All that you do!!!!

I have 2 beautiful St Bernards, seeing all that you do touched me deeply!!! I am considering a 3 Saint or a bull Mastiff I will certainly keep Birch Haven in mind I am waiting till spring
Thanks for all you do

Theresa, NY, USA

thank you so much for what you do , i was so sad to hear about to read about storm my heart go's to you all. theresa

Bean – Robyn, East Coast Canada


I didn't realize until tonight that you had had to put Bean to sleep. I just watched his slideshow that you have made for him and I now write this with tears running down my face. It's so hard to ever have to put a pet to sleep, let alone a young dog like Bean who was put at such a disadvantage by a careless, thoughtless 'breeder'. How truly awful that there are people like that in the world. I sit here now listening the the gentle snores coming from my two sleeping danes who come from reputable breeders and I think how lucky they are. It's not luck though I know, but carefully thought out breeding programs and people who want to 'better' the breed.
I feel such heartache for Bean, for his brother Frank, and for you. God bless you and BHRR Gwen for all you do and for letting Bean have a wonderful home.

We are moving BHRR's Koop under a 'PENDING ADOPTION' at this time. We will update his blog as soon as we can best determine if this home is the right matched personality fit for him.

I have scheduled BHRR's Koop's Annual for Tuesday December 21st.

Due to a family situation, BHRR's Ava Marie's Annual was rescheduled. I have her Vet appointment now scheduled for Saturday December 11th.

BHRR's Lily Belle weighed 51.5 KGs(113.3 pounds) today. 🙂 She has put on 14.08 pounds since she arrived to BHRR. Very slow but sure with her weight gain.

Our last BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House was held on Saturday November 13th and I wanted to share one of those photos taken of BHRR's Koop that day by one of our approved BHRR Volunteers who attended. So many cannot believe that he has not yet been adopted and so many can also not believe that it is due to his slightly different facial features THAT most of us actually do not find all that different!! 🙁 YET, it just means that his right matched forever loving home has not yet come along. I cannot wait to get a new weight on this boy and will have to take a new height for he has spurted legs  again! LOL

BHRR's Koop is now also coming into his own with confidence and now has his 'goob' moments! YET, to see him have the confidence to act that way is very heartwarming, even if I do not like to see my toilet paper roll strewn all about the house or the blankets taken off the bed as he zoomies across/around it and YES, Great Danes of all sizes can make themselves quite compact and zoom quite effectively on beds! <rolls eyes> LOL

Our next BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House has been scheduled for Sunday February 12th, 2011 – first of 2011! – and if you are interested in attending, please email. We are 14 registered to date, so this is going to fill up fast. The one after February shall not be until June of 2011.

We run regular BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open Houses as BHRR feels it is important for those that do support us and those that do wish to support us(Volunteer, Adopt etc.) to have the opportunity to come out and experience firsthand what BHRR is all about, visit with us and the animals plus to talk to others that come out that are already part of the BHRR ‘chain of success’ or wish to become part of BHRR. We want people to know exactly what they are supporting when they give of themselves in time and/or money. AND it is great for the dogs and horses to have so many extra hands for loving. 🙂


BHRR's Koop with Don – Photo courtesy of A. Bennett – November 13th, 2010 – BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House

BHRR's Porridge was one of three dogs that I brought to our last regular GD & Honourary GD Walk/Hike! We had at least 20 people plus all their wonderful canines! We can be as few as 6 at times and we have had as many as 40+ in attendance and our distribution list for these walks are now up to almost 100!!! For anyone wishing to join us; please email and we only take responsible dog owners and their dogs. In having held these walks for almost 15 years now; we have never had an incident and we are all very diligent, committed owners and there is always room for more. Nothing like seeing all of these Giants and 'honourary' giants out and about. We also regularly change up the locations so that we have different venues.  We have meet ups in areas such as Orleans, Ottawa, Kanata, Sittesville, Constance Bay, Carleton Place and even in the Kemptville area. We have another group that regularly meets up on the Brockville and Kingston areas too! Our next planned walk is on December 12th. 🙂

I am attaching a photo below of some of us that attended that day. Several had to leave early and so we are about half of the group that actually were in attendance that day. BHRR's Porridge was a huge hit as always and he was Mr. Friendly and Gentle as usual.  AND this walk provided an excellent opportunity to provide educational awareness re: what I call the 'pillars' or responsible/quality breeding of which dogs are bred for temperament, health, conformation and longevity. It also gave us the chance to talk about rescue in general plus some of the BHRR animals up for adoption, what BHRR does etc. AND the walk provided an excellent venue to train and socialise for/with my dogs! Our youngest dog was not yet 16 weeks – my Sir Maestro and the oldest was 19 years old – Jingles, the deaf beagle that belongs to a friend!

BHRR's Porridge is another 'walking' miracle for his lifespan was estimated to be around 18 months and he shall be celebrating 3 years of incredible living come the end of March! WOOHOO! YOU GO BHRR's Porridge. 🙂

Photo courtesy of C. Desjardins – Sunday November 14th, 2010


BHRR's Apollo shall be going with one of our BHRR Approved Volunteers on Saturday November 27th for his 3rd of 5 extra CWW Sessions in what we have called 'round 2' with his rehab. We will be doing his last 2 in December and from there evaluating (AND things look good!) as to whether he shall be ready to be placed up for adoption! Exciting times yet also I am a bit sad for like so many others, the journey that BHRR's Apollo has taken me on has been one of amazing lessons plus I have met and been touched by so many incredible 'angels' reaching out in their efforts to assist us in making BHRR's Apollo the best healthy dog that he can be!

To learn more about how to become a BHRR approved Volunteer; please visit our Foster/Volunteer Section.

Today, BHRR was also contacted to see if we would be participants along with BHRR's Apollo at Canine Water Wellness within the next couple of weeks at their locale when Regional Contact shall be filming. Will post day/time for our BHRR approved Volunteers to consider should they be interested in attending that day! This is a great Media & Commnuity Opportunity for BHRR!

BHRR's Lily Belle is going on a playdate this Saturday November 27th with one of our BHRR Approved Volunteers and I also cannot wait to get a new weight on her!!!!

To learn more about how to become a BHRR approved Volunteer; please visit our Foster/Volunteer Section.

BHRR's Frank is going on a playdate this Friday November 26th with one of our approved BHRR Volunteers and I am sooooooooo excited for him to have this extra special time out and about! It will also be lovely to see just how much more weight he has put on.

To learn more about how to become a BHRR approved Volunteer; please visit our Foster/Volunteer Section.

BHRR's Apollo is off today for a CWW extra swim session & his weight today was 61.3 KGs(134.86 pounds).  🙂

I brought BHRR's Bean with me today to one of our regulat GD & 'Honourary' GD Walks/Hikes – we were almost 20 people and our wonderful dogs @ Conroy Pit – and this was his final 'social' test before deciding if he was ready to be placed up for adoption and BHRR's Frank passed with ACES, FLYING COLOURS, NO PROBLEM! YAY! YAY! YAY! 🙂 He was excellent from the moment I left the house! Fantastic car traveller and he was in the backseat with both BHRR's Porridge and Sir Maestro. Mr. Social Frank was just awesome and as I knew that he still had a ways to go with his obedience(he has only been here since September and has spent quite a bit of time recovering from his neuter); that is something that can continue to be worked on per our adoption contract in his new forever loving adoptive home! BHRR's Frank on more than one occasion had his 'head in the clouds' and just happily would go and follow people and dogs here and there and everywhere and THANK you to everyone for helping me to keep an 'eye' on him! LOL He was fantastic, wonderful, a HUGE hit to all that met him and goodness, my heart was just full of the best feelings of warmth and pride and happiness! FOR him!!!! Can you tell I am excited? BHRR's Frank proved that he could stand on all four of his own feet and interact with all humans plus dogs fantabulously. THIS boy would make an excellent Therapy dog for sure. I have added three new photos from today on to his slideshow #10 – #12 and am also posting two of them below. This boy is NOW AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

BHRR's Frank – November 14th, 2010 – 9 months of age
*Photos compliments of C. Desjardins

Don & Allison, Ottawa, ON

Gwen and Sean,

We had such a wonderful time at the Open House today, as always! We have posted the photos we took on Facebook with captions……. We hope you enjoy the results as much as we enjoyed our time with you, your family and your dogs.

Don and Allison

P. Dawson, Global Pet Foods – Ancaster

"That was really hard to watch as it brought back memories of when we put our "Harley" to sleep.  I sobbed as I watched the video and held each of my cats afterwards.  Bean was such a brave boy and so lucky to have you in his life, as short as it was.  Thinking of you Gwen.  RIP Bean oxo"

I hope you've been doing ok since Bean's last breath was taken.  I haven't cried like that in a long time.  Poor baby boy.  You did all you could for him.  He loved you no matter what.  Animals are amazing that way aren't they?  


Hang in there Gwen.  Sending hugs your way.


Pam, Sally & Hope =^_^=

L. Price – P.J.’s Quigley’s, Ottawa

I saw your tweet about Bean and watched the clip, his story and that whole page really affected me deeply. I so admire your strength and commitment to the animals; who would care for the unwanted if there were not people like you and your volunteers? Any small part my business can play to help them and you is our honour!

I have added 2 new photos from September 23rd, 2010 to BHRR's Lily Belle's slideshow and am putting them both below. She is doing GREAT and I wish I had more hands for I would have also loved to plan to bring her to our next regular GD Walk/Hike & Honourary GD Walk/Hike on Sunday. I so need to get a new weight on her! She is still very tall and has packed on some weight plus lots of muscle and we are still working on getting her to put on even a few more pounds. She is eating so well these days and is just thriving in this cooler weather! She is missing BHRR's Bean something fierce and as with BHRR's Frank, I would like to get her out and about for some extra play dates, day trips and play trips. SO, if any of our approved BHRR Volunteers would be interested; here are the dates/times below for your consideration. BHRR's Lily Belle is super sweet and we remain amazed that she has not yet been adopted. Yet, we are verfy patient and will await for that right forever matched loving home made just for her. 🙂 She is coming into her own with confidence and has realised that she is not so 'tiny' and can take other dogs 'off balance' by bumping them and just loves doing it as a 'surprise/sneak' thing. She thinks this is a grand game yet BHRR's Ava Marie is not impressed FOR that has been her own 'monkey trick game of amusement'! LOL

Friday November 19th – anytime between 10 AM – 8 PM
Monday November 22nd – anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Wednesday November 24th – anytime between 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM
Friday November 26th – anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Saturday November 27th – anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Monday November 29th – anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Tuesday November 30th – anytime between Noon – 8 PM

BHRR's Lily Belle – September 23rd, 2010 – 1 year of age

BHRR's Frank has healed well from his neuter. I removed the few sutures not that long ago and he has settled in most well here. I have added photos #6 – #9 to his slideshow and am putting two below. One is from October 25th & one is from November 5th(the night before we let BHRR' Bean go) – just ignore all the brown/green as it was with my iPhone. It is my intent to bring him out to our upcoming regularly organized GD Walk/Hike & Honourary GD Walk/Hike this Sunday and should all goes as I anticipate it shall go for he is Mr. Social; he will then be placed up for adoption. While we wait for his forever loving home to come; I would like to have him brought out for some extra playdates, day trips and play trips for he is very much missing his brother BHRR's Bean. 🙁  If any of our approved BHRR Volunteers are interested plus open in assisting me in getting BHRR's Bean out and about to help him move forward in his mourning, please email. Here are the proposed dates/times for your consideration. We still have to 'watch' BHRR's Frank quite closely for he will still attempt to 'swallow' socks, underwear, stuffies etc. He is never forever loving home will have to be very vigilant.

Friday November 19th – anytime between 10 AM – 8 PM
Monday November 22nd – anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Wednesday November 24th – anytime between 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM
Friday November 26th – anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Saturday November 27th – anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Monday November 29th – anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Tuesday November 30th – anytime between Noon – 8 PM

BHRR's Frank – October 25th, 2010 & BHRR's Bean(Left) & BHRR's Frank (Right) – November 5th, 2010


Some many photos to add of the dogs! So, let me first start with BHRR's Ava Marie and some photos from June 13th, 2010 from our screened in porch around the pool. A couple of these photos were added to our BHRR FB Group back in June yet wanted to also add them to her slideshow #38 – #45 and have put two below. With the cooler weather(AND that it is not yet too cold) BHRR's Ava Marie has been super mobile and full of 'spunk'! Within the last couple of weeks, she has also begun to get back up on our bed and is most content to stetch out and  'hog' as much as she can from the other dogs! cheekyJUST LOVING this girl to bits! DOESN'T she look so happy!!!!!

BHRR"s Ava Marie – June 13th, 2010 – 2.5 years of age

Bean – Bless his heart

I watched your presentation on Bean’s last moments and cried the whole time. It was a beautiful tribute to a puppy that because of negligent breeders had to go away far too soon.

Stay strong and keep up the wonderful work that you do.

Pam S.

K. Tarrington, ON, CDA

"Gwen: Always I have admired what you do and will continue to stand behind you 100% as I don't think that I would ever be able to stand in front and keep a brave and strong face that you do dealing with all that you do."

Dr. Zak, Kanata, ON

love the photo of Bean and Sean…. stay strong Gwen. You gave him your very best (as always). He got to know what

a great home is all about.   



'BHRR's Bean's Final Breaths' Slideshow Story with Music:
**When you click the link, you shall be brought to a new window and shall receive a message. A copy of that message is below. YOU do not have to do anything other than click on the "Click here when you have installed Flash 6" when you are in that window. You do not have to download or install anything. You shall then be able to watch BHRR's Bean's Last Breaths' Community Education/Awareness Impact Slideshow**

Incorrect Flash player detected

Click here to get the correct Flash plugin.

Click here when you have installed Flash 6. –THIS is the message in the new window that you need to 'click' on
(if you still can't see the show, try closing all of
your browser windows and re-opening the show)

Sean & I are still trying to work out this 'error' bug yet you can now at least watch the video by following the above instructions. Please email if you are having problems and wish to view BHRR's Story.

I hope that BHRR's Bean's story will have as strong as an emotional impact on you as he has had on our lives. EDUCATION is key and may people NOT support bybers or puppymills or purchase from petstores AND may each person become a better owner in having watched BHRR's Bean's story in having lost his own life at just 9 months of age.

ONE of the absolute hardest things I ever had to do………AND you are so very much missed BHRR's Bean! 🙁

BHRR's Bean November 5th, 2010 – 9 months of age
February 2nd, 2010 – November 6th, 2010
Weight almost 135 pounds as of Nov. 6, 2010  – almost 20 pounds of muscle mass put on during his 6.5+ weeks at BHRR


"BHRR’s Bean's Final Breaths" -Slideshow without 'story' or music

My Response to a Cesar Millan Fanatic

For the hundreds of supportive and in agreement emails, notes etc. that have been received regarding my 'CM Experience Blog' post; I would like to share what was sent my way by someone that is very pro-CM.

Just before going to bed in the wee hours of today, I was checking my email and I came across a submission entry to our BHRR Guest Book from one Ms. Bebenek. This person was very quick to fire off accusations and some erroneous comments not to mention an insult or two made about my Blog post re: CM; such as CM having more experience. Well, in fact; as someone that is not even 6 months younger than CM; my Career is to work with dogs all day, every day. 😉 AND I have almost 25 years of hands on direct experience to date. This person was very strong in stating that Cesar Millan never uses 'fear, anger, exhaustion, or treats as a means of training dogs'. I particularly loved the comments about how *I* was not providing my name?? Hmmmmm, is it not all over the BHRR Website, the BHRR FB Group and on our BHRR Twitter Page plus in the biography section about who I am? 😉

This person defended CM's use of a treadmill and found it acceptable that if a person cannot get out to walk them, it is ok to treadmill them. 

I also found it very interesting regarding their comments about the Saint Bernard named Riley and for the benefit of Ms. Bebenek; please do let me post this video linkAND in fact, this is an 11 month old Saint Bernard being 'choked' with a choke chain. I would like Ms. Bebenek to show me and others who have watched this video 1) WHERE is he NOT using the metal choke hardware around the Saints neck? 2) WHERE is CM not running this dog outside first and not once yet the video indicates 3 times? 3) WHERE is CM not using force to drag this dog up the stairs? Ms. Bebenek is 100% convinced that only positive training methods are being used here and that they 'have 'never seen CM use a prong or choke collar'.

AND they state that CM does not use the world 'loyalty'….hmmmm, lets see 7,500 people in Kanata alone that night and the word 'loyalty' was actually on his presentation slides and gosh, how many times did he mention that word. On another note, what is wrong with CM using that word anyway??

Something else I found quite amusing was that they felt that I had spent thousands of dollars in my education and was 'frustrated' because of that whereas CM learnt all he did for free in Mexico……OMG! Seriously?? Clearly proper Education is of no import to Ms. Bebenek.

I am so glad that Ms. Bebenek is going to send their child to the person who's been taking care of children for 40 years and not the one who's read about them in books. I am so glad that they are going to hire the gardener who's been gardening for years as opposed to the one who's been educated on all the varieties of plants through books. Furthermore, I am also SO lost as to how these words of theirs applies to myself when I possess not only 10+ years of current formal education(and another few+ more years to come re: my Ph.D.) but almost 25 years of experience in the behavoural and training trenches that so many others will never even touch because of the type of the cases that I do.

AND another part I loved in this person's message was that how CM is successful every time, another CM fanatic out there for sure you are Ms. Bebenek! 😉

Yet here is more food for thought, can you please explain to myself and so many others out there how CM is NOT choking Shadow(in more metal hardware – choke chain) in the attached video link? The poor dog is on the ground opening and closing its mouth gasping for air, it has been so deprived of Oxygen. AND here is input on this Cesar Millan video by Debra F. Horwitz, DVM, ACBD, a board-certified veterinary behavourist. Some of which I am posting here –

"I admit, it was a difficult video to watch. In this video, Cesar Millan uses a choke collar to subdue an aggressive dog, finally pinning it on the ground. Millan is bit several times in the process, and I question the health of the dog during this clip (blue tongue). Within the first 5 seconds, the handler kicks the dog in the abdomen.  When the dog turns toward him he is jerked off his feet.  A struggle ensues where the handler gets bitten several times and the dog is seen to be struggling for air. Finally he gets the dog onto the ground and the dogs tongue is blue and the dog is gasping for breath.  When he finally gets the dog up it appears that there might be urine on the ground and that the dog voided his bladder in distress. What you have witnessed is not dog training but abuse.  Not only does the dog suffer, but clients are at risk if they attempt these interventions themselves.  These are not appropriate measures and compromise the welfare of the dog and the safety of people.  His explanations are false and not based on science as we know it. '

Here is a Website for you Ms. Bebenek – Beyond Cesar Millan

AND in my very short email summary response to Ms. Bebenek, I typed; 'How unfortunate it is that the importance of what was being written about in my earlier Blog has been completely lost on yourself.'

My original Blog post is 'my' own personal and professional positioning and one that is not only shared by other professionals in the same areas of expertise yet many on a personal level too. A message to everyone, 'love' the Man or not; that is each person's choice; yet with everything; I would hope/recommend that people would make their decision based upon that decision being a a well informed one at the end of the day.

I am so affected by the impending loss of BHRR's Bean that I am going to create a 'diary' of his last moments and I do this not to be 'dramatic' or 'over the top' BUT I do want to make a very public and openly graphic compelling statement about his death at ONLY 9 months of age. AND I am doing this because I LOVE this dog sooooo much and he has been sooooo wrong done by that I hope that part of the legacy he leaves behind is a very powerful, huge and forever lasting impacting educational awareness lesson that I can only pray that people will 'listen' to and research! RESEARCH! RESEARCH before supporting bybers AND I can only hope that just one irresponsible dog owner sees the final journey of steps and breaths that BHRR's Bean had to take and might 'listen' to become more responsible in their own care plus treatment of their own animals. I can hope….

I am gong to call this 'BHRR's Bean's Final Breaths' and it shall be a slideshow of our last moments together and I shall be posting it here and on our BHRR's Reality Page.

AND after this, I shall post the final pictures that Sean helped me take of HOW we are going to remember BHRR's Bean in our hearts and souls….the LIVING BHRR's Bean and about the quality filled LIFE we gave him yet it was not long enough….never ever ever long enough.



BHRR's Bean & BHRR's Frank – BROTHERS – HOW they slept for most of last night…excuse all the 'green' and 'yellow'  and 'brown' colours for my iPhone takes crappy indoor pics! BHRR's Bean and BHRR's Frank either snuggled on the cooler slate floor or in the softly bedded triage area(no room for SEAN!) for most of last night. Just barely 9 months of age!

BHRR's Bean(left) & BHRR's Frank(right) November 5th, 2010

BHRR's Bean with Sean October 29th, 2010 sleeping in the 'triage' area. They have spent many a night sleeping there together……

Mary – Oshawa, ON

Hi Gwen,


I am just so sad and heartbroken to read that dear sweet Bean will be crossing over to the bridge this afternoon.


I will be on the road to Bathurst, NB when it happens, but I will be thinking of Bean and you.


You've done all you can for Bean, and now you are giving him the last gift possible to freee him from pain.


You've also given Frank the tools to survive without his brother as a crutch.


Huge hugs to you, Bean, Sean, Mason, Kinsley and Frank today.



Please send a prayer for BHRR's Bean. On Saturday November 6th, 2010; I shall be bringing him with me to let him cross over to a world free of pain. Our appointment is for 3:50 PM and it is going to be a very long and yet short night and all I want to do is cry and almost scream out in anger and frustration over how SO NOT RIGHT BHRR's Bean has been done by….. 🙁

My Cesar Millan Experience

As someone who possesses their Masters in Animal Behavour/Development and is currently working on their PhD and does a lot of behavoural consulting; last night I had the opportunity to witness Cesar Millan firsthand at the Scotiabank place in Kanata, Ontario. THANKS so much to Dr. Wright for the amazing 107 level tickets for myself and my son and we were 12 strong from KAH with 5 more of my own behavoural clients in attendance. KAH was also the hospital in attendance on hand in case there was a cause for medical intervention. Contrary to what I have seen posted on at least one board; KAH did not 'choose' the dogs that were in attendance at the show. I even ran into my handler plus her family there! BIG social time! 🙂

While I deeply disagree with many of his techniques and have always been so honest about my viewpoint and professional plus personal positioning when asked – His use of force, intimidation, fear & exhaustion techniques such as treadmilling plus that he has had no formal training is a cause of deep concern for many of the behavoural and training experts in the world –  he did present a few good basic core messages to the dog owners out there. AND that was so surprisingly wonderful to experience him doing so. 🙂

Before attending the show last night; I had read yet two more anti-CM articles sent my way along with a disturbing video of CM running a young Saint Bernard until they were heavily panting and then literally dragging and choking it (it was wearing either a choke or a prong collar; hard to tell for all I could do is mostly focus my eyes in horror upon this poor animal with what was being done to them) up a flight of stairs. Positive training methods????

However; last night; he was quite general and as I have said over and over again, training is one of the least regulated professions out there and many are self-taught or do a 1 month online course and then call themselves trainers. WORSE, so many of them now consider themselves behavoural experts and truly, after 10+ years of formal education in this area and another almost 25 years of experience AND another 3+ more years of formal education to finish off my PhD to come; I am still learning!!!! RESEARCH! RESEARCH! RESEARCH before taking on a 'trainer' or 'behavoural' expert. So many will also want to push one 'training registry' over another as being the best and only 'true' training registry in all of Canada and that is not necessarily true either. I tend to sit back and only input when I do feel absolutely necessary when this debate gets very controversial on the boards for like many other topics, there is not one easy answer BUT I do know that by all of these people 'fighting' instead of working together; it is only going to continue to drag on without effective resolution. I fear that not in my lifetime will something that I am so passionate about and try to educate and fight so hard for shall ever become properly regulated. 🙁

One should have a minimum of a Masters Degree in Animal Behavour to be considered part of the behavoural consulting/expert world and there are so few of us in Canada yet many would like to lead you to believe otherwise. I ONLY know of 12-15 of us in ALL of Canada yet is seems they are on every street corner. AND while those of us in the behavoural trenches are also or were trainers – VERY VERY VERY few trainers are behavoural experts. KNOW the difference! Once you start delving into the trenches of aggression, fear, separation anxiety; you are no longer on the surface of the basics of 'sit', 'down' and 'stay' training. I receive hundreds of emails every day from people that have used X Trainer or X so called Behavoural Expert for help with their dog but now the dog is either not better and in many cases much worse and can I please fix the dog. I do not work just with dogs, I work with the owners so that they are properly armed with all the tools/aids needed to be not just good owners but great responsible/accountable owners so that they can be a team with their dog(s) to be assets to not just home yet their community. My job is easy as I tell them for I have rules from the moment I begin to work with them and their dog(s). I do not let the dogs take a mile from day one; whereas they now have to be retrained as do their dog(s) on what is appropriate and acceptable behavour. While having someone such as myself working with you and your dog(s) is not cheap, it is also can be one of the best investments out there so that your dog can be the best he/she can be and for the owner(s) to be the best that they can be. NO dog is perfect, you can only make them as perfect as they can be and behavour is not changed, it is modified! That is something so many people do not understand….. So many want that quick fix solution and if you are not dedicated, committed, responsible, patient and consistent, failure is destined to happen. People need to stop trying to make the dog into something the dog can never be…..people need to make their dogs the absolute BEST they can be!

Now back to Cesar Millan – He talked about respect, leadership, trust, education, calmness(that I also interchange with the words 'control' and 'settled' in my own programs), humanizing(what I term the 'projecting too many human emotions upon') plus common mistakes made by owners and he used one of the best kept secrets that my handler and I were even talking about in the foyer before the show last night; SHOW COLLARS as a great training aid/tool! BUT what he did not talk about was using this tool/aid to do a transition to a flat/side release buckle collar as that should be the common goal of any training program.

He used words like 'assertive energy' whereas I use the words 'calm, settled and controlled leadership' with my dog(s) and in working with Clients and their dogs. He uses the word 'loyalty' and I use the word 'bonding' in a similar context. He also talked about 'excitement' mistakes people make plus what I term 'passive ignoring' and 'carrying on/moving forward as if it was nothing big'.

What also was interesting to note that as two puppies he was demonstrating with were no longer food motivated(they had eaten before they came to the show); he lost some patience and interest in trying to find other means to 'motivate' them to listen and be trained. Many dogs are not treat or food motivated and you have to be resourceful in finding other tools/aids to get them to be motivated for at the end of the day; YOU have to be the most exciting, important and interesting thing to them to then WANT to listen to you. OR in his words; to be that 'PACK LEADER'  😉 Yet to CM, if they were simply not interested in the food in the dish he had, forget it re: training them to do what he wanted them to do.

He also talked about how people make the common mistake of giving to much affection and not enough training and discipline in working with their dogs and this has also be a huge core message of mine with clients, especially with those that either adopt from us or rescue from other means. DOGS live in the 'moment' and making a past of abuse 'up to them' is not in their best interest. You can truly kill by 'kindness' and I have posted many a blog post re: seeing Danes and other dogs as just heads and stick legs on a whale of a body due to obesity. HOW does this 'help' your dog besides shortening their life span, increasing their chances of many health problems etc. Not to mention about the resourcing and separation anxiety behavoural issues that can develop with this type of spoiling affection that I term using 'ruination' affection!

I also did very much like his words surrounding 'breed' bans and that banning a breed does not solve the problem, the importance of rescuing animals, not supporting puppymills and that we need to target the 'humans' behind the dogs.

AND what I was not in agreement either were his views that the 'name' of a dog being last on his list of importance. Living in a multi-dog household and that many of my own clients have multi-animal households, the name as an 'identity' is very important as is associating a 'command' with the 'action' being requested of that one specific dog or more than one dog out of many that may be present in a home or park or other training environment by using that very important name(s) ie their identity(ies).

Cesar Millan is very much a HUGE entertainer(lots of laughs last night!) and boy, does he have a 'cult' following. It was almost surreal watching how hypnotized and glazed over so many were at the show. It was almost like being at a rock concert – wait, he did have rock music at several points last night! cheeky !

AND for me, while I am still not a 'fan' of CM, I can honestly state when others say 'well, you have not watched his show, read what he has written, you have not seen him in person' that….I HAVE in fact watched him AND was extremely close to him last night! I am further enlightened re: his methodologies and mindset re: training and some behavour positioning and am much more prepared to have further indepth conversations with my Clients, on some of the boards I belong to or am a Board of Director Member of or Behavoural Advisor of and also in my discussion groups for my PhD etc.

Thank you SOOOOOOOO much again Dr. Wright for presenting this wonderful opportunity with the free tickets to myself and also to my son to be part and witness to CM LIVE and in PERSON! I truly had a very entertaining time – Perhaps CM should do comedy in his spare time 🙂 and I not only hope yet think so many have come away from his show with more to think about and much to talk about!!!!

BHRR's Bean has been very much enjoying his early SS's pressies from Jan, Patricia, Mary and Suzanne! THANK all of you so much for helping to ensure that what time he has left is full of the best experiences possible! 2 new pictures added to his slideshow and also added below.

He is not doing very well and we know that we are nearing the end of our very special time with him. For all those that you can assist, truly, it is the ones like BHRR's Bean that really make you feel the impact of that there is only so much one can do AND if Breeders would breed responsibly (health, longevity, conformation and temperament) AND if Owners would research before purchasing from Breeders AND if Owners would be responsible, the BHRR's Bean's of the world would not ever experience what BHRR's Bean is currently nor that his life will end before it ever really had a chance to begin. AND that is who my tears of frustration, anger, pain, loss are for……BHRR's Bean and the unfairness of that while I can almost guarantee that his Breeder has not spared him a further thought other than how much $$$$ they would see in selling him AND that while his Owners(who btw had given what turned out to be a bounced check owner surrender fee of $50 to BHRR for BHRR's Bean and BHRR's Frank and all 3 of their phone numbers are now disconnected and/or out of service) also most assuredly sleep well at night knowing they no longer have to throw some food here and there to their two dogs that had been tied outside or worry about neighbours complaining about barking dogs or that they were not being properly taken care of; IT is I, ME, MYSELF and Sean and my kids and all those that have fallen in love with the BHRR's Bean's of the world that it will take so much longer for us to be able to close our eyes at night and only see his amazing self, those incredible eyes of his despite being pain filled, the way he now feels more confident and willing to trust to ask for affection(SOMETHING that should have been his given right to have received before) and I am ANGRY!!!! It is I that will be holding him in my arms and washing him in the love of my tears as I cross him over. IT is I that shall make that long hard drive into the Hospital, trying to tell BHRR"s Bean that it is because I love him so much that I must let him go…..IT is I that shall be looking deep into his eyes as the light shall fade from those beautiful orbs and no matter how peaceful we shall try to make it; he will be confused, slightly nervous and then with that final deep sigh, he shall be free from all that pain and hurt that once plagued him in life. IT is I along with my compassionate co-workers who shall help carry him to my car and lay him so tenderly upon the seat so that I can then make that long and hard drive back home and then it is I along with my husband, whose heart and soul is second to none out there in support, heart and soul that shall help me carry BHRR's Bean to his final resting place along with others that have had to make this journey……

FOR those that think that it is so easy to just put an animal to sleep, let me tell you it is not……I never get 'used' to it, I never stop 'feeling' and I agonize and feel sick and weak and shed so many tears that I have tried so hard to choke back with each and every one that we lose at BHRR or even one of our own. SO, yes, I am angry, so angry for the BHRR's Bean's of the world that people do not educate themselves before purchasing a dog and for all those Breeders out there just wanting to make a fast buck and that is it I, along with our fantabulous supporters that work tirelessly trying to give each animal that we can a better life……we are just a bunch of dedicated Volunteers trying to make a difference to animals in need yet; unfortunately, we cannot always give each dog what we know they should have and at the age of only 9 months, BHRR's Bean shall be having his last meal, making his last walk, his last car ride, having his last treat and experiencing his last touches of adoration before he is laid in eternal rest………

I ADORE you BHRR's Bean and I am sorry…..I am so very sorry……so very sorry for all the wrong so many did to you and that I am so very sorry for all that I can not make things right for you. 🙁


BHRR's Bean with Sean – October 29th, 2010 – 2nd picture has a tiny bit of Sir Maestro's muzzle!

Jan – SWO, ON

At least Bean has had tons of love and cuddles from you, even though his life has been so brief. 

Hugs back to you for being the caring person that you are…….and some gentle ones for Bean.


I have scheduled BHRR's Storm's annual for December 1st, 2010. Looking forward in seeing how much she weighs! We also remain patient that someone shall see past her 'smaller' Great Dane stature to her real beauty of heart and soul and wish to apply to adopt her. 🙂