BHRR’s Sawyer!
He had his annual tonight and weighed a solid 60.2kgs(132.44 pounds).
He was amazing!
For a boy that can be nervous out and about in strange situations, he really was a big rock star!
He is so friendly and affectionate to those that he trusts and just needs a few moments to just relax and soak up the atmosphere.
When he is in his element he is a real ham and he was showing that side off tonight in the exam room. Such a hoot! A bit of show-off actually! LOL
Sharing the hand shakes, the drool and the loving! 
He was great around all the people, other dogs and even a cat. He was only unsure of a really tall gentleman that was there and only gave a very soft, almost unheard release of air that could barely be described as a ‘woof’.
He reassured beautifully and felt most safe snuggled between my arms/legs WHICH I did not allow him to do for longer than a moment, as I do not enable inappropriate behaviour.
We have worked long and hard for him to stand comfortably and with the proper level and amount of confidence and he responded so wonderfully tonight!
His Vet commented on his lovely coat and how gentle he was to take treats. 
Great car ride in, great vet visit and what a great dog!
On a side note; per my post last night, please do be patient as I work to co-ordinate all of the auction items.
I do have other careers and a family and many rescue priorities and am only one person. So, please do bear with me as I am doing my very best to make sure all winners are reached out to by Sunday night.
So, I promise to make contact with you. 

BHRR’s Char – ~12-15 month GD
November 2018

She is slowly and so wonderfully putting on the much needed muscle mass and weight that she needs.

Yes, the way she is standing ‘hides’ quite a bit of her still current state of emaciation yet I love this photo as you can see how truly gorgeous she is! 

She is no longer cowering with tail tucked tight up to her body from the first pictures sent our way of her. 

Yes, she has scars on her face and on her body and survived being hit by a moving vehicle – one note stated train and AC who remembers the call have told us it was a transport – and also survived being chained up outside in the mud, starved plus neglected.

This BBBB is amazing! She is absolutely a beautiful girl…inside and out! Strong, feisty, a real character, small, mighty, playful and has been amazing with all the dogs to date.

Her eyes no longer hold terror and confusion. 

She does suffer from understandable SA and we are working through that one day at a time. 

Her manners are also greatly lacking yet baby steps….

I remain so grateful to Sam, Karen & Jane for all that they have done to help save her! 

Our 11th Annual “JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS” Online Auction shall have all monies raised go towards her mounting Vet Bills. Auction ends Thursday November 29th @ 9 PM EST

Bills To Date: $645.33

Our 11th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction now has 109 amazing items up for bids!

We have just added our last wonderful 12 items!

Auction ends TOMORROW – Thursday November 29th @ 9 PM EST!

We have just added more of Kimberly’s incredible homemade vanilla and also Bailey’s fudge, kitchen towels, 3 x gorgeous The Crazy Dog House Key Chains plus a See Sawyer Run Web Master Harness!

Thank you’s extended once more FROM our hearts to Kimberly, Jan & Uta for their lovely donations!

To learn more and to bid on any of the wonderful gems up for grabs, you have to visit the Auction!

**NOTE: PLEASE note the pick up area(s) for any items you may be interested in. NOT all items can be shipped!**

For anyone that may have an item to donate, please do email It is not too late to consider our cause. All monies raised shall go to the emaciated/severely neglected GD BHRR’s Char!

We remain so devastated that we could not save BHRR’s Bane yet are hoping that you may continue to consider supporting our rescue efforts so that we can help BHRR’s Char.


BHRR’s Bane

BHRR’s Bane, this post is so unbelievably difficult to make yet it must to be done. I will continue to do my best in doing right by you.

I am so sorry that so many failed you….I am so sorry that I could not save you in the end and I have been working so hard behind the scenes working to get what justice I can for you.

You touched a community BHRR’s Bane….and that community needs to know that your story continues, even after you were laid to rest at BHRR. Letting you go was positively horrible. Your life was hell before you came into Rescue and we wanted to give you a future full of promise, free of pain and one of health, happiness plus spoiling hands.

To update everyone – we have not one yet two cases that have taken much time to pull together for I cannot sleep at night, I cannot eat well, I have nightmares for what BHRR’s Bane went through, not just in the hands of those who severely neglected/abused him; yet in the hands of supposed medical professionals in TO. It was wrong on so many levels.

This is not a post to honour your incredible memory, dear sweet BHRR’s Bane….that will come for you deserve a post dedicated all to you and not to the things that this post shall be addressing. You deserve a post not of anger, pain, disappointment, frustration, etc…you deserve so much better/more. That will come….you will never be forgotten. I promise you that… 

To all of our supporters, friends plus family, thank you immensely for your understanding that even though we had not yet made a post re: this precious boy, that if one had not yet been made that there had to be very valid reasons why. Thank you also to all of our supporters, friends plus family that know us well and that since 1996 we have always made the tough posts that needed and should be made, believing 100% in transparency and full disclosure.

We have always made the good, the bad, the great and the ugly in updates as we believe that we are accountable not just to the animals in need of us, or to those that have asked us to assist these special animals yet to all those that have given of themselves in time, well wishes, donations be it financial and/or otherwise plus have been there for us/the dogs. We are nothing without our BHRR “CHAIN OF SUCCESS” links and you have proven to be so strong and kind many times over since our inception in 1996.

To those closest to BHRR’s Bane’s unbelievable fight for his life, they had also been kept regularly updated of all the ups, downs, heartaches, the amazing, the truly brutal and the reality of his story.

When we were asked to assist this boy, he had already been to a Vet and this should have been a ‘straight forward’ severe emaciation case. What none of his rescuers knew at the time was that he was far sicker and far more abused/neglected. He is literally one of the worst cases I have ever worked to help save in almost 30 years in rescue AND we focus on the truly broken/in need animals. With that one first Vet prior to us assisting him not properly vetting him, unfortunately, and unbelievably another Hospital in TO – one we never used before and never shall again – also did not do right by him. We are hoping for a ruling in our favour from the one case we have worked hard to pull together to submit. We will share more on this as we can.

To think that anyone would believe that we would never update re: BHRR’s Bane yet would ‘take money’ after he was crossed over, when we well knew how many came together to root and cheer and cry along with us, no longer shocks us.

AND to state very clearly there was only one donation accepted AFTER the decision was made with his wonderful Vet voicing what Sean/I had already discussed to humanely cross over BHRR’s Bane. That was from Maia who sent us an email for a Hospital Staff member had told her when she was at a Vet Hospital about BHRR’s Bane. This kind soul emailed us and insisted that we still accept this caring donation and we put it towards the still outstanding almost $4,000 in his Vet Bills. They had reached out to us saying they understood why we had not collected the donation and wanted us to still collect it.

We have NEVER taken one nickel, dime, quarter or otherwise since he was let go. Sean/I have been working to pay off his remaining almost $4,000 Vet bills out of our own pockets. Anyone who contacted us wishing to make a donation or did make a donation, was informed that we were no longer taking donations and the appropriate action taken.

We will NEVER see any dog suffer and when it became clear that an infection had spread to his lungs – one possible cause was that the bad infection from his spine – and it was believed that he had the infection in his spine from the horrible infection spreading from his bladder/kidneys etc. – was the reason why – and that his chances of survival became beyond a poor prognosis, he was humanely crossed over. To see him go downhill so fast was very hard and in looking into his eyes, I knew what his heart was telling me. Would he keep fighting, I know he would for me yet he could no longer breathe easily and it was getting worse so fast. In the space of less than 24 hours, this quick deterioration had occurred.

I have always given credit where credit is due. I have always thanked with all of my heart and with truest genuine thanks as that is how I feel and felt with each and every life saving gift that was sent to help us help this sweet poor Dane OR any animal.

I wish to thank again each and every WOW angel that came together to help BHRR’s Bane for the right reasons. The angels that did not make this about them, wanted the pats on their back, felt they were more entitled or were important than all others who gave of their own selves to help.

To us, every person who shared a well wish, shared his story, cried with us, smiled with us, cheered/rooted for him, donated material items and/or made financial donations – ALL of you deserve our deepest thanks, our forever indebted gratitude, our appreciation, our humbled words of the biggest kind for all you did for him. To us $5 is huge and whether it was $5 or $500 that came his way, you made a BIG difference towards his over $12,000+ to give him all that he would need for this fight, to show him loving hands over hurting hands etc.

I remain so beyond filled with warmth over your hearts…..

BHRR’s Bane, please forgive me that you could not be saved….I wanted so much more for you….you deserved it.

PS: To anyone that has physical contact information for those responsible for his condition, as always, please do email it to First hand witness accounts also still being accepted.

Our 11th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction now has 86 amazing items up for bids!

We have just added a Kobot RV353 Robotic Vacuum!
Description: Entry-level robotic vacuum. Can be programmed to run at a scheduled time. Includes charging station and pad for wet or dry sweeping.

Donated so generously by Dolores! Thank you!

To learn more and to bid on any of the wonderful gems up for grabs, you have to visit the below link! 

**NOTE: PLEASE note the pick up area(s) for any items you may be interested in. NOT all items can be shipped!**

For anyone that may have an item to donate, please do email It is not too late to consider our cause. All monies raised shall go to the emaciated/severely neglected GD that arrived on last week!

BHRR’s Char weighs just under 80 pounds and though she may be emaciated plus on antibiotics for healing wounds etc., she is absolutely stunning!

BHRR’s Bowen!
November 23rd, 2018

He has put on another small amount of excellent weight plus muscle mass gain and he got the thumbs up to have his boosters and the ok to move forward with his second surgery! 

His coat looks even better and the strength he has developed in his hind end since his arrival is so fantastic. Plus, his rectal area looks fabu now! We will take more pics when he is under for his urgent dental surgery. 

So much stronger, healthier and happier! 

WTG you flirt of a man! You may not see well yet you still can easily find the pretty ladies! 

Thank you Britney at KAH for the photo and yes, he is wearing a coat….finally he  & I came to an agreement! With the brutal cold temps here right now, he really needs a coat, even for the few moments he has to be outside to go to the bathroom.

Ellie White – remember when he could barely stand the night we picked him up? How his hind end would shake and he would stumble and sink down?

Look how strong he is in the hind end now! His Vet has been so impressed with his weight/muscle mass/toning! 

November 16th, 2018

BHRR’s Bowen(Severely Neglected Senior Great Dane)
November 16th, 2018
BHRR Winter Wonderland Day 

His face when I wanted to put a Dog Coat on him! LOL 

He is back at the Vet on Friday for a recheck and his second surgery is scheduled for November 28th. 

Vet Bills To Date: Over $3,000

BHRR’s Char, our newest BBBBB was at the Vet Today.

Yes, that is a scar on her face from some past trauma and she has many scars on her body. Does not detract from her stunning beauty though! 

She now weighs 79.2 pounds!

She has put on significant weight since she was first rescued and needs at this time – for her current age ~12-15 months and body frame – about another 20 pounds of muscle mass/weight gain. 

She did so well for her exam, especially for a Dane that recently could not even be touched. 

We could not get a great look in her mouth or ears yet nothing was alarming with what was seen and as she settles, her Vet will be able to examine her even more thoroughly. 

She has been placed on antibiotics for the wounds on her feet and we do not want her to develop any behavioural inclination towards continuing to lick at the sores. So, she wears a cone and we have Cortavance Spray to help with soothing the area’s. 

We did a more detailed blood panel on her today and it came back with great results! Once she has put on more weight plus muscle mass and is less stressed/anxious, she will be spayed.

To date, she has been tested for heartworm plus tickborne diseases, had pre-op blood work done, a fecal done, was de-wormed twice and we are de-worming again, was treated for fleas and shall remain on flea medication, has been placed on tick and heartworm meds, has been microchipped etc.

Her Vet noted in her records that it states that she was actually hit by a train and not a vehicle that caused that leg injury. This poor girl certainly has gone through a lot in her life. 

Her leash manners basically are non-existent and that will all change. 

She does some inappropriate displays of behaviour such as barking twice in the car on the drive in to get people to notice her plus in her run at the Hospital. 

She has anxiety mixed into the mix and a reminder to all to remember about a reactive dog is that they are not trying to give us a hard time, they are trying to tell us they are having a hard time. 

I called Sean and he left work early – Gosh, how I LOVE that man! – to pick her up and bring her home so that she did not have to stay any longer than necessary.

She is excellent in her colossal crate at home and her rehab journey is just beginning…

Her personality is vast like the universe and she has already determined that she is to be integrated with the other dogs! She is a force to be reckoned with this one and not going to be for the faint of heart! 

She is already working to keep me on my toes and I absolutely am loving every minute! ?

Just a reminder that our 11th ANNUAL ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ online auction is running and all money raised shall go towards her mounting Vet Bills.

We currently have 74 WOW items up for grabs!

Please pay attention to the pick-up location(s) as NOT all items can be shipped – and to bid!

We will continue to try and add items daily! Please do email if you may consider BHRR’s Char’s cause to support and wish to donate an item! 

Vet Bills To Date: $645.33


BHRR’s Bowen along with the newest addition taking a walk about!

He has completely taken her under his wing…if anyone understands what it is like to be severely neglected, BHRR’s Bowen does….

He is scheduled for his next recheck on Friday and then is scheduled to have his next surgery on the 28th. We continue to forward on all documentation to the SPCA of Welland. He has an investigator assigned to his case. 

I do not believe our newest beauty is 18 months of age. I believe that she is younger. Once she settles more, I will get a good look at her molars etc. 

She makes my heart just pitter patter. She is so precious and to think that someone would knowingly chain her up outside and starve her is so heart breaking. This young lady already had a prior history of being hit by a car and the locale humane society paid to fix her leg. 

A special shout out to Karen plus Samantha of Coffee County AC plus to Just Paws for tagging us to assist her! 

Thank you to each and every angel that helped transport her, to those that overnighted her on Friday, to Sandy for overnighting her last night AND also for your generous donation of that lovely coat to help cover up that poor emaciated body in this cold. 

To whomever gave her that cute collar, THANK YOU! 

AND here is the link to our 11th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction to help with her bills. Currently, we have 70 items up for bidding! 

All money raised shall go towards her mounting Vet Bills. She is back at the Vet on Tuesday. She has lick granuloma’s, we want a re-weigh and to do a more detailed blood panel on her etc.

The progress this girl has already made has been amazing! Just amazing! When she was first rescued, she could not be touched at all……and the weight gain she has already had. YOU go sweet girl!

She is still nameless…so keep the great name suggestions coming! 

Got her! 

I finally get to put my loving hands on her!

She will need a name also! Name guru’s?! 

More soon as there are so many to thank and my first post went MIA! 

Not the best pics yet here she is! 

AND here is the link to our 11th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction to help with her bills. Currently, we have 53 items up for bidding! 














This gorgeous picture was take by Sandy who so kindly did one of her overnights!

THANK you also to Sandy for her generous donations towards our 11th Annual “JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS” Online Auction whereby all monies raised will go towards her care. 

Per Sandy, she was incredible with their dogs, loved to play and even sat on their laps! Well, that sounds like a true GD! 

A photo courtesy of Holly taken on one of her legs of her transport!

I have been hearing how sweet and smitten people are with her. 

BHRR’s Bogart is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We shall update as we can!

AND she is on her way….

The severely neglected/emaciated ~18 month old Female Great Dane. Where once she could not even be touched, amazing progress has been made – Thanks Karen, Jane & Samantha for all you have done for her! – and she has put on significant weight.

She had been chained up outside and starved. 

Last weight was just over 80 pounds. 

Safe travels pretty girl….I cannot wait to meet you. 


Vet Bills To Date: $230

November is Adopt-a-Senior-Pet Month. 

It is such a sad reality that these great animals are often overlooked to be adopted.

As November is Adopt-a-Senior-Pet Month, we hope, with your help, to assist these amazing older pets by spreading their stories in the wish that their right matched forever loving homes may find them.

Available For Adoption is BHRR’s Eve! 

Age: 8.5 years young
Loves: Her butt rubbed/scratched – she will instantly become your best friend! Talk about an ice breaker with her! 
Hobbies: 1) Stealth mode approaching and standing quietly by your elbow as you type & staring at you until you get the feeling you are being ‘creeped on!’ 
2) Master at food sneaking in a nano second 
Dislikes: Not being fed on time and it is like she can count. She knows if someone may get two treats and she only gets one! She does not care if the two small treats are the same size as the one she gets. 
Health Issues: NONE

As is said, ‘you have come a long way baby’ and she has. Very proud of you, gorgeous girl.

Her very thorough blog journals her whole story from the very beginning. It will answer all of your questions.

All of our adoption processes, policies and criteria can be found on our home website too. –

After reading all of the detailed information, should any home feel that they may qualify to adopt her, please do feel free to submit an application to the BHRR BOD to review.

Posted in Eve

GENTLE Reminder!

Ends tonight!

We know of 25 peopled signed up to date! Every year, we have several others that then surprise with their own contributions!

More details in the poster!

All monies raised shall go to assist BHRR’s Bowen with his bills. He is back in for a recheck on November 23rd and is then scheduled for his next surgery November 28th – this one on his mouth – he has at least one tooth broken at the gum-line, one cracked tooth and until he has his dental x-rays, we will not know how many extractions he shall require.

All documentation continues to be sent to the SPCA of Welland who has informed us that an investigator is assigned to his case.


BHRR does not adopt out during the XMAS season due to our position that it is not in the best interest of any new addition being added during such a busy, exciting and somewhat stressful time for many.

Quite a few other Rescues, Shelters, Pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing for over 2 decades.

Our XMAS Shut down period for this year is from Thursday December 13th, 2018 to Thursday January 3rd, 2019 inclusive.

Any applications received during this time will be processed/reviewed as of Friday January 4th, 2019!

As always during this time, BHRR is available 24/7 for requests for assistance of animals in need. We shall also network accordingly for, as the local Great Dane/Giant Breed Rescue since 1996, the welfare of the animals are our top priority. We do not wish to see any animal end up in a disreputable place of which sadly there are far too many out there.

Thank you for your continued understanding – The BHRR Team

This December 24th, 2017 picture is of Mason & his Dane, Dynamo(Cookie Dough Dynamo) 

BHRR’s Whisper!

There really are no better words to say other than that she is now in her right matched personality fit loving forever adoptive home. She is where she is meant to be.

With BHRR’s Rubble’s adoption, I welled up outside my car when leaving, as he also had waited so patiently for so long; so after his emotional adoption yesterday to my heart; I could not quite hold back the spring of tears in my eyes while I was still at the home-visit for BHRR’s Whisper. Yet, none spilled over and everyone was so gracious to forgive my lapse…. ?

I mean I am so so so happy for them both and while this ends my own story of several years journey with them both…they will begin amazing new chapters in their lives.

Two big personalities have now left my home and I am very proud of both of these Danes! From where they started to where they are now, is light years away and my hearts bursts with so much love for them both. ?

BHRR’s Whisper, I know BHRR’s Steam will also be smiling with incredible joy for you as she took you right under her wee wing when you first arrived!

BHRR’s Whisper & BHRR’s Rubble, we never gave up, we remained patient and even if you both were never adopted, home would be with us as we will only place to the right homes meant for you and it has now happened!

BHRR’s Whisper, we do not look upon this adoption as losing you….what we have gained instead is an amazing WOW home to be added to our beautiful BHRR Family! ? Welcome to them!

All home-visits should feel this natural for while it may have taken this long for this lovely home to find you, the wait has been SO worth it!

You will bring extensive laughter, some head shaking ? and total warmth to all that you will touch with your gorgeous spirit and character filled soul in your new life. I know that our paths shall cross again in the future and I look forward to seeing you and your ‘big’ brother….

Congratulations to this wonderful home and truly who does not love a home that likes to rescue and owns a tripod! ??

I now make the drive home filled with vast peace knowing she is home and only that measure of sadness for the part of me that will miss her….

Thank you again Cindy for doing this home-visit with me.


AND we are on our way!

On our way to do BHRR’s Whisper’s Home-Visit for her own possible approved adoption!

We will post as we can.

She just kills me!! ? Her facial expressions are the best ever! ?


Unfortunately, this home is in fact, not in a position to adopt at this time and we all agree that BHRR’s Burst needs to go to that right match personality fit home meant for her! 🙂 She is happy, healthy, active, uber affectionate and very social….

BHRR’s Bogart, The Weim! 

Today, he weighed a wonderful 71.72 pounds! 

He is hanging out at work with me and is NONE too impressed! I feel eyes burning into my back! 

BHRR’s Rubble

Thank you to this wonderful home for considering to adopt from BHRR again! They adopted from us in 2009 & then again in 2010 and now in 2018!

BHRR’s Rubble had their hearts for a long time and they even said that if they had been looking for a second Dane, BHRR’s Giselle would be the one.

BHRR’s Giselle, your own right matched personality fit forever loving home is out there and thank you SO much to this home for giving them both a great overnight special play date last night! 🙂

Every play date and visit just helps us help make our dogs that much more well rounded and balanced! ? It teaches them more about helping hands and gives them more positive experiences.

Mr. Rubble, you waited so patiently for so long for that right matched forever loving home to find you and I am beyond happy…few tears for me outside my car upon leaving yet they are mostly over the moon ecstatic ones. As so many know, he was super bonded to me and I have worked hard to set him up right for just this moment, as he is a highly adoptable boy and will thrive in this home! Lord knows, I shall deeply miss you yet I so wanted you to have an incredible home to adopt you and you feel you still need me, yet, you do not… are going to be totally ok! Trust me…just one more time, trust me dear Mr. Rubble!

Thank you again to Gail – who also adores BHRR’s Rubble – for assisting at this home-visit!

BHRR’s Giselle & I are now on our way to make the shy of 5 hour drive home and tomorrow night is BHRR’s Whispers own home-visit for a possible Approved adoption. She also has been patiently waiting a very long time as have we for that right home to find her.

Happy Sunday everyone!

So, these two gorgeous Danes are now dropped off for a special overnight play date!

Then tomorrow, I shall be doing a home-visit in the Guelph, Ontario area to see if one may be a right matched personality fit for a possible approved adoption.

Have a great play date BHRR’s Giselle & BHRR’s Rubble!

On September 2nd, we received an email from BHRR’s Hollywood’s adoptive home to say:

‘I am sorry to say that I do not believe that I am the owner for Holly. I  have come to realise that I do not have the energy or patience required to bring out the best in a puppy.’

The home went on to say that she did not trust her around her grandchildren. We had made it very clear from the moment this application was received that BHRR’s Holly was not to be set up for failure and be around young children. She was to have extreme little exposure. She is young, very active, extremely affectionate and we also were full of disclosure re: her tendency to want to resource guard at times. 

Throughout, the complete adoption process that included a home-visit, this home had been conversed with in respect to the above.

We also made it very clear that we would not adopt her to a home with young children or a home that would have young children frequently visiting. We were assured many times over that this would not be the case. We stressed that we were aware that they had grandchildren that lived nearby and that we did not wish to have BHRR’s Holly nor any human set up for failure. We continued to be assured that this would not happen.

We emphasised the big need for her to be kept active and mentally plus physically stimulated. We were informed re: their plans for walks, off leash time etc. 

We were full of disclosure re: BHRR’s Holly. We feel seeing a dog end up in rescue one time is one time too many and this breaks our hearts when a dog comes back to us. BHRR has a second to none adoption success rate and this is because we know these dogs inside out and we work to be beyond thorough in our adoption processes. 

Yet, unfortunately, in this case, BHRR’s Holly came back to BHRR on September 4th and this is through NO fault of her own. We must stress this. She did not do anything wrong in the home and we have kept her in our rehab program allowing her to settle back in. When she first arrived back to us, she was doing a bit of growling at The Boerskins plus the dogs. 

However, it did not take much time for her to relax back into our house. We then spent many weeks discussing if we should place her back up for adoption and we do feel hopeful that there is a right matched personality fit home meant for her out there so, she is now back as AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!