I wanted to say that Jenni is also quite the ‘houdini’ gal. She can open doors and she can even open up her crate. We have now put on two clips to keep her ‘safe.’ She is very talented and her mind is always thinking, this doll! Her home is going to have to keep her mentally stimulated or she is going to create her own fun to keep busy! 🙂

I feel compelled to type another update so soon. I have deeply appreciated all the emails and calls of support over Mazda and it has been very touching the number of people that have been so willing to open up their home/hearts to such a wonderful Dane. Mazda is going to be ok and she will be adopted when we feel that the right home has come along…again. AND no one is more terrified than I of making a mistake. I also wish to acknowledge the ‘hate’ emails of the two that feel that once again; we, or more like myself have failed Mazda in this latest home selection and all I can say is that no one feels more sick to their stomach than I over her second failed adoption. I am only human and we have a very detailed and thorough adoption process and at some point, trust has to come into play and yes, Mazda is now back with us. We do the very best we can and I am the one that has to go to bed at night over all of this and no one is harder on me than myself over what has happened to Mazda. I am the one that sees her confusion, is dealing with her tail injury (of which today alone we put almost $400 into vet care) and I am the one that will beat myself up the most over feeling like once again, I have failed an animal in my authority. It is so easy for many to sit back and point fingers and make judgment calls and some days; Sean and I just feel that it is just not worth doing anymore with people breaching adoption contracts, people lying on applications, people not doing right by the animals they have adopted yet then we receive that call or email that an animal needs US and that it is believed that BHRR is the BEST place for them; and we pick ourselves back up and carry on……….at least for another day. We also see the animals that we have placed into the ‘right’ homes and know that this is what it is all about. Truly, if people feel they can do better than us; I will be the first person supporting them, not critiquing them from the comfort of my couch(gosh! I think I can count on my two hands in the last 8 years I have even had the time to sit on my leather couches!) without a clue of what it is like to be in these Rescue trenches every day. I invite people to look over the REALITY section and see what we deal with on a daily basis and I work almost 20+ hours almost each day, 7 days a week on top of everything else we are trying to balance in our lives to continue to do something we believe in. I will always be the first to admit that no Rescue is perfect and that every Reputable/Quality Rescue can be improved upon and remain open to any positive suggestions/feedback on how to improve our program. At this time, what Mazda needs is a sponsor or two to help us with Vet bills and her rehabing and I thank Deanna from my heart for sending us PayPal funds that will greatly assist Mazda. Mazda is on antibiotics at this time and has glued herself to Sean. Mazda spent last night with him sleeping in the recreation room and he will be doing the same until such time as she bounces back with her confidence, spark and level of security.

Mazda is available for adoption again. Words truly fail me to express how I feel at this time. Mazda developed a tail injury in the home she was placed in due to the natural propensity of Great Danes to have ‘happy tail’ and this is an injury that takes many weeks and training to heal properly. During Mazda’s home visit; I was very clear about her happy tail and how things should be handled & not through docking (we live in an open concept home and never had one issue with her tail & her tail is not even that long/happy compared to many Danes we have adopted out to similar set-up homes), that Mazda needed continued socialization and how important play dates with other dogs needed to be due to her age as she was living with an older dog. After 5+ weeks; the home that she was placed in does not feel that she can commit to what Mazda needs and she has come back to BHRR today and so we will begin the dedicated work in now getting her tail injury to heal (this can take 6-8 weeks if not longer of constant supervision and care) and to now; once again deal with her ‘bounce’ back to us over something that was not Mazda’s fault. I stressed how important all of this was for Mazda with this home throughout the whole adoption process) and could not be more full of emotion at this time over these events. BHRR has never had a ‘double’ bounce in their almost 12 years of placing animals and all I can think of is how awful this is for dear sweet Mazda. It is going to take a bit of time to work through Mazda’s obvious confusion and mental state over what has now happened to her twice. It was hard enough the first failed adoption for many people to understand that none of it was Mazda’s fault and now to have her come back yet again is just going to be just that much harder for her to find that home as many will not understand that it was never her fault. She has spent most of the night just glued to Sean and it is truly heartbreaking. This is why we try to get it right the first time round.

BHRR’s Mudslide – SN’s Blue Brindle, female, Great Dane born March 31st, 2007, unspayed(to be spayed August 8th) and last shots scheduled for July 25th. At 8 weeks she was 10.1 pounds; 10 weeks 15.4 pounds; 11 weeks 17.6 pounds and 12 weeks 9.4 KGs(20.68 pounds). I will be getting a current weight on her July 25th @ 16 weeks when she goes in for her rabies. She is on Sentinel and her last fecal was normal. She has done wonderfully with her housebreaking and knows ‘sit’ for treats and before she gets her meals. We are currently working on leash manners, feeling comfortable with ears/nails and she is easy to bathe!She and her two surviving sister of BHRR’s Jenni and BHRR’s Abbi were born by C-section to a 72 pound emaciated Brindle mom, Nelly who is part of a cruelty case in Quebec (being fostered by an angel for the SPCA and she plans on adopting her). There were 8 in the litter and one was stillborn and 3 died within the first two weeks. The pups needed to be tube fed as the mom was too ill to take care of them. I was contacted when they were 6 weeks of age and asked to assist. They have been part of my program since they were 9 weeks old. The fostermom of the pups plus the fostermom of the dam were invited to our home to drop them off and to spend an afternoon visiting with us, partake in some food, to see how we lived and take care of the animals here.

Mudslide is SN’s in that she is neurologically impaired and has an hearing impairment. She is not up for adoption at this time and it has yet to be determined if she ever will be. I call her my ‘world traveler’ for she has gone to London, ON with me and to Kingston, ON to do homevisits for both Boba and Mazda and just this past Friday(July 20th, 2007) she came to the drive-in with us to hang out; socialize and run amok! 🙂 She is very sweet and her sky is full of the prettiest rainbows.

I want to thank her ‘mom’ immensely for all that she has done for these pups and her continued support of them while they are under our care. Mudslide and her sisters are affectionately known as the “Diaper Bag Babies!”


BHRR’s Jenni – Fawn Blue Merle, Great Dane, Female, born March 31st, 2007, spayed August 8th and up to date on vaccines (July 25th, 2007) and is now microchipped. At 8 weeks she was 10.5 pounds, 10 weeks 16.62 pounds, 11 weeks 20.24 pounds, 12 weeks 10 kgs(22 pounds), 16 weeks 16.4 kgs(26.08 pounds) and at the time of her spay @ 18 weeks; Jenni weighed 17 kgs(37.4 pounds).Jenni is on Sentinel and her last fecal was normal. She is almost completely housebroken, fully crate trained and this girl has personality! OMG! This girl is so smart and honest about her feelings and reminds me a lot of Mazda! She will think over almost everything, weighing up the situation and determining if she should do something or listen etc. Usually, it will come down to just what great treat may be in store for her! LOL Her leash manners are now wonderful and we are still working on the recall and distraction training yet she is only 5 months old!!!!! She is getting better with nail trimming and ear cleaning and she is very easy to bathe. Jenni LOVES to cuddle and she is as attached to Sean as our beloved BHRR’s Lady was. Jenni will only go to a home that is experienced with Great Danes, with at least one other dog, one that is not too dominant and one that is prepared to continue to socialize and guide her magnificent temperament in the right direction. She is a happy, healthy and wonderful girl!

She and her two surviving sister of BHRR’s Abbi and BHRR’s Mudslide were born by C-section to a 72 pound emaciated Brindle mom, Nelly who is part of a cruelty case in Quebec (being fostered by an angel for the SPCA and she plans on adopting her). There were 8 in the litter and one was stillborn and 3 died within the first two weeks. The pups needed to be tube fed as the mom was too ill to take care of them. I was contacted when they were 6 weeks of age and asked to assist. They have been part of my program since they were 9 weeks old. The fostermom of the pups plus the fostermom of the dam were invited to our home to drop them off and to spend an afternoon visiting with us, partake in some food, to see how we lived and take care of the animals here. They will be having another visit this upcoming Saturday (August 25th) once last time as they are going up for adoption. Jenni and her two sisters are affectionately known as the ‘Diaper Bag Babies’ by their fan club! 🙂


Fawn with black mask, Great Dane, Female, born March 31st, 2007, spayed August 8th and up to date on vaccines (July 25th, 2007) and is now microchipped. At 8 weeks she was 10.8 pounds, 10 weeks 14.96 pounds, 11 weeks 18.04 pounds, 12 weeks 8.6 kgs(18.92 pounds), 16 weeks 13.4 kgs(29.48 pounds) and at the time of her spay @ 18 weeks; Abbi weighed 15 kgs(33 pounds).Abbi is on Sentinel and her last fecal was normal. She is almost completely housebroken, fully crate trained and her obedience is OUTSTANDING! OMG! This girl is going to rock in obedience and should be showing in obedience. Her leash manners and recall are amazing!!!!! She is getting better with nail trimming and ear cleaning and she is very easy to bathe. Abbi oozes fun and is such an affectionate girl. Her ‘groucho’ marks looks are very expressive and she will only go to a home that is going to be active with her in something such as obedience as it would be a sheer waste of her talent. Abbi should be in a home with at least one other dog, one that is not too dominant and one that is prepared to continue to socialize and guide her magnificent temperament in the right direction. She is a happy, healthy and wonderful girl!

She and her two surviving sister of BHRR’s Jenni and BHRR’s Mudslide were born by C-section to a 72 pound emaciated Brindle mom, Nelly who is part of a cruelty case in Quebec (being fostered by an angel for the SPCA and she plans on adopting her). There were 8 in the litter and one was stillborn and 3 died within the first two weeks. The pups needed to be tube fed as the mom was too ill to take care of them. I was contacted when they were 6 weeks of age and asked to assist. They have been part of my program since they were 9 weeks old. The fostermom of the pups plus the fostermom of the dam were invited to our home to drop them off and to spend an afternoon visiting with us, partake in some food, to see how we lived and take care of the animals here. They will be having another visit this upcoming Saturday (August 25th) once last time as they are going up for adoption. Abbi and her two sisters are affectionately known as the ‘Diaper Bag Babies’ by their fan club! 🙂


New pictures of LT below!!!

Mudslides bw indicated a low 50(low normal is 54) on protein yet nothing to hold back her spay and we will re-do her bw in a few weeks. This could just be ‘norm’ for her.Mudslide was spayed on Thursday August 9th and Mudslide’s spay was very rough. We found out her digestive system is quite immature and slow and she puked up partially digested food when the pre-surgery sedation meds were given. Something to note in future should she need any kind of surgery (emergencies cannot be planned) that she should fast for 24 hours instead. It took four different tubes to tube her as well. Her body parts are not where they are ‘norm’ located in a GD. She is not built quite normal inside. We will do more X-Rays as she grows to have a good idea where things are going to ‘land’ up inside of her. She is just very special all around. GREAT thing is that her elevated HR did not come into any concern during her surgery. I, however; aged greatly throughout it all! I think I need to re-dye my hair I was such a wreck over these spays. Having done almost 350 alters in my life; it does not get that much easier. I worry until they are up on their feet and running so to speak.
Her uterus turned out to be very long and not quite where it should be and her incision is very large, like one would do in a general exploratory. The Vet calls her ‘raggedy Anne’. Yet, she, too has bounced back well and except for her having to wear a ‘cone'(she HATES it and looks miserable!); she is now well on her way to recovery. She refuses to pee, poop or eat/drink with the collar on… I take it off, supervise her very closely and right back on when all is said and done! Mudslide weighed 17.8 Kgs(39.16 pounds) at her spay. I had her at the Vet’s tonight with me to hang out along with Bronson and she was now up to 18.0 KGS(39.6 pounds). Here are some recent pictures of her.

Denise, NB, CDA

One day, I wouldn’t mind doing something like you are, it sounds very rewarding. I could only do this when I retire, my gosh you must have energy like the ENERGIZER BUNNY!!!

M. Diamond, Gatineau, Quebec

Hello Gwen. I am a HUGE fan of your website. I am an avid great dane lover. You are doing an AMAZING thing, and you are a truly wonderful person. You can feel the the love you have for them when you read your website. Thanks so much, and keep up the good work! Kiss LT for me.

I wanted to focus this update specifically on LT’s kisses yet I need to post an update on him in regards to his medical worry that caused the added grey hairs he has given me of late! LT has developed a hygroma on one of his elbows and with all of this heat and despite a/c; he would rather lie on the slate or tile floors so it has been a battle to get it go go away. UGH! I am massaging and using tensors and when I had LT at the Vet today; we might have to do a slight draining on it yet will will monitor for now. He has a very slight one developing on the other elbow. What had me most concerned and turning grey was not the hygromas for they are treatable and will go away; is the 3-4 small lumps I discovered on his scalp on the right side on Sunday. I originally thought they were bug bites for they were not play marks as there were no teeth marks on him and by the time Monday night rolled around; it was one lump and not 3-4 smaller one’s. It did not appear to be attached to the skull for I could freely move it and it is a fairly solid(not squishy) lump. So, of course; me; all worried about sarcomas; took him in today and we did a FNA and thorough exam etc. and the contents that we were able to draw out was very ‘cheesy’ and there was no pus. So, with a great big sigh of relief it appears that this lump (as he did not bang himself on anything to cause a swelling either and it was not going away) is either a sebaceous cyst or even a tricholemmoma, both benign. It will not be necessary to remove unless it bothers him; which it does or if it gets larger etc. BIG sigh of relief felt here. It was worth the vet bill to get the reassuring answers. So, now on to LT kisses! He gives the best and softest of kisses and is so much more comfortable in freely giving them and not having to ask for them (AND I ask for them tons! ) 🙂 I weighed LT at the Vet’s and I thought he was plumper! LOL He weighed in at 59.2 KGs(130.24 pounds). So, since LT’s arrival into our authority in March; he has put on 48.25 pounds! WAY to go LT!!!!!! I will have to take his height and new pictures but he ROCKS! So, LT remains perfectly healthy and full of charm! WOOHOO! We are going to celebrate August 11th as his 1st year birthday for that is 5 months to the day since we got him and it is believed he was about 7 months old then.

I took Mudslide with me tonight to work and we did her pre-surgery bw. WHAT a trooper! She is so much more comfortable and independent and just charmed the whole hospital! She weighed in at 16.4 KGs(36.08 pounds) this week! She is great off leash and still is my ‘world traveler’ gal! Her spay is now scheduled for August 9th with Jenni and Abbi’s being on the 8th of August.