This handsome young man was neutered & microchipped today. BHRR’s Rickards.

His repeat bloodwork after finishing his first round of antibiotics plus completing his de-worming protocol gave him the thumbs up to be neutered.

All the pics Sean took were fuzzy of him today so no new photo’s to share of him yet we will get professional ones done of him in March.

He is hovering just under 120 pounds and is still slowly putting on the weight.

He remains on antibiotics for his skin and he shall have a recheck in mid-March to see where things stand.

If all goes well, perhaps by end of March, BHRR’s Rickards will have his own special announcement to make!

He has been great with all the females here yet has wanted to bully two males – twice now of my 7 month old Wolfie and once, BHRR’s Rubble(AVAILABLE For Adoption). We are working on acceptable / appropriate manners and he is responding beautifully….

Play Date #2!

What a wonderfully crazy busy day today!

While I had to work, this handsome man, our fabu tripod BHRR’s Hercules had his regular T4 test plus had a mani/pedi and then he went on his first of two play dates today! He remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

He was loved on and snuggled and cuddled and after this sweet play date was over, he went to another approved BHRR Volunteer and hung out and snoozed and was further loved! Thank you Karen for thiese super photo’s!

After work, Sean & I then attended an amazing birthday party hosted by a truly kind lady, Christa whose son Jackson turned 8 and in lieu of Birthday pressies, he chose our deaf/blind Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson to support! He had his right eye removed February 6th. For those that follow this awesome Dane pup on his group, a Gwennie novel was posted with tons of photo’s of Jackson meeting Jackson at the TD Centre where the birthday party was hosted! It was such a special moment seeing both Jacksons meet!!

Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson rocked it! He is such a sound plus well balanced pup that saw nothing phase him… two elevator rides, stairs, people, kids, the hockey game, the underground parking garage, buses and busy traffic etc….he is excelling in his scent plus touch training!

AND we also approved a new BHRR Volunteer today! Welcome to the BHRR fam….officially Gracie!

When I arrived home, a deeply heartwarming email by one of our great approved homes, was waiting for me to say we had been chosen as the recipient of a work Valentine’s Day Fundraiser and $475 shall come our way! This will go towards our ever increasing vet bills!

What little voice I had coming back is now long gone yet what a deeply inspiring day thanks to so many!!

I say this often yet truly the animals’ of BHRR are majorly blessed…..

There will be several photo’s posted in this thread of BHRR’s Hercules & Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson’s day!

Good night wishes being sent from my home to all of our friends, family and supporters!

This is BHRR’s Giselle on the way home from a Vet visit at LAH!

She is now a wiggly 58.5 kgs(128.70 pounds!). Hard to believe the once emaciated Dane is now reaching the chunky monkey stage! She has put on 25+ pounds of muscle mass & weight since her arrival! WTG!

AND her personality! Amazing…she has really settled down the healthier she has become with that skin, ears/eyes, feet etc….she is not yet 100% yet no longer one raw wound. She is a real class clown….one still with a strong mind of her own for sure though! Major obedience, consistency and structure has also helped her too….a lot!

As we prepare for the next steps with her per my one fairly recent post…. the Vet did end up doing an ultrasound today. The Vet had told us this already weeks ago, finding an ovary remnant is so difficult to do via an u/s. We also know this as being factual from the one and only case we have had to date in our over 21 years with BHRR, of a Dane having an ovary remnant from a spay (spay was prior to coming into rescue). We did an u/s and no uterus/ovaries were seen as we wanted to be sure she was spayed and then mere days later she did go into a heat and so, the surgical search was then on for the ovarian remnant and it was found. She was subsequently adopted when healed!

What BHRR’s Giselle’s Vet did today was check that she did not have an uterus or ovaries that could be seen. This would support the ‘scar’ found January 10th when she was brought in to be spayed and also support the virtually non-existent progesterone level testing we were recommended to do the same day the scar was found.

BHRR’s Giselle is now officially confirmed as having no uterus or noticeable ovaries.

So, surgery it shall be for her to find that ovary remnant. Our 2nd Dane in 21+ years of operating that will have had an ovary remnant. AND BHRR’s Maple could be our third…..per that same fairly recent post. We are in a hold pattern with her right now.

At the time BHRR’s Giselle has her surgery, I also would like to have the one eye with the mild entropion addressed again for possible surgical correction for it still bothers her even with the eye infections resolved plus swelling greatly reduced.

BHRR’s Giselle…..we work hard to do right by all of our dogs and so sorry for all the poking & prodding…….to get to the same end result we were at January 10th….that this is a spay scar and then on February 5th….that you do indeed have some remnant of an ovary, it shall be surgically removed and your UTI is gone!


Her Vet cauterizing and making her comfortable again!

Posted in Ani

Her mouth during surgery – *graphic* and one of the nasty growths removed!


Posted in Ani

This BBBBB – Haven Dog BHRR’s Ani had her third mouth surgery today….I did her pre-op bloodwork and recheck exam last week in prep for her surgery.

Isn’t she gorgeous?!

We will be hosting another small flash auction to help pay for her surgery bills, BHRR’s Maple(who has one, yet possibly two more surgeries ahead of her), BHRR’s Giselle’s own surgery and BHRR’s Rickards latest round of antibiotics and his neuter!

Busy times….yet the BHRR doggies shall never lack for anything…..whatever they need….

Posted in Ani

BHRR’s Baby Kaos is ‘home’. ADOPTED!

From having this wee squishie in my heart and home since he was 6 weeks of age, a big emotional felt day yet we knew what we wanted for him from the day we were asked to assist…..that we could rehab him successfully so that he could have that right matched personality fit forever loving home to call his very own!

In just a matter of weeks since he was finally ready to be placed up for adoption, he is now where he is meant to be! ADOPTED!

It was a long road to health my dear little man yet you did it! You make us feel so much joy in thinking about the future you will have and I will tell Salt, who shall also dearly miss you that you are truly happy!

Congrats to BHRR’s Kaos and to his really lovely and special home!! It was a true pleasure going through this adoption process with them and in meeting them today. Really kind people that join the ‘BHRR Fam’.

Thank you’s sent to them for the donation of towels too!

Thank you to Julie for helping me to do this home-visit. Sure wish I felt better and we could have spent some visiting time together!! Having you there was great! Thank you for the donation of paper towels and the stunning flowers plus those delicious delights! You are so giving and caring.

Thank you to Sean for all of your help to assist me get to this home-visit with me feeling so icky! You are a great man and I am blessed!!

BHRR’s Baby Kaos, may you fill this home with as much happiness, laughter, antics and gooberness as you have done to our own home!! A big personality has now officially ‘left the building!’

If I had been feeling better I would have loved to have seen more of this gorgeous area called Blue Mountains that BHRR’s Kaos was adopted to….another time!

Happy Sunday wishes being sent to all!

Time to drive home……

HRR’s Baby Kaos’ Bed is now moved beside mine and we are signing off for the night!

AND yes, that is actually Fawn along his ear.


We are here!

Tired yet safe! A long day that began at 6:00 AM, saw a full day at work and then did the drive here.

BHRR’s Baby Kaos had an excellent trip down! He just ate a light snack of food, drank plenty of water, explored every inch of the hotel grounds and now is happily chomping on his Dino bone with a special blanket to suck on(he loves to steal throws to just suck on!), comfy bed and two toys to play with!

Going to crash soon as I am still very much under the weather and no longer have a voice. Made checking in fun!

Lovely front end person when I checked in as did not pass on that I had a dog and so she waived the pet fee! She also loved my hair so she has excellent taste!

I will update all of BHRR’s Baby Kaos’ fans and friends tomorrow as I can and the most important thing is ensuring if this is his right matched forever loving home. If it is not, then it is not and he comes back home with me and to his bff that he grew up with, my Salt!

Has to always be about the right home fit!

Good night from Owen Sound, Ontario to all of you!

 AND we are on our way!

We shall post again after we arrive at our hotel in Owen Sound, Ontario


Busy times at BHRR!

BHRR’s Ani was at KAH last night for a quick exam and repeat bloodwork as we prepare for her third epulus ligament surgery.

Today BHRR’s Rain, one of our amazing Haven dogs went to her approved temp foster while BHRR’s Rickards left that same approved foster home to come to me. Thank you to them for stepping up to be his emerge temp foster for the last just shy of 6 weeks!

BHRR’s Rickards had a recheck today, we also did repeat bloodwork, he had his booster and another refill on antibiotics was given as his face/muzzle are battling some new area’s of rawness….he had finished his last round of meds February 8th. He was fawned and loved on by many and what a Mr. Nosey he is!! LOL It is great to finally meet him myself….I had been hearing from quite a few how fabu he is and he sure is!

Tomorrow, after work at the Hospital, I am making the long drive to Blue Mountains, Ontario with Mason and BHRR’s Baby Kaos to prepare for his home-visit for a possible approved adoption on the Sunday.

Thank you as well to Kelley for the donation of empty wine bottles and other goodies our way that Sean picked up today on his way home from work!

This picture is of the beautiful BHRR’s Rain in her approved temp foster home!

From our home to all of our friends and family, we hope that all of you have a most wonderful good night!



This handsome man, BHRR’s Rickards(EM) is leaving his emerge BHRR approved temp foster home on Friday to come to us.

Thank you to this wonderful BHRR approved temp foster home in stepping up to assist us in helping him, for keeping him safe plus loving on him for the last almost 6 weeks!

We were in urgent need of spot for him in so that he could get out of the rural pound he was in and we are truly grateful for their assistance! This boy was dumped as their home was having a baby and we gave him a new name for a fresh new beginning….

This home shall then temp foster their 6th foster for us – BHRR’s Rain as of Friday!

I will be repeating blood-work plus having a re-recheck on BHRR’s Rickards and hopefully we get normal results this time around and he can then be neutered!

Since his arrival in our rescue care, he has been de-wormed, put on revolution, had an exam, had pre-op bloodwork and heartworm plus tickborne testing done, was put on antibiotics for his skin and has received tons of love!

Thank you also to his rescue transport angels for sending me this photo of the handsome man! You both were there for us/him in an instant and we are so appreciative!

So looking forward in finally meeting this boy!

My last post of tonight! Been a busy day!

We are now taking registration for our next BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House – will be in April!

Please do email if you are interested in learning the date/details as we never post publicly as this is a limited registration event!

BHRR’s Eragon(Haven Dog) – says ‘GET’ your registration in early as we always fill up!

He is so enjoying the Winter Wonderland Day here!

3+ fenced in acres to safely run, romp and rip plus play in!

Many may remember that we were asked in November 2016 to assist BHRR’s Eragon as he had a court rap sheet and his O. could not longer keep him….not his fault, he had been abused yet, he paid the price for no longer wanting to be hurt….he is doing well……he is safe with us…..

He is so bonded to me and what can I say?! My heart is smitten with him also!

His face has been healing – he will always have a scar from that muzzle he once wore prior to rescue.

He has also put on much needed muscle mass & weight and looking mighty handsome! His tongue hanging out makes him even more endearing!

We will provide him all the best in quality of health, happiness and love!!

From our home to all of those that stand strong by us, that belief in what we do, why we exist and are needed, thank you and good night!

BHRR’s Steam Boat(Deaf/Visually Impaired)
One of our Honourary Great Danes/Giants
February 12th, 2017

Winter Wonderland Day Here!

BHRR’s Pearl!

She is ready to make her own special announcement!


She can go to a home with or without another dog as what is most important is for her to have a strong network in the community of doggie friends to hang with!

She needs to be reminded now and again about ‘sharing’ as she did not want to share water bowls upon arrival for example. She has zero issues now!

She can go to a home that works ft, pt, from home, sermi-retired or retired as she is another versatile BHRR Dog!

She is excellent with dogs and cats and people of all ages!

She is proof that age is truly only a number. She is fit, active, lean, healthy and uber affectionate! One lovely soul at our Community Education Event at PV Stittsville yesterday even thought she was a young pup! 😀

She is crate trained and has also proven trustworthy unsupervised.

She is fabu to do nails and to bathe and is an excellent passenger in a car.

She can take a few moments to warm up to strangers yet she is no longer painfully shy, or scared and if just offered a treat or passively ignored, she is quite the social bee! She is a quiet girl who has the most endearing ‘paw’ shake…she turns a bit sideways to do it. 🙂

She did fabu at our February 5th BHRR “EXPERIENCE” mini open house and also attended our February 11th Community Education event at PV Stittsivlle and ROCKED it!

At first, she derived confidence from BHRR’s Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson at our PV Sttittsville event and once she felt in her element, she was content to meet and greet people and be spoiled with treats plus loving. 🙂

To think that when she first arrived to BHRR she was so terrified that she could not be touched and was scared of her own shadow is still distressing yet to see her now….amazing!

WTG BHRR’s Pearl! WTG Pretty Pearl!

You are such a love and I am so proud of all that you represent!

BHRR is here for the Danes/Giants with a strong focus on the special needs that others cannot or will not assist and we are honoured to help!

First BHRR Winter Wonderland Day of 2017! 25+ cm of snow and counting!

BHRR’s Lion King Pumbaa!

Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson!
8 months of age – Deaf/Blind
6 days post right eye enucleation and nothing is holding him back!

He has been rocking his scent plus touch training and look at him go with such confidence!

Winter Wonderland Day February 12th, 2017

For Jackson, he knows no limits as we have not set any for him! He is happy, healthy and living a wonderful life thanks to so many Brazilian Rescue Angels standing by his and our side!

If you know of a Great Dane in need, please do not hesitate to contact us at

We are a federally registered NPO that has been operating for over 21 years! We have a strong focus on the special needs Danes/Giants.

We also provide a safe haven for life for those that are deemed non adoptable due to medical and/or behavioural reasons.

What a truly special day today @ Pet Valu Stittsville for our 3rd Annual Grooming For Gretta Event!!

Thank you to Bre and her really amazing staff yet again for being the perfect hosts!! No matter how many times I asked, they would not allow me to clean up after ourselves upon leaving either!!

Thank you to Manon of Groomingdale’s for helping to do nails plus ear cleanings! We did nails ranging from 8 week old Ranger, the lab to almost 9 year old Scotty the Saint Bernard! What a delight meeting so many great pets!!

Thank you to the Maracle Family x 4, The Boerskins x 3 & also to you dear Gracie for lending a hand today to talk to our lovely visitors, to wash doggies and to help handle the beautiful BHRR’s Pearl(she has an announcement to make soon!) & Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson! Each of you continue to inspire me with your caring hearts with all that you do for BHRR!!

Thank you to each kind and generous visitor that stopped by to spend some time with us! I apologise again as I was not feeling my best and had a cracking voice.

Thank you to PV for the donations, and to each loving soul that donated. It was extremely generous! Be it food, treats, a toy for Jackson and/or monies to our cause, items to auction off and even for the couple of beautiful gifts for us….we remain humbled and honoured by your belief and support in our Rescue work! Thank you for giving our Danes such a great experience!

Thank you Jan and Jenny for the Timmie’s treats too!

This photo is of Brenna, one of Jacksons’ Brazilian Rescue Angels. In December she bought him his very own Costco Dog Bed for him to have upon his arrival to BHRR… which was January 7th. She is holding her rose of thanks from him!!

The animals’ of BHRR are blessed and all of you helped raise $614 to help pay for Vet Bills of BHRR’s Maple & The Brazilian Dane Baby!

Despite it being a cold winter day, my heart is deeply warmed thanks to so many!!!

We are at Pet Valu Stittsville today to 4 pm!

Doing nails, ear cleaning and dog baths!

We have some merchandise for sale and Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson has been giving away roses!

This is BHRR’s Pearl looking out for our next guests!!

Thanks PV Stittsville for this amazing opportunity!!



BHRR’s Baby Kaos wants to say something!!

As of February 11th, he is now under a PENDING ADOPTION!

He was finally given the thumbs up by his ortho team to be placed up for adoption and we made that announcement January 1st, 2017 AND now less than 6 weeks later, he is under a PENDING ADOPTION!

Many have followed his journey to health very closely and have stood by his side every step of the way!!!

We shall update everyone as we can…..



BHRR’s Rain shall actually be heading to her perma-foster home February 17th.

This approved Volunteer home stepped up in our time of need to emerge temp foster BHRR’s Rickards from January 7th until the 18th of February(he is now coming the 17th to our home) and they will then take BHRR’s Rain.

This shall be their 6th foster for BHRR!



This is BHRR’s Giselle!

She went in to KAH for her spay on January 10th and this is what was found when she was shaved…a scar….I was so surprised to see this scar once she was shaved as the shelter had insisted that she was not spayed…..I went back and forth a few times on her case with the shelter as we wanted to be sure to spay her if she was not already spayed.

We dialogued if this was a c-section scar, umbilical hernia scar etc…I was told that ‘no, this was almost without doubt a spay scar.’

We were advised to do a progesterone test(expensive… ) to rule out via hormones if she was or was not spayed….we believe in doing all proactive and preventive vetting required/necessary on our dogs and without hesitation agreed. We go up and beyond as we want the very best for the dogs….

We did the bloodwork that same day and were told the next day that the results indicated that BHRR’s Giselle was in fact spayed.

Fast forward to Sunday February 5th and at our BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house, and some of the Pet Valu Stittsville lovelies that were visiting, grabbed me to say they thought she was in heat.

I go over and sure enough there are drips of blood and they do not ‘appear’ to be typical heat drops and ‘seemed’ possible it could be UTI related. Her last UTI was successfully resolved upon arrival to BHRR in September. BHRR’s Giselle was not doing any straining or frequent urination, there was no odour to her urine and her urine looks normal. Yet, still could not rule out another UTI.

So, I mentioned to all that I would get her back to KAH and so I had her there tonight.

As BHRR’s Giselle is on specific meds, most UTI’s, not all, yet most would be being treated soooooooooo, the Vet believes that quite possibly BHRR’s Giselle has a remnant of an ovary or that this scar is from another scenario including those listed above and another option could have been from an enterotomy. We do not know her past….we have no records of what she had and did not have prior to rescue.

Once BHRR’s Giselle stops her drips, we will go in and ‘explore’ her women bit area….

For us, we have only ever had one other Dane in 21 years have a remnant of an ovary and now we have possibly BHRR’s Giselle AND in dialoguing via email and also in person earlier today with BHRR’s Maple’s surgeon re: her own histio results, there is the strong possibility that she also has a remnant of an ovary as her medical condition(mammary masses) per the specialist is ‘hormone dependent’. BHRR’s Maple was spayed in August of 2016, the same day I also had BHRR’s Limerick spayed and BHRR’s Rubble neutered.

What are the chances that we have not one but two Danes with the exact same medical situation?!!!

So, yes….I am confused and a bit frustrated as we work so hard to do right by all of our Danes and now, more surgeries and more $$$ plus healing time for these sweet Danes shall be required…..

The last thing I want to do is put BHRR’s Maple through her third surgery since August and now BHRR’s Giselle to have to get back on the table herself….



Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson says ‘I am home…..took my pain meds and antibiotics like a champ, drank a bit, ate a bit and had tons of reassuring cuddles.’

He is now snoozing…..his eye area is naturally bruised plus swollen yet he is as handsome as ever!

So happy he is now home!!!

Thank you Brazilian Rescue Angels!

oday, this handsome young man met several of his amazing Brazilian Rescue Angels, and he and I met Maira for the first time…..

Another almost surreal moment that Jackson and Maira finally were able to meet!

Thank you Maira for coming today from Montreal and meeting us and other dogs in our program in need of us plus meeting other people who believed in what you and I plus Andrea were trying so hard to do and supported our rescue efforts for these Brazilian Dane Babies….

This was one of the beautiful moments caught today at our first BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house of 2017!

Maira, I hope you found him to be well and happy plus healthy!

$352 was raised today to help him with his eye removal surgery tomorrow!



BHRR’s Rickards(EM) – NOT Yet Available For Adoption & JL Pickard the kittie!

BHRR’s Rickards lovely emerge temp foster family sent this adorable picture my way yesterday!

They both snuggle and play together!

BHRR’s Rickards will be back into the Vet once his antibiotics are completed for a recheck and to do repeat bloodwork. If all goes well, we can then look towards booking his neuter.

I have been told that BHRR’s Rickards is doing fabu with his recall in their large yard and the ‘no kitchen’ when cooking rule is getting there.

He has gone through a bout of resourcing which is very common and back to boot camp basics! Now that the honeymoon period is ending – different lengths of times for different dogs – he is feeling comfortable.

I am working with his amazing emerge temp foster home on this and also on his minor SA and he is in great hands!

He will be heading to BHRR February 18th and cannot wait to meet him.

Truly, forever grateful to this home for stepping up and offering to emerge temp foster him plus to his transport BHRR angels in offering to help me mobilise fast to get him out of the rural pound he was in….thank you’s also to his first rescue angel, Kim in reaching out to us and asking if we could help him!

Always heartwarming to note how many people come together, and quickly when needed, all with the same goal in mind to help an animal in need….truly blessed as is this wonderful EM to have this amazing kind network as part of our BHRR village!

Happy Friday wishes to all!


BHRR’s Skye(Neo)
BHRR Haven Dog
Such a beautiful girl!
February 1st, 2017

All snuggled up and dozing in front of one of the fireplaces.

BHRR’s Lion King Pumbaa is scheduled for his annual on Thursday February 16th.

BHRR’s Hercules is scheduled for his next T4 test and a re-weigh on Saturday February 25th. He remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION to that right matched forever loving home.