My last post of my night!

BHRR’s Coupe! (Newf/Labx)
January 26th, 2020

I hear from his amazing foster Mama that he is adjusting wonderfully to the snow and loves being a Canadian! 😀

Latest Update: His culture is now back for Blasto and he is negative! Good news is so lovely to hear!

With his lung x-rays being clear, fungal pneumonia has also been ruled out!

We also have a surgery date for the bone debridement of that leg – his ortho specialist Dr. Philibert will be doing this surgery at Eagleson Veterinary Clinic on February 21st.

He needs time for the new antibiotics to work their magic – has been moved to Clavaseptin & Clindamycin as the culture that came back on that leg is a severe bone infection of actinomyces canis 1+. This is believed to have come from a deep penetrating dog bite wound. His neck and body are covered in scabs. 🙁

As he developed yet, another draining track on that leg, in addition to finally getting the culture back, the move to the new and stronger antibiotics is slowly working their own magic.

As per a previous post, we cannot amputate this leg as his other leg also has a lesion plus has arthritis present.

The two bullets – we know that he has at least two – big surprise found when we did further x-rays, one in his chest and one in his side – will have to wait for now. The priority is his leg AND for the person who emailed us to say that another bullet should be sent his way, shame on you!

Without even meeting him, you would chose to sentence him to death and by a really brutal method.

BHRR stands for stepping up for the underdogs, the specials needs, the really broken and if you would just take a minute to meet him, he would tell you in his own way how deserving he is and that he was a victim to others cruelty, neglect and abuse.

He is an innocent life that others failed.

Thank you also to his fantastic foster family, for being with him right up until his surgery. At that time, he will come to my own home for rehabilitation.

His Vet bills will easily reach $5,000+ and NO he is not a ‘cash cow’. He is a dog that has been deeply wronged and every penny raised goes direct to him.

We remain treating him for Heartworm too.

You can donate via PayPal to

OR via Email Transfer to

OR direct to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic (613) 383-8381

Even after surgery, he will remain on the strong antibiotics per his ortho specialist for many many many months. He is also on Deramaxx(NSAID)

AND, please do consider voting for BHRR in this amazing Mission Pawsible voting contest to be a recipient of funds from their Valentine Online Auction as we truly need the support to raise all of the much needed funds for him! 

AND we still have two amazing BHRR doggies hoping for a “Secret Valentine”, BHRR’s Rain & BHRR’s Sleet. – FILLED Thanks Carol & BHRR’s Penelope!

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, good night wishes are being sent out!

Stay tuned!

This handsome young man is getting excited for he is close to making his own special announcement! BHRR’s Percival, our gorgeous fox red lab!

We want to extend our biggest and most heartfelt thanks to Josée Lavoie Pet Photography for the stunning pictures!

Also thanks being sent to his lovely foster Mama for all that she remains doing for him!

He was back at the Vet this AM for what we hope is his final visit while under our authority! ? He went in for boosters and to have a recheck on that foot to see if it is healing well after being placed on yet, more antibiotics and also Vanectyl P was added to his Apoquel medication.


BHRR’s Coupe
January 13th, 2020
Getting more x-rays

BHRR’s Coupe’s left front elbow and leg

Good early AM!

We are posting this request again as unfortunately, due to another cancellation – three now, circumstances being what they have been – weather etc., we are back in need of a Volunteer photographer who may consider taking professional photo’s of BHRR’s Percival!

We are working hard for BHRR’s Percival to be able to make his special announcement and are hoping for someone to be able to commit some time to help with some amazing pictures!

Please email

Thanks in advance! 

My last post of my night!

BHRR’s Percival!
Fox Red Lab

I so LOVE this photo! Looks like someone had a long hard day and is now crashed out! 

As mentioned previously, he was back at the Vet yesterday as his one foot is red and bothering him and when his foster mom told me, I was worried about possible infection. So, got him in immediately to be seen.

Apparently, the Vet believes that it is a contact allergy so there is something – we are thinking possibly? the hay for the rabbits as he does have seasonal allergies – that has caused him to have a flare-up.

He remains on his Apoquel yet, the Vet has now added Vanectyl P plus another round of antibiotics to his medical regime.

I also had another bag of his special food ordered and his foster mom picked it up while she was there.

He weighed 35 KGs and as stated before, anything between 35-37 kgs I am content with.

So, his Vet bills are now close to $3,500 and he is one of the deserving dogs that will benefit from our currently running 7th Annual Breaking Bills Bake Online Auction!

For those asking, no, he has not yet had his professional photo shoot. I am told that they have now had to be rescheduled twice.

BHRR’s Coupe is the other amazing dog that will benefit from this auction.

We currently have 43 WOW items up for grabs! We have cookies, cheesecakes, dog treats, pies, cinnamon buns, pudding shooters, dates with BHRR’s Percival & BHRR’s Coupe and even two tickets up for our annual BHRR DINE WITH THE DOGGIES Event.

To view all of the items and to bid, please visit the below link AND if anyone may have something that they would consider donating to this auction, please do email us with the details, including location for pick-up!

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, stay safe out there wishes are being sent! We are currently in a huge snowstorm right now…expecting 35 cms with snow squalls, so please be careful and make sure that your animals are warm too!

He is so excited!

He has the cutest butt!

BHRR’s Caramel!

He wants me to let him out of the yard so he can ‘help’ Sean plow! He raced all the way downstairs to the side yard in his excitement!

He is coming out of his shell more and more and I am becoming more and more smitten with him daily! 

He is such a good boy! Still vocal when he sees me for feeding time or first thing in the morning as he expresses his sheer happiness.

He is beyond handsome and per my previous post, Miss Lily is working her magic, one paw at at time on him! He just does not understand her, nor her enthusiasm and lack of personal space for he still is reactive – less and less – in his worry plus fear that he will get hurt. He thinks he is the size of a chipmunk.

All he requires is a confident settled approach and manner to being handled. He corrects wonderfully and you have to be slow and easy in taking his collar. He does not need to be roughly handled, no dog does and he is relaxing more and more as he realises I am not going to grab or haul him around and that I am setting clear open lines of communication as to what is expected of him, so he is not confused or worried or wonders what I want. He is thriving with the structure, obedience, patience and consistency…..

I am so proud of him and the trust he continues to build with me.

He is perfect with my two Wolfies and he and BHRR’s Mr. Fred have an understanding that neither will lose their dignity –  and will remain calm, give each other space and when it is sleep time, both will always on their own go into crates side by side. They seem to have a silent code agreed upon set of rules of engagement and are friends yet, do not seem to want anyone to know just how close they are becoming!

Fascinating…just fascinating to watch them! AND no, I am not projecting human emotions on to them that they are not capable of feeling. They have all of their own wide range of simple, yet, mostly complex set of emotions and feelings. One only has to observe to ‘get it’.

I am waiting patiently for the day to when they both will just let loose and run together side by side with wild carefree joy in our 3+ acres of fenced in yard. It is there…bubbling just under the surface!

This journey with him has been so awesome.

We are back at the Vets in another week or so to re-visit his ears and are still waiting for the cardiologist apt.

We will be working on switching him gradually over to a fish based only food too -his skin/ears medical issues are strongly suspected as being allergy based, food and seasonal. If anyone would be interested in providing funds to help us buy FROMM Salmon & Potato, donations can be sent via PayPal to or via PayPal to Thank you in advance for your consideration! 

At this time, we do not know if he will be placed up for adoption and as always, that is not what BHRR is about. We are about helping the next one in need of us and making sure they get everything they need.

He is living his best life every day and our promise is to keep having him live that quality filled life!

Yup! She is having a lot of fun today! 

BHRR’s Miss Lily (Deaf/Visually Impaired Great Dane) enjoying the Winter Wonderland today!

The once under socialised, full of anxiety, could not sleep when it was dark, self-mutilating, not house broken, terrified to go outside Deaf & Visually impaired Great Dane is now living a truly amazing life!

She has overcome SO much and while we are still working on some things – the occasional accident in her crate yet, where once it was many times a day, is now maybe three times a month – she has rehabbed into a really well adjusted full of mischief and loving life to the fullest each day kind of gal! 

She has not had any stress about going outside, especially at night in a very long time.

She has been the best of friend and example to BHRR’s Fred who came in with his own anxiety and worries about going outside, especially at night.

She has taught him that is is ok to not be dignified and to Kanga-Dane and race and as the song goes ‘dance like no one is watching!’ 

He has in turn taught her to ‘try’ harder in being patient, to be calmer and that non everything is on her time schedule. She really is an instant gratification gal in many ways!

I may have a PhD yet, I have always said that the dogs help each other more than I ever could!

In re: to if/when Miss Lily may go up for adoption, that is still a big question mark.

We have been slowly working on play dates and visits with myself present and she is doing beautifully and she is not having any big set backs when we come home yet, she is not ready for more at this time…..

She is such a strong girl in a lot of ways, yet, fragile in others and we must do right by her – do right by all of the dogs in our care – and presently, she is not ready for more.

Will she get there?? That is not a pressure that I am putting on her. There is no timeline. We go at her pace, show and gently work on increasing her boundaries yet, never crossing her tolerance threshold. There are days that she bounces into the car, ready for the next adventure – sometimes with her bff and sometimes without as they both do still work on becoming the best dogs they can be on their own too – and other days she wants to stay close to home. Both are fine. That she wants to go out and explore and take on the world more and more is fabu. That she has days that she wants to be a homebody that is equally cool.

AND while she and BHRR’s Fred are the odd couple in so many ways – he is so funny with his soft grumbling vocal sounds until she gets him warmed up yet, if she does not poke and tease him, he pouts! – yet, they have equally done an unbelievable amount of successful work for each other.

He is like a puppy when she gets him started AND she is working on doing the same with BHRR’s Caramel. She is still a wee bit too much for him yet, he is interested and I can see that she is winning over his own heart!

This girl does not have a mean bone in her body – a bit selfish and adorably manipulative yes!  – for it is often always about her! – yet, her heart is bigger than the universe and she is loyal and affectionate and makes me laugh so much daily with her antics!

BHRR’s Coupe
~3 year old NewfX

This is him having more x-rays taken.

Yes, that is blood on the table from that leg. 

The experts are still discussing his case and everyone is waiting anxiously for the results of the culture done on that leg for one of his vets plus one expert believes that the infection stems out from his bone and the ortho expert also believes that this is possibly ‘fungal osteomyletitis’ which has a poor prognosis.

That his lymph nodes are swollen and that his wounds are where they are, he believes that it is likely connected to a proliferative and lytic lesion of the ulna.

Yes, BHRR’s Coupe also has had serious trauma to that leg/elbow that was never treated plus the congenital condition of un united anconeal process, while not completely ruled out now, his one ortho specialist is now even more focused on the fungal osteomyletitis as being a further cause to what is happening. Osteosarcoma remains on the table too.

That leg and elbow is seriously ten shades of messed up….

We all try to continue to wait patiently for the culture results for the specialists and his Vet team to figure out where to go from here…

He is also being treated for Heartworm and is on NSAIDs – Deramaxx plus antibiotics. He has been dewormed once and will be again next week.

AND his foster Mama says that he is the big sweetheart that everyone has said he has been from Tenn ALL the way to his transport to us!

His emerge temp foster home for two nights in the TO area while we had to hunker him down due to bad weather, and I did witness this myself – has proven to also be good with birds and three x 2 week old mini toy poodle puppies!

This boy is deserving of all that others never gave to him in his life to date and please do consider his cause to support…..his body tells the very sad and tragic tale of so much harm done to him. 

However long we can give him, we are hoping it to be one of years and years, yet, may be a lot shorter than that; AND we need to ensure that it is a life of absolute quality and the best in care. We will never see a dog suffer and to all that have met this boy to date, they have fallen madly head over heels in love with him.

His has an account at Eagleson Veterinary Clinic
613-383-8381 and they will take donations, even over the phone for his mounting bills

OR via PayPal to

OR via email transfer to

He is our first rescue of 2020 and he really needs the BHRR village to surround him with love!

Thanks to Cassy for buying him an XL Costco dog bed and I had a Wiggle Bumz Martingale collar at home for him to use until we can get him one of his very own from Wiggle Bumz!

AND, to all of those attending our Custom Sign Night at Don Cherry’s in Kanata tomorrow night, if you have any Empties to donate and/or Canadian Tire money, we would deeply embrace them!

THANK you from my heart to our amazing BHRR family for stepping up and buying the remaining tickets required for this event to be a go…..

THANK you also again to Aaron for offering to make one of his delicious home made apple crumble pies AND the Boerskins will have a Bakers Dozen of our famous homemade cinnamon buns up for grabs in our draws.

Humbled beyond words to all that have stepped up to make this event happen!

BHRR’s Coupe’s bills are now close to $2,000 and thank you in advance for even considering to donate $5 to his cause!

Giant Breed dogs come with Giant bills……

AND please do keep him in your thoughts….one of the bullets is not harming him at this time, yet, the other in his chest is going to need further investigation and most likely surgical intervention.

We did more x-rays late tonight after BHRR’s Coupe arrived and will share more re: his situation soon – also, want to get his two ortho specialists expert opinions yet, wanted to share this surprise finding x-ray.

We felt a lump on his side and when we did the x-rays of his chest etc., we found not one but two bullets. What we thought was a lump is in fact one of the two bullets her has in his body….

Poor guy….he is as sweet as everyone has said he is and Cassy Montgomery, thank you SO much for hunkering down for the long haul while we sedated him to get all the views needed…..

Courtney Reil, thank you once more for emerge temp fostering him for two nights and for driving him that final push to us! GREAT to see you again!

Per his emerge temp foster Mama for the next two nights – ‘He is such a good boy, settled right in and is now napping away.’


BHRR’s Coupe began the second day of his journey to us bright and early this AM.

We have been very privileged to assist Karen Clark & Sam with a number of dogs from Tenn over the years including BHRR’s Gentle Jake, BHRR’s Steam and BHRR’s Silly Tilly.

He is travelling amazingly well which is no surprise as his temperament is beyond sweet, even with that leg.

He continues to heavily limp on that leg and all of the rescue transport angels are taking extreme care to make sure he is moved from one vehicle to the other carefully.

In case Cindy HillabyJosh KroezenLindsay KroezenBob Levesque & Hazel Talangbayan, you did not see the updated post I made, we are moving to a Plan B and he will be hunkering down with Courtney Reil once he arrives to her area late tonight in Canada.

She shall then drive him to direct Eagleson on Monday whereby Cassy Montgomery / John, I am confirming that I have a 9 PM apt., already booked for him.

Per Dr. Philibert, our ortho specialist, it is imperative that we also get x-rays of his other front leg to determine what urgent surgery BHRR’s Coupe shall require based upon his other front legs integrity.

Soon, sweet boy….soon! Two more sleepies and to all on the road today, travel safe!

AND they are making the push to the border now!

Soon to be a Canadian BHRR’s Coupe! In about 1.5-2 hours!

Small Giant for sure to fit in that crate! Almost 85 pounds of love.

Going strong, a huge hit with all transporting him! 

UPDATE: BHRR’s Coupe began his long journey to Canada early this afternoon and is now tucked in safely at his overnight foster….

Tomorrow, we shall begin the second part of his journey and everyone is watching the weather system closely.

Plan B is to get him to the TO area if we can and overnight him until Monday and then Courtney Reil will make the push to get him to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic by 8 pm and I have an apt. booked to see our Vet for 9 PM on Monday.

Cassy Montgomery – keeping you in the loop too as you and John are his emerge temp fosters!

Cindy Hillaby, Josh Kroezen, Lindsay Kroezen and Bob Levesque plus Hazel Talangbayan – it is going to be a last minute notice if there will be a push to get him here on Sunday so all are asked to remain on standby until late tomorrow night when we will know better re: the weather….

This weather system is being unpredictable right now.

I have the x-rays we asked for in high resolution now and forwarded them on to the Vet at Eagleson who took a look and also sent them to Dr. Philibert, our ortho specialist and he has made his initial diagnosis and wants us to x-ray his other front leg on Monday and submit for review.

We know one thing is for sure, he requires urgent surgery…as to whether that leg has to be amputated will depend on the integrity of the other front leg.

Thank you to so many that have come together to get him here safely. A strong village across two countries are helping to get him to us ASAP.

The word from all that has transported him to date and The amazing Karen Clark, ACO is that he is truly a sweetheart!

BHRR’s Coupe
Male, Newf/LabX (that is the belief right now!)
Age – ~3 (will have a better idea once he arrives)
Was picked up as a stray after being hit by a car
Weight: 78.4 pounds – so a small boy

ETA: Being worked on

Said to be super sweet, good with dogs

If anyone wishes to emerge temp foster this fine young man; let us know!

Look at that face!

BHRR’s Miss Volt!
Our adorable spoiled rotten Rottie baby! She is the Rottie that had been electrocuted in her previous home and they delayed in bringing her in for treatment.

We were contacted to assist from the Hospital that took her in and when I picked her up, I noted that she was chewing her vulva too.

As per my previous post, she came to work with me yesterday and she now weighs 32.4 kgs. Solid muscle!

As some may remember a past post that I made, the reason why she came to work with me is that we have been waiting for her to have a heat for a long time. Per her specialist Dr. Philibert prior to proceeding further for her spay and possible reconstruction for her girl bits, he felt that letting her have a heat would hopefully improve her conformation in that area. He felt that she would most likely require not just a vulvaplasty and wanted to make any surgery that she may need the best possible outcome for her.

Well, we have been waiting patiently…,,so patiently and she was going to be turning 15 months of age on the 7 of January and still no heat.

From my last post re: this, several reached out to educate me re: that this is not abnormal etc…etc… I do work in animal medicine and have for almost 16 years now and operate a GD/Giant Breed Rescue and am quite aware of delayed heats in dogs.  AND I had no issues with her having a heat at 15 months, 18 months or longer in age! I just want her to be ok and to be sure that she was ok.

In Miss Volts case, even her specialist felt that she should have had a heat by 9 months, a year on the outside….

Yet, here we were, days shy of 15 months of age and now the question was if her conformation on the outside also meant that she had a possible abnormal conformation on the inside. Very plausible.

After much discussion, the decision was to have her rechecked and then possibly schedule her ‘spay’ that time. I also planned to do her heartworm/tick borne disease testing as she is now old enough.

I brought her to work with me yesterday and she was a huge hit…yet, isn’t she always!! 

Well, just before her apt….I noticed some drops on the floor and one of the staff said that they had dripped some of their cherry smoothie and I was like….’hmmm, not so sure about that…’ 

AND then when I took her out of her run to then see the Vet, we all got the definitive answer! Her run carried the evidence needed for confirmation.

This is Miss Volt with her ‘I am a big girl now!’ look! 

Yup! She is officially in heat and if we had waited just one more day…..

Yet, she had an excellent time getting love and we gave her a manicure/pedicure and impressed all with her fabu manners!

She just loves everyone and everything!! Sweet, affectionate and incredibly loving… 

So, now we wait for her heat to be over, review her female bits to see if they have improved and go from there with her spay etc. plus to have the broken incisors removed… per Dr. Philibert and stated before, these do not pain her and can easily wait until her spay surgery.

Miss Volt, when it is your time to be adopted, our hearts will be incredibly full yet, it will also be bittersweet. This rehab journey has been so long yet, you are beyond deserving of becoming 100% healthy! 

BHRR will never adopt out a dog before they are ready and it is our responsibility after getting her happy, to also get her healthy! We continue to do right by her…..


Male, NewfX(possibly with lab)
~2-3 years of age
Weight: Just under 79 pounds, so a small giant.

He is the next in urgent need of us and our first intake of 2020. He is a stray that was a Hit By Car. 

We are awaiting the results of x-rays at this time. I want to be sure that nothing is broken or fractured and needs immediate Vet attention where he currently is prior to moving him. He does have a small laceration on the left front leg and has quite the limp. Hoping that he is just stiff/sore.

Will post more as we can.

ETA: Sunday January 12th.

He is going to need the BHRR village to surround him with love and support.

We are calling him BHRR’s Coupe – yes, we have had a BHRR’s Koop and this is a play on the word ‘car’.

He already has a file set up at Eagleson Veterinary Clinic and we will post more re: his bills as we get them from where he is presently and from where he will be treated in the future, at Eagleson.

So, at this time, other than being in a big need of his very own collar plus an XL Costco Dog Bed, we are asking our amazing community to hold off with specific financial donations.

I can say that his bills shall most likely be extensive yet, we want people to know what they are donating to and promise to update as we can.

Please do send him your most caring thoughts and wish him safe travels!

Someone says early AM’s suck! 

Miss Volt is at work with me today!

Will post more later re: her latest Vet visit.

This handsome man is with me at work today!

BHRR’s Caramel. 

His weight today was 113.96 pounds.

He is being such a good boy.

As several are aware that day he arrived, he was seen by one of our Vets and had a quick assessment. With how stressed he was, we did not weigh him, only gave him Rabies and the Vet had noted a heart murmur, which we agreed to assess again in a few weeks after he settled in. The Vet also had a brief look at his ears and it was also agreed to wait until his next visit to see how they were progressing as they were quite red and irritated.

Today, he saw another Vet and they concur that he has a heart murmur that while it is heard on both sides, it is stronger on the left.

We did swabs his ears as they remain swollen, red plus pain him and they both contained cocci and yeast. So, we put KT ear treatment in both ears.

We did bloodwork for his heartworm and tick borne disease testing and the results came back negative.

We did his lymes and lepto vaccines plus he had a booster of the DHPP.

The recommendation at this time is for him to be seen by a cardiologist and we will do a referral.

Behaviourally, he is still reactive to strange people and dogs and with people he is now barking in more of a friendly unsure way over a ‘please stay away as I am worried you may hurt me’ way.

Dogs can still terrify him too and he remains reactive yet, is beginning to be a bit more curious. He has been completely fine with both of my own male Irish Wolfhounds and is indifferent to BHRR’s Freddie. BHRR’s Miss Lily is a dog that he is still trying to figure out and he goes from being worried to curious and you can see that he is working on that courage!

He is very vocal when he first sees me or when it is feeding time and we are working on the passively ignoring so this display of inappropriate attention seeking behaviour dissipates.

He is so affectionate and playful and if you just give him some time to settle, he really is precious!

We can also tell that he has been used to ‘tossing his weight’ around to either get his way or to avoid having to do something and we continue to work on those manners!

Leash manners are coming slow and sure!!

I really am so smitten with him AND the really amazing thing he did today too was to give blood whereby the serum is going to be used to help another dog in another Rescue. WTG! rockstar!

If you did not know, Danes are universal blood donors and BHRR’s Caramel, you are a hero!!! Lifesaving! 

We shall be back to see the Vet in 3 weeks and will discuss more re: possible allergy meds and I will be working on switching him over to a fish based only food – also being mindful of his GI issues – as we believe he has food allergies and quite possibly seasonal too. He is presently on a chicken, turkey and herring based food and we will start a slow gradual transition off of it.

BHRR’s Percival!
Fox Red Lab

ISO: Someone who would be open to donating their time to do some professional photo’s of him. We like to post our requests on facebook so that people can offer if they are able and willing to instead of us reaching out to specific people as we would never wish anyone to feel like they had to take photo’s…

Please do email if you have some time over the next couple of weeks to do his professional photo shoot as he gets that much closer to being able to make his own special announcement!

He was at the Vet today and now weighs 37.10 kgs(81.62 pounds). We love for him to stay within the 35-37 kg range. He was 35.4 kgs at his last Vet visit and so we are working on his food intake to level things out for maintenance now. So, we going to go down to 5.5 cups of kibble per day and 1/2 cup of wet canned food and treats.

When he first arrived, he was almost 92 pounds and lacking muscle mass plus tone.

He looks fantastic and he still hates that scale! Wants to ‘toss his weight around’ yet, we get the job done.

His ears, skin and anal fistula’s have all resolved successfully under the proper fish food regime and the antibiotics plus allergy meds – Apoquel. He remains on the Apoquel every other day. His Lymes treatment of the Doxycycline is now also done.

We are extremely strict re: his diet and as treats he gets the wet form of his D/D Salmon food. He gets it with his pills and we discussed with his wonderful foster Mama(this is her 3rd BHRR Foster dog) picking up some of the Mini Zuk’s Salmon treats to try.

His foster mama says that he just runs to his crate and then sits for his food so adorably.

She has been working so diligently on his worry re: stairs and he is doing it! AND so proud of himself he is from what I am told when he gathers up all of his courage and does the stairs in their home. WTG Team!

Today, he was healthy enough for his DAPP and his Lymes plus Lepto vaccines and will be back in 3 weeks time for his boosters.

Per his very detailed blog, come the spring, he will require not only his regular Heartworm and Tick borne disease testing yet also the Quant 6 bloodwork to be sure that the Lymes disease has been successfully treated.

This boy has a huge fan club and he has been a really treat of a dog to have with BHRR.

Taking this boy in has also taught us once again that by doing the right thing can come at a price of taking some heat. Yet, we will continue to stand tall plus strong that with his Vet Bills now over $3,000, we have continued to go up and beyond in making sure that he along with all of the dogs in our program have lacked for nothing!

This experience has also made us add to our upcoming BHRR BOD & Advisory Board meetings that we will once again re-visit doing the intake of owner surrenders. Many other groups currently no longer do so and we continue to well understand why they do not accept owner surrenders any longer.

BHRR’s Percival, you are worthy and deserving and it was such a pleasure seeing you again today!! 

Thank you to your beautiful Foster Mama for bringing you in this AM. She had to have been exhausted working nights and then coming to this apt. and we are so grateful to her!

Happy New Year to all of our friends, family and supporters!

2020 marks our 24th year of operation and none of this would have been possible without EACH of you!

Thank you from our hearts for your belief in what we do and why we are so needed in the community! 

Some updates on our upcoming BHRR Events for 2020!

1) We still have 3 tickets available to our January 16th @ Don Cherry’s in Kanata – Make Your Own Custom Sign event! Over 500+ designs or make your own!

$15 from each ticket comes to rescue and between the Boerskins and The Maracles, we have a Bakers Dozen of homemade Cinnamon Buns and an Apple Crumble Pie entered into draws for all of our attendees!

Please visit the link to buy your ticket(s)!

2) Our 8th Annual Breaking Bills Bake Online Auction will start January 18th and we are seeking Bakers! You do not need to be located in our area to donate!

We will post your item(pics are lovely!) and the location(s) of where said items can be picked up.

Do note that please do not offer up an item(s) if you will not honour your donation.

Please email if you would be willing to donate a baked item for humans and/or doggies!

3) We are still in conversation as to whether we shall host a February BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house. We did so for close to 18 years and then stopped holding the February event due to several reasons.

With how popular they are, we are still deciding if we shall offer up one in February. Stay Tuned!

The 3 blind/deaf mice are seen here with Mason as part of our annual traditional Xmas Eve photo’s. This year, as I was working throughout the Holiday Season, we did our photo shoot tonight instead!

They are sporting their Wiggle Bumz Collars that I purchased for them in 2019 and if were not for your support, their futures would not be as it is today…ones of such happiness, the best of health possible considering that they are DM and a life of such quality!

They will be 15 months of age on the 21st of January. Far surpassing the life expectancy that several gave to them…..

They are coming up due for their annuals and that is going to be an adventure! 

If you believe in what we do, please do consider supporting our cause….today alone, we have received 263 emails requesting our assistance for urgent animals in need of our highly specialised programs.

Donations can be made direct to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-3881

OR via PayPal to

OR via email transfer to

Once again please know how much what our friends, family and supporters do for the animals of BHRR means to us….

You are those strong links on that BHRR “CHAIN OF SUCCESS’

We look forward with you standing by the sides of those in need of our programs to have our best rescue year to date for as much as we would wish that r/q Rescue did not have to exist, it is a necessity…….