I am now seeing the ‘real’ Boba. What a charmer and sweetheart! Now that he is more sure of everything around him, what a real lovebug he is! He is doing great with his obedience, is truly eager to please and those treats are a great bribe! Boba is now moving about our house without much issue at all with the hardwood floors and you would not even know that he had a major issue with doorways when he first arrived as Boba walks through them fairly comfortably now. He is much better about trying to ‘food’ hog, ‘beg’ or even to mildly grump (though he is all bluff) at any of the other dogs now. Now that he is much more secure about where he is and how he is treated, he is that much more confident in the world and what a gorgeous face this boy has! He is very patient plus understanding of the other dogs in the house and all the noises of our busy home life! He settles down great at night on his special dog bed that he has chosen for himself and when I am on the computer, his favourite place is right beside me and he LOVES basking in the sun as it streams in the window. He is very calm and he is only having the rare moment of barking and that is usually when Sean is driving the tractor by the house. I do not think he comprehends what it really is and how it seems to come by now and then again. I still call him ‘BobaGum’ but have resorted more to calling him ‘BobaDelicious’ as those cheeks are delightfully yummy! When Boba runs, his feet look so big for the rest of his body, so puppylike and how he splays them in the snow is cute. He looks like he is trying to snowshoe! He is going to be one of those really hard one’s to let go!