Miss Flower UPDATE: 

Unfortunately, I must sincerely apologise that quite a few of our supporters are already aware before BHRR had the proper opportunity to post that Miss Flower was euthanised today.

Sadly, I was at work today when she was taken to the Vet by Poet’s Vision due to rapidly declining health – stopped eating, drinking and walking – and I was not in a position to post an update on our page. 

We believe in full disclosure and our intent was to make a post ASAP. I remain so sorry that our post on our page is coming at this time. 

I truly cannot express to all of our friends, family plus supporters what it has meant to our hearts to have had you rally so strongly around this 7 week old Maremma baby in our efforts to give her the best chance possible. 

We never even made it to the MRI stage. 

An already horrible day has just been that much more devastating with this wee pups loss. 

To the kind angel that donated funds for an XL Costco dog bed, you have now been refunded.

To the other kind angel that donated yesterday, your monies have also now been refunded.

All other generous loving donations that came directly to BHRR for Miss Flower were used towards her Vet Bills including for a fecal, food, de-worming etc. and please do know how incredibly appreciative we remain for your kindness. 

Once, we obtain the credit for the food return – wet & dry, should anyone wish to have their beautiful donation returned, please do not hesitate to let me know – gwen@birchhaven.org

Please do join me in lighting a candle for a sweet soul whose life was over far too soon….

What a really brutally terrible day it has been……

BHRR’s Miss Meadow
Rescued Mama to my rescued three blind/deaf mice
April 24th, 2019 – on our way back into KAH today


As I was shopping for the family groceries yesterday afternoon, Sean called me to say that Meadow was suddenly actively bleeding from her privates.

Per Sean, there were not any signs of trauma and if, Sean says a dog is actively bleeding, I am going to move fast.

I immediately abandoned my cart of groceries and asked Sean to pack her up and meet me in Kemptville.

I called KAH and an appointment was made. I passed along what I knew to date from Sean.

Sean met me in Kemptville, we loaded her up into my car and on my way to KAH, I called them and updated re: her status.

Mentioned that she was passing massive blood clots and that I was taking her in through the side door as she was covered in blood.

Arrived to KAH and I shall be forever grateful to Dr. Ashdown, Cailey and to my *blood* partner Nadine who spent ages helping me to clean up after Miss Meadow…..the blood was everywhere and I mean everywhere..splattered and splashed and pooled and smudged.

Miss Meadow was throwing clots 5-7 cms in diameter and the amount of frank blood that was coming from her vulva was alarming.

Miss Meadow had not had any trauma, she was not exposed to any rodenticide on our property – neighbours do use yet her exposure to it was remote, we do not have her exposed to any intact males and she had been spayed elsewhere 13 days prior. Her spay incision was also nicely healed by this time.

She was having acute m3 vulval hemorrhage and every few minutes passing these huge blood clots.

No evidence of free abdominal fluid/hemorrhage seen on a brief ultrasound, PCV normal, bloodwork normal, elevated HR/BP – understandable.

She was placed on IVF and much discussion was had as to whether she should be transferred immediately to emerge – may need an exploratory.

Over the next couple of hours the bleeding slowed down once we got her into a run and quiet and the fairly probable cause of her hemorrhaging was narrowed down to a complication from her spay done elsewhere 13 days prior.

Possible erosion of uterine stump vessels or uterine stump ligature issue – so, complication from recent spay most likely the cause.

She ended up coming home on IV fluids as by the time 8:20 PM rolled around, the bleeding had pretty much completely subsided and though she had a clot protruding from her vulva, she was not passing any more clots.

The plan was that if she began to actively bleed again, we were heading straight to emergency.

She had a good night on fluids, drank, ate some small amounts of food & we were back first thing this AM.Temperature remained normal.

If there was limited improvement an emergency exploratory would have been done today at KAH or even at the Emerge Hospital.

PCV was repeated this AM and was normal and her personality while not quite back to normal, was getting back there…..

We wanted to keep her on IV fluids today at KAH yet she had other ideas…she pulled it right out from underneathe her bandages!

I am SOOOOOOOO grateful to her Vet Team at KAH for being there for her and I. So, a very special shout out to Dr. Ashdown, Cailey and Nadine. I could not have had her in better hands and as always you were amazing to work with!

AND she remains being closely monitored and should anything deteriorate, we will be into the Hospital or Emerge in a blink of an eye…..

What is so miraculous about this is that we were informed that these kinds of complications rarely resolve without surgical intervention and so we are all staying positive that she will not have to have surgery…..she is doing amazingly well. 

I also much thank the anonymous donor who took a HUGE financial pressure strain off of me by making an incredibly generous and loving donation….you are truly a life saver.

While I have so much to do – lost last night, was up all night with Miss Meadow, worked an extremely long day, had to get those groceries to feed the family and the list goes on and on….tonight, I am calling it quits early, going to snuggle this beautiful gem of a dog that has come so far in her time with us and going to hold close to my chest that an angel was watching over her….

From my home to all of our friends, family and supporters, good night wishes being sent…..

As Nadine and I began to clean up one area & an example of the blood clots she was passing.

Miss Flower! UPDATE:

Held lovingly in my arms at Alta Vista Emerge.

She had her consult with the neurologist yesterday and Dr. Jull feels she has either hydrocephalus and/or a cyst located in or near the cerebella that is causing pressure on the brain stem.

There is a possible condition that can cause increased pressure and a random pain response they are wondering if that is why there is so much vocalisation. At this time, I do not have the name of that condition. I was not able to be at the consult yesterday and I am very thankful to Tanya for being able to take her and then coming to see me at KAH afterwards!

Her weight was 7.1 kgs at KAH. She has not yet gained since she came into rescue and we are hoping that this shall come shortly. For she is quite skinny.

At the moment they do not feel there is a malformation of the brain stem itself.

Doing a MRI is the next step for Miss Flower.

Depending on what they see – potentially having a stint placed or medical management.

They also found what they believe is none related pain at the thoracic and lumbar spine, at the moment it’s nothing concerning but they needed to mention it.

Attached in the thread is a copy of the estimate provided….there is also a cerebral spinal fluid tap on the estimate.

We did run a fecal, she is being de-wormed and her special food should be arriving today.

I am in touch with Wigglebumz to have a custom balance harness made for her. With her blindness, neuro issues and severe hearing impairment, this is most safe for her.

I am sending to Tanya who is going to temp foster her moving forward – thank you again to Randy/Emily FOR all you have done as her temp fosters!, a Giant stuffie donated to us by the truly lovely Martina.

I am also stealing one of my XL Costco dog beds from one of the dogs here for her yet, if anyone may consider donating one for her, we would be so so so appreciative. Do let me know!

We also picked up another week of meds for her from the neurologist- Keppra, Omeprazole and Trazodone. We will order those moving forward from KAH.

Tanya from Poet’s Vision is hosting a flash auction so please do consider looking over the beautiful items! Link below.


If anyone may consider this 7 week old Maremma’s cause, donations can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

On behalf of Tanya, Miss Flower and myself, a million thanks many times over for the love plus support that has been given to date! 

This puppy needs her Army to give her everything that she needs…..we remain deeply humbled for any consideration given.


Having a wonderful roll….the simplest of things give him so much pleasure. 

We had an ECHO, X-rays & an u/s done – he got a big thumbs up as being a reactive dog, it was not easy on him yet I am so proud of him.

Trazodone has been a big aid in assisting in bringing down his anxiety and stress levels.

For we needed to do these diagnostics and ASAP. Confirmation is that yes, he does have a Grade 3 HM & a mass/tumour in his intestines.

Information shared with us……

German Shepherds are one of two breeds – Collies are the other that are most represented for intestinal tumours. Males also being most represented in respect to intestinal tumours.

Bloodwork indicates an abnormally low level of protein plus elevated liver enzymes. A calcium test showed elevated levels.

Xrays show that his lungs are clear at this time yet his liver and spleen are enlarged.

We are waiting on the interpretation report yet possible lymphoma has been discussed.

Still so surprised and saddened that we were not provided with the paperwork/information of the HM and the mass prior to his arrival. We received a hardcopy of these medical findings when we met the transport to pick him up.

While it makes nor would have made a difference re: our commitment to him, it would have helped us be better prepared for his arrival to ensure that whatever he needed was done even more promptly.

His skin issues and allergies are the least of his problems….

Treating each day as a gift with him! 

Thank you to every generous plus caring angel that has made a donation to date for his mounting Vet Bills.

Donations can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via Email Transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

Oh behalf of BHRR’s Juneau sending good night wishes to all of our friends, family plus supporters….

Easter dinner is best when it is pulled off the stand and then shared with family! ??

Two of my three blind/deaf mice! They turned 6 months old today too!

Miss *Flower* UPDATE & Video #2

As promised, we are now providing the second video and most recent update on the 7 week old Maremma puppy.

At Alta Vista Animal Emergency, the truly wonderful Dr. Jones did a thorough exam including a neuro assessment. She then conversed with Tanya, myself and her amazing temp fosters Randy/Emily.

The next step was for Dr. Jones to reach out to Dr. Jull, the neurologist and discuss a plan to be put in place.

Miss Flower has now been scheduled to see Dr. Jull @ 11:30 AM tomorrow.

Miss Flower was placed on the following medications to help ‘slow’ down the firing of her brain, to calm her down re: agitation and she was also placed on Omeprazole 5 mg – 1 BID. She was put on Keppra 250 mg ½ tablet TID and Trazodone 50 mg ½-3/4 tablet to be given BID and can be given up to TID.

We received the results of her bloodwork a few minutes ago and they are normal for a puppy of her age. Tanya will be dropping off a urine sample as part of the panel that we paid for over the next several days.

I will be ordering special food for her tomorrow and once a copy of her Vet Records are sent to KAH, we can begin her de-worming protocols plus do a fecal test.

This Video was taken the next day after being at Alta Vista Animal Emerge.

She still turns right and she still does cry YET nothing like she was!

Please take note that NONE of this would be possible without EACH of you, her incredible rescue angels that have stood up to help us in her extreme urgent time of need! You are inspirational, you are awesome and you are lifesaving with your kindness plus generosity. Thank you!

Is this a puppy that should have been instantly killed? Does this look like a puppy that does not deserve the opportunity for Poet’s Vision and BHRR and her ever growing team of Vets plus Specialists to first find out what is going on so that we can make the best informed decision re: her future?

AND to the one person that felt that the Breeder was doing the right thing in wanting to kill her…that Breeder did NOTHING for her, other than threaten to kill her if Rescue did not step up. Puppies are to be de-wormed beginning at 2 weeks of age and every two weeks up to 10 weeks of age after that for starters – this was not done; there were not any fecals done, no progress Vet exams, no monitoring to see if she was gaining/thriving etc. She was kept in a barn. This is not a r/q Breeder that cares about preserving the Maremma breed and to continue to improve upon their own lines.

Thanks to Poet’s Vision and BHRR coming together to step up to help this wee doll, she will lack for nothing and be given all that she needs and any decision regarding her welfare shall only be made based upon all the information possible to be gathered.

Both of our Rescues are special needs groups and we deal with heartache, devastation and horrors daily and we remain deeply humbled plus forever indebted to all those that continue to believe in not just the efforts of our respective organizations YET also believe that animals like Miss Flower deserve this chance…..

For anyone that may consider her cause; donations can be made via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org or via Email Transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

I am working tomorrow so shall not be at the neurologist appointment yet Tanya shall be there and we will then update ASAP after that. After the appointment, with my own home being full right now, Tanya shall take over the temp fostering of Miss Flower for this puppy is clearly not ‘just’ blind as originally told to us. There is a lot more going on. THANK you Randy/Emily for ALL that you have done for her! You are both absolutely fantastic fosters!

Play Date Today!
April 20th, 2019Today, we had a play date @ our home and ONE of these dogs – our own GSD named Denali – is NOT like the others!  

Some are looking at Sean, some at me and some are looking for their friends that were driving in when I snapped this picture! 
We had a total of 27 dogs come out to play/visit! It brought me so much joy to see quite a few of our Fosters & Haven Dogs come out….

***EDITING to add as several seem to think that this GSD is BHRR’s Juneau, he is NOT. This is our own GSD Denali, a PTSD in training. 

Anyone that has been following BHRR’s Juneau would be aware that any interaction of this kind would have been disastrous.***

*Flower* UPDATE

This is Video #1. There shall be TWO Video’s posted of Miss Flower.

This video is to demonstrate why we were at the really amazing VCA Canada Alta Vista Animal Emergency Hospital yesterday.

I took this video(her lovely foster Mama Emily is holding/rocking her – Miss Flower has already scented off her). Emily and Randy are her wonderful foster parents.

This is her crying and as mentioned in our first URGENT EMERGENCY Post; she cries like this when she is awake, all the time and also continually goes to her right. That is what brought all of us straight to the Emergency Room yesterday.

She is a 7 week old Maremma puppy and two special needs rescues – Poet’s Vision plus BHRR have come together to step up and work together as a team to assist her.

AND THANK you from our hearts to her temp foster parents, to the truly wonderful Dr. Jones and to the equally wonderful tech Kristina at Alta Vista AND to each of YOU, her beautiful supporters of both Poet’s Vision plus BHRR that have come together to surround this girl with love and kindness with your caring words plus life saving donations in her big time of need! 

Both BHRR and Poet’s Vision Aussie Rescue are in a huge financial strain right now and by working together, we work to give Miss Flower the absolute best of both groups.

We were informed by the Breeder that this puppy was blind and it quickly became apparent that there is a lot more going on than just blindness. The Breeder was planning on killing her should she not be taken in by Rescue. We did not even know if she could hear and both Tanya plus I greatly suspected that something neurological was playing a big factor.

Her Vet at Alta Vista concurs – per their notes – 
‘Presenting Concern – Neurological
Diagnosis- open – infection, congenital brain disease, hydrocephalus’

A plan was put into place and we will post our second video to demonstrate in more detail what that plan is and how the implementation of it is going……

Donations to her care can be made via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org or via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com AND I also know that Tanya is posting on her Rescue page – Poet’s Vision Aussie Rescue.

AND to assure all that our focus in our respective organisations is always about quality over quantity and all decisions being made are informed ones.



Upon his arrival to myself on Wednesday evening, I was handed a folder. In said folder was what I believed to be the records for what we had been informed to date on him.

We had already received a soft copy of his owner surrender plus the vaccines that he was given in March. We were missing all of the documentation re: why he was on pred, cefaseptin, special diet etc. and felt that the Vet’s findings and notes would be in the hardcopies given.

Unfortunately, those records were not given yet we were given records re: medical concerns that we had not been aware of. He has a Grade 2/3 HM and also a mass/tumour was felt in his caudal abdomen. The words of tumour, lymphoma and intestinal tumour were used and the recommendation to have an Echo and further diagnostics were given. We also were not aware that he had originally been surrendered to one pound on March 7 and transferred to another pound in April – the day after he was neutered.

We had stepped up to commit to this GS and if we had known about these additional medical conditions, we could have better prepared for his arrival and get everything needed in place for him.

We were heading into a long weekend and now are incredibly concerned re: these findings in that paperwork.

I brought him to work with me yesterday and we got a weight on him – he is down and he is quite thin.

The other thing I wanted and anyone that knows me knows I am not a Med pusher and rarely use, then only as necessary and this poor dog needed more Trazadone. We need to get him to a level that he can focus again and go back to basics and build him back up.

I do not believe in using these meds as a crutch. I believe in his case – and I deal with the severely behavioural dogs – that the meds’ that they had him on at the pound should continue and we can take it one step at a time to get him to a good place and go from there.

He is so messed up in his head. He does not know if he is coming or going nor what is expected of him. He is confused, scared, lacks confidence and has been trying to understand and take care of himself in a world where he has not been given any choices and is emotionally hurting. His anxiety level is high yet already we are coming down…..used classical music at work for him too when he was in the run there and very proud of him!

I do not know what his exercise level was before he was dumped at the pound – I could make an expert input position statement on that – for his mental and physical stimulation plus wellbeing yet since March 7, I can guarantee that he did not have those needs fulfilled.

He is frustrated…..so today, and while it rained like a holy terror – we are getting up to 60 mm of rain today – it was perfect for him and I to go to a small subdivision near us and walk….

Not too much outside stimulus in this weather and we got to know each other better – he loves water and he also got to roll in what at some point in time, I believe shall turn into grass! 

We got back to nature and the first loop we did, you could see his mixture of hyper alertness with lack of confidence mixing in with the sheer joy of a walk, even in this brutal rainfall. Yet, the more we walked, the more confident he became…his head came up higher, his tail and body posture relaxed and he began to do a more beautiful typical GS movement over slinking/crouching.

We took lots of opportunities to sniff – not overly interested yet he rolled on the ground and splashed in puddles and by the time we finished our second loop, he was enjoying himself a bit. Each time he saw my car he wanted to pull me over yet, a small word plus touch of reassurance, passively ignoring and I was patient. He would then proceed in the direction I asked of him.

I am not getting into a tug of war match nor going to force him or any dog yet I presented him with opportunities and at times, he got to choose what we did or rather he did – I was NOT rolling in the dead grass or puddles! – and at times, I made the decision. What this did for his mental state was huge….he will realise he is important and that I am not going to bully him or drag him.

He was fine with what few cars went by other than one and he made a half sorta effort attempt to jump yet collected well under direction.

I was told how strong he was on his transport and as someone who deals daily with 150+ Pound idjit brained untrained Giants, he was a kitten…. Yet, manners 101 is what we want and by the time our soggy walk was over, there was virtually zero pulling.

Tons of praise for him!

AND tons of praise to him for there is this one home that does not keep their dog in check and on our last loop, the dog came right for BHRR’s Juneau and was barking and circling him and not one peep or lunge from BHRR’s Juneau. I made sure I placed myself accordingly too.

The owner came out, hauled their dog back across the street to their property and stupidly enough, let their dog go yet I was ready and so was BHRR’s Juneau. Not a peep, body stance very aware and he did a re-direction jump towards me as he was trying to keep his eye on the dog and his stress level began to escalate and I remained calm and told him three times he was ok and what a good boy he was. The owner dragged his dog back again and throughout it all, I said not one word to the Owner or his dog.

My focus and attention was solely on BHRR’s Juneau and he handled this pressure moment exceedingly well.

People may note his muzzle….this is a basket muzzle and it gives him impulse control plus self-control. It is also not a crutch. It is an excellent training and behavioural aid.

Dogs can wear basket muzzles for many reasons ranging from those that hoover everything in sight when they are out, to medical – recovering from surgery or in BHRR’s Juneau’s case, to keep him away from his skin to breed bans – which I do not agree with breed bans.

This boy is reactive and this gives him a measure of calm and it is amazing how he just relaxes when it comes out. I associate it with something good when it goes on – PB and leash for a car ride or walk – and is not a punishment.

This boy needs a lot of work to get him to a point of liking himself, being able to make good choices – and he may well never 100% get to that point in all scenarios and that is ok!, having the proper level of confidence, to learn how to trust and for him to know that I shall never lay a hurting hand on him. Ever. No one ever shall again.

We have much to figure out more re: his heart and that tumour/mass and today was his first step in learning how to be a dog and seeing that I gave him a good experience and I was open in my clear plus effective communication that hopefully shall make tomorrow an even better day….

There will be many steps backwards yet this boy has tons of potential and I commit myself to him with my whole heart in helping him become the best dog he can be.

Gwennie Novel yet to all of his growing fan club and to even those who think GS are evil, it is important to update you! For without our supporters, we are nothing…..I could not do this without your belief…..

Thank you with sheer humbled warmth from my heart for that…. 


Yesterday, fellow rescuer Tanya of special needs dogs – Poet’s Vision reached out to myself asking if BHRR could take in a blind 7 week old Maremma pup.

Poet’s Vision is in the same position as BHRR, a big financial crisis yet, together we made the commitment that we would work as a team to give this baby the best chance – we were told that the Breeder was planning on killing the pup – and so we would dig deep and then even deeper to step up to help. We then put a plan in place to rescue this puppy.

Poet’s Vision, if you do not already know them, takes in dogs like BHRR, as their mandate is also to assist special needs dogs – we focus on the giants and they the smaller dogs & we both have the same goal at heart. 98% of the dogs we help are special needs and same goes for them. There are extreme few groups that do this and we are so appreciative of all those that surround these dogs in our respective groups with their caring support…. 

With this kind of rescue comes not just huge time plus emotional responsibilities yet big financial responsibilities too. The commitment and heart that it takes to do this to the quality level necessary is immense.

This little girl was picked up yesterday and not long after it became very apparent that there was more than just blindness going on. She screams constantly while she is awake and turns to the right continually. We are not even sure at this point if she can hear. Her head is misshapen and almost swollen.

On behalf of this sweet baby if anyone has anything they may be able to spare, with the most heartfelt humbled thanks from my heart, we would be immensely thankful plus forever indebted….

Donations can be made to PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org or via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

Alta Vista Animal Hospital does not collect donations directly any longer.

This pic is of *Flower* laying on my chest at Alta Vista. The only time she is not screaming is when she sleeps….

We are also doing a thorough blood panel on her including UA.

We will post an update ASAP and I know Tanya has also posted a plea on her own group page – Poet’s Vision Aussie Rescue.

I know it is Good Friday and it is time to be with friends plus family and today, I am with part of my cherished rescue family at the Emergency Hospital and thank you to my human family at home for being understanding of where I am needed right now….

R/q rescue is about sacrifice and thank you Sean, Mason & Kinsley for being who you are…. 

Got him!

Thanks so MUCH Maira and to all of the Freedom Driver transport angels for helping to get him closer to me…..

On my way home now…

GS Transport UPDATE:

Maira has him – we are going to call him BHRR’s Juneau – and I will be leaving shortly to meet up with her.

Maira found him to be ‘super friendly and not aggressive at all’.

It is so disturbing how people can label dogs. This has cost many a dog their life and that is beyond tragic.

People need to remember that a reactive dog is not trying to GIVE us a hard time, they are trying to tell us that they are HAVING a hard time. If, we as humans do not listen to this, they ‘can’ cross that threshold into aggressiveness. Therefore, we MUST listen and act accordingly.

As someone that has put 14 years of post secondary education into behaviour plus psychology; is the expert behavioural consult for several pounds, shelters plus busts, who takes CE courses, seminars plus classes yearly, it really distresses plus frustrates me to see so many amazing dogs ‘given up on’ by having been given a label.

Labeling is dangerous…….this dog almost died April 10th and if I, by sheer chance did not see the final plea post by those angels working so hard to save him, he would have been killed. This happens daily to thousands of dogs across North America, they are destroyed. 

Remember that behaviour is not just genetic in nature, environment plays a huge part.

Soon….very soon we shall meet….at last BHRR’s Juneau. 

You may not be a Great Dane/Giant yet you fall well within our mandate as you are a special needs – medical and behavioural. AND that is why we are here!

He is ON his way!

To all involved, please drive safe and Maira see you tonight! 

Maira – an extra special shout out of thanks being sent to you for offering to do the extra legs so that he can be in the least amount of hands possible. 

We have been told that since he was dumped at the pound, he has air snapped – at a Vet while two staff were restraining him, hates his collar/neck touched and in general being manipulated.

This is VERY revealing plus important information re: his current level of high stress and also his past……

He has medical issues of allergies, skin infections and is on meds – antibiotics and pred.

Soon dear boy….soon…..I cannot wait to meet you! It has been a very long week….

AND thank you to all of the rescue angels that have made a donation to date…..

PayPal: gwen@birchhaven.org OR via Email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

AND a gentle reminder to anyone that feels that as a GS he is not worthy of being helped and think that he should have just been destroyed as he is a ‘bad’ dog; that really is not a fair or kind statement.

As always, people are welcome to their own opinions yet our page is not the forum that will be used for anyone to promote breed fear or false information re: GS or any other breed for that matter.

His breed does not automatically make him a bad, evil or what one person said ‘a baby killer’ breed type of dog. That is such an awful, horrible comment to have seen someone make the other night. His breed should not automatically mean he should have been put to sleep.

Thank you also to those that continue to support our efforts and believe as strongly as we do that this 1 year old boy was deserving to have us offer to help him in his final moments of life for his time was up at the pound….. 

GSD Update:

Transport is being attempted for Wednesday….everything crossed. 

This rescue will be burned in my soul forever…..he literally had run out of time…..

For those who did not see my original post on April 10th, here is a copy:

1 year old Male GS – Not a Dane/Giant yet he is special needs

This is whose time was up today and at the tender age of just barely 1 was to be put to sleep.

His crime? Being special needs – like many Sheps, he has skin issues – allergies and is on special food, antibiotics plus Pred. His other crimes? Being smarter than his previous owner and being a GS.

He has inappropriate displays of behaviour and medical needs. Nothing that should have given him a death sentence…..he deserved a proper opportunity re: having a great future.

His story is not a new one for many dogs out there and his time ran out today….

I was actually shocked to note that no group had stepped up for him previously and today he came on my radar as not having been saved as of yet….

AND we posted an urgent call for one of our BHRR approved Volunteer homes to please consider emergency temp fostering one of the following dogs so we could step up to assist – BHRR’s Burst(Lab/Dane), BHRR’s Sawyer(Saint/Pyr) or BHRR’s Char(Dane) – and for the first time in over 23 years no one stepped up…. 

I knew that going to bed tonight with the knowledge that this dear young GS, like so many others was going to be put to sleep with his last days having been in a pound….his anxiety levels had greatly increased over the days spent there and he would not have a loving soul hold him as he took his last breaths, tormented plus haunted me.

So, I did step up to help him in his final hours of life and even though none of our approved homes reached out in this urgent time of need to emerge temp foster, I could not let this boy be killed.

So, what we are asking at this time is if anyone may consider making a donation so we can pay for temporary boarding for one of our BHRR dogs….

Any donation can be made via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org or via Email Transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

Thank you in advance for any consideration for not only would I be deeply humbled, I know if this young GS could talk – with manners! – he would equally like to thank you for helping to save his life….

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters may all of us be able to rest our heads in relative peace tonight…..

*Photo is one that was sent to us of him*

My last post of my night….

We are calling the newest addition to the BHRR Family – BHRR’s Clay.

This is for a number of reasons and I shall not bore all with a Gwennie novel as to why! 

Yet, one only has to look up some of the definitions to get a glimpse into why we chose that name for this really precious boy. 

No more basements, starvation – I am told that he has put on 20 pounds since he was first taken from living in the basement – neglect, being bred etc. for you sweet man. NEVER again shall you know anything but a loving caring supportive hand. 

We will post an update after his Vet visit tomorrow…….

BHRR’s Clay would also like to gently remind everyone about our 8th Annual ‘1-on-1’ Special Date With A BHRR Dog Online Auction!

To view the 26 amazing dates that we have up for grabs – we have DAY and OVERNIGHT Dates – please do visit THIS LINK for all of the details and to bid!

We currently have bids of $775! 

Our unique Date Auction Event ends 9:00 PM EST on Thursday April 18th, 2019!

From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters, good night and try to stay dry wishes being sent!


These are double merles Danes. Mother is a heavily blanketed Harle and Dad is white. 

For Dalmations it is the ‘Piebald’ gene and in Aussies is also the ‘Merle’ gene.

Dogs with the merle, piebald, or extreme white piebald genes can all be special needs.

Congenital deafness has been found in over 80 different breeds, but it may be found in any breed. Those dogs with spots, dapples, or merle coats or those with white skin or fur are predisposed to congenital deafness. The most commonly affected breed is the Dalmatian, of which there are almost 30% that are deaf.

Congenital Blindness

Affected dogs have prominent third eyelids and small eyes which appear recessed in the eye socket (enophthalmos). A defect early in development results in the smaller than normal eye (microphthalmia).This is often associated with other eye abnormalities, including defects of the cornea, anterior chamber, lens and/or retina. Microphthalmia is also seen with coloboma – a cleft in a portion of the eye, particularly the iris.

Microphthalmia with multiple defects (ocular dysgenesis) is often seen in dogs with a merle hair coat with excessive amounts of white or all white.These dogs are frequently blind.

There is no treatment for the structural defects. Complications that may develop are things like glaucoma

 Ocular abnormalities that may be seen with ocular dysgenesis and merling with excessive white in the coat, include microphthalmia, microcornea, heterochromia irides, cataract, staphyloma, retinal detachment, irregular pupil, white to blue iris (albino), angle dysgenesis, iris coloboma, and blindness.

Anterior cleavage syndrome,or anterior ocular dysgenesis, has been seen in association with microphthalmia. In addition to other ocular abnormalities as seen above, the anterior chamber, pupil and iridocorneal angle are not formed. The anterior uvea is continuous with the posterior cornea. Pups are blind.

Got him!

In the extreme weather system coming in fast, I drove out for the 3 year old Dane that had been living his life in a basement.

Thank you to Jane of Just Paws for reaching out to us and thank you to Donna & Roger for taking him in, loving on him and then meeting me today! 

From additional information I have been given, apparently he was starved during his time in that basement plus that the conditions were deplorable. 

Dear sweet man, though I know you are nervous – that you pulled to come to me when you first saw me makes my heart hurt knowing that you were missing out in so much love, proper care, attention and social experiences.

Tomorrow, he shall come to work with me and we shall walk your rehab journey together ……you are not alone…..

My last post of my night….

BHRR’s Volt!
April 11th, 2019

She had her latest recheck yesterday. She now weighs 25.2 kgs(55.44 pounds).

Unfortunately, she is still battling an infection and will be on antibiotics (Simplicef 200 mg SID) for another 2 weeks.

We remain using a cone, Cortravance plus a thin layer of Vaseline every morning.

Then we shall do another recheck. She is a $12,000 puppy and counting and we shall continue to host small flash auctions plus do whatever is needed to make sure that she is properly taken care of.

As those that follow her know, the specialist, Dr. Philibert saw her on March 27th – same day he saw BHRR’s Connery – to look at her vulva conformity issue.

He wants to see her mature more and yes, have a heat to see if that may develop her vulva area so that she does not have so many ‘tight folds’ and then may not require as invasive of a surgery with a vulvaplasty and the ‘nip & tuck’.

So, while we now have her electrocuted mouth all healed up – five surgeries later and she will require one tooth extracted, we remain working on her vulva.

The tooth will be extracted when she is spayed. Dr. Philibert was not worried about it – it is an incisor.

Miss Volt is a huge fav at KAH & more than person would love to steal her away!

She has gone from super skittish to social queen!

Miss Volt would also like to gently remind everyone about our 8th Annual ‘1-on-1’ Special Date With A BHRR Dog Online Auction!

To view the 26 amazing dates that we have up for grabs – we have DAY and OVERNIGHT Dates – please do visit THIS LINK for all of the details and to bid!

We currently have bids of almost $700! 

Our unique Date Auction Event ends 9:00 PM EST on Thursday April 18th, 2019!

From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters, good night wishes being sent!


1 year old Male GSD – Not a Dane/Giant yet he is special needs
This is whose time was up today and at the tender age of just barely 1 was to be put to sleep.
His crime? Being special needs – like many Sheps, he has skin issues – allergies and is on special food, antibiotics plus Pred. His other crimes? Being smarter than his previous owner and being a GS.
He has inappropriate displays of behaviour and medical needs. Nothing that should have given him a death sentence…..he deserved a proper opportunity re: having a great future.
His story is not a new one for many dogs out there and his time ran out today….
I was actually shocked to note that no group had stepped up for him previously and today he came on my radar as not having been saved as of yet….
AND we posted an urgent call for one of our BHRR approved Volunteer homes to please consider emergency temp fostering one of the following dogs so we could step up to assist – BHRR’s Burst(Lab/Dane), BHRR’s Sawyer(Saint/Pyr) or BHRR’s Char(Dane) – and for the first time in over 23 years no one stepped up….
I knew that going to bed tonight with the knowledge that this dear young GS, like so many others was going to be put to sleep with his last days having been in a pound….his anxiety levels had greatly increased over the days spent there and he would not have a loving soul hold him as he took his last breaths, tormented plus haunted me.
So, I did step up to help him in his final hours of life and even though none of our approved homes reached out in this urgent time of need to emerge temp foster, I could not let this boy be killed.
So, what we are asking at this time is if anyone may consider making a donation so we can pay for temporary boarding for one of our BHRR dogs….
Any donation can be made via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org or via Email Transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
Thank you in advance for any consideration for not only would I be deeply humbled, I know if this young GS could talk – with manners! – he would equally like to thank you for helping to save his life….
From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters may all of us be able to rest our heads in relative peace tonight…..

As they get ready to go to bed shortly – they are hanging out by my computer snoozing! – The Dane Trio(6 months old now) would like to gently remind everyone about our 8th Annual ‘1-on-1’ Special Date With A BHRR Dog Online Auction!

To view the 26 amazing dates that we have up for grabs – we have DAY and OVERNIGHT Dates – please do visit THIS LINK for all of the details and to bid!

We currently have bids of $600! 

Our unique Date Auction Event ends 9:00 PM EST on Thursday April 18th, 2019!

The next in need of us!

As already stated, while I am not giving up on the special needs sire to The Dane Trio(my amazing three blind/deaf mice), I am no longer as positive that he will come to us. 

In the meantime, we must move forward in helping the next that we can assist and is in need of us.

This is a 3 year old Male fawn GD that was once kept in a basement. He was then given to someone and is now residing temporarily with a friend of the person he was given to. 

Thank you to Jane of Just Paws Animal Rescue for reaching out to us. 

ETA being worked on……


BHRR’s Connery

Waiting patiently in line for his timbits for being such a good boy!

Per the recommendation made, we did both a CT and a MRI for while CT images will identify most meningiomas and choroid plexus papillomas but can fail to identify gliomas. They did not offer a CT biopsy option so that we could biopsy the tumour at that time to determine just what tumour.

It had been suggested to us that the BHRR’s Connery had a brain tumour and so we proceeded to doing the further diagnostics required. 

From there palliative care based upon his physical symptoms and behaviour was strongly recommended.  

We will be continuing to host small flash auctions as we can for we now have two MRI’s and one CT scan as part of our mounting Vet Bills. 

My heart does break for this handsome boy…..he was once emaciated – he has put on over 40 pounds to date, neglected, abused, had parasites, eye infections, skin and wound infections, trauma from being a HBC and then finally being diagnosed as having a brain tumour. 

This year has seen us assist dogs that came to us as special needs as that is what we do and upon arrival they were far more special needs than originally indicated.

Well that looks awkward!!! 

The Dane Trio of BHRR’s Glacier had a great play session in this glorious weather & is now out like a light! 

Crashed out right on top of the giant turtle stuffie donated so generously by Martina.