Somone is hanging at KAH today AND is full of so much in good news that he is bursting!

BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The Love Bug!

He has put on just shy of another 4 kgs and now weighs 101.64 pounds. He has now put on 33 pounds since he first arrived emaciated to BHRR.

AND…..he has now had his first démodéctic mite free skin scraping today!! Yes!!

He is healthy enough to receive his Rabies and DAPP and, in three weeks he shall repeat the skin scraping and if he is still all clear on the mange, he will be given his boosters and, be ready to make a special announcement.

The Vet has taken him off the Ivomec and he is going to have a chewable tablet of Bravecto that lasts 3 months instead as studies have proven that there is a great efficacy level for the continued treatment after the negative skin scraping. We could have kept him on the traditional method of the Ivomec yet, it tastes bad and he has been such a trooper since February when he began it.

He is off with me tonight to do a home-visit as a great experience for him and, he wants to thank Wendi for the loving when you came to KAH!

He has come so far in such a short time and his journey with me is quickly coming to a close…he is a huge fav at KAH and many of us are going to well up with the best of tears when it is his time to go to his right matched forever loving adoptive home!

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BHRR’s Kricket is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!
Please also keep her in your best wishes and thought!
We shall update her blog as we can.

BHRR’s Victory, one of our stunning blue female Great Danes has now moved under a PENDING ADOPTION!
Please keep her in your best of wishes plus thoughts!
We are still processing applications and hopefully, we can make more exciting news announcements shortly!
We shall update her blog as we can.

BHRR’s Riot (Blue Male GD) is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!
Please keep him in your best wishes and thoughts!
We are hoping to announce several more great news announcements soon! 

Cute photo of the day!
BHRR’s Pearl does not look too impressed to be disturbed by a foot in the face by Salt(Deaf/Visually Impaired GD)!


BHRR’s Salem (Great Dane/Mastiff) had a good play date! The family is one that she has been developing a relationship with at our two community education plus public awareness events of 2015.

This home of BHRR Volunteers have been helping me – the goal is to get our BHRR dogs into other people’s helping hands to continue making them the best dogs they can be in balance and roundness -to bring her to the next step of comfort and balance and, I thank them for that!

She was super excited to see me and, after a goofy playful greeting(she is usually such an ‘old’ dignified soul) that almost took me off balance, she was happy to run and play a bit and even did a play bow or two with this home’s own dog.

She is such a great dog. With continued patience and understanding, this girl will continue to take on all new things in her life with more confidence and social undertaking. She is still a bit unsure in strange situations yet, she has come so far in leaps and bounds in trusting people she does not know and we are so proud of her!!! At our second public awareness event she was practically a social butterfly! Nothing phased her and she took on the day with happiness and wonder at all the fabu things the world has to offer her.

She loved the kids at this play date and, proved how smart she was by using her foot to open their garbage pail.
This girl has carved a deep trench into a huge part of my heart with her courage, her willingness to trust and her vulnerability plus her sweetness would melt even the most hardened of hearts out there!

She is a truly amazing dog inside in out in gorgeous beauty!

Thank you to the home for this photo. It is SO hard to get a proper picture of her to show off how lovely she really is. I have her scheduled for some professional photo’s in early July(the earliest I could get in) to hopefully with the combo of all her wonderful blog posts, will help that right matched personality fit adoptive home find her!

Thank you to the home for everything PLUS the donations to BHRR!! Deeply moved by your hearts!

I also learned today that being around tons of transports on the highway makes her a bit worried. I got her to focus back on the yummy knuckle bone and, she settled down well. By the time I reached the home for the play date(over an hour away), when we passed a transport, she would get up, look at it and then turn and lay back down. Wonderful!

AVAILABLE For Adoption!


Yet more wonderful testimony sent our way re: BHRR’s Victory.

“Hi Gwen,

 Thank you doesn’t feel like the right words, it doesn’t convey the deep feeling of gratitude that lingers as day turns to night.

 When we came to your Open House months back we met the lovely Victory. She chose my husband as the recepient of her affections and the two spent the afternoon on your sofa (violating the “no sofa” rules!). We talked a lot about Victory on that car ride home, and about how she displayed none of the reasons given for why she was surrendered to a shelter (supposedly aggressive, over protective and fearful of men). My husband is 6 foot 2 and Victory snuggled up to him as if she was an 8 pound lap dog!

 When the Picnic Date Auction rolled around I knew that a “date” with Victory would make my husband’s Father’s Day perfect! We bid on her, all fingers crossed…and we won the auction.

 The excitement level at our house climbed as the day with Victory grew closer and closer. Upon her arrival at our place it was clear to see Victory was excited too, makes me wonder if she remembered us!

 We took Victory immediately on a short walk around our neighbourhood so that she could get to know the 1 year old lab retriever Guide Dog puppy we are raising. It was immediately clear there would be no issues between the dogs so we brought them home to investigate the backyard.

 Both dogs took a few minutes to get familiar and began romping across the yard in a game of chase 🙂 Our lab can be a bit silly but Victory took that in stride and indulged him for a few minutes, loping across the yard after him.

 We brought both big dogs in, so that Victory could meet our tiny but mighty 8 pound Havanese. Victory barely batted an eye at her, both dogs immediately recognized that they were the older and wiser dogs compared to our lab 🙂

 Victory headed straight for the dog toys, chose the smallest one and settled onto a dog bed. She absolutely adored the attention from our 7 and 9 year old girls (and their friends!), rolling onto her back so the kids could rub her belly.

 She was ever so gentle when we gave her tiny bits of treats and walked like a dream on a leash.

 We were amazed all day by how easily she settled into a new (and busy) household, never once showing signs of stress or anxiety.

 This gorgeous Dane was the picture of a well-mannered dog…she was interested in the food we were preparing in the kitchen but never tried to take any of it, even from the kids who are eye level to her! She was respectful of our two dogs and carefully told our lab she was done playing with a quiet growl.

 We took her to our neighbourhood pet store where she immediately charmed staff and customers with her personality. We brought her home to enjoy her new smoked bone on our lawn. Gwen had cautioned me that it was a “high value item” and she would be protective of it. She enjoyed that bone and when it was time to take it away she did growl at us but quickly dropped it when we offered her a tiny treat in exchange. Listening to Gwen speak has been an education in its own right for us, dogs are dogs in the end, and we need to respect that. If I were eating my favourite meal and someone swooped in and took it away from me I would be mad, no different for dogs. We need to remember to be respectful of the signals our dogs are using to communicate with us.

 All of us flopped on our front lawn for a bit as various neighbours and friends stopped by to meet Victory. Again, as she had all day, Victory was happy to greet everyone and would quickly demonstrate what a gentle giant she was, offering full body snuggles to whomever wanted one 🙂

 Victory was VERY happy to see Gwen at the end of the day. She is such an amazing dog and SO deserving of a home (with kids!) that will adore her and appreciate this lovely girl.

 Thank you Gwen, for recognizing her potential, for rescuing her, and for sharing her with us.”

AND it is BHRR’s Salem’s turn! Special picnic play date time!!!
Dropped her off before work today and, though wanting to follow me, she was overall fairly ok settled with me leaving.
She is AVAILABLE For Adoption!
She such a superstar and has come a long way on her path to successful rehab.
Patience and, showing her loving helping hands has taught her so much about being more confident and, she is as sweet as can be!

Someone is being so brave at Kanata AH today! BHRR’s Pearl!

She is a bit lighter in weight than I would like to see, yet, nothing awful. Very lean plus muscled.

I may go back to feeding her three times a day. She was 100.1 pounds today. 

She was amazing for her Heartworm/Tickborne bloodwork. She rocked her nails also!

She is having an exam later tonight with the Vet and, then she will be up to date on everything.

Once she is more comfortable plus confident, she will be ready to make her special announcement.

There was no way when she first arrived that she would have been ok having this visit and, it shows how far she has come!!

She even was sitting plus taking treats from the staff once she settled in.

Very proud of you BHRR’s Pearl! This rehab journey with you has touched my heart deeply…….


More testimony from the home that had the special picnic play date with BHRR’s Victory:

“An email to follow…but first the pictures of our AMAZING day with the lovely Victory 🙂 “

Someone had a great special picnic play date today!! One of their lovely daughters is missing in the family photo as she left before the photo for a sleepover.
Thank you again to the home for the present of the ‘girly’ leash for her and for giving BHRR’s Victory this wonderful time!!
She is AVAILABLE for adoption!!
A gorgeous blue Great Dane.

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One Testimonial of BHRR’s Victory from her special picnic play date family!

“She is an INCREDIBLE dog, we have all fallen even more in love with her (so has her admirer Isaac). Her manners have been nothing short of lovely, she has welcomed everyone who has dropped by to take a peek at her and is now dozing away on a dog bed in the family room (all three pups are asleep, nothing short of a miracle!). Our 2 girls (7 and 9) marvel at her size but she is truly a gentle giant, takes a tiny treat ever so gently, is so nice to walk on a leash and a generally all around GREAT dog!!!”

Another Testimonial of BHRR’s Victory from this home that had the special picnic play date with her:

“Victory walked like a dream on the leash, found the puppy toy box quickly and has even had a rest on the living room floor quickly putting her belly up so that Ben could scratch it 🙂

 She has been amazing with the kids, we are keeping a very close eye on everyone, but as you said, she is a well balanced girl 🙂

 The picnic looks INCREDIBLE, thank you for making it, and trusting us with Victory.”

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Someone was dropped off for their own special picnic play date bright and early today! 
BHRR’s Victory! She is a gorgeous Blue GD and AVAILABLE For Adoption!
*Thank you to the home for this lovely photo!
Looks like she has a huge admirer in Isaac the lab!


BHRR’s Pearl wishes all a good night!
All of these renovations at BHRR are making her sooooooooooo sleepy!


Someone had an incredible special picnic play date!

Gorgeous BBBBB Abby!

Thank you to the amazing home for giving her this amazing experience.

Thank you for all the photo’s and in loving her as much as we do! AND, thank you for the lovely gift for her also!!! So sweet!

BHRR’s Abby remains Available For Adoption and here are some words from the lovely home who had the date with her yesterday……

“Abby is wonderful, gentle and affectionate. I can’t believe she is not adopted. Abby’s leash manners are fantastic, she is such a pleasure to take for a walk 🙂 ”

To demonstrate how wonderful BHRR’s Abby is with manners, their beautiful young daughter walked her to the car when I left to go home. All BHRR dogs receive extensive obedience training prior to being placed up for adoption…..we want our dogs to be assets to home plus community.

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BBBBB Abby has now been dropped off for her special picnic play date and I am jealous!
I am on my way to work and she is going to have a FABU day!
Wishing everyone a wonderful Saturday!!


BHRR’s Liberty – 8+ years of age
June 13th, 2015

Cancer took her in the end….we managed to give her 11 weeks of quality of life and love and spoiling care…..
Was not even close enough of time to be able to show you the world how special and kind plus loving it could be.
You made a huge impression on our hearts plus souls and forever you shall live on in our memories.

You DESERVED so much more than what you were given and, we are so sorry that you came into our lives too late for us to save you in the end….. 
Photo’s when she first arrived to BHRR and the last photo is how we are going to remember her…..I am so sorry that you were neglected so horrifically.

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Someone had his recheck today!

On May 15th, BHRR’s Hercules had his leg amputation and, Dr. Liston wanted to give some areas of his amputation site a longer time for the healing process was being quite slow. When we were last in, Dr. Liston took out what staples he could and today, he felt that all remaining staples plus sutures could be removed!

He has one area – that corner with lots of scabbing yet, underneath everything looks healthy and pink per Dr. Liston!

He was an incredible patient laying down on his side while Dr. Liston removed all the sutures plus staples, part of his one big scab and, Dr. Liston also examined his other legs to see how they were doing. I had been hearing some clicking yet, Dr. Liston could elicit none and, Herc was so at ease through the whole exam…..

He was more curious as to why the people in the other room were not coming in to see him! He is so social and loving and, gives all of his heart when cuddles…..all of his body also!

We did a T4 today to see how his levels are doing since he started the thyro-tabs and, tons of compliments on his coat plus body condition. I was a bit worried as his weight was down yet, his does look great and Dr. Liston feels that fluid etc., could be responsible. He has lost over 50 pounds since he arrived to BHRR so obese.

He was given the thumbs up and had his first vaccines. We will give him boosters in about three-four weeks and, from there he should be ready to make his special announcement!

This boy is going to make me well up immensely when his right matched forever loving home finds him….he is truly one outstanding dog….incredible!

Way to go Hercules!! You have made this rehab journey with you one of honour plus privilege!

AND, thanks to all of his angels we ONLY owe $303.20 on his bill at Dr. Liston now, after I paid for today’s visit plus put down more money on his amputation bills! Almost completely paid off now!!

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $4,430.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $4,733.20
*Before PayPal fees
Vegan Cupcakes To The Rescue
12 Days of Thanksgiving EF
Nairn Again
Sally Freedom
Heather W.
Maggie P.
Jennifer H.
Community Education & Public Awareness Event at PV Hazeldean
McGrath Family
Vegan Cupcakes To The Rescue Again
PV Stittsville PAW Event

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My last post of my night is a photo of a yummy dessert being packed in the special picnic lunch that BHRR’s Abby is helping me make for the family she is having her own date with tomorrow!
Thank you to everyone that has been making our annual Fundraiser a massive success!
On Saturday June 20th, it is BHRR’s Victory’s turn!
On Sunday June 21st, it is BHRR’s Riot’s turn! s
On Tuesday, June 23rd, it is BHRR’s Salem’s turn! 


I think someone is recovering well from his neuter and is no longer feeling traumatized!
BHRR’s Griffin, you are one exceptional special one of a kind boy!
Our time together is going to be over way too soon for if he shines at our upcoming BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house, he will then be making his special announcement!
He is absolutely spectacular! 
BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The Love Bug also seen in the photo has had some post-op complications from his own neuter and, is on antibiotics right now.
AND, BHRR’s Angel Noelle is also in this photo – taking up as much room, if not more than the big dawgs! 


BHRR’s Griffin says now that he has a good pillow place on my GD Zero(also neutered today), we can drive home!!
HE is still not impressed with me for his de-twinkling today! 


BHRR’s Griffin had his own de-twinkling today(neuter) and, he was so good from what I was told with everyone!! Very proud of him…..
He was so happy to see me…. 
That barking for attention from strangers has been his biggest obstacle to over come. Negative seeking attention behaviours can be so difficult to modify yet, we are getting there.
So, once he heals and, after our BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ coming up is over, depending on how well he does, he should be ready to make a special announcement in about three weeks!!
We are on our way home and he is none too thrilled!
He and my Zero were both neutered today.
Next week is Koffee and Ice’s(Zero’s brother) turn


AND, one BHRR’s Porridge has been dropped off for his own special play date! He has already had a staff member at the Comfort Inn come out to give him a treat, greeted many in the parking lot of the grocery store in Brockville and, all before his date even began!! 

He is going to have a super time and I am so happy that he is still with all of us to be spoiled and pampered….over 7 years young and going strong!! Miracle Boy!

Time to pick up some last minute items for the BHRR private ‘EXPERIENCE’ later today and, bake some cinn buns!

Happy sunny Sunday everyone!


Two of our fabu BBBBB’s had their special dates today!

BHRR’s Mavie and BHRR’s Ani!

They were spoiled and, both of them were given brand new collars and leashes….

Thank you so much to their Angels today that gave them this wonderful experience!

In the hands of such loving people, the BHRR dogs continue becoming that much more well rounded and balanced! Love our visitation program and special dates!

This is BHRR’s Ani! Doesn’t she look wonderful?!??

Unfortunately, she is not a great candidate for the growths with partial mandible removal and, we have a Plan B to keep giving her the best quality of life possible. The growths cannot 100% be successfully removed and, the risk is too high for her to go through a removal of part of her jaw and, the prognosis is ‘fair’ at best for survival. She is not a spring chicken either….

As needed, she will have a mild sedation to cut back the growths so she can continue to have a big quality of life.

She has put on all the weight she lost and, in fact, could actually afford to lose a pound or two and is happy, affectionate and playful!!

Tomorrow is BHRR’s Porridge’s date and the private BHRR EXPERIENCE.



My last post for tonight is on behalf of BHRR’s Griffin!
He is wishing (us too!) a most wonderful weekend of happiness, health and safety to all!
It is a busy one at BHRR….we have three special dates for three special dogs planned – BHRR’s Maverick, BHRR’s Ani and BHRR’s Porridge(his shall be small and quiet)
We also have our first of four planned private BHRR ‘EXPERIENCES’!
Not to mention, The Boerskins are still working like crazy busy worker bees with the final parts of our renovations for 2015 of new flooring on the main level, a new kitchen and, a wonderful tiled drinking station for dogs plus two more sides of our home will have new siding and windows…..
Great weekend wishes being sent out to all our friends, supporters plus family!
BHRR’s Griffin is exhausted just watching us work…..


BHRR’s Griffin was at the Vet tonight and weighed 72.82 pounds. He has put on almost 20 pounds since he first arrived to BHRR, 3.5 weeks ago.
He is a wonderful honorary giant of BHRR and, he had a thorough exam, did a heartworm plus tick borne panel including his pre-op blood work and, his Vet agrees he is about 8 months of age. Well less than a year yet, over 6 months.
Not the best photo yet, he is a cutie no matter what!
His vet noted the vulgrus in the one front leg and, he is not limping, sore, no heat and, we will examine further under sedation and do x-rays if his Vets feel necessary.
We were advised after he arrived that someone on his transport noted ‘swelling’ in one front leg and, it was looked at the day he arrived and, nothing has changed since then.
He was quite a good boy overall at the Vet.
He had his boosters tonight also.
Still had moments where he barked to get attention and people had to be asked not to give him treats to reward this negative seeking attention behaviour. It is a big bark on a little dude!
He made friends fast and, his leash manners are coming along! Many folks were so enraptured by his stunning markings and wire hair spread throughout his body.
He is going to be neutered next week along with one of my Texans, ‘Zero’.


BHRR’s Herbie-licious The Love Bug had his neuter today! He was slightly down in weight and, so, we may go back to three meals a day.
When he was under sedation, his Vet did a really thorough exam of both hips and knees and feels things are a thumbs up!
I was asked to monitor closely for another week and, if Herbie is still limping we will then proceed with further diagnostics.
So, good news so far. He will go back in for more skin scrapings in a few more weeks and, from there, if all is great with the resolution of the démodéctic mange, begin his vaccine protocol.
So, we know it shall be at least another 8 weeks minimum before he is going to be ready for adoption. Yet, getting closer!!
He is a big hit with all that love him!
