Thor is now available for adoption! HE is such a ham and he really does not need me!!! WHAT a character this boy is!!!

The Vet grabbed me quickly before he left the Hospital today to tell me the findings from the University of Guelph. He is going to be doing some reading etc. for when we can talk more for I have some very difficult questions to ask in regards to prognosis/treatment and mostly quality of life for Liquorice. The University of Guelph has confirmed Megaesophagus and this can be caused by Cancer and that she also has Wobblers. Someone could have just blown me over when hearing all of this. Pred will help with the Wobblers and If there happens to be an auto-immune connection to the Megaesophagus; then it can also help with that. So, at this time, it looks like we will be running an AI test and a complete thyroid panel. If it turns out that there is no auto-immune connection and it is all Cancer causing the Megaesophagus condition; then the Pred. will not be of any assistance/benefit to her in the short-term before the Megaesophagus condition worsens. She has massive inflammation in her spine that just has to be causing her distress. I am almost numb with how many medical conditions that this sweet girl has been slammed with. These things should not be happening to her LET alone to any dog but especially not to her and what she has gone through in her life. I have also been waiting for the results of her fecal for we now have two of our other dogs showing signs of possible Giardia to determine if this is what Liquorice had when she came into our program. She is still being treated with Panacur and I have both of these other two dogs(Boba & Maggi) on Flagyl and they too, will be on Panacur once the special order comes in. We will continue to monitor the other dogs that she has been exposed to in order to determine if they, too, will require treatment. The two new pink beanbag chairs that were bought with Simone’s amazing donation have been a true comfort to Liquorice. Whatever joy I can give this girl and forever long I can; it shall be done. Another $150.00+ will be added to her bill with the latest testing of Thyroid and AI along with a new fecal to confirm that our treatment has been successful. Liquorice regularly will come into my bedroom now without any fear and will even ‘hang’ out with me for a period of time yet if anything spooks or rattles her(like a noise from the TV) she will hurry back to the bed in the main area and lie there in a tight little ball. She is showing more curiosity with reassurance to new things and does not think the vacuum cleaner or hair dryer is going to harm her any longer. While not 100% comfortable around them, she will no longer scurry away. So, her confidence is building!

Frost ‘T’ made his 11 month miracle survival mark yesterday but it is a bit of a bittersweet moment for he is really ill once again. Once our weather began dipping past -6C and downward; Frost ‘T’ has been struggling to breathe. He is back wearing his very special coat that we asked Heidi to make for him yet the weather has taken it’s toll. He has pneumonia again and is on antibiotics plus we are pumping the Lasix into him every 4-6 hours. His chronic diarrhoea is also worse. He once again cannot lie down to rest and for the past two days, I have sat leaning against our leather couches holding him up so that he can put his head on my shoulder to get some sleep. IF he does not keep up his strength, he will not have the reserves to fight this latest battle. He has also found it very hard to eat and now that he feels worse; has little interest in food and has dropped almost 10 pounds. I continue to entice him and if I feel that he is not drinking sufficiently, we will go back to subquing him. I know that Thor has been hard on him too. Thor has no idea when ‘enough’ is enough and we continue to work on Thor. Thor is a rough playing boy with lots of endurance and while he is learning manners plus direction, I can see that he has taxed Frost ‘T’. We had made the decision that Frost ‘T’s life was about quality and not quantity yet it is also hard seeing that Frost ‘T’ cannot really keep up etc. so I haf taken to making sure that Thor and Frost ‘T’ only have X amount of outdoor play time together. However; the part that really has me concerned is how Frost ‘T’ looks at me and when he can lie down for a few minutes how he just stares up at me. I really do not wish to think about what he could possibly be telling me. He always had the heart inside of him in the past when he was ill to continue to wag his tail and that is gone and that very special light in his eyes is not the same. I am going to really open up my heart and try to ‘listen’ to what Frost ‘T’ is telling me and not to be selfish for my sake. I am hoping that Frost ‘T’ bounces back once more for now that we are so close to XMAS, all I want for the holiday season is for him to be with all of his family. I know I cannot ask and have not right to ask for anything more considering he was suppose to have died by December 25th, 2005; BUT I am going to fight for and with him should he have the desire to do so. I know that if Frost ‘T’ is truly ready to leave and be with his sister WinterGirl; then nothing I can possibly say or do is going to be able to keep him here…………. Please keep him in your thoughts!

I was contacted today by the Rescue that Liquorice had come from and they are going to have a booth at their gala to also try to help raise some funds for her medical bills. I am very humbled by the support and as advised to them; should anyone wish to contribute to Liquorice’s bills and you do not wish to pay via credit card(M/C or Visa) to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 over the phone; please write any checks to the name of “Kanata Animal Hospital” with BHRR’s Liquorice in the memo section so that they can direct your generosity appropriately. I know that if Liquorice could talk she would be so appreciative and I also think she would be blown away in knowing that SHE is worthy and important. It really saddens me that this girl truly does not know how valuable and amazing she is and that she is just as deserving of quality of life as any other dog. So, I make sure that she knows she is every single day. I really hope that many people will get the opportunity to meet her for she is a ‘gift’ of nature. New pictures below of Liquorice on her favourite blue bean bag chair sporting her new pink collar from Mary!

Thor now has his own Cafepress calendar and I am working on his own special Cafepress store. Thor should be available for adoption within the next week.

I am currently working a Cafepress Store for Liquorice to help try and raise some funds to pay for her Vet Bills. The most wonderful news is that she came into my bedroom earlier this week and actually let me put her up on my bed whereby she snored her way happily through the night! JUST do not tell her that she snores as she would be most offended! 🙂 Her breathing is still quite ‘wet’ and ‘noisy’ and I am trying to be so patient in waiting for a response back from the UOG.

H. McGovern, ON, CDA

….and we also really love what you do and want very much to be a part of it again by fostering.

E. Stuart

I just wanted to commend you guys on your excellent work. It is so amazing to know that you guys care so much about these animals, especially with so many in need. The adoption process is wonderful. I love it that you guys are so careful about making sure that you are placing your babies in the right home. Thanks again for being so caring towards animals like Boba, who only want love, security, good health, and a good snuggle.

D. Russell, ON, CDA

Thank you once again for all that you’ve done for them and all that you’ve done and are doing for the countless dogs (and horses!) in your program, Gwen.

I continue to work on Lady’s store as well as many of the other Rescue’s here and truly hope to accomplish all of this within the next short while. As for Lady; what more can truly be said about such an incredible dog?????!!!! She is now sporting a lovely new red collar donated to our program by Mary and she looks so bootiful! We are completely at a loss that people are just not ‘seeing’ Lady for who she is and Sean keeps saying that it is our gain. This girl is as ‘perfect’ as one is going to see in Rescue and she really does not need us anymore so I remain hopeful as I just have to be for her sake; that an application will come in on her that will be a best matched fit and she could spend XMAS in her new forever loving home.

Thor will be getting his stitches out on Wednesday and within the next couple of weeks shall be available for adoption. This ‘ham’ no longer needs me!!!! His best friend’s are Frost ‘T’ and Soul and boy! THEY sure get my house to rocking as Thor learns the ‘no inside rough play rules!’ 🙂 Thor’s obedience (though he really is quite awesome!) can be continued in his new home and he now has full run of our house and has not destroyed a thing. He does like to lie in his crate so we leave the door open all the time. His new home will need to continue to work on his socialization and the ‘correct’ confidence building for Thor. We do not allow the dogs on our leather furniture and Thor has picked up on that rule quite well. HE did not take too long to make himself at home on the beds though!!! LOL Thor likes to ‘play bow’ and he also likes to ‘talk back to me’ when I am telling him about no playing in the house etc. HE is so FUNNY that way! He really is a beauty with a stunning temperament!

Liquorice took that HUGE step and has walked into my bedroom several times this weekend!!! I AM SOOOO proud of her to get up the courage to do so. I have been sleeping with my bedroom door open ever since she arrived so that she could come in if she had wanted too and she finally did. She even walked as far as the ensuite. GOSH! SHE was so proud of herself too! I could tell! She even lied down on one of the doggie beds and unfortunately; she got ‘scared’ off when I dragged in one of the other beanbag chairs for her as Frost ‘T’ and Soul plus Boba were lying on the other one’s. However; she did venture back in a few minutes later and it was the hair dryer that ‘spooked’ her this time YET she is incredible when you soothe and reassure her. It never ceases to amaze me that when animals are treated as horribly as Liquorice was that she could even begin to WANT to try to trust anyone again yet she does and that trust will never be betrayed again and that is a promise that I make to her every time I snuggle with her. I cannot believe how gentle this girl is in the taking of treats. She has not yet begun to show interest in any stuffies or other toys but I see her tail doing it’s little circular wag with the butt wiggle when I play with some of the other dogs SO I know that she wants to!!! She is still ‘puffing’ and I really don’t like that ‘noisy wet’ breathing she does and I am just counting the days until we might hear back from the UOG about her diagnosis and prognosis. I have finally downloaded her new pictures and will try to post them tomorrow! 🙂 I also want to thank Betty profusely for her kindness in sending $250.00 to go towards Liquorice’s care. From my heart on behalf of Liquorice, THANK YOU!

We continue to work on placing Mazda in the right matched home. We so would have loved to have seen her in her new forever loving home for XMAS.

The Vet called me today and asked me some questions about whether Liquorice had been vomiting and having trouble eating. I explained that I was told a day or so after I got her from the other Rescue that she apparently had a sore mouth when they first got her so they were watering down her food and that she has not vomited since she arrived to my house. I also mentioned that Liquorice was eating dry food here with us without any noticeable discomfort. Apparently, Liquorice has a very enlarged esophagus and her throat is very inflamed. They suspect possible Megaesophagus at this time and we will be doing a Barium Test. Liquorice also has fluid in the small blood vessels in her heart that could be possible edema or a build up of cells; which in either case is not normal. Liquorice also has an abnormal ‘pocket/gas’ of air that the two Vets that are working on her case; are unable to explain at this time. I was concerned that when she came into our program and was ‘puffing’ like our Frost “T”(who has 3 different Heart Conditions) that something was wrong. We can only hope that we can successfully treat her. It is most likely that my Vets will call this Rescue’s Vets to discuss as we have no detailed Vet records to refer too. The Vets did tell me that some of what she has such as the fluid and pocket of gas/air could be secondary issues from having been HW+ and hopefully; the Barium will give us more answers. Liquorice has not even been spayed yet and already our Vet bills are running into the thousands of dollars and we are still severely underwater from trying to save Snowball. However; I am committed to her wellbeing and I will continue to fight for her until I am told that there is nothing more to be done.5:00 PM UPDATE – Liquorice has a mass on her spine that is affecting her lungs/heart. It also better explains the fluid plus that air/gas pocket and while her esophagus/throat are inflamed as there would be difficulty with the digestion of food and putting pressure forcing the food back up and while she has not vomitted; it has clearly irritated those areas. The Vets have diagnosed that in their professional opinion that it is most likely Cancer. Based upon asking some very tough questions; I felt that for the extra $100 or so; to send off all the Rads, test results etc. to the University of Guelph to see what the specialists there have to say. I trust my Vets and if the UOG can confirm things; then I will have a bit more peace and resolution in side of me with Liquorice’s situation. The Vet did say that there is a very outside/remote chance that it could be something fungal and/or infectious and possibly treatable; but with all the results of her bw and wbc being as they are; he was extremely doubtful. I am truly shaken up for it has been less than 2 weeks since I have had her and I am so emotionally involved over her. We will continue to do our best by her! Her Vet Bills to date are around $600.00

Liquorice’s HW test came back negative! WOOHOO! Yet, her bloodwork indicates that she has parasitism and so now we will be waiting for the results of her fecal test to determine what parasite we are looking at. At the former Rescue she was on HG and I put her on Sentinel as soon as she arrived but she would not have been on Sentinel long enough here to treat any worms that HG does not cover and so to be preventative we are putting her on Panacur. All of our current dogs are negative for parasites, on Sentinel year round (but it does not protect against Giarrdia or Coccidia) plus we do regular fecals. What we might also have to do is depending on the type of parasite is possibly have to treat the other 11 dogs she has been interacting with. The Vet believes that it could be Giarrdia or Coccidia if not another worm that the HG did not protect against. She goes in for her X-Rays tomorrow along with being microchipped and having her nails done. Once we find out what is happening, if anything, with her heart/lungs we can then move forward on a decision to spay her. As I discussed with the Vet tonight, perhaps that is just how she breathes yet we want to rule everything out and have no doubts/questions about her health status. I have notified the other Rescue that Liquorice has come from that they might wish to have their other dogs tested to see if they, too; are carrying a parasite. Liquorices Vet Bills to date are just under $100.00 and I will keep updating the site with new totals as we get them. I also wanted to add that Liquorice is sporting her gorgeous new collar donated to our program by Mary! She also has not developed up enough confidence to venture any further than the main floor area not even to the kitchen which is all open concept on the main level. However; she does not hesitate much any longer about asking for loving and pushing her way in to get her share! She has the best little butt wiggles that go along with her circular tail wags that she still hangs low along with her head position. She has also does a little bit of ‘pouncing’ movements when she sees me and gets excited. I have worried about how she is going to fare at her Vet visit and all the staff there have been wonderful and I know they will handle her with care. The Hospital Manager even suggested laying down mats for her in the run and along the way to the exam room if needed so that she is not so afraid and can get/keep her balance. WHAT a wonderful place and I know I am just being a ‘mom’ worrying so much. SHE is just the most gentlest, kindest amazing soulful of creatures that I have known and is going to make some home very happy when she is adopted. I am not sure that I will be ready though for she really has entrenched herself deep into my emotions and just thinking about her past and how she was made to live and have puppies after puppies just makes me well up with tears of sorrow for the misery she came from and also anger over how people could have been so cruel.

Thor’s Vet Bills to date are just under $400.00

Liquorice had a full exam including cardiac yesterday and her Temp was a little low, pulse was 108 and her resp 24, so a bit on the high side. We also did a HW test plus drew blood for her pre surgery work up. She was absolutely paralyzed with fear when I tried to get her to walk on their tile floor. I put her in one of the runs until things were settled and then brought her out. She was amazing! She lied on her pile of blankets and when she became a bit more comfortable would venture to say hi to a few people. She felt most comfortable if she was close by me though. The Vet believes that she is actually younger than 5 years, putting her around 4 and definitely not older than 5. All the litters of puppies that she was forced to have really aged her making her look older than she actually is, the poor thing. We have decided that we will do X-Rays on her heart/lungs on Thursday and we will microchip plus do her nails at that time. I give her BIG BONUS points for being brave and willing to try things and so as to not overwhelm her; I will bring her back on Thursday to do some more testing at that time. If the X-Rays come back normal; we will schedule her spay for the following week. Liquorice travels great in a car and I think the part she liked best was going through the drive thru at McDonald’s and getting a hamburger plus some fries as a special treat! She weighed 55.8 KGs(122.76 pounds) and needs to lose a bit of weight and condition her body tone/muscles more. SHE was so obedient and just ROCKED on a leash! I took some more pictures of her on one of the blue beanbag chairs and will post them soon. With all the more involved testing that we will be required to do for Liquorice, her Vet Bills alone will run into the thousands. With the XMAS season quickly approaching, I know that she would deeply appreciate a Virtual Foster Family.

I want to thank S. Smith so very much for very generously donating $200.00 of Sears Gift Cards so that we can buy more Beanbag Chairs/Blankets etc.!

Thor’s neuter went well except his IV blew in his vein during the surgery so he has one leg still quite swollen but he is doing awesome overalll. HE was so happy to see Sean who picked him up and his is very much relieved to be home. He has now been microchipped plus has had his manicure plus pedicure. Once Thor is healed from his neuter and we get to do do a proper assessment / evaluation on him; he will be available for adoption for he truly is one awesome dog and the build-up of his confidence etc. can continue to be worked on in his new home. One will have to be careful how they work on this for he does have the ability to be dom over dogs with personalities like Soul with a very strong play behavour way about him that I do not wish to see go overboard. We will see how his neuter affects this and how more obedience and learning correct behavour will also make a difference. He will have to learn boundaries in a kind, patient, loving, firm yet not brutally strict kind of method. Thor has already shown some mild jealousy if another dog pushes in for my attention and he was already there so that is being checked in the proper manner with reassurance also being given to Thor that while it is not ok to be jealous, that I am not mad at him. He is also a bit possessive grumping when he is in his crate and another dog approaches it. I think Soul is going to be much relieved that Thor has now been neutered! 🙂 Thor has not marked in our house since the first night he arrived and has proven himself to be very housebroken. Through time, we will get to see more and more of Thor’s true nature and sides and already I can see that he ‘ain’t no wallflower’ of a dog. He is outgoing, curious and not afraid to try things.

Liquorice is going in with me to work on Saturday and she will have an exam etc. plus pre-surgery bw if she is healthy enough.

I am a little worried about Liquorice’s breathing and I do not like how her lips ‘puff’ when she does breathe. She will be having a full cardiac exam when she goes in for her appointment. I am also very saddened to see that if ever she hears a raised voice, she blinks, cringes a bit and her body posture(of which she carries everything very low to begin with the poor thing)really hunkers down. She has moments of pure fun plus a little play movement outside and then every once in a while a sharp movement will make her flinch and close her eyes as if she thought a ‘blow’ was coming. I am almost brought to tears over seeing this and I always get outraged to think someone could do this to animals for she is such a magnificent creature! Liquorice is very unobtrusive, quiet and I know that it has taken a lot for her to approach for affection and love WHICH she does yet she acts almost like she thinks she may be rejected OF WHICH we would never do. If she wants love, I will put everything down and just sit plus hold her and give her all that she can handle. Already, she has the confidence to move right up to me should I be giving loving to some of the other dogs SO that is a great sign! I already feel that this girl should go to a home where somebody works part-time, or is semi-retired or retired or where someone is home all the time FOR Liquorice deserves to have the constant human interaction and assurance by presence of someone. She has been absolutely stupendous with my kids. Though it is very early yet; I am also leaning towards her being the only dog in the house or if there is another dog; one not dominant for that would not draw Liquorice out of her shell and could make her retreat further or become mildly defensive in trying to protect herself yet a dog that has the right outgoing social plus interaction skills that Liquorice can continue to learn from. Should Liquorice bond with any of the adoptable Danes here; I would then only adopt her out as part of a pair just as we did with Samari. Liquorice still has not felt comfortable venturing further than our main family area. I sleep with the bedroom door open to hopefully see her come in yet she has not yet done so. Treats will not bring her any further than the hallway there as well, so time and patience of which I have plenty! She has also finally begun to eat more than what a bird would eat. I find myself so capable of writing a novel where this girl is concerned and so, I know that my heart is going deep on this one! 🙂

Thor weighed in at 55.5 KGS(122.32 pounds) AND talk about being a HIT at the Hospital!!!! 🙂 He was so affectionate, loving, doing the Dane leans and I felt so terrible for him when I needed to put him into a run when I was leaving to come home in prep for his neuter tomorrow. His exam went well and if anything comes back funny with is bw, we will not neuter him as planned. He will also be microchipped and have his manicure plus pedicure tomorrow. Even though he has only be with me since Sunday evening; there truly is a ‘hole’ in our home with him being at the Vet Hospital. 🙁 He was such a gentleman as I held him to get his blood drawn too! HE is going to make a home very very very happy!

BHRR’s Liquorice – Female, Adult, Black Great Dane, approximately 4 years old(2002), housebroken, utd on shots(March 29th, 2007), HW+(which we will confirm); will be altered after pre surgery bw & will also be microchipped, examined with a manicure plus pedicure on the agenda. Is presently on HG, great with kids, obedient, wonderful with other dogs(she is now interacting with 11 other dogs to date) and is only mildly grumpy when someone comes near her food or the bed she has claimed as hers. We are working on that! She is also a low voice ‘talker’ and is the sweetest, most affectionate and gentlest of creatures! She is actually quite submissive and this grumpiness comes from her past history for Liquorice along with 34 other Danes(I have her nephew Thor in our program too) was seized as part of a cruelty case that took over 2 years to settle with custody being handed over to another Rescue. Apparently, the original owner would just pour some food in a line over the fence and there was never enough to go around. The poor thing was bred on every heat since she could breed and so her body has ‘puppy spread’ as I call it. She has been very gentle in taking treats and has had no issues with me touching her food etc. I also do not seem to have a record of her current weight. When she was with the other Rescue’s home, she had the tip of one ear and one of her nipples torn off by another dog and the nipple was sewn back on. I can see a bit of ‘spunk’ inside of her and she can be playful but is still somewhat unsure and is a low head carrier plus tail wagger. She has not eaten much since her arrival and I am working on tempting her. She has had full run of the house since she has arrived and has had no issues. SHE loves one of the Blue Bean Bag chairs yet I took the pictures below when she was sleeping on one of the other beds as she looked so CUTE!

Thor will be coming in with me to work tomorrow and we will do all of his pre-surgery testing, exams, nails etc. at that time and if his blood work comes back normal, he will be neutered on Thursday November 9th.

BHRR’s Thor – Male, Black with White Great Dane born August 17th, 2004(2 years old), utd on shots (March 17th, 2007), natural eared, crate trained, good with kids as the Foster Home for the other Rescue had two boys and Thor will be altered. Thor is now on Sentinel, HW- and last weight recorded by someone was 129.60 pounds. He will be reweighed when I bring him in for his exam, microchip, manicure, pedicure and pre-surgery bw for neutering. Thor was part of 35 Danes seized in a cruelty case that took over 2.5 years to become settled with custody being handled over to Rescue. Thor was part of two litters born once their parent’s went into Rescue. I have also brought in one of his aunts, Liquorice who is HW+ into my program. According to the Rescue that I picked him up from, he was confined to a crate for extended periods of time and his nose is now raw. Since Thor’s arrival he has been really well behaved and has marked in the house only twice. This will most likely be fixed once he is neutered. He has also been very hormonal and my poor Soul has been the object of his affections. I have been crating him at night only and other than that he has been out and about and doing really well. His obedience is actually really good and he is eager to please. Thor is already interacting with 10 other dogs without any issues and he has proven himself very gentle when it comes to taking treats out of my hands. I can handle his food without any concern and he shares a water bowl wonderfully and can get the drool a rolling! 🙂 He is quite affectionate and his brown eyes really capture you! HE loves to play! More updates as we get to know him better. Thor likes to sit on his back haunches and shake a paw or hang his head on your arm for some loving. Thor is a very handsome boy, well in proportion and in the right light or next to Boba and Liquorice; he can appear to almost be a very deep dark blue. He also needs some more weight on his frame.

We could really use some more 102 cm beanbag chairs, dog beds, comforters and duvets so that we can put more down while we clean others as Mazda has taken to lying on the hard surfaces and she has a couple of pressure sores on each hip. I am hoping to get enough of these items to completely cover our hardwood, slate and tile floors so that she has no choice but to lie on the softness as opposed to liking the coolness of the floors. She is just like our EM Guinness in desiring to lie on the harder or more firm surfaces to stay cool and hopefully; with Winter coming; she will migrate more to the softness of the bedding. If you have any of these items and would like to donate them; Mazda would be very appreciated! She continues to be given free run of the house without any worries of destruction.


Dodger – November 2006.  Now gone to Rainbow Bridge – September 10, 2008

This application/home for Boba has now been closed and Boba is once again AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!!!! We can now continue to move forward in reviewing other applications to try and find that best matched home for him.