a small bite to eat for supper on my bed and has adjusted well to his collar BUT I am not stoooopid enough to think that he is going to ‘give’ in so gracelessly after only attempting to take it off a few times. πŸ˜‰ As Sean and I shall be two ships passing in the night tomorrow afternoon; the little monkey boy might be coming to work with me to hang out, so that he can be watched by someone most of the time! He and Tain shared the back seat, snoozing away as they both had really busy days and after some brief attempts of them both wanting to play(Tain has been showing since last Friday); both settled down to snuggle and rest. HUGE congrats extended to TAIN again on such a great show day and thank you to Barry plus Amine in picking Tain up so that Sean and I could have time this AM after the children went to daycamp to lay BHRR’s KB/JB to proper rest near BLK’s Maggi. Once some time has past, I will decide which flowers or flowering bushes shall best honour our two very precious Great Danes. The past 5 days have been a huge series of ups(Tain’s very impressive wins) and crashing lows with our devastating losses. Thank you again to all that have been there for us. We are blessed! Things remain very sombre in our home as all the dogs are mourning and are confused plus ‘lost’ themselves. This next while shall be a quite time at our home and we shall be focused on the healing process for both humans plus our dogs. Mazda continues to just walk around aimlessly looking and crying for KB/JB and Dragon(our almost 8 year old Great Dane) appears to be most ‘hit’ along with our almost 10.5 year old Newfx Kona; over Maggi’s loss. It breaks our hearts to see them like this….Thank you everyone again for continuing to respect our need for time and some space to get everyone back up on their feet and moving forward with the healing of hearts, souls plus spirits.

We were hoping to bring Mazda to our July 12th Fundraiser yet we could not pull her away from KB/JB. She just did not want to leave him; so we left her at home BUT it would have been the best of opportunities for people to truly see YET again what an incredible girl she is. She would not have been happy leaving KB/JB behind and his leg would not have stood a whole day out and about. Now, we are in a new concern for with the tragic loss of BHRR’s KB/JB last night; Mazda has refused to eat and she is very depressed. I knew she would mostly likely be this way and so, while I am not surprised; I am still worried about her…very much. We will be watching her closely and I am moving her to our BHRR Haven Dogs program at this time for I believe it to be in her best interest. People can still continue to provide support in being a VF or donating items for her or even Virtually Foster her; yet I am pulling her from our ‘AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION’ list at this time. Her welfare and being is our top priority and we need to mend her own broken heart and spirit for it is not just us humans that are in deep mourning over the passing of our BLK’s Maggi and BHRR’s KB/JB; our dogs are also hurting. πŸ™ Our dogs have been very quiet these past 4 days and the atmosphere in our home is of sadness for all. This is why we are going to go into a quiet mode for the next while and take the time that is needed to properly grieve and support ourselves plus our animals through the loss of two very incredible Danes in such a short period of time. We continue to pass along our most sincerest of appreciations for the hundreds of emails, messages, phone calls, cards etc. that have been sent our way. We feel your love and caring and we feel your hugs even if you are not physically here to give them in person to us or the dogs. THANK YOU!!!!


We know God is pleased to have two of his Newest Angels’ @ Rainbow Bridge……

KB/JB and Maggie are looking down on the Heaven on earth called BIRCH HAVEN****

They are singing the praises’ of Gwen & Sean from the highest Silver Clouds’… with their new Golden Wings’… and all the World should hear….and send Assistance to their Four Legged Giant friends’ @ (BHRR)!!!!!

Zane sends’ his love to Rainbow Bridge and asks KB/JB & Maggie to give their Newest friend (RuRu Northern Dancer) an extra Special Kiss for him….Thank-you.


& GOD LOVE *(BHRR)* Gwen & Sean + Family oxOXox.

The Rodgers’ Family-Toronto-oxOXox.

We sit here in continued shock as we lost BHRR’s KB/JB just before 6:00 PM on July 21st, 2009. Thank you to Dr. Wright and Dr. Adams plus Rebecca, Kenda and Shawna at Kanata Animal Hospital for being there. We knew we were getting close to saying good-bye with his osteosarcoma yet he had a stroke shortly after Sean got home from work, losing control of his body and after receiving a call from Sean around 4:35 PM as I was at the shows; KB/JB was rushed into the Hospital. He almost did not make it to the Hospital, he was declining so fast and was in shock. I feel so fortunate that I arrived just in time to pass along my own blessings of loving tears before he crossed over. The Vet agreed that he was doing really poorly and he passed peacefully in our arms. The agony of pain that we are experiencing with the loss of two of our Danes and so soon(within 4 days); is like a living nightmare. Our hearts are just screaming in anguish.

BHRR’s KB/JB August 2002 – July 21st, 2009 – Almost 7 and stolen from life way too early

We sit here in continued shock as we lost BHRR’s KB/JB tonight just before 6:00 PM. Thank you to Dr. Wright and Dr. Adams plus Rebecca, Kenda and Shawna for being there. We knew we were getting close to saying good-bye with his osteosarcoma yet he had a stroke shortly after Sean got home from work, losing control of his body and after receiving a call from Sean around 4:35 PM as I was at the shows; KB/JB was rushed into the Hospital. He almost did not make it to the Hospital, he was declining so fast and was in shock. I feel so fortunate that I arrived just in time to pass along my own blessings of loving tears before he crossed over. The Vet agreed that he was doing really poorly and he passed peacefully in our arms. The agony of pain that we are experiencing with the loss of two of our Danes and so soon; is like a living nightmare. Our hearts are just screaming in anguish.

August 2002 – July 21st, 2009

Stolen from life WAY too soon.Β  πŸ˜₯

We appreciate the understanding of everyone that we are requesting some private time over the next while. With the loss of our sweet precious BLK’s Maggi on July 17th to bloat; we are now battling a new wave of pain with us having to let go BHRR’s KB/JB just before 6:00 PM tonight. I received a call while I was at the Lombardy shows around 4:30 PM from Sean that KB/JB was not doing well. From talking to Sean, it sounded like a stroke or seizure and I rushed off to meet Sean as he headed to the hospital. Sean’s initial worry was that it was bloat(I completely understand his fear as Maggi bloated on Friday while I was at home but Sean was at work and has had no real experience with bloat) yet from asking him questions and then seeing KB/JB myself and the Vet concurred, he had most likely had a stroke and that is why he lost control of his legs, especially in the hind end. When I felt his legs and feet, they were stone cold. We knew that we would only have a short more while with him due to his aggressive osteosarcoma yet we did not think that we would lose him like this. So, thank you to everyone for respecting our need for some privacy to properly mourn the losses of our incredible and amazing Danes; BLK’s Maggi(January 1st, 2001 – July 17th, 2009) & BHRR’s KB/JB(August 2002 – July 21st, 2009). The last four days have been just a walking nightmare for our home. πŸ˜₯ We sit in stunned pain right now.

BHRR’s Potter was 54.12 pounds(24.6 KGs) at the Vet’s last Wednesday and the Vet confirmed that he does have a bit of eye infection and mild entropion, with the right eye being the worst. His HWT has come back negative and I am awaiting the results of his bw plus fecal. I am moving Potter to the Haven Dog program at this time until we learn more about his hips/hind end. His housebreaking took a huge turn for the worse on Thursday yet we seem to be back on track and he is ‘getting’ it. He has also managed to dismantle and fold completely the same crate again(after we thought we had things all figured….) and I came home from the shows today(CONGRATS again to TAIN for taking WD/BOW today!); he was happy as a lark cuddled on my bed with Dyce and Dragon with crate completely dismantled plus folded up…. πŸ™„ We do not attempt to feed him in a crate any longer for he just will barely eat. He is eating much better from a small stool and has no resourcing towards humans or dogs. He is also very gentle about taking treats from our hands. He is truly a really neat little boy! He is still scheduled to be neutered this Wednesday and I have finished up his first round of de-worming. His best friends continue to be the ‘three P’s’ – PPSS, Porridge and Parker! He just had to figure out how to ‘work’ around Mr. Parkers’ wicked paws! LOL

Ms. Judith Connell, P.O. Box 100, 14 Greenbank Ave., Greenbank, ON L0C 1B0

July 18/09

I have followed Li’l Linus’ progress so much and I must admit to having a virtual love affair with him. I have a physical challenge as well and feel a real affinity with him and his use of ‘doggie humour’ to fit in. My husband and I knew two fawn Great Danes 35 years ago. We visited their owners but really enjoyed them so much. They were Marcus, a real great big boy with a huge dark muzzle and I must say a little ‘stunned’. That was likely because his foil, the exotic and flirtatous, Tora (yes, named after the movie). She just LOVED men in beards and would sit coquettishly on the floor in front of Marcus perched on the settee, and slowly spread her hind legs and bat her beautiful brown eyes at whatever man she took a fancy to.
What a girl! They were both wonderful and we never got over our love of Danes.

The greatest memory of them was, oddly enough, when I was deathly ill with the flu. First the Danes came onto the bed (a pull-out couch) and then the house cat and then, astonishingly, George the outdoor cat joined them. Normally, there would be fir flying. These four never crossed paths without an incident but this time they stayed with I vomited repeatedly (a very unusual thing for me as I have a cast-iron stomach) and I only knew I was getting better as one by one they each left in reverse order to when they came. It was two days of ‘hell’ except for the incredible love and companionship of those four animals. Those Danes sure knew how to mold themselves to a person’s aching body!

As we only have a fence on two sides of our property, I know we cannot be considered to be the forever family for Linus but he will always be in our thoughts.

Thank you for all the work you and your husband do to make life so much better for so many animals. My dad was a country vet turned poultry pathologist at the OVC in Guelph. He often brought animals home to die after they had been used (abused) in experiments. I truly learned compassion for these tired and desperate animals. Dad was a farm boy from Alliston and valued every animal he met and could not be trusted to be the ‘on-call’ vet for Nassagawaya Twp. because he brought home (that’s what early rescuing was called) every animal from where he visited for animal abuse calls – that included one Welsh pony (Sam) and a wall-eyed black and white pinto pony named (you guessed it), Li’l One! They were in drastic shape but Dad nursed them well and they became a ‘deadly’ duo, breaking out of every enclosure where they were confined and my parents would receive phone calls noting the location of the infamous kids and would my parents come and get them. They especially liked blending in with herds of Holstein cows. If it wasn’t such hard work rounding them up it would have been a hoot. It certainly seems so 45 years later!

It was also something to read about Potter. What a great job you do. I will certainly remain a loyal follower of your site. God bless you all.

BHRR’s Potter came with me to Kinsley’s soccer game Tuesday night and he spent most of his time, snuggled on my lap on the chair! He did FANTASTIC yet again! I think he is becoming a ‘soccer’ fan between Mason’s game and now Kinsley’s! His leash manners continue to improve but when he sees another dog; WOW! He just runs right to the end of the leash and then stands on his hind legs and stares. He just loves other dogs. He has been superb around the guinea pigs here too. He has not had one accident in the house today and he is eating a bit better than when he first arrived. Getting him into the crate remains a bit of a challenge yet he is settling in better and better each time. I thought I would share some new pictures of him and how BHRR’s Dana legacy of the ‘heck with the leather couch’ rule lives on…sigh!!!! πŸ˜› I also meant to post in my last Gwennie Novel that he is quite stiff in the hind end and if need be, we shall do some X-Rays. There was one elderly gentleman at the soccer game tonight who was just positively enamored with Potter and he said that ‘he felt Potter with the whole hip thing’ going on! Those two were so much fun to watch! The man called Potter a ‘mini horse’ so I guess he never met a Great Dane before! πŸ˜‰ He asked if Potter would be in attendance next Tuesday and who could resist that kind of question!!! Potter has a huge fascination with balls and that seems to be the only toy, other than a cuz that he is interested in. I would like to keep my children’s soccer balls inflated, so I shall have to buy Potter his own collection! I also want to thank Sean for staying behind tonight and not going to Kinsley’s game to fix up one part of our fencing where my perennials live. Potter is small enough to go through to that area whereas the Giant Breeds cannot and he has ‘walked about’ three times and now, it is all fixed up and his one attempt to go through was effectively thrawted!!!! THANKS Sean!!!!

BHRR’s Potter – July 14th, 2009 – hmmmm, settling in????

BHRR’s Mr. Parker Paws came with us to our 2009 Microchip Fundraiser and he was a TRUE ambassador to the breed and how we operate BHRR. He got along with everyone and every animal and this was his ‘final’ test before putting him up for adoption. He passed with flying colours!!!!! He exhibited no nervousness towards any men and while he still walks a bit hunded and ‘slouched’; he is getting better and better about standing up tall. He is close to 140 pounds now(that is 43 pounds he has put on in the 8+ weeks he has been with us!) and he continues to just mature and develop well. His new home can continue to work on his obedience yet he has very strong foundations now put in place from being with us. As mentioned before; he will need to remain on the Ester C for quite some time. I am ‘officially’ placing him as ‘AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!!!’ HE was a huge hit and he brought in a lot of donations with his special coat to allow us to continue to help animals like him in need of our programs. One woman ended up coming back with the rest of her family JUST to have them meet Parker! I am going to be attaching a few pictures below; two from June 2nd; two from June 18th, two from July 9th and two from the Fundraiser on July 12th! I have also added slides #51 – #71! 😎

BHRR’s Parker – July 12th KAH/BHRR Micrcochip/Nail Trim/BBQ Fundraiser – Photos courtesy of Chuck & Allison

BHRR’s Parker – July 9th, 2009 – Body Condition plus Back Feet – 66 days after arrival to BHRR

BHRR’s Parker – June 18th, 2009 – Body Condition & Front Feet

BHRR’s Parker – June 2nd, 2009 Body Condition plus Back Feet

As many are aware; I drove to New York yesterday to pick up BHRR’s Potter. I also learned some more about him; his last home was his original home and the Animal Control has known about his plight since he was weeks old and it took this long for them to get them to sign him over. They also used to call him ‘Dumbo’ thinking it was funny and because they thought he was dumb. πŸ˜₯ It took two full grown women to ‘wrangle’ this boy from one vehicle to another; he is so ‘out there with no manners’! I picked him up for 11:30 AM and I have to say that by the time he came to my son’s soccer last night(Potter figured out how to dismantle the crate he was in….NOT even Dana could do that and he had it nice and folded up within half an hour of being put into it….); and based upon his personality; I knew he would be MORE than fine to go to Soccer; and his ‘out of control’ leash manners were gone and he would sit pretty much when I asked him too. He made NOT one peep at the game and either just sat or watched the kids play and he loves the soccer balls though! He could NOT get enough attention from everyone that he saw and it barely took 5 minutes before a person came up to us; and she did not ask if Potter was a ‘PitBull’; she accused me of him being a PitBull…sigh… In my attempts to correctly educate her; I knew it was falling on deaf ears; and even her friend was trying to explain about how wonderful MANY pitties are and that it is the owners/breeders… Potter has natural ears and his tail has not been docked and I have known my share of amazing PitBulls and so, she gave Potter a great compliment! πŸ˜‰ Potter had been integrated with both PPSS and Abbi(MAN! Was she excited to see someone smaller than her! Potter is 26″) and after he dismantled his crate while I was putting a load of laundry in; he had made the decision that he wanted to be integrated with everyone; for I came upstairs to a nicely folded up crate and all the dogs thundering around the house and outside and inside again; with Potter leading the charge…. πŸ™„ πŸ˜› I knew that he had been living with 8 other dogs without any issues and in just meeting him; that tail is nonstop wagging(I cannot wait for all to meet this cutie for he is going to STEAL your heart with his charm and those deep dark brown eyes!); so I was not worried about his ‘escape’. I had never used this crate before; it was a donation; yet it is the same as one of our other smaller crates and never had an issue with it! So, we can dispell any thoughts by his previous owners about his level of intelligence, for he managed to figure out how it came apart, and pulled in just the right pressure spots to fold it down and I should have taken a picture; it was as if it had just come out of the box; he had it arranged perfectly! He is not fully housebroken at this time; yet we are working on that; he will pee outside and we will get there with the pooping. He is not a fan of his crate and so Gwennie’s Doggie Boot camp as begun in full swing. When he is quiet he gets to come out and he has certainly made himself at home by jumping up on the bed. He has really bonded with both myself and Sean and he is very pack oriented. He is most happiest when we are both together. Sean could not believe the change already in him from when he first came home to when we left the Soccer field. Potter is thriving under rules, routine and guidance and is already beginning to ‘watch’ me and he knows ‘come’ and we are working on that ‘sit’. He understands ‘no’ yet mostly disregards it and we will get there. He is so affectionate yet is hesitant about asking for it; BUT as soon as you give him some encouragement; he can put a Dane to shame with his ‘body lean’s’. He has not even been here 24 hours and I cannot imagine how my home was like before him. He has just fit in SOOOOOOOO well! He had a great night and I am so excited about working with him and learning from him. It has been years since we had a Boxer in our home and it is perfect that he is deaf; for one of the ‘Special Needs’ classes that I am currently teaching has 4 deaf boxers in it; so he is going to fit in just fine.Β  😎 His colouring is actually white with four brindle patches(one in each his ear and one on the base of his tail and one on his side). He is coming to the Vet with me tomorrow and I shall do his bw for neutering(I would like to see about another 10+ pounds on him right now and it is muscle that he needs; he is SOOOOOO lacking in muscle) and we will also do a HWT test. I would like to find out what his current weight is for his Vaccine certificate just says ‘over 50 pounds'(yet even I can carry him with ease). His Rescuer was just so kind as he came with all of his vaccines; his HC and they also gave him a flea treatment. I am de-worming him now and will bring in a fecal tomorrow. His is a ‘bit’ itchy and has some dry areas around his neck that if you rub just right; gets his one leg moving. We will do a skin scraping if needed and I have him on a super premium food. His left back foot has quite the ‘scar’ on it; and I have my speculations on what might have caused that. I am sure that I am missing something here yet wanted to post a ‘Gwennie’ update(I have much to do with all of the dogs blogs etc. now that our Fundraiser is over) and yes, I shall post some pictures so that people can get an idea of just how ‘heart’ pulling this sweetie is! As much as I would have liked to have brought him into BHRR before the micrcochip clinic Fundraiser; for he needs a chip and a new collar; it was not in his best interest to have done so. I now have the time that he needs of me to give him all that is necessary and more! I have been inundated with inquiries on BHRR’s Potter and I am truly just taken aback by the number of people who want him and they ‘do not know’ anything about him. We only place per best matched personality fit and even when it comes to a Foster home; if we go down that route; the home must be within the 2 hour driving distance from us. We thank all that have contacted us; yet we are not going to consider homes(if/when he should be up for adoption) that are not in align with our BHRR mandates, policies, processes plus procedures; that are clearly stated on both of our websites. Just because BHRR’s Potter is not a Giant Breed; does not change how we operate BHRR. We have rescued many a large or smaller breed canine over the years and truly; we are a bit surprised by what has been sent our way in respect to this boy. It is because BHRR is who we are that this boy is even here(so many turn their backs on the SN’s) and we are not going to compromise our standards. This boys’ future was very questionable until we were asked to step up and we shall do ‘right’ by him. Welcome to BHRR’s latest ‘honourary’ Great Dane! Besides needing a new collar and microchip; BHRR’s Potter shall also require some ‘Boxer’ size toys! He is loving the cuzes right now and his leash….Β  πŸ˜†

BHRR’s Potter – July 13th, 2009 – Almost one year of age & 26″

I took more pictures of Mr. Parker Paws today and I also wanted to publicly thank Mary for Parker’s new collar. He looks so smashing! He is about 135 pounds now and has healed wonderfully from his neuter! He shall go up for adoption after the Microchip Clinic on the 12th and I am going to try and get a new weight then(the battle of the scale! LOL). I had wanted his original rescuer to come up and see him for he has changed so much in looks and those feet are so much better. He will have to stay on Ester C for some time though; yet sadly; it does not look so good that she can make it up to the Micrcochip Clinic this Sunday with the strike that is going on in TO. I really hope that she gets a chance to see her Parker before he is adopted as he is doing so well at BHRR, because of her having saved him!!! πŸ™‚

I had to move Abbi’s Annual appointment to July 31st(Mason’s 9th birthday!) due to Short Hair Sam(our recent GP addition last Saturday) having an eye infection and I brought him in tonight instead. Abbi’s Vaccines are not due until the end of the month as is and I could just see her eyes boring into the back of my shirt as I had washed her and did her nails and then she stayed home…. πŸ˜› I have a lovely picture from July 9th that I need to add to her slideshow as well. She has managed to stay in a collar for longer than 2 days! WOOHOOOOO!

I have made a recheck/follow-up appointment with the Vet for July 17th as we will be at the 5 week mark originally given to us for ‘healing’ time. Feedback from a VIN ortho specialist at this time; Dr. Parker based upon how slow the healing is going has not been overly optimistic. I have become quite concerned about Dana; especially since this past Tuesday for she began to exhibit for the first time since she hurt her toe; true pain and limping. She has been very confined during the past month and I now how tough it has been on her.Β  πŸ™ We are going to talk to another ortho specialist upon his return from Vacation yet the feedback about possible amputation is deeply worrisome for this is not an outside toe and she is a Great Dane. The success rate statistics are not in her favour due to how difficult this procedure could be and all the ensuing post-op complications with the webbing and other toe issues; not to mention the weight bearing strain on that leg and her other(s). I am going to take new X-Rays at her next Appointment and in fact, the Vet suggested that I bring her in during our Fundraiser and we could do the X-Rays then but I cannot do that to Dana. To be around all those Dogs and not being allowed to play would break her spirit even more. Her toe is more swollen than ever as of Tuesday night and I am combining Deramaxx 100 mg with Tramadol 100 mg at this time and I am SOOOOOOOOO not liking how this toe is trying to heal. She must have somehow re-injured it and I know that she is want to bang on her crate for she is sometimes bored and wants to play with the other dogs and I cannot allow that outside in the yard and it is also hard to keep her contained from wanting to zoom in the house. I am trying to find all sorts of puzzles and problem solving activities for her that does not involve a lot of movement and these days, I can almost swear she is rolling her eyes at me as I come towards her with something new to try….sigh….poor thing. She is smart as a whip this one and she keeps me on my toes that is for sure AND I love it! I am going to take this one step at a time and I keep her quality of life foremost in my mind. We are a month in to this ‘healing’ and she is no further ahead. Dr. Parker truly does believe that amputation might be her only option right now to give her the best shot yet with it not being an outside toe; that optimism is not as high. Her toe is not healing in the right way and she could easily have a bone fragment causing pain as the calification process sets in. I do not like the shape of it or how the toe and pad are being forced into the position it is. Her toe is so swollen that the pad of her food is splitting. ALL of this just magnified since Tuesday. Will post updates as I can.

My son has come up with a really great name(he had actually wanted to name Hamilton The Newf this name….) for this Boxer Boy; Potter and it is has really grown on me. The letter for signing is not going to be confused(I was almost thinking of a ‘R’ name since one had been suggested to me already) with Lil Linus’s nor Soul’s; so I think we are going to ‘go’ for it. I have learnt even more about this boy in that it has taken over a month of hard work from his current Rescuer to convince the home to surrender him to her and at one time; he apparently was running free and almost was killed by vehicles and they did not seem concerned over this. πŸ˜₯ So, BHRR’s Potter is going to be his name and he is almost 1 year of age from what I have been told. He will have his Rabies before I pick him up(he needs that to cross the border) and a Valid Health Certificate. I have also scheduled an exam with the Vet for July 16th and I will do his presurgical bw at that time; barring any reason why we could not do it at that time. BHRR’s Potter would then be neutered on July 23rd. Cannot wait to meet the ‘little’ Dane! πŸ˜‰ NOT YET AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!!!

It has been almost a month since we X-Rayed Dana’s foot and she is faring not much better. I was talking to the Vet about her tonight and they have now forwarded on her digital X-Ray to post on VIN plus we will talk to the ortho specialist when he returns from Vacation. I am a wee bit concerned right now. The swelling has not gone down and as of Tuesday night; Dana has exhibited the first ‘real’ signs that she is in pain. πŸ™ We discussed possible amputation as being one solution and that deeply worries me due for Dana is a Giant Breed Canine and even as a female Great Dane; she is sizeable. It has been hard on Dana being kept restricted over the past month and I do not blame her one bit in being somewhat ‘cranky’ at times over this enfored confinement. She is about 14 months old now and a HUGE puppy still and the lack of real exercise for a dog with her zest of living; has been very difficult. I will continue to post as I have updates and yes, I do have more pictures to upload yet as many know; our new website(since March of 2008) is not the most friendly when it comes to adding pictures and we have a HUGE fundraiser coming up on Sunday July 12th and that is taking up a lot of my time of late in addition to just the daily training, time and love with the animals here!

Vicki, ON, CDA


You are more than welcome of the donations. I was also very happy to have met you, I love what you do and you have so much knowledge and the willingness to help. Truly a gem.


So, I shall be picking up this boy(he does not even have a name, poor thing!) on Monday around 11:30 AM in NY. He is currently being kenneled by another Rescuer at her place. He was an owner surrender. He is also not neutered, mostly white with some black spots and is a Boxer AKA now a `BHRR`s Honourary Great Dane`! πŸ˜›

BHRR has been asked to take in what I am going to refer to as an ‘honourary’ Great Dane. πŸ™‚

He is a one year old, deaf Boxer. Assisting the Special Needs is our ‘special’ focus at BHRR and he needs help.

He will be coming from NY and when I know more, I shall post more. I would dearly love to assist this boy(the home just had no idea on how to train and work with him; so he does whatever he wants right now) and I will most likely be looking for a foster home in my area after he is here, settled, assessed and fully vetted.

If anyone is open to considering assisting BHRR with this boy(as I get more information; I will post); please contact Gwen.


L. Ormos, Cumberland, ON


I must admit I often see your rescue listed on Pet Finder… but this was my first visit to your site… and the pictures of some of the wonderful dogs you’ve rescued almost broke my heart. I found myself at my desk, at work, in tears…

We have 3 wonderful rescues of our own

… my fondest dream is one day to be able to offer the kind of kindness and service you do to other dogs in need of help – so kudos to you and what you do.


I took Porridge into work with me today to do his annual and to get some extra assistance with his nails as Sean is still laid up from being in the hospital with his back. Porrdige weighed 65.6 KGS(144.32) pounds and while he looks wonderful; especiallyΒ for a MegaE dog; he is a wee bit on the thin side. I would like to see about anotherΒ 10 pounds on him at this age/time. The Vet thinks he looks fantastic though! He received a great check up and I had his vaccines updated. We have a person here, who has just finished up her first year of the tech program and I asked if she wanted to practise drawing blood on Porridge and both did awesome! I had her draw blood from his back leg, front leg and jugular and I could not be more impressed with both of them! πŸ™‚ He did have a bout of diarrhea outside from all of the excitement yet really enjoyed the company of everybody and all animals. When he was at the Hospital, he had that darn happy tail and now we have a tail tip injury….sigh….He gave it a good crack a couple of times on the walls coming into the hospital the wee goober! He was just so excited!