Food coma baby!
Thanks, Sean for sending me this great pic at work!
Miss Janet, one of our Three’s Company pups, is fast asleep against one of the toy bins and giant stuffie! 
This is what your kind generous support means to the animals – a full tummy, great vetting, and the ability to sleep blissfully in a safe loving home! No worries to be had for this wee 3-month-old special needs beauty!

BHRR’s James(GSP) was at the Vet today. I made the drive to pick him up on June 17th to bring him into the rescue.
He is our newest addition to BHRR, and he is not 13, he is closer to 15 years of age. In 2011, the shelter that had him stated his age as being over age 3.
He is the dog whose owners were moving abroad.
He weighed a thin 23.1 kgs (50.82 pounds).
We did bloodwork and tested for prior tickborne disease plus heartworm exposure. Results were negative.
He is going to be dewormed and placed on flea/tick/hw preventative.
We also investigated a lump he has on his chest. I was a bit concerned when I noted it upon picking him up, as I want to be sure he receives all of the necessary care and immediately.
He is not going to be placed up for adoption.
He is going to be placed in our Haven program and cherished for whatever time he has left. We are going to ensure it is a time of quality and that he lacks for nothing…..

The sweetest of kisses!

My beautiful girls! Miss Janet & Miss Chrissy.

So handsome!

Mr. Jack’s facial expressions just crack me up!

Finally!! A good pic of all three! Took me until the end of the event yet, I did get some nice ones of the three of them hanging out!

Thank you SO much to Cassy Montgomery for hosting us today, and being the best of puppy sitters! 

A wonderful $253.50 was raised – Empties to still be returned for the final total.

Thank you to everyone that came out & was very lovely to also see Amy with Miss Hazel (formerly known as our BHRR’s Whisper!).

The Three’s Company puppies had another fabulous day, and it was awesome to get all three back together to play.

Thank you again Megan Wright for dropping Mr. Jack off at our event. All three had a good power snooze in our truck on our way back to your home.


Three wee piggie tushes! The Three Company’s Aussie pups.
We are at 37 Dressler in Kanata until 3 pm today!!
Doing nails, glands & ears!
Collecting Empties & Canadian Tire $ too.
They look like they are in Fort Knox as Mr. Jack kept escaping. So, Cassy Montgomery had another xpen and we ended up having to put it on top & then a baby gate on another section….
Smart puppies!!
So nice to see them all together again….yet, as predicted Miss Janet is being pushed aside so, it was an excellent decision to move Mr. Jack to a foster home separate from his sisters.
He has been a turkey to Miss Janet. He is going to have to learn to be gentle and not ‘throw’ his bigger weight around…..bully behaviour is not permitted! 
Mr. Jack is so people-oriented in addition to animal-oriented….

Here at Brockville Hyundai Charity BBQ/Car Wash For BHRR! Until 2 pm!

Miss Janet & Miss Chrissy – two of our Three’s Company Puppies are also in attendance.

BHRR’s Simon
I am so freakin’ proud of you!
I have said before about how it takes a village to save a dog, and it is no less true with Mr. Simon.
So many to thank for his story to end up being a successful one with a bright future ahead of him.
This is not just myself rescuing, saving, and rehabilitating a dog…it is a beautiful village!
Lorraine Houston, Luan, the mobile vet services, JoAnne Eaton, Leslie Tilley, Morgan, Megan Wright/Eric, Boers Sean, Dr. Beattie, Dr. Liston, all of the donation rescue angels – thank you!
AND, thank you to his forever loving adoptive Mama for wanting to adopt! They knew they wanted another Giant – they had lost their cherished beautiful girl. They first found Mr. Chester, reached out to let us know how handsome he was, and later when they were ready to adopt, Mr. Chester was already adopted.
They had also noticed Mr. Lewis and Mr. Simon, fell in love with Mr. Simon, and enjoyed following their blogs.
Mr. Simon, you were so wonderful tonight….you wanted to trust, you loved the backyard, getting treats, face diving in the water bowl, and watching you lay down to relax was heartwarming.
We know that this was stressful on you, we could see this in your eyes, your sometimes panting behaviour yet, we also saw you following your forever loving adoptive mama, listening and sitting when asked by her, looking at her, exploring the home, etc.
Be assured Mr. Simon, we will make your transition to your new home, one of support, of a careful gradual transition, and Megan/I know that you are ready for this next amazing plus exciting chapter in your life…..and, we will always be here for you.
This is not goodbye….. 
Thank you again Megan for doing this home visit with me!

We shall be soon on our way!
Tonight is the night!
BHRR’s Mr. Simon’s home visit for possible approved adoption.
We would be doing a transitional adoption for him if this is the right matched personality fit home for him to ensure a smooth adoption process for him.
Thanks to Megan for being his amazing temp foster home, and for coming tonight to the home visit with me.
Please keep him in your best wishes!

Update from Mr. Jack’s temp foster home:

“He had a great first night here. Ate well, drank well, peed, and pooped well outside. One little pee accident in the house. He settles so well near our feet. He had some crate time over dinner and just now before bed, he protests for about 5 minutes and then quiets down well. Eric is in love – I knew he would be.

He likes to follow Phoebe and Fig around. Fig is a little wary, but he should open up in a day or two like he always does. Simon was very anxious and stressed, the best place for him tonight was his crate. He processes things so well there and was very calm when watching Jack from there.

Our laugh of the night was Jack barking and pouncing at the head of romaine lettuce I had put out for Skittles. He did NOT like that big green thing on the floor lol! He was a brave boy and pawed at in a bit (I was right there to make sure he didn’t try to eat it) and then found other things to chase after haha.”


Well, I wish I had a better update on Miss Agatha…
Unfortunately, her pre-operative bloodwork indicated that she was very anemic.
The cause is not known….
So, we are putting her on B12 injections for the next 4-6 weeks – will do 6 weeks and, repeat her CBC in 4 weeks.
We are also going to treat her again as if she has Giardia. She has had two rounds of treatment yet, in a recent conversation with a Vet, they noted that they have had to double whammy this spring in meds for Giardia due to how resistant they have found Giardia to be.
So, despite being on Nexgard Spectra which has an excellent de-worming proponent to it, we are going to treat her specifically again for Giardia too.
A negative fecal test does not mean that she is necessarily parasitic-free.
We found her to be quite lean, not unhealthy yet quite lean. 29 kgs and she eats really well.
So, while the Vet felt it was ok to spay her today, we have some things to figure out for her.
She also has a thickened skin patch on the side of her neck – was super small when she first arrived, and we have been monitoring it as it has been getting bigger.
Merles can be prone to so many health concerns….and clearly, there is something up with Miss Agatha.
So, we had some very unexpected bills for her today…. 
We will continue to post updates as we can.
BHRR does not adopt out our dogs without full disclosure, and we have some more things to figure out for this young Dane.
Why doing bloodwork is so important to do…

Tough day at the office!!
Miss Chrissy & Mr. Jack! 
Will post more shortly regarding: their special needs plus our needs for them.
All are doing fantastic and we have a foster lined up for one of them…not sure yet if it is Miss Janet or Mr. Jack.
Miss Janet is sleeping at my feet while these two monkeys play beside me.


This pretty young 5.5-month-old GD lady is having her spay/microchip tomorrow!

We will update as we can….
Then, two weeks post, Miss Agatha should be ready to make her own special announcement.
Time sure has flown by since her arrival!
The money raised in our first driveway event will go towards her bills. It should cover almost 50%.
Thanks again to Cassy Montgomery for being able to meet me at my work tomorrow around 8:00 AM to help me get her in, weighed plus settled into her run. 

Well, it was an adventure!! 
Introducing…..Miss Janet, Miss Chrissy & Mr. Jack! Our Three’s Company Pups. They are Aussies.
So grateful to Megan Wright for road tripping with me! Miss Janet was appreciative too!
We were first aware of two yet there turned out to be three special needs Aussies that the breeders wanted us to assist. Originally, they were going to euthanise two of the pups, a Vet Tech at the Hospital heard, then got involved to find an experienced special needs rescue for them.
They are 9.5 weeks old, and all have various degrees of visual impairment. Will take some time to determine the level of hearing….
We will also need to determine if any eye enucleations will be necessary.
Amazing how great Dogs that are born with visual and/or hearing impairments adapt as they do not know any different. This is normal for them.
Right now, we are trying to make contact with the home that was going to temp foster them…I have been trying to confirm the arrangements since last night so I hope all is ok… 
With Miss Agatha having her spay on Tuesday and with my foot/heel, I would prefer them to be temp fostered, at least for now.
Just want to post a request to see if we have any homes that may be interested in temp fostering one or two if we cannot close off with the original foster home…
We are concerned as they have fostered for us many times over the past 15 years….we sincerely hope all is ok…
As a note, Foster homes must be able to bring them to their vet appointments. Driving is very difficult with my foot right now.

Mr. Simon has a special announcement to make……
He is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!
We will update as we can!
I have always loved his eyes in this picture……so soft, expressive, and wanting to trust……
Should this be his right-matched personality fit home, we will be doing a transitional adoption per his blog. We want to make him comfortable, to feel safe, supported, and cared about.
We do not want him to feel rushed or become anxious.

Bittersweet day for me!
Today is our last day with Mr. Lewis.
He is now ready to move to his perma-foster home! 
After months of emotional/physical rehabilitation and close to $8,000 in medical bills including two surgeries, he is finally ready to leave Mama Gwennie’s nest.
We made the decision to have him perma-fostered due to his heart.
He has an incredible team of vets plus specialists that are standing strong by his side, BHRR will continue to cover his bills, and his amazing experienced perma-foster home will continue to shower him with love, kindness, etc.
He will lack for nothing, and as many are aware our haven program is the biggest part of what we do at BHRR.
Mr. Lewis, I am going to miss you immensely….you greatly humbled me by choosing me as your person….that you feel I was worthy of such an enormous honour is deeply touching.
This is not goodbye….I will get to see/visit you quite often, and my heart is incredibly full knowing that we were chosen to be the ones to assist you in your urgent time of need.
Thank you to both of your two emerge temp fosters – JoAnne & Ashley for taking excellent care of you until we could get you here. 
We are going to have an amazing last day together!!! Let the extra adventures and wonderful memories begin.
Here he stands proud…finally….his head held up high, no longer cowering in a corner, shaking, trying to make himself as small as possible. He makes eye contact…and man, he has such beautiful eyes. With a sweet gentle soul. His body stance is one of strength….you are not just a survivor Mr. Lewis, you are a thrivor!
You are safe, and you know it…..
He is now confident, more sure of himself, and looking mighty fine having put on significant weight, and muscle mass plus having two professional grooms to date.
I love you with all that I am BHRR’s Lewis.