I took Frost to the Vet with me tonight as I had Jasper going in for his annual. Frost weighs 53.8 KGs.(118.36 lbs.). sigh……… The Vet was so kind to make some time to listen to his heart and lungs even though I had only brought him in to be weighed. His lungs are clear yet your can still hear the arrhythmia of his heart. The Vet said that perhaps it is time to contact a Cardiologist again to see what else we can do for Frost. He was suggesting perhaps another diuretic besides the Lasix that Frost is currently on. He also mentioned Nitro yet did not seem to feel that was the route to take. The Vet plans on touching back with the Cardiologist soon. We also need to determine why Frost’s ears are turning purple and his is ‘puffing’ more. Is it because of the weather warming up and he is continuing to exert himself trying to play outside or is he truly taking a slide downward. I will monitor that situation. As indicated to the Vet; we will continue to work on quality of life for Frost and not quantity.

Lady has settled in beautifully. She has had a couple of ‘grumpy’ moments with some of the dogs as she was a little bit jealous of sharing my affection. She is great now. She has been integrated with 8 other dogs to date without any issues. She takes treats very gently from my hand and is quite the cuddle monster! She likes to sleep such that she is always touching you! She has learned where her food bowl is and listens very well. However; she obviously has been fed human food as she can beg like no tomorrow! We are working on that. Her basic commands are great and I am now working on bringing her to the next level. We have decided to keep with the name ‘Lady’ and she is now beginning to respond very well to it. The other thing we are working on with Lady is her jumping up on the kitchen hutch or counters to ‘surf’. Lady is already been given free run of the house and has not destroyed one item. I have not put her into a crate as I have not felt that it is warranted as she has proven herself to be housebroken and trustworthy. She is a very well adjusted girl and it is not hard to understand that she stole the hearts of many upon her transport up to us. Lady will be visiting the vet on Saturday April 1st. Lady has a ‘play’ streak in her that is absolutely hilarious! She bounces and prances and it is very wonderful to see. Her best play buddies are Guinness and Frost “T” at this time.

BHRR’s Lady – Female Merle(slight chocolate hue to coat), Adult (approximately 3-5 years old – March 2001-2003), utd on shots, spayed, HW test was negative(we will verify this status when she sees our vet later this week), good with other dogs, kids and both men and women. Lady is not good with cats. We are told she is housebroken and crate trained; though she requires a treat to get into her crate. Lady was picked up as as a stray in Ohio. She will be de-wormed and put on Sentinel. She is wonderful on a leash and we will assess the rest of her obedience level through time. Lady appeared fine when I gave her food and water and we will properly assess her behavour as she settles in and is out of that ‘honeymoon’ period. She is very calm and accepting of everything around her and is right now cuddled up on a blanket beside me as I type this. She is a small yet a very well in proportioned Dane, standing just under 29 inches @ the whithers and we will get a current weight on her when she is at the Vet’s. She did grump quite strongly at Boba who escaped out of the bedroom to visit Lady and myself in the sunroom as I was typing this write-up. It was clear that she was trying to watch out for me and that she possesses some backbone. She does seem to be a very sweet girl and with her failed crop of one ear almost standing and flopping over; she looks truly adorable.

We have come back from being away to find that Frost is still doing well. He has lost considerable weight during our absence and I plan on bringing him in to re-weigh him and to test his Electrolytes, Digoxin levels etc. very soon. It will be three months tomorrow since he had his huge slide downward in his health and even as I am typing this, he is giving me the best kisses on my face and ear.. THAT makes having to get up every 1.5-2 hours each night to let him out and THAT much more worth it all! 🙂 His weight issues continue to cause me great concern and so we keep trying new things to interest him in food. He has now taken a liking to Mason’s McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets and is back on his wet H/D kick. We have taken some new pictures of Frost “T” with Sean’s new digital camera and I will post some updated pictures of him soon. Thank you again to all that have been keeping him in their thoughts.

Judy, Ohio, USA

And thank you also for giving Gracie another chance at a good life. I picked her up……You and Dale are Saints for all you do for our beloved giants!

B. Stonebarger, Ohio, USA

I saw on your web site where Athena has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. I am very sorry as I know you take the dogs into your home and treat them as your own until you find a forever home for them…..I know that she was happy with you from the pictures and the things you wrote about her. She is waiting for you in a much better place. Hugs,

We took some new pictures tonight with Sean’s new digital camera and as soon as we figure out how to download them; I will post them! Boba is doing amazing! He is very sure of himself walking throughout the house and has settled in beautifully. He can still be a bit grumpy with his bones yet with a firm reassuring word; he is really great!

Fancy is ready to go up for adoption and as soon as our internet co-operates; I will also post her on our PetFinder Website. Fancy will need to go to a home that is experienced with Danes and one that is prepared to be very patient and understanding with her and allow her the space/time she needs to come out of her shell. SHE is a true character underneath that cool and calm exterior and really is quite sensitive and SOOOO affectionate. She had a very rough beginning in life before she went to her very loving previous owner and now it is time for her to go to a new home to continue to be cherised. Her previous owner truly misses both Boba and Fancy and my heart goes out to her for having to let them go. We took new pictures of her tonight and as soon as we figure out how to download them; I will post them up!

We took some new pictures of Samson tonight with Sean’s new digital camera and as soon as we figure out how to download them; I will post them! While we were away; Samson worried at a spot on his foot; so we are now taking care of that. He looks like he also lost some weight and as he was finally at a great weight; we will work on putting that back on him.

I am now seeing the ‘real’ Boba. What a charmer and sweetheart! Now that he is more sure of everything around him, what a real lovebug he is! He is doing great with his obedience, is truly eager to please and those treats are a great bribe! Boba is now moving about our house without much issue at all with the hardwood floors and you would not even know that he had a major issue with doorways when he first arrived as Boba walks through them fairly comfortably now. He is much better about trying to ‘food’ hog, ‘beg’ or even to mildly grump (though he is all bluff) at any of the other dogs now. Now that he is much more secure about where he is and how he is treated, he is that much more confident in the world and what a gorgeous face this boy has! He is very patient plus understanding of the other dogs in the house and all the noises of our busy home life! He settles down great at night on his special dog bed that he has chosen for himself and when I am on the computer, his favourite place is right beside me and he LOVES basking in the sun as it streams in the window. He is very calm and he is only having the rare moment of barking and that is usually when Sean is driving the tractor by the house. I do not think he comprehends what it really is and how it seems to come by now and then again. I still call him ‘BobaGum’ but have resorted more to calling him ‘BobaDelicious’ as those cheeks are delightfully yummy! When Boba runs, his feet look so big for the rest of his body, so puppylike and how he splays them in the snow is cute. He looks like he is trying to snowshoe! He is going to be one of those really hard one’s to let go!

We still have not received that right match application for Snowball. We have received a couple of applications that initially looked good yet upon further emailing, it became clear that these homes were not really aware of what Snowball truly needs. People need to understand that yes, she is a Great Dane but she is also very much, if not more of a Border Collie personality and is not a ‘couch’ potato and requires a home that is going to keep her stimulated mentally and physically. She is not a dog you can only walk on a leash(not that we are in agreement with those type of homes); she needs a properly fenced in yard(sizeable) and is also very sensitive to her environment and needs the ‘right’ touch in continuing her obedience and other training. She has come a long way in her ‘touch’, ‘vibration'(not shock collars or vibration collars but using floor and door banging vibrations etc.) and in learning more signs. As mentioned, we will keep her up for adoption for a few more months and then if the right home still has not come along; she will remain with us as one of our own.

I have received a couple of emails from people expressing concern that Arlo was placed without Samson. The reality is that while Arlo might be 8 years old, Arlo is a very ‘young’ 8. He could rival a lot of three year old Danes I have see. He is far too energetic for Samson. While Arlo did derive a lot of confidence from Samson when he first arrived, we have worked hard with Arlo so that that he had the confidence to know that he could stand on his own two feet. Once Arlo began interacting with a lot of the other dogs, many of them younger than him; he was in his glory and we know that Samson felt less pressure. For Samson, what he loves best is his short walks, lots of tummy scratching, loving and lying in front of the blazing fireplace. AND of course, eating! Samson is not meant for a home with young dogs, those mentally or physically. He does like the hustle and bustle of a busy home and that keeps his mind sharp and him stimulated yet he would not do well in a home that has other dogs that want to romp, play roughly, jump or run. He has taken on the role as ‘official BHRR greeting’ and takes all the new Rescues under his wings. Utterly fascinating. Samson is what I call a ‘rock’. Solid, dependable, confident and so incredible beautiful with his greying face!

Frost is sporting his new coat that Heidi from FuRKiDz has made him and he is up to 7 Lasix every 4-6 hours now to help him rest. From the way he is zooming around outside, I would say he feels pretty darn good! He is still here 9 weeks after his ordeal first began and each day is an incredible memory made.