BHRR mourns the February 18th, 2011 loss of a treasured friend to many – Victim to Bloat/Tort.
Trice, beloved best friend of BHRR Board of Director member Barry.
As per Barry's wishes, Trice has been laid to eternal rest at BHRR, missed by all.
May all those that have been touched by Trice, cherish the incredible gifts that he has bestowed upon them.

Though Barry has requested that any donations in honour of Trice's memory be sent to BHRR; I would like to respectfully ask of each and every person that has had the special pleasure of being blessed to be touched by Trice; to share a photo and/or memory Barry's way. AND to please pass along your support of heart plus caring.

This was not the week it should have been for either one of them when they travelled up from the east coast earier that day. Trice was to come to BHRR for training/tweaking and the week was to be full of fun GD/Human hikes/walks, good training sessions, fantastic play dates, lots of laughter and tons of great memories with friends to warm the heart plus soul. 

I am blessed myself to have been called and upon directing all to meet me at AVAH; to have had the 'gift' of opportunity to pass along my good-byes and tears of heart ache on the night of his passing. This is a dog that I very much adored, has made me a better behavoural expert/trainer plus person and he has touched me very deeply since he plus Barry first crossed my path many years ago. To say that I love the 'Trices' of the world is putting it lightly. I live with a "Trice", I understand/accept the 'Trices' of the world and I feel truly fortunate to have had my life touched by this special Trice!

His loss has affected so many and I know that CH. Dyceman is completely crushed not to have had the opportunity and experiences that should have been theirs during the week that Trice was to be at BHRR. Trice was truly Dyce's best of friends and it has been a week of deep mourning for all……

A portrait of Trice by Barclay Guinn Fine Arts (an example of Barclay's work that had been shown at our 2009 BHRR Boat Cruise Fundraiser)
& BHRR's Kingston with Trice – August 28th, 2009(one of my fav pictures).

I have posted 'recent' updated pictures on all canines other than BHRR's Albert. AND I know that if anyone is truly serious about supporting BHRR be it through the Hockey Raffle Ticket Fundraiser OR in general with a monetary donation via email transfer to or PayPal (account is; that BHRR's Albert would step up to the plate and show off his best side(of which all sides are his best sides!) for all! 😀

So, I am going to hold off posting his pictures as a possible temptation to others to please please please consider suporting GD rescue be it through our currently running BHRR/DiD Hockey Raffle Ticket Fundraiser or by making a monetary donation. Our bills are over $10,000 at this time and truly, each penny donated makes a difference!!!! I know that DiD is also in desperate need of monetary support, hence why I approached Jim at DiD to extend our support in donating 50% of the funds raised in this Hockey Ticket Raffle Fundraiser to send their way in way of contributing back to a cause dear to us; GD rescue and to support what we believe is another reputable/quality rescue organization out there. AND for those that know me, I do not say that lightly. We take our stellar reputation seriously and do not associate or affiliate lightly with other groups/organizations as we believe that the animals need to come first, it is not about 'making money' when rescuing/rehabbing animals and it is about always taking in the NEXT one in need – not discriminating against colour, age, health or injury. Deaf, blind, sick, injured, senior, dying or not; BHRR always will take the next one in need into our program(s).

If you believe in what we do at BHRR, please do think of opening up your heart to send something! BHRR would like to be around for many years to come to continue to assist those in need of a helping hand and times are very tough. 🙁

Albert's Angels:

Alex & Karen

Honouring my 'promise!' Here are 2 pictures of BHRR's Lily Belle from her temp foster mom during her recent stay with them!!!

BHRR's Lily Belle

Honouring my 'promise!' 1 Picture of BHRR's Dana from February 2nd, 2011. Her facial expressions continue to just 'crack' me up! 😀 She is not yet 3 years of age and look at that 'masking gene' colouring her face so delightfully white!

BHRR's Miss Dana with our Cherokee, BHRR's Frank's head and BHRR's Ava Marie

Honouring my 'promise!' 2 Pictures of BHRR's Shiva from February 2nd, 2011.

BHRR's Shiva with BHRR's Benjamin – Isn't she so pretty!

Honouring my 'promise!' 1 Picture of BHRR's Ava Marie from February 2nd, 2011 – 'WINTER WONDERLAND DAY' @ BHRR! DOESN'T she just look awesome!

BHRR's Ava Marie(the 'not another picture' look!) & BHRR's Potter

Honouring my 'promise!' 2 Pictures of BHRR's Apollo from February 2nd, 2011 – 'WINTER WONDERLAND DAY' @ BHRR!

BHRR's Apollo with BHRR's Benjamin

Honouring my 'promise!' 1 Picture of BHRR's Hamilton The Newf from February 2nd, 2011 – 'WINTER WONDERLAND DAY' @ BHRR!

BHRR's Hamilton The Newf – YUP! That is 'snail tail' drool on his face!

Honouring my 'promise!' 2 Pictures of BHRR's Hailey from February 2nd, 2011 – 'WINTER WONDERLAND DAY' @ BHRR!

BHRR's Hailey & BHRR's Benjamin with BHRR's Hailey

Honouring my 'promise!' 2 Pictures of BHRR's Porridge from February 2nd, 2011 – 'WINTER WONDERLAND DAY' @ BHRR!

BHRR's Porridge & BHRR's Hailey with BHRR's Windsor with BHRR's Porridge

Honouring my 'promise!' 2 Pictures of BHRR's Big Ben AKA BHRR's Benjamin from February 2nd, 2011 – 'WINTER WONDERLAND DAY' @ BHRR!

BHRR's Benjamin & BHRR's Hailey with BHRR's Benjamin

Honouring my 'promise!' 2 Pictures of BHRR's Potter from February 2nd, 2011 – 'WINTER WONDERLAND DAY' @ BHRR!

BHRR's Potter

Honouring my 'promise!' 2 Pictures of BHRR's Windsor from February 2nd, 2011 – 'WINTER WONDERLAND DAY' @ BHRR!

BHRR's Windsor

I have had not one, not two but THREE people email me to 'make' a deal! LOL AND that deal is that they will purchase tickets to our currently running BHRR/DiD Hockey Raffle Fundraiser in exchange for me posting new pictures of the dogs! Let me think about this…..UHMMMM! OK! YOU are on!!! Let the picture posting and raffle tickets sales go on! 😀

Perhaps, it might make others consider participating such that we can raise much needed funds NOT just for BHRR yet also for another Ontario GD Rescue – DiD(the oldest operating GD Rescue in Ontario at that!). Each penny that is raised is so desperately needed by both of our organizations and please, please, please do consider participating. Even if you are not  a Hockey Fan or would be able to attend the game on April 2nd yourself, purchasing a raffle ticket or two or three; MAKES a great gift for another!

These are fantastic tickets – 100 L, a Parking Voucher is included PLUS a very generous $25 pre-dinner for 2 at P.J's Quigley's on Greenbank in Ontario has been donated by Linda Price. We shall be selling Raffle Tickets until March 9th, 2011 @ 9:00 PM EST.



Let’s Talk About Bloat…

Let's talk about Bloat….

Sean called me at work tonight and the first thing he said was 'I know I might be being paranoid (not only have we had our own terrible experiences with Bloat/Tort yet we know many that have also had dear ones fall victim) yet I am worried…' and before he could finish the sentence I finished it for him. I asked 'who' did he think is bloating – Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus ("GDV").

He then proceeded to tell me that one of the dogs had vomited with foam at least 3 times in a short span of time and that he had narrowed it down to BHRR's Porridge based upon his behavour. He said that BHRR's Porridge was acting cranky(AND for those that know BHRR's Porridge – he is anything but cranky except when it comes to nail trimming!) plus was not keen on having his belly touched. Sean told me that he did not see any distended belly and then I went through the gamut of questions – there was no restlessness, biting at sides, dark red or pale gums, rapid breathing, panting, pacing, whining, temperature/pulse/heart rate(had not yet been taken), hunching or arching, drooling, weakness etc. BHRR's Porridge wanted to be comforted yet did not want to be touched and would 'bark' at Sean if he did go near his belly. THIS is not his normal behavour.

AND what I told Sean is what I keep telling so many that contact me re: bloat; time = life and better to be safe than sorry and to go to the Vet PLUS that I will not diagnose, especially over the phone. What some people do not realise that bloat can kill regardless if there is tort / twisting (volvulus) involved.

I am always happy to meet people at the emergency or their own Vet Hospital and tell people it is better to look 'silly' and be told nothing is wrong than to wait too long and then there is little to no chance of survival.

Not being there to see and not being able to get my hands on BHRR's Porridge, I was not going to make a decision that could cost any dog their life, so, I advised Sean to pump GasX in to BHRR's Porridge and to head over ASAP. I gave the head's up to all that Sean was on his way and should be at KAH by 7:10 PM . In hearing the sounds that BHRR's Porridge was making in the background while Sean was trying to feel his stomach, I knew that he was very uncomfortable and for sure something was wrong and I believe he was filled up with gas and if not already actually bloating, well on his way.

GasX & Zantac Dosages Information Chart that I have put together for the BHRR website.

I called Sean about 12 or so minutes later to get an update and Sean said that that the GasX sure was doing its thing for  BHRR's Porridge was having 'gas' coming out both ends, and that was putting it mildly. BHRR's Porridge began to instantly feel better and was asking for full body snuggles and cuddles and wanting to zip and zoom(to which Sean put a stop to that part!).

I told Sean to give more GasX and also some Zantac(will help with pain too) to BHRR's Porridge and updated plus cancelled the alert to those working with me at KAH. The Vet asked if I needed anything to bring home and I felt I was ok with all that I did have in medications plus have tubing on hand if needed. I thanked the Vet for her time plus willingness to have see BHRR's Porridge on such short notice. The reality is and something I said to the Vet and they concurred is that now the risk is much higher for BHRR's Porridge to go through this again.

Our PPSS, lives on GasX with every meal he has. You can visibly see his tummy swell up with gas as he is eating and even more so, after eating. Due to his immature digestive system, he is not very effective in getting air out and it is getting worse as he ages(5 years in April).

I have also updated the Bloat Information that I had put together for the BHRR website under 'other places to visit' and then 'animal health'.

One of the lessons that can be learnt from this experience is that do not just look for 'physical' signs/symptoms of bloat/torting; look for behavoural changes. There was very little in regards to physical changes with BHRR's Porridge and the same could be said for our RIP beloved BLK's Maggi. Know your dog and know when he/she is not acting right.

As for why *I* think this happened to BHRR's Porridge – I can only answer with one word –  'stress' of which excitement is also a form of stress.

BHRR's Ava Marie shall be temp fostered from March 9th – March 23rd for if all goes well, I shall be headed on my first vacation in almost 6 years!

BHRR's Lily Belle shall be temp fostered from March 9th – March 23rd for if all goes well, I shall be headed on my first vacation in almost 6 years!

ISO: Temp Foster Homes from March 9th, 2011 – March 23rd, 2011 for if all goes well, I might be able to have my first vacation in almost 6 years. Please email if any of our approved foster homes are available and interested in assisting. Sean plus wee ones go on vacation twice a year while I stay here to love on dogs plus horses and this could be my first opportunity to not only have a vacation yet a family vacation in almost 6 years myself!

Renee, Montreal, Quebec

Hi Gwen,
First, my apologies for taking so long to respond. And second, thank you so much for all of the time and effort you put into the advice you gave me. I really did not expect you to give me such a wealth of information and it is appreciated.  Few people take on this breed because of their size and the expense, etc, so there aren't alot of people out there who can give 'dane-specific' advice.  I have been practising with Wyatt and his recall is improving thanks to  increased effort on the part of his 'mommy' and the purchase of some freeze dried liver and duck and sweet potato treats. Yummers!  I am looking more interesting to him by the minute! LOL  I find that I have been getting better  leash behaviour too. It's still a work in progress, but when I see him put himself in heel postion when we are crossing the street without my having to prompt him, I see that things are sinking in.

Unfortunately I am in Montreal so it would be a bit of a trek to get to your walks 🙁

But thank you SO MUCH for your time and help.

Take care,

Denise, N.S., CDA

Gwen I was talking to Barry today and I was so shocked & sad to hear about Trice. They were very lucky to have each other even though it was for a short time.
I was so glad to hear that you were with Barry and that you took Trice back to BHRR to lay him to rest.
Thank you for being there!! Thank you for everything you do!!
My heart just aches.

BHRR's Albert went back to having accidents as of last Saturday February 12th, despite us even trying to get him out more often. Poor sweet boy. 🙁  On the amazing note, he actually ate the treatie that was brought to him from 2 of our approved BHRR Volunteers while people were here that day!! THAT is huge re: his comfort level. BIG step in his rehab.

AND AND AND, he actually came out of his crate  went outside to pee and then came in to take a drink of water when it was just us and a few strangers here. OMG! I just wanted to hug him! AND AND AND, both my kids had play dates/sleep overs that day/night and he LOVED Kinsley's friend. I was just so filled with happiness and to have it tinged with such sadness over his loss of muscle control, is just so heartwrenching.

BUT, we are still going day by day of quality for him!

If you want to be a BHRR's Albert Angel, please feel free to contact us. We do not know how much more time he has but we can guarantee that the time he does have shall be the BEST!


Albert's Angels:


Natasha Pinsent, Serge Rivard Photography, ON

Good Day Gwen,
This is Natasha (Serge's wife and assistant), we were the photographers that worked with Lucie and Fromm to raise money for your rescue last year.  We were wondering if we could link to your BirchHaven site? 
Having 4 pets also from rescues we are huge supporters, so it would be our pleasure to help spread the word about your organization!  Be sure to keep us in mind for any other fundraising events you think we may be able to help with!
Thanks a million for your fantastic work!

Have a wonderful day!


BHRR's Frank has been ADOPTED!

BHRR's Apollo weighed 64.3 KGs(141.46 pounds) today. WAHOOO! WTG!!!

He had another fantastic session at CWW and now has a few more 'fans' to his credit. 😀 He was also taken out for an ice cream treatie after his session and then to Starbuck's! Mr. Social Butterfly.

As per even the Volunteers that took him today to his session, they, too; cannot believe that he has not yet been adopted. We remain patient.

AND BHRR's Apollo sure took a shine to these two BHRR Volunteers!!! He did not want to leave them.

L. Benson, Pembroke, ON

I have to tell you that I was very upset to read Albert's blog on Monday, as I was sure you must have been 10 times more devasted to write it. I knew one day, I would
see something like this, but just wasn't prepared. Al and I both agreed that it is funny that we haven't even met this wonderful 'Old Man', but have been so taken by him and his story. We also know that if he were one of our dogs, we would do the same thing. It's really quite sad and the dogs absolutely hate to be that way.
You have given Albert the very best time of his life. I wish he could have known his whole life this way. What ever I can help with, I would be glad to try to assist. I do know that he loves you in his own way. You are the Mom he has waited for his whole life, just like all these other poor souls. 
In the meantime, please give Albert a big hug from us.
Best wishes

My son and his wife adopted Koop! So he is my official Grand-doggy. What joy and love he has brought to our families . My husband and I have a 16 year old dog that we adopted from the humane society when he was 4 months old and Koop is just so wonderful when he comes to visit. God bless you Gwennie and Thanks.

BHRR's Apollo is having his 'date' tomorrow and shall be headed to CWW for a swim session!  I will also obtain a new weight on him as he shall be coming to KAH with me.

Current donation update stats for BHRR's Potter are below. We owe almost another $1,000 to completely pay off his current bills. Please consider supporting him and thank you so much in advance!!!


Please do continue to him in your thoughts and donations can still be made to KAH (Kanata Animal Hospital) by calling (613) 836-2848 or by PayPal or by email transfer to

KAH will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone and will then mail you a receipt.

Total Raised to Date: $1,363.97
Vet Bills to Date: $3,400 and Rising
Remaining OWING on Bills at Kanata Animal Hospital: $844.53

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen
Dan & Isabelle
Gwen personally paid to date – $1,161.55

Another update from BHRR's Lily Belle's Temp Foster Mom:

Lily Belle is still doing amazing.  She just gets more cuddly everyday and oh my gosh does she love to be brushed.  Have been taking lots of pictures too, will send a few your way soon.

I shall be bringing BHRR's Lily Belle back to BHRR later this week so that she can be here for the BHRR's 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House this weekend. For anyone interested in attending, please email for details and to register.  Our next BHRR' EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House shall not be until June of 2011.

Today was a good day for BHRR's Albert. It was the first day in over a week that he did not have an accident. One day at a time…..quality, quality and more quality shall remain our number one focus and priority in our commitment to BHRR"s Albert.

For those that have asked what can they can possibly do to make BHRR's Albert's time as special as possible, be it weeks or days or if we are so blessed, months etc.; sadly, BHRR's Albert has not yet experienced so many of the delights that the world has to offer. Due to his terrible past; many things can completely overwhelm him and we have been taking things very slowly in the integration of the big world to him. However; we do know that he enjoys the following:

1) Soft blankets, lots and lots of soft blankets, duvets, comforters and sleeping bags that he likes to use his legs to rumple up into a big thick pile to lay upon and hide in
2) Vanilla Ice Cream – especially the Nestle Drumsticks 😀 – this compliments of a 7 year old daughter!!!
3) Peanut Butter – NO nuts – he will now take it off a spoon from me!
4) His one Costco Dog bed that is his and his alone. He will only lay upon the one that was donated to him as a SS(Secret Santa) pressie for we do not allow it to be communal. We know that he will not lay upon beds that have many other smells on it from the other dogs. It makes him uncomfortable and not as secure.
5) Big Smoked Dino Bones or Smoked Knuckle Bones – He might not have the best teeth but he sure loves to try and chew on them
6) He loves treats and we have plenty of those on hand for him at this time

BHRR's Albert's pleasures are simple and he/I take a morning jaunt through the fenced in yard or to get the mail and he loves to trot. I wish he was not so camera shy for as soon as you take out the camera, he freezes like a deer in the headlights.

So, thank you in advance to those that are thinking of sending him a special 'care' package or making a monetary donation for us to purchase items for him and for keeping him in your thoughts, blessings and well wishes. My heart is going to break into a million shards when it is time to hold him in my arms and kiss that sweet face of his and watch the light in his eyes of the life he has finally begun to experience fade away…….

Albert's Angels:


I do not have the best news for BHRR's Albert. As of last week, he began to have at least two bm accidents in his crate or on himself daily; despite being out as often as he might wish. In taking him to the Vet and then referred to a specialist, it is believed that he is most likely even older than 8+ and as with some dogs(humans too) as they age, his sphincter muscles are no longer working normally and have 'loosened'. 🙁

He is embarrassed when he finds himself pooping himself. 🙁  He will even 'freeze' as he almost scares himself that he is doing this.

So, Sean & I have had to make a very tough decision and we will be spending this next while, giving him as many of his special memorable experiences as possible. We believe that each person and animal deserves a quality filled live and to BHRR's Albert, he clearly does not feel he is having any dignity in having this happen to him.

BHRR's Big Ben weighed 59.3 KGs(130.46 pounds) today. The Vet feels that he is also putting on the weight very nicely. He has been an absolute ROCKSTAR here at KAH. He was a bit worried in getting into the car as the last car ride was when he was handed over to myself yet he settled down well.

He is a great car traveller! AND I will so have to try and get a picture BUT he is walking on a loose lead with just his flat buckle collar! ONLY here one week and he sits, lay downs and walks so beautifully!!!

I have taken him up from the back run several times and each time he relaxed more and WHAT a social butterfly!!! He wants to greet every person and figured out how to open one of the exam room doors! HOLY! Smart boy. He has also just loved every cat and dog he has met.

The Vet feels that his frostbite is healing well and his seborrhea is also doing much better. You can see how shiny his coat is becoming as he sheds all the dead hair/skin. He does have one area on his muzzle that is still frostbitten and no one is really sure if the hair shall even grow back. Only time shall tell.

It is believed that his limping was from his frostbite and the pads of his feet are still peeling, the poor thing. He lays down, sits very square/even plus upon manipulation, his ROM and flexibility was great. He was happy, no signs of pain and just ate the liver treats I was feeding him while the Vet pulled and pushed and prodded. The Vet was very impressed with his teeth and his heart, lungs, eyes, ears are normal! He does have some slight hygromas, more on the right elbow than the left but that will resolve now that he is sleeping on soft bedding. Great check-up!!!

I took some pictures of him laying down eating a donated antler from Luanne of Rusty Dawg Products and will post them later.

Have I mentioned lately how GLORIOUS I think this boy is!!!! 🙂 AND I am so excited to report that I got my first kiss from BHRR's Big Ben today! All the gals at the Hospital went 'awwwwwww' and it sure was an 'awwwwww…….sigh' moment indeed! 🙂

AND I have to be totally honest that this boy is certainly grabbing hard at my heart.

I have scheduled BHRR's Big Ben to come into work with me tomorrow for a check-up and to see what the Vet thinks of his hind end, especially the left knee/hip.  Perhaps, it is just the frost bite healing on his feet/pads but I want to ensure that he has his Vet sign-off before he goes up for adoption. This shall not happen for some time yet but we want/require all of our dogs to have a Vet check-up before any animal is placed up for adoption. I will also scan him for a microchip at that time.

His frost bite is healing great though and he is doing awesome! Much more to update in pictures and notes soon.


In honor of Gwennie, the Founder of BHRR, wishing her a most wonderful and special of birthdays today – February 3rd, 2011

If you believe in BHRR; enjoy all the blog updates, pictures, open houses, GD hikes, Gwennie novel posts, her educational articles plus links; please make a donation in support of her rescue efforts. This fundraiser shall run through until 11:59 PM today – Thursday February 3rd, 2011

This blog post was made without Gwennie's awareness, so imagine her surprise when she sees this later today!

You can help ease her stress and concerns a bit today about always worrying about money to save those in need of the programs she has worked so hard for. You can help ease her stress and concerns a bit today about coming up with funds for food and other essentials for the animals. You can help ease her stress and concerns a bit today about the mounting bills for BHRR. Together let's make that BHRR 'chain of success' for Gwennie even more strong today!

Email transfer to, PayPal (account or even call Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and make a donation on to the Birch Haven Rescue account with your Visa, Mastercard or Amex. A receipt will be mailed to your attention. As Gwennie states so often, there is no amount too small.

I recently asked Gwennie what she wanted for her birthday and not once did she mention anything for herself. Always her family, friends or animals. Help us make a birthday very special today for Gwennie by making a donation to BHRR.

Total Raised to Date$385 & 14 Days of Dog Food & New Logo for Behavoural/Training/Gwennie's Dog Boot Camp Programs
*PayPal took $1.03 in fees

Gwennie's BHRR Believers & Supporters:

Mason*donated his bi-weekly allowance
Kinsley*donated her bi-weekly allowance
Alex & Karen
Global Pet Foods – Kanata – 10 Days of Dog Food
Simone – On BHRR's Potter Bills @ Kanata Animal Hospital
Lisa – 13 KG bag of Natural Balance Dog Food
James – Bag of Dog Food
Jan & Her Boyz
Luanne of Rusty Dawg Pet Products

Current donation update stats for BHRR's Potter are below. We owe almost another $1,000 to completely pay off his current bills. Please consider supporting him and thank you so much in advance!!!


Please do continue to him in your thoughts and donations can still be made to KAH (Kanata Animal Hospital) by calling (613) 836-2848 or by PayPal or by email transfer to

KAH will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone and will then mail you a receipt.

Total Raised to Date: $1,303.97
Vet Bills to Date: $3,300 and Rising
Remaining OWING on Bills at Kanata Animal Hospital: $932.37

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen
Dan & Isabelle
Gwen personally paid to date – $1,161.55

BHRR's Frank turned 1 TODAY! YAY! Happy WOOFDAY BHRR's Frank. Additionally, we should know by Saturday February 12th if this home is a right matched personality fit for BHRR's Frank. We thank everyone for being so patient as we have been going through the application process for his possible adoption. Below are two pictures from today and isn't he just so handsome! We will post an update on his status as soon as we can.

BHRR's Frank's 1st WOOFDAY! – February 2nd, 2011

Here is an update from BHRR's Lily Belle's Temp Foster Mom:

Just thought I'd send a quick update on how Lily Belle is doing 🙂  She is quite the social butterfly, we had an awesome trip to Bruce Pit on Saturday.  She was her adorable goofy self and had a blast playing in the snow.
Her and Neffie have been having a great time together in the backyard playing, cuddling on the dog bed and being sure to give me lots of kisses 🙂  They were two very happy snow covered puppies today with all the fresh 20+cm snow.
Loving having her here,

Today was 'WINTER WONDERLAND' Day at BHRR on our almost 148 acres after receiving 20 cm of snow and 10 more cm on the way! Below are two pictures! I will post all the individual pictures on the dog's own blogs ASAP. I was out with them myself on three different occasions for about an hour each time. WHAT a blast of a day! Now, that nighttime has come, the temperatures are dropping and the snow is turning more to ice pellets. Time for some nice warmth in front of the fireplaces and snuggles!

BHRR's 'WINTER WONDERLAND' Day! – February 2nd, 2011 – Name the dogs? LOL

Crystal F., USA

"Hi Gwen, I will catch up with you in a few days,always a pleasure talking to you! You know how much I respect you and Birch Haven!!!!! I just wish the world was full of "Gwennie's" !!!!!! You are the BEST!!!!!!"

Tuesday's adventures brought BHRR's Big Ben learning to solidify a 'sit'! YAY! Of course, a tiny bit of vanilla ice cream has greatly assisted in this area plus he is now associating that 'Gwennie' is interesting and carries good things with her and is wanting to listen more and stay close. He is eating and drinking well and we just came in from being outside for almost an hour walking and playing in our almost 2+ acre fenced in yard.

He also has the 'perfect' sad/cute face in thinking that if he 'uses' it, he will be allowed on the master bed. Picture of his face is in his slideshow #6. All rewards are earned here and all dogs are very well rewarded for appropriate demonstrations of behavour and BHRR's Big Ben is well on his way to earn that 'privilege', yet he is not quite there. We do not desire to be creating any SA type of behavours.

Today was the first day, I left him all alone for three hours while I attend an appointment for my eyes. HE did superb. Went right into his crate, took the yummy treat and settled down. He was very happy to see me when I arrived home and I passively ignored him and let some of the other dogs out first and then came back to let him out.

I also took a height and BHRR's Big Ben is 34" at the whithers with another year of growing 'up' to do and then one more year after that filling out.

He is doing great and it is felt that perhaps the frost -bite is causing him some distress more on the one back leg than the other. However; I shall be bringing him with me when I work on Saturday to have the Vet exam him plus to get a current weight on him.

Though, he has a ways to go in the obedience, physical plus mental rehab areas; I already know that he would fit in any number of homes; he is just that versatile and 'accepting'. FT, PT, Semi-Retired, Retired and will excel in being a therapy dog or in obedience. Someone that is going to remain committed to his continued growth in a positive reinforcement manner.

I have added many  new pictures to his slideshow from today and am also putting two below.

His newest close play buds are BHRR's Shiva & BHRR's Apollo AND he so badly wants to be Multi CH. TAIN's close friend yet TAIN is a loyal best bud to Multi CH. Bronson first and foremost. 😉

Have I mentioned yet that I think this boy is simply GLORIOUS! 😀

BHRR's Big Ben & with Multi CH. TAIN, Multi CH. Bronson & Sir Maestro in BHRR's 2+ acre fenced in play yard – February 1st, 2011

Monday's adventures brought us the following: BHRR's Big Ben felt he could recline on leather sofas and discovered that barking at whatever was outside the ensuite windows was worth expressing his opinion at. Additionally, when I arrived home Monday night, he thought that jumping on me was a great thing. So…………he was introduced to the word of a firm 'no' and the world of spray bottles. The look on his face when the word 'no' had to be associated with a squirt from the bottle on his rump was priceless. This boy is most assuredly not used to having to follow many rules and welcome to the world of 'Gwennie's Dog Boot Camp' Big Ben. 😉 He is very quick to learn and it did not take him long to associate that I when I said 'no' or Sean said 'no' that we would follow through with enforcing the rules of the house. The spray bottle grabs his attention and we repeat the command wih his name so that he will associate what we are asking of him. He has been a great one for just walking away from us when we talk and LOL that shall also change….LOVING this boy! Now, to get him to actually focus those smarts of his on doing what we want him to do when we want him to do it. He is goofy and puppy stubborn and is not doing what he is doing to be deliberately obtuse, he clearly just does not 'get it' in the understanding that we have clear set out expectations re: behavour BUT he will! 😉 AND I am proud of how fast he is learning things. I believe he is smarter than he lets on for the persona that he gives….well, is not the brightest tool in the shed, the loveable lug!

He has felt that if we said 'no', it meant that he could still do whatever it was that he wanted to do and nope, that is not going to happen. Harmony…we live in harmony here and that means rules, rules and rules. Lots of well earned rewards for following those rules and listening and he already knows where the treat bins are!

He was quite happy to see me when I arrived home and that was nice. He is truly GLORIOUS!

Looking forward to Tuesday's adventures with him!