Boba will be having his annual exam and vaccines done on March 7th and I will also do another weigh plus manicure and pedicure for him at that time. Boba has been on antibiotics for a ‘tear’ he put into his left shoulder in running outside and catching it on something. Best guess is a treat branch in the woods. Poor thing. He has been milking it up for all that he can get out of it and remains as happy and friendly as always to dogs plus nature! 🙂 This boy welcomes all rabbits, squirrels, deer to our home like a very official welcome committee leader should! Boba just does not seem to understand that NOT all animals; like that porcupine do not feel the same about him and it is hard when you see his feelings so hurt that a bird will twitter angrily at him from a tree and all he wants to do is make friends. HE is such a character!!!!!

Fancy will be going in for her annual exam and vaccines on March 13th. I will also get a re-weigh plus do a manicure and pedicure on her at that time. SHE has truly blossomed into a very precious creature and most days, I find it hard to believe how far she has come! Her recall is AMAZING! She is so eager to please, LOVES me to pieces(which I adore as Mazda has claimed Sean!) 🙂 and is so beautiful. I have been just blown away that no one seems to be interested in her as she is just incredible. I will try to take some new pictures of her to post.

SHE RAN today! My Liquorice Stick actually RAN today! YAY! Now, her running is like Samson’s was in that many of the other dogs could walk faster BUT she did ran! AND not just a few steps either! I still have to create Liquorice’s own ‘Journal Site’ and move her story over. I am beyond thrilled that the Deramaxx is helping her! She still has not vomited and is still eating well; so I am encouraged. Her vaccines are due at the end of March and I will be discussing with my Vet(s) on how best to move forward for I do not believe in giving vaccines to compromised immune system and sick dogs.

Mazda has settled in well after a few very ‘close’ nights with Sean that one could barely fit a piece of paper between them for she was so glued to him. Mazda was also a little ‘funny’ around one of her best friends Cherokee for a week or so after her failed adoption. We have never known Mazda to be even remotely ‘testy’ towards any animals and she was towards Cherokee and so we went about doing a slow re-integration with her and the animals here and she is pretty much back to her normal self. She went through a ‘confusion’ period as well and thank goodness that was very short lived. This is why we try so hard to do things ‘right’ the first time around when it comes to adopting out any BHRR animal. For a Dane as wonderfully confident as Mazda to act the way she did when she returned to us; reinforces that even though we have been operating BHRR for over 11 years now; we still can find ways to improve our adoption processes/procedures and mandates. Mazda makes our 2nd failed adoption in 11 years and we have since implemented a change since Mazda’s return to try and eliminate this particular situation from happening again. Mazda has also begun to put her brilliant mind to other uses and has begun to open doors! She just won’t close them behind her and likes to let out ALL the dogs she can to play outside while she is out there too! 🙂 Mazda will be going to the Vet for her annual exam and Vaccines on March 12th. At that time, I will do a re-weigh and a manicure plus pedicure on her. Will also try to put up new pictures of her. What is important for people to understand is that this failed adoption WAS not Mazda’s fault whatsoever.


I have made the not so very difficult decision to claim Liquorice as one of my own. As much as she needs me; in my heart; I believe I also truly need her. So, I will be moving Liquorice off this part of our website and will create her own journal page so that people who are interested about her wellbeing can follow her progress. 🙂 Liquorice has really been there for me after the loss of my precious Frost ‘T. She, Dyce plus Soul have really been huge caregivers in helping my raw heart to begin to heal. She is just a magnificent girl and just continues to blossom and become more comfortable. She has NO qualms about getting on the bed now and has shown some spunk towards some of the other dogs who think they can ‘oust’ her from what I call the ‘prime real estate’ spots on the bed! 🙂 I really hope I am blessed to have her with me for a long time to come and as we are still in the process of determining if we will go back to Port Hope in June for another Expo; if we do; I would dearly love to bring her along for people to meet a real ‘survivor’ and just a darling of a dog.

Dawna Marie Winkler, MA, USA

And I just have to tell you how much I admire you and all the wonderful things you do for those magnificent Great Danes. You and your husband are NUMBER ONE in my book. Thank you so much.

A. MacLean, TO, ON

First of all, I want to tell you that I think you’re doing amazing things! I read your section on your website as to who you will adopt to and who you won’t and it’s great! Some people just don’t get it.

K. Knapp – ON, CDA

Your site is informative, you are one of the very few running foster that care so much about the animals and have strict conditions for adoption. Kudos. We need more people like you doing what you do.