Update: Before the admitting ER Vet went home, he called us. BHRR’s Oslo will remain in the ICU on the CRI Diazepam overnight and they are going to work to try and slowly wean him off.
Much discussion was had in re: to his medication regime and where do we go from here.
Tomorrow AM, I will call them on my way back into work to see how his overnight went.
I have also emailed his teams here in re: to their own expert opinions/views for the next steps.

Mr. Oslo had a grand mal seizure around 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM. He is now on a diazepam CRI drip via his iv. Gwen will call again around 11 PM for another update unless they reach out to us first.
Donations: $677.50 to date. We are humbled, deeply for the support.
Your consideration to support our efforts means a lot. We truly appreciate your kindness.

So, today is not a good one…..
After being free from seizures for 1 month plus 1 day, Mr. Oslo is now back admitted to the TO emergency for having had cluster seizures earlier today – 3.
Thank you to his foster home for bringing him into Emerge.
This is their estimate – and Gwen has reached out to them as they are charging $60 when he has already been there once – December 30th/31st and we have been treating him for IS since he arrived into our Rescue back in October. We are now waiting to hear back.
Per his emergency Vet, he is dehydrated and they have him on fluid therapy plus seizure watch in the ICU for the next 24 hours.
Then we have BHRR’s Rocket who bloated. He is now stable.
If anyone may consider their causes to support, donations can be sent via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*we just need the password.
Fundraising options remain very limited due to COVID and weather and our Drive-Way Nail Trim/Ear Cleaning events will not start up again until April.
Thank you in advance for any consideration, even $5 to support their deserving causes and please keep both wonderful boys in your best wishes.

This is BHRR’s Burst Secret Valentine present!

Thank you to her Secret Admirer, Elaine Giles for being her special Valentine’s Day Angel! 

Gentle Reminder to the BHRR Valentine Angels; that if we could have your gifts/financial donations by February 12th – that will give us time to ensure that the fosters get theirs in time for V-Day!

Thank you! 

May be an image of dog

My last post of my night – Busy day over here!

BHRR’s Coupe(NewfX) is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We shall update as we can!

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the warmest of good night wishes are being sent!

BHRR’s Caramel!


Today, he had his annual at LAH.

He had a great drive in. With being so worried about so many things, to set him up for success, I did give him Trazodone last night and then again today. There truly is no need to watch an animal struggle and stress when we have the means to lessen their emotional load.

Sean came with me and we did an errand prior to arriving at LAH – Sean stayed in the car with him and the errand went much faster than expected, so we ended up almost 1 hour early for our apt.

So, we just relaxed in the vehicle and people came and went and animals came in and out and only twice did he become reactive.

Remember that a reactive dogs is not trying to give us a hard time. They are trying to tell that they are having a hard time. AND we should be listening and helping them.

I told him that he was ok and then passively ignored and he barked about 3-4 times and then quieted down. No lunging or growling. Once he quieted down, he was told that he was a good boy, I thanked him for being such a good boy and rewarded him with a Benny Bully treat.

This one car stopped and parked close beside us and that man was quite intimidating to him. Well, the man forgot something and after leaving his vehicle, got to the side walk, turned around and came back. Mr. Caramel just looked at him, ears focused and body a bit tense, yet, not a peep when he came back to his car and left again.

I was so proud of BHRR’s Caramel and told him how proud I was and he was given a teat. His tail wagged so much, he was so happy!

From then, he just laid down and we waited for our apt.

About 15 minutes prior to his apt., I went in, prepared his vaccines and got a muzzle – muzzles are not punishment. For dogs with impulse control issues and being worried about a lot of things; this can be a great safety and not just a training tool.

We have muzzled trained Mr. Caramel and he took the treats, put his face into the muzzle on his own volition and his wonderful Vet did the apt. in the parking lot. So much less stress and strain for BHRR’s Caramel.

He never once growled or panicked – did step away when it came to his ears being looked at yet, that is around his face and he settled down well. No issue with his eyes being looked at. His Vet let him check out the stethoscope and his heart and lungs were given a big thumbs up!

The Vet was able to do a very thorough exam – other than teeth(wearing a muzzle) – yet, we do check his teeth regularly at home and we did not have any concerns.

He was great with all of his vaccines – 4 pokes – and his body condition was perfect. We did not do a weight – that meant bringing him into the Clinic where there were animals leaving from their surgeries today and was quite the busy place.

While I would have loved to know what he weighed as he looks marvelous! – his comfort zone is the priority.

He just thinks that others are out to eat him and I did tell his Vet the story about BHRR’s Lilly and how she made it clear that they were going to be bff’s and they are! She did not give him a choice! 

He has BHRR’s Fred, my two Wolfies, BHRR’s Lilly, BHRR’s Burst as his great friends and now has added the 3 Musketeers to his set up for success close friend circle. You can see that he and BHRR’s Dean are getting closer too…one day at a time. 

He no longer runs away from the other dogs and does not bark at them the way he once did yet, he still remains quite suspicious of them despite the hard efforts of many of them to love him!

He is who he is and needs a understanding patient right matched personality fit home that will continue to help him be the best dog he can be. He has so much potential and from where he came from when he first arrived to how he is now; is light years!

We do not hide him from the world. We just keep his world as big as he can handle and that too is light years from where it once was. He goes to the drive through – loves plain timbits! and chicken McNuggets too, special rare treats! AND we make each trip an adventure of great experiences.

He will never be a dog park dog – we do not like dog parks to begin with. He will never be the dog that wants to be the center of attention or the life of the party yet, if you are just patient and calm and quiet and give him time; I can guarantee that you will have one of the most loyal, biggest personality clown filled amazing of dogs ever.

He wears his emotions on his sleeve and his heart is massive.

I love that he is so honest in his feelings and that he now trusts that I will not set him for failure.

If that right matched personality fit home never comes along; that is fine too…always is….he lives an awesome life with us.

He is my late night study buddy – yes, as some are now aware I have gone back to school for yet, another degree  – he is the last adorable canine mug I see at night when I close my eyes and one of the first faces I see when I wake up in the morning.

He greets each and every day with enthusiasm and a zest for life that is like that small child greeting the world with curiousity mixed with wariness that wars with excitement and caution!

Simply put, I adore him and he is a gorgeous diamond in the rough!

This is a picture of us on our drive in and he is wearing his brand new Wiggle Bumz collar compliments of his collar angel Tracey! What a gorgeous choice for him! 

Will be posting in a separate post re: collars!

Another picture of him as he is just so darn photogenic!

BHRR’s Coupe!
 He DID it! With so many amazing, kind, generous, supportive and loving rescue angels, he DID it! He has overcome SO much and throughout it all, he has remained the most amazing temperament of dogs. AND the better he has felt, the happier he has become – if that was even possible! and he is such a doll of a dog!

Health Status: HEALTHY! He will need a home that will continue to ensure that he has Deramaxx and Gabpentin as needed and will remain on his HeartGard Plus year round. He will also need a microfilaria blood test every 6 months.

Type of Home Ideal For Mr. Coupe: He can be in a home that works ft, pt, works from home, is semi-retired or retired etc. He is another versatile BHRR dog!

He will NOT go to a home that seeks to make him fat or obese – yup, one of my biggest pet peeves! He is lean and looks fantastic! His legs will not benefit whatsoever from being fat or even plump.

Personality/Temperament: Loving, affectionate, sweet, social, playful, quietly active, gentle, kind, and if not handled properly – he has the propensity to develop SA behaviours. If allowed, he will pull so he needs someone that will ensure that he continues to mind his wonderful manners that he has learned.

Previous Dog Experience: Previous dog experience is ideal yet not required if that right matched home is set up for success. While it would be lovely to see him in a home with another right matched fit dog; it is not required. It is important that he has a strong doggie network as he needs friends too!

Good With Cats: He has proven to be good with cats – he had two foster homes with cats. Integration is always key!

Good with Pocket Pets: Unknown.

Good with Children: He has been fine with children and we will consider homes that have children 10 and up and no more than 3 children in a home.

Grooming: He is a dream to wash, do nails! He does need to be brushed out regularly and this is a great bonding time between us – along with treats!
Car: He loves his car rides! He has been given so many amazing play dates and experiences that the association with car rides is one of great fun and loving experiences.
Housebroken/Crate Trained: He is housebroken and crate trained.
Obedience: His manners have come a long way. He can still pull if distracted so a properly fitted and comfortable harness is recommended in addition to his martingale.
Activities Suited For Him: He would make an incredible therapy dog. He is calm and such a low maintenance dog.
Loves & Bad Habits: He is a big FLIGHT risk. He will take off and run. A safely fenced in yard and play areas is so important. He has the taste for wandering – had been picked up as a stray.

He loves treats and loves to be around his humans. He is affectionate and loving in his very special way and does not ask to sit on you or climb into your shower! The way his eyes follow me as I go about doing house chores or working on the computer is humbling. His gorgeous eyes are soul reaching and kind. His eyes tell a tale of an extremely tough life. He is a thoughtful thinking kind of dog. He likes to observe things and think them over before making a decision.

He is so much better about asking for loving. He will roll on his side and lift up one leg to get his tummy rubs plus pats.

He was so serious when he first arrived into rescue. Now, he has many moments of just letting himself go to enjoy the experiences found in adventuring. Though, he is 3+ years of age; he now has some puppy moments of sheer joy of life.

Like any dog, he is not perfect. He is perfect in all of his imperfections though! NOT to mention handsome!

Trail walks/hikes – a few kms daily are his jam. He needs to have offleash time and not just leash walking. He can often be found sitting in the highest parts of our hills in our 3+ safely fenced in acreage surveying the land. Many a day, I wish I knew what he was thinking about as he is looks deep in thought.

Anxieties/Worries: He has the ability to develop SA behaviours and we have worked extensively to set him up for success. He has learned to like and love his own company and to know that we are coming home. It is integral that the right matched personality fit home does not spend 24/7 with him. During this pandemic, we still need groceries, we should still go out and walk about the block or two; we should still get in our cars and go for a small drive to

As we have stated for over 25 years now, we will NEVER rush any dogs’ rehabilitation journey, we do not flip dogs and we are not desperate to adopt them out.

We will always place up for adoption the dogs that are able to be adopted and safe haven any others that due to medical and/or behavioural reasons are not able to be placed up for adoption.

We do not take in hundreds of dogs yearly; we only took in 16 dogs in 2020 as it is about helping the next in need of us, giving them top quality care and not about taking in numbers.

After 25+ years; we remain knowing that we cannot please everyone and that means that BHRR is clearly not the rescue to be followed, supported, believed in by everyone. We remain small plus mighty and as we go through this next transitional stage for BHRR; we shall continue to operate with a zero tolerance approach plus providing up and beyond care to the animals.

Our mandates have never changed and they will remain the same as long as we are around; the animals shall always be done right by as our priority.

Our adoption success rates remain second to no other group out there and we are excited to go through 2021! 


BHRR’s Oslo!

He was also at the Vet on the 25th for a recheck.

The Vet did a very thorough knee and hip exam and we discussed repeating x-rays and we agreed that when we can neuter him – age and seizure control dependent – we can re-take some x-rays then. We know that he is getting worse….that is apparent and all of us are monitoring his QOL closely.

To stress him out attempting to do x-rays – causing him discomfort too – while awake – could easily spiral him in to a cluster seizure situation. This we do not wish to see happen.

Additionally, with his IS, we will have to be very careful with his sedation protocol when/if we do proceed.

Per his Vet, we all know that both hips and both of his knees are bad yet, he struggles more on the back right hind end side. With his medical conditions, he understandably lacks muscle mass/tone in his hind end yet, his chest is very strong and his coat looks wonderful too!

To help keep him comfortable, his Gabapentin was increased to 400 mg over the 300 mgs; up to three times daily. His Vet said that we can go up to 600 mg, three times a day if necessary.

He will remain on the 50 mg of Deramaxx daily along with the 120 mg of Phenobarbital every 12 hours.

We have a refill request in for his Keppra – he is now getting 1500 mg, every 8 hours.

We still plan on doing alternative therapies with him as COVID 19 will allow us.

The intent and goal is and always has been to give him quality of life and his Vet(who also does othro and has been part of his story from the beginning) believes that for how bad his knees plus hips present, that his quality of life remains good at this time.

We shall never see him or any of our dogs suffer. We will make the horribly difficult and painful decision when we need to as it has to be always about QOL not quantity of life.

He weighed 47.2 kg(103.84 pounds). He was just a wee bit on the plump side; not by much and his excellent foster home is doing an incredible job with and for him!!!!

We will be back in three months time – barring any emergencies for another recheck etc. He has remained seizure free since December 30th, 2021 and his pattern has been to have cluster seizures monthly at the present time.

We are also still hoping and wishing for a February Sponsor or Sponsors for his bills – with the increase in both Keppra and Gabapentin; his monthly bills are running close to $800

If anyone may consider his so deserving cause to support, donations can be made direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 or Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

*we just need to know the password.

Thank you in advance for any consideration to his bills.

Finances remain beyond tight for BHRR and we do not receive any corporate or government funding.

We must extend a public THANK YOU to the RESCUE angel that made a donation of $100! We are so so so so grateful!

This is a hoot of a picture sent from his lovely foster mama! The stories and pictures of him and his daily journey’s crack me up!

I was so tickled to see him myself on Monday as I had not seen him since December. He is such a softie and in some ways he is losing that baby face yet, in other ways, he remains having that adorable wee monkey face!

On a side note: we have a date for BHRR’s Symba’s second TPLO surgery – May 4th. This will give us time to continue to fundraise and come April, we will be back doing our 2nd year of popular Nail Trim/Ear Cleaning Drive-Way events!!!

Tomorrow, BHRR’s Caramel is in for his own annual – this had been postponed from earlier due to a huge snowstorm that blew in.

Mr. Symba!

He is having a much deserved snooze after his big day today at LAH.

He had a very busy day! It was a busy and expensive day for BHRR too….

Mr. Symba had his post-op follow-up plus x-rays to see how his leg has healed from his TPLO procedure.

THUMBS UP given! He was such a good boy too….such a good boy getting his x-rays done.

We can now move on getting a surgery date with Dr. Philibert for his right leg TPLO surgery.

Bad news is that his right leg is deteriorating. After he had a thorough check on it, he has not been weight bearing – he is on Gabapentin and Deramaxx. The cold weather and the icy conditions are not helping.

We hope to be able to get a surgery date ASAP.

After being pampered plus spoiled with treats and love, he is now all wonderfully drugged up, including with some Trazodone and snoring away. Rest is best for him tonight.

We also still need to raise another $3,000 for his second TPLO.

If anyone may consider his cause to support, donations can be made direct to Liston Animal Hospital – this is where Dr. Philibert will be doing the surgery once again:


OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

*we just need to know the password.

This boy continues to just charm all those that meet him. He is such a deam-boat of a personality plus dog!

Thank you in advance for any consideration to his bills.

Finances remain beyond tight for BHRR.

I will be posting re: BHRR’s Oslo’s own apt. today shortly and we are still seeking a February Sponsor or Sponsors for his bills – with the increase in both Keppra and Gabapentin; his monthly bills are running close to $800

AND Miss Olive still needs her own February Sponsor or Sponsors for her bills – She is now close to $900/month for her bills

Quality of life always for our dogs and both of these amazing creatures are going strong!

We would be deeply and forever grateful for even a $5 donation.

BHRR receives no corporate or government support. Most of our bills are covered out of our own pockets and we truly would be appreciative for any rescue angel donations.

Double Digit Danes/Dogs!
This is BHRR’s Rain!
She turned a miraculous 10 years young in December 2020!
She now joins the incredible double digit Dane/Dog Club!
Miss Rain is one of our BHRR Haven dogs – her brother BHRR’s Beau was adopted March 9th, 2012.
She has lived an amazing life under our care.
She is a Saint that came back ~1.5 years ago for a number of reasons from a perma-foster home situation.
Members of the BHRR BOD were very happy to welcome her back to The Boerskins.

She had repeated thyroid tests while being perma-fostered due to continued weight gain – all results were normal – and much conversation was had re: diet and exercise. Regular concern had been expressed re: her weight gain, her ever growing senior age and how unhealthy this weight gain was.

Since she has come back, she has lost all of the weight that she had put on, she has muscled/toned up and is still going strong! She has remained a big BHRR fav for so many!

These days she sleeps a lot yet, still has playful moments!

Here is to 2021 and turning 11 years young in December!

BHRR’s Athos – one of our lovely 3 Musketeers had his de-twinkling appointment on Tuesday, January 19th!

He weighed 50.8 kgs(111.76 pounds) and we also microchipped him at the same time. When he is done growing, he may well top 125 pounds at a nice and lean level. Only time will tell as he could have a growth spurt and be bigger. As long as he is healthy and happy, it does not matter.

Hard to believe that he was once this emaciated, dirty puppy. He is growing into a truly handsome young man!

Once he recovers, he will have his own special announcement to make.

His brother BHRR’s Porthos was also to be neutered on Tuesday yet, he hurt his leg in the huge snowstorm last Saturday and his appointment has now been rescheduled.

This picture was taken on our drive-in – I gave him Trazodone the night before and the morning of to make things more comfortable and less worried for him. Anything that can be done to lessen a dogs’ stress level should be done to give them the best vet apt. experience possible.

So, his eyes are showing that he is doped up. 


Someone had a lot of careful fun today in the Winter Wonderland and he is now out for the count and snoring up a storm!

On January 25th, he has his post-op recheck including x-rays that Dr. Philibert shall review and hopefully; we can then book the other leg for a TPLO surgery.

BHRR’s Symba is truly a love…..

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the best of good night wishes are being sent!

BHRR’s Caramel with my two Wolfies – Torin & Brogan!

Winter Wonderland Day here at BHRR. 25 cms expected before it is all said and done.

They are very intently looking towards the horse barn for whatever reason. 

Mr. Caramel was to have his annual today yet, I postponed it yesterday due to this big storm system heading our way.

Mr. Symba had his special play date today!

This was a date won in our annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction.

He had a lovely day per his play date family!

AND love the picture of the drool!! That is a Mastiff for you!

He will be in shortly for his 8 week post-op x-rays from his first TPLO and we are now brainstorming towards raising the remainder – $3,000 – for his second TPLO surgery.

He is such a wonderful dog and we look forward to him having two new back legs!


BHRR’s Coupe was at the Vet today for his annual – vaccines and to have a recheck on those new front legs of his!

Since he first arrived to BHRR, just shy of 1 year ago; he has had 3 surgeries – fb plus pexy, dental and bilateral elbow arthroscopic surgery; we also found no less than 2 bullets in him, was found out to be heartworm positive; had a deep penetrating leg wound, was diagnosed with un united anconeal process, ruled out fungal osteomyletitis plus blasto and the list goes on……AND through all of his treatments plus surgeries, he has been a gem of a dog!

He has learned manners and muscled/toned up and the healthier he became, the stronger he got, the happier and friendler he also became. AND for those who met this dog at the beginning of his journey would have stated that he was one mighty fine and happy dog then! He is over the moon happy now. He is playful and so affectionate and though, shall always have a slight permanent limp – golfball sizes of bone chips/fragments were taken out from his leg surgeries December 1st – nothing is holding him back!

He weighed a very consistent 39.7 kgs(87.34 pounds) and looks marvelous!

He was given a thumbs up today at his Vet Visit at EVC and it was so nice for the Vet that did his first surgery on February 6th, 2020 to be the one to see him again today!

Mr. Coupe shall soon be ready to make his own special announcement.

Karen Boyd and Jane Smith- he has done so well and I cannot thank you both again for all you did to help get him safely to us! Karen, I am so glad I reached out to you to see if you had a dog in need that we could possibly assist with! He has been magnificent and it has been an honour to work with you/Sam/Jane once more.

Courtney Reil – thank you for emerge temp fostering him in TO and then driving him to EVC!

Cassy Montgomery – Thank you and John for also taking such great care of him too!

Thank you to everyone that gave him special play dates and play visits – Elaine Giles, Ashley Deon, Melanie Moore etc. during his extensive rehabilitation journey with BHRR.

Thank you ALSO to all of the rescue angels that donated to help us pay for his enormous Vet Bills!

We are very excited for his future and even Mr. Symba did not mind at all sharing his Mr. Bear Stuffie with Mr. Coupe!

BHRR’s Rocket – the emaciated, special needs Great Dane – was at the Vet today.

Cassy Montgomery came with me shy of three weeks ago to pick him up from an unpleasant situation. Thank you again for coming with me.

His weight – and there is a picture posted in this group and also in his detailed blog – was just shy of 68 pounds when he was picked up. Pictures really do not show the level of emaciation that he came into rescue with.

His previous O. said he was about 120 pounds. I knew from photo’s sent that he was nowhere near that weight and at an ideal weight should be around 115-120 pounds, depending on his growth – he is quite young still. ~18 months or so.

Today, he weighs 40.3 Kgs(88.66 pounds). He has put on just over 20 pounds since he first arrived in our care.

He is still emaciated yet, we are slowly getting there. We started feeding him 8 small meals a day and now he is eating 5 meals a day and eating well. We had to teach him how to eat again.

With his better weight; we did his pre-op bloodwork and heartworm/tickborne disease testing and we are not surprised to note that he has very high globulin levels or that he came back Lyme positive.

He is on Doxycycline for the next 3 weeks and we will then do a recheck, repeat blood-work, re-weigh and see if that time if he is in better condition for vaccines. Next week he will be de-wormed once more with Interceptor Plus.

His neuter will not occur until he is healthier too. His happy tail is finally scabbing over and we are working to stay on top of him not banging it.

His manners are coming along so beautifully and he is such a wonderful boy!! He really is! He no longer tries to hump everything nor does he bark nonstop in inappropriate attention seeking behaviour. His leash manners are improving nicely and he really is quite affectionate.

We are teaching him that he is worthy and important and that he is going to be ok. He was very deprived of much in the way of consistency plus structure not to mention obedience plus attention and his previous O. did state that they did not have time for him since he and his partner split.

He is picking up hand signals incredibly fast and Sean/I do still believe that his potential to be placed up for adoption at some point in the future when he is ready is high. We will see…..he has such a long road ahead of him and he is safe regardless if he is adoptable or not. We assist those that are in the next of need of us, not those that are exclusively highly adoptable. Our Haven program is the majority of what BHRR does.

AND he is wearing two collars as he is a huge flight risk. His previous home would quite often leave a window open for him to come and go at will. Cassy and I remain so shocked that he was never hit by a car as he is deaf/visually impaired and was living right off a dark busy rural area road.

Looks like two more doggies had quite the New Years Eve!

BHRR’s Sleet(one of the 3 BHRR blind/deaf mice) and our Salt!

They are actually fast asleep and the only thing holding up each others head is each other…that does not look comfortable!

Sleet is deaf/blind – she had to also have a bilateral eye eneucleation. She turned 2 in October.

Salt is deaf and where once he was visually impaired, he is now also blind. He will turn a miraculous 6 years old in April.

Many special needs Danes do not make it to see much past their 3rd birthday.

Sean/I promised each other that should we be urgently needed as we transition BHRR to fully close over the next ~7-9 years, for the Danes/Giants/Honourary Giants like them; that we will continue stepping up as we can as the additional exception.

We also remain here as always for our adoptive homes for the life of our dogs and to honour all of our commitments made to the homes that asked us to step up and take care of their dog(s); should something happen to them.

There is no other special needs Dane/Giant Breed Rescue in Canada and we know of only two in the USA at this time – one being highly disreputable. We have close to 30 years working with, rescuing, saving, rehabilitating, owning plus training etc. these incredible animals. Most of our own special needs Danes are now registered Therapy dogs.

2020 saw us assist 16 amazing dogs…..quality over quantity, always.

Almost 1:30 PM in the afternoon and someone is still sleeping!

One would think that he had a really busy New Year’s Eve bash instead of a wonderfully quiet Boerskins Evening!

We really hope that 2021 is an incredible year for all of our friends, family and supporters.

2020 brought so much our way in experiences, knowledge, revelations plus life lessons that we shall both personally and professionally bring into 2021 and beyond. Sean/Gwen