A new picture of Hamilton Slide #10 has been added. HE is HUGE now!!!! I have to bring him in for a new weight! He has recovered beautifully from his neuter and his bestest of buds remains Lil Linus! HE is so patient and tolerant of Lil Linus! His hind end causes him some troubles getting up from lying and we try to keep him on soft surfaces yet being the Newf he is; unless it is freezing; he is hot! The gorgeous black hair on his ears is already turning auburn in the sun!!!! I have not yet decided if Hamilton The Newf shall be accompanying me at the end of May to a meet-up being held in TO. He is amazing here as many can attest too yet in social surroundings outside of home; he is still refusing to pee and needless to say; how much room he shall take up on the vehicle! LOL He seems to have a following and with an invite of a friend to stay at her place; I might feel better about bringing him and two Dane pups with her free hands. THEN the problem shall be trying to pry Hamilton and the two Danes away from people to get home. 😛 We really could use the positive publicity to generate funding to our program and to also promote how amazing the Giant Breeds are; so much to think about.

FINALLY! New pictures of Mazda now posted – Slides #16 – #25. 😀 She is doing really well and Sean and I have decided after much conversation that we shall extended her adoption until June 30th, 2008 and then if she is not adopted; she is ours forever and ever. It was a very difficult decision to make yet I guess we cling to the hope, however; small it might be that her right forever matched home is out there and on the other hand; maybe it is just meant to be that she remains in our hearts as ours. We have had many inquiries on her; yet no applications and once again, most people are contacting us about her for the wrong reasons. Sean and I just cannot believe how hard this has been for Mazda. 🙁

New pictures of Abbi! FINALLY got them uploaded. I have many more to still upload yet new slides of #35 – 42 have now been put up! She is doing great. SHE is so muscled! I will have to get new heights and weights for I think she has grown a smidgeon. Mudslide on the other hand has just SHOT up! Since Jenni has been adopted; Abbi has become SOOOO much closer to Mudslide and it has been wonderful to see that Mudslide is being treated as more of an equal ‘play’ partner now.

LT was 58.2 KGS(128.04 pounds)! UGH! UGH! Even though he is being cut back on food; he is getting PB with his pills AND it is showing. Time to tighten up the hatches even more with this man! The Vet was just as unimpressed as I was with his head. We were unable to do a culture as it had been very effectively drained the day before by us. Yet, it is looking nasty and the Vet agrees. The Vet looked up and Clavamox will cover all the ick’s except for maybe 2 and I have brought home a needle that if(more likely when with the way things have gone in the past)it swells up again; to take a sample. So, I have taken home 10 more days of Clavamox and I cannot even bear to look at the Vet Bill right now in respect to all of this. sigh………… I feel the worst for LT though. He has been an incredible trooper! The Vet ended up giving him a liver treat(despite his weight plumpness)  😛 for they also felt very sorry for all that he has gone through and what he was put through tonight with a re-exam etc. All that poking and prodding and he was awesome. Just very happy and affectionate and taking everything in his stride. When the rain stops, I shall wash him again as he is slightly ‘off-white’ from the muddy outside and he has stains on his head from the SC. POOR THING! The Vet did say that he could maybe be that ‘rare’ dog that will have to be on antibiotics for months and months and months and I am praying that this is not the case. POOR LT! 😥 LT loved the ride home and I bypassed the McDonald’s and Timmie’s as we need to work on that waistline and if he is going to be on antibiotics even longer than a month; we really have to find a better treat system. The Vet said that she was so surprised to see a plump dog from me as I am always really great about keeping my dogs where they belong. I just keep saying, LT more than deserved his few extra pounds BUT now, he is getting ‘up’ there with the PB with his meds and we need to find an alternative. I do not wish to take to putting the pills in his mouth AS he has come so far with trusting and approaching and while many dogs will take to pilling that way just fine; without emotional angst; LT is not one of those dogs. He could very easily become handshy should pilling him manually become the ‘norm’ and if he has to be on meds for X amount of time; I am going to have to be inventive. PUTTING it into his food is not effective as he will eat all but the pill. I had been putting them into small pieces of hotdogs, until he figured out how to get the hotdog and spit out the pill. SMART boy!

I will be bringing LT in with me tomorrow to go back to the Vet. Despite 19 days worth of antibiotics between the Cephalexin and now the Clavamox; his head is not getting any better. I felt terrible for LT on Saturday; the pressure built up so bad in his SC that he began to shake his head and then it began to leak and then burst through the skin by Sunday AM. I drained as much as I could of the infection and the SC fluid and cleaned it all up with Betadine plus Germistat 4% and now he has literally a small hole in his head where it burst through. It is not just the cost of almost $1,000 spent to date on getting this under control; it is the obvious discomfort this is causing him. We need to get some resolution here; for financial relief and for him. We have just spent almost $2,000 on Bronson with him having to go back into hospital last Monday; $2,000 on the Newf pups that we assisted in rescuing and now we have also been asked to assist with another 9 Dane pups. We just cannot continue to drop money on ‘what if’s here. In addition to the almost $1,000 spent on LT’s SC; we will be looking at $1,500 to remove the SC and we also have many more financial demands being put on our Rescue with repairs having to be made to our horse lean-too and fencing for both horses and dogs and we just cannot continue to afford to keep bringing the dogs into the Vets and trying one thing after the other without any success. We need something to work for LT and we need it soon as I cannot continue to watch him be in clear discomfort, nor can I continue to watch our finances pool down to the below nothing that we already have. We had only one fundraiser last year and I have had literally no time to plan this year’s one at this time and it has not been pushed to the the fall. We are in seriously jeopardy of having to consider to close BHRR within the next 5 years. If you believe in BHRR at all; please consider donating as times are beyond tough right now. We truly cannot continue to assist the animals that are in need of us; alone. We beg everyone that follows the animals in our program; to just think about contributing to help us carry on. Thank you on behalf of every animal that has benefited from our program and for every animal that we could continue to assist with your help.

New pictures of Lil Linus posted in slides #47 – #56. 😀

I brought LT into work with me on Monday April 21st for a recheck on his head. I was unable to bring him on the Saturday as I had hoped due to everything that poor Bronson was going through. LT weighed a very plump 57.60 KGs(126.72 pounds) and apparently, all that PB with the cephalexin has been showing itself on his waist line! He is now cut back on the food(much to my ‘seabiscuit’s displeasure again! LOL). The Vet was very surprised to see that after being on the Cephalexin for 10 days that his SC was still quite full of infection. We have now switched him to Clavamox and will re-evaluate after 10 days time. This is the fourth Dane in the recent past that has not fared well on the Cephalexin(Novolexin) and not only is cost a factor yet the poor dogs having to go to yet another antibiotic and to be on a longer course of treatment cannot be thrilling for them….well, they do like the PB part of it all! The Vet feels that he should be on these antibiotics for at least a month before we consider removing the SC; otherwise it will be a sizeable portion of the top of his head that will need to be removed and that is not a consideration and one that the Vet also supports. I talked to his pending adoptive home and they are in support that he shall remain here until such time as he is done his course of antibiotics and if need be; surgery to remove the SC. The SC even after being healed might erupt again(via a play bump etc.) or he could develop another one; even if this one is removed and we shall take it one step at a time, save up those pennies JUST in case he requires the surgery. 😀 We all want what is best for LT and we will evaluate as needs be as to what is in his best interest when the time comes. Once again, he was a HUGE favourite at the hospital and is so quiet(except in play…HEE! He can sure makes some neat sounds!) and settles down beautifully in his pen at the hospital. I adore this boy more than words can ever express! I also wanted to share that today, when I was vacuming(yet again….LOL with the spring here, it is at least a 5 times a day job)LT stayed on the bed the whole time I did the Master bedroom! WOOHOO! ROCK ON! Major progress. He even let me give him some loving on his back and tush and stayed on the bed! This boy has a huge piece of me and like always; if this wonderful home had not come along; he would have been one of those that would have tempted my soul to keep here. YET, I have always known that our paths; while we shall always be closely connected; he is meant to be in another home spoiled and sharing his very special gifts with them! THANK you LT for all that you have done for our home and for me!!!!

Shamrock, your Reality Page

Thank you for posting Shamrocks story, and those of other dogs like him, on your reality page.

I’m the person who sent out the link to gratefulness.org after he died.

I’m glad that there are people who care. I hope that someday soon, we as a society can do better for all of these animals.

Wishing them and us peace and light.


SO much to update for so many of the dogs here! Lil Linus came with me to work last night instead of Saturday(I had to bring Bronson back in)and he now weighs 32.60 KGs(71.72 pounds). He came with me with LT and he layed right on LT’s back on the way in and then while they were in the large run they were both in! LT just loved the snuggling! LOL He is SO much better in travelling yet is still not comfortable with his own company outside of our house and everytime, I took LT out sans him or when I swapped LT with Bronson(Sean brought Bronson in later so that we could do a recheck on him); he was a wee bit upset. He did settle down after a short period of time and that is PROGRESS! He was SOOOOOOOO much more social and what a dream he was in handling for his shots, exam etc. The Vet noticed a HUGE difference in how he was behaving and also in how much weight plus muscle he has put on. He impressed everyone with his recall, sit and name signs and layed very still on his side munching treaties while the Vet rechecked his hips. He was not happy about having his left front leg and joints manipulated(he has had some limping off and on; yet he is an active boy and could have been stepped on by one of the other dogs or even tripped on his big ol’ hoofs; yet I wanted to have it checked). His hind end was better yet the Vet said that with so much muscle and weight on him, it is harder to get a good manipulation on him. We will X-Ray when he is neutered if necessary. He received his final vaccines and was microchipped and throughout it all; he remained most interested in the liver treat I was holding. THE big success came when Bronson took his chewie away and when he tried to take it back; Bronson was a bit of a goober and Lil Linus just came over to me, sat down and looked at me with his big eyes! WOOHHOOOOO! No resourcing, getting upset etc. OF course, I took the chewie away from Bronson and gave it back to Lil Linus BUT WOOHOOOOOOO! I am very proud of him! He still has his ‘moment’s’, yet they are getting fewer and farther between and he will sit and share a large spatula of PB with the other dogs now without a blink of his eyes. He also has not had an accident in the house in quite some time. The Vet Hospital is another story for he just is not confident outside of home and won’t pee in a strange place(so any place other than home for him at this time), no matter how often you take him out AND even with Bronson plus LT there with him doing their ‘thing’. So, needless to say; after 8+ hours of being at the Hospital hanging out; he had two pee accidents and only in his pen. So, I am feeling still good about it all. On the way home, he climbed or rather crammed himself up on my back dashboard and hung out watching the world(as much as he can see it in the dark LOL) on our way home. He also was much better at meeting strange dogs; still unsure and nervous that they might hurt him but much better. That is going to be a thing that we will continue to focus strongly on; outside the home dogs for him. While he is mingling with all 16 other dogs here; he NEEDS a lot more work with ‘stranger’ dogs. I still have those pictures to post and hopefully, the week will be a better week here and give myself more time to post them up. Sean also has been very busy and promises to get back to helping me continue to move over information from our old site. The last thing I shall add on this update is how AWESOME Lil Linus was at our latest Mini-Open House on Sunday April 20th. It was one of our larger mini-open houses(we generally like to keep them to about 12 people) with 16 people and Lil Linus did amazing with all. 😀

I wish to thank everyone sincerely from our hearts that have been contacting us via emails very recently in respect to Mazda and that they would be open to maybe taking her into their homes. I say this in the nicest way possible that Mazda is not desperate for a home and we won’t be settling on a home just to try and place her by the end of the month. That is not what BHRR is all about nor the vision of what I had when I founded BHRR in 1996 for the animals in need of our assistance. Sean and I are aware that each and everytime that we bring an animal into our program that we accept full responsibility for their wellbeing for the rest of their lives be they become adopted or not. We understand that any animal might not be adopted and if that is the case; then they remain as beloved spoiled members of either our home or in some cases; as perma-fosters in those homes they were being temp fostered in. Our progam is a Haven for a reason and while we remain just stunned that Mazda has not been adopted; we are not devastated or feeling resigned that she is ‘stuck’ here with us. While we wish that her forever loving home could come along; should it not happen, we are ok with that as well. We adore her, she is settled in here(QUITE well! LOL) and for those that are seeking to adopt her out of pity or are sorry for her; while we thank you; those are not the ‘right’ reasons for her to be adopted. She should be adopted to the right matched home for the right reasons and if this does not happen; all can be assured that she is not going to be at risk of being pts etc. THAT is not what BHRR is all about. Each and everytime an animal crosses our doors; there is that chance that they shall never be adopted; be it medical, behavoural and in this situation(the first in over 12 years of operating and it was bound to happen at one time or another) just because her right home has not come along. Have we set the bar up even higher since her failed adoptions(which I want to reiterate YET again THAT this is through no fault of her own); no, we have not. I would not hold back her adoption to the ‘right’ matched home due to those that failed her in the past. For those that come to our mini-open houses every month; they can truly attest to just what a wonderful gal she is and with each day that passes; we just become more comfortable that her destiny and ours might be meant to be. She will be moved under our BHRR Haven Dogs and people can continue to follow her antics and have the option to donate to her care. 😀 Sean and I are under current and very serious conversation in regards to whether we should be extending her adoption availability as spring/summer have higher adoption rates. If we do extend this; it won’t be for very long; perhaps June 1st. Will update when we make a decision.  We just do not wish to keep things in limbo for Mazda for much longer of which I am sure many can appreciate that position.

I have new pictures that I have to upload for Lil Linus and shall do ASAP. It has been a very busy time here. We were part of a 3 Rescue Group Rescue effort to save 28 Newf Pups and all have now been full vetted and are happily settling into their foster homes. In addition to this; we have had to bring our almost 7.5 year old GD Maggi into the Vet’s for what has turned out to be a sebaceous cyst between her toes, Dyce had a post-treatment visit and his elbow and leg(left one again) is all swollen for a third time 😕  and also our Bronson had to go in for an allergic reaction. We now have Kona headed in for her annual on Friday and Lil Linus is coming with me with LT to work on Saturday for his final vaccines. LT will be in for a recheck on the ruptured SC on his own head. BUSY! BUSY! BUSY! Lil Linus is doing well. Very little resourcing now yet when it does happen, it is less forceful than it was. PROGRESS! He has completely slid backwards in his housebreaking this past weekend while I was away. From some reason, only he really knows; he has decided that he should be playing outside for hours and hours and due to the nice weather; we will leave the front door open so the dogs can go in for water, to rest etc. while we work on yard tidying etc. as the snow melts; but when he needs to go to the bathroom; he will come inside; pee or poop and then run back outside to play!!!! LOL He is a riot to watch doing this. It is like he calls a ‘timeout’ to the play and runs inside; pees and/or poops just inside the door and runs back outside; calls a ‘timein’ and resumes play! OMG! TOO funny! It will click….time and patience. One of his best friends and who he has become quite unseparable from is Hamilton The Newf! Lil Linus was very lost when Bronson was in SYR and Hamilton The Newf was being neutered for PPSS slept a lot(recuperating from all their constant play! LOL). I also wish to state for those that do not understand our polices, mandates etc. that Lil Linus is NOT YET AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! HE still needs to be altered and even after that; he will not be available until he is ready. He has come far since his arrival yet he has much more progress to be made with his self-esteem, confidence, appropriate communication, socialisation etc. He will let us know when it is time.

Wow you are amazing

I would like to thank you for sharing your family with us all. I read Frost T’s story awhile ago and was amazed by your strength and love. I love children and animals and those who are abused hurt or special touch a particular chord in my heart. I am a child and youth care worker for high risk teens and youth.I often feel i have seen it all. Violence,aggression(acting out), needless injuries and pain all cries for help but only a few hear it which always amazes me. Kids and animlas are resilant they always want to go home or find a home that loves them. You show everyday how committed you are to your animals by not only caring for them but by raising your children who are beautiful by the way with these animals. You teach your children empathy, compassion and unconditional love by following your heart. Gwen and your husband Sean are to be commended You do a beautiful thing. I have taught all my dogs our own sign language as it keeps them safe because they are always looking at me and no one else knows the signs unless through me. I fell in love with Frost T and your story I hate the final decision it’s so painful but none of my dog’s have evr crossed to the bridge but in my arms. You are an amazing woman. Theme here seems to be amazing people, kids,and animals. So what does a girl from Alberta want well i love Linus and all the dogs but Linus hits the heart strings hard. I am a single mom and i don’t have a tonne of cash so i was wondering if i could make you quilts for your dogs to lie on wrap up in pee on what evr they want. I make simple nine squares but they are always really bright and soft. I make them for kids and i would like to make some for you. What size do you think they would need. My quilts are not perfect but neither is any child or dog so they usually like them. Please let me know if this is acceptable to you Thanks for your time, I know it is precious Cathie from Calgary

The Neal family in Western NY

Hi there, we have really enjoyed discovering your website and commend you for all that you do for large breeds. I can tell you love them all as your own!
We also love large dogs and sadly our Giggilo died suddenly two weeks ago while our daughter, Amelia, was walking him. We all miss him terribly.
Barb Neal byn68@windstream.net

Tiffany Richburg – Statesville, NC, USA

Hey Gwen and Sean!! The new site looks GREAT!!! Give all of those babies a kiss from me and keep up the wonderful work you do for those precious souls in need. We love ya’ll!!!

Bary and Trice (Ottawa, ON)

Hey Gwen,

It was great meeting up again last night. Thanks again for everything you do. Btw the website looks great!

As per my my last write-up; I took LT into the Vet with me last night. When we did some deeper investigation into the area; it appears that the sebaceous cyst ruptured on the inside, causing it to become larger and eventually rupturing in a couple of spots and beginning to drain the building up infection inside. Caught if fast, thank goodness and as per my last post; he is now on the cephalexin(1,000 mgs every 12 hours) for three weeks. We will keep him on the antibiotics(the cephalexin is always the first line of defense that we use in these type of skin situations) for 2 weeks and then I have to get the cyst removed. Then he shall be on the antibiotics one more week for post-op care. As to what caused it to rupture; the latest FNA’s at his annual; could have irritated it some and then by bumping his head in play with another dog or on the side of something(bed, couch etc.); caused it to rupture. It is not really known. Being a responsible rescuer; I believe in full disclosure and also like to adopt out our dogs at the healthiest that we can, and I would like to do his surgery at my hospital; one of our Vets there is excellent in tissue work before I move forward on any potential adoption. As this happened while under my authority; and now requires a more immediate dealing of the situation; it is not something that I feel comfortable(based upon my own high level of standards)passing this along to his eventual adoptive home. The cost to me, would also be considerably less due to it being at my Vet Hospital and with me being involved. We are looking at about $1,500+ at this time for the surgery including bw and not including the pathology that I want to have done on it. So, all this to say; that I would dearly love to see him adopted April 20th AND his home has been notified that they are more than welcome to come and visit etc. yet he will not be going into surgery until later that week(around the 24th) etc. I will be doing presurgery bw again(his last bw was done when I did his neuter last fall) and promised to keep them completely informed plus a copy of all his vet records will be given to them at the time of adoption. He would not be available for final adoption until after the surgery. As a reputable rescue; I just cannot in good conscience just ‘pass’ along this to his new home. I know that many Rescues are like that and also that many homes are completely happy with this arrangement yet I have never felt right in what could appear to look like us ‘passing the problem’ on to his adoptive home. I believe in standing by my animals and do my absolute best and right by them that I can. I would like to see him recover in an environment he knows in a minimal stress situation(and while there is no real proof on what actually causes bloat/tort; stress has always been a key factor) etc. I really desire to work with his new home to make all this the best that it can be and shall absolutely take into very deep consideration their thoughts, views and feelings. This cyst is no longer something that can wait to be removed at a time when he might have undergone teeth cleaning etc. (which we might do at the same time as they will need to be done at some point within the next couple of years; yet we need to look at costs there as well for it is more of an elective type of thing at this time and with having just vetted 28 Newf pups; we wish to focus our financial efforts on this cyst removal and the ensuing pathology on it for I also wish to do a histio on it to get a pathology report by sending it off to Guelph. Just for peace of mind. We will take a look at it ourselves to get a prelim view as well. I just wanted to also add that MAN! I am just so proud of this boy and how far he has come with his loving and confidence! He is a HUGE hit at the hospital. His leash manners are perfection now, he settles in great at the hospital and LOVES to lean on people for loving. HE has come SOOOOOOOOOOO far since he arrived at our program and I cannot tell you how much this boy means to me.

Deanna D (Iroquois Falls, soon to be KINGSTON!, Ontario)

Great big HUGE congratulations on your new website!! It’s fantastic. Well done!

Please give my best wishes to Sean & the kids.

Oh, and I hope that you’re able to recover from the snow-damage this past winter. Wasn’t that a winter-and-then-some??!! It’s incredible. It was no different up north, and in fact we got another HUMUNGOUS dump of snow a week ago, and they are calling for 15-20 cm more today (but so far, it’s just raining). You have my FULL sympathy for all the damage it did to your horse shed & fencing — my back yard is a disaster area at the moment (but fortunately, the fence is still standing)!!!

Anyway, just wanted to sign your guestbook and say WOW and CONGRATS on the excellent new website & look! Keep up the fantastic work that you do!!

(Oh, and Dodger & Miss Gracie say a BIG woofy, happy HELLO to BHRR, too!!! *g*)

I am completely not liking the look of that cyst on LT’s head and instead of bringing Kona in with me tonight to work for her annual; I shall bring in LT. It is continuing to drain with a mixture of blood and fluid(with none of the cheesy type of substance that one would normally find in a sebaceous cyst) and is even bigger than it was yesterday and he has a couple of ‘raw’ spots. Before starting any antibiotics, I want to see the Vet again(the same one that I saw for his annual and that we did the FNA’s with) to best plan the next course of action here. I believe that we will definitely be putting him at least on Cephalexin yet I will consult with the Vet first as to their thoughts too. It is not paining him at all and that is great. He is eating, drinking, pooping, playing, sleeping etc. all normally. He has no fever, eyes are bright and gums are healthy etc. It is me just not feeling great about that spot on his head right now and being the person I am; HE is going in! 😀

We are no closer to having that right matched home apply for Mazda. It is just such a sad situation in one way yet in another; maybe it is something that is just meant to be. She is really a delightful girl and while we shall adore her deeply; she is a Dane that truly does not need us and we just wished that her forever loving home would have appeared. The end of April is fast approaching and I just sit in almost shock that she is still with us. She is incredible! To think of all the dogs that have blessed our hearts; that one such as Mazda would be the first dog ever to be in our program the longest yet she has no behavoural or medical issues to warrant her becoming one of our Haven Dogs is just unbelievable. 🙁 Dear Mazda; please know that you have done no wrong and I shall carry within me for who knows how long; the guilt that somehow I might have failed you. I am so very sorry for that and we shall have the rest of our lives for me to show you just how important you are and how special you are and how much you are deserving of great things. I look forward to that immensely as that path that our souls are meant to take draws nearer with the passing of each day. I know that KB/JB and Cherokee are very much your pals and the three amigos you all make! 😀

I am really not liking this cyst on LT’s head. It is almost twice the size it was when he was in for his annual not long ago. Did all those FNA’s irritate it??? I do not know and it is draining more than it has; yet the size of it is making me uncomfortable. I have Dyce going in for his annual plus post-treatment check-up tomorrow night when I go to work and I think I might see about getting LT back in on the Wednesday. I know what we found in the FNA’s etc. and I do not doubt the results yet I am still not feeling great about how much growth this has done since his annual. If need be; I will take the necessary steps in getting this removed sooner rather than later. Am I just worrying overly too much???? Perhaps….yet, I always feel more comfortable in having a second opinion if/when needed in respect to what I am seeing.

Lydia G, ON, CDA

I just want to express how happy i am to see someone so involved with their animals. Your website is great.

New slides #44 – #46 added of LT and also new as of March 29th, 2008; Tyke now has his own CafePress Store http://www.cafepress.com/bhrr/3019503 whereby all monies raised shall go to assist animals in need of our BHRR program. New items to be added as I can.


Loved your site…made me miss my two, one of whom was a rescue of 11 months when we brought him home. Nothing like two young danes months romping around which is why I so enjoyed your photoalbums. I must say that your policy of obedience class within 4 months is a bit harsh. Do you really enforce it? When I got my second Dane,a pup, I was anxious to get him into obedience. In Montreal, classes are not as abundant as you think in each area and most are on weeknights making travelling distances not feasible. I waited and waited. People took summer vacation and fall sessions were full, reserved months in advance by repeat customers who knew classes shut down a couple times a year. He was about 10 months before we finally found him some classes and registered him for basic and advanced sets as he needed it (headstrong fellow that one). I had tried for more than four months before a space was open. I would say six months is more realistic. I would hate to see a dog lose a good home for the sake of a month or two.
Anyways, congrats to you for the work you do. I know, they make it easy. Horses and Danes, what a life you have! My 23 year old, who adopted an SPCA Harlequin a year ago, would be in 7th heaven working for you. We will always love Danes and will enjoy watching your work.
***In response to your question(of which you did not submit an email address by which you could be contacted directly to provide you with our BHRR position on this matter)about our 4 month obedience clause; should someone contact us and is proactive about actively searching for classes(and I am very familiar with the province of Quebec and all the best PM Training Facilities); we can sit down and discuss. The onus is not on BHRR to do the follow-up on this. However; over 20+ years of experience has taught us that if you give an inch; some people will try to take a mile and with lack of obedience being one of the top reasons why animals are surrendered to Rescues in the first place; I do not desire to see all the great building blocks and foundations built; just fade away. It is my responsibility to ensure that the animals NEVER end up in Rescue again and people are more than welcome not to apply to our program, if they are not in agreement with our adoption mandates, policies plus processes. Honestly, we could give people a year to do the obedience and the reality is that over 85%(and we do keep statistics)of our approved adoptive homes(and our screening process is very thorough) always wait until the last minute DESPITE them being clearly aware of their signed contract stipulations and for legal purposes; as depending on the locale of the adoption; there are statuatory limitations for cases to be brought to court. You can think it harsh and that is unfortunate yet those that seek to adopt from us shall know that we will hold homes to this legally binding condition with their signature. If a home requires an extension or flexibility; they need to discuss with us and the time for them to discuss this with us is not when the obedience completion records are due as has been the case in the past with some homes. Good homes will honour their contract and great homes will not need to be followed up on this mandate by a member of BHRR.***

Simone, London, Ontario

Gwen and Sean I love the new site and as someone before said it’s very peaceful.
For all that you do, for all that you are, I feel blessed to know you and honoured that I have BHRR’s Boba Phett in my home. He is the best!

The Vet Hospital called yesterday to day that Lil Linus’s fecal came back negative! YAY! He is now worm free! New slides #38 – #46 have been added. He is still collapsed in his pasterns and we will continue to try and get them to ‘lift up’. Last night, he discovered his ‘voice’, and as ‘shhh’ has been added to the signs he is learning; we continue to reinforce it! LOL He is getting so much better in his housebreaking and LOVES his crate about 98% of the time! He very happily goes in there and settles down and what a GOOD BOY he is!

Tuni, from White Lake, Ontario

I have been slowly wandering through your new site, and I want to say how much I love reading about all your fur babies… I adopted a Dane last June from Alabama – her name is Miss Dixie, and she is similar in appearance to the one called Harley (that I see in your photo’s). I may be the lucky person in the world who gets to care for my Dixie– but to all the Danes still in rescue……..you are their world . You have a wonderful heart to do what you do, and I feel like I am getting to know your dogs through you by means of your wonderful descriptive writing. Keep up the loving work.