As I posted on the BHRR FB Group, seeing Ben when he was dropped off at KAH yesterday was like having that feeling of 'coming home'. It felt just so right and I literally welled up with tears that he is now here! He was a great car traveller home and the first dog he was integrated with was BHRR's Hailey. If ever there was a dog that could get another to play it was going to be her or my PPSS and as I was told that he played super rough, I did not want PPSS exposed to having his poor hip/knee hurt. However BHRR's Big Ben is not a 'rough' player, especially when it comes next to dogs like BHRR's Hailey! LOL I think he was not aware at one point what 'hit' him for he was almost dizzy with her zipping and zooming and zagging all around him outside with the occasional 'tag' on his body to play!!! He had a few play moments, then I took him in, settled him into a crate(AND this is where I noted the need for obedience, for he layed upon the tiled floor in the sunroom and would not budge). It was like he felt that 'hey, I weigh X and I am not moving and you cannot make me.'  BHRR's Big Ben does not know me very well at this point. 😉 LOL In just a few moments, he was setting into that crate eating a yummy treatie! He had a snooze and by the time I went to bed around 1:30 AM or so, he had been fully integrated with all the dogs. This dog's personality is GLORIOUS!

I switched him up to another crate(for practise) for his dinner and this time, instead of laying down; he decided he was going to back up to avoid doing what I wanted him to do. BHRR's Big Ben does not know me very well at this point. 😉 LOL In just a few moments….again, he was in the crate and having dinner. This time, what I did was that I got a leash, hooked it on; walked him to the masterbedroom door and then walked with confidence and purpose to the crate and the intent was for him to go in and he went right in. No hesitation and complete co-operation. Today, I have had no crate issues. 😉 I think BHRR's Big Ben is getting to know me a little bit better. 😉 LOL I do not believe in negative reinforcement, corporal punishment etc. in the training of ANY dog. I also do not believe in prongs or chokes and the choke that came with him has been removed.

On to some of the history of BHRR's Big Ben.

I have seen his ad on Kijiji since December of 2010; have known one of the previous homes he was in, and despite many passing along BHRR's contact info. plus BHRR stepping up on our own; the person who had him(a RVT to boot) refused rescue assisance. Their words were that they wanted to 'place' him on their own and had told others that they minimally wanted to make $$ back for at least rescuing him and having neutered him. That is not rescue, especially in that he was kept outside in this weather plus fed crap food and had untreated diarrhea issues. In December, an email was also sent out from this person who wanted GD Rescue to send already screened homes her way so that she could sell this Dane to them without much effort on her part to make $$. BHRR is not in the business of helping others 'sell' dogs, especially in situations like this.

Apparently, this boy has been kept outside in this weather, had frostbite on feet and ears and also chronic diarrhea. NOT to mention being frightened, confused and lacking proper social interaction. I keep telling people that NO matter the profession, abusers come in all shapes, professions and sizes. I am often told in reference checks, 'well so and so is a nurse, a RVT, a Vet' and it matters naught to me. Your profession is not validation that you will take proper care of your dogs. BHRR's Lexi and BHRR's Hailey, the domestic abuse case GD's came from one of the wealthiest homes out there and look at what happened to them.

We fast forward to last Monday when I received a phone call from another group who had brought in this Dane two weeks previously and needed some help for the foster home could not handle him. Loved him dearly yet was too much in size, they have a small house, full of puppy antics, lacking in obedience and wanted to play rough plus was so curious about their cat. I had suspected that it was this same GD(the world is small, the GD world even smaller and I have been in theses trenches almost 25 years now) and waited for the detailed information to come my way. I committed on the phone to assist when I could(we do have a pending adoption for BHRR's Frank at this time). Upon receiving the information that confirmed that yes, it was the exact same GD that I have worried about since last fall; I just had to have BHRR step up to assist ASAP. I sent much info. to this foster home re: this past history/background of this GD, including that he is not a PB; including the Kijiji ad etc. for the RVT had told this group that GD rescue was not interested in him. The group was also told by this person that the RVT was not trying to sell him at all. Yet, the truth has now come out and as I always believe in my heart that  the truth does prevail in time and many more people have had their eyes open re: this boy boy's tragic past.

I know of at least 5 HOMES and at least 3 NAMES this poor boy has had and he only just turned 1. It really upsets me to see situations like this. A name is an identity, a very important identity and it is so confusing to a dog to be uprooted to new homes and then to another name. Then people wonder why the dog is 'not listening' and thinks the dog is being stubborn or defiant. It makes the training curve so much longer and difficult in many situations. LORD knows how many names he really has had and if I am aware of 5 homes, I am sure there might be others that I am not aware of. NO dog deserves this.

Knowing that all of this has now come full circle and we can now assist this GDx that I have lost much sleep over, has me just filled with relief and joy!!!!

At this time, BHRR's Big Ben's frost bite is healing well, his diarrhea is much better, he has been put on Sentinel by BHRR; we are proactively de-worming him with Panacur, his flaking skin is much better(we have been giving him raw eggs/shells plus plain yogurt); he has had a bath plus nail trimming. His skin is already less itchy. He also needs more weight. His spine is bony and you can see more of his ribs than I desire to.

Additionally, I would love to do a DNA test on BHRR's Big Ben and I might just drum up some personal money to do that as I am doubting that he has Rottie in him(could be wrong for when it comes to mixes, they do not always visibly show signs of all breeds) but I see more Black & Tan in him(that nose of his was going a mile a minute on the way home!) than Rottie. YET no matter what he is, he is gorgeous, safe and will be done 'right by'.

Public thanks being sent out from the home that was temp fostering him for the other group for she donated a dog bed, a kong and a small bag of dog food for him. SO appreciative and it was such a pleasure meeting you. 🙂 She was so sad to see him go and as many know I have my own interpersonal space issues 😉 ; yet;  I just had to give her a hug of comfort. I also invited her to come out to our February BHRR's "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House to visit and see first hand what we do here and to love on BHRR's Big Ben.

BHRR's Big Ben's fast and closest friends already are Sir Maestro and Bleach. He will spend hours and hours playing with them. He is loving the 2+ acre fenced in yard yet what he is loving most is that he is allowed inside when he wants to come in. He is still pacing a lot but is now wanting to lay down more and more and he had a GREAT sleep last night. Only some very mild SA whining but I popped another treat into his crate and then he was good for the night.

He has proven himself to be housebroken to date and as of this afternoon was finally more comfortable about drinking water and though he is nervous about drinking when other dogs are also drinking, he will get there. We 'share' in our home. We were told that he had toy resourcing issues yet to date, none of that has been seen, but it is very early on and I cannot wait to have this rehab journey with this boy. He is SWEET, gentle about taking treats(though will not eat them in front of you), so honest about his not wanting to listen and there is a big personality just waiting to pop out of this one and I am excited to learn all about him! AND gosh, he is one nice boy!

I cannot wait for the day when he is comfortable about asking for love and knowing that he is not going to be hurt in the asking for it. Those moments in the rehab process always just melts my heart. 🙂

Below are two photos from today. Not the best for he is alway on the go right now. BUT when he naps, he is napping really well. 😉

Sooooooooooo much to write re: much about this boy yet I shall save that for another blog. cheekyI am going to summarize this blog by saying that even though he has only been here since Saturday, I feel like he has always been here and it feels 'right' and 'good' and Sean feels the same! He has just settled in perfectly and meshes with everyone. He also reminds me somewhat of BHRR's Mr. Parker Paws and apparently also does for Sean for both us us have called him 'Parker' by mistake.

BHRR's 'Big Ben' – January 30th, 2011 – 1 year of age(b. January 7th, 2011)




Now, that things are becoming a bit more settled at BHRR, if any of our approved BHRR Volunteers are willing to take a BHRR animal for a Playdate, day trip or play day; here are the February 2011 Dates/times available:

Friday February 4th – Between 4 PM & 8 PM
Saturday February 5th – Between 8 AM & 4 PM
Monday February 7th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Tuesday February 8th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Wednesday February 9th – Between 9 AM & 4 PM
Monday February 14th – Between 4 PM & 8 PM*DO YOU WANT TO BE A BHRR Animals' 'Valentine' today! 🙂 😉
Friday February 18th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Monday February 22nd – Between Noon & 8 PM
Wednesday February 23rd – Between 9 AM & 4 PM
Friday February 25th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Saturday February 26th – Between 8 AM & 4 PM


*Note: BHRR's 'Big' Ben is NOT AVAILALBLE at this time for Playdates. New Arrival to BHRR on January 29th, 2011*

Please email if you are interested in helping give a BHRR animal more social experiences plus a great time!

BHRR's Dana is at work with me today at KAH. She weighed a very solid, muscled with each rib defined in muscle 57.30 KGs(126.06 pounds). That is a 61.82 pound weight gain since she first arrived at BHRR exptremely emaciated.YOU GO BHRR's Dana!!!

She is such a social creature and her 'happy butt/tail' is a nonstop 'hazard' for all here! LOL She has loved interacting with every human she has met PLUS 2 pugs that belong to another staff member at KAH. It is hard to believe that BHRR's Dana is still with us. She is so friendly, yes, busy and active and mischievous yet so AWESOME!

She passed her annual with flying colours and received her DAPP 3 year booster.

In order for us to assist BHRR's Big Ben, we had to send out an 'URGENT" on the BHRR Network that included our BHRR FB Group for a temp foster home for one of our current 'AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION' animals and within minutes, the response again was heartwarming by our supporters! THANK YOU!

BHRR's Lily Belle shall be going back to the same temp foster she had before XMAS for some fun, games and extra special social time and in turn, this shall enable us to bring in BHRR's Big Ben direct to BHRR to take care of his much needed/required rehab needs. Truly, cannot believe that she has not yet been adopted yet I know that her temp foster mom/dog love having her and I know that Sean/I love having her here too, so we remain patient. 🙂


Meet BHRR's 'Big' Ben – Male, black/brindle, neutered(November 26th, 2010), one year of age(born: January 7th, 2010), utd on vaccines(Due May 10th, 2011), Great DaneX(one previous home was told with Rottie). Last weight was 59.5 KGs(130.9 pds) on November 11th, 2010 @ 10 months of age. He is a big boy with another 2 years of maturing/developing ahead of him! He shall be arriving to BHRR on Saturday January 29th, 2011. Will update his blog as I can as there is a LOT of history/background on this boy as BHRR has been aware of him for several months now. He has had at least FIVE homes and at least THREE different names that BHRR is aware of and he only just turned 1! 🙁 NOT YET AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

BHRR's 'Big' Ben – 10 months in these pictures – November 2010
*photos courtesy of L. McConomy

On Friday January 21st, while Sean/I were watching BHRR's Potter outside doing a little playing(more just standing and doing some mouth wrestling as his back and neck are still quite stiff) with a couple of the dogs; he made a bit of  a cry and layed down. He did not desire to get up. In concern,  Sean carried him inside and we looked him all over. We saw a bit of swelling surrounding his stump and penis/ groin area yet no marks which we knew we would not find anyway as we were both right there watching things and there was no rough play grabbing etc. to BHRR's Potter whatsover by any of the other dogs. He was also not bumped nor did any dog run into him.

We took him into the Hospital and the Vet diagnosed BHRR's Potter with 'latent' or delayed trauma exhibition. They feel that all the deep trauma that was inside of BHRR's Potter from when he was attacked(livers/kidneys) is now just starting to come out. We were told that the playing etc. that he did do was not a factor for BHRR's Potter has been doing some mouth playing with other dogs and also has trotted himself in the fenced in yard without previous concern as he was healing from his attack back in December. We also drained another 5 cc's from his seroma and I picked up more Amoxicillin on Saturday from LAH for him.

Below are two pictures from Sunday January 23rd of his stump and groin area. The bruising began to come out in full force as of the Saturday. The Vet assures us that as long as BHRR's Potter is eating, drinking, his last urine results came back normal, pooping fine; no fever , vomiting etc.; that he will be ok. If for any reason, it will be necessary, we shall do an ultrasound, more X-Rays and the Vet said extreme would be an exporatory. 🙁

His Vet Bills are extensive and to us, plus so many; BHRR's Potter worth is priceless and we can only hope that people shall consider to donate. BHRR is not in a great financial position(YET we shall continue helping with your support) to assist more dogs as our total bills at this time is almost $10,000. Please consider making a donation.

We also would like to extend an invitation to people that are thinking about helping BHRR's Potter or even BHRR; to contact us about attending our next BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House in February so that dogs like BHRR's Potter can express to you themselves what it would mean to have your support. I do not think I could ever be as passionate as the dogs themselves when people meet them and see just how important their donations are in their lives. Your donations make a difference and that difference can and does mean LIFE. That truly is a great 'gift' and even $5.00 is not too little and if you have already donated, and would like to do so again; we are humbly thankful and BHRR's Potter would probably bestow upon you some kisses(I tend to be the ONLY one that he is stingy with and makes *me* work for them! LOL) of eternal gratitude.

Please do continue to him in your thoughts and donations can still be made to KAH (Kanata Animal Hospital) by calling (613) 836-2848 or by PayPal or by email transfer to

KAH will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone and will then mail you a receipt.

Total Raised to Date: $1,120
Vet Bills to Date: $3,300 and Rising
Remaining OWING on Bills at Kanata Animal Hospital: $984.54

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen
Dan & Isabelle

BHRR's Potter – Stump/Groin Area & inside leg of his stump – January 23rd, 2011

BHRR's Apollo is now booked for a time on February 9th at CWW AND another approved BHRR Volunteer has reserved a 'date' with BHRR's Apollo for Saturday February 26th to take him to CWW! Just waiting to confirm a time for that day. YAY! For BHRR's Apollo. Below are two pictures from his December 29th, 2010 session that I took him to. As mentioned in a previous blog or two, I am going to book him in for sessions here and there until he is adopted as he LOVES the water, the attention, the special loving from all and it is only going to provide additional benefit(our pool and spring fed pond are obviously closed for the winter! LOL) to his knee/leg. He is ready for his forever loving home, much to the dismay of many that wanted Sean/I to keep BHRR's Apollo as one of our own! BUT, he does not need us any longer and we need to continue to adopt out those that no longer need us to continue to help those that do. 🙂 I am just going to well up when it is time to hug him and let him go to his new forever loving home BUT the good news is that in having had almost 310 adoptions, almost all those homes are in regular contact with BHRR and remain happily part of the BHRR extended family….so, it is not a forever good-bye, it is a new beginning for him and we cannot wait to watch him continuet to flourish(he will make a great therapy dog!) in his great loving forever home!

This boy is POPULAR yet sadly, the right matched personality fit inquiry/application has not yet come in for him. One person even wanted to know if it would be really expensive to dye him lilac as they felt it would be a great colour to match his black muzzle!!!! Needless, to say, that was one inquiry we declined to proceed further with.


BHRR's Apollo at CWW – December 29th, 2010 – HE LOVES it & Jen/Lianne LOVE him!


Hello Gwen,

When I was in the market for a Dane I came across your blog and I still read it quite often just because I enjoy hearing about the success you have with nursing Danes back to health.  I am contacting you because you really know this breed in particular.



Now, that things are becoming a bit more settled at BHRR, if any of our approved BHRR approved Volunteers are willing to take BHRR's Apollo to a 'maintenance' swim session at CWW(Canine Water Wellness): here are the dates/times to consider! While we are awaiting his forever loving adoptve home, we would like to take him to some extra sessions AS he just loves them and he can only continue to benefit from more time spent swimming. 🙂

Friday February 4th – Between 5 PM & 6 PM
Saturday February 5th – Between 9 AM & 2 PM
Tuesday February 8th – Between 1 PM  & 6 PM
Wednesday February 9th – Between 10 AM & 2 PM*RESERVED
Friday February 18th – Between 1 PM & 6 PM
Wednesday February 23rd – Between 10 AM & 2 PM
Friday February 25th – Between 1 PM & 6 PM
Saturday February 26th – Between 9 AM & 2 PM*RESERVED

Please email if you are interested in helping to take BHRR's Apollo to some extra sessions.

BHRR's Ava Marie is now booked for a Playdate for Valentine's Day! :) The rest of her availability for February 2011 is listed below for our approved BHRR Volunteer(s) to consider taking her for a Playdate, day trip or play day. Please email.


Friday February 4th – Between 4 PM & 8 PM
Saturday February 5th – Between 8 AM & 4 PM
Monday February 7th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Tuesday February 8th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Wednesday February 9th – Between 9 AM & 4 PM
Monday February 14th – Between 4 PM & 8 PM*BHRR's Ava Marie BOOKED
Friday February 18th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Monday February 22nd – Between Noon & 8 PM
Wednesday February 23rd – Between 9 AM & 4 PM
Friday February 25th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Saturday February 26th – Between 8 AM & 4 PM

BHRR's Apollo is now reserved with a BHRR approved Volunteer for a CWW 'fun/play' swim session for February 9th, time yet to be determined. This shall be Session #1 of 5 more planned sessions should his right matched forever loving home not come along! Many more dates still available for February and please email if you are open to assisting BHRR's Apollo!

We are moving BHRR's Frank under a 'PENDING ADOPTION' until such time as we can best dermine if the application we are currently reviewing is a right matched personality fit for their home, current dog and also for BHRR's Frank. It should not be too long before we can post a status update and until such time as we do so; we shall not be taking any further inquiries/applications on him. Thanks so much in advance for everyone's patience!

BHRR's Lily Belle is now booked for a Playdate for Valentine's Day! 🙂 The rest of her availability for February 2011 is listed below for our approved BHRR Volunteer(s) to consider taking her for a Playdate, day trip or play day. Please email.


Friday February 4th – Between 4 PM & 8 PM
Saturday February 5th – Between 8 AM & 4 PM
Monday February 7th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Tuesday February 8th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Wednesday February 9th – Between 9 AM & 4 PM
Monday February 14th – Between 4 PM & 8 PM*BHRR's Lily Belle BOOKED
Friday February 18th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Monday February 22nd – Between Noon & 8 PM
Wednesday February 23rd – Between 9 AM & 4 PM
Friday February 25th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Saturday February 26th – Between 8 AM & 4 PM

I have added photos #18 to #21 to BHRR's Albert's slideshow. I am also adding two below from when I had him at KAH last night. He is doing SOOOO well overall. His heart and lungs are good, teeth are not so great and if there is any reason why he might ever have a need to go back under an anaesthetic; we shall clean his teeth again; his ears are only surface waxy  now as opposed to the deep gunk of filth they were when he first arrived to BHRR; his toe nails are no longer imbedded into his feet because of the regular nail trimming we do at BHRR; his eyes are less runny due to not being exposed to constant outside irritants, just a little bit of a yeast infection between a couple of his back toes and his fur is very soft to the touch except for the one area on his back along his spine that has seborrhea that we keep under control with access to sunlight plus washing with Head & Shoulders shampoo. BHRR's Albert is in remarkable good health considering everything that he had gone through when he was chained up outside for all of his life before coming to BHRR a mere year ago. Some of the staff (those who met him a year ago when he first arrived to BHRR) marveled at how much tone and strength he now has in his back end and though he was still a bit unsure about things at KAH; they commented on how bonded he was to me. This boy makes my heart just beat with such protective and caring feelings of love for him. May he live a long filled quality of life now that he is safe with us. AND his leash manners are impeccable along with his obedience. I am sooooooooooo proud of you BHRR's Albert! You are an amazing boy. 🙂

While he was not 100% comfortable with all the attention given to him at KAH, he was 'accepting' and only tried to 'hide' behind me a few times. He even 'smiled' – I swear a couple of times! 😉

What made people sad was again seeing all of his 'scars' from his past. They clearly show that BHRR's Albert had a really tough life before being rescued. 🙁

He was unsure about getting into the car when leaving BHRR and I had to help him get in yet on the way home, NO issues whatsoever! He was in my car in a flash! 🙂 He is a great traveler in the car and was more curious than worried with the trucks plus transports passing us.

AND you can see in the second photo that he is actually on a Costco Dog bed! SUCCESS! This was a SS(Secret Santa) pressie given to him this past XMAS, his first real Christmas EVER and he was surrounded by love and warmth and lots of spoiling!

BHRR's Albert – January 18th, 2011 @ KAH – @ Reception & then in one of the XXL Runs hanging out for a bit while I worked

Below are two photos from when I had BHRR's Hailey at the Vet on January 17th! Isn't she just precious!!!! No picture shall ever really capture her beauty plus lovely spirit! Her eyes….I keep going back to her eyes. AND her ears are so soft. Almost as soft as BHRR's Ava Marie. 🙂 AND….BHRR's Hailey is now officially AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! She is one Great Dane that I am going to miss very much. She has travelled a very long way in such a short time and her potential is unlimited. Thank you BHRR's Hailey for touching me so deeply and wonderfully. 🙂

AND how could I forget to post just how much she loves her back scratches plus tush massages! LOL

Re: her obedience, she is just flying by! She also knows to give 'one paw' and then 'give the other paw'. 🙂

BHRR's Hailey – January 17th, 2011 @ KAH – 3 years of age


BHRR's Albert had his annual tonight and he weighed a nicely toned 44.8 KGs(98.56 pounds). He was another BIG HIT!!! We took some pictures with my phone and will post them ASAP.

He is in as great as shape as one can hope for for a boy that went through all that he did before coming to BHRR. He has some dry skin issues yet overall, he is in fantastic shape for a GD that is at least 8+ years of age and went through hell.

I brought BHRR's Hailey to work with me today and now that I am on a break, I am going to update her blog! 🙂 She weighed a lean, muscled and lovely toned 45.4 KGs(99.88 pounds).

There have been so many great comments about how glossy and shiny her coat is, how social and friendly she is. BIG hit!

She was also microchipped today.

Her Vet visit went awesome, a very healthy plus happy girl! I took some pictures with my phone and will post ASAP.

Luanne P., Ottawa, ON

I'm glad you liked it Gwen! You really do amazing work and more people need to know about it.

I have rescheduled BHRR's Dana's annual for Friday January 28th for 7:50 PM and we shall also do a recheck on her back at that time.

BHRR's Lily Belle had her annual exam/visit tonight and BHRR's Lily Belle weighed 56.4 KGs(124.08) pounds – very wiggly to boot yet eager to please! LOL She was AWESOME in the car and at KAH! WHAT a love bug, so filled with happiness! She is most like going to be one of the dogs that I shall be bringing to our upcoming GD Walk/Hike & Honourary GD Walk/Hike on Sunday! We can be as few as 6 at times and we have had as many as 40+ in attendance and our distribution list for these walks are now up to over 100!!! For anyone wishing to join us; please email and we only take responsible dog owners and their dogs. In having held these walks for 15 years now; we have never had an incident and we are all very diligent, committed owners and there is always room for more. Nothing like seeing all of these Giants and 'honourary' giants out and about. We also regularly change up the locations so that we have different venues.  We have meet ups in areas such as Orleans, Ottawa, Kanata, Sittesville, Constance Bay, Carleton Place and even in the Kemptville area. We have another group that regularly meets up on the Brockville and Kingston areas too! Our next planned walk is this Sunday January 16th. :)

BHRR BOD Member Barry's 'Special 30th Birthday Request for BHRR' –

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services Board of Director Member, Barry Cole is celebrating his 30th Birthday today. Here is his posted request:

"Can't believe I'm 30 today!! Not that im expecting presents but would appreciate Donations to help a GREAT rescue continue to do their amazing work!!"

Will keep a running public total of all monies raised in his honour to continue to help animals in need of BHRR!

Thanks in advance for the consideration!

Total Raised to Date: $165 – PayPal took $2.34 in fees


Barry's Birthday BHRR Buddies:


Mason*donated his bi-weekly alllowance
Kinsley*donated her bi-weekly allowance
Suzanne & Chuck
LT & Lil Linus(Jan)

Due to BHRR`s Dana giving herself a `play' injury, I have had to postpone her annual. BHRR's Dana was running like her usual happy full of life self and went under one of the tree branches in the fenced in area and managed to 'skin' herself between her shoulder blades. She took all the hair off and a few layers of skin about 3" long and 1" wide and is now on antibiotics. Did not phaze her at all!!! Will re-schedule when she is fully healthy.

BHRR's Hailey has a Vet Appointment set-up for January 17th. I would like a final medical sign-off on her before officially placing her up for adoption as early as January 18th, 2011. She has been AWESOME to have here!!!! Fully integrated, playful when it is time/ok to be and calm when needed. Gentle, trustworthy in the house and has been a true pleasure to get to know! She is so versatile that she will do great in a home that is ft, pt, semi-retired, retired etc. She is now confidently expressive in the appropriate manner and has just flourished under the guidance, structure and leadership given to her at BHRR. She is quick and effective about her 'correction' to other dogs and her interpersonal 'diva/princess' space issues have long since left the building! She would do best in a home with another dog; sex is not important. Right personality fit as always for our BHRR animals is what is most important.

I have added pictures #7 – #9 to her slideshow. Pictures just do not do this black beauty any justice! Her coat is so glossy and shiny, and her eyes are incredible!

H. Kimery, Lethbridge, AB

Hi Gwen  – I wanted to thank you for taking the time to chat with me on the phone today  – it was just lovely meeting someone like you  – a giant breed lover  – who puts her heart and soul in to saving these dogs! I so admire that  – and only wish we were closer so I could visit you and all your beautiful dogs and perhaps get to know you better.
I am thinking and hoping that there might still be a way for me to adopt from you  – please, please keep me in mind for the future and also if you hear about a Dane or a Saint closer to me. I am now going back to your site to drool over the dogs  – and dream that one of them could be mine 🙂 Thank you for your honesty, your sense of humour  – and most of all for what you do! The world needs more people like you. I will leave you with all my info and hope we will be in touch again some day soon. Give the saints a big hug for me okay?
Helle Kimery

Pat W., ON, CDA

Hi Gwen:  Just wanted to thank you for a lovely day at the open house.  It was great to meet you and Sean – tell him the hot dogs were great.  So enjoyed talking with you – my head was full with questions I wanted to ask you.  Real nice to get my "fix" and lots of "big dog leans".  Once again, if I can help out in anyway – i.e. home visits etc, calling prospective adoptive homes or foster homes, don't hesitate to let me know, or any other help, for that matter.  It's hard in today's world, with our economic situation to take on the care of the "giant dogs".  Shake my head always at the people who get them as cute puppies but refuse to look after them once they reach adults.  So glad there are caring people like your family and volunteers.  Love my "anklebiters"(small dogs) but there is something about the danes that reach inside your heart and don't leave.
Take care, Pat.

Lindsay – Ottawa, ON, CDA

It is so nice to hear from you. You are truly deserving of the support and encouragement you receive for your good work. I am glad I could warm your day, as you did mine.

I will continue to support your work, and I have forwarded your site to a doggy-loving friend so she too could see the good work you are doing and donate what she can.

I would LOVE to come visit you and your animals. I have told her about your work and we'd both enjoy meeting you and the animals you care for. Thank you so much for the invitation!!!!

I also appreciate your encouragement. I would love to own a dog and share my life and love with a deserving lil pup. There isn't a day that goes by that I do not think about being a doggy-mum… especially as I see so many dogs walking about the city with their owners.

Thank you so much for your letter!



Below are two pictures from one of his CWW sessions(November 20th, 2010) that one of our approved BHRR Volunteers took. He LOVES their two soccer stuffies!

BHRR's Apollo – November 20th, 2010 @ Canine Water Wellness
*Photos courtesy of H. Surman

I brought BHRR's Potter back into KAH today. Another almost 5 cc's was drained from his seroma and his antibiotics have been changed to Clavamox 375 mg BID for another week of treatment. His weight was 28.4 KGs(62.48 pounds) and so we are a bit down from his last weight. He is eating fairly well and is much more active than he has been, so perhaps just a 'wiggly' scale moment.

I also talked to a neurologist surrounding his seizures and they assured me that they do not believe them to be related to his 'trauma'. They stated that if this was the case, he should have been having seizures much closer to the time after his attack. Yet, there is no 'for sure' answer either way. He has not had another one to date and we continue to monitor plus journal at this time.

He had a playful moment last night, this time with BHRR's Hailey and this is his second playful moment since his attack. His first was with PPSS. 🙂

AND as fyi to everyone that has been wondering if the GD that attacked him has been put down by the Breeder/Owner, the answer is that the last I had heard was 'no'. 🙁


Please do continue to him in your thoughts and donations can still be made to KAH (Kanata Animal Hospital) by calling (613) 836-2848 or by PayPal or by email transfer to We still have a very steep bill to pay off and BHRR is not in a position to assist any other animals until such time as our bills are greatly lowered.

KAH will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone and will then mail you a receipt. They will take Debit or Cash in person.

Total Raised to Date: $1,143.97
Vet Bills to Date: $3,100 and Rising
Remaining OWING on Bills at Kanata Animal Hospital ONLY: $1,024.27

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen
Dan & Isabelle

I have rescheduled BHRR's Dana's annual to January 11th as I had to bring BHRR's Potter back in to see one of his Vets tonight.

As of the evening of December 30th, 2010; BHRR's Potter has begun to have seizures. He had one on that evening and then another one the evening of December 31st, 2010. In conversing with one of his Vets, the plan is to monitor for now. I shall also be bringing him in next week as we will need to drain that seroma again. He is around that age (almost 2.5 years now) that I often begin to see SN's begin to seize.

Suzanne, Orleans, ON

Hi there,

I wanted to email and thank you once again for allowing my life to be enriched for another year by BHRR. In all the success that has been celebrated and the tears that have been shed over the losses, I would not change one experience I have had as a Volunteer/Adopter.

I pray that 2011 is an awesome Year for BHRR, the dogs in the Haven and Rescue, may their right matched homes come soon,  and the Boers family, Big, Little and Fur skinned


Love Jenni, Mudslide, Dexter and of course,  Myself and Chuck