Stay Tuned!

This absolutely breathtaking BBBBB with the adorable and totally best ears shall be making her special announcement shortly! She is still recovering from her spay and then…..stay tuned! 

BHRR’s Flyn!

Thank you again Liz for her time, talent and generous heart for the wonderful photo’s!


Tonight’s good night wishes are from BHRR’s Sambuca! 10+ years old and 100% awesomeness!

We went for almost a km stroll tonight with Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson along with my Wolfie Brogan and own 10+ year old Dane Bronson. While it was no longer scorching hot and very pleasant temps, the deer flies plus mosquitoes were out in full force and all of us are sporting some bad bites….you can see on Sambuca’s ear and near his one eye where the deer flies found him delicious. 

He remains Available For Adoption and is now having a well deserved post stroll nap!

Gentle Reminder that he shall be at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg on Sunday August 27th to thank all of his visitors for everything done for him. 

Good night to all of our friends, family & supporters!


A couple of photo’s from their temp foster home – THANKS Tanya/Frank of Poet’s Vision Aussie Rescue for loving on them and being their emerge temp foster home!

BBBBB’s Ryder!

Where once he was a 10 month old emaciated barely 48 pound cherry eyed Great Dane listed as free on an online ad, tonight at the Vet he now weighs 43 kgs(94.6 pounds)! WTG!

When he is done maturing and filling out, he should weigh 100-110 max. He is a small male Great Dane and 100% stunning and that right matched forever loving home shall not care about his size….or colour….we love the blacks!

Where once his coat was bare, thin, sun dried, dull, dead and coarse, it is now growing in sleek and shiny and glossy black. He still has bare/bald area’s along his back and tail yet greatly improving. He may never develop hair on all the rub spots on his tail and rump from being kept confined in some small space for prolonged periods. He has a big callous on the tip of his tail that we are moisturising so that it does not crack and bleed.

The Ester C has lifted those collapsed pasterns beautifully! His front feet are genetically in an eastie westie position yet front and back feet are looking strong and he stands in an upright normal position on them.

The muscle mass and tone in his rump now is solid!

We did pre-op blood work and also for his Heartworm and Tickborne disease testing. I had asked for the heartworm/tick testing to be done prior to transport yet I never received paperwork stating it was done nor was it on the invoice I paid for his vetting.

His heart and lungs were giving a thumbs up! His teeth look good…the right side has some very minor tartar on his back molars and now that he is with us, he has plenty of excellent kibble plus appropriate toys/bones to chew.

He showed pretty good manners as well at the Hospital. He wanted to play and greet all the dogs and he is learning that not all dogs are going to like him and want to be friends. His leash manners are improving daily!

He was given treats and love and while we waited for our turn to be seen, he enjoyed laying on the benches, half in my lap and if I was not by myself, I would have snapped a pic of him!

Once his bloodwork comes back, we shall know if he is healthy enough to be neutered and to address that Cherry eye.

He loves everything and everyone! Only once was he a bit nervous and I said ‘we are going to make a new friend’, he got a small treat or two and he was perfectly fine after that.

His bad habit is counter surfing and one cannot blame him as he was so starved and he is also making leaps and bounds on that front. He is learning that he is going to be fed on time, fed enough food and that his food is his and his alone.

Amazingly enough, he has no resourcing issues over toys or the communal water bowls.

One photo is from being at the Hospital waiting our turn to go in. His head is high and body relaxed and comfortable. Another photo is of BHRR’s Ryder ‘supervising’ me putting gas in the car and the final one is why I shall always have a sunroof in my vehicles. ??

On the way home, I stopped on the laneway and BHRR’s Ryder & I watched the sunset and the horses in the pasture as the light faded gently away to dusk….

This boy will make a home a truly WOW addition. He travels great in a car(travelled all the way from Ohio), is great with people, kids, dogs of all sizes and cats.

In the meantime, I am so loving our time together as he rehabilitates.



These two beauties had their professional photo shoot today!

BHRR’s Gravel & BHRR’s Flyn. 

BHRR’s Gravel still needs a few pounds yet is doing awesome! So amazing. He came from a home with kids. While adults once terrified him and he felt threatened, he has loved children. He soaks up all the love given to him when Kinsley is here with her friends.

BHRR’s Flyn has had a really tough recovery from her mature spay last week and I almost thought we may have to forego her own photo taking today yet over the last 24 hours she is finally bouncing back. She was put on a new pain management regime and that seems to working for her. She remains such a mysterious girl and love it! AND Liz captured her fabu ears in full action!

Cannot wait to see the pics of them both and if all goes well within the next 10 days or so both could have their own special announcements to make!

On a side note, I know many have been waiting to read what we know shall be a thumbs up report of BHRR’s Ryder’s Vet visit.  Tonight, he was to have his own Vet visit yet that has been postponed and we do promise to update once he is seen for we are all excited to see what he weighs now – no longer an emaciated 48 pounds for sure!  AND we want to move not just on his neuter but to have his eye surgically addressed. He is a true love…..his coat improves daily and it is becoming so shiny and glossy as he sheds the old, dull, coarse, sun exposed, poor nutrition fur he once had.

AND the Saint pups, BHRR’s Cagney & BHRR’s Lacey are equally doing great in their emerge temp foster home. 

BHRR’s Gus the Neo is learning much needed manners, is a total ham of a character and is recovering well from a wasp sting to one side of his mouth. Puffed up his lip and flew to look like an adorable hippo on that side. Such a trooper and gosh, he is going to make a right matched forever loving home the best of additions! He is outstanding!

Yesterday was a busy day!

BHRR’s Cagney & BHRR’s Lacey came to work with me and were vetted, loved on and admired by many! After work, I drove them to their emerge temp foster home where they shall stay until September 1st.

Thank you again to Tracey and to her incredible family for all that they did for them from Tuesday night to Sunday AM until I could get them. She would not even let me pay for her gas or reimburse her for the toys she bought them….

I only had these two beautifies less than 36 hours yet I fell in love, hook, line & sinker. Incredible Saint babies….just so sweet!

Their Vet bills came to $799.16 yesterday.

BHRR’s Cagney – 36.8 kg
BHRR’s Lacey – 36.1 kg
*Both are nice and lean and yes, small female Saints. When Tracey picked them up, they were a bit on the thin side, so we upped what they were eating in their previous home.

Both are battling ear concerns in all of their ears. Ear cytologies were done on both girls ears and both girls began treatment in their ears at KAH. BHRR’s Lacey’s right ear which was deeply inflamed will get a second treatment next Monday.

They both were given a Bravecto for fleas/ticks and also Heartworm protection via Interceptor which also has a de-worming component.

BHRR’s Cagney has a bad bacterial skin infection and is now on Cephalexin 750 mg, every 12 hours for 3 weeks.

BHRR’s Lacey had pre-op bloodwork done and was microchipped. BHRR’s Cagney had already been spayed(pexied also on July 3rd) plus microchipped prior to us getting them both. BHRR’s Lacey will be spayed when she is more age appropriate to spay a giant breed.  BHRR’s Lacey’s spay/pexy incision is mildly infected. Her previous home mentioned to their Vet Hospital and to us that they had trouble keeping her quiet/calm. 

Both had Nail Trims and thorough exams. They stole the hearts of all they met at KAH yesterday! Such wonderful pups….

I began crate training when I arrived home with them on Sunday and by the time I got to work with them yesterday, they made nary a peep in the big run they hung out in off and on during my shift.

Not one accident in my home, only one in Tracey’s and none to date in Tanya’s.

They are learning to play and obtaining more manners – Tracey you truly did an amazing job with them for they barely pulled with me. They just like to zigzag on their leashes and that is easily corrected!

They sit before their leashes go on, they sit before eating, they sit before going out – all important safety things and both are responding beautifully.

Thank you to Tanya for stepping up to love on them and continue their public socialisation and training while in your care as this is so crucial for them to remain positively balanced and well rounded. We want them to be assets to home and community.

To state again, they are NOT YET Available For Adoption. They will not be for at least five weeks and people are welcome to follow their detailed individual blogs that shall be set-up.

BHRR ONLY places per right match personality fits and we are never desperate to adopt our dogs, we do not flip dogs and we remain patient for the right homes to find our dogs.

Our goal is to do right by every dog in our care and we have 14 amazing dogs that are available for adoption right now for those seeking to adopt at this time.

HERE IS A VIDEO of these lovely ladies playing at their emerge temp foster home this AM. Thanks again Tanya!


 AND to post here as we have on facebook: No, both Saint pups will NOT be adopted together. That is not in the best interest nor is it in the best interest of most siblings unless they are not just a bonded pair yet truly are a pair that really complement each other. 

Already I can see where each one shall benefit in time from being adopted away from each other. For right now, they should have each other and as they settle in, they will make strong friendships with other dogs more suited to their own individual personalities and be worked with to build up a wonderful foundation plus where they are weak instead of depending on each other to compensate for their own weaknesses.

Got them!

BHRR’s Cagney & BHRR’s Lacey!

Two small yet truly lovely 7.5 month old Saint Pups.

Thank you Tracey & Kathy for everything! 


his handsome boy is sending this evenings good night wishes!

BHRR’s Sambuca(10+ years old) and Available For Adoption!

Still putting his pre-bloat weight back on and doing great! 

This is his face when I asked him if he was ready for dinner! The second photo is of him off to get dinner….much purpose in his stride! AND look at the strength plus muscle in his hind end now! 

Good night from our home to all of our friends, family & supporters!

PS: he shall be at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg on Sunday August 27th from 11-4 pm to thank all Visitors for everything that was done to help him become healthy and happy! 


ISO: someone between Port Hope and Spencerville, Ontario who may be open to myself having a bit of a pit stop tomorrow afternoon with two lovely 7 month old Saint Pups for about 30-45 minutes.

They are doing a lot of travelling tomorrow and would love to give them a special adventure break after I meet the transport to pick them up in Port Hope.

Please email if you may be open to myself crashing for a 30-45 minute visit tomorrow afternoon with two gorgeous Saints.

*Fenced in yard a MUST*

Thanks in advance for any consideration!

Finally! A ‘still’ moment for Miss Y!  Miss X – BHRR’s Lacey is also in the photo.

So, tonight’s good night wishes are from Miss Y – BHRR’s Cagney, the 7 month old Saint Pup.

Sean has not yet decided on their names…I think he is waiting until I pick them up on Sunday. 

Thanks Tracey for the great photo yet again and for today’s adventure update!

You have doing an amazing job with them to keep them social and interacting with humans plus other animals. Thank you! They remain in a maturing crucial social development stage plus pre-stranger danger age and you are giving them such a solid foundation!

‘They had a good day today. Took a trip to PetsMart and they picked out a Dino bone each. Left lots of goober on many staff and customers 
I tried to get a pic of them each chewing on an end of this toy but of course as soon as the camera comes out they stop! At least they are playing with it. Also finally a pic of Miss Y sitting still.’

onight’s Good-Night wishes are being sent from Miss X! 

Isn’t she so adorable?! Her Sister Miss Y is never still long enough for a great photo! 

All the great names are being reviewed and gone over and when Sean makes the final decision, we shall post! 

Thanks again Tracey for the wonderful updates plus photo’s on these two beautiful 7 month old Saint pups. 

This stunning BBBBB was spayed & microchipped today.

BHRR’s Flyn. She did great!

She and my Wolfie Brogan are at home recovering together from their individual surgeries this week.

BHRR’s Flyn & BHRR’s Gravel are both scheduled for their professional photo shoots next Tuesday – had to be rescheduled from the 18th due to heat – and in a couple more weeks, both may be ready to make their own special announcements! 

Cutie #1 & Cutie #2! The 7 month old Saint Pups. 

Per Tracey:

‘So for their morning adventure the girls and I went downtown to visit my coworkers. They all fell in love of course. We left behind lots of drool and hair for them to be remembered by 
We then went for a walk around the park which is overrun with squirrels! My arms are now a few inches longer but at least they are even LOL! They want to greet everyone who passes but were good about sitting for the meeting. Once they are tired they walk like a dream!’

They were also have some loose/softer stools this AM yet per Tracey that seems to be resolving. Excitement and some stress over the past 24 hours for these two girls.

Both are booked in at KAH to see our Vets on Monday and from there shall be heading off to their emerge temp foster home until September 1st.

Still nameless… in picture) is super sassy, spicy, on the go, places to go, people to see, busy be, fearless, keeps you on your toes and the other(right in picture) is calmer, more chill, content to smell the roses, takes life in stride, does not sweat the small stuff or even the big stuff….

Need a ‘match set’ pair of names to fit their very distinct great personalities! Awesome suggestions made to date on the other thread and nothing is counted out as of yet!

Thanks Tracey for this great photo!


Another photo. Already I can tell them apart for one has more dark masking on the right side of her face plus less white on her sides yet the biggest difference is their personalities. 

One is a busy wee bee and the other more likely to sit back and smell the roses! 

Guess which one this is?! ?

Thank you Tracey for keeping them safe and keeping me posted!

Another busy day for us at BHRR with another good night story….

Thanks to Tracey & Kathy being ready to mobilise so fast, we were able to pick up both female Saint puppies tonight.

They are actually 7.5 months of age – Born December 3rd, 2016 and will be in safe hands until I can make the drive to pick them up on Sunday, then begin to Vet them on Monday and from there drop off to their emerge temp foster home which they shall stay with until September 1st.

As always, it takes a village and the BHRR village came together fast and strong for these two wee beauties. Thank you again Tracey, Kathy and also to Tanya! 

We will be giving them new names for a number of reasons including that a dog in their current safe haven spot has the same name as one of them.

We like names that ‘go together’ and in the past we have named Saint litter-mates:

Frank and Bean
Rain and Beau

And other pairs we have named at BHRR:
Bilbo and Baggins
Timon and Pumbaa
Rose and Petal
Sugar and Spice
Coco Chanel and Coach etc..

So, name guru’s looking for a ‘match set’ pair of names for these two smooth coat Saint Babies.

Kathy and Tracey have suggested ‘Thelma’ and ‘Louise’. As always, Sean has the final say and bring on the suggestions!

Thanks Kathy for the pics!


Tomorrow night I shall also be sending out the next round of availability for the special auction dates. Only 10 more to book!

AND on that wonderful note, from our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, we wish all a good night….

These two cuties were at Kanata Animal Hospital last night!

BHRR’s Gravel – he has put on another five pounds! He is now 48.3 kgs(106.23 pounds). He could still use another 7 pounds or so. Mel & Danya, remember the terrified reactive boy at the pound?! Remember how you had to rush down to the pound Danya?! Look at him now. Chilling, relaxed and comfortable as he waits his turn to see the Vet.  He can be a real ham at times now. Love when he has those moments as he is really enjoying life when he does.

BHRR’s Flyn – she has put on 11 more pounds! She now weighs 47.3 kgs(103.4 pounds) She needs about 5 or more pounds herself. She is a super quiet and calm girl. Very mysterious in many ways as she slowly continues to reveal herself to us. Really liking this girl….she is so much more than meets the eye and earning her trust has been sure and steady.

Both are doing great! Their Vet just loves their coats. BHRR’s Gravel’s once dry, seborrhoea coarse unhealthy coat is now shiny and healthy!

BHRR’s Flyn’s is slowly turning into a glossy shiny black herself! All that old sun exposed, dull hair is leaving!

Both have gained beautiful muscle tone and mass and are really gorgeous Danes!

Both were quite easy going for their boosters plus exams and BHRR’s Flyn can now safely have her spay now that she is healthy.

Today, they were to have their professional photo’s done in prep for their future special announcements yet the heat was really unbearable. They have both been rescheduled to next Tuesday.

Soon, my amazing journey’s with these two gorgeous Danes shall begin a new chapter….

Thanks again Mason for coming with me with them last night!

BHRR’s Capone has his special announcement to make!

He is Available For Adoption!

This boy is da bomb!

He is a total whole awesome special package deal all wrapped up with a gorgeous ribbon!

Having arrived to BHRR seriously overweight and out of shape, he is now fit, lean handsome hanging around 165 pounds. He still does some back leg trembling yet none of his Vets are concerned and it has greatly decreased the stronger he has become.

A tall boy, about 37-38″ at the whithers and a real gentleman.

He is good with cats, dogs, people and kids. He came from a home with kids & cats and was emerge temp fostered in a home with an under 10 year old and is in my home with my own two now teenagers.

He can go to a home that works full-time, part-time, works from home, semi-retired or is retired. Another amazing versatile BHRR dog!

We did a lot of investigation into his hind end, with exams/visits with two Vets, x-rays and also consulting an ortho specialist. He does have mild HD, extremely common and per Dr. P.:

‘Per Dr. Philibert, nothing surgical needs or can be done. Capone has some arthritis in his knees. It is unknown if at any given point in his future he may need his cruciates addressed due to any arthritis changes that may occur in his knees. No crystal ball.

Capone’s issues are conformation based(genetics) – high in the back end, straight angled back legs and surgery is not a feasible option for Capone.

Dr. Philibert said that physio or hydro rehab in his future could help manage any arthritic changes and continue to aid his muscle mass/tone build-up and then maintenance.

At this time, Capone is not a surgical candidate and is considered healthy to be placed up for adoption!’

BHRR’s Capone can go to a home as an only dog or be placed in a home that already has a right matched fit dog.

He travels great in a car and while we have never had an issue getting him in, others have for he will demonstrate his ‘monkey side’, lay down on the ground and look at them to say ‘now what?!’ He is a quiet and calm car traveller.

Great to bathe, do nails and super social plus friendly.

He has come a long way with leash manners yet can and does pull at times when distracted but no longer the freight train he once was!

He loves his walks….he is now strong and healthy to walk up to 20-25 minutes each walk and doing that 3 times a day. To think that once he could not even do 2-3 minutes before chuffing and puffing as he was so obese and out of shape is sad. He truly loves his walks.

Due to his conformation of being butt high, and his calm easy going temperament, he is not a dog that runs much. He trots and to him that is him going at full speed.  He is never in a rush to go anywhere and is a ‘don’t worry, he happy’ kinda of boy.

He has been such a true pleasure to have had in our programs and to that right matched forever loving home, that fact that is is black, will not matter. To us, his shiny, healthy, stunning black fur is a bonus yet for many, that BBDS – Big Black Dog Syndrome – lives strong.  That just means my kind and handsome man that those people which think that way do not deserve you!

BHRR’s Capone – you really are da bomb! All sugar with a bit of dicey spice mixed in! Love you… 

Thank you so much again to his emerge temp foster home for loving on him until I could get him to me….you literally saved his life….forever grateful Christine.

UPDATE: FILLED! thanks again Tanya!

ISO: Emegency BHRR Approved Temp Fosters – we have an urgent request for not 1 but 2 Saint puppies. 6 months of age.

I cannot bring direct into my own home right now as I just took in BHRR’s Ryder & BHRR’s Gus plus BHRR’s Daffodil is having surgery next week and my own Wolfie, Brogan is being neutered plus pexied next week.

I would be seeking 4-6 weeks for emergency temp fostering. BHRR provides everything – crates, bowls, food, collar, leash, vetting etc.

Location: Kingston to Montreal area

If any of our of our approved BHRR volunteer homes can assist, please do email me for more details…

NOTE: if you are an approved adoptive home, you are also an approved temp foster home if your circumstances allow for it!

Thanks in advance….

This truly handsome yet untrained bull in a China shop powerhouse arrived today!

Meet BHRR’s Gus, The Neo!

He is 16 months of age, and after he arrived at KAH today, he had an exam – he has a bit of a yeast infection along the sides of his face and under his chin, we did his Heartworm and tick borne disease testing too. He was already updated on his DAPP & Rabies vaccines(due September 6th, 2017) and was neutered in March plus was microchipped.

This is the Neo that was spoiled and treated as a ‘baby’ and it shows. He is used to ‘throwing his weight around’ and welcome to Gwennie’s Doggie boot camp manners 101 Gus!  He had been sold about two months ago and then ended up at a pound in Quebec.

He is super handsome, a small male Neo and temperament is confident with a small measure of nervousness mixed in yet stands solid in the face of change and uncertainty. Some anxiety in the car yet understandable.

So much potential and one can see the big suck that bubbles beneathe the surface! Both Margaret & Jan got to meet him today also.  The right place at the right time!

Welcome to BHRR BHRR’s Gus! I can tell that you and I are going to go for a bit of a wild ride and am so thrilled to do so with you! 

Thanks being shouted out again to all that made this rescue happen! 

PS: we are still desperate for two more approved Volunteers to help Saturday July 15th from 10:30 – 3:30 pm for dog loving and washing at Critter Jungle – 1405 Carling Avenue! Please please please consider helping us…..dogs like BHRR’s Gus thank you in advance!

Posted in Gus

Though, I have been as sick as can be, after leaving work early, I layed down for a few hours and then had to drive to pick up this uber handsome young man.

Thanks so much Jane in meeting up with me! Thanks to Gen for emergency temp fostering him too. 

BHRR’s Ryder is the 10 month old Great Dane that was only 48 pounds and listed for free on an online ad. He also needs eye surgery.

His coat is not pretty right now – old dull coarse hair with sun bleached fur and his tail plus top of his back show major signs of having been kept in a small crate/spot. He has a growth on his tail we need to investigate further. He has one nipple that is abnormal and his left front lower leg has a ‘bulge’. I am not going to guess what it may be. He has some area’s on his body that look like healed injures too.

He is a handsome wee dude regardless and already is singing me a song in the sunroom!

I have heard from others how amazing he is and is super solid in temperament and that is always an amazing thing for a dog to go through what he has and be this friendly, social and lovely.

We shall see how it goes on the small dog front as he was grabbed on the nose by a small dog and we have been told he now barks at them. He is going to have a blast with the big dawgs, I can already tell!

When he is healthy, he will be neutered and microchipped and I am looking forward to our journey together. I can already tell he is going to make me laugh so much and carve his own big space all of his own in my heart. 

He travelled great over the weekend to get to Shannonville from Ohio and welcome to Canada dear man!

On a BIG side note: we are desperately in need of 3 more approved Volunteers to help out on Saturday July 15th for dog loving/washing at Critter Jungles awesome Dirty Dawg Wash! Please consider our cause to support….this shall be our 6th incredible opportunity to be at their location and we need your help!

We need events like this to help raise much needed funds to keep our rescue efforts strong.

Special Date Auction #12 is well under way!


Enjoy sweet man! You so deserve this special spoiling time!

BHRR’s Sambuca is ready to make his special announcement!

He is now Available For Adoption!

You have done amazing BHRR’s Sambuca since your arrival into Rescue.

You had a terrible huge mass removed, were neutered, had to undergo a second surgery to remove 22 teeth, beat bloat and you are inspirational to so many!

Though your body bears the wear and tear of your ten plus years of age, in other ways looking at you, you are mighty fine for a 10+ year old gent. 

Strong, healthy, active and have all of your wits about you as the expression goes.

You bring wisdom, kindness, gentleness and so much affection to the lives you have touched.

You have honoured me immensely in choosing me as your human and I know you think that you still need me yet I keep assuring you that you do not.

You are ready…ready to be loved, enjoyed, spoiled and treated like the amazing soul you are by a right matched forever loving home! One of your very own. A home that shall continue with all the proper preventive/proactive vet care we have been doing, giving you the right nutrition and a nice stroll or two daily plus so much love! 

Something you clearly did not get your fair share of in your past….yet, we look forward now. Never backwards.

You can go to a home that works full-time, part-time, is retired, or is semi-retired as you are so versatile.

You can go to a home with another right matched canine companion or be adopted as an only dog.

You have been fine with cats, travel great in a car – need some help at times getting in yet no biggie, love going to new places and what you love best is tons of soft bedding with the fireplace on or laying in the warm(not hot) sun on a cushy dog bed soaking up the beautiful rays. Things that seem so simple and taken granted by others are things that bring you the biggest joy.

You love late nights and later mornings!  Rainy days are for snoozing and cuddling and breakfast in bed.

BHRR’s Sambuca, our time together has meant so much to me and has been so special and even if your right matched forever loving home does not find you, you are most welcome to lay your head in my home. You are a big part of my heart.

Adore you….

AND you are going to make someone laugh and smile for underneathe that gentleman charm is a monkey with a mind all of his own and love you for that too!

So proud of you!

Thanks Liz Bradley for the stunning photo’s again!

This is how BHRR’s Sambuca feels about early rainy Saturday mornings!  Best to just stay in bed he thinks!!

He has a special announcement to make later today…..once he is ready to get up and face the day! 

Couple more hours to go on the road for today yet he is doing great! 

That poor eye also looks infected.

Apparently he is a real love!

He is travelling well! 

AND ‘Ryder’ is on his way! Thanks Jane for the photo and safe travels to all! 

He will then be emergency temp fostered for BHRR until I can drive to pick him up and do the final leg of his journey early next week. 

Ryder was the emaciated 10 month old Great Dane, that weighed only 48 pounds and was listed as free on an online ad. He also is in serious need of eye surgery. 

Cannot wait to meet this adorable dude!


Sunday July 9th @ Pet Valu Stittsville – Our 10th Annual Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser AND So Much More!
*No appointments necessary

2017 marks our 10th year of hosting this exciting event!

BHRR has been precedent setting in the community in seeing more cats & dogs microchipped to give them the best chance possible to get home should they be lost or stolen.

More information in link above and in poster!

BHRR’s Leroy

With the truly heart warming and wonderful story ending of BHRR’s Abby’s forever loving home having finally found her, we are hoping that by asking people to share/cross-post BHRR’s Leroy, that his right matched forever home will also find him. 

Like BHRR’s Abby, he has been waiting a really really long time, has been so patient, as have we and we just know that his own home is out there too!

They just have not found him yet!

BHRR’s Leroy came to us emaciated – he has put on 50+ pounds in muscle mass and weight, and suffered from severe SA. His previous home also docked his tail as they did not wish to work through his ‘happy tail’ woes.

I know this photo is a XMAS Eve Photo yet I love it of him!

This fine man is now ~ 6 years of age, affectionate, uber handsome and incredibly loyal.

He is good with dogs of all sizes yet no small dogs would be our preference as he can play rough, unknown re: cats, and travels great in a car, is crate-trained, obedient – can still sometimes pull if distracted and is a quiet boy.

He can be an only dog in a home or be adopted to a home that has a right personality fit dog. He can be adopted to a home that works full-time, part-time or is semi-retired etc.

He has a special play date coming up on July 10th and we will obtain some new photo’s of him then to share!

Thank you in advance to all that may share this post!

This is *Gus*
18 month old Male Neo

*Headed to our way the week of July 10th
*Was given away to a family 2 months ago and then dumped at a pound
*Lacks manners – was spoiled and treated like a ‘baby’
*Playful and excited with other dogs
*Outgoing disposition 
*Outgoing and affectionate with strangers
*Can be territorial


Posted in Gus

It happened for BHRR’s Abby today!

It finally happened!!

This stunning BBBBB was ADOPTED!

Yes, I had tears in my eyes yet, as mentioned to the home, they are the best kind of tears!

BHRR’s Pearl would have done equally well in this home yet BHRR’s Abby edged her out and BHRR’s Pearl, your own time shall come. Adding this also to BHRR’s Pearl’s blog so people can see the update on this home-visit that both dogs attended.

Thank you to this amazing home in having such kind understanding and patience as we went through our thorough adoption process. Thank you for being so open in your hearts to wanting a senior Dane to adopt.

Thank you for seeing BHRR’s Abby when so many others did not. So many looked past her and we kept saying that we were patient as was she and we took some criticism over the years as we refused to have her be adopted to a wrong home.

She needed that right matched forever loving home, one that did not care that she was a smaller female, one that did not care that she was black – full of beautiful frosting now!, one that did not care that she was older, one that did not have cats and felt they could ‘train’ the prey drive out of her….AND that home finally came along! 

My dear sweet Abbies….how proud I am of you, how much love I have for you, how happy I am for you, how just so incredibly you have touched my heart plus soul…..

We never gave up, you never gave up and to all of our friends, families plus supporters, thank you also in not giving up on her or the work that we do at BHRR!

You survived being dumped in big bear and coyote country, you survived bloat, you survived so many walking past you at BHRR Events and ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open houses and every time this happened, I said to myself, those people do not deserve you…yet, one home out there will…they shall see you for the gem and precious jewel you truly are!

AND it finally happened….

BHRR’s Abby, we walked many a mile together yet now even though our paths shall change course, you shall forever have your paws entrenched upon my heart and soul.

Congrats BHRR’s Abby! Congrats to a truly lovely home as well! Your adoptive family is really awesome!

This is adoption #399 for BHRR!

What a really great ending to my weekend!