LT has healed beautifully. I took down the second round of bandaging about 5 days later and his ear looked great! I am just now keeping it clean with Betadine, airing it out and it has healed just wonderfully. He has not tried to scratch at it, very rarely does he shake his head and I did not even have to make him a cone head for very long once the second round of bandaging was taken down. HE ROCKS! I have some pics of him below with his cone head and the bandaged head. If the little monkey will stand still long enough or would sleep on the side with that ear up, I can then get pics of what the tip of his ear looks like. LT has now gotten back to a pleasantly plump stage as I have kept him on the subdued side(much to his protest and dismay) while I was trying to get that ear tip to heal. Time for him to get back out there and running/playing to work himself off a few pounds! 🙂

M. Miller, ON, CDA

You do such a fantastic job…it is the general public that is the problem. At times you really have to shake your head. Keep up your great work. I check your web site on a regular basis.

J. Bethune, SW ON, CDA

You and everyone at BHRR do SO MUCH!!!! Please give LT a kiss and a hug from me. I can’t wait to see him again!!!!

The new height I could get on Mudslide with her wiggling was just under 29″. She was more interested in chewing the tape than letting me measure her! LOL I truly need to get her and her sisters in for a new weight as well! New pics of Mudslide below. I just get all mushy over this girl. She is so sweet, loving, gentle, kind, patient and man, is she smart. While it may take her a little bit longer(not always) to learn something; she is brilliant. The thing I love most about Mudslide is her completely accepting personality. She does not care what anything looks like or acts etc.; she just accepts and enjoys them for just that. The way this girl looks at me with her eyes, I feel like she is looking deep inside of me and is letting me know that I am ok and it is ok to make mistakes or to be upset or to not always have the answer or to have a bad day etc. for she still cares and loves me and I am perfect in her eyes. HOW much more humbling can that get!!!!! She is going to make an incredible therapy dog and I know that Mudslide tries to please me with every ounce of herself. I know that she would dearly love to stay with us and make us her forever home yet I honestly still believe that she does not need us. I think I needed her and maybe in a way I still do and that was one reason why I think it also took me longer to put her up for adoption as I was so worried about her. I think in a way, I feel she is more fragile than she really is for I get this feeling at times that she has an inner strength that goes along with her incredible inner beauty and that is what has made her a survivor and has allowed her to live past those first few days of her birth. I also believe that this very same strength is what pushes her to not just be proficient in her obedience etc. but to truly be #1 in them. She was the first one to learn how to sit to go outside or to get a treat over her sisters. She really has a focus and attention span that more than compensates for her slight hearing impairment and neurological deficiencies. At the age she is now, one can hardly notice that she had any medical issues and she is in my eyes very normal now. As much as her two sisters love her; the do treat her differently and have not always included her in those ‘reindeer’ games as is said and that has made her a bit of a loner, though not through desire or choice. This is why I am so happy that she has had Bronson and now Hamilton to play with for they seem to be much more open to her and do not treat her slightly different. Mudslide is very much a pack animal and for some reason, she seems to have chosen me as her flavour and I am very careful never to betray that absolute trust and faith she has in me. It is almost eerie in how she looks at me and I somehow feel that she believes that I can do anything. She really humbles me and I really hope that I do right by her and place her just right that her forever loving home will see the incredible gifts that she possesses and continues to nurture Mudslide such that she can flourish to her full potential and I believe that potential is HUGE! She is such a beautiful creature! 🙂

Once again, so much to update! Things have been very busy around here to say the least. LT is now sporting a UPI (Unidentified Play Injury) wound from yesterday. I had them all outside playing and was even watching and I know that Soul and LT can play a bit rough and this time, Dyce who was feeling a bit better got in on the action yet could not see what actually happened. Soul and LT like to yank on each others collars and there were no sounds made and I am at a loss as to what really happened. Yet, now LT is missing the tip of his right ear, the same ear that had a tooth caught in it last November from his previous play antics with Luna and Soul. So, after three rolls of Vet wrap, surgical glue, gauze, compresses, a roll of tape, four pairs of underwear and a E-collar, things seem to be under control. Then the clean up of the blood bath from shaking head in my house over and over. 🙂 As a true testament to his great personality, he did not flinch, try to move away and only made one whimper while I cleaned him up etc. My 7 year old son was on hand and only had to hold him by the collar while I took care of LT. This is not something that can be stitched and it will take time to heal. Tips of ears and tips of tails are terrible things to try and heal with the shaking and movement the dogs can make. This boy just proves to me every day how absolutely amazing he is and I just love him more and more! I have him on pain meds and antibiotics(great to have such a great store of what I need at home) and LT should heal just fine. I wish I knew how it happened and I might decide to remove the one little piece still on his ear to make it a smooth edge yet for now, I will hold off. It will only be an aesthetic thing and I would not wish to put him under just for that. I am also going to get his Histiocytoma looked at again for it has changed shape somewhat and has gone from being virtually gone to having re-appeared. I am not overly concerned yet wish to remain proactive on his wellbeing. LT is a very special boy to so many and I will take some pics of him in his blue floral headpiece, e-collar and bandages to post. Other than his UPI, LT is doing wonderfully. He is very social, loves to play, can be quite the mischief maker and is excelling in his obedience.

The new height I could get on Jenni with her wiggling was just under 28″. She was more interested in chewing the tape than letting me measure her! LOL I truly need to get her and her sisters in for a new weight as well! New pics of Jenni below. Jenni remains such a complex bundle of behavours. In one minute she is the sensitive, please reassure me cutie, the next minutes she is the sweet cuddling angel and in the next she is the mischief making, pushy adorable broad! She reinforces our decision daily that she MUST go to a home experienced in Danes and one experienced with such a magnificent temperament as hers. We would never desire to see her personality or spirit broken in the wrong home whereby someone became impatient and did not appreciate nor understand her amazing soul. On the same note, she cannot be in a home that would allow her to take over and rule the roost for she would be diva supreme this one if she could. She is so cutely manipulative in weasling her way in for the cuddles and can be very subtle about how she gets things done her way with the other dogs yet if ever another dog stands up to her and means business, she crumbles into the very sensitive mass of Dane she truly is inside. She relies heavily on Abbi for a lot of self-confidence and if you allow her to have her way; she would be sleeping every night in a crate with her Abbi and of course, hogging all the space! LOL I love this dog in how dynamic she is and her wide range of emotions, feelings and abilities. She needs the proper guidance and loving hand and will really benefit from a very structure yet positive obedience regime and program. Just as with Abbi, we must be very careful about the right home for her. She must go to a home like Abbi where she has at least one other playmate, male or female is of no matter as long as the personalities click. She and her sisters live in very close harmony in our home with our own three females plus Mazda without any issues whatsoever. I know that as much as I am going to miss this incredibly diverse girl; Sean is going to be heartbroken when she is adopted. Those two remain thick as thieves!

The new height I could get on Abbi with her wiggling was just under 25″. She was more interested in chewing the tape than letting me measure her! LOL I truly need to get her and her sisters in for a new weight as well! New pis of Abbi below. I really love this gril. She is a natural leader in such an unassuming way and has been great in assisting me with other dogs that have come over for training with learning appropriate methods of communication and behavour. Abbi has a ton of patience yet knows what the boundaries are and if another dog steps over the boundaries, she is quick to step up to the plate and quietly show them the correct way of doing things. She is astounding. WISE beyond her age and she is a dog that if we were looking for a new female leader in our pack(we have Kona who is almost 9); it would be Abbi. Incredibly patient, nurturing, intelligent and just so calm. While small, she carries an air about her that other dogs naturally respect and she is not overbearing, dominant or imposing in the least. She is very gentle, kind and indulgent. She is so perfect as a leader female and in the 12 years of Rescuing, we have never encountered a female even remotely close to the abilities that our Kona(newfx) has for our pack and rescues that come in that Abbi clearly possesses. We truly desire to see Abbi in a home that will do Obedience with her and possibly Therapy work and use her talents to the nth degree for she is a very special dog. While small, her spirit is so huge and somehow this gal has wiggled her way deep into my own soul and I will miss her very much.

I have to take new pics of Mazda and to post them. She is literally a small tank right now this girl! She also possesses an incredible calming effect on our KB/JB and so along with Cherokee, one will often find the three of them as three peas in a pod be it inside or outside. All too fast, the end of March is coming and we are no closer to finding the forever home for Mazda that she deserves. While we adore her and will always do our best by her etc., we really feel that she should be queen of another home and it is very distressing to see that this has not yet happened for her. She is quickly becoming the animal that has been in our program the longest in the 12 years that we have operated and there truly is no need for this to be this way. She is so beautiful inside and out, is eager to please and would make an excellent addition to a family and loves to play, has an lovely plus hilarious enthusiasm for life.

**PLEASE familiarize yourself with our policies & procedures before contacting us about a BHRR animal***Should you find that you are no longer able to keep any of your animals be they puppies, adults, seniors or special needs, please consider contacting BHRR, the breeder of your animal, your local Humane Society, SPCA Chapter or other reputable Rescue organization. Our goal is to help the animals and do not wish to see them in ditches, on the side of the highway, abandoned, neglected, abused or dumped. Please give them a chance to help you help them.


Nicole at 613-852-9724 or


Hi there! My name is Tyson and I’m about 4 or 5 years old. As you can see by my picture, I’m a pretty happy boy, but I have some trust issues because of things that have happened to me. See, when I was just a little boy, I was abused by the people who were ‘taking care’ of me. One day some kind stranger noticed what was going on and the people from the Sault Ste Marie, ON humane society came to pick me up and bring me to their shelter. It didn’t take long for someone to notice how handsome I was and invite me into their family. I lived with them for almost 3 years, and I loved them and their 2 children. About 10 months ago, they had another little baby, who was as interested in me as I was in her! Unfortunately, since I’m kind of a big boy and don’t know my own strength (and I’m clumsy sometimes), I often had to be put in the back of the house so I wouldn’t knock the baby over or scare her. After a while, my family thought it wasn’t at all fair for me to be locked away and they began to search for my new family. After placing ads, they thought they had found it: a nice woman who lived in the country side and had no other pets and would be able to devote all her time to me! When my family’s sister, Nicole, took me to this lady’s house, it turned out she already had 3 dogs and wasn’t even home to see me! Nicole knew this was not a good place for me to live, so she ended up having to bring me here to Ottawa with her.

I love living here with Nicole, but she and I both know I can’t stay with her forever. She is very busy with her classes and other commitments she had before she knew I would be living with her. She has been taking me for lots of walks and car rides, both of which I love! But she needs to find me a new forever family so that I can have some stability back in my life.

If you ask Nicole, she will tell you that I like to think I’m a lap dog and I’m very affectionate. I also like to play, A LOT! Especially with my stuffed toy that the children from my former family gave me. I don’t really like when people surprise me, it scares me and worries me that they might do something to hurt me. I’m very good on a leash and Nicole has noticed a big improvement in me even in the short time I’ve been with her. I’m a bit intrusive, but that’s just because I really like to be with people! I have a problem trusting people, especially men; I’m always worried they will hurt me like I was hurt before. But with time and patience, I learn to trust and I am able to love.

What I really need is someone who has dog experience and can devote time to making me a better pet. I’m very smart and would do well with training and obedience. I need a firm hand, but someone who teaches with love and food, and not punishment.

If you think you could be my forever home, please contact my friend Nicole at 613-852-9724 or