The Three’s Company Pups were at the Vet on July 28th for their final boosters – DHPP, Rabies, Lepto, Lyme, and Bordetella.
They were all re-weighed, and their next dose for flea/ticks & hw was dispensed.
Their weights ranged from 12.5 kgs(Mr. Jack) to 13.8 kgs(Miss Chrissy) with Miss Janet weighing 13 kgs. The girls are on the verge of being chubby, so adjustments are being made.
A different wonderful vet saw them this time – the Vet we have used for the past 18 years for our ortho plus eye enucleations, and they had another good look at their eyes.
The Vet agrees that while they have microphthalmia and recessed pupils, their eyes are not experiencing chronic pain or infections.
So, enucleations remain off the table for them!
Miss Chrissy & Mr. Jack do see some yet, Miss Janet is pretty much completely blind. She does not menace etc.
The Vet said that Miss Janet’s eyes were the nicest shape/size out of all three.
Both Mr. Jack & Miss Chrissy can hear a bit. Miss Janet is pretty much completely deaf.
Miss Chrissy & Miss Janet demonstrated excellent scent work in finding treats during the exam plus were very gentle in taking treats by hand. Mr. Jack was a bit eager plus mouthy when offered treats. He was not scenting as strongly as the two girls.
The girls are excelling with their touch training, including startle reflex. Mr. Jack also appeared to be doing excellent with his startle reflex.
Scent work is great mental stimulation for any dog, and especially for The Three’s Company pups. It is also a great skill to have for their immense quality of life.
Their next vet visit on August 16th is for their spays/neuter, pre-operative bloodwork, and microchips. We will re-weigh and dispense their next doses of flea/tick/heartworm meds at that time.
A few weeks after that, two of the three should be ready to make their special announcements! Miss Janet shall probably remain as part of our Haven program. Yet, we shall see!

Miss Jamila’s results are in! 

Her thyroid is also normal. Yes! So, it is the weather making her sluggish, and we shall have to further manage her food intake. She is not a big lover of treats yet, some tweaking will happen across the board.

It is important to be aware and on top of sudden or significant unplanned weight gain, or loss, changes in behaviour, and to monitor food/treat intake so that if medical intervention is needed, it is done or if it is only a matter of making some lifestyle tweaking.

We will work on getting her to move a bit more and shall lengthen her very early am and evening walks/play times – as those parts of the day are the coolest in this hot summer weather. She loves playing with the young pups Miss Agatha, Miss Chrissy, Mr. Romeo, and my 7-month-old Dane. 

I plan on using the scent work training I have been doing with her to have her track and move to eat her breakfast plus dinner meals over eating in a bowl.

She was just under 115 pounds(51.9 kgs) per the scale, yet she must have been leaning as when we did her spay, bilateral eye enucleation, plus lump removals – she weighed a still needed to gain 117 pounds.

Regardless of what the scale reads, there is no hiding the fact that she is a wee bit plump right now. Much better than her anorexic skinny body condition when she first arrived in rescue, yet she needs to lose a few pounds.

We want her to live her best life possible, and being a giant, the wear plus tear on her joints, heart, plus lungs are already harder.

We got this, Miss Jamila! With my foot almost 100%, time for us both to get moving more!

Guess who had her annual today?!
Miss Jamila! 
Thumbs up on heart, lungs, etc., and her annual bloodwork for tickborne diseases plus heartworm is negative. We will see what the rest of her blood work says when it comes back from the lab.
I want to specifically be sure that her thyroid is normal. She has been a bit more sluggish – it could be the weather – and has put on some weight. We have modified her eating plus treat portions, yet I want to be sure everything is fine.
She remains on monthly flea/tick and hw preventative, which also has a strong de-wormer proponent to it.
She received her vaccines and lots of love, and this is her when Sean arrived to work, and she smelt me as I opened the truck door! She immediately popped up her head and began to move towards me. 
She has excelled at her scent plus touch training!
She is simply the best!!! 

Isn’t she gorgeous?
Miss Agatha(7-month-old Merle Great Dane)

On our way!
Today, Mr. Titan is off to his foster home.
Not the best picture as it is a torrential downpour out there….we are expecting close to 60 mm’s of rain today! We are under a huge weather alert.
He has been with me just shy of 10 days(in his time, 3+ months), and my heart is full of such mixed feelings.
He has bonded strongly, and the healthier he has gotten, the more his amazing affectionate, loving personality has begun to shine through.
He is such a special boy and has gotten along fantastically with all the dogs here.
He has begun to wag his tail a lot, do the Dane lean, and how he looks at me humbles me deeply.
It is time for you to now go to your lovely foster home, and I know their Dane- BHRR alumni- will continue to show you how to be a dog, to enjoy the awesome comforts of soft bedding, plus how to play with toys.
You keep asking for attention and loving BHRR’s Titan! That you feel more confident in doing so without fear of being hurt and rejected is wonderful. 
The home lives close to Alta Vista Emerge, bringing me a lot of peace should he need further emergency care.
It is amazing how fast we fall in love…..Mr. Titan, I shall miss you yet; we can now assist a dog from a cruelty case. We have been advising as a resource up to this point.

Health Status: HEALTHY! The recommendation is to keep her on one cc’s of B12 monthly for the next four months. Gwen(Vet Tech) has purchased the B12 and can either show the home on how to administer it subcutaneously, or the right matched forever loving adoptive home can have their Vet Hospital demonstrate.
Age: ~6.5 months
Weight: ~70-75 pounds – still relatively lean & with her petite frame, she is at an ideal weight and body condition now. As she matures, she will put on more weight and muscle mass. She is not a BIG Great Dane.
Type of Home Ideal For Miss Agatha: She is an active and intelligent girl. She loves her walks, small hikes, and car rides and interacts well with people she meets, yet, she needs a quiet, socially low-active level home. A residence that, while visiting family plus friends and has people over, is not hosting BBQs or gatherings frequently of large groups of people. That is not Miss Agatha’s lifestyle or preference. She is quietly social and needs a home that is like her. She would adore cottage life; glamping over camping – she is a wee bit of a princess are things she enjoys. Visiting pet stores and pet-friendly places are great too. A home that understands and shall continue to help her learn about this big fantastic world that we live in. What we want is for her to live a quality, filled, wonderful life rich with experiences.
We want her to be happy, to live her best life every day. We want her to reach her full potential! We do not wish to see her kept in a bubble, yet there is that balance in ensuring that she is not overstimulated and then feels overwhelmed. She will then tune out. One could mistake it for stubbornness. That is not what is happening in these situations. Does she have a mind of her own? 100%; and we have encouraged her to be able to stand on all four paws too. However, it has taken a long time to have her decompress and settle.
She can be in a home that works ft; pt works from home is semi-retired or retired, etc. She is another versatile BHRR dog! She will ONLY go to a prepared home to ensure that she receives the balance she requires with proper exercise, socialisation, etc. She will only go to a dog-experienced home, one that remains committed to her obedience, structure, consistency, and to be patient, kind, and understanding, and while not hermits, they are not doing a hundred things each day.
The home does not have to be Dane experienced, yet they must be dog savvy. She is smart. She was once a bully and resource guarded items – yes, as a puppy – we know why this is the case and a big reason why she will not go to a home with children under the age of 12. We will consider a home if they have the right mature child, as young as 10. No more than two children in the home. A home without children is our first preference. Exposure to responsible children is good for her; having them give her treats is something she enjoys. We have exposed her to understand better that while children are fast, flighty, unpredictable, spastic, loud wee beings, that she is safe, and that children can be fun, with helpful, kind, caring hands! We are also happy to converse on the phone more about her past to help that right-matched personality fit home and understand why she is the way she is. She is not only genetically predisposed yet, but her environment before coming to our home/rescue has also shaped her. We have since used the environment to modify her behaviour plus help her understand how lovely the world is! We understand why she came into our home/rescue this way and have worked extensively with her. She now readily shares the communal water bowls and toys and understands that no human or dog is going to take her high-value food. She is fed in a quiet place – usually her colossal Crate and is not ever felt like she has been teased, bothered, or threatened. She knows that she will be fed enough food, fed on time and that no one is going to take her food away. She has been brilliant in figuring out many food puzzle toys and feeders! She now sits wonderfully with the other dogs at treat time and, while still a bit ‘mouthy,’ is so much better about taking the treat calmly without worry that another is going to take it away. She is excellent on her taking treats if she is by herself, and we have been working with the pack being around her for obedience reward treat time.
Per the above, she does not have to specifically go to a Great Dane-experienced home. Yet, she does need a dog experience home. A home, as mentioned, that is not over the top social is our preference for her. A home that has anxious owners is not suitable for a dog that has been working through her own level of discomfort. She is a very confident girl is so many ways, and she needs a quietly confident owner(s) that shall continue to help her reach her awesome potential. If you baby her, and do not have rules, structure, and consistency, she will step up and rule your home as she tries to create order in her life. That is not in her best interest! She needs a human leader(s) that will help guide, direct, and instruct in a positive, balanced manner that demonstrates to her that she is ok, and that we, as the humans are the ones to take care of her.
She loves home, her friends – she needs canine friends! She also loves to explore, go on small hikes, walks, car rides, and visit people/places that are not over the top busy. We are not advocates of dog parks. She needs a home that will give her new positive and great safe, memorable experiences. If you are a home that likes to take long slow infrequent walks/hikes/strolls, Miss Agatha is not for you…she is active, busy, and needs to be kept emotionally and physically stimulated. She is a young, healthy puppy. She will never be a marathoner and is not meant to be a running partner, yet she is lovely to have as a great companion to get out into nature, explore and even enjoy the beach!
Personality/Temperament: Loving, affectionate, goofy, calm, quiet inside the home yet loves her canine friends to run/play outside – some play rumbling is had in my home as I have a Dane only a week younger than her. She needs to be emotionally/physically properly stimulated, uber-sweet, social, active, gentle, plus kind. If not handled properly – she has the potential to develop SA behaviours, as do most dogs. She thrives with consistency, structure, routine, plus clear open communication so that she understands exactly what is being expected of him. Confusion causes her to worry a bit, and we have spent so much time with her so that she knows what is expected or being asked.
Previous Dog Experience: Previous dog experience is required per the above. While we would ideally like to see her in a home with at least one right-matched personality fit dog – it is not a deal-breaker. She needs a strong doggie friend network. That is so important for her. We have friends, she needs friends too. She adores her canine friends! She has gotten along with every dog she has met to date. Going to a responsible doggie daycare once a week for play dates would be wonderful for her too. She may not like it at first being a strange new place, yet, we want her to be more than a homebody. In a proper responsible daycare, she will be provided with additional enrichment, time away from home/owners to continue to properly build in the right direction her self-esteem and confidence.
Good With Cats: Unknown. Has been fine with our clinic cat yet, Mr. Chippy is a force to be reckoned with!
Good with Pocket Pets: Unknown.
Good with Children: NO small children. Children are fast, flighty, unpredictable, spastic, plus loud. We will consider homes with responsible children 12+. We will consider a home if they have the right mature child, as young as 10—no more than two children in the home. A home without children is our first preference.
Grooming: She is fine to wash and do nails. She needs a soft bristle brush on her coat once a week, and we recommend a monthly bath.
Car: She has also come SO far with car rides – getting in and out of the vehicle and enjoying the ride! She is learning that the world has so many fab adventures to experience!
Housebroken/Crate Trained: She is housebroken and Crate trained – she sleeps in a colossal crate. We never recommend that any new addition be given too much freedom to start. It can be very overwhelming plus too stimulating for them.
Obedience: She requires a home that will be consistent and dedicated to continuing to help her become the best dog that she can be. Her potential is enormous! Her leash manners have come a long way. She can pull at times, yet she is learning. A harness is an excellent tool.
Activities Suited For Her: Obedience
She excels in being a clown, loves toys, and running free in our safely fenced-in 3+ acre yard. She loves her friends….chasing, being chased, tug of war!
Loves & Bad Habits: She can still be a bit snatchy when taking treats. Occasionally she will still try to boss another dog around. She knows her mind, and if a dog or human is going to let her push them around, she will take that mile!
She loves treats – Benny Bully Liver treats are the best! In general, she loves food!
Like any dog, she is not perfect. She is perfect in all of her imperfections, though! NOT to mention stunning!
She is a super fantastic girl!
Anxieties/Worries: It is integral that the right matched personality fit home and does not spend 24/7 with her. During this pandemic, we still need groceries; we should still go out and walk about; we should still get in our cars and go for a small drive to go somewhere to do something! Time has been spent having her learn to not only like yet enjoy her own company. As we need our alone time, she must do too. She is a solid and stable dog, yet anxiety does brew under the surface as we work through her genetics/past.
As we have stated for over 26 years now, we will NEVER rush any dogs’ rehabilitation journey, we do not flip dogs, and we are not desperate to adopt them.
We will always place up for adoption the dogs that can be adopted and safe haven all others that cannot be placed up for adoption due to medical and/or behavioural reasons.
We do not take in hundreds of dogs yearly; we only took in 6 dogs in 2021 as it is about helping the next in need of us, giving them top-quality care, and not about taking in numbers. In 2022, we have ONLY taken in 10 dogs to date.
After 26+ years, we know that we cannot please everyone, which means that BHRR is not the rescue to be followed, supported, and believed in by everyone. We remain small plus mighty, and as we go through this next transitional stage for BHRR, we shall continue to operate with a zero-tolerance approach, plus providing up and beyond care to the animals.
Our mandates have never changed, and they will remain the same as long as we are around; the animals shall always be done right by as our priority.
Our adoption success rates remain second to no other group out there – 100% for over ten years of operating, and now 99% as we go through year 26, and we are excited as we go through this slow transition for BHRR!
You have come so far, Miss Agatha, and we are delighted you are making your special announcement!

We had the BEST time getting pics of Miss Agatha today!

She is a 6.5-month-old Merle Great Dane.

What a hoot of a pup she is.

She tells me that while she is a bit shy about making her special announcement, she is also excited!

Stay tuned……


So on Wednesday, Gwennie drew Miss Agatha’s blood at home – what a good girl Miss Agatha was, solid – all of the loving/handling has paid off big time.  No need to stress her out with a needless trip when her blood could be taken at home….
Gwen ran a repeat CBC plus also did a 4dx. It is not that heartworm is a concern – she is too young, yet tickborne disease is possible for any dog even on year-round preventative, and we always go up and beyond with care for the dogs under our care. She would not technically be due unless a tick was found on her(4-6 weeks post tick bite yet, not all ticks that bite are found) or in 2023, yet, Gwen already had more than enough blood.
Miss Agatha’s numbers have greatly improved, and she remains on her monthly de-worming as part of her flea/tick/hw preventative program – Nexgard Spectra. She has finished up her latest round of Metronidazole and Panacur for very resistive Giardia – that she came into rescue with.
The B12 injections she was getting weekly have also greatly assisted, and the Vet said that giving B12 once a month for the next four months to be proactive is fine. He honestly felt that she would be fine without it, yet, he knows how much/hard we have worked with her to get her healthy.
We feel that moving forward, this is something her right-matched personality fit home can do – Their Vet Hospital or Gwen(Vet Tech) can show them how to give it. 1 cc’s monthly subcutaneously – and Gwen already paid for the next four months.

Miss Agatha has put on weight, muscled up, and it is now time for her to make her own special announcement. She remains a lean, gorgeous girl.
This announcement is something that she plans on doing over the next few days….
Stay tuned!

This is Mr. Titan’s leg 72 hours after the first Hospital (who put this catheter in) from the previous place that had him before our rescue took over his care.
I have been in vet med for almost 20 years, and I have never seen such clipper injury/damage.
We are keeping it clean and dry and have some cream from work to help…..he is already on two types of antibiotics, and it is already drying up and looking so much better.
I wanted to try and get a pic yesterday, yet it was an extremely busy day with him, school, and work.
Poor boy…. 
He had another really good night! Later today, we will be starting to slowly re-introduce some kibble into his a/d and gastro food with water mixed in.
He is such a good boy….his spirit is starting to shine through, and I can tell he is a real character with a mind of his own! So freakin’ special he is….
There will never be enough words of thanks to shout out to Alta Vista & LAH for being there for him & to all of his Titan Angels that have contributed to date to his over $6,500 bills between three Hospitals.
When he is healthy – he is booked for August 9th for repeat bloodwork and to be neutered plus to get his final boosters. He is not well enough right now….and one step at a time! 
This boy never had anyone on his side – most likely was used for breeding, and the calluses and scars on his poor body speak volumes.
He certainly has not travelled often in cars as he is still figuring out how to balance.
Such a great vehicle passenger too!
Mr. Titan, my heart is head over heels in love with you… are a true sweetheart!
Donations to his mounting vet bills can be sent via PayPal to
Or via email transfer to
By the time his rehabilitation is done, he will be a $10,000+ Dane.

Mr. Titan!
Transferred from Alta Vista’s ICU to the care of my Hospital.
After a good night, came to work with me and as he was drinking well, pulled his IV – will run another one if needed, his poor leg sure did get cut with his last one put in by Upper Canada.
Gave him a Cerenia injection, took his meds like a champ, ate his a/d snack with water mixed in, and hung out. Picked up more meds – Alta Vista gave me a couple of days and I picked up the rest at my Hospital.
Still medical jail yet, no longer having to have conversations re: doing CPR, going septic, and the poor prognosis…
Keep getting stronger, you big ol’ sweetie!
Weak, lacking so much muscle mass and tone and anorexic, yet, we all got your back Mr. Titan!
The number of angel people that made a lifesaving donation to help us with your emerge bills has made me well up with so many tears…..
We could not keep you there any longer – they were happy to release you into my experienced Dane/Tech care, and you are doing well off of your nasal cannula. Everything else we can do at LAH. We would bring you back if we have to….In a heartbeat, we would.
He has been an excellent patient….has not bothered with any of the dogs nor showed any interest in our clinic cat either….

Look who I busted out of ICU medical jail at Alta Vista Animal Hospital?!!
He had a good night…I did not leave his side. Took his meds, ate his a/d snacks, and had many pees…..
Mr. Titan! 
More soon!

The original pic of Jack and his one eye – you can see how abnormal it is in size and is ‘starburst’ shaped.

I am a bit behind with some posts!!
The Three’s Company Pups were at the Vet on June 28th for their boosters, eye checks, next weigh-in, and next round of flea/tick/hw meds.
They had a blast seeing each other again!
Thank you again to Jack’s foster mama for holding down the fort in the exam room as there were many tech apts booked, and I had to run a catheter for a patient euthanasia.

This is a collage of all three, and I got a great pic of the Vet looking at Mr. Jacks one eye.
Right now, their eyes are doing well, and we will re-visit at their booster apt in a couple of weeks to see how they are doing.
They do not have chronic pain or infections, and while they are abnormal – typical for many DM eyes – they are not bothered by them.
They are booked for their spays/neuter a few weeks after their final vaccines too.
I am still confident about the special needs pups of Miss Chrissy & Mr. Jack going up for adoption at some point. Special needs Miss Janet remains a big ‘if’. It may be in her best interest to be part of our Haven Program.
She has come far and one step at a time! No rush….
Miss Janet weighed: 9 kgs
Miss Chrissy weighed: 9.5 kgs
Mr. Jack weighed: 9.3 kgs

Mr. Titan UPDATE
Here are his UA results. He was already on IV fluids and had begun antibiotics when this UA was done.
He is on two kinds of antibiotics – Zeniquin & Clavaseptin. He is also on Cerenia, Forti Flora, Metronidazole, Mirtazapine.
He has an SPO2 of 90% without supplemental 02. 92-93% with O2 assistance. Ideally, we want at least 95% unaided.
He is so skinny; his coat is dull and flaky, and he remains pretty dehydrated.
He has eaten some a/d for Gwen, urinated several times, and drank some water. Gwen says that he is an absolute sweetheart!
Donations to his vet bills can be made via PayPal(friend and family option) to
OR via email transfer to – we know email transfer is down for many. 
We are grateful for anything that anyone may consider donating…..

Mr. Titan Medical UPDATE:
He had a good night. His Oxygen levels are lower than they would like – 92-93% , and last night, he was 95%. He remains on O2.
He has eaten a small amount, his respiration rate has gone down, his fever has broken, and the Vet would like to keep him another night so that he remains on supplemental oxygen, and they work to get him from IV meds to oral medications.
Unfortunately, this means another $3,500-$5,000, and we are still short $3,200 for the first 24 hours.
Gwen has been in discussions regarding transferring him as he is stable and plans to see him around 6 PM tonight.
When Gwen was talking to the Vet, he had to go, so we do not have an update re: the urinary issues.
If anyone may consider donating to his care, donations can be made via Paypal to OR via email transfer to
Alta Vista no longer takes direct donations.
Anything would be appreciated.

The estimate for Mr. Titan.
We need to raise another $3,300 by Friday ~ 5 pm for the estimate deposit.
We have had $1,200 extremely generously donated to date. Thank you Titan Angels! 
Poor dog…..
He is ~5, not 7 and is a merle yet, those are moot points right now….
Donations can be made via PayPal to
via email transfer to
Thank you in advance to everyone for any consideration…..
We will post updates as we can……

UPDATE: SO severe pneumonia in both lungs and aspiration pneumonia in the right lung. He is on O2, heavy antibiotics, IV fluids, and we also investigating urinary issues. I remember when we were first contacted about him in May that there was mention of urinary issues, and when I followed up, being told by the wonderful network contact person who was in touch with both kennels that there were not any issues.
His bloodwork indicates severe dehydration and high globulin levels – battling inflammation/infection.
How could so many people fail this dog in his life.
We still need $3,500 by early evening tomorrow for him.
Donations can be made via PayPal to or via email transfer to
We would be so grateful for anything…..

UPDATE: I have had two conversations with the Vet – he had to call me back.
1) They need to repeat x-rays(they will take three views) – and send off to an x-ray specialist – the images from the Hospital he was at earlier today are not as clear as he would like to see, and while this ‘could’ be pneumonia, the Vet is not sure if they see a ‘nodule’ and it is pneumonia AND something like Cancer or one or the other
2) He has a fever, and they are going to hit him up with strong IV antibiotics and continue supportive care
They will reach back out once they hear back from the x-ray specialist.
Estimate is still $4,500 for the first 24 hours.
As soon as we know more, we will post.
Thank you to date to all that have generously donated.
We need to raise another $3,500 over the next 18 hours for him……


Initial estimate $4,500 for the first 24 hours.

Mr. Titan , the Great Dane, is now at Alta Vista Animal Emergency.

Here is one of his X-rays taken today before transport.

I am on hold, waiting to talk to them.

A dog who never had anyone standing on his side was dumped at a high gas kill pound needs a strong village right now….

Donations to his care can be made via PayPal or via email transfer to

We have had $100 generously donated to date! 

We thank you in advance with so much gratitude for any consideration to his cause……


He is being transferred to Alta Vista Animal Hospital.

An initial estimate is $3,500-$4,500 for the first 24 hours.


Just as we had a foster home step up to assist us with Mr. Titan – Thanks, Amy/Ben!, before we could move on this offer, he ended up being seen not once, yet, now twice – and is admitted into the Hospital.  He was just admitted today per what we have been told by the network that has been working so hard to save him – he was pulled from a high kill gas pound in mid-May.
No dog does well in a kennel, Danes even less so. He has been in two separate kennels since May 31st.
Mr. Titan will remain in Hospital at least for the night – however, no one is there overnight.
Gwen is working to re-arrange her schedule – she has also been so ill this past week yet, still pushing through work, etc., to get him into the care of her Vet Team that she works with.
Mr. Titans’ first Vet bill was just $575.85 – Upper Canada saw him.
This next bill will be so much higher.
Any donations to his care would be so deeply appreciated. 
Donations can be made via PayPal to or via email transfer to
We will update as we can.
We are trying so hard to save you Mr. Titan… hard.

My last post of my night!
Miss Janet! One of our Three’s Company Pups.
Puppies are so adorable….when they are sleeping! 
Miss Chrissy prefers to hog the a/c vent when power snoozing… 
From our home to all of our friends, family, and supporters, the best good night wishes are being sent! 

Sean had some curious aka nosey ‘supervisors’ while he was working on the back house renovations today! 
Reminds me of a similar pic when we did the front of the house many years ago.