This morning, Miss Flame had her Xpen door open and it did not take long to find out where she decided to finish out the rest of her sleep….

Smartie pants at four months of age has now figured out how to slide the pins on the door of her Xpen!

BHRR’s Flame(GDx) shall be spayed and microchipped on Thursday and shortly after, will have her special announcement to make!

She says Happy sleepy Tuesday to all!


This AM, I woke up to a cold nose on the back of my neck….rolled over and guess who?!

Does any one know who this gorgeous, Blue beauty is?

From so fear aggressive, she could barely be touched to one of the best snugglers and affectionate Danes ever to her circle of set up for success.

Strangers and crowds of people still make her worried yet, what progress she has made in being willing to trust……


Two more of BHRR’s Kaos’ x-rays from March 11th. I could not get them to post right in the previous blog post.

So, he shall not be making his special announcement any time soon. Yet, for that right matched home, it is not going to matter! They shall wait patiently for him!

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**UPDATE: X-rays from March 11th, just added***

Per his ortho specialist, he wants to wait until BHRR’s Kaos is between 12-18 months and re-visit. He would have hoped that BHRR’s Kaos’ *presented* better and feels that he would like to wait until Kaos is older.

Per his ortho specialist:

“There is effusion in the stifle but I think there will always be some.  He probably will be at increased risk for ruptured cruciate in the future but there is not much we can do about that. Once he is fully mature, 12 to 18 months, if he is still lame, then I would consider re-scope to re-assess his cruciate ligament, see if he is possible candidate for TPLO. Let’s see how he does as he continues to grow”

So, we maintain the status quo for now re: exercise, glucosamine supplements etc.

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***UPDATE: 27 NEW Items Added Tuesday March 22nd to the Facebook Silent Auction***

The detailed rules of this Silent Auction are posted in the first photo in this album.

As many are now aware, Sean has been diagnosed with a retro-peritoneal liposarcoma.

The current size of it is 8.2 cm x 10 cm x 21 cm. This is an extremely RARE cancer – less than 1%.

A short medical summary:

His third CT scan, this one on his chest has come back at this time clear of any enlarged lymph nodes and metastasis. His MRI not only confirmed that this was a complex surgery yet was even more complicated than once thought – ONLY two surgeries like he needs has ever been done to date by his two expert surgical oncologists.

His surgical team shall be upwards to 20 people now including his two surgical oncologists, his urologist and his ortho specialist plus supporting nursing team. His surgery is expected to be ~10-12 hours in length.

We now have a surgery date set of March 23rd.

We know that his one ureter is compromised, and that he may lose his one kidney. We know that he will have part of his colon removed and that his femoral nerve is at high risk of damage and./or removal. He will need to have his Psoas muscle completely removed and his Iliacus muscle will be partially removed.

He will also need to have the hernia repaired – the mass/tumour has herniated down his thigh and into his groin area.

They will send the whole mass/tumour off to histiopathology.

While we should be celebrating our 20th anniversary of operating BHRR, instead BHRR now faces an uncertain future. BHRR does not receive any corporate, provincial or federal government support. We operate on the kindness of donations, adoption fees and we do several yearly fundraisers. However, 60% of the payment towards BHRR’s expenses comes from the pockets of Sean and myself.

All of this is to say that we are not looking for sympathy or anyone to feel sorry for us.

Instead, what we are hoping to do to help ensure the future of BHRR is raise some monies to help with bills over the next three months for BHRR that we have always covered ourselves as Sean shall not be working and I myself am taking a month off without pay from my behavioural work plus shifts at the Hospital.

One way that we are hoping to cover bills is to do at least one Facebook silent auction. If anyone has an item or items that they would like to donate to this cause, please do email

If anyone wishes to make an independent monetary donation, they can do so via email transfer to or via PayPal to – Please use the ‘Friends & Family’ option so that we are not charged fees.

*The BHRR Auction will begin NOW
*The BHRR Auction will end at 9 PM EST on Sunday March 27th, 2016
*All bid prices are in Canadian funds.
*Bids must be done in $2.00 or Greater increments.

Any questions, please do email or call (613) 725-4279

BHRR’s Gentle Jake was at the Vet today.

He is now up another just shy of 10 pounds! A long way still to go yet, slow but sure….

He had his tickborne disease bw done, nails, was microchipped and had his final booster plus a thorough exam.

A big hit with all the people that met him today.

When the time comes, he is going to make that right matched home an absolutely incredible addition!



Someone is going to be temp fostered soon!! BHRR’s Miller

The wonderful home that is going to be temp fostering him has already fostered four dogs over the last ~5 years for BHRR!

BHRR’s Miller remains Available For Adoption!!


BHRR’s Flame had her final boosters tonight!

She was 12.3 KGs(27.06 pounds) tonight and was SOOOOO good! She is 3.5 months old now.

She showed everyone her lovely manners and was great other than one ‘moment’ when doing her nails….bossy bit of goods!

So, she has slowed down even further with her growing and so, taking after her sire even more now, whatever breed(s) he is! At the rate that she is now growing, she may make 70/75 pounds.

Mama GD Eve is doing well herself. s

Her spay is scheduled for the end of March and from there she shall be ready to make her special announcement!

In this picture as Sean/Kinsley ran into Costco, she and I hung out in the car tonight and she decided that she was going to ‘hold down’ the driver’s seat while we waited for Sean/Kinsley to return.

She has been an absolute treasure to have here….in so many ways!


As many know, BHRR is a Great Dane & Giant Breed Rescue that focuses strongly on the special needs and has been around since 1996. We are federally registered and are an all Volunteer Rescue. We also work with Equines.

We have a second to none adoption success rate and also provide a safe haven for animals that are deemed unadoptable due to medical and/or behavioural reasons. BHRR also has a program that works with the homeless and their pets each XMAS – Operation D.O.G. – Donating our Goodness plus we have a Helping Haven of Hope and Happiness that works with women/children and their pets in domestic abuse situations. We have been operating these two programs for over 15 years as part of our way of continuing to help animals and people in our community.

We are a unique one of a kind program out there like none other.

While we should be celebrating our 20th anniversary of operating BHRR, instead BHRR now faces an uncertain future. BHRR does not receive any corporate, provincial or federal government support. We operate on the kindness of donations, adoption fees and we do several yearly fundraisers. However, 60% of the payment towards BHRR’s expenses comes from the pockets of Sean and myself.

With our wish to ensure that every penny that comes to BHRR goes direct to them for food and Vet bills or items of comfort like dog beds, Sean & I have been covering 100% exclusively all the rescue hydro bills -$1,040/month, Phone, Gas for transports, home-visits and vet visits etc. We cover almost 50% of all the food bills out of our own pockets – BHRR goes through almost 120 pounds of dog food a day. Vet Bills are the same.

As some are now aware, in September of 2015, my husband Sean was found to have a mass. It took until January of 2016 for the experts to diagnose said mass for he has an extremely rare cancer.

Sean has been diagnosed with a retro-peritoneal liposarcoma.

The current size of his mass is 8.2 cm x 10 cm x 21 cm. This is an extremely RARE cancer – less than 1%.

To further complicate matters, this mass has herniated down into his thigh and groin severely compromising his ureter and femoral nerve. He has had three CT scans of which his latest has shown that to date his chest remains clear of metastasis and his lymph nodes are not enlarged. His MRI has shown that his case is extremely complicated and the surgery he shall specifically require, scheduled for March 23rd has ONLY ever been done twice before by the two expert surgical oncologists assigned to him.

All of this is to say that we are not looking for sympathy or anyone to feel sorry for us.

Instead, what we are hoping to do to help ensure the future of BHRR is raise some monies to help with bills over the next three months for BHRR that we have always covered ourselves as Sean shall not be working and I myself am taking a month off without pay from my behavioural work plus shifts at the Hospital.

One way that we are hoping to cover bills is to do at least one Facebook silent auction. If anyone has an item or items that they would like to donate to this cause, please do email

If anyone wishes to make an independent monetary donation, they can do so via email transfer to or via PayPal to – Please use the ‘Friends & Family’ option so that we are not charged fees.

Since Sean’s mass was first discovered in September, BHRR has remained operating with top notch quality hosting successful events such as our annual creative ‘Dine with the Dogs’, BHRR mini Open Houses, BHRR ‘Private’ Experiences, community education and public awareness events and even our annual XMAS ‘Chain of Success’ Potluck.

We have successfully rehabbed and adopted quite a few dogs and assisted many other groups also during this time.

The quality and stellar standard of care of the animals’ in our care has continued without interruption and as the date nears for Sean and I to stop work as he prepares to head into his 10-12 hour surgery on the 23rd of March, it is time to now ask the BHRR village and our community to please consider helping us continue to help those in need of our programs so that we can get through the next 12 weeks.

We want BHRR to be around another 20 years and we hope that people will consider a donation to help with the expenses of the next three months.

BHRR has only taken in three new deserving dogs since January 2016 and hopes to continue with assisting more dogs once Sean’s surgery is over etc.

Thank you in advance for reading this novel….

This is a picture of my husband Sean….BHRR would not be here today without him and please do keep him in your best wishes.

We sincerely hope we can host a couple of successful auctions on with your help!!


BHRR’s Whisper! (DEAF / Visually Impaired Great Dane) – ~ 18 months of age


She says that she is ready! She is so happy to say that she has done SO well in her rehabilitation!

She is completely housebroken, she loves her comforts of our couch, our XL Ottoman and I am happy that she has found plus enjoyed the delights that love and kindness that should have always been hers brings!

She derives much pleasure from our fireplace also!

She is happy, affectionate, playful – watch those zoomies!, great with all dogs of all sizes and her one vice is still doing some mild resourcing over what she believes to be high value items – some of the toys yet she now shares the communal water bowls like a ‘lady’.

She can go to a home that works ft, pt, works from home, is semi-retired, or retired…once again, another amazing versatile BHRR dog!

I would love to see her in a home with another right matched personality fit dog yet that is not a must…as long as she has a strong well balanced doggie social network, she will be fine. You like having friends, so does she!

Her leash manners has also greatly improved!

She does not need to go to a Dane nor a highly dog experienced home. She does need a home, like any dog, that is going to be be committed to her proper welfare and be consistent, patience, kind and do positive balanced training to keep her being that incredible girl she is……

She really does make my heart melt…..she has been such a delight and a hoot to have with us!!!

She is going to make that right matched forever loving home laugh every day.

She is so easy to work with. Her startle reflex is a dream now and she is obedient and gentle UNLESS in crazy zoomy happy mode.

I really cannot say enough great things about this girl. She is solid….and has made an incredible asset to our home.

BHRR’s Steam still wuvs BHRR’s Whisper and ‘watches’ over her! AND BHRR’s Wisper ‘humours’ her.

BHRR’s Whisper is intelligent, senstive, intuitive and immensely patient.

BHRR’s Whisper has come SO far in her anxiety level in the car and with continued trips out and passively ignoring she is really beginning to enjoy her time in the vehicle.

She loves sleeping in open crates and no longer has anxiety in being left alone. In fact, in our home, she no longer is in a crate at night, for eating or sleeping or even when we go out. YET, we do not recommend that to any right matched forever loving home to start.

This dog had the potential to have terrible SA and she has entrusted me to guide her and help her learn that she is a good dog and it is ok to not only like herself yet trust herself that she is going to be ok if left alone for a period of time – up to 8 hours. She can self-amuse and self-soothe plus comfort herself and has not had to that in a very long time as she is so comfortable in her own skin now.

She is mischievous and has the best ‘I am innocent’ face/eyes ever!!!

I am filled with so many emotions ‘helping’ BHRR’s Whisper type her ‘I am ready to be placed up for adoption’ blog!

LOVE love love her!

BHRR’s Flame – 3 months of age
March 12th, 2016

Her St. Patty’s Day ‘bow’ is too big for her!

She had a marvelous day on Saturday at PV Stittsville at our 2nd community education / public awareness event of 2016!

She is heading in for her final boosters this Wednesday and her spay is being rescheduled until most likely next week. From there, she will have her special announcement to make!

Thank you to Melissa of Bella Photography for this beautiful photo of this gorgeous GDx puppy!

Miracle baby….

Booth Photos (1) (Medium)

Day 2 @ PV Stittsville!

We started at 11 AM and we have already done two microchips, 1 nails and three dog baths!!

BHRR’s Hercules is on hand to love on you, pooch smooch on the red carpet for a $5 donation and we are here doing nails, dog washes, ear cleanings and chips to 4 pm!

We have some delicious baked goodies plus merchandise for sale!!

We hope to see many folks today!


My last post of my night….

We promise to post an update plus incredible thanks on today’s beautiful Day 2 at PV Stittsville, yet wanted to update folks first re: BHRR’s Steam.

As some are aware we received some messages / calls from our son this afternoon about BHRR’s Steam having some health problems.

Turns out that wee Miss Steam strained her one leg/hip(right side) and to assure all, she is on NSAIDs, rest and doing great!

Probably, hurt herself in doing one of her crazy leaps that we wish she would not do off the back of our couch.

She is eating and drinking well and wants to play. Crate rest is going to be hard on her!

Photo below is from Melissa of Bella Photography taken yesterday at PV Stitsville. Miss Steam Boat is on Serena’s lap, one of the lovely Volunteers that came out to lend a hand yesterday!!

A day full of excitement and stress for sure…..

Happy Sunday night to all of our friends and family!

BHRR St Pattys Day Event (candids) (19) (Medium)


WOW! What a day 1 at PV Stittsville for our 2nd Community Education plus Public Awareness Event of 2016!

BHRR’s Baby Kaos now says – ‘time for a relaxing evening of immense comfort at home’ grin emoticon BHRR’s Ani is flaked out behind BHRR’s Baby Kaos!

My heart is still soaring. my hands are still trembling and my knees are still feeling weak in learning today what was raised for the animals in need of our programs at BHRR!

I want to express to each and every Volunteer, to each and every staff member at PV Stittsville, to Manon of Groomindale’s who donated the nail trims she also did today our way, and to each and every caring, giving and wonderful visitor that came out to visit us, HOW much in thanks that I am filled with!

Thanks also must be shouted out to our fabu photography Melissa of Bella Photography!

I am extremely grateful plus appreciative!

A grand total of $818.00 was raised in Day 1 at PV Stittsville today!!! Oh my! Just oh my word….heart-warming….so so so heart-warming!

Aaron, Cherie, Serena, Kinsley, Sean, Dawn, Doogie and Margaret, thank you for giving up what was a truly tremendous weather day today to spend it helping out!

There were times that we were literally all hands on deck with people waiting patiently in the wings for nails, ears, dog washing and microchipping…..

A truly special moment for me today was with a terribly nervous Staffie. Stella was incredibly nervous about her nails and we gave her a positive experience and then her Mom came back and wanted us to microchip her and with how we had set-up Stella for success when her nails had been done, she was a rock star for her chip and took yummy treats from me afterwards.  A really special hi-light for me!

We had people that came to visit specifically with each of the BHRR dogs we brought and we shall see if an application comes our way!

Tomorrow, we are back for Day 2 and BHRR’s Hercules shall be joining us. Should there be another BHRR approved Volunteer that can attend tomorrow, let me know for then we can bring a second BHRR doggie!

Tomorrow, Sunday, we shall be doing more microchips, nails, ear cleanings, dog washes and will have home-made baked goodies plus some merchandise for sale again!

A truly beautiful day had today ……lots of laughs, the best cupcakes ever!, and to see friends come together in the name of animal welfare and to meet so many new supporters of BHRR, made the day an emotional one for me!!

Thank you everyone!!!



BHRR’s Ani, one of our BBBBB’s was our third Dane at the Vet today!

She is one of our treasured BHRR Haven Dogs. Photo below is not the best…..sorry!

She had her latest surgery for her fibromatous epulides of the periodontal ligament today. It was noted that she now has three growths. She had two in 2015.

These are benign tumours. We had a histio/pathology done on them in 2015 to diagnose what exactly we were looking at.

It was also noted that one fibromatous epulides is growing into her palate. However, her Vet was not overly worried right now.

Her Vet cauterized the fibromatous epulides back and then cauterized them to stop them from bleeding. These are extremely vascular.

I had a detailed conversation re: BHRR’s Ani’s quality of life and was assured that she is a happy, healthy Great Dane and that continuing to address these fibromatous epulides surgically as needed is not a problem at this time. I was assured that her QOL with us is top notch and not to stress.

BHRR’s Ani is a lean muscled almost 95 pounds and is eating well, quite affectionate and can be quite playful when she wants to be. She will be 6 this summer.

She received many compliments by her Vet today! What is not to love?!



Posted in Ani


BHRR shall be closed from Tuesday March 22nd, 2016 to Sunday April 3rd, 2016 inclusive to the intake of adoption applications for processing.

Any applications received during that time will be reviewed in the order that they were received as of Monday April 4th, 2016.

Thanks for your understanding!

BHRR’s Kaos – March 11th, 2016

Everyone’s fav ‘Gimpy’ GD Puppy!

Today was his de-twinkling day! We also did repeat x-rays on his leg and they have been sent off to his ortho specialists to advise.

His knee is still ‘clicking’ and his surgeon today reviewed the x-rays and we are now going to wait to see what the ortho specialists have to say re: if he is ready to be placed up for adoption or needs further exams/work-up/surgeries etc. She is not sure if part of what she is seeing is ‘normal’ for a growing giant.

He does favour it still and we know that he will most likely always shall.

He is happy, eats well, playful, affectionate, loving and as healthy as can be.

He weighed 43.7 Kgs(96.14 pounds today) at 8.5 months of age. So, in his favour still is that he shall not be a ‘huge’ average male Great Dane when done growing.

He was a love today at the Hospital – and, he still has car sickness. He can make it about 40 minutes before his stomach decides that is enough…so pretty much when Sean was drving into the Hospital parking lot, he turfed his cookies this AM….

AND, my Salt plus BHRR’s Ani were also in the vehicle at the same time….

We hope to hear within the next week re: his x-rays and from there we shall know more re: next steps ie is he finally ready to be placed up for adoption, or does he need more ortho work etc.

This photo below was taken when he just arrived home today!

Thank you to the amazing team at KAH for all they did for him, BHRR’s Ani and my Salt today! It was a busy day!!!

Missed you today BHRR’s Baby Kaos!

After his surgery I will post the invoice of what shall be remaining left to be paid and people are welcome to still make donations direct to his account 613-591-0966 at Liston and Becca is there to about 4:30 pm to help you!!

Or via email transfer

Or via PayPal (please consider using the friend and family option)

Tears freely flowing of deepest gratitude to all of his angels, ours too!!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Kaos under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Kaos’ Great Angels:  $2,742.28 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $4,909.80
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – Collar, Small Stuffie
Megan – Leash, Large Stuffie
Karen – + Fleece Blanket
Tracy/Shawna – 2 x Large Stuffies
Nairn Again
August 22nd Mini Microchip Clinic at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg $876.25
Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue
Mrs. Hickford
Mrs. Eaglesham


BHRR’s Flame is now passed out from today’s BHRR’s Private ‘EXPERIENCE’!

She charmed her way even deeper into the hearts of the folks here today!

She is now crashed as is the wee fireball of BHRR’s Steam!


BHRR’s Flame – March 6th, 2016
3 months of age

She is waiting for our guests to arrive for their BHRR Private “EXPERIENCE”!

She promises to be on her best behaviour *cough* and what a great day for this Private EXPERIENCE!

-2 degrees under almost complete sunny skies!

We have lots of great things planned for the home that is coming out today!

Happy Sunday to all!


On March 11th, not only is BHRR’s Baby Kaos having his neuter plus latest x-rays, BHRR’s Ani is having her next surgery for her fibromatous epulides of the periodontal ligament. It will be a busy day as one of my own Great Danes, Salt will be old enough for his own neuter. 🙂

What many may remember from her official diagnosis blog post made May 1st, 2015,

“The condition is called fibromatous epulides of the periodontal ligament. Basically a growth of the periodontal ligament that can also displace the teeth.”

In learning more re: the treatment of this – complete resection of these – is not as good/positive as we once were informed it could be. BHRR’s Ani is an ‘older’ 5.5+ year old Great Dane.  To get complete resection however we’re likely to require excision of some of the bone, so removal of part of her mandible. With the support of her one Vet at KAH, this was not believed to be in her best interest in the end to do this procedure.

So, when the growths reach a point of them interfering with her quality of eating and comfort of well-being, we have her sedated and the growths excised.

She has more than put back all the weight that she had lost during her time in her foster home, when all of this began in spring 2015 and we monitor her closely. Her wonderful past temp foster home was not comfortable in taking her back as they worried that they would miss something and she would drop weight dramatically again etc. We understand and they are now temp fostering another amazing BHRR animal for us instead and doing a fabu job!

Her enjoyment plus quality of life – soft cushy dog beds, fireplaces, being grumpy/bossy to some of the other dogs – is top notch in her books! She also greatly loves her walks/hikes on our almost 148 acres and then having her feet all cleaned up and patted dry(princess!), getting a treat and snoring up a tune with a nap afterwards!

She is a loveable hoot!

Posted in Ani

BHRR’s Flame – 3 months of age!
Someone found the couch….*cough*

BHRR’s Flame has one final round of boosters to have(BHRR ensures that every canine under our care receives the full round of booster series prior to being placed up for adoption) and is scheduled for a pediatric spay – March 17th.

As she is not a single bred Great Dane and is beginning to take more and more after her sire – leaning towards possible GS – in size(will be a large not giant dog when done growing), we are comfortable spaying her at 4 months of age…..

At that time, she will then be ready to make her special announcement and we shall begin to take applications for homes to adopt her.

Like all of our BHRR dogs, she will only be placed with that right matched forever loving home.

She has been an absolute special girl to have had with us…..she is going to make me bawl many tears of such joy….and some sadness. Having had her in my hands at just 2 weeks of age and seeing her now, what a heart-warming and also heart-wrenching journey it has been.

She is the lone survivor of her litter and my heart is going to feel so much happiness to see her in that right home meant for her!

At this time, she shall also be gracing us at PV Stittsville either the Saturday March 12th or the Sunday March 13th – NOT yet determined.

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In Love!

Your dogs are BEUTIFUL!  Dune caught my eye on Petfinder, which I periodically surf. I have a 15 year old Cattle Dog/Ridgeback mix rescue and a 7 year old Ridgeback rescue. My Ridgeback came from Texas and reminds me SO much of Dune, scars and all! He is 108 lbs and I’ve always questioned if he had Dane in him, tho his paperwork says purebred. He is the biggest love ever and likes nothing better than to snuggle with anyone who sits down.

I had no thoughts of adopting but I can’t get Dune out of my mind.   Something is telling me I need to investigate further.  Oh, did I mention I live on a 5 acre farmhouse surrounded by woods in the country in NH?   My son and his family just moved to NC after living close by. Frequently I had his Beagle rescue and 120 lb Plott hound mix rescue here as they travelled a great deal. My 2 and his 2 played and napped together all the time.

As I mentioned, this was not on my radar but I felt compelled to comment here…….???????