After another really busy, exhausting day, this will be my final post of the night.
Mr. Lewis was at the Vet today, and once we receive the reports/records from his lovely emerge temp foster JoAnne Eaton, we will be in a better position to update re: weight, etc.
We can post that the bloodwork that we did is normal plus the results for tickborne diseases plus heartworm was negative.
We shall wait until we have the detailed Vet Records/notes and then post more re: him!
From our home to all of our friends, family, and supporters, the best of good night wishes are being sent! 

This is him with his rescuer boarder angel when we came to pick him up yesterday. The picture was taken by JoAnne.

We got them!

More soon!

This is them loaded up in their respective transport vehicles – one with me, one with JoAnne!

Mr. Lewis and Mr. Simon are safe AND both are now heading to their emerge temp fosters.

We have been told this makes about 68 dogs brought to freedom to date.

Thanks to a village for coming together to make this happen.


BHRR’s Brutus was back at the vet yesterday.
He now weighs 125.85 pounds.
He is no longer emaciated.
AND now we monitor his weight closely as we do not want him to gain more. We may do further bloodwork to test his thyroid if necessary as since December despite a strict food/treat/exercise regime his weight went up more than we expected.
Unfortunately, he is still battling skin issues around his neck area plus eye and ear issues.
The rest of his body has healed beautifully yet his neck has not.
It begins to heal and then flares up again.
He has been on special shampoo – ProHex, Apoquel, Cytopoint, special food, constant antibiotics for skin, eyes, and ears.
We have done tape tests, skin scrapings, cytologies and we repeated everything again yesterday plus discussed submitting samples for culture & sensitivity.
We did another tear test on his right eye and the low normal is 18 and he is 13.
Until we can get his healthy stabilised, he cannot be placed up for adoption.
He had rampant issues coming into rescue and his rehabilitation journey is a slow one.
Any donations to his mounting vet bills can be sent via PayPal or via email transfer to

Today is the day!!
Mr. Chester (Saint/Newf) is having his sedation so we can X-ray his hips, knees plus do dental X-rays.
I am just waiting for him to arrive at work so we can get started…. 
This is him and his foster sister, River!
He has grown a bit! 
5.5 months of age and Hazel Tal, your Valentine’s pressies were dropped off last weekend. Thank you again for being his Secret Admirer! 
Please keep him in your best thoughts and we will update as we can…..

What a bittersweet adoption. Who am I kidding, they all are!!
It was such an incredible rehabilitation journey we had together Mr. Symba.
You were surrounded by a BHRR village strong in support and belief! 
Instead of one blown cruciate that we were told you had, you actually had two, and everyone rallied without hesitation to help us get you whole and healthy.
You are such a happy, chill, handsome dude and have come so far in learning to trust, not only to like yet love your own company, and to ask for affection.
You built up wonderful muscle mass plus tone, and the more confident you became, the more your fantastic personality began to shine.
BHRR’s Symba, you are truly a one in a billion dog, and I am so humbled to have earned your trust. Those gorgeous eyes are filled with such trust plus happiness now.
This is not the end dear man, I know you are a bit worried….this is the beginning of your next beautiful chapter, one that I know you are a bit unsure of yet, I know YOU GOT THIS!
You are ready, you are worthy and I am blessed to have been there to lend a kind caring hand getting you to this point.
Your amazing forever loving adoptive home will continue building upon the important foundations we built, and they will help you to continue being the best version of yourself!
I adore you and yes, I already miss you…a big hole left in our hearts plus home tonight BUT you are now filling up another’s hearts plus home with your fabulous self! 
Thank you Cassy Montgomery for doing this home visit with me! 

AND we are on our way!!
Mr. Symba’s HV for a possible approved adoption!
We will update as we can!
Asked if he wanted a treat and this was his answer!

BHRR’s Symba’s home visit has been rescheduled for tomorrow!

We will update as we can!

Miss Rosie was at the Vet for her final boosters and another recheck on February 16th.
Plus to pick up more Thyrotabs for her.
She is NOW 36.8 kgs(80.96 pounds). WTG!!!!
Getting there, slow but sure!
AND the exciting news is that where it once was thought that she may never have new hair regrowth in most areas of her body, she is growing new hair!!!!
She is a beautiful gal, regardless yet, how wonderful! 
She remains on fish-based food, a strict intake of calories, very limited treats – she deserves some too!, proper exercise – she can now keep up with our IS, Masons’ GSP, and Mr. Romeo. ? PLUS, no shortage of love! She runs for hours.
She also has her special medicated shampoo to help with her ever-decreasing flaky skin.
A great combination for success!
We will be taking some pics this weekend and she will then be ready to make her own special announcement.
She will be sorely missed when her right-matched personality fit home comes along. She has been a total hoot!

BHRR’s Chester(Newf/Saint) was at the Vet for his own recheck plus boosters apt. on February 2nd.
He wants to shout out a big THANK you to Brian Element for being his special Secret Santa – the DOG bed is very much appreciated and enjoyed! 
Mr. Chester also wishes to thank his 2022 Collar Angel, Hazel Tal! On Wednesday his foster Mama was given the collar, and they say that it suits him! 
Mr. Chester, 5 months of age, now weighs 48.5 kgs(106.7 pounds).
As he continues to age/grow, you can see more and more how weak plus poor his hind end is.  The bunny hopping, the glaring signs of HD, and we have been informed how hard it is for him to even do a couple of stairs.
SO, his sedation for x-rays(5 views) of hips, knees will be done along with dental x-rays for that mouth on Thursday, February 24th.
It is Gwenne’s day off yet, she is going in to work as the tech with his one Vet – they have been on his case since before we even brought him into our rescue and were conversing with the shelter as we prepared behind the scenes for his arrival.
All of us are feeling pretty grim about what we are going to find, yet, this is the next step and from there will send off the x-rays to ortho specialist Dr. Philibert and also to the DMV in Montreal. We want to cover all options – as we did with BHRR’s Olive and so many others over the past 25+ years.
For your consideration, we also have 12 more BHRR doggies in need of a Secret Admirer Valentine!
Details below:
AND Our Annual ‘Won’t You Be My Valentine’ Event is live!
Each of the below BHRR doggies are hoping that they will have a secret admirer who will wish to spoil them with a special treat or giant toy plus a donation between $25-$50 towards their bills!
Please see the poster for more details!
This event shall run up to and including February 14th, 2022!
These are the amazing BHRR doggies still in need of a special Valentine AND if you may consider a BHRR doggie to spoil this Valentine’s, please do let us know!
Donations can be made via PayPal to
via email transfer to

BHRR’s Dean was at the Vet yesterday for his annual.
He is now 62 kgs(136.40 pounds). The muscle that this boy now packs is fantastic. He has filled out to be bulkier than we anticipated that he would as he rehabilitated, and he is looking great!
He remained incredibly brave and with the assistance of some trazodone to de-stress his anxiety, let the Vet look at his eyes, ears, in his mouth without any issues. We are all for making animals feel comfortable plus safe, and not setting them up for failure.
His heart plus lungs sound great, and though his partial tail amputation last year had many post-op complications, and it does not look ‘pretty’, he is no longer causing the level of trauma to it that it once had.

The only thing that he disagreed with was his having his nails done, and yet overall from when he first arrived to now, he has improved. GOOD boy!

He is now quite frosted and is 6.5 years young.
So distinguished and THANK you to his Secret Santa – Alison Skitt for his gorgeous collar. We have another BHRR doggie – Granite whose collar angel – Ashley Barber also bought Mr. Granite the same collar. Great taste!!!

Mr. Chester was also at the Vet yesterday and we will make another post regarding: that handsome young man.