Dana has been very consistent the last two nights in letting me know at 3:02 AM to be exact that she has to go outside. She does her business, comes in for a treat, a little lovin’ and settles back into her crate until just after 7:00 AM. She keeps re-opening this one spot on her tail and I am going to put her on antibiotics for it. I was able to do her back nails all by myself while she slept last night yet when I got to the second nail on her left front paw, she woke up and was not too happy! LOL I will finish the rest of them with Sean’s help in holding her. While I was with a Client yesterday; Sean said that she had a pee in the house yet that is not bad considering we have had her since Wednesday night. While she was sleeping last night; I was able to touch her a lot more and in looking much closer at her ears; I am going to bring her back in for I am not quite sure what is going on. On the edges of her left ear; it almost looks like it has been ‘eaten’ in three spots and on her right ear, in one spot. It does not look like frost-bite to me and while I could be wrong; I want to get her back in now that she will be ‘still’ enough(of course, she will be awake yet she is much better about being held and touched without being so wiggy wormed!). There is also one area on her tail that I was able to look much closer at and it reminds me of her ears and where it is located plus how the hair is in and around that area; makes me wonder if she has a skin condition in addition to everything else. I am just not sure what they represent and they are not itchy, red, scabby, oozing etc. and maybe it is frost-bite….we will see what the Vet says. I also do not think they were ‘caught’ on something and tore either…to have three on one ear, one of the other and underneathe her tail, just does not add up to a cause of that type. I am not convinced that this one spot on her tail plus her ears are the results of environmental factors. I am not overly concerned about them yet would like to get them checked out. It was so hard to properly look her over at the Hospital as closely as I have been able to last night during her trusting sleep and I am now noticing a few things like this that I could not see so well before. What looked like just bald spots on her ears indeed have pieces missing out of them and I now see more on the underside of her tail. Yet she is eating, drinking, playing more(YAY!) and putting on weight(I actually had to loosen her collar yesterday!(GO DANA! GO DANA!) all well. In fact, when she does play, it is rough and parts of my body have been the bearer of the imprints of a very rough, nipping mouth! She likes to grab at my coat as I take it off and also the back of my clothes in play yet has no concept of ‘gentle’ and OUCH! LOL She plays for little moments with Porridge, a Client’s dog and Soul the best and the most(for the few moments that she does throughout the day). She is very slowly picking up some play behavour yet often stands there a wee bit confused over the antics of the dogs. SHE will pick it up…….She LOVES this ‘good cuz’ that we have and just pounces on it yet as soon as it stops, she loses interest and looks at us….we then roll it again and off she goes again until it stops moving and then looks at us again to roll it. She does not realise that she can move it herself!!! She is going into her crate very willingly now and can often be found just lying in it during the day(I only crate her for feeding/high value treats during the day) on her own volition. At night, she is crated and I have been putting her into the crate at midnight and as mentioned above; she settles down for about 3 hours, goes out and then is back to her crate for another 4 hours. GOOD GIRL! I found her lying on our bed last night and I saw her lip curl at Cherokee and then at Porridge when I was near and she was corrected, taken off the bed and there were no more incidents after that. So, she is doing really well in that area and continues to learn to ‘share’. She does not growl, lunge, bark or snarl with this behavour. We will continue to work on acceptable manners/methods of communication plus sharing and that she shall not want for anything and she is a smart cookie; she is getting it! There is so much depth and personality to this girl that I am finding so much to say about her each time I write! Loving this girl and all she represents!!!! 😀

Saint John, NB Canada

Hi Gwen

I must applaud you over and over. I had a Great Dane and recently had to put him down shortly after he turned 2 years of age. It was the hardest decision I had ever made in my life and I miss him every day. He was diagnosed with Chylothorax (not sure if I spelt that correctly) but we had a deicison to make. Our vet had contacted another vet that had been practising for 20 years and he said in all is years of practising that he had never seen that diagnosis in a dog before, however our option was to take him to the PEI Vet College where they were equipped to do the surgery but they only had a 40% success rate that it would fix the problem. I would have spent any amount of money to fix him, but with that percentage I could not bare to see him suffer, as he had been suffering the last few days. I am so glad that there are people out there like yourself that care about this animals and make a difference, if I had the resources I would love to be doing the same thing. Keep up the great effort and it will not be unrecognized. Thanks

I took Dana with me to the Vet last night and she weighed 29.2 KGs(64.24 pounds). Picture from yesterday posted below and it really does not do her justice with how thin she really is. 😥 The vet also agreed that she is no more than 8 months old and between the Vet and I we were able to get into her mouth better(wiggle worm monkey she is) and we could better see that she has no tartar on her teeth and even is still erupting teeth SO she is somewhere between 6.5 months – 8 months of age. The Vet looked at her tail and also felt that she has had several breaks and that they have healed in a not so nice fashion. She saw the bald and callused areas and the raw areas and we are going to use Cothivet on her tail plus between her toes(it remains to be seen if the rawness between her toes is from being on the roads, a rash or from trying to get out of the kennel at the shelter or even from escaping her crate at the foster home and our own home the first night). She has such a long tail and is very ‘happy’ with it. She just bangs and bangs it even at our house in her crate when it is time to take her out. She is better about ‘waiting’ for me to get her out yet that little body is so happy to come out after eating to be with everyone. We drew blood to run a HWT even though we have a good grasp on her current age and the incubation period of HW etc. JUST in case. She took treats really gently from the Vet and honestly, except for one moment of her trying to climb in the front as I was driving down our laneway; she layed down and snored and had dreams the whole drive in. PHEWWW! She is a terrible jumper and I know that I am going to have my share of black eyes, fat lips and broken glasses before we get the upper hand on that behavour. Her heart is great and her lungs sound clear. Dana really was happy to see everyone that was there at the hospital and sat on the scale long enough to get a weight. GOOD girl! Her leash manners were really not bad, considering and at times were actually quite good. She is a puller most of the time though and a weaver! We will see what her fecal results will bring. Tonight will be her third night of de-worming with the Panacur. Her poor coat while so soft is smelly and flaky and until the weather is better and she is stronger(she is quite weak); I am not going to bath her. The Vet’s words words were ‘eat, eat and eat!’ The Vet and I both hope that with the Ester C and proper nutrition(great food and enough of it) that we can ‘lift’ her up on her toes better for those feet are really really really bad and her knees, they could just about make you cry they are so terrible right now. Yet, even today, she did some puppy romping on her gangly deer legs. The Vet thought she was very social and friendly and a nice girl! I have to say that something changed with this girl yesterday afternoon; she just ‘relaxed’ and went into her crate of her own volition and slept soundly. Last night(or rather in the wee hours of this AM); I took her out one more time and she went very willingly into her crate with a treat(I owe Maggi a Pig’s ear that I snagged out of her SS bag for Dana….. 😳 ) and she slept right though, no wailing, crying, trying to get out of her crate, NOTHING. I woke her up at 7:00 AM to get her out and fed….WOW! WOW! WOW! I did not think we would get to that point that soon and man, is she smart. She is not the shrinking violet kind of gal and will most certainly need to go to a home with experience. I already know that I am going to adore this one to wee bits and she is another very special creature! Our Leader Female Kona(almost 10 now) also did something very interesting last night when Dana was sleeping in her crate; she went into the crate(NEVER does this) and layed down and let Dana put her head on her back and hips(Kona has bad HD and this was very revealing) and slept there. She was definitely passing along a message about Dana to us and I am looking forward to properly understanding what that message is through time. Kona watches over our kids like her own, she is the best leader female one could ask for and to see this behavour; is fascinating. Animal dynamics and behavour is so incredible. Even to see Dana be ‘ok’ with a dog going into her crate was interesting. Yes, Dana has some little resourcing going on…..more like mild protection in my opinion for she has lip curled when I was preparing food for Tain and did the same when a dog went to go over to the couch to see Sean yet we have nipped this in the bud very fast and other than 3 moments like this; she has been totally ‘kewl’ with things. Even late this afternoon when preparing her next meal; she did not get stressed(that is where this behavour is coming from as she is so starved for attention/love and food) and stood there with other dogs mingling around. We are watching it and correcting the behavour and in time as Dana learns that she is going to be fed and it is going to be consistent etc., this will fade. Lil Linus had this behavour as well at 14 weeks of age when he arrived and much much much worse than Dana and he is a great boy. This is not an uncommon behavour to see in dogs with this history and our patience and understanding along with the continued correction on proper behavour with her being fed regularly etc. is going to work wonders. In respect to the attention and love; we do not overdue it and she is learning she has to ‘share’. She will continue to be fed in her crate for her safety and to not be set up for failure and while I can give her little treats around the other dogs; I will not give her a high value item outside of her crate at this time either. She has been fully integrated with everyone and even this AM, she had a few seconds of play! YAY! YAY! with Porridge and a Client’s Dog before she tired and had to lie down. She was not quite sure how to go about doing it yet she did do some mouthing back with them and a little bounce here and there. Tonight she did a tiny bit of play with Shiva. This is very very very promising! Right now, she is curled up on a small bed that was donated by Jenni/Mudslide’s adoptive parent’s right next to me, having a nice snooze. Dana is so sweet it just melts your heart. She is very much one of the neatest Danes I have had the pleasure of meeting and with all of the training and socialization that she is going to get; she is going to be an INCREDIBLE addition to someone’s home. As mentioned to someone earlier today; this gal has already snuggled her way into my heart. Her eye while sill a bit runny, is clear and the Vet was not too concerned for her eyes were not red and she is not rubbing at them. The other thing that we are working on is her penchant for our couches. We do not allow the dogs up on our leather and she has been very persistent in trying to get on them. I know her temp foster home allowed this and new house, new rules. 😉 I will be posting a picture in her slideshow of my ‘first’ attempt to keep her off my couches! LOL I put up huge pillows, the foot stools and the little monkey just climb right up on a chair to the couch, made herself comfortable and then used her feet to push them off on the floor. At one point, I was running around the house in a small panic as I could not find Dana and then I see this one brown eye looking at me from the couch behind the one foot stool….OMG! I almost died laughing! SMART! SMART! SMART! I am just loving her personality!!!! I hope I have not missed too much in this update for her and will update as I can, including a height. Ohhhh, one more thing, she has not had an accident in the house in over 24 hours! We make sure she goes out after every nap, eating etc…..The last thing is that her drive home from the Vet Hospital was just as uneventful. She laid her head down on the arm rest and layed that way the whole way home.


Dana is now at my house. The temp foster home did not feel comfortable/equipped to deal with what she believes is Dana’s stress and/or anxiety levels and so she is now with us. I cannot thank this person enough for all that she has done in helping us pull and save this Dane and another HUGE public thanks being sent her way. In my estimation, Dana is about 8 months old at maximum, has never had a heat nor has had a litter. I will see what the Vet thinks when I bring her. I have given her Sentinel and have begun to de-worm her. Emaciated is putting it very mildly with this Dane. She is in terrible shape and her tail is a mess. It looks like she has several old breaks that have healed and several bald/callused and even raw spots where she has been rubbing/bumping on something(small crate or kennel at one point in her life perhaps). Both of her eyes are running and though I had an appointment booked for next week as she was to come in on Saturday; I am bringing her in today for 4:30 PM. I want to do a HWT test, Fecal etc. as per my below blog post for her too. She is eating well, is not housebroken at this time, has no leash manners, counter surfs, has no clue about her new name or manners, is very flat footed, very eastie westie, terrible looking knees, major happy tail wagging(especially in her crate); a HUGE houdini when it has come to her crate and we now have four clasps on it AND is not a happy camper in her crate. She gave us 2.5 hours of sleep last night before the wailing began at a new level of intensity and the ‘tough’ love has started. I am feeding her in her crate(last night she ate extremely fast and was really smart and first took out the large object I had put into her bowl to ‘slow’ her down yet this AM, she ate more slowly) and I have given her a couple very bland treats to get her to go into her crate to ‘work’ on her willingness to do so. She has a gorgeous head and face and the softest ears I have felt since Miss Gracie was with us. She is a tiny wee thing at this time and though I will take pictures, they will not do her justice on the inhumane treatment she has received for having a black coat; the pictures will not truly show how skinny she is. She has no fear about taking stairs and we are on our toes to keep her out of things. She is integrated with most of the dogs here and really has not shown much of an interest; Tain really ‘took’ to her yet she is more interested in exploring and trying to find food. Shiva, Porridge, Guinness, Kona, Cherokee, Hamilton The Newf(surprisingly enough, he was very respectful of this one….LOL…he must be tired of playing…normally, he is right in there bouncing and hopping and being a true goober!)PPSS and Abbi have all been integrated with her. I was never worried about how well she would fit in from all that I have heard, yet she is not really ‘social’ with other animals(her main focus is to be around humans and we do not desire to see her develop any resourcing over people or food/treats)and it is clear that she has no true social or communication skills with other dogs. She is just ‘existing’ with them right now….neither here or there with them. She LOVES LOVES LOVES people. Her paperwork indicated that she is nervous of men yet she has been fine with Sean and I heard also ok with her temp foster mom’s bf and I will see how she fares out and about today at the Vets. She came with a really pretty collar and a small dog coat and THANK you to the person who gave her these very personal and much needed items. She has no fat at all and she is very sensitive to the cold. I will update her blog as I learn more about her and about her Vet visit. She is eating and drinking well yet almost immediately after eating and drinking; she has to go out and pee and poop. Her stools while soft are well formed and yet the smell literally makes Sean gag, the poor man. My first impression of her is one of intelligence, sweet yet dom and ‘edgy’. She is a stubborn one and determined and those things have made her a survivor for she is just ‘skin’ and bones and amazing that she is doing as well as she is AND according to the records; she has put on quite a bit of weight, so to think of how she looked when she was first picked up as a stray is heartbreaking. 😥 I can tell she is going to provide me with many challenges and it is going to be a great journey we shall take towards her rehab. She is personality, this one! 😀

If all goes well; this Dane will be picked up on London on Tuesday by a Volunteer/Friend and temp fostered with her until the 29th of November. I cannot thank ALL the amazing people enough for stepping up to assist us on this Dane. Next Saturday; I am willing to make the 4.5 hour drive one way myself if needed to bring her back to our place as I am most relieved to know that she is getting out of the shelter and being loved in a home until then. I also think we are going to name her ‘Dana’. Not sure why that name over any other, but that is what we are going to call her. BHRR’s Dana!

Mazda was picked up on Friday at KAH by one of my Clients for her play weekend and from what I have been sent; she is having a blast and they are having a blast with her! Due to our Cherokee’s sudden onset of vomiting up sheer blood; instead of picking up Mazda tomorrow(Sunday); I will pick her up from them after my work shift at KAH on Monday. I am very appreciative of them keeping her an extra day yet according to them they are loving and spoiling her to bits! 😀 They have found her to be quite amazing and I am so proud of her AND of them in working with her. I have added two new slide pictures that they sent to me of her # 26 & #27 and I feel very comfortable with her being in their hands. Her tail tip was doing great until I put her into the car to go to KAH yesterday, sigh….yet I have not heard if anything has become worse while she has been with them. I gave them her antibiotics and told them that she is great about you holding her tail and ‘calming’ down as she is almost a full body wiggle/tail wag and she rocks in cleaning her tail too. No matter how many dogs we may have here; I always ‘miss’ one when they are gone and Mazda’s HUGE personality is definitely missed. I am also thankful on a sidenote that Noreena has taken Tain for me until tomorrow night(as was our plan anyway) yet with Cherokee the way she is; I am very thankful to know that I do not have to worry about his special needs right now.

We have been asked to take in a Black with White Female GD that is currently in SW ON. From what was sent our way we know that she is severely emaciated and came in as a stray. It is believed that someone starved her and then dumped her down a side road. She was wandering aimlessly. In the shelter she has put on a few pounds…but has a LONG way to go. She is very energetic and loves food…so it does not appear there are underlying health issues. We have been told that she looks like an adult yet from her pics she looks considerably younger. We will get a better determination after she arrives. She is ultra friendly to adults and kids and listens well. She has shown some protective tendencies towards her treats yet this is very understandable and she will need to be fed in a quiet place at this time. She is just too comical and sweet and silly and such a loveable lanky quirky thing. I have posted 2 pics below of this GD. We do not know if she has been named and if so, what that name might be; HW+, spayed yet I most certainly do not like the look of how flat her feet are in that one picture nor that one front knuckle joint and am working to get her pulled ASAP and temp fostered until at least next Saturday so that I can drive down all the way to SW ON if need be to get her. I have had an offer of someone being able to get her to TO and that is just awesome. THANKS to all that have stepped forward to help us pull and temp foster this GD. Please consider partipating in our BHRR ONLINE AUCTION EVENT that started today for the funds are going to be very much needed to help Vet and Rehab this Great Dane. She will not be available for adoption for quite some time.


I brought Mazda in to work with me last night. She weighed 55.4 KGs(121.88 pounds) and no sooner than we got in the door and she had blood spraying everywhere from that tip of her tail as she bumped it on the wall where our weight scale is…ugh….She just wags with her whole lower body and tail that it is almost impossible to keep her ‘still’ when she is just so happy to see every one and every dog! We did a FNA on her lump(cyst) in the scar area from her past tail injury and decided to keep her on the Cephalexin for 2 weeks at 250 mg tabs x 3 BID. The tip injury just keeps coagulating and then re-opening due to her antics. The kennel run was almost a blood bath and it took me quite some time along with a collegue to clean all the blood off the walls, doors etc. None of it bothers Mazda in the least, she just kept banging her tail as happy as can be. My scrub bottoms were not so ‘surgical green’ anymore after my shift. She was suppose to go over to one of my Client’s homes for the weekend(Friday – Sunday) for a playdate and sleepover mini-vacation yet we will have to monitor the next 24 hours. Our home is very open concept with very little things that she can bang her tail on; this is not the same with many other homes. The focus is on getting that tail tip to heal. I want my Client’s and Mazda to have the best weekend possible and we shall see what the next day holds. I would hate for her to miss out on being with them and vice versa as this could be a possible future ‘great match’ adoptive home for her and would be a wonderful opportunity for everyone to just spend some more great quality time plus fun together. She does not lick or bother with her tail at all yet I have my aresenal of E-Collars at home just in case.

Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! What to say about this gal! LOL She is most assuredly keeping us on our toes these days. She is such a ‘thinker’ and has been very clever in figuring out how to access the rubbermaid food bin. This girl loves loves loves still to bark in excitement and while it is only a few barks, we are still working on that. Her ‘alert’ barks have gotten very few and far between yet they still happen…’hey, look over here’….’WOW, would ya look at that’……’Holy…NO Way…..’ She is a ‘nut’, this one. Full of personality and a charmer yet with an openly honest manipulative streak for she will look positively adorable and innocent while standing right in front of a dumped out food bin almost saying ‘It was not me…honest…’. I keep telling Sean..’Don’t fall for the pretty browns…DON’T look into the brown lights’….LOL 😛 I have found a small spot on her side and while I am not really suspecting that it is a new ‘spot’; I am watching it right now. It could very well be just a ‘play’ mark with how wild these guys can get in their playing. Having so many animals here under the age of 3 is busy, that is for sure. :mrgreen: She does love her comforts too, our bed is her prime ‘real estate’ spot for sleeping yet to keep her onboard with the continued NILIF and Gwennie’s Doggie Boot Camp; she sleeps at night in her crate. She has managed on a number of occasions to ‘open’ her crate(LORD knows how!) and has been found sleeping quite soundly on a dog bed. It is not that I do not trust her to be out at night; it is more for continued training and position placement in the house for she is a true delight with her sometimes high maintenance behavour. I want to keep her on the right track with her molding of her fantabulous personality and obedience/training in the right direction and this is just part of that whole process. When she is older and not as ‘goober’ like; she can sleep out at night. She can still be a bossy bit of goods at time yet it is done mostly in play and we could not ask for a better all around ‘bomb’ proof dog such as her. She is great will all and anyone and any dog; just like Mazda and Lil Linus and Porridge. I just love how intelligent she is and how stimulated she needs to be(she needs a job this one) and how she thinks and processes things. She is superb. Just superb! I know that Sean continues to secretly and not so secretly harbour deep affection for this one. She is a rare gem in so many ways.

Finally! TWO new pics of Lil Linus now posted Slides #61 & #62. LOOK at that gorgeous head on this boy! The lip and those facial expressions! He is a stunner! He is doing wonderfully and his appointment for his feet should be this Friday, if I do not bring in a Client’s Dane that night for training. Like most of the other animals, I would really like to get a current weight on him too. He is so wonderfully proportioned and just a happy boy! He still becomes so excited when it comes to eating that he will make these really desperate sounds of ‘don’t forget me’….’I’m over here’…….Food will always be this boy’s vice and talk about impreccable obedience when treats are involved. Definitely the way to this man’s heart that is for sure! His best buds right now are Bronson, Hamilton The Newf, Shiva and not as much yet still there Porridge. Porridge seems to have shifted to the ‘new’ blue in our home, Tain. He does get rockin’ with Shiva and Abbi at times yet not to the extent he does with the others. He and PPSS have been known to start some ‘midnight’ rumbles in the house too; almost scaring the stuffing out of us as we wake up with a start. :mrgreen: We have very specific requirements for his future home; Great Dane experience, SN’s experience, someone that works from home or works part-time; a home that has at least one other dog and is comparable in age/energy level and size. We continue to wait and see if that right matched home will come along for BHRR’s Lil Linus. He most certainly has wheedled his way into my affections, that is for sure and being SN’s is very dear to my own heart. Yet, he no longer needs us and it is time to allow him to spread his wings and be ‘man’ of his own home. I know that I am going to shed my share of tears when this boy is adopted. That I freely admit. BHRR’s Lil Linus is full of very special gifts and lessons and the home that he shall go to will be blessed in having him. I have learnt much from Linus as I have with BHRR’s Little Tyke and I am very thankful to them for that. Those two could very easily be brothers in how similar yet different they are as individuals.

Porridge has recovered well from his neuter and is just getting taller every day. I always knew that he would be tall and he is most certainly fulfulling that prophecy! LOL He is now in full swing into the first ‘idiot’ stage as I call it and the sweet ‘Papaya Boy’ has turned into the selective hearing, devil child at times! 😛 At last measurement he was 34″ and I know he is taller now and counters have become a great new source of exploratory discovery of delights! What a ham! When he was neutered he was just over 103 pounds and I really would like to get a new weight on him. He and our new ‘little blue’ Tain(14 weeks today) are the best of chums and where one is found to be chomping on a shoe the other can be found chomping on another shoe right beside him. Porridge will even bring a shoe for Tain and go back for another one for himself and then plunk himself down to chew right beside him. Incredible! LOL Major NILIF going on in this house that is for sure! Gwennie’s Doggie Boot Camp is in full force with these two. Surprisingly enough, Lil Linus who is not much older; has been a ‘model’ citizen in his own ‘idiot’ phase; in comparison. AREN’T puppies fun!!!! 😉

When Mudslide went to her new home on Saturday; Abbi took it quite hard. She is still a bit depressed and while Shiva is ‘helping’ her; she is very sad. It is a wee bit heartwrenching to see. 🙁 The first thing every AM is Abbi and Mudslide just zooming it up outside and Abbi has been looking and looking for her DBB sister. I am glad that Shiva is there for her and Hamilton The Newf has really stepped up to the plate and has been sleeping close to her. Abbi and Mudslide would almost always share the same Kuranda bed when sleeping or another one of the dog beds and this adoption has been very hard on her. People talk all the time about how bad it is for sisters in getting along etc. yet from personal and professional experience; with the proper training and personalities; having sisters is not a big deal. These three DBB’s were very close and while I knew that Abbi would find it a bit of an adjustment(just as she did with Jenni for those two were SUPER close); she is very much finding this adoption hard. The one thing that Abbi is defnitely loving is taking over Mudslide’s spot on our bed! LOL She slept there all last night; happy as a clam, that one! So, she has found some light in the dark clouds. She is just a really neat Great Dane and we still are in disbelief that she has not yet been adopted. Yet, as with all the animals; we wait patiently and her time will come and if not, that is ok too. She is so unique and precious and has been a great asset in our home!

I took Mazda with me last night when I was visiting Clients and I could not have been more proud of how she handled herself. She walked beautifully, had impeccable manners, listened wonderfully and really proved herself as being the amazing Dane we always said she was! She did have her massivie ‘happy’ tail syndrome and even before we got fully in the door; she cracked the tip and split it open. Once I got her home; I took a closer look at it and shaved off the hair and she managed to slice the tip down the middle. I have put her on antibiotics, cleaned it up yet as I am working on Wednesday; I am going to bring her in. It will also be a good time to recheck the ‘scar’ area and lump that she has on her tail from us healing her last tail injury when she came home to us from her failed adoption. I like to stay up on that area to be assured that nothing becomes more serious as tail injuries are just the worst to heal. She just wags her whole lower body when she is happy and gets that tail a rockin’. She really loved her visit and loved her short play sessions with their GD. I wish I had brought my camera for seeing Mazda all curled up on their Danes couch and then sitting with her butt on the ‘human’ couch was just a riot! I think that my Clients also really enjoyed having her visit; despite the bloodbath of her tail spraying. Everytime, I have her out and about; I just marvel at how far she has come and how amazing our journey has been and just what a special Dane she is. The other thing I want to do on Wednesday is get a current weight on her, my little ‘mac’ truck/tank. 😛 She had such a great time coming out with me last night and had a good snoring snooze with her head on my arm on the drive home. Just don’t tell Mazda that she can snore though…LOL We continue to remain patient that the home meant for her shall come along yet we continue to get inquiries from people who want her for the complete wrong reasons such as being cropped or that they want to replace a Dane they have now with her for she reminds them of their current Dane. We want Mazda loved for her and not any other dog out there. She deserves that and so much more. In the meantime, she continues to hold down the fort here and loves her time with her best buds Cherokee and KB/JB.

I just have to get in gear and post new pics of Shiva. She is looking awesome! She is feeling very comfortable at our home now and has taken to entering what I call the ‘second idiot phase’ in growing up/maturing. She is loving to try and counter surf and has no qualms about climbing onto our deep window sills to access the rubbermaid container of food. Shiva is JUST awesome with Tain, our new blue. She is gentle when she needs to be and when she plays with the ‘big dogs’ she gets all rough and tumbly if they are playing that way. Her spot on her side is fully healed and the hair has begun to grow back in and Shiva has had no other spots appear. I will also try to get a new height posted on Shiva shortly for I believe she is taller. She is just a wonderful dog!!!!

A big congrats – Karen, Quebec

Hey Gwen, I just wanted to give you a huge hoorah for all you are doing. All I have to say is man has LIL grown since I saw him as a 3 month old pup.
Keep doing the great work, and really hope to see you guys soon 🙂

We had another application for Mazda yet we were unable to receive a response back in our efforts to obtain additional information/clarification on that potential adoption applicant’s home and so, Mazda continues to be available. I really do need to post up some new pictures of the beautiful Mazda. She just oozes personality and is such a happy Great Dane. She and KB/JB are extremely close and some days; I do worry about how Mazda’s adoption will affect the both of them yet we still firmly believe that it is in Mazda’s best interest to become ‘queen’ of her own home. 🙂 We continue to remain patient.

Sean and I feel comfortable at this time to put BHRR’s Lil Linus back up for adoption. We were going to wait another month; until he turned 1 yet he is doing SOOOOOOOOOOO well! I do plan on bringing him in to have his feet looked at yet one more time but I am feeling really good about how things are at this time. Any new home will have to understand that excellent nutrition is a must for his continued proper development and that exercise management is going to be key so that he does not put himself at a high risk at hurting himself. Some days, he just wants to zoom and be a complete goober outside and we must ‘tame’ the wild beast and once he is settled; allow him to go and play again. He is just a riot this one!!!! We continue to work on ‘gentle’ when he plays with 11 week old Tain for he thinks that Tain is an extra large stuffie and likes the ‘squeaks’ he can elicit when playing with him as he thumps a large paw on Tain’s head or rump to hold him still to groom and lick him. LOL He is a good boy and I am very proud of him. I have a real soft spot for this boy and he has come so far during his time with us. He is going to make someone an excellent family member and there shall never be a dull moment in your home while BHRR’s Lil Linus is in it! 😛 I have a couple new pics to post of BHRR’s Lil Linus and MAN! HE is stunning!!!! I will do my best to get those pictures up within the next day or so.

Two new pics of DBB Abbi posted; Slides #52 & #53. Abbi continues to just blossom and do wonderfully! She and Mudslide plus Shiva are definitely three Muskateers! While I know that Abbi will deeply miss her DBB sister Mudslide when she goes to her new home within the next week+; I am hoping that Shiva will be enough for Abbi to help her move forward. We had someone over helping us out yesterday with the new horse-lean to etc. and he was absolutely enamored with Abbi…the feelings were quite mutual! I just know that her right home will come and hopefully; it will be soon. She still is not particularly in love with the car yet we continue to ‘work’ on short and fun rides and it is getting so much better. She used to just sit up and look at everything and now she tends to lie down in the beginning and is still a wee bit uncomfortable. She is getting better and will ‘peek’ up and out every now and again and does actually enjoy herself at times. Time and patience and lots of treats! She loves the Timmie’s drive through! LOL

K. Sheppard


I ran across your posting for Mazda and just wanted to say that she sounds like an amazing dog. Your description of Mazda and her personality brought a smile to my face so I can only imagine the joy she brings you on a daily basis. I am a Dane lover, my boy is a brindle named Moby. I rescued Moby about 5 years ago and he is absolutely the best dog ever. I have a true place in my heart for Danes. Anyway, I am sure you receive so many emails so I apologize but I just wanted to say I hope you find the perfect home for Mazda.
