Our last BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House was held on Saturday November 13th and I wanted to share one of those photos taken of BHRR's Koop that day by one of our approved BHRR Volunteers who attended. So many cannot believe that he has not yet been adopted and so many can also not believe that it is due to his slightly different facial features THAT most of us actually do not find all that different!! 🙁 YET, it just means that his right matched forever loving home has not yet come along. I cannot wait to get a new weight on this boy and will have to take a new height for he has spurted legs  again! LOL

BHRR's Koop is now also coming into his own with confidence and now has his 'goob' moments! YET, to see him have the confidence to act that way is very heartwarming, even if I do not like to see my toilet paper roll strewn all about the house or the blankets taken off the bed as he zoomies across/around it and YES, Great Danes of all sizes can make themselves quite compact and zoom quite effectively on beds! <rolls eyes> LOL

Our next BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House has been scheduled for Sunday February 12th, 2011 – first of 2011! – and if you are interested in attending, please email. We are 14 registered to date, so this is going to fill up fast. The one after February shall not be until June of 2011.

We run regular BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open Houses as BHRR feels it is important for those that do support us and those that do wish to support us(Volunteer, Adopt etc.) to have the opportunity to come out and experience firsthand what BHRR is all about, visit with us and the animals plus to talk to others that come out that are already part of the BHRR ‘chain of success’ or wish to become part of BHRR. We want people to know exactly what they are supporting when they give of themselves in time and/or money. AND it is great for the dogs and horses to have so many extra hands for loving. 🙂


BHRR's Koop with Don – Photo courtesy of A. Bennett – November 13th, 2010 – BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House