I have two new pictures of Abbi to add; yet I will put one of them below; so all can see just how BOOOOTIFUL she is!Β  πŸ™‚ It has been a ‘tough’ weekend at BHRR. Abbi continues to thrive here and we just love her more and more every day. I think she has decided that ‘Sean’ is officially hers and when Sean takes a nap(don’t tell Sean that I am posting this) on the weekends; Abbi can be found lying right next to him. Yet, her favourite position is lying partly on him while he naps. She really has taken to him and even today, Sean said that he felt that when(gosh, we still hope!)she is adopted; that she is really going to miss our home. For me, I think what Abbi misses most is her two DBB sisters; which of the two; it is Jenni; yet Jenni; honestly cannot be overly bothered with Abbi. Jenni is the ‘princess’ to the end and has always ‘ruled’ in her own way and Abbi was always content to follow her and let Jenni call the shots. I feel for Abbi and the last time that Jenni plus Mudslide were over; all Abbi wanted to do was go outside and play with them; especially Jenni and Jenni was not really interested. Abbi is just not the ‘same ‘Abbi’ without her DBB sisters and my heart does pang over that. Is she happy here; oh sure she is…..but we nor any other dog here is a replacement for her family. I mentioned to Sean that Abbi should really have a home to call her own, one with less dogs and yet with at least one(preferably where there would end up being even numbers when she is adopted, so she is not ‘left’ out as many odd dog number homes can tend to end up)that she really connects and bonds with. We will be very careful to ensure that Abbi is placed as per her wishes and really ‘listen’ to her and her needs. I will need to take a step back, not be too protective and let her ‘talk’ more when this time comes. I just find it hard seeing her feelings get hurt; just as a parent hates to see their child hurt.Β  πŸ™ Β  I am thinking that as much as I do obedience myself and teach it; I think I am going to take Abbi ‘out’ of the home and take some classes with her; be it agility or obedience. JUST her and I; to really show her just how special she really is and to have that extra ‘alone’ time with her. Tomorrow, she shall celebrate her 2nd birthday…just where as the time gone!!!! WOW!

BHRR’s DBB Abbi – March 2009

I want to thank Barry for this picture of BHRR’s Lil Linus from our BHRR’s Mini Open House on February 7th, 2009. He is such a clown! I cannot get over how tall he is getting. My goodness, he is one handsome looking boy!!! He continues to be the BHRR ‘class’ clown and what a nut!!!! I have a bunch of pictures I want to add of his healing ‘war’ wound(which is now all healed) and then two of him and Ocean and then I also have a couple just taken recently. Hopefully, I can get this done within the next day or so. This weekend was a ‘tough’ one at BHRR. For now, let me post below the picture from February 7th for everyone’s viewing pleasure. HE is such a ham!!!!

BHRR’s Lil Linus – February 7th, 2009 @ the BHRR Mini Open House

I have 9 new photos of Dana to upload and I hope to get them up within the next day or so. It has been a very ‘rough’ weekend at BHRR yet I promise to get her new pictures posted soon. In the meantime, let me post one picture of Dana below; so that everyone can see how she is continuing to just mature into such a stunning Great Dane. She has come a LONG way since her arrival to our program at the end of November of 2008. The pictures tell a much different ‘story’ now then when they did upon her arrival to us. I am beyond PROUD of this girl. Beside the word ‘survivor’ in the dictionary; should be BHRR’s Dana’s picture and name. She was so broken and ‘lost’ and starved and full of pain and injuries and just beaten down and if only the people that first ‘saved’ her could meet and see her now! She simply takes my breath away with her beauty and spirit and she is almost a ‘lady’ in manners now…… LOL Almost……….She and I are still working on that part! πŸ˜›

BHRR’s Dana – March 2009

The home visit for the possible adoption of Ocean has been rescheduled until the second/third week of April. It has been a ‘tough’ weekend at BHRR. Thanks to the potential adoptive home for being so understanding. I have 24 new pictures of Ocean to upload and hopefully, this will be done soon. In the meantime, let me post a recent picture of her below so that ‘all’ can see just how much weight she has put on and just what an incredibly gorgeous girl she is developing into. I have quite a few pictures of one of her most favourite past-times; tormenting Bronson! LOL You will see just how much smaller she is than him and she just ‘RULES’! She is not short at around 33″ herself yet compared to his 145 pounds and exceptionally tall 39″; she looks so petite! He is such a goober….with no concept how how much taller/bigger he is and just soaks up her harrasment of him….We are still working on her ‘gentle’ command with him and poor PPSS just feels so left out……Soul likes her; she likes Bronson & Bronson is clueless…….She loves to snuggle in the house most with either Lil Linus or Dyce. She acts ‘all put out’ when Soul comes to lie next to her. Personally, I think she is just playing ‘hard’ to get and is loving the attention from Soul and truly enjoys teasing him! LOL What a hoot it is to watch this ‘soap’ opera in action!

BHRR’S OceanΓ©/Ocean – March 2009

Sean and I have been doing much talking and have made the decision that *should* this home not be the right matched family for Ocean; that we shall take her on as one of our own. It is not that Ocean needs us; it is that we really WANT her and she fits in so perfectly into our own home and just to look at PPSS; we know how he feels about her! πŸ˜‰ So, we shall see how this weekend fares and go from there. Either way, Ocean shall have a forever loving home and that is what makes us feel so content. πŸ™‚


Your blog about Mazda makes me very sad. To think of such a loving creature having such a difficult time finding a forever home, breaks my heart. My daughter has been asking me for a dog for many years, but I wanted to be sure we could give it the proper love, attention and time he/she deserved before I told her yes. That time has arrived and we’re looking to adopt a large breed. The more I read about Mazda, the more I thought my daughter and I could provide her with the home that she needs, but then I read your requirements and, unfortunately, we would not be accepted. Although I am originally from Ontario, I now live in Cheektowaga, NY …my daughter is 9, and although I’m 35, I’m a graduate student. It seems we violoate MANY of your requirements πŸ™ When I was young,my Mom bred Irish Wolfhounds and among them was a female, brindle Dane named Talon. She was the runt of her litter and beside all of the Wolfhounds she really looked quite small. Her size had nothing on her character though, she was precious. I wish Mazda all the best and hope for her forever home to present itself soon. I often miss living in Canada, and Mazda’s story has definitely made me wish I was living there still. Maybe then we could be her forever home. I will continue to read your blog about her, with fingers crossed.
Best of Luck,
Stephanie Newman

I brought Mazda in with me last night and as always what a happy ‘tail’ Kanga-Dane of a gal she was! LOL She weighed in at a very nice and lean 53.4 KGs(117.48 pounds) and continues to steal the hearts of all around her. I much prefer Mazda at this weight or even a wee bit thinner. I have decided to add another section(will be under construction as with many things on our site) on how to tell if your Great Dane is too skinny or fat. I have been seeing FAR too many Great Danes grossly overweight to the point of obesity and yet their owners call them ‘solid’, ‘full of muscle’ or ‘lean’. In fact, I have just recently seen some new pictures of some of our adopted Danes over the years and it very much concerned me over how unbelieveably fat they were. You are not doing your Dane any service by feeding them to the point where they are a head and a big body on spindly legs. *IF* you CANNOT see the last two ribs faintly on your Dane; they are too fat. If they have no ‘defined’ stomach as in they are ‘tucked’ your Dane is too fat. We are going to see even more problems with hips and hearts, should owners continue to overfed their Danes like this. That being said, I will add a section under ‘other places’ to visit on this topic.

I have had to postpone Mazda’s annual until Tuesday March 24th as I had to bring Bronson in to X-Ray his right front paw on Friday(he has had swelling since the OKC show) & I had rescheduled her for tonight yet I then brought Tain in for his eyes. SO, Mazda’s turn is tomorrow! LUCKY GAL! πŸ˜› I will update her blog with current weight etc. after her visit.

I microchipped OceanΓ©/Ocean today and she did not even blink! LOL What a great dog. I have not even had the opportunity to formally place Ocean up for adoption and I am going to be putting her under Pending. I was contacted awhile back from a previous adopter(and as Sean knows; I have felt in my own heart when Ocean first arrived of them; before they even emailed me; that this could be a nice fit…though I never said a word to them… πŸ™‚ ) about an expressed interest in Ocean should she ever be available for adoption and they now have submitted an application in learning that Ocean would be placed up shortly. A home that we are more than happy to review and at this time Ocean is being put under PENDING ADOPTION!!!!

I cannot believe that THIS much time has passed and I have not updated my ‘Alvin/Dana’s’ blog…. 😳 That is just terrible! I have added slide #6 from December 4th to her show and slides #7 & #8 are from December 24th, 2008. I am unable to locate all of her current pictures from January and February and that makes it that much more important for me to take new one’s FOR she is looking fab!!!! My dear ‘Alvin/Dana’ shall not be going up for adoption for some time yet to come. She is a HUGE ‘excite’ jumper when guests are over plus she and I are continuing to work on ‘co-operation’ and ‘teamwork’…LOL She keeps me on my toes and I laugh many times every day from her antics and that ‘poker’ face of hers is to die for! OMG! Even knowing that she has done something wrong; she will sit there and look at you and if she could talk; she would be doing a bald-faced lie right to you! She is full of insolence, impudence and mischief that I am not sure whether to hug her some days or pull out a few more grey hairs that she has given me!!! πŸ˜› MY GOD, I so love this dog!!!! She is patience personified for me and her!!! LOL If she wants something, she is prepared to dig in her heels and not move(my loving mule) until she gets it, which for the other dogs usually means her sitting on their heads, chests or kidneys until they can barely breathe and they leave the toy they had or the bed…..Our ‘leader’ female Kona is 10 shortly and letting go off the reins in our home and this is NOT the time to have that happen for we have some of the other gals jokeying in for position and NONE of them are truly suited for the role. For Dana, this means just barging her way through the sea of dogs to go where she wants….no respect shown…she such a hoot and she and I spend many an hour having conversations back and forth about ‘things’…. πŸ™„ :mrgreen: I have never met another Dane like her and she cannot go to a home inexperienced or faint of heart! LOL She is so loving, sweet and gorgeous(I call her ‘dollface’) and snuggles so adorably with you and your heart just wants to melt but the ‘goober mule’ girl is in there and we saw when we spayed her; just how easily she could ‘slip’ back into wanting to do a lip curl here and there and not share….I have not seen this behavour since her spay and even then it was minor BUT one cannot give this girl an inch…at least for now. She does not sleep in bed with us and she sleeps in a crate and NILIF is very much part of her daily life with us and she so excels with it and her intelligence. I have to say that on my worst days in Rescue; I find myself taking Dana for a walk; just her and I and I tell her all my pain/sorrow and heartache and I ‘feel’ her listening….she is so like Samson George that way….our special walks in the early AM hours or now as it is lighter later; before the sun sets and it SO special. She is all ‘heart’ and ‘passion’ this Dane and she just soaks all of your angst up and leaves you feeling peaceful. There has been many a tear that her shiny black coat has soaked up from myself or my kids in sorrow and she gives all of herself unconditional. THERE is no halfway with this girl and any home that she is adopted too; when she is ready; will have to understand that. She is such a survivor with a tough exterior and core but deep deep deep inside is the most amazing and special Dane ever. I see more and more glimpses of it and I believe in full disclosure with all the animals here; so will not underplay her ‘toughness’ but I am most certainly not going to underplay her ‘gift’. Her crate is where my computer is and she is often found lying there ‘just’ to be near. While Dana comes across as extremely independent; she is actually a lot like BHRR’s DBB Mudslide; she ‘NEEDS’ so much more than many others out there and has no idea how to ask for it and so stays silent and my heart breaks on that………I make it a point to give her special impomptu hugs and kisses and the light in her expressive eyes says it all. Now, of course, I cannot give her too much or I might ‘cramp’ her style! LOL Fine line there……. πŸ˜› I am SOOOOOO loving this journey with Dana…..and while some days are better than others for her and I; this Dane has my ‘number’ all the way. When you are with her; you know you are with something bigger and better than yourself and this girl has NO idea just how unbelievable she is….MAYBE that is a good thing…LOL BUT it makes all the ‘trouble’ and ‘mischief’ that she does do; so much more understandable for I am ‘getting’ it and she is teaching me. AND my role is to teach her that her negative seeking behavour is not really her and along with the other dogs here; give her good solid foundations with support, guidance, a firm hand and yes, treats……lots of treats! I find that everytime, I begin to write a blog on Dana, I could go on for days and days…..no amount of writing shall every capture this true beauty. She is all ‘fire’ and ‘spice’ and incredibly ‘nice’!

I am so behind and I cannot recall the last time I have been this behind in updating blogs and as some know; we are very busy with KB/JB plus have recently lost BHRR’s Klondike plus we focus all of our time/energy on the animals here with our hands on programs. Gwen has also now been brought on board as the behavoural expert in one of the worst cruetly situations we definitely have witnessed in 20+ years of being in Rescue. That being said, in respect to Ocean, she is doing amazing!! New pics need to be taken and added yet below are two pictures taken on February 26th, 2009 Ocean and Lil Linus….. She is doing awesome and every single test that has been run has come back ‘normal’ so I de-wormed her again JUST in case she was still postive for G(false negatives are not all that uncommon in testing..though testing is getting better); and that seems to have worked! She is gaining well and is active, loving and with how things have been, I have still to micrcochip her. She is such a puppy in so many ways and a dignified lady ‘goof’ in others. I just have to capture how this dog sleeps, TALK about flexible! LOL THAT most certainly cannot be comfortable yet she loves it! LOL She has many ‘sleeping’ poses and hopefully, I can capture some of them. Her obedience is just bombing along and I have made the decision that she is ready to go up for adoption…..Her need for continued leash manner training can continue in her new home(AND she still needs it) but she truly does not need us for much any longer. She is smart as a whip and she most definitely can hear certain ‘tones’ and ‘sounds’ yet she is also very perceptive and intuitive about things. Ocean is also the biggest monkey in climbing things! UGH! LOL She is so nimble, flexible and agile(Kanga-Dane in there!) that she can figure out how to manouver over a 48″ crate and get to the rubber made container and open it without any crashes or bangs……sigh…. πŸ˜› She has also demonstrated that our almost 6 foot fence is nothing for her curious self to jump over and then walk the fence line to just jump back in because she can…..she has done this twice and that is BHRR’s Miss Gracie behavour there! We have had to be quite resourceful(lunge line when we need it and never ever unsupervised) and our fence will be made to almost 8 feet come spring. She is eager to please and her new home will have to understand to be careful with sudden and large hand or flighty movements for she still can ‘hit’ the ground in fear…but she is getting better and better. Just as I used to do with LT(gosh the memories! LOL and POOR Sean at 2:00 AM..listening to us but she is very receptive then)is race around the house with papertowel rolls and we play ‘tag’……She gives me the best of hugs every night before bed and can easily be a charmer in her desire to stay on the bed with you….LOL She is very sensitive and any correction is to be done carefully. I have not crated her in some time except to eat or if all of us are gone for more than a couple of hours and she has been doing fantastically, but she still is a baby and too much freedom for too long in too large of a place could prove to be too much if her new home is not careful. She is also an early AM riser(groan) and likes to zoom on the bed JUST like Snowball used to and while she is not the energizer bunny that Snowball was, she can ‘hold’ her own. Being around so many female dogs here has continued to build up Ocean’s confidence for her backbone has always been there but she is getting so much better in not letting ‘Alvin/Dana’ LOL push/boss her around. GOOD for her! Ocean likes to ‘tease’ Soul…for some reason he is completely enamored with her LIKE I have never seen with any animal before and I think he has a crush on her πŸ˜‰ ……Soul has always been our ‘bachelor Uncle’ Dane and Ocean is such a monkey to him…poor boy…LOL Ocean will need continued work in shaping her personality in the right sweet and loving direction she has and also to continue on her ‘gentle’ skills when playing…poor Bronson takes a pounding from this girl in play……and he outweighs her by at least 50 pounds! LOL This is a Dane that Sean and I know that our hearts could really enjoy having her here with us as she has fit in so amazingly into our home but her time is coming to be placed up for adoption. The other thing that Ocean has started to do(THANKS Shiva! LOL) is bark in some excitement when you come home and she is in her crate. You can tell from her bark that she is not 100% deaf…….This Dane has depth and character and a joy of life that is just breathtaking. She has been a true delight being in our home. I will have to get a current weight/height on her plus wanted to post that she has very tender feet. The melting and then freezing of the melting snow has been hard on her…she had many cuts and sore/raw spots and when I tried to put booties on her to go out; she looked at them like they were aliens and Soul was always very happy to help her take them off….Β  πŸ˜›

OceanΓ© & Lil Linus- February 26th, 2009

Sincerest Thanks’ & Greatest Gratitude…Always’!!!

Happy St. Pat’s & Happy Easter…Just wanted everyone to know how BHRR-Gwen and Sean blessed our lives’!!!Almost three years’ ago,they trusted us, as a forever home,…Good Friday 2006…A delightful handfull named Mr. Arthur Zane from Zanesville,Ohio came into our lives’ with open arms.He is so special to us…since he was born(Aug.16th.2004) on top of my Fathers’ death(Aug.19th.2004.), who happened to be the 2nd. Arthur in my family…Zane is the 5th.We wanted Zane, true enough,and wanted more BHRR Giants’ before that visit was over…beautiful Boba Phett particularly…Now @ Rainbow Bridge.It is true what they say…Great Danes’ are for life!!I can’t see myself ever without one??I would like All Great Dane Lovers’…To celebrate the Huge Success @ BHRR…Zane is living Proof!!!Before we forget…WAY TO GO…DYCE!!! & BRONSON!!!CHAMPIONS’!!!HARLEQUINS’ & BLUES’…ZANES’partial to them. On a sad note…Please give KB/JB a BIG KISSxoXOxoHUGS’….We are thinking of SEAN TOO… There is no reason to wait???Dog Lovers’ out There???Please help a BHRR Dane find their New home…or help BHRR with their Loving Care…You won’t regret it!!!God will love you…Just like he LOVES’ BHRR…….My Regards’ & Best Wishes Forever…LOVExoXOxo Mr. Arthur Zane + RuRu Northern Dancer(GDRI)…& The Rodgers’ Clan Toronto,Ontario-CANADA.

Monica Donaldson Ontario

I just stumbled across your webpage.
I had a dane of my own when I was younger, she was also a rescue. When she came to us she was three years old, and had old battle wounds up and down her front legs. Right away we bonded and she knew I was her human and that she was my dog. She was black and white, with a perfect black spot right on the top of her head. She lived to the ripe age of eleven, and spent most of her days roaming around the old farm (amongst the calves she looked very similar!) and taking rides with us in the farm truck.
I could never have asked for a better more sweet and kind dog. Someday I would love to adopt a dane again, there is something about the breed that is just awesome.
I will keep your organization in mind, it looks like you are doing a wonderful job and have such beautiful dogs!

I have booked Mazda’s annual including HWT for March 20th. It will be nice to see how much she weighs now and I know that she loves visiting the hospital. JUST pray that in her enthusiasm, that she does not ‘bang’ that happy tail of hers! πŸ˜› Hard to believe that another year has come around and her right matched forever loving home has not yet come. As one wise person said to me recently in an email; it ‘appears’ that she is mostly likely not yet done teaching/showing me things and I do agree that this is very possible and I also believe that her one amazing purpose right now is to be with her best friend KB/JB as he battles Osteosarcoma. We will have to get new pics up of her. I know I have been remiss with the round clock care we are giving KB/JB and with the recent loss of our beloved BHRR’s Klondike. I am hoping that this week, I can catch up on blogs and add pictures. Thanks as always, for the support shown to the animals of BHRR and to us.

Carole & Darren from West St. Paul, MB

Hi Gwen,

We are relatively new to the wonderful world of Great Dane ownership and only discovered your exceptional website a few months ago. We were previously involved in dalmatian rescue and had, as our own, a rescued dal and a rescued beagle up until a year ago when we added our first Great Dane to the family. She’s a beautiful brindle from a show line, but since we always sterilize our dogs, she is headed for obedience trials and agility. We love all dogs, but Miika, the Great Dane, has been an unparalleled gift of friendship and delight which seems to be representative of this particular breed. But they are very big dogs – our girl is just 15 months old, over 37.5 inches at the withers, and can throw spittle across the room with the flick of the head – and many people are not aware of their requirements when they get these dogs and unfortunately the dogs suffer. Your work, Gwen, is tremendous. We read your website postings daily and feel so fortunate that Gwen Boers is who she is so that mistreated, neglected, and abused Great Danes get the love, care and healing that they deserve. God bless you and your furry four-footed angels!

I brought Porridge with me when I went out for a hike on Sunday and then again to the B&F event. He did great! He seems to be a bit of a ‘momma’s’ boy in public though…always wanting to keep that one eye on me! I weighed him at the hospital last night and he was 152.54 pounds at 11 months of age. I will have to take a new height on him yet he is now taller than Bronson; who is 38″ and I believe he is about 39″. My little ‘giraffe’ is most certainly holding up to his end on that ‘tall’ prophecy!!!! So many just fall in love with Porridge yet I wish it was not his ‘colouring’ that drew them most to him and his personality instead. Yes, reputable/quality Breeders produce the porcelains and fawnequins too; yet those are not all that common and come with the added benefits of having a mentor; the animal being bred for correct temperament, health, longevity plus conformation to give an owner the best possible chance of having that sweet and healthy GD for a long time to come.

NewHopeFor Danes

Gwen: you are amazing . I am so impressed and have shed a few tears.
I just rescue Danes but we always need someone like you for
the special ones…..

Thank you…Elaine

Sunday at 5:41 PM, I said good-bye to one of my best of friends; BHRR’s Klondike(Jasper’s full brother from a different litter & the other half of the HUGE inspiration for me to create BHRR in 1996). He waited until I came home from a hike with friends; looked at me as soon as I walked in the door and I β€˜just’ knew what he was telling me……I sat down with him; hugged him; kissed him tons; bathed him in my many loving tears and told him it was β€˜ok to leave…that he was so loved and to go be with Jasper and that I would see him again’ and he passed away not even 10 minutes later. He waited until I got home and I knew as of Satruday that we were getting closer for him to leave us for he had a bit of a rough day; yet he ate his supper and slept well that night plus had a good quiet day on Sunday with Sean & Kids while I was out. I just did not think that it would be so soon after Saturday to have to say good-bye…..I always promised him that I would not allow him to ever reach a point of suffering and even told him on Saturday that I would make an appointment this week if needed yet just like Frost β€˜T’; he decided that he wanted to pass away at home. As Jasper was to Sean; Klondike was to me and our hearts are extremely heavy with immense sadness and pain. Almost 13 years together and it feels that in a blink of an eye; time has just raced on by and I so wish that sometimes we could just stop time…… πŸ˜₯

For all you do…

Bless you. You and your family are angles to these magnificent beasts! I truly hope there comes a day when you no longer need to do what you do.