BHRR’s Olive
18 month old St. Bernard
June 25th, 2020

One of the four x-rays we took of their hips and knees.

Both hips are bad, yet, that right hip is brutal. It is right out of the socket.

I did email the x-rays to Dr. Philibert and sadly, he does not feel that BHRR’s Olive is a good candidate for a FHO procedure, even with extensive post-op alternative rehab therapy. 

He is also not sure that BHRR’s Olive is even a good candidate for hip replacement surgery(ies) and recommended a referral to Montreal to obtain their own expert opinion(s).

We have worked with the speciality hospital DMV in Montreal many times over the years and will be sending BHRR’s Olive’s x-rays their way. We remain open to having them exam her too.

If BHRR’s Olive is not accepted as a suitable surgical candidate; then palliative care is our only option – this will be done via our continued use of Deramaxx plus Gabapentin and we do alternative medicine too.

So many of the BHRR dogs are very familiar with Chiro, Acupunture, Laser and Cold Laser, Massage, Hydrotherapy etc. and if this is where we are headed with BHRR’s Olive, then that is what we will do. She would be placed in our Haven Program, which is an enormous part of what we do at Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services.

One step at a time though…next step is to see what the DMV specialists shall say.

BHRR’s Olive’s testicles.


Well, as word seems to be travelling fast, here is the news we promised re: BHRR’s Olive and the interesting/surprising findings today!

As most are now aware, today, she had her hips/knees x-rayed and I have already emailed them to Dr. Philbert!, she had her bilateral entropion surgery, her Lymes booster, a much needed manicure/pedicure AND…..

She was to have her spay today and it should have been a mature one being that she is almost 18 months of age.

Turns out, Miss Olive was only a Miss with her Vulva AS ‘she’ did not have an uterus/ovaries, instead had two small un-descended testicles and a penis was found inside of the vulva.

I have seen this in cats, yet, never in a dog in my almost 25 years in Rescue and over 16 years working in Veterinary medicine. That this is a Giant Breed dog makes it that much more of a rare find.

This explains some of her ongoing urinary issues which the surgeon said that the penis should shrink a lot over time.

So, much to think about including names….

It was another very busy and expensive day for BHRR’s Olive with procedures and we would remain forever humbled and indebted to anyone that would consider making a much needed donation to her ever mounting bills.

Donations can be made direct to her account at Eagleson Veterinary Clinic

OR PayPal to

OR email transfer to

She still has a very long road to go…that right hip in particular – x-rays to be posted is bad…it is right out of the socket. 

A bit more information for everyone….
Only 25% of these rare cases are true hermaphrodite and BHRR’s Olive does not fall under this specific category. ?
Without extensive testing we do not know if BHRR’s Olive is under the Male Pseudohermaphrodite category or falls under the unclassified category instead.
Though, we do not believe that BHRR’s Olive falls under the unclassified category as their appearance is very much as a Saint would look!
This is exrtemely rare, especially in a Giant Breed dog.


BHRR’s Walter!

ISO: of someone who may be open to donating some time to assist in taking some professional photo’s in preparation for him to make his own special announcement BECAUSE…..

He has his latest recheck today!

His weight is hanging close to 150 pounds and he is loking fabu! He will remain on the prednisone, was given new eye medication – Torbradex and must stay on his fish based food for life.

Thumbs up to his healing new eyes and skin!

Everyone at work has made so many wonderful comments re: how far he has come since he first arrived to us!

How much more confident, social – tail wagging and seeking affection and did not hesitate to love on everyone!

So many amazing comments on the muscle mass and toning that we are getting on his hind end.

He also got to briefly see/visit with BHRR’s Olive who was having her own surgery today.

He has had such an amazing rehabilitation journey both physically and behaviourally and I am head over heels in love with this amazing character!!!

He has a mind all of his own, he has learned a lot re: compromising vs we are going to discuss this and in the end, we are still going to do what Gwennie is asking and he speaks volumes without even saying a word! 

I am bursting with so much pride YET again over his incredible journey to health and am so excited for him to make his own special announcement!

If you are a professional photographer and may be willing to donate some time to help capture this gorgeous dude in all of his handsome glory, please do advise –

Today is a big day for BHRR’s Olive!

Will be posting more shortly – including some graphic photo’s as there were some interesting and surprise findings!  I have been doing this for almost 25 years and I thought at first staff were joking when I was told of their findings…yet, I also have pictures for documentation!

Oliver was scheduled for a spay today and was to be a mature spay at that plus a Lymes booster.

A great manicure/pedicure was done too!

Additionally, will post more including the x-rays of the hips. Both are really bad, however, that right one is completely out of the socket, poor thing. Olive’s cruciate exam did not alarm her surgeon at this time.

Will be sending the x-rays to Dr. Philibert for his expert positioning and then we will go from there.

In this picture, Olive is getting new eyes! Olive is having bilateral entropion surgery also done today.

She was a huge hit with the staff.

When she goes home later tonight she will be given a refill of her Deramaxx that we have her on since her arrival June 1st, will be adding Gabapentin and also antibiotics to her medication regime.

We are continuing to brainstorm for Fundraising ideas as despite all we have done to date, we have even more to do for Olive. SO much more!

Donations can continue to be made direct to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381

OR via PayPal to

OR via email transfer to

BHRR is in urgent need of the below items:

1) new or gently used comforters/duvets/blankets
2) new or gently used sleeping bags
3) new or gently used towels
4) new or gently used pillows
5) Pinesol
6) Benny Bully dog treats

Thanks in advance for any consideration!!!

He is back at the Vet tomorrow for his latest recheck and hoping for a thumbs up!!

PLEASE email if you can help! Do not post on this thread…responses can get missed!

BHRR’s Miss Olive!

Professional grooming session: $176.85

Having Miss Olive feel and look her best: Priceless

She had a great groom session, her foster Mama says she looks fabu and that the grooming facility thought she was an angel!

Thank you again to her wonderful foster mama for taking her and also donating a tip to the groomer! 

Miss Olive is heading into her first big surgeries later this week – bilateral entropion surgery, a mature spay and x-rays of her hips/knees to then be sent off to her ortho specialist.

Donations can continue to be sent to her Vet bills direct to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381

OR via PayPal to

OR via email transfer to

Happy Friday!

In pulling out our fireplace insert to sweep and clean, we are doing some renovations – yes, power is off! – BHRR’s Coupe (NewfX) decides this was a great area to lay down in! 

We remain patient in re: to getting his front leg surgeries done – he is considered ‘stable’ at this time and as such, is not listed as being urgent like so many other animals under the care of his ortho specialist so, we remain in a holding pattern NO thanks to COVID-19.

He is absolutely magnificent and is going to make a dream of a family member addition to a truly lucky home when he is ready to make his own special announcement!

This lovely Miss is scheduled for her first surgery on June 25th. It shall be bilateral entropion surgery and we will take x-rays of her hips and knees and send them to ortho Specialist, Dr. Philibert.

While she is under, we will also do a mature spay plus give her a much needed manicure/pedicure.

AND prior to her surgery, what girl does not love to go to The Spa?! She is scheduled for a pampered pooch spa treatment on June 21st to make her feel and look her best heading into her first big surgery.

Her foster mama has been doing an amazing job with brushing her out – I have seen the pictures! – and this professional grooming session will enable her to look/feel even more beautiful!

At BHRR, we spare nothing for the dogs in need of our highly specialised programs and the lovely Miss Olive shall be no different.

We are still working on some Fundraisers and will update ASAP!

Thank you to all of our friends, family & supporters for helping us fight the good fight to remain in operation. We are the oldest operating Great Dane/Giant Breed Rescue in the area – here since 1996!

AND yes, that is a huge strand of drool on her face while we were at work!


BHRR’s Caramel!

He says he is finally ready to make his own special announcement! 

He will only be considered for a home that is extremely experienced in understanding dog body language.

We have worked extremely hard with BHRR’s Caramel so that he does not feel threatened by strange dogs or people.

He is so affectionate and loving plus very goofy yet, in the wrong hands, he would be ruined.

He has had a lot to learn in respect to manners with humans and also other dogs.

In not understanding body and other cues, he was constantly worried and would bark in an effort to communicate to others to please give him space and to not hurt him.

He has zero clue that he is a Great Dane. He thinks he is this small helpless creature and for the longest time thought everything was out to ‘get him.’

He communicates so well when he is not comfortable and shall need a home that will not:

*unconsciously or consciously set him up for failure by enabling his inappropriate display of behaviour re: anxiety or stress. He is learning that constant barking does not give him all the attention he wants. He has learned that a few barks, makes us listen to his cues and determine if there is something that we need to passively assure him and then passively ignore.

In the wrong hands, he would be a neurotic mess. He is calm and happy and comfortable in his own skin – can self soothe and comfort and amuse himself and has made some amazing doggie friends.

It has taken awhile for him to learn that said dogs were not out to ‘eat’ him or hurt him. His besties are my two Wolfies, BHRR’s Fred and yup, as you all know, BHRR’s Miss Lilly won him over… he ever had a chance?! 

With BHRR’s Walter now bunking in with us, he is worried about him yet, quickly realising that BHRR’s Walter is not going to hurt or eat him either.

We do not allow him to to be an idiot with manners or barking and his personality is massive! JUST huge!!!

He is a Dane that is not for the faint of heart. When you have earned his trust, he will give you his own heart and loyalty for life.

We must ensure that whomever is approved to adopt this handsome fine young man, will continue to build upon the strong foundations we have built and help him reach his full potential.

New surroundings, new people and new dogs etc., can stress him out so baby steps with exposure, treats and make each and every experience the best ever!

If you are calm and quietly confident and have that required experience plus knowledge, he just blossoms and thrives.

He is active, loves car rides and not just walks yet, hiking. We have built up his muscle mass and toning and he is in excellent shape, healthy and so happy!

He is crate trained, housebroken and I have had no issues doing his nails or bathing, just a bit of a squirmy worm.

Sean and I have spent a lot of time conversing if we should place him up for adoption yet, if his right matched personality fit loving home never comes along, he will always have a cherished home here!

He needs the proper level of physical and/emotional stimulation and if you want a dog that is an earlier riser, he is one!

He still likes to bark when I get up, at feeding time and when I arrive home, yet, now only gives a few barks and then settles down really nicely. He is a vocal boy that expresses all that he feels in his excitement or worries.

He is also bilingual!

He is not a ‘starter Dane’ and as posted above, shall only go to an extremely dog experienced home. That comes from not having had only one dog prior to wishing to adopt him.

We will not adopt him out to a home with any children – young, small nor teenagers.

We would love to see him in a home that already has a dog of their own that will be a great compliment for him.

No cats or other small animals is our preference with how excitable and full of enthusiasm he can be.

We do not ever want his spirit to be broken….what we want is for him to flourish and continue to see how much this great big wonderful world can offer him in experiences and kindness!

BHRR’s Caramel – never shall you ever know hurting or man-handling days again…never!

You are loved, you are now understood, you are magnificent, so precious and we are privileged to have been asked to assist you!!!

AND oh yeah, Momma Gwennie is bursting with pride over you! 


Please note that we are NOT reviewing nor approving any applications for approved adoptions until at least August.

We will re-evaluate this closer to that date as to if we need to extend that date.

We will not be accepting any applications or any non-refundable applications fees during this time. 

This is for several reasons:

1) BHRR requires a Vet Reference and as someone who works in animal medicine, I know how absolutely insanely busy we are at this time with our staff/hours. We are NOT going to jam up the phone lines doing vet references when people are trying to get through to make urgent appointments, asking for refills of lifesaving meds, needing prescription food etc.

Additionally, the government has announced that Veterinarians can ONLY operate on an urgent basis.

People answering the phones at Vet Hospitals need to be answering the phones for urgent reasons. Not for Vet references.

We need to focus on patient care at the Hospital and we respect and understand that other Hospitals need to do the same. We are an essential service and need to be able to provide that service to the best of our abilities and checking Vet references does not fall under that criteria.

2) We cannot nor will we do home-visits. I put my life and my family’s life at risk every day that I go to work to take care of other people’s pets. Doing a home-visit is not responsible nor does it follow the policy set forth from the government that we need to be practising self-isolating to flatten the curve.

Doing a home-visit is not urgent during this COVID-19 pandemic.

At this time, I go to work, utilize the ever dwindling supply of PPE available, I go home, I buy groceries, get gas and that is it for my public appearances. I am thinking NOT only of my dogs, yet, my family and you…I am thinking of all of the other people out there….

3) It does greatly concern us with the number of inquiries coming our way over the past couple of weeks.

On a ‘good’ day, I get almost 1,000 emails and about 50 phone calls.

These past four weeks; we are up to almost 2,000 emails and almost 125 phone calls a day.

People telling us that they now have time on their hands. If you did not have time before you stopped working; what makes you think that you will have time once you go back to work?

Additionally, even with people going on EI; the monies coming in are not the same as if you were working and if you feel that you are struggling to pay bills, buy groceries, how do you feel that you can take on the costs of having a Giant Breed dog?

The average cost – and I have been tracking this since 1996 – of owning a giant breed per year, PRIOR to emergencies is $2,400.

All of this to say; we will not be processing any applications until it is ideal plus safe to do so.

If you send us a completed application along with the non-refundable application fee, we will be responding that we are not accepting nor reviewing applications and when we do feel that it is safe to do so, we shall begin to slowly open up. 

Our Petfinder and home websites as posted are kept up to date and all details re: said dogs are on their individual blogs. Once, we do open up again for applications, we will remain ONLY responding to completed applications. You would be welcome to re-submit your application along with the non-refundable application fee at that time for members of the BHRR BOD to consider. We will NOT be holding on to your applications nor the non-refundable application fee from now to then. 

**EXCEPTION: We shall no longer be covering the cost of any banking or PayPal fees should people send this non-refundable fee. In May/June, we were out of pocket almost $100 as people were not be mindful. This is much needed money being taken away from the animals as we are covering the fees out of our own pockets and that is money that we would have used for the BHRR animals.**

Asking us what the cost to adopt is or asking to meet a dog; is all information found on our websites. We are not a pound, shelter or facility. We are an all Volunteer organziation that operates from our own home and that of our approved Foster homes. 

AND yes, we are not other groups and as it is their prerogative to adopt out during this extremely difficult time and it remains our perogative to not do so.


BHRR’s Walter!

He had his recheck on Tuesday June 2nd!

He is doing great yet, still needs some medical rehab care since his bilateral entropion surgery – he is still on medications for his eyes as during his latest recheck, he was found to be battling an eye infection in his right eye. He also has eye lube.

He will need at least one more recheck for his eyes, we are slowly weaning him off of the pred and he remains on his thyro tabs plus a fish based kibble.

LOOK how amazing he now looks and according to his wonderful foster Mama and I have seen this several times myself, he is feeling super too!

He is doing really well with people – I noted at his latest recheck how much more calm and accepting he was of everyone. His tail was down yet, not tucked right up under his belly.

He did not have any reaction to the dogs that he has seen at work at his recheck nor with our clinic cat.

Careful integration as always is key!

He has been doing great with the other dog in the home plus their cat that he is being currently fostered in. Due to lack of socialization in his previous home; he has been scared/slightly reactive – a few growls – at strange dogs when he first arrived.

AMAZING progress! He will be back for another recheck in 10 days or so and then it will be time to work on his muscle mass/toning of his hind end.

He has been making a lot of lovely fans and friends since his time with BHRR and his personality is starting to really shine!

AND this is what your support and belief in us enables us to do!!!! To be here for special needs like him!!!! THANK YOU!

Got her!!

More soon!

Thank you to Cassy & Colin for picking her up and thank you to Sharif and Megan for temp fostering her!

She weighed 62.9 kgs (138.38 pounds) at work today. We did blood-work, vaccines and she is now on Deramaxx for pain/inflammation.

Sadly, she is pretty much blind. Though, she had surgeries on her eyes in the past, when it is done at too young of an age for some giants; it can fail. Unfortunately, she has corneal ulcers and her eyes are very cloudy.
*EDITED TO ADD: That in seeing photo’s of her before her eye surgery, she did not have bilateral entropion surgery. She had bilateral cherry eye surgery. We are not sure why her entropion surgery had not been done at the same time.*

We will be having her spayed and do her bilateral entropion surgery ASAP.

We are still assessing her hearing and will shall repeat x-rays of her hips and knees when she is under for her spay and send off to Dr. Philibert to compare to her last x-rays and to best determine the best course of action for those hips/knees.

When she is under we will then give her a nice manicure/pedicure too.

She will start her de-worming and flea/tick plus heartworm meds tomorrow.

A HUGE hit at work, she was! 

Donations can be made direct to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381 or via PayPal to or via email transfer to

In having known this Saint since she was really young, BHRR just had to step up to assist her plus her caring previous owner when they reached out to us again seeking help.

We will continue to work on ways to fundraise for her mounting Vet Bills.

One estimate was given was $10,000+ to fix her hips/knees.