BHRR’s Romeo – named by the shelter angels that picked him up as a very skinny stray last week.

Poor wee thing….

We are starting his vetting protocol this week(Tuesday March 2nd) once his stray period is up and ETA to BHRR TBD.


My last post of my night!
Mr. Symba feels strongly that he needs more than 1 bed to recover from his right hind leg TPLO surgery! Thank you to Mr. Granite for being so wonderful to share his own bed with BHRR’s Symba.
His recovery is very slow this time around and not surprising with how bad it actually was……
However, he is taking his meds like a champ – well, ok, maybe not a champ as he finds them in his food and either takes them in his mouth to spit out or just avoids them….so, manually giving him his meds after he has a snack/treat and then given more food and some treats post-pilling has become our routine. He is a very willing patient then. 
As per our other post, his final Vet bill – posted – shows almost $1,000 more than we had been estimated for due to the extreme damage to his meniscus. 
Donations can be made direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966
OR via PayPal to
OR via email transfer to
*we just need to know the password
Thanks so much for your time plus consideration and from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the best of good night wishes are being sent….

Stay Tuned!
This handsome fine young man – One of our 3 Musketeers will have his own special announcement to make shortly!
This is BHRR’s Athos! 

Please note!!
If the kind caring woman who called Liston Animal Hospital today  – follows our website – to put a donation down on Mr. Symba’s bill; please note…..
I recently received a message from one of their technicians today who apologised immensely as they said she could not find him in their system…she was spelling his name with an ‘I’ not a ‘y’ and could not find him. She really feels terrible and apologises!
They feel really bad for not being able to find him YET he is there in their system!
He has had two surgeries there for his TPLO’s and we have posted his receipts/bills from Liston Animal Hospital also as documentation.
Liston Animal Hospital is now closed until Monday yet, if you wanted to call them back then, they would be extremely happy to take your call. 613-591-0966
Your consideration to his bills really means a lot to us and to him!!

Mr. Symba when he came home from his 2nd TPLO surgery. His mug is so adorable…..all drugged up on the good stuff!
As per our other post, his final Vet bill – posted – shows almost $1,000 more than we had been estimated for due to the extreme damage to his meniscus. 
Mr. Symba is still offering up three special play visit/day dates to help with his bills!
Donations can also be made direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966
OR via PayPal to
OR via email transfer to
*we just need to know the password
Thanks so much for your time and consideration!

What a day! BHRR’s Symba had his 2nd TPLO surgery today.
We have good news and not so good news that we are going to work to turn in the end to good news.
I am attaching some pics of him – top is post-op – LOVE the tongue. Bottom left is getting his leg prepped for surgery and bottom right is as we were doing catheter placement under sedation.
The second picture is of his Vet Bill. That is part of the bad news. 
Good news first – his surgery went well! YAY!
Bad news – his meniscus was badly torn and beyond repair. Per Dr. Philibert; it was far worse than expected. 
It is not abnormal for there to be meniscus damage yet, in Mr. Symba’s case, it meant even more time under anesthesia, which in turn, meant more cost to his overall Vet Bills.

His final Vet bill – posted – shows almost $1,000 more than we had been estimated for. 
To attempt to avoid myself exclusively begging and pleading as usual and knowing that we shall not be able to begin to host our 2021 Annual Nail Trim/Ear Cleaning Drive-Way Events until April….Mr. Symba is offering up three special play visit/day dates!
While we know that this will not completely pay off all of the $955.75 remaining to be paid; it will greatly help.
As always, thank you in advance for any consideration towards his bills or having a Date with him….we would truly be incredibly grateful.
Donations can be sent to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966
OR via PayPal to
OR via email transfer to
*we just need to know the password
March will see us doing three more neuters plus a spay at a cost of almost $4,000.
With COVID, we continue to hurt beyond words to be able to fundraise……for example, we have not been able to host our annual Breaking Bills Bake Online Auction for 2021.
Giant Breed dogs mean Giant Breed bills….

BHRR’s Coupe!
ADOPTED: February 20th, 2021
Mr. Coupe, so much to say, so many emotions, so hard to even express how I feel right now….
Suffice to say, you MORE than did it…you blew it way out of the park!
That you went to a home that had adopted from us previously and wished to adopt only from us again; touches us even more.
I could tell from that first video sent my way of you when I reached out asking this wonderful rescue angel if they had a dog in need that we could assist; that you were beyond special.
AND you have proven to so many how incredibly amazing you are inside and out.
Handsome, smart, a real ham, a charmer, a flirt too! You are a thrivor!
To all those that have been touched by your gentle soul, to have had you look deep into their souls with your warm, soulful stunning brown eyes; they will all agree just how unbelievably incredible you are.
There has always been an ‘intangible’ element about you, an aura….you make people feel happy and relaxed and they fill up with calmness plus smiles.
The stories you could tell of your journey prior to rescue and we know that those stories would bring many a tear to our eyes. Yet, from the moment you arrived; we did not look back, neither did you.
We worked hard towards giving you the future of happiness and health that you deserve.
You were surrounded by a community plus village that was strong and supportive and believed in you just as much as we do. We are eternally grateful to each and every rescue angel that came together to get you to BHRR safely, that emergency temp fostered you, that gave of themselves in time for play dates and play visits when you were ready, that donated to your extensive Vet bills – that we remain paying off and shall be doing so for some time to come and that is ok for you are deserving, this is why BHRR exists to help animals like you!
Parting ways today was hard; yet; also so heartwarming…..doing right by the dogs includes adopting out those that no longer need us. We remain never desperate, we remain never flipping dogs or rushing adoptions and we remain full of disclosure.
We are NEVER going to approve an adoption on a dog before they are ready. That is NOT r/q rescue AND we are never going to approve an adoption on a dog that is not that right matched personality fit home.
We know that we will see you again. We know that this is not good-bye forever; this is until we meet again and we know that your future is one of such joy, fun, potential and love.
We know that you shall continue to thrive and not lack for anything.
Thank you Sean for coming to do this home-visit with me.
This was also an emotional home-visit as this is the first as we slowly transition over the next ~8 years or so.
We have now completed adoption #426…not many to a lot of groups; yet, to our group that almost each and every dog is a special needs one; it is wonderful. This approved adoption was almost like the beginning of a truly hard to put into words journey. The impact and enormity of this reality as we move forward; is raw……….and thank you Mr. Coupe for being a big awesome part of BHRR’s legacy. Thank you to all of the kind, caring folks that not only understand yet, appreciate that doing r/q rescue is not easy and that we must do right by the dogs.

Mr. Coupe, giving you one final tummy rub, one last ear scratch plus a smooch on the muzzle; telling you how much I love you and will miss you and how proud of you; filled me with big smiles, even if some of them became a bit wobbly…..

You are now ‘home’ Mr. Coupe.

Today is a very special day! For a very special dog!

Now that the COVID restrictions have been opening up, we are able to proceed with doing home-visits again.

BHRR’s Coupe’s home-visit is today for a possible approved adoption!!

We will update as we can….


My sweet boy…..RIP darling angel.
It has been a true honour and a privilege….

February 2012 – February 1st, 2021
Mr. Maverick, you will always be the one and true Iron Man!
This is not the best picture of you on XMAS day, 2020; yet; who would have thought that in a matter of weeks; your aging body suddenly gave out. 
I will never forget being reached out to assist you….I will never forget your journey to us and receiving messages from people not sure how to load you up into their vehicle…..I had been told that you had one ‘bad’ leg; yet, in fact, you had two….which did not matter to us…
We loved you even more!
The 4 surgeries you had to have on your front legs; how people would be so ignorant saying that you were suffering and should be put to sleep. Then their silence when we posted a picture of you running with sheer happiness/joy with your two new front legs!
Their continued silence when quite a few of the naysayers met you…you told them in your own words and way; how deserving plus worthy you are.
So many rescue angels that came together to be your strong village of love and kindness plus so much generosity!
Your Vet bills over the years; amounted to almost $27,000 and you have been worth each and every dime, nickel and quarter.
You have taught so many people so many amazing life lessons and we are deeply going to miss your ‘booping’ side and nibbling our rumps!
You have been around to help so many amazing BHRR dogs reach their full potential. You have been around to see many successfully adopted and to give others the best time of their lives until it was their time to cross over when it was their own time.

You are a legacy….you represent the heart of what BHRR is, why were are needed and what we do.

How another group would just walk past you as you were this skinny, broken black Dane to scoop up the ‘pretty’ coloured Dane you were surrendered with; still makes us shake our heads.

For your personality, your gorgeous colouring and those front legs of yours, endeared you to sooooooooo many!

We remain forever grateful that we were reached out to, to consider assisting you for you changed so many lives for the better. You were such a gift.

You are a BBBBB, now and forever…you were an amazing ambassador to your breed; you will be dearly missed.

We still find ourselves laying out your meals, calling your name to get a treat or to go for a stroll or car ride.

You are asked about when we go through the Timmie’s and we continue to take the plain timbit and lay it upon your final resting place at BHRR’s Rainbow bridge. These caring people know that you are now crossed over; yet, they still want you to have your fav timbit treatie.

We miss the unique sound of you talking!

I miss how you would push your head up under my arm as I am typing on the computer, telling me it is now ‘Mavie Time’.

I will miss how you would tell me off when it was food time! Goodness, we could never be late for meal time.

I miss the sunrises and sunsets that we would sit on the hill together to enjoy as a the beautiful special time between you and I.

I will miss how indignant you would look when I pulled out your winter coat and ‘tolerate’ me putting it on.

Such a ham, a hoot, a riot, a character!

That you were 9 years young and it was your time to go; makes me want to be selfish for it was not enough time… will never have been enough time…

I feel honoured and blessed that I was there to stroke your gorgeous frosted face plus chest. I will miss your front leg ‘telling’ me if I needed to shift my hand to a better spot.

I am honoured that even when the light of life was fading from your eyes and your spirit was leaving your body; you seemed to comforting me in your final moments….telling me that it is ok, that you are ok, that I will be ok…..

It was like your heart spoke to mine in that moment…..

It has been a true honour and privilege Mr. Mavie to have had you grace our heart plus home…..

Come spring, we will plant a special flower or bush in your final resting place.

I know the path to your resting spot will be a well worn one….

YOU, Mr. Mavie, have made not just me yet, so many others – of many species – better…..

You are one of a kind……and so incredibly missed.

This is a picture of the x-ray from BHRR’s Symba’s left leg post-op TPLO x-ray!
AND thanks to a couple of truly heart warming donations – via empties being returned, we are only just over $1,800 short in paying for his right TPLO surgery that is scheduled for February 23rd.
If you may consider his deserving cause to support, you can make donations directly to Liston Animal Hospital – this is where his ortho specialist Dr. Philibert – will be doing his TPLO surgery.
OR via PayPal to
OR via email transfer to
*we just need to know the password
Any and all donations as always, would be deeply appreciated and embraced with incredibly humbled thanks….
Thank you!!!

BHRR’s Rocket(Deaf/Visually Impaired GD) says ‘whatcha doin’!? 
Today, he was at LAH for his recheck. As most are now aware, he bloated last weekend and to have some good news come out of this past week of nightmares makes Sean/I slump our shoulders with a bit of relief.
We are not yet ready to post of the not 1, yet 2 devastating BHRR Haven Dog losses this past week and we do promise to do that shortly.
We also remain eternally grateful to Hospitals such as EVC and LAH for being there in our time of need. Additionally, we remain incredibly thankful to the Vets including Dr. Ammar for stating so clearly ‘that I did everything’ while looking directly at me after he walked into the exam room.
As I responded to him, we certainly tried and tried hard as this is what we do to be there for such deserving animals like these two and each time I was told that there was so many things that were medically wrong with these amazing dogs and that we did everything right…..Quality of life…quality of life.
We work so hard to go up and beyond and do right by each and every animal that crosses our doors.
Every single Vet and Specialist involved that spanned no less than 5 Hospitals strongly recommended/encouraged plus advised to make the humane euthanasia decision and supported us immensely when it was time to say good-bye.
It reinforced what we knew to be right and gave us some strength to draw upon, to stand up and do what these two beauties needed us to do.
In the meantime, we want to post this good update:
Mr. Rocket now weighs 45.1 kgs(99.22 pounds) which is up 11.22 pounds from his last weight. Slow but sure buddy, slow but sure!
This means since he arrived into our rescue program, he has put on 31.72 pounds.
He is still thin yet, he looks miles better than he once did plus as a young growing Great Dane, he will need to keep putting on more weight.
He was given a big thumbs and was deemed healthy enough to finally begin his vaccine protocol.
He will be de-wormed again tomorrow.
He and Mr. Porthos are now also scheduled for their neuters the second week of March.
We also wanted to impart that there was a cancellation on February 23rd for Dr. Philibert and Mr. Symba’s 2nd TPLO surgery is now scheduled for that day. Moved up from May 4th. So, we are in a desperate mode trying to figure out the remaining funds needed for his surgery.
Sean and I are deferring two mortgage payments – we can do so once a year – yet, we are still going to be short $2,100 for his second necessary surgery.
I also received three very generous donations from caring kind rescue angels for my Birthday that totalled $450. That will be put towards the bills that still remain for the two BHRR dogs that have now left us.
If anyone may consider Mr. Symba’s bills to donate to: Donations can be made direct to Liston Animal Hospital: 613-591-0966
OR via PayPal to
OR via email transfer to
*please do advise of the password


AND we also wanted to post that yes, we are aware of the brewing situation of a hoarding GD case and we were reached out directly by the authorities involved. We are on standby as needed. With a lot of experience/knowledge working with hoarding plus puppymill situations; we know that that this will be a long drawn out situation as the courts do what they need to do in order to make sure that there are not any loopholes or things missed.

As what was stated in Sean’s end of years statement plus posted on this page, we know that there will be the exception made as we transition BHRR.

In knowing that many of these Danes are also special needs; we are in a stand by mode to help as needed……we will post as more unfolds and waht/if BHRR will be helping out with.

On Saturday, BHRR’s Coupe had his play date from an auction item winning and he had a blast!
Thank you SO much Elaine Giles & fam for giving him yet, another great adventure!!!
He remains under a PENDING ADOPTION and we will update as we can.
He is a real gem of a dog! Just a doll!
Thank you Elaine for this great picture of him on his play date!