Miss Mollie is doing very well! 
1 year old Standard Poodle/Saint BernardX
*Once again she is NOT a purebred Saint this or a Berdoodle that. She is a mix, a delightful one, yet, a mix.*

She has also made a couple of friends to date – Dynamo and Jigsaw AND we have determined as she has settled in more that she is play driven not prey driven – huge rough high play right now yet, her previous home did say that they could not meet her exercise and play needs – kept her in a room, segregated- so she is making up for a lot of lost time.

Crate trained, so quiet in the house – she only has just begun to show she has a voice with small sounds of happiness AND yup! As I thought, she is a full butt wagger! 

Here is a picture of her helping me to tear down the posters/signage we put up for our big annual ‘Dine With The Doggies’ Event! She took this years’ place of honour and came with me to open up the gate for our amazing evening.

She is a little shy and nervous of people yet, you can tell that she wants to be loved and we already know how much love she has to give! 

On a side note, for those who have expressed interest in purchasing tickets for 2020, we are already over 50% SOLD OUT! Get your tickets soon for we ended up with a waiting list for 2019 and sadly, as this is a limited attendee event, we can only have so many guests attend.

BHRR’s Mollie is coming to work with me tomorrow to begin her vetting protocol – bloodwork, vaccines, fecal testing etc.

She is eating plus drinking well and has proven to be housebroken.

Her leash manners are a wee bit rough but we shall get there and her one bad habit is jumping, we are working on it!

Happy Friday Morning to all!

BHRR’s Mollie!
(1 year old Saint Bernard / Standard Poodle Mix)
*Please do not tell me she is a Saint this or Berdoodle that etc. She is quite simply a mix.

A wonderful beautiful mixed breed girl! 

Morning walk!

She had a great night and is drinking, had her first pee and is taking some treats.

A bit nervous yet, responding well….

It is almost like she has always been here! Going to so enjoy having her here and look forward to her personality to shine – it is in there….I can see it!

Stay tuned!

This BBBBB will be soon ready to make her own special announcement! 

Miss Penelope! The Newf!

Now that her professional photo’s have been done, next up is her professional grooming session on September 27th that we had to reschedule as she was so ill upon arrival to BHRR.

AND for those waiting patiently for our next Volunteer information session – it shall be in October!

BHRR has lost several of our approved temp fosters – from adopting from BHRR, so the best kind of loss to have!  While they will still be approved Volunteers in many other aspects, temp fostering shall be off the table. Therefore, we will be seeking more approved temp foster homes and hopefully, we will have a grand turnout to our next Information Session!

Thank you to SO many that have made BHRR’s Penelope’s rescue possible!

Dr. Libby, Lucy, Jane and also to Megan for temp fostering her and to Brooke for the pics!

AND to EVC for helping to get her healthy!

It truly takes a village to do r/q Rescue and thank you to everyone that donated to help pay off her enormous Vet Bills.

The Boerskins are working like busy bees getting everything in order for our big event here tomorrow evening!

Therefore, if you need to reach us, email or text or call…..facebook access shall be quite limited.

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the warmest of good night wishes are being sent.

We are home and she is settling in well….

She is smaller than the pics make her out to be, so a small ‘giant’! 

Miss Mollie, I look forward in getting to know you and you us!

She is about 1 year of age and is a Standard Poodle/Saint Bernard mix.

Thank you again Megan for picking her up and meeting me! It allowed me to do so many errands and prep for tomorrow’s big day here! 

Megan Wright has her!

Thank you! She would not even accept gas money and I am deeply touched as I know what is costs in time and heart and energy and money to do these transports.

Drive safe and see you both soon!

I am now on my way to meet up with them!

Welcome to BHRR Miss Mollie!
(1 year old Saint Bernard/Standard PoodleX)

Miss Lily!
(Deaf/Visually Impaired GD)This will be a bit of a Gwennie novel! 

Yesterday, she was finally able to be spayed. Her weight is now up to a lean 88.44 pounds and I would still like to see another 5-7 on her for her bone structure and current age.
We had wished to spay her earlier yet, it did not take long after her arrival into our Rescue to realise that she has severe generalized anxiety plus OCD behaviours. There was no way until she was further rehabilitated that spaying her was going to be able to be safely done. Even with myself at the Hospital, she was at huge risk in hurting herself.

Anyone that knows me is aware that with my behavioural clients and own dogs, I am not a med pusher. Yet, for Miss Lily, her anxiety was so severe, I had no choice if I was going to properly be able to assist her.

So, in conversing with her amazing Vet, we put her on a low dose of Trazodone BID. It was enough to get her to ‘come down off of that ledge’, focus more and from there we were back on track with housebreaking and being able to go outside at night with the other dogs – what a confidence booster for her! I say all the time that these dogs teach each other far more than I ever could – lowered her shadow chasing plus fly snapping – we are still not ruling out focal seizures on this front and car startling – sometimes when a vehicle passes her by in the car, she would suddenly jump to attention and race back and forth.

She was not pacing nor chewing at her healing wounds from her previous home so much, could actually not just rest but really sleep at night and was not so intense in these behaviours.

In the month or so since she has been on the lower dose, the weight and muscle mass is coming on for she can settle into to actually eat well, as friendly as she has been to the other dogs and almost all people – tall men still make her nervous! – she is even more relaxed now.

She is deaf and visually impaired and being put in a prong collar and also shock collar and not positively balance trained, she was a behavioural and physical hot mess.

While we are not there yet, with her rehabilitation journey, we are a heck of a lot further along that we have been.

She sits, lays down, stays, checks-in, walks so much better on a leash as she is no longer as stress for she understands more since we took the edge of her strain and worry, what is expected of her. I am open, clean and communicative in my requests of her. I am not forceful. I am repetitive, consistent, patient, understanding, kind and full of so much praise when she demonstrates appropriate displays of behaviour.

She is so messed up in her brain that we are just sticking with learning the solid basics, taking it one baby step at a time and she is responding!

I am not making demands of her. I am not manhandling her, I am not asking of her any more than I know that she can give me at any given time and this beautiful girl is blossoming like the most fragile and precious of flowers – except she is a bit of a bull in a china shop with her enthusiasm and zest for life. For, when she knows that she has done something right or is just plain happy and she makes my heart burst with my own happiness with the joy that she has when she sees me.

We are working through crate training and she has no issues being in her crate yet, she will still have an accident as going outside, especially at night, still stresses her at times.

When I felt she was ready to be spayed, I talked in depth to her Vet and we put a sedative med protocol in place so that she would feel no worries, strain or anxiety.

Sean and I began the day before her spay – and I had worked hard on her crate training so that she would not react to being in one of the runs at work.

She had Trazodone(150 mgs TID) throughout the day before her spay, had some Gabapentin(300 mgs) plus her Deramaxx that night before bed.

First thing yesterday AM, she had another dose of Trazodone and I brought her to work when my own shift started and we pre-med her with ACE/Hydro.

She went down like a lamb – gave us a bit of excitement in the surgical suite – yet, that had nothing to do with her anxiety! 

We did run bloodwork and also then repeated the CBC to be sure all was good and the only worry after her spay that she gave us was her low temp for the longest time.

We even did some skin scrapings to be sure that she did not have any demodectic mange occurring in some of those healing wound area’s that she will sometimes still ‘bother’ with when she is worried. Getting better as she is re-directing well. The skin scrapings were negative.

Once we had her temp closer to normal, got her up on her feet, Sean came to pick her up and she was calm, very much at peace and 100% fantastic for her whole time at EVC!

Could not have asked for a better spay experience for her…us, not so much excitement needed yet, it was all worth it to make things for her to be so smooth and anxiety free!

She is recovering nicely and while she still has a journey to go with her rehabilitation prior to be ready to make her own special announcement, this girl ROCKS!

I adore her…..I love every bit and piece and hair on her…..

The less confused and anxious free she is becoming, her personality – HUGE to begin with – is just emerging more and more and she really is a gift……. 

Thank you to CR, RE plus Dr. G. for being part of her set-up for success team at EVC and thank you to Mason and Sean for coming in to pick her up and take her home so that she did not have to spend another 5 hours there until my own shift ended. Though, per the above, she totally rocked the 7 hours that she was there……


~1 year old female Saint Bernard/Standard PoodleX

Reason for surrendering as O. has a senior – 11 year old female Standard Poodle and the puppy is a bit too much of a puppy for the older gal.

O. also has a grandchild that the puppy has bumped and knocked over.

O. is not able to give her the exercise, time and attention that Miss Mollie needs. This has not been an easy decision for her O.

ETA being worked on


This is ~3 year old Fred

A blue male GD that was rescued earlier this year from a northern Ontario First Nation’s community

He was adopted out by another rescue – the home that was fostering for them.

Recently, he snapped at their adult daughter who was on the couch with him – did not puncture or break skin, yet, caused bruising plus swelling.

They do not wish to keep him any longer and are nervous of him.

The rescue has reached out to us asking if we can assist.

I have been working 6/7 days a week – on track for my next pay period to be 112 hours right now – to get BHRR’s doors re-opened for intake.

With my own work schedule AND with the kindness of several others that have made incredibly generous donations to also try to get our doors re-opened, we are going to work on seeing if we can bring him into BHRR.

We are NOT out of the woods yet with our enormous unexpected Vet Bills yet we are close…..thanks to all that stood by our sides and believed in us!

His options are limited…..

He is ~120 pounds, good with people and dogs and cats and clearly needs to learn some manners plus boundaries. High value items like couches are something to be earned. They are not a right.

ETA: Sunday September 22nd.

BHRR’s Sawyer!
ADOPTED September 7th, 2019

9 years ago this lovely couple came into our lives and adopted a Saint named BHRR’s Moose(they changed his name to Tristin). 

Sadly. he passed away earlier in 2019 yet, lived the life of a king in their caring home.

He had a brother back then named Noah that passed away and then was given a new brother named Emmett to be his bff.

Emmett was very lonely when Tristin(BHRR’s Moose) passed away and when his family was ready to adopt again, BHRR’s Sawyer was who they were interested in.

Yesterday, was the home-visit and THANKS to Bob/Hazel for temp fostering BHRR’s Sawyer for the last shy of 3 months and for their wonderful hospitality!

Such a small world as the night before the home-visit the approved adoptive home and Kinsley/I were all at the same drive-in and had no idea! 

Some things are meant to be and this was another example of how patiently waiting for that right matched personality fit home paid off BIG time! He and we have waited almost 1.5 years for this beautiful moment to occur!

I have already received several updates on how happy everyone is!

Bob/Hazel – thank you for all that you and BHRR’s Torque(now known as Neo) plus BHRR’s Holden did for BHRR’s Sawyer while temp fostering him!

Thank you for opening up your hearts and home to temp foster him so I could save BHRR’s Lily and take her directly into my own home.

Thank you for your generous natures in covering his food, buying him a new collar and leash and in taking such amazing care of him.

Thank you to BHRR’s Sawyer’s forever loving adoptive home for considering to adopt from BHRR again!

We well remember that day when you came to our home 9 years ago and considering either BHRR’s Lilly Belle or BHRR’s Moose as a great match fit for your family.

Thank you for giving BHRR’s Moose an incredible life and thank you for being part of the BHRR ‘CHAIN OF SUCCESS’ Village and now giving BHRR’s Sawyer endless possibiliities in his own future to reach his full potential!

He is magnificent and deserves all of the incredible things that the world can offer him.

It was a bittersweet home-visit and fostering is not easy….it is bloody hard and it really does take special people to be able to do it.

Almost 420 times now I have fostered and have had to let go……and it does not get any easier….

Yet, it means that we can help another in need of our highly specialised programs when the time is right…..and that is important that while we cannot help them all, we can help another…..

BHRR’s Sawyer was adoption #418 for BHRR since our inception in 1996. Quality, not quantity with each and every one…..

Happy Sunday to all!